?a , - '", " , MEDFORD" MATEi TRTBTOTC, fRDTORD, OTJFCIOX, RATTRDAY. FERRrARY H. 1012. MAS S MEETiNG IS ARRANGED A Mon nml IlollRlon Forward movement mass muotiitR will lie hold nt tlio UnptlBt church Sunday after noon nt .1 o'clock. A splendid pro Brum lian lxon nrrnngod nnd nil men of Mcdford nre Invited to attend. Tho followliiR committees have boon appointed to carry on tins Men nnd IlollRlon Forward movement In Mod ferd: Conunlttoo on evangelism W. II. Gore, chairman; F. M. Llndslcy, C. H Pierce, A. K. Ware, W. II. Watt, II. H. Tiittle, W. C. Illce, A. L. CubIcU. Committee on finance II. C. Oar nett, rhulrmnn; S. C. OoorRe, John A Honey, J. II. Cochran, II. I). Ilen non, S. 1a Heiinett, II. C. Kentnor. Committee on Mule study D. D. Boyle, chairman; W. J. Doran, 11. F. Mulkey, R. Shuler, Chas. 11. YounR. M. G. Mordorf, Ilev. W. T. Goulder. Committee on fedoratlon A. S. nilton, chairman; J. A. Fusolman, F S. nrandou, II. II. Tnttle, C. W. Sharp, Herman Harrison. A. P. Barrows. Committee on boys work II. A. Canadoy, chairman; J. V. Fonger, Chas. II. Bowman, U. S. Collins, Ilalph Webster, C. T. Walters. W. T. Beverldge, Ilev. W. F. Shields. Committee on membership O. C. Johnson, chairman; C. C. Pierce, H. S. Stlne, Walter Frailer Brown, Frank Wilson, Ernest Price. BARGAIN DAY GREAT SUCCESS Willi tlioir second dollar bargain day the .lelforl nicreluuil nve nniii well satisfied with the amount o luiiu"s done. Trade started off well this moniimj and the Iniyim? crowds .swelled in volume, st that nt noon it was conceded Hint the day would he n hg one. The merchants simred no pains in of ferine inducements that would at tract, the buyer from within nnd without the city nnd till (nun.-, brought i-itor. The band was on hand to meet the crowds, marched the streets and played nt different sta lions duriiitr the day. The baud 'ns become indispensable to the dollar bnrjrain days and much of Ihe suc cess is attributed to it. (MINERS SPEND FORENOON IN AUTOMOBILES DEFEAT ASHLAND The Mcdford Regulars defeated Ashland last evening in iv walk-away basketball game at the "Nat." Score, CO to 9. This makes the fifth con secutive victory for the Mcdford team. The Medford high school team is soon to play u return game with Ashland high school and this game will be worth going miles to see, as Ashland has beaten Medford and the local boys nre planning revenge. SANTA MONICA, Cal. Discour aged by his hen's apathy, J. D. Ken cen posted Santa Monica's city slo gan, "Everybody boost," above each nest. Thirty eggs from 40 hens next day Batting average .750. BOXING BOUTS ARE ARRANGED A stellar attraction will greet local boxing fans at the Natatorinm Ath letic club's next smoker, February 111, when Robbie Kvans. the crack light weight champion of the northwest, hooks up with Young Dixon, one of the best boxers ever turned out of Kansas. The men will box 10 rounds nt the lightweight limit, 1311 pounds, and straight Marquis of Queeiisbury rules will govern. Manager Edwards slnted that in the coming bout, Mcdford fails will witness nn evenly matched bout be tween men who know the game and are able to set a fast olip during the entire 10 rounds. USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE Tho antiseptic powder to bo shaken Into the shoes. If you want rest and comfort for tired, tender, aching, swollen, sweating feet, uso Allen's Foot-Ease. Relieves corns and bun Ions of all pain and prevents blisters, sore and callous spots. Just the thing for Dancing Parties, Patent Leather Shoes, and for Breaking In New Shoes. It is the greatest com fort discovery of the age. Try it to day. Sold everywhere, 25 cts. Don't accept any substitute. For FREE trial package, address Allen S. Olm sted, Lo Roy, N. Y. Hasklns for health. I (Continued from 1'iijro OiuO i . Johnson; Jacksonville. John Norliint; i Waldo. T. S. Johnson; Horubreok, R. S. Taylor; Happy t'anip. R. S. Tay ilor; Fort Jones, Dr. .Million. Among tho dolojratos from Siski you county are: Kd O'Connor, chair man of boned of supcrvUor, and Mr. O'Connor; Al Lusoti, supervisor; W. T. Harnnin. supervisor; II. S. Taylor. attorney; C. Probstol, mining oiirI noer; 11. J. Nixon, postmaster; I. .1. Luce, merchant; S. It. Giirduer, o suporvlsor; Otto L. Mnssax, attorney; J. K. PaskbiiiR. treasurer, and Mrs. PaskburR; Huroho Dowllnic. record er; John It. Harmon, capitalist; Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Pollack, nivrthnnt: Mr. nnd Mrs. C. J. Liithelt, attorney; F. W. Huopor. attorney; Kd KrII. merchant; K. T. llrlckloy. suporln tendont of. hospital; C. 1C. .lohncoii, Justice of tho peace; F. llollirooK. editor Siskiyou News; F. Louur. miner; J. O. Falrchlld, atterney: Dr. J. W. Dwlnucll; AiiRiist Summer!, capitalist; 11. Edmonds, hotel; T. McKendrlck, merchant; L. K. Gilbert, lumberman; William Calkins, mer chant; Mr. and Mrs. A. Calkins, merchant; T. Castro, rancher; C. K. GIHIs, banker; J. T. Tarrlekor. attor ney; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Churchill and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Churchill, of the Siskiyou Electric company; Mr. and Mrs. S. Williams, banker; John Neves, contracter: K. Holfoder. rancher; J. Wettel. horticultural commission; I. Nutter, hetel: Mose Orr. rancher: T. C. Davidson, coro ner; C. Topscott, attorney; II. J. Bar ton, miner; W. J. Neilan. county clerk; G. I. Bennett, miner; J. Har vey, rancher: Ben Madden, miner; Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Martin, rancher; Mr. Monk, miner; H. W. Gendar, miner; Dr. .1. P. Frlzzelli; Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Fry. miner; Itusvell Walker. merchant; Chester Barton, minor; Eugene DowIIiir, Jr. 'MINING FILM AT STAR IS INTERESTING In iiccord with In- usual enter prise ManuRcr iUi r of Hie Slur (heater is showing a lllm depleting placer milling in Smith Allien, while the milling votigrofm i- m session hove. A Iiuro nUMbjir of delegates Id Hie eoimress have vieed the lllm nnd pronounce H excellent. The giants are shown al work lenrmg down (he huge banks of earth and Inter the process ot .sopnmiuig mo gum i shown in detail. The lllm is highly educational. SAN KAFAWC." " Cal'-Floronoo i'hlllpnlnrs pnrtmt would not be lieve she had cloned and linen mar ried to Marino C. Teniaslno. So Florence olopod aiti and loft u binned trail to the i'Iciriuu'h retd-dolice. TUSCAN SPRINGS Hnvlng no oiitinl on earth In variety ol lllltlltl-lll wntnl-u mill nlll-llnf itlnitniuia i that modlclnea will not reiudt. If you aro In need of health, como now. Wo aro open all tho year and can give tho best of care, and attention now as well as In summer. Stugo dally from Hod Bluff to tho springs. Further par tlculnrs addroHH E. B. WALBRIDGE TUSCAN SPHINGH. CAIi. ! NOTICE TO OWNERS of Real Estate In Rogue River Valley. Having had so many inquiries for property In this valley during the past week I have decided to leave for Minneapolis next week and talk per sonally with people who aro desirous of coming hero and endeavor to sell as much property as posslblo this spring as the time seems ripo now to get new settlers for the Rogue River valley. So see mo this week If you havo any property to sell. A. K. WARE. Room 29 Jackson County Bank Bldg. Croup Ends Life Mui'iy Children llo of Croup Every Year Before a Doctor Can Bo Summoned. Parents ot children should bo pro pared at all time for a spasm of croup. Keep In Ihe house a remedy that will give Instant relief and keep tho child from choking until tho nrrivnl ; of the physician. Get a fit) cent bottle of II YOMEI to- day and In case ot an attack of croup , pour 'JO drops Into a kitchen bowl of hollliiR water. Hold the child's head over the bowl so that It can breathe tho soothing, penetrating vapor that arises. In the meantime send for n physician. Thin treatmont haw saved tho lives of many children ami Is a precaution that all parents should prompt!) take. 11 YOMEI Is sold ty Chas. Strang and driiRRitits everywhere and Is guaranteed for croup, catarrh, asth ma and bronchitis. V A L E N T I N E THE MERRIVOLD SHOP 134 Wit Main. An Example in Arithmetic MM ici'e is advertised in a CliieiiKn Ml Orilor entu- lotfuo a brass lied of tho I'ollowiiiK descriptien: "I load end AS inches high, foot end HB inches liitfh, corner pos(,s of 2-inch tithing, lop nl ,' inch thick, with brass knobs on corner posts, price $l).)) The freight, on tliis bed lo Mcdford would cost von "'' or olal 'Plie cash price of this identical bod at tho M, l' & II. Co. store is $10.80 .$i:uo Attention Dairymen and Stockmen Just received n car of registered and grade Holstcln cattle. They were tho mortgage lifters of the Olflo Western Reserve and can do It here. All from the noted DeKnl strnln, imported from Holland. Best herd west of tho Cascades. Price3 aro right. Phono 7'J2, pajtr R-4 or visit our raneh on Ttoaj Ianu. TICKNOR BOOMTTLE In connection with our complete line of feed and poultry supplies, we have added a complete line of WHIPS for retail and whole sale trade RUSS MILL Saving to yon by buying here.. Yon also take the chance ol damaged condition when shipped to yon from (.'hi ,'P.ll recoiyini' tin; bed in cago. Yon must also wait from five to eight, weeks for it after ordering from Chicago. Yon also miss the privilege of seeing just what yon aro buying until it arrives. See the Point? Fifteen stylos of brass bods received from tho factnrv this week, ranging in price from $111 f0 to $70. 'A few of those wore slightly damaged in shipment and will bo soltl at a reduction. See them. Medford Furniture & Hardware Company Contra! Avo. Opp. P. 0. 'f--rrr9rr' hHHHHh1$ t ASTOUNDING VALUE FOR THIS YEAR a. f t t f f T T T f T T t f T T T T T f t T ! f T T f f f f T T T T t T Y T t T T T THE SELF-STARTING CHALMERS "THIRTY-SIX" iHBKSBpSfliiaHSitM''PvHRlBP'isHilHIB A new, exquisitely finished, luxuriously equipped, up-to-the minute car. Long stroke motor; four speeds and reverse; compressed air starter; thirty-six by four wheels ; Bush dual ignition ; Continental demount able rims; lamps, prestolite and tire irons; mohair top, glass front, speedometer v This Car is now on the floor at our salesroom Sells in Medford for $2100 . "You get something more than a good motor car you get service. "J jr.. Demonstrations Made Daily Order at once for March Delivery VALLEY AUTO CO.' Street near Main T T T T T T f T f T T f T t t T ? T T f ? t y y y y t y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y