J fy. 0 V It's the Simplest Thing in the World to Catch a Squirrel AAlifr 1 ! m ItHcuwtr etuis RtC.H. Yot KHOW fnt I'uOorviNrf ' New VGW POPULAR I ,... I . tritr Jt 4t-jrL- Our Correspondents EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. Hy A. I'. Howlwlt. W. V. VH!-i- mid if r Jfii-t wcio imihIn ill tin Kiimiy Siiln (li) ui;lil of Ihi' 'Kllli "T .liuiiiiiiy. They luiil lini'il lo Mi'ilfunl on it (nihiiutHH trip mill n on their wny linimi. Tho 1 1 I'M iiitiniliiK Mm. WIIIi-Ih (milt llu KiikI" I'liiiil-l'nwiMH'l kjiki fur Trull willi lur niih' Uvy, vhili Mr. WMIU'Ih look it "lower Knil itli 1 - rK Mr. WilU'N mMirln tliiit III" omiipiiiiv li "iniill fun" at work in Ilu I'.lk urei'l; iniiie iiml mo KCttiiiK reinly lo oen iii In etnuet in llio KprhiK. Heinty Hln'riff Hoy AhimiU wcht Id Itnlle l-'iilU on Wcilnit-ilay iiml iir rivd'il Williiun ColTiiiiin, the thinl one of (hi! cat tli nixtler?, iiml lie wiik Inketi lo'l'ore .Inline Witlkiiih ium! wniveil I'Minilinilion. iiml Tlnirnlny, lifter lie Iiml tried in vuin lo give luiil Tor hii iiin)iiriinee in noiirt, lie U(Im fotiiinltteil In tin) miNtoiiy of tin Hlieriff nnil token to .liirkxnitville lo jutl. Veilni'iliiy iiftiriioon four men eiiine to our (own to iiiienr iik wit inipM' ii(;iiiiix ii iit'eu-.-il mmi, hut llltit i'ience wiih iivoitlod liy llie in miHi'il nil uiiivink' I'xmiiiiiiilinn here. f. S. liny of Ciipe. Town, Vnh , arrived nt liU .fntlierV in Cnjitrnl I'oFiil lnl TiinNilny. Mi I tu 1 1 if rinoitdu, ti dniiKhter of David Citu'iidii mid wil'o of thin pturo, nrrlviiil the llrht of the week nt tlio piirvntnt lioine. She lin lieen hpend in neveml eiir in t'lilifornin, Mex ieo mid Arixonn. .Mr. mid .Mr-. tlrioin of Clitinnoy Hunk preeinel have heeu iniiin tlieir wnMn-law mid dauuhter, Mr. mid Ml. Chin Im Cilieiide, Mr. Ilnefl'l, Srv i-nUed lor dinner IiihI Tliiiidny on liiH wny from Mod forjl to hiw fa n u in l.ako muuk noun try. Mr. Hnlduin of Itonildlop, wlio koM his tiiiiher mid lininei-tond rixlil to the I'. & V.. Uiiilrond eonipnny, eanie out mid Npeilt the nlnht with Uh Wednes day; AUo the superintendent of Hi'lioolh, Mr. Ayer, upent Wediin.diiy iiilit with UN. J I, K. Itnnn wiim doiiii; InmineiiN with our inorehnntM Tlmrdiiy. KAHES CREEK ITEMS. Ira lloiiHohnliter In uniililo to at tend mcIiooI UiIh week on account of Mlejuumti. M,rn. Ilrown and daiiKhtor, Mm. Stnndley, of nour Medford, woro re mill vlullorH nt Pearl llisin'H, Mr, (Ireonleuf of Gold Hill wiih lonkliiK aftur IiIb InturuHtH on Kuiich rrtxi.k TiicHilny. .Mr. mid Mm. I.owIh, MeadmnoH IIiikkIh mul Marilnn, Jolm KnottH, 10. Ilhoten, .loliii mul (Idocko Mnrilon, K, lliMiHitliohlor, Diivo mul Krmik A very wind muoiuc tho Tuufldiiy vlttltorH from hero (o (lolil Hill, Tom Norrltt rutiiinml to Iih mlnu on Monilay after hiioiuIIiik Huttmluy nnii' Hundiiy with IiIh family In Mud ford,' Mm. Blielly, who Ihih ln'on tho puuHt ofhur purontH, Mr, mul Mm. Mack lllo'woi'ii, loft on ThiirHilny'ri trnln for her ljiiiuo at HnrrlithiirK, Ore, accoin panliMl liy Mr. and Mih, HIdwuih, who will vlHlt for Hoinu tliuo at tho ahovu nninud place. ' yoorKo Shlinp mid wlfo of Jnekoon vlllii liavo lioconiy rortlileiitti of thu ll'mdon. ' ,loo Hiinniaii, of Quid Hill, Hindu n liuiilueuH trip to IiIh inliio on Kancii crook WodnoHilay. Mr. Opp and anHoola!im of JiicUhoh vllio havo limuod tho llradeii nilno, wlildi thoy Intend to opurnio on a hlK Bi'alo, Thlu Iiiih proven In (ho piiHt to ho ono of tho ory himt pay I njr uuartv! inlnim In Hoiithorn Oro Kii, and wo wIhIi dr, Opp all kliidtt of luck. ' Mr. (Iroonlouf In 1iiii1Iiik lumhur from (told Hill with which to hnlld hlniuolf n harii on hlu now piuuhnao. r rSTKT "?T". IRhkTI ,tmopmu;d ' LrZ?. . I1!?.0?? I ! pH-w.ii u7A0U;7 -p-j cs, s r-ToMn 1 sisrrs V ' sower " : J vu.ov.cq-iok.u.u ) I LM.,T ,pA WS' 111. will Putt. . 'a , TOWWNWtO ' NOLMUtMVT Cf7 iet'n - .T ,T . PUU. V 3 TGG $) -, ftl J7 lGM),rQUtR.AV. Vlf ?. Nt) . X til 'THO iCMJlRRCL 'T l. J vJL . ' -- lf-.s'iiu'rii-kii ' - - r ---- i w .aiMiHM nil - . - j . . h mjh nv cJk- . i wvva so4QMfi S?'V - ,,ftrr , cwrr6T? yjrtWiii? . v w ? " .T y r A " lKft T i.sA.r jM4DPopD.i -y -wm ogr- rzi CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. J. ('. I'endlet f Tnhle UC( wiik Imre Thursday niterniHin on IiukIiiiii". Dr. Snille hn iTtiirnod to Cenlii.l I'oiul lifter fipelidhiK xeMMiil ntolit liw nt l'nmxel. IlipUon II. Smith ha, icnincd IiIh M.itliiti uith II, . Trovillo and will leave Hion tor the north. 1'loyd l(oH mid CIiiIoHm MeCredie hue returned fnnu n uioiith' vif.il lo Ciilifornin eilie. Sidewalk eonxlriielliiii on I ir t xlreet, which wa dieontiiiiiiid on ne coiuil of freein went her, hu heen rt'Miiined. Mix, and Mix. MnuniiiK, Mr, llef fliliK, Mr, and Mm, I'nxtou, Mrx. I.. I.. AuMili. J. W. Merrill, ,1. Myen. A. .1. Auley, II. Liudxay mid ,1. C. Voting npi'iil Thuixdiiy in Mcdfoid. The junior cIuhk reeeplion civeu nt tho V. M. ('. A. IniitdiiiK VcdiieNdn eviiniiiu to the hih xchool teaeherH and friend wiik ii groat twee-. The jmiioi-s dehi'rve niiieh ercdit in the wny they entertained (heir invited :tiett(. A Miry pleiihiii); proKrmn wiih Kivi'ii. Itelivtduncnlw were oriil, eoiiMietiui: of enke mid ehoeolute. KILL'S III I. US. Hill I htfHMud wllli a hunch of IiIIIk and In tilim tip.-joted with ti beautiful wlfo, who aytftninntlrully rionruhuH tlirotir.h nil IiIa pnckclH when ho'u iiHlcep and rtdlovew til in of any ur pliiH caHh; thereforo Hill decldt'H to hide tho lillU which ho Iiiih In IiIh ionmHlou ami In coimeipicncu Hill lildim hlu IdllH III hoiiio nepapoiH thrown carehvwly atdde. Mrn. Hill tho followliiK day ftatlteiH (liuiu up and i;Ivih ttiein lo thu Salvation Army. When Mr. Hill coiikh lionio to gay that ho In wroth In lo put It mildly. He fairly froth nt thu month with ruK' mid miKulnh and filially rimhuH off tit top Hpoed to (ho Salvation Army lieadiiuurtorH, where ho Hue cenHfully piikroh tho Houtry and Inutlti pout IniHto Into thu rofiiHo pllo. Ho franllcall nearchi'n throtmh evury thliiK In HlKht, hopliiK to Htiimldo acroHH IiIh lout wealth. I'alllnj,' ho riiHliim away iiKiiin to look eluewhoro, hut iiluioHt Immediately after ho Iiiih left, tho money l found, and a non tenant and police officer follow poor Hill to leturu IiIh money. Hill tice them ceinlui: out of the corner of tflt eyo and ho nuen hoiiio. So do tho cop ami tho lieutenant, Hill Ik hoiiio Hprlutor. So In thu cop. So la tho lieutenant, hut finally Hill In cap tured and IiIh money returned. Sev eral other Hiiujcctn are belli); shown mid nil told thu Star Iiiih a notable Hhow thin climiKO. NOTICi: TO TIIKATKIUSOKHR. 1'eoplo havliiK Hoata roBervod for "Tho Chocolate Soldlor" miiHt tako thutn up hy (5 o'clock Saturday ovo iilni:, othorwlflo thoy will bo roaold. Hunltlna for honltit. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICI' OK TltANSI'HU OK Lig VOU ' I JCHNSK. , Public uotlco to Jioruby slvon tlint on tho 2ud day of January. 101'J, J, It, ltynn bolui; thu owner of llipior HcuiiHO No. 71a ISHiiod iy tho City of Mod ford, Orogon, and oxplrlmt PV tho '.lnt day of April. lOlii. nold and KHHlKiiod said rotall lliiuor llconso to S. A. ICroHohol ami that on tho flth day of Kobrunry, 11UU, tho under Rlmiod will appoar boforo tho City Council of Moiirord, (JieiJon, ami will thop and thorp potltlon thp Hild City CpuncJl for piu'uilHHlpu to traiiHfor mild rotall liquor IIcoiiho from tho Bald J, 11. ltynn to tho said S. A. KroHchel; tho retail Ihiupr huBlnoaa that Ib helnn conducted hy vlrtuo of Bald Hcoiibo In boluK conducted lit No. a North Front atroot In tho City of Medford, Oroipin, and should pormlH hIoii ho Krnntod by said Council to so traiiHfor mild Hcoiibo tho said IuihIiiohs will bo conducted nt tho Bitmo place of hiiHlnesB and under thp pa mo of S, A. lrpaohol. Uatod at MoiUmd, Oregon, thls 2d day of January, lOi'J. J, H, 11YAN, S, A, KU0S0HHL. OTDFORD ISfATTi TRTDT7N1U, OT,DFOttD, OftlOW, SATURDAY, TWBttFATCY ', 1012. xotioi:. Notlro Ih hereby clvcn Hint tho undomlmied will aiiply to tho city council of tho city of Medford, Oro K')n, at Itn next renular meotlni; on Kohrunry Cth, 1UI2, for a IIcuiiho to mill HplrlluoiiR, vIuoiih and malt llq tiom In qtmuUtloH I cum than a (jallon nt lib place of UubIiiohh on lot 10, block 20, In said city, for a period of nix Jiiunthii. VJUA, KARNES. Dated Jan. 19, 1012. IIUHINJ..HH OI'rOUTUNITIJJS I'OH SALIC -Ui'Htfiiirnnt, i;ood locn lion. rcaiHiuablo, In Medford. US H. Front. 273 VOU. JtKNT HOUSKKltri'INa IIOOMH FOIt HICNT Now iuid up to (Into nparlnic t uiodorn In ovory partic ular, i;aH cnoklni?, Hteain heat, otc. Bmlth'it npartmctit Louie, 217 So. Ulveraldo. V FOIt HUNT FurnlHliod hoiiBokeop Iuk roouiH nod furnUhed BleepltiR rooiiu. Inqulro 337 W. 10th. 272 FOR RENT Two furnished light hoiiHckeepIng roomn. Apply morn ings -t'.'r. South Oakdale 27C yon 7ti:.T nousics IXJIt RENT Furnished 0 room cot tage, modern. MS King Ht. FOR RENT Hookonyos bungalow; t modern. 72'J Went 11th st. Phono .Mnln GC03. FOR RENT 7 room liouo oo to North Riverside pavement'. $12 per mo. C. C. Pierce. M. F. & II. bldi;. FOR RENT FURNISHED R003LS FOR RENT Largo Bloeplng room, $1.G0 and $2 per week. Modorn housckooplng niinrtmonts, $18. Home phono 2CU-K. . 222' South Holly. l6lt RENT Suite of four rooms; electric HghlH and water. Close In. Huntley MacClatchlo, 101 How ard block. 27 ! FOR HUNT OITICIvS FOR RENT Ovor tho postofllco, with boat and light. Sco A. A. Davis. " FOR RENT Large, comfortable of fice rooniH with olevator sorvlce, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furnl turo lldw. Co. FOR RENT 2 office rooms, ono large back room partitioned. For particulars, A. C. Taylor, Central Point, or C. M. Ktdd'tl shoo store, Medford. 274 FOR 111 J.NT MISCELLANEOUS FOR LEASE Fully equipped plncor mid qunrtt mine. Gold Hay Real ty Co. FOR KENT Largo mid uniall ranch es. Gold Rny Realty Co. FOR LEASE A producing gold .initio equipped with flvo stamp mills, concentrators, nlr crushers mid air compressors, nil operated by electric power. Will Iqano on easy terms for porconngo of out put. Gold Ray Realty Co. . FOR SALE OH ItKNT V'OIt RENT OR SALE First class garden mid fruit tract with Iioubo, barn and chicken park. M. A. Rador, Medford. Ore. FOR. SALE ACREAGE 'OR SALE A beautiful slto for your now homo; build your homo under tho oaks nnd laurels of For CBt Court, Perrydale. 1 mlo yrest of city on Jacksonville rond; $ ncro building sites; 1 mid 2 aero alfalfa tracts; 5 nnd 10 ncro fruit, rnuohoa sot to Hartlett, Aujou nnd lloso poars. Soil and situation uinko thoso proportion unexcollod for gardening mid poultry raising. Como mid boo for yoursolf. F. S, Carpontor, owner. Or address Rex 064! 274 FOR SALE Aero and flvo aero tracts adjoining Medford on long tlino, ctiBy pnymonta, or might ex chnngo. Gold Ray Realty Co., 101 Iflloctrlo hldg. FOR BALH HOUSICS FOR SALE Cottage, closo In, cheap, easy tonus. Inqulro Stuart Knlpp, at Medfrtrd Huslnosa Col logo. 272 FOR SALE Modern liouso on piVod strcol, owner leaving city, Inqulro '. nil p. Holly at. U7t FOR SALE B room modorn Iioubo, cIoro In. Some terms. Address A. D. J., euro Mull Tribune. 2711 FOIt SALE LAND FOR SALF--MISCELLANEOUS i BUSINESS UIUEOTOUK BUSINESS DIRECTORY IVW'T WAIT :, YI'AHH I1UY CALIFOHNIA 1'IJLL-IIKAIllNG OltCIIAHDB. MONHV HACIC IF NOT SATISFIED. $1)0.00 caHh uiid $30.00 per month btiyfl flvo aire with full hoarliiK fruit trow in the fninous Dldwell Orchard at Chlco, Coll ornla. PnyiponlH Include Intorest and taxoH. Your money bnck If not mttlHflcd upon InM-BtlKallon. Tw Uldwell Orchards are thu niOHt noted and productive In tho won derful Sacramento Valley of Cali fornia. It'a opr confidence In HiIh land that prompt this gpnurotiH offer. Wo'vo pencliw. prtinea, nl- I niomlM, upricoiH ami iKirueu poarH. Iliivor' rnllrond fares, not ixril. f UK $20.00,. will Iw credited on pitrcluiBO price. Land adjolim tho HirlvIiiK town of Chlco (14,000 pop.). (Ilnforonoo- Any hank of Chlco. American National Hank of San FranolHcO and Flrnt Nation al Hank of San Leandro.) Send for valuable information and fnctn to Uldwell Qrcliords, Inc., Chlco, Cal. 282 VOll SALE POULTRY AND KGGS I FOR SALE Egga for ha toll lug. sln '' glo comb Wlilto leghorns, 1'ota j liima utility stock, $1 for 15 eggs; ! $& por 100. D. N. Jauncy, It. F. D. No. 1, box 24. Phone: Sub. GOO-R-G. 2S4 I FOR SALE Hatching eggs from my trapnostcd Crystal White Orping tons utid Rhode Jsland Rods. Get your order In early. Wrlto for price. Myra Fuller- Siskiyou Heights. Phone ClS2. 28G IFOR SALE Flftcca' oggB, express prepaid, $2. Orpingtons, wyan dolto5, Plymouth Rocks. Leghorns, Hantams. etc. Also ducks and tur keys. Write for circular. Simp son's Pheasant Farm, Corvallts, Oregon. 335 FOR SALE Incubators, broodurs, fancy ogs for hatching. Order now at Schmidt's Fend Store. 2SC FOR SALE Rhode Island Red eggs. $1 por setting of IB. 210 Court st. P. O. Hex 9S. 2 S3 OLD TRUSTY Is a high grado Incu ba'.or at very modorato prlco. Do not buy until you invcstlgato Its morlts. C. W. Potter. 274 FOR SALE Eggs for hatching. Crys tal Whlto Orpingtons, White Wy nndottcs, Harred Rocka nnd White Leghorns, Will book orders for oarly hatches. Como and boo the stock. 714 S. Central. Pacific phono 5412. H II. UuttorfloUl. 2SC FOR haln Mammoth Hronzo tur keys from one of tho best strains on tho coast. Phono Tho Canal Company, Farmers 1111. 27S FOli" SALE Ch I eke ns, cnnarlos, fur nlture. CO I W. I0t Bt. 273 FOR SALE Haby chicks and hatch lug eggs from our trnp-nestod sln glo comb White Leghorns and Crystal White Orpingtons. Prlcos on request. Mrs. E. . Oman, Jacksonville, Ore FOR SALE Young Whlto Leghorn pullets; will lay soon. $10 por doz. F. P. Farroll, Hox 100, It. 1. 274 FOR SALE Eggs for hatching. Whlto mid Huff Leghorns and llarrod LockB. all thoroughbred tdouk mid good laying strains. Also a few choice UarrqtlJlocU cqekor ols. ' "Prices on request. 1). W, Luko Orchard Home. Phono Pa cific 539-J-l. 2S5 FOR SALE Settings of Mammoth Hronzo Turkey etigs, $2 pur doien. C. II. Ilrown. Tol, 591-R-l. 273 FOR SALU WOOD AND FUEL FOR SALE Hlg body iwotyo or six teen Inch fir wood, host wood In city. Call II. P. Flury, C19 So. Riverside, or phono C04K Prompt delivery. Will not, bo undersold. " -2St FOR SALE Rolchstoln sella wood at tho big woodshed 417 S. Oakdale. Res. 405. Home phono 144-L; Roll 101C. 373 FOR SALE Cordwood, oak aud hardwood, $5 por cord In carload lota. Gold If' Koalty Co., 218 West Malu. Phono 1873, FOH SALE-MISCKLLANUOUS FOH SALE-Machlntsl lntho iiiid turblno water whcol. Mra. D. Sharp, Woodvlllo, Oregon, R. R. No. 1, box GG. 3SG FOR SALE Ono largo hauling on glno mid 4 or G trucks good as now, Phono Home 330-R after 7 p. an. " 37.1 FOR SALE Grain, hay and corn at lewio'u ranch, Plu BDl-K-'l, - I - . FOIt SALE YoutiK, ound. nll-pur po toani. woIkIii over 1100. In- quire A. u. jjenuoii, 3U4 uarneu Coroy IjIiIk- 2C2 FOIt SALIl 180 feet or 4-foot picket fenco with 2 gates. Gold Hay Real ty uo FOIt SAMS 'One norrel drtvlntf mare good and Kontle, for family iibo; 1 harnoMM, 1 old buggy. 1 old wagon. Robert Harmon, Capital Hill. P. O. Hox 520 270 FOR SALE Two buggies, set of-har-noss, good saddle. Chcai J. C. Hall, 315 S. Central av. FOR SALE Four to seven foot wal nut shndo tree at 10c to 15c. E. E. Fotw, Talent. Ore. 272 FOR SAMv Alfalfa hay delivered. W. P. Dodge. C10 South Oakdale. Phono 1231. 274 FOR SALE Hay horso weight about 11.10, young, gentle, would rec ommend him for a family horse; well broke. For particulars write R. L. C. No. 1, Woodvllle, Ore. FOR SALE Cheap, a slightly used piano, first class condition. No. G S. Orange. Tol. 2903, 2 rings. 275 FOR SALE Good cloon feed barley $37 per ton. Hauley ranch. Phone 241-J-3. 270 FOH SALE Oil EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 aero truck farms V mllo from Medford. W. II. Everhard, 909 W. 9tb. Phono GG71. FOR SALE OR TRADE SO acres of land. Vacant lots preferred or trade. C. D. S. Wood, Gen. Del., P. O. 271 FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 vending machines, exclusive territory. Write J. W. Antle. City. 272 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE City , property, lots, aero tracts and ranches to exchange for othor property Gold Ray Realty Co., 101 Eloctric bldg. TRADE 10 acres In Lake county 5 miles from town, under ditch; want small cheap homo In Med ford. Humphroy. 275 FOR EXCHANGE Five passenger automobile In good condition for real estate. Address Hox 2. care Mall Trlbpno. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Two young girls wish places as nurse girls for board and small sum besides. For Informa tion nddross F. W. Hurk. Talent, Oregou. 272 WANTED Position on ranch by married man with orchard expe rience. Address Dox 29, care Mall Tribune. 278 WANTED Position on ranch by married man, capablo of cooking for farm hands. Addross Dox GG, core Mall Tribune. 272 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED You can't holp but inako monoy selling our guaranteed-to-.glve-satlsfactlon stock; freo outfit; cash weekly; exclusive territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top penlsh, Washington. WANTED Largo young work team. Would llko to pay In lumber, deliv ered next summor. Pacific phono 1Sxx4, Control Point. WANTED Two or three porsons tg room and board li private family, closo In. Call Home phouo 119-Iv, 274 WANTED To purchaso second hand safe. Address Hox 3, caio Mail Tribune 11I1S1NESS DIRECTORY Assay cr ami Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING HU REAU Assays wado for gold, sll vor, lead, coppor nnd othor miner als. Mines and mining prospects survoyed, assayed and mining maps aud roports mado thoreon by coni potont milling nssayers and engi neers at reasonable terms. Capital secured for developing mines and mining prospects. AR mine own ers nro earnestly requested to seud samples of their oros for cxhlblr tlon purposes, and send full de scription of their mining property. Southoru Oregon Mlulug Huroau, Cth and Fir sta. Accountants D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your hooka audited and kept for a roasonablo flguro; your buslnpss solicited. Office Medford Mall Trlb uno bldg; phouo GOll; residence phono 0302. Py f Alwtracts IlWUETtlVEirV ALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INC. Medford office, phones Main 2511, Hom.3GG. Jackson ville pbonea, Pacific, Mala 11, Home 2006. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER Architects and Builders. Offlco 7-8, 325 Main; phono Main 3471; residence phono 744. Attorneys C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, 8cond floor. PORTER J. NEFF, W1L P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. No. 1 and 2 Postofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Corey bldg. Garnett- MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL IvEY. GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg- Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars ana sou unnxs. upstairs, Young Hall bldg. A nice, cool placo to spend the hot afternoons. BllUanLs and Peel. MEET him at tho Medtord Billiard Parlor. Chas. Dolman, prop. 272 Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massago given; advice In die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phone Home 1C8-K. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings nnd Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Rooms 1-3 Adklns blk.. Medford. Orogon. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real estato and mines. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. F. II. Co., opp. P. 0. Tako elevator. Phone Mali. 2021. Chinese Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chlneso medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation. Indigestion, womb and bladdor troubles. See mo at 241 S. Front st., Medford, Ore., to 4, G:30 to 7:30. Rosldenco pbono Main 42. Contractors ami Builders. J. II. DREW W- L. HANDY DREW & HANDY. Contractors and Builders. Plans and Estimates Furnished. Home phone 1S2-L or 347-R. 274 Pacific Tol. 359G. P. O. Box 73S. BOYD & SON Contractors nnd Builders. Job Work n Specialty. Cabinet Work, Painting aud Paperlug Brick nnd Stono Work. 2 S3 Dentists J. M. KEENE, D, D. S.; A. J. HINI KER, D. D. S. Dentists, 228 l'J. Main. Phono Mala 3191, Home 124,-IC DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. O. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Gnrnott-Coroy bldg., sulto 310, Med ford, Orogon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist. Office In Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Tolephono Main 681. Night phono 4432. Drugless Healing. MY TOXIN-ELIMLNATIVE Treat ment cprea nil urla acid and toxic dlsoases. Tubcrculoals no excep tion. Immediate relief. Ono day Is all I ask to convluco you. Como now for freo consultation. Dr. E. Brooke, D. C, 247 So. Rlvorsldo. 84-R. 272 Furniture MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner Sth nnd Holly sta., Medford. Mission ftirnlturo mado to ordor. Cabinet work ot all kinds. A trial ordor solicited, FADE SEVEN "Bud" Fisher Garbage .1EDFORD GARBAGE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Leafo orders At 29 S. Bartlett, or phono Rodney Taylor. Pai.lflc 3432. llama 105-X. - .i Gmnito Works MEDFORD BRICK! CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers la pressed brick and Hmo. Offlco at their brick yard, West Jackson Bt. Phono No. 3461. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY. 2 IS West Main Street, Dealers and Manufacturers of Pressed and Com mon Brick and Tlio. Gat nur prices and sco our brick and tile boforo purchasing. Nurseries QUAKER NTTRSBTUE&Our-trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not Irrigated. Wo guaranteo everything put put. Wo aro not in tho trust. H. B. Patterson. Offlco removed to offlco Hotol Nash, In side entrance next to barber shop. j ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY lu., inc. urowers oi uiga-grnuu nursery stock. Offlco 104 S. Fir. Both phones. Notary Pu'ollc HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic Bring your work to mo at the sign of Tho Mall Tribune. Printers and Publishers YEDFORD PRINTING CO. nas tho best equipped Job offlco In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc, Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Pbw jlclana and Surgeons DRS. CONROY CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offlco phono 501, residence phono 612. Offlco hours, 9 s. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 41G and 417 Gar-nett-Corcy bldg. Phone Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician nnd Bur geon. Offlco Garnett-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phone 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdalc, pbono 7171. Home phone, rcsldcnco 109, offlco 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases of. women, Offices ovor Ilasklns Drug Store. Offlco Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Resldeuco Phenes: M. 79S1, Home 337-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practlco llmlttdsto eyo, ear, noso and throat. Eyea scien tifically testod and glasses supplied. Office 216 E. Main st., over Med ford Hardware company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. DRS. SAUNDERS & GREEN Prac tlco limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Offlco, sulto 318 Garnett Coroy bldg. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank. Offlco phono M. 432; Ros. phono, M. 5S2. J. E. SHEARER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. 419-420 Garnett Coroy Bldg. Pac. phone: Office, 731; resldonco, 4542. Home phono, offlco 48, residence 2S6-L. DR. E. II. PORTER Physician and Surgeon. St. Marks Block Offlco Phono 4901. Resldonco 7051. Stenographers ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm block. Stenographic work dono quickly and well. Title Examiners, B. F, PIATT LAWYER Land Tltlo Examiner. 320 Gamott-Coroy Bldg. Transfer EADS BROS. Dray and Transfer. Offlco 1G South Fir. phono Bell 3152; Home 350-K. Prices right. Sorvlco guaranteed. MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY Parcols 10c, 15o, 25c; trunks 25o anywhoro In tho city. Offlco Vnl loy Second Hand Storo, 15 N. Fir st. Phenes: Mnln 3072; Home 351, Messenger aorvlco. Fred Crockor, Prop. Undertakers, JOHN A, PI0RI--Unilortnkor" anil Embalmor. Offlco 28 South Bart eott St. Telephenes: Day, Bell 471: night, rosldenco, Bell 473, Home 17'J-L. Calls mmworcd night or day. Awbulauco aprvic.