fcllyHrill ," Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Relative Humidity, tW Pet. I'nlr. Miit., 0.1; Mln., HHH, Dally- Hlxtli Ycnr. I"tn ty-I'lrnl Vmr MEDFORD, OIWCION, FIUIMY, JVI0J3JUJAUY 2, 1012. No. 270. l OF Million I" Southern Oreuon nml Northern California nml Work lu Secure Its Development Is Theme of Two Days' Session. OVER 300 DELEGATES PRESENT AT MEET Exhlhlt al Natntorltim Is Complete anil Reflects Resources of This District. Willi ienil Will ilcWnle present tin' tii'iiil-Kimiiul wctMtiiin of the .South (in Orison nml Noilhciu Ciililomiii .Mining eonitrwM iiKiiinl in this IimIh.v. Tlw exhibit of ore rmm tin lUtrii't iw (Id) Imitewt nml in-t com prclifimlvo oxer giithervd in tlu '' tinti unit irfMMitn inHirly '-IH mini- Two dtf)- Hill tin devoted In iln (MtiiKitHM. .Many mhliwiMi will In ihmiIc, iiuiiiv of Ih'tn by mining men of witlit i'irHiei. Tin' eoiiuic lilt fill" M HirjMIM I III' ItlHlllT ul im)iiltyr ineiwt in III" miunnil HIMIII'I'K 11 r XOtltlllMtl Omiii ami norllmni Culi fui niii Hint in thoir !- VcloMtHllt. While, mining hn ! icoing on in tltm dUtriet for more IIimii (til xenr. it i conceded (lint with tin exception of tliitt mines mII inininx liu hern liy iHM-ki'l hunt pi! who hiixo wntkod. for tht ureiilcr wil, near the sur face. Many million in gold Iih hmm iniimd, however, fiuiii lln Ii (ni't rppwnlrd liv W ihhmowwuhiiI offoitM n twinir iihiIh to hnvo ! oioKwU jkuij. .JMMrriutl ou uii it Ihixv .Mod ford Iim tiiHil uriuil preparo llmm Tor tha onttfrlninmeiit of (he ilclejtte. Automobile tide will he tin chief fimtuiv of ontHrtnlninciit, local H'opl feliowing (ho visitor nliont tin eilv td valley. On every hml today (be iih topic under iIiikmiiibium in mint. tltniiit'i'tU of ppl hnvo hii nllrtioled to tin exhibit nl iIih NnlHtuViuiii .mil with out doubt iuleiet in the exhibit will coiiliitUH ttlili) tomorrow night, when (hi (oniirHMii oIimm. Tim exhibit n ittot coinpichen nin oiii'. Alt of Hi" various iniucnil iwHHiruiM of the district arc shown In lh exhibit in kIiovmi copper on-, gold on, iron mo, cutil, granite and nwiililw nh wkI h liiuo rock. It h ciili'tilntfil to iuipri'Htt upon tin Mi(or th Kiimt oxlout of tin1 local lli'lil. Dali'KitloM liiiui In ariixK in Iho city Thurmlnv. hut the Kicutct niiui her arrivcil lliix nuirniinf. All were hurmiit lo the Nataloiiuin, where the pinjci'iini iih itrruiiKil un foltowcil out. The cnimninw will Jw hi Mwninu to nlftht, liiinonow forounoii ami after noon. An tuilouiohilu liile neluululcii for toinorrow iiuiruliitf at, 1(1:110 o'clock. Kitl;iyiui coiluty miiiiI n liu(i ilele jjiilimi hero lo'atleiiil the coiiki'chn ami Nccuru lu next uicetiiiK for Yicl.a. ; RATE ON MAIL WAHHINUTON, 'l). C Kuli. i. .liiHlleo UiikIiuh of Iho Unlleil atalcH iuiirinio court today milunltlml to I'riiiililvnt 'ttift tlio final rnpnrt or tlm poMtal coiniuUiilou ou into InormiHcu for iinvtimiioi'H ami iimikiixIiich, It rocoinniomlH Hint tlm hci'oimI cIiihh rata on ouo coat ho iloiililiul. Z TRIAL AGAIN UNDER WAY BAN KHANOIflCO, Cal., Koli. 1!. "Willi 11 JlirOIH lu tllU llOX pilHHUll for cauHo lint nuhjoat to poromptory olinlloiiKo tho trial of ox-Mayor 10n Kuno 10. iiulunltz, umlur an liullctnunit (liui'Klai; Ki'iift In ronnuuthm with tlio flxln,' of kiih rntuu hi 100(1 Ih pro coodliiK with illff lenity, owIhk to rro luunt iluliiyu nml couUiiiuuiceu, CONGRESS M NING IH N DTQDAY WOULD DOUBLE T1IINKH TUDDY IB WILLIN'. l- li . Ol AU MXJCU (Juvcriur W i: (Jlmitock, of Went VlrKtulii, uli N one of tlm uiuit oclivo of ItooruU'lt iHioaicm, iiiinouiieui Ills iM'llef Unit Ilic cridwlillu 1'rcnlilvtit himiIiI aiccni'ii iiiniiliiiitluii, hut Hint liu woulil nut Htlhiil) ni'i'lt It. Tin Clik'f Kmh'UIIu- of West Miulnlii Ih uoIiik to continue liU llttlit for tlio Oiloud'd iiuinlaiitlon TEDDY IS FRIElT EQUAL SUFFRAGE Places Himself Squnicly Before the Public as Favoring Votes for Women; However, He Says Ballot Is Secondary to the Home. NKW Yoijk, i.o. . - Th(lou Uiiiiielt, in tlio ciiriiMit Uttiic of the Outlool,, tmlny placed hnnr-elf iiiire ly lieforit the public iim ictti'ril! v fu voriiiir the woiiimii miffniKt move. iiieut. KiHiMHvelt. howttver, pluccn the hnllot iih MccoiulHry to the home, tic Hy: ''Tlm iifirittra jif suffniKc ihiii never he (lid niol tiiiporliuit jf worn en iliitum. Wotiuin vital need .k H, wnr Hgaiimt vice, frivolity, cohl (i1I1niih ami tnniil i-hriukiiii: from uniwciwuarv riok ami effort. Vice. the folly of mill Hint women, loari itiK to the iliorne couit or taking nhiipe in the cui of voluntary ntcr ilily. arc fumlniueutal t'vif of pnmc iniporlamc' T HAN MATKO. Cnl . Koli. 2. That Chauffeur Hamuol U. Timothy will ingly foiiKlit the revolver dual which ended lu Mlllloualro John J. Mooro'w death Ih the theory ipon whloli the pollen bcio today aro prohliiK tlio tniKedy at MonroV homo hine. Tim othy luiri been formally ehnwd with murder ami will ho urrnlKiiud for picllmlmiry hearliiK Tuemlay morn I UK. DYNAMITE PROBE NEARLY AT AN END lN'MANAPPUS, liul., Keh. 2. Aunoiiuceiueut Unit the inquiry into Iho ,alli'Kiul count r wide ilymunito iIiih wiih practically ended and that iudietiueuth probably would he report ed by Tuesday was iiiiutu hero today by Unllcd Sta(e Distriot Attorney Charles W. aliller. Ho predicted that at leant : 1 6 indielmenla would hu ro Ittrued. Joslen Trial Contlnuetl. SAN KltANCIKOO, I'nl., l-'oli. 2. Continitiiueo until Kehrtinvy 1(1 of tlio trial of Dr. Olio ('. dosleu on I lie eharuo of having betrayed thu Wil liuiiiH, 17-,vonr-old candy piilosj-hl, wiih Kranted iy .Indue Ltnvlor today on account of Hie crowded condition of Iho com! calendar. The. jury in Iho IU'hI dial dNaf;reod. Roundup Dato Set. PICN'OLKTON, Oro., Vol, U Tho 10113 Hnumlup of tho Northwest Krontlor nHuoulutlou will ho hold horo Hoptuinbor lit!, 27 and 28. ArrauKomontH aro IioIiik mndo for tho oxpendlturo or ?2:i,000 clonvod ou hint yoar'B bIiowIiik mnUliiK tho 1U12 exhibition moio comprohonslvo, MURDER CHARGE GAINS TIMOTHY 1250,000,000 PROMISED Powerful Syndicate of American and British Financiers Said to Be Pav Inn, Way for Monopoly of Chinese Mineral Resources. SYNDICATE IS WARNED BY THE UNITED STATES Neutrality Laws May Be Violated and Government Is Closely Watchinrj Deal. SHANOIIAI. Iil. 2.- Chiucc rex oliitinnary chicfx here declared today thai imiiiciliiilcly any world powci formally rccoi-uizcs tin piochniacd republic of China iih an actually c iMiiik Ktntc the ('liiitOHt rcvolutionmtH will he Kiven r?1"O,IH)O,0(MJ to support tin new nation, a iMiwcrl'ul Hymlicale of Aiuerieiiii and llrili-li lliiauciern. iiicludiiiic iiiIcicnU iilfihatcd with (he Slaudard Oil company, having Kitar- llllll'll HllH tlCIIIClllllMIH hltlll. In return for thi ciioriuoiis loan N'ew China Krauts to thu M'liilicntc a iiiuiioHily on Iho dccvlopmciit of oil ami mineral wealth in China. Revo lutionary Icadci-H coiihidcr this a fair plan. lint .lapauc-c and HitsHtmi lliiauciers arc prenMiii: China with counter demands and threaten to in terfere is preference ih hhmvn Ameri cans. An international xipuihhlc may result. Syiiillcalc W'aractl, W.XMIl.MiUl.N, roll. -j. -wuiciais of thu state, department today an tlioriceil a Mnteiiictit Hint the Amort-oaii-llrilisli s.Midicalc reported to be dickeriiiL' wiih tlio Chinosc revolu tionists for a inonopolv on the oil and mineral development riyhts in re 'turn for a loan of .fJ.'iO,U(ltl,()00 had bettor beware lost they be charged with violation of the noiitrahtv law SANTA FE FIGHTS RATE ON LEMONS WASHINGTON, 1). C, Fob. 2.-- Tho Santa Fo mid other trnuerontl nontal railroads today filed a peti tion with tho Hiipromo court nuking for an Injunction BimpcndliiK tho In tomtato commorco commlBalon's or der prcHcribliiR a rnto of a dollar a hundred pounds on California lemon shipments. COUNTY COURTS NOT SUBJECT TO RECALL SAl.KM, Oro., Fob. 2. In nnawor to n communication rccolvcd from II, K. Olowoller of llarnoy county iiHkliiK It tho people can recall tho county court or demand a roforon dum on nn order of tho court to build a now courthouse, Attorney Gonoral Crawford has decided thnt tho roforenduiu does not apply to tho ordoiH of n Judicial body, but only to IcKlalatlvo eiiactmontH, and that tlio pooplo linvo no rlpht to voto on questloiiH InvolvluK tho order of a county court. A former decision of tlio attorney Kouoral la that tho ro call needs additional IcKlalatI n to bo offectlvo. ARMED TROOPS CHARGE CROWD OF STRIKERS lmiRDAN'ti, AuHlmllii) Fob. 2, Troops armed with bull cavtridKos and with bayonets fixed elinvROil a groat procession of strikers today and ninny of the luttor wore wound ed. Women led tho procession which dolled tho police. Many merchants aro harricadint their shops, fearing now disorder this evening. Allonctl Boodlers Reelected. MONTUIUIj, Quo., Fob. 2. Do- aplto a hot campaign by tho citizens association, Montreal olected flvo of hor old council, alleged to ho hood lorn. Aldorninn Lnvoll wus oloctoo. inuyor, IS M P ONE TINY LITTLE MOUSE BLOCKS THE WHEELS OF JUSTICE NKATTLU, WiMi.. Feb. 2. A iiioiihii toduy stuppcd the wheels of justice and frac tured the decorum of Justice -Miles' court filial finally leaped lo Hflf()t.vxlhnnuli window. Mrs. Ij. Al. Swtii hk iculi fying about hrr liitHbaud in a civil ense when she spied n mouse capering about mi the floor. Her leslimuiii fullered, ticmblcd nml , filially flopped suddenly ns the small fjniy animal made icKmlib-u dart in her direction. , "Leo, Loo!" Hirickc-d Mm. Stern in moving apical to her husband. Court business slopped. Stern rushed lo his wif' side and m the con fusion the frightened cause of it all went Ihnyigh Hie win-dow. ft t'-f-f t t -f -f JUAREZ IS SOON TO BEJtTTAGKED Orosco With Four Hundred Soldiers Ordered to Attempt to Take the City of Juarez From the Mu tineers. MEXICO CITY, Feb. 2.l)on Pas ipml Orosco was "today ordered to march immediately on Juarez with 100 troops and attempt to take the oily from the mutineers. The war de partment has ordered the garrison at Chihuahua under amis and the sol diers are entraining there today for il Imriii'il trin iinrllii It i nhdnr- stood that Znphtisft frcvotntinuUts' are nUo ru-liiug toward the border city. Kli PASO, Tex., Feb. 2. Mexican mutineer?- at the Jtiurez garrison have agreed to surrender control of the city to the government, according to advices received today from (Jov emor Gournlo- by Gulonel Kstnuln, the demised military eommaiidor of Juarez, who is in El Paso. An agreement between the Mndero government ami the mutineers is said to have been reached on these terms: "All money due tho mutineers for pnst services to the federal govern ment is to lie paid, and all discharged soldiers are to be given free trans portation to their homes in the in terior. The money due the mutineers is ."i0 per cent of their wages which havo been held back. The soldiers were paid but half of the 7."i cents a day in gold due them." moneyIstmay escape probe WASHINGTON. I). C, Feb. 2. Congressman Oscar Underwood of Alabama, majority leader In the house, announced this aftonioon thnt tho domocratlc eniicus on Wednesday would adopt n substitute, for tho Hen ry measure to probe tho money trust, a resolution ecntterlng tlio subjects to bo Investigated among at lenst sovon of tho standing committees. Would Help Injured Man. LONG UHACH, Cal., Fob. 2. Tho wlfo of Avlntor Charles' Champion la vlelng today with John Gibson, a mechanician, who accidentally shot him, over tlio prlvllogo of sacrificing Bovornl Inches of skin to bo grafted on tho wounded man's log. Tomor row tlio doctors will niuno tho suc cessful candidate. Gibson shot Champion ua they woro leaving Do mluguoz ftold January 5, a shotgun ho carried holug accidentally dis charged. Mystery Surrounds Cremation. UKIA1I, Cal., Feb. 2. Mystery surrounds tho cremation of My. Pearl MoEwon, whoso ohavred body was found in tho kitchen of her homo hero, and investigation is today be ing mndo into tho case. There was nothing (o iudieato that a tiro had swept through tho house. Tho vio- tun 8 husband, located 110 miles nwuy from tho scone, denies all kuowledgo of tlio affair. DENTSTS AR ROBBEQ BY A CLEVER CROOK Practically Every Dentistry Office in Medford Is Entered and Gold Taken hy Man Who Knew His Business. LEFT NO CLUE AS TO HIS IDENTITY Barber Discovered Loss Early, But Before Police Were Notified Other Offices Were Entered. Practically every dentist's office in the city was rubbed Thnrstlny night by n clever creek who evidently knew what he was about, for he took only the gold ued in filling, which is pure and unalloyed. He secured over .100 worth of gold. It is the opinion of the police to day that the burglar follows the business of pilferflJj: from denta) of fices alone. . During the evening he entered the vnriohs offices in the city in the mitueuinnnncr and took from the cnbiiiets'oply the gold which is of the grenterlVniite, spurning to touch the soft gpld used in cheap filling. Drs. Keene, Hitudy, Pltipps nnd Harbor report losses. In each office the door was clexerly jimmied pud cabinets forced. No (due was left by the marauder, but the authorities have notified the jnilice of cities north and south nnd it may he that the thief xvill attempt to ply his trade in IhiW cities ami walk -into the nnns of the officers. Dr. Barber discovered bis loss first. He left his office nbont 0 o'clock and returned to do some work during the evening. He missed the gold from his cabinet, but did not report the matter at once. This morning the oilier dentists, on reaching their offices, noticed that they also had been victimized. Dr. l'hipps is out of the city, but the door of his office hnd been "jim mied." Whether the thief secured anything of value there or not is not known. PLEADS FOR A DEATH SENTENCE SANTA BARBARA, Cal., Feb, 2. Haunted In his waking moments and torrifled at night by dreams in which tho accusing faces of tho two men ho murdered appear beforo him twisted in death, Jesus Yrlqut fell on his knees today bo f oro Judgo Alexander, xvho hod sentenced him to life Imprisonment, and pleaded thnt ho be hanged. LOSS IS 81,000,000 HALIFAX, N. S., Fob. 2. The Arcadia sugar refinery with all Its stock was destroyed by tiro last night. Loss ovor a million dollars. TELLS BURNS THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO INSULT HIM WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. Con tinued bickering" between Detective William J. Hums and former Judgo Klbridgo Ilanecy entertained tho sen ate committeo which is investigating tho eleotiou of United States Senator William E. Lorimer of Illinois, when Hums resumed the stand today, llaneey, chief counsel for Lorimer, renewed hostilities by announcing that ho hnd discovered contrndiytions in Hums' testimony eoneorning Mo- Gownn. "This man is insulting mo," Hums appealed to tho committoo. "Why, tho person docs not live who could insult you," was Ilaueoy's comeback, "Nor you either," hotly retorted Hums. "You koei this nil. mid I will show your roputation," ' THE CJflDIWAL It AT ATTRACTS WOMEN THE NEW FAAUBY HAT Inspired by hor success of last sea son In filching from the knights of old tho designs of their helmets. Dame Fashion has now Invaded the ecclesiastical world and borrowed tho structural plan of the Cardinal's hat. which Is being shown In New York Thj Farley hat, as the new millinery confection Is called, has been pre sented In honor of America's new cardinal. It Is very much like the original model and is made up Jn red struw, with a white crown and a gold cord, fastened with an ornament at one side. TRUNK MURDER YSTERVSOLVED Chinese Woman Arrested as Suspect In Seid Bing Murder Mystery Con fesses That She Killed Him and Shipped Body. PORTLAND. Feb. ! Confronted here hy Seid BaeS, uncle of Sen! Hitig, xvho.se mutilated and dismem bered body was found in a trunk in Seattle. Oi Sen, the Chinese woman who was captured in Billings, today confessed to Seid Back that she killed Seid Bing und shipped his body to Senttle from Portland, according to detective-. The confession xvas made a few minutes after the woman arrived in Portland in the custody of officers. TWO FIGHT TO THE BITTER END CHICAGO. Feb. 2. Another Black Hand outrage was uncovered hero today with the finding of tho mutilated body of Pasqual and Sal vatoro Mnrello, brothers In an Ital ian boarding house. Tho men were hacked to death with hatchets, tho weapon stained with blood being found ljestdo their bodies. Near by was tho photograph of a beautiful Italian girl, which was also covered with blood. Ton suspects havo been arrested. II ARE KILLED BY EARTHQUAKE ATHENS, Feb. 2. Twenty-two persons are reported to have been killed in an earthquake which yester day damaged the Ionian islands. Tho government is sending relief parties to the stricken zone. STILL SEARCHING FOR MISSING HEIRESS NEW YOKK, Feb. 2. Dorothy Arnold's father is stilt prosecuting tho search for tho missing girl, xvho disappeared December 12 last. Av nold told tho police here today, dur ing a conference, that ho and his do teetivos aro running down old clues. . t RAISIN SEEDS SAID TO BE GOOD FOR SOMETHING WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. Califor nin raisin' seeds, tons of which aro nunually thrown away, aro demon strated today by Dr. Frank Haktik of tlio bureau of plant industry to bo of commercial value. Syrup, oil, tannin and meal may bo mado trom I r W I Utom. 4 COUNTY COURT WILE INSPECT SATONCE Accounts of Various County Officers to Be Gone Over to Ascertain If Shortage Exists in any Department Besides That of County Clerk. NO COUNTY MONEY IN PERSONAL ACCOUNTS Officials Deny Accusation Made by Coleman That All Followed His Own Practice. On nccount of recent disclosures of practices in vogue in the county clerk's office, the books of the county will be experted in the near future. This w the assertion made Friday by County Judge Neil nnd County Com missioner Davis. Though he has not been consulted, Commissioner Owens is known to faxor this move. Inquiry was made by the county court of the various court house of ficials as to the truth of the state ment mnde by County Clerk Coleman that all court house officials followed his own practice of depositing county money in their personal bnnk ac counts, nnd each denied having ever done this. "Every official except Recorder Colvig, xvhora xve did not see, stated that county funds xvere deposited hi separate accounts," stated Commis sioner Davis. "And in no case did xve find county funds mixed with per gonal accounts. Each official turns fiver the funds of his office to the comity treasurer monthly." "In order to ascertain exact condi tions nnd find out just how the va rious officinls hnx'e been conducting their offices and xvhether there is any shortage in other accounts be sides the state game license fund, tho books of the county will be experted," stated Judge Neil. ROBBER HOLDS UP MERRY DiNERS VANCOUVER, B. C, Feb. 2. ' calmly xvalking into Alaclntyre's cafe about midnight lust night, command ing about 20 guests nod half a dozen xvaitressc to keep silent or ho xvould shoot, one of Vancouver's holdup men made the biggest haul of tho season $400 nnd disapieared in the thick fog- last night. Police were ou the scene two minutes nfter tho bandit, xvho was unmasked, de camped. They are still looking for him. HAZZARD CASE TO JURY ON SATURDAY PORT ORCHARD, Wash., Feb. 2. Arguments in tho trial of Dr. Linda BurHeld Ilnzzard, fast euro fepeeial ist, xvho is charged with murder in the first degree for tho starvation of Miss Claire Williamson, xvill prob ably begin thi.s afternoon, and tho jury will havo the ease in its hands by tomorrow morning. RECOMMENDS TOLLS OF $1 TON ON CANAL FREIGHT NEW YORK", Feb. 2. A toll of $1 per ton on all freight passing through the Paunmii canal is recommended in a resolution presented before tho ohambor of commerce horo today by tho committeo on foreign commerce. Tho resolution says that tho United States vessel cannot bo favored with out abrogation of treaties with Great Britain. TORONTO DECIDES TO BAR ASIATIC LABOR TORONTO, Ont Fob. 3, -After listening to an appeal by Dr. Similar Singh, Hindu philosopher, Toronto labor council decided unanimously against allowing admission of AslAt- Ica of any class, BOOK