A .- .. vi "ifeS, A H . ; w It Is a'Cinch That Mutt Is ,,,., . rf . i . i j f- --j--t . " "" I aT ( i i i i- r i Hf'r wa, s .ooo rntiMc f ifc-mSN x mt in ) . - j" f mtftMNittOf v -s - "v LH r ' hook ' -.dB&l ttWl L J (&'J ' " ,i I iHSH" . ST R?P E-cSr ft ji i, l j: Our Correspondents CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. .Mix, Churlcn (,ulet itttil little Hon, vlio luiv dcvii viHitin Imr pnrcntM, Mr. anil Mi. 1.. I.. Auliii, here tor the punt immth, rctnniflil tit lute Iiiiiiil1 In Seattle WVilmlliiy morning. ' Mr. mill .Mm, (Ichiro Wilcox ami mni mill Ml. Dtiiitoii "'t Wctlne tiny in (InuitM Pni. 0. H. h,v C Meillonl pcul Weil nittdiiy iniiniiiiK with hi iwronU liuiit. Mr.Mli'ilin, mir Inilur, Iuin leneil tli' ItaMt'l turu, room nt tint north- itMfct ixiruor of Third nml I'ino MruoN, fonneily ocinitli'il liy T. M. June, nml will take )oniMMiitii iinuicilintcly. Mr. nnd Mix. K. (i. Whito-ide, Mr. Uttlnltold, .1. K. liny. .Mr. mul Mr. II. Piirnuin. .Mr. llerriiijr, Mr. Nor wood, Ml Nniwooil, Mr, V. .1. Tiiy lr mnl miii, Mr. Spink, M. It. Kn. IhihI mul A. ('. Kirro won iiiiioiik tlu iniiitv fnmi lu'iv that njn-iit Wi'ilnrn iln in .Mi'iltunl. ItftRUlim for hnnltn. f -rtfta - - - - rJV, ... , - GREAT RIOT Scvrr.il Persons Arc Injured In Trouble Rcsultliifl From a Bin Strike of Tnxlcah Drivers In Paris. PA It IS, I'i'li. 1. SorioiiH rintiiiK in Wlliuh KCIIIIV, llf HXIIIIK WITH injmvil r'iiiliiil imliiy from tlm lrilu ir tlio laliicnli iliivmit. Tim Imiilila Klarh'il wlicn a Imily of hlliliiux atlnnlinil Mviral -li'ilui-Inmild'ix, many wyiiipntliixoix of tlm itliaiifl'niiix joiiiiiiK in tlm ntlnck. A Vint call win tiirnnl in ami imli'r wmt rnitiiiTil only iiftur Urn rowl liml liumi olini-jtril hy the cinianHluix ami Hie iHiliuti, aiduil liv a iiiinmny oT in', flint ry. MEDFORD MARKETS Kutail I'riiHtH. '- VoKvinhlrM. 1'otntooH si RO pur cwt. CiiMiiiKo :ic. rarMiilpH -3iSo, Lflttuco Co Jmml. CnrMln 214 c. lliMiln--2 16c' Oiilciiia flc. Culiiry noctO'll iloji. Cmillflowor lOSfaOu lioiul, 'ritriilpH 2 lie. ltmllHlioa flo liuncli. OnltniH (Inmn.'Co Iniucli. Fruit. Cncoanulii 10c each. PriliioB Drhul, 10a lb. I.iiii6iih 2fio doxoii. llamiuaii 10c to .10u por tlozou OraiiRoa ltio to -10c. Cianborrlus lOo quart. Mutter, F.kkh mul Poultry. Hutlor Pronh ranch, por roll, X5os croamory, Stic. Ekkh Prcuh ranch, 35c; Btorn.R0, u n ct. Poultry Hoiih, ilruHHcil, 18a; llvo 12(t; iiirliii;n, (huiiHoil, 20c. Turkoyu 20o to 2fio, drooaod, MeatH, WlKjIeHiiIo. lloofCowa, -IWc; Btoora, Be. ' Pork D H Go. " Vonl DroHsod, 7 14 (t? lOo, Mutton 3 314 0, llvo; lambs, 53 ,714 c Hay and I'eeil, AVlmleNiilo, Hay. Timothy, ?18; nlfalfn, lflj RrnFfl, ?1; itrnln liny, $1(1, nnilu Wlmnt, I 02 biiRhol; nata, J37 ton; Imrloy, MO ton, CHAUFFEURS EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS Dr. MiiIiiikm'ii of I'lmvuix wax in Talent iimliiii pnitVHi(inal ciiIIh Sat unlay. P. I). Oatiuaii of Talent wan in .Mrilfonl Satnrilny. (Uwhv Alt'onl aliil I'mnily if I'enirt valley Mpout .Siunlay in Anl( liiiul. K. MePmlileii til' Talent wiih in Meiirnnl with IiIm regular Htipily nl frcli vm IiinI Kat unlay. Mr. mul .Mix. ( Caiey voe trail iuy in Talent n( Satiinlay. Mix. Vilev Jouen ami her liruther, CIpMlur Kui)thtii, of WuRoaor eruel, were tniilliiK in Talent Satjinlay. Mix, .Ine Itailer Kpinit Timailuy in Ahhlnml uu a lmppiiifr lour, ivliiru iiC mi the ntiln titao TiiOKilay even injr. . J. ItmuiNliiy ami Waller Cmy returueil Ttiemlay finin a iMiHiimnn ttip tn Klantatnii, Cnl. We are pleiiHeil to learn thai Mr. Ilixlmp of Phoenix w utile to Im aliont, an (vnrn were eutertaiiieil that Iuh illtiehM niluht he .fatal. SeTreaoy 4 TO QUELL RIOTS TqxIIIo Mills at Lawrence Reopen Tliottsantls of Militiamen Stand Guard 10 Per Cent of Force Back. I.AWItKN't'K, Mas., Vh. 1. -Aimeil with repeiitiui; rifles ami plenlil'iilly Mipplieil with mumuiiilioii, sevenil tliuiihiuiil militiamen Mtonil K'lianl at the tu.vtile inill.liure today wlmu mi iitttmipt wan imule to resume oKirntimiK. AIHuhikIi w i' the milU opened, e tliiiu 1(1 per eent oT the regular 1'oreeH resM)mleil to the iliiilinif uhihlle. Althniiuli heriotiM trouble wiih pie iliijteil hy the mihlier. and mill own er when work wiik iwtnueil, no ili onlitiK hml oeeurreil up to noon. NOTICE. Notlco la hereby rIvoii that tho undoiMlmied will apply to tho city council )f tho city of Medford, Qro- roii, at Hh next roKtilnr mooting uu Pnliruary Cth, 1012, for a llcenmi to pell iipldl noun, vlnniia and malt Uu nnru In quantltloH lexa than a gallon at IiIh plaeo of bimlneHu on Jot 10, block 20, In nald city, for a period of elx .months. .jyiMj KAKNES. Hated Jan. 19, 1012. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF TKANNPKK Ol UOK lilCENSK. My- IMihllo notlco Ib horohy ntv6n Hint on mo asm! day or January. Ill 12, .1. K. Kyau boliiK tho owner of liquor HconBo Ncn 718 IhbikhI by tho City bt Medford, Oioroii, and oxplrliiK o tho -iat uay or April, 1U12, nold and iiKHlRiiod Hiild retail liquor llcenao to H. A, KroHuhol nnd that on tho fith day of February. 1012. tho undor- atRued will appear before tho City tiouncu or Medroru, oroRon, and will then mid thoro potltlon tho nald City Council for pormlHHlon to trunafor aiild retail liquor llconao from tho Raid J. K. Kyan to tho Bald 8, A, Kroauhul; tho retail liquor hiiHlnesH that la buliiK coiuluctod by virtue of aald lleenao Ih holiiR cnuductod at No. 22 North Front Htroot In tho City of Medford, Oregon, nnd Bhnuld pormla- alnu tin Rranted by enld Council to bo Imitator aald llcenao tno stud bualnesB will bo conducted at tlm aamo plnco of hiiHlnoHH and umlor tho name of 8. A. Kroachel Dated at Medford, Orogon, this 23d day of January, 1912. j; n. 11 van, 8. A. KHOSOHHL.V BUSINESS OIU'OUTUnTtIKS" FOK HALE UcHtnimmt, good loca tion, iviiHDiuihlo, In Mod to nl 33 8. Front. 373 MiUDtfOttt) MATL TJITBTJNK, afEDFOttT), OKFlOV, TmmflDAV, MCBRTJATIY 1, 1012. "in" VeryPrussian With His Spouse fiOHT 1.0STA Kohl loekot. lultlnlB .1. 8. K. on It. lk'ttirti not WcmL Hamil ton, Unwind, J. it. Itayau. ZWi I.OHT On thn Htieet .Inn. 20th. Ssrit.OK worth of cheeltH enilortil paynlile to .Meilfonl Nutlouul hank hy tlm I'hmmlx Mercantile Co. $10 reward and no ipientloiin nuked If returned to Med ford National bank. 271 vou hknt HOUHnunnriNO HOO.MS POIt nENT Now nml up to datO nparttnont snodorn In ovcry partic ular, Rne cooking, rtonni heat, otc. Hnilth'a Apartment houso, 217 So. Hlrorsldo. POIt KENT PuriilHlicd hounokeop Iiik roo nm nnd furnUhed hIcojiIiir roouiB. Inquire 337 W. 10th. 272 FOU ItEXT FUKN'ISHEI) ItOO.MH POIt KENT LarRo alccplitK room. 11.50 nnd $2 per week. Modern linimckoopltiR apartments, J 18. Home phono 2CG-1C. 222 South Holly. 2. POIt KENT Tnreo alecplni; roonm to rout separately, cheap; with boat and bath. 2-il N. Ivy. Phone r.r,r,i. 220 POIt KENT Pumlshed room, hot and cold wntor, bath, liuiit and heat. 221 N. Holly at. 270 FOK KENT Ol-FICI-a POK KENT Over tho poetofflco, with heat and light. Sco A. A. Davis. POK KENT LarRo, comfortnblo of flco rooms with elevator aervlco, a team heat, hot and cold water. J,ow rotea. Apply Medford l-'urnl-ture & Hdw. Co. FOK KENT HOUSES POK KENT Pumlahed C room cot tage, modern. 6 IS King at. POK KENT Hockonyoa bunsnlow; modern. 729 West 11th at. Phono Main 0C03. POK RENT Purnlahod modern 3- room house on paved street. 731 West 2nd street. 270 FOR RENT 7 room house cjobo to North Riverside pavement; $12 per mo. C, C. Pierce, .M. P. & II. bldg. FOK KENT MlSCia,IiANi:OUS FOR LEASE Fully oqulppod placer nnd quartz inlno. Gold Ray Real ty Co. POR KENT Largo nnd small ranch es. Gold Ray Realty Co. FOK LEASE- A producing roIiI ,mlne equipped with five stamp mills, concentrators, nlr eruaherrt ami nlr compressors, all operated by electric power. Will loaao oif easy terms for percentage of out put. Gold ltay Realty Co. FOIt8AWC AOKEAGH FOR SALE A bonutirul slte: for your now homo; build your homo under tho onks nnd laurels of For est Court, Perrydnlo, 1 inllo west of city on Jackaonvlllo road; 14 ncro building sites; 1 and 2 aero alfalfa tracts; 5 and 10 aero fruit ranches set to Knrtlctt, Anjou and Hose pears. Soil and situation mako theso proportloa unexcelled' for gardening nml poultry raising. Como mid boo for yourself. F. 8. Carpenter, owuor. Or address Hox G5I. 274 FOR SALE Aero and flvo ncrol trnctu adjoining Medford on long Unto, ensy payments, or might ox chnngo. Gold Ray Rcnlty Co., 101 Eloctrlo bldg. FOK SALE LAND DON'T WAIT 5 YEARS BUY CALIFORNIA PULL-BEARING OlltMlARDS. MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED. $90.00 caah and $30.00 por month IniyH rivo acroa with full bearing frttlt treea In tho fnniotm Bldwell Orchards at Chleo, Cali fornia. Payments Include Interest and taxes. Your money back If not satisfied upon Investigation, 'lite Bldwell Orchards are tho luoat noted and productive In tho Won derful Sacrainento Valley of Cali fornia, It 'a our confidence In this land that prompts tills genorotiH offer. Wo'vo punches, prunes, al monds, nprlrots nml Bartlutt pears. Buyers rallrond fares, not exceed ing $20.00, will bo credited on purchase piico, Laud adjoins the thriving town of Chleo (11,000 nnn.), (References: Any bank of Oltlco,' American National Buiiia of 8an Francisco and First Nation hi 'Bank of San Lonudro.) Sond for valuable Information nml facta to Illdwell Orchards, lne , Chleo, Cal 383 I-'OK HALK OK UKNT VOH'KKNT OR 8ALK -Plrat clan Knnlon ami fruit tract with house, barn nnd chicken park. M. A. Kndor, Mcdford, Ore. I'OK HATir KOUKKfl POIt SAMS A Hnat). New cotntilctcly modern bungalow; furnished or unfurnlftlicd; with larso lot and chlrken park. Call Z3T, Knight fctroct. Phono, Home 4GX. 270 POIt SAI.K Cottaiu', ilono In, cheap, eiiH- teruiH. Inaulre Stuart Knlpp, at Medford HualneH Collogo. 272 POIt SAI.K Modem lionao on paved utreet. owner leaving city. Inqulru MIS. Holly at. 271 POK KAM- I'OUrTKV AM) KGS POK SALE Errs for hatching, aln rIo comb Whlto LoRhorna, Pcta luma utility stock, ;i for IS eggs; J5 per 100. D. N. Jannoy, It. P. 1). No. 1, box 24. Phone: Sub. C00-K-G. 284 POIt 8AI.E HntchlnK orrb from my trapneated CryaUtl Whlto Orping tons nnd Khodo Island Ileda. Get your order In early. Wrlto for prices. Myra Puller. Siskiyou Heights, phono S1S2. 286 POK SALE Fifteen crrb, express prepaid, f2. OrplnRtona, "Wyan dottea, Plymouth Kocka, Leghorns, Ilnntama, etc. Alao ducks and tur keys. Wrlto' for circular. Slmp aon'8 Pheasant Farm, Corvnllls, Oregon. 335 POK SAM-:: Incubators, brooders, fancy egga for hatching. Ordor now at SchmldtVPeed Storo. 286 POK SALE Khodo Island Red eggs, $1 per sotting of 15. 210 Court at, P. O. Iiox 98. 283 POR SALE Mnmmoth Pekln drakes n few selected apcclmena 52.50 onoh. Address Im J. Dodge, Prult growera Hank bldg. 2 C9 POK SALE Thoroughbred Rhode Island cockorela; oho 250 egg In cubator, practically now. Also ono riding cultivator tn good condition. Cnl I 918 East Main at. Phone 3844. 271 FOR SALE Eggs for hatching, nm booking orders now for tho single comb Whlto Leghorn, Wyckoff strain, $1.50 for 15 eggs, $8 per 100. Place orders now. A. W. Stono. Phono 7302, 270 OLD TRUSTY Is a high grado Incu- not buy until you Invcsttgnto Its merits. C. W. Potter. 274 POK SALE Eggs for hatching. Crys till White Orpingtons. Whlto Wy nndottoa. Barred Kocka and Whlto Leghorns. Will book orders for early hatchos. Como and sco the stock. 71 1 S, Central. Pacific phono 5412. 11. 11, Buttcrfiold. 2SG POIt SALE Mammoth Hrouzo tur keys from one of tho best strnlns on tho coast. Phono Tho Canal Company, Farmers 1111. 27S POK SALE Chickens, canaries, fur niture. 004 W. 10sl st. 273 POR SALE Baby chicks and batch lug eggs from our trap-nested sin gle comb White Leghorns and Cryatnl White Orpljigtons. Prices on request. Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jacksonville, Ore. ,' FOR SALE Young Whlto Leghorn pulletu: will lay mioii. $10 tier doz. P. P. Farrell, lloxlOO, R. l. 371 FOK SALE WOOD AND FUEL FOR SALE Big body twelve or slx toou Inch fir wood, best wood In city. Call II. P. Flury, G19 So. Rlvorsldo, or phono 5041, Prompt dollvory. Will not bo undersold. 281 FOR SALE Rolchstoln soils wood at tlio big woodshed 417 8. Oakdnlo. Res, 40G, Home phono 144-L; Bell 1G1G. 273 FOR SALE Corrtwood, oak and hardwood. ?G per cord, In carload lota, Gold Ray Roalty Co., 218 Woat Mulu. Phono 1873. FOK BALK MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE .Machinist latlto oitd turbtito water whcol. Mrs. D. Sharp, Woodvlllo, Oregon, R, R, No. i, bos GG. 28G FQR SALE Cholco Home grown nl fulfil seed at Severn OakB, 2 miles north of Central Point. W. B. Harris, Routo 1, Central Point. FOR SALE 180 feet or 4-foqt picket fonco with 2 gates. Gold Ray Roal ty Co. FOR SALE Ono largo hauling en glue nml 1 or (1 trueka good aa now. Phono Home 336-R after 7 l- Hi 371 FOR BALB MIfiCKIiliAKKOUS POIt 8AM: Two buRglox, act of har tiosa, unnd aaddle. Cheap. J. C. Hall, 31G 8. Central avo. POITs'aTb Pour to Bcvcn foot wal nut uliado lrue at 10c to lfic. K. E. F088, Talent. Oro. 272 POIt SALE Alfalfa hay delivered. W. I. DodKU. CIO South Oakdnlc. Phono 1231. 274 POIt SALE Hay liorao welfiht about lir0, yomiK, Kontle, would rec onuuend hint for a family horac; well broke. Por particulars, wrlto It. I,. C. No. 1, Woodvllle. Ore. FOU 8AJL.E Oil KXCHANGE fFOK SALE OK TRADE 5 acre truck farms 14 tnllo from Medford. W. H. Evorhard, 909 W. 9tb. hono 6C71. FOK SALE OR TRADE SO acres of land. Vacant lots preferred or trade, C. D. 8. Wood, Gen. Del., P. O. 271 POK SALE OR TRADE 10 vondlng machines, exclusive territory. Write J. W. Antle. City. 272 fok exchange: FOK EXCHANGE City property, lots, acre tracts and ranches to oxebange for other property Gold Ray Realty Co., 101 Eloctrlc bldg. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Experienced bookkeeper wishes one or two small s ts of books to keep. Address Box 1G, caro Mall Tribune. 270 WANTED Salesmen for Jackson and Josophlne comities. Wo have u monoy-iuaklng line and want hustlers. Call on H. It. Burroughs at Hotel Moore. 2G9 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Sowing by tho day. Phono 7402 or 424 S. Peach. 270 WANTED Position by young lady as bookkeeper, cashier or stenog rapher. Can furnish references. Address M 18C, this office. 270 WANTED Two young girls wish places as nurse girls for board nnd small sum besides. For informa tion address F. W. Burlc, Tnlent, Orogon. 272 WANTED Position on ranch by married man with orchard expe rience. Address Box 29, caro Mall Tribune. 27S WANTED Position oil ranch by married man, capable of cooking for farm hands. Address Box Gt, .caro Mull Tribune. 272 WANTED Woman wants work by hour, 25c. Phono 1011. 270 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED You can't holp btit mako money selling our gunrantccd-to- glve-sntlsfactlon stock; froo outfit; caah wookly; exclusive torrltory. Yakima Valley Nursory Co., Top ponish, "Washington, WANTED I.argo young work team. Would like to pay In lumbor, dollv crod next summer. Pacific phono lSxxl, Control Point. WANTED To buy good young work team for orchard. ' Stanton Grlftls In Burrill orchard. 270 BIISINISS DIRECTORY Assaycr and Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays mndo for gold, sil ver, lead, coppor nnd other miner als. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps and roports mado thoroon by com petent emitting assayers and engi neers at reasonable tonus. Capital secured for developing mines nnd mining prospects. All mine own ora aro earnestly requested to sond samples of their orca for exhibi tion purposea, and aond full de scription of tholr mining property. Southorn Orogon Milling Bureau, Gth and Fir Bta. Accountants D. R. WOOD Goncrnl accountant. Your books nudltod nnd kept tor a Toasonnulo flguro; your business Bollcltod. Office Medford Mall Trib une bldg; phono GG11; residence phono G302. Abstracts ROQUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INC. Medford offico. phonoi Main 2511, Home 3CG. Jackson ville phones, Pacltlo, Main 11, Home 2006. ' Architects. JOHNS & TURNER Architects nnd Builders. Offico 7-8, 325 Main; phono Malu 3471; residence, phono 744.. BUSINESS DIRECTOUr Attorneys C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attorncya-at-Law. No. 1 find 2 Postoffico bldg. A. B. KEAMES Lawyer. Garnett Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) nooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bide. Billiard Parlors 8. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards. Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs. Young & Hall bldg. A nico, cool placo to spend the hot afternoons. Billiards and Peel. MEET him nt the Mcdrord Billiard Parlor. Cha3. Dolman, prop. 272 Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside Vapor baths and scien tific massago given; advice In die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phone Home 1C8-K. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concrete 'work, pump and canal systems. Rooms 1-3 Adklns blk., Medford. Oregon. Bill rosters VERNE T. CANON BUI poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY A Collections, rentals, real estate and mines. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. F. & H. Co., oppJj p. o. Take elevator, rnono aiain 2021. Chinese Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golture. throat and lung troublo, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Seo mo at 241 S. Front st., Medford, Ore, to 4, G:30 to 7:30. Resldenco phono Main 42. Contractors and Builders. J. H. DREW W. L. HANDY DREW & HANDY, Contractors and Builders. Plans and Estimates Furnished. Home phono 1S2-L or 347-R. 271 Pacific Tel 359G. P. O. Box 738. BOYD & SON Contractors nnd Builders. Job Work a Specialty. Cabinet Work. Painting and Papering Brick nnd Stono Work. 283 Dentists J. M. KEENE, D. D. S.; A. J. HINI- KER, D. D. S. Dentists. 228 la, Main. Phono Main 3191, Home 124-K. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. O. C. VAN SCOYOO Dontlsta Gnrnott-Coroy bldg., aulto 310, Med- ' ford, Oregon. Both Phonos. DR. ARTEMU8 W. DEANE Dentist. Offico in Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas admlnlstorod tor extraction of tooth. Telephone Main 681. Night phono 4432. Druglesis Healing. MY TOXIN-ELIM1NATIVE Treat ment cures all uric acid and toxic dlsoascs. Tuberculosis no excep tion. Immodlato rollof. One day is all I ask to convlnco you. Como now tor froo consultation. Dr. E. Brooke, D. O., 247 So. Rlvoraido. S4-R. 272 Furniture II. F. WILSON & CO. Dealors In now nnd second-hand turnlturo and hardware Agents tor Household stoves and ranges. 38 S. Fir st. Phono Main 3101, Home 265-L. MISSION FURN1TURK WORKS Corner Sth and Holly sts Medford. Mission turnlturo mndo to ordor. Cabtuet work of all kinds. A trial ordor solicited. Garbage 4EDFORD GARBAGE CO. OAR BAGIQ HAULED. Leavo orders t 29 8. Bartlett, or phono Rodney Taylor, Fttvlflv 343a Howe lOf-X. VKm 35TVE By "Bud" Fisher BUSINESS DIRECTORY Gmnlto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Naglo. Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers in pressed brick and lime. Offico nt their brick yard, West Jackson Bt. Phono No. 3461. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main Street, Dealers nnd Manufacturers of Pressed and Com mon Brick and Tile. Get our prices and sec our brick and tlio before purchasing. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our tree arc budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything- put out Wo aro not in tho trust. H. B. Patterson. Offico removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entrance next to barber shc. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grado nursery stock. Offico 104 8. Fir. Both phones. Notary Talonc IB3LEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pnb 11c. Bring your work to me at tke sign of Tho Mall Tribune. Printers and Publishers YEDFORD PRINTING CO. baa the best equipped job offico In southorn Oregon; book binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc, etc. Pert land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Physicians and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeoni, Taylor and Phippa bldg., rooms 210-211-213. Offico phono 501, resldenco phono 612. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. 1 -1 1 DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicIanB. Moved to rooms 410 and 417 Gar-nett-Corcy bldg. Phone Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offico Garnett-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phone 5501; resl denco 307 8. Oakdale, phono 7171. Home phono, resldenco 109, offico 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD PhysIcJan und Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practlco limited to diseases of women. Offices over Haskins Drug Store. Offico Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Resldenco Phenes: M. 79S1, Home 337-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practlco limited to oyo, car, noso and throat. Eea scien tifically tested nnd glasses supplied. Offico 216 E. Main Bt., ovor Med ford Hardwnro company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p.m. Both phones. DRS. SAUNDERS & GREEN Prac tlco limited to cyo, car, noso and throat. Offico, suito 318 Garnott Coroy bldg. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. OffIo Jack 80n County Bank. Offico phono M. 432; Res. phono, M. 582. J. E. SHEARER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. 419-420 Garnett Coroy Bldg. Pnc. phene: Offico, 731; resldenco. 4512. Home phono, offico 48, resldenco 2SG-L. DR. E. II. PORTER Physician nlul Surgeon. St. MarkB Block Orflco Phono 4901. Resldenco 705t. H V.l..4.-WH, IHM.l- I 1 Stenogrnphera ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm block. Stouographlo work dono quickly nnd well. MISS L. J. HINGSTON Public Sten ographer, Medford, Oro. Phones; Offico, Pacltlo 6571; residence, Pa cltlo 5083. Room 218 Garnott Coroy bids. TItIo Examiners. B. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Tltlo Exnmlnor. 320 Clarnott-Coroy Bldg. Transfer EADS BROS. Dray and Transfer. Offico 16 South Fir. Phono Bell 3152; Home 3G0-K. Prices right. Sorvlco guaranteed. MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY Parcols 10c, 15o, 26c; trunks 2Go anywhoro in tho city, Office Val loy Second Hand Storo, 15 N tfir st. Phenes: Main 3072; Home 354. Messongor sorvlco, Fred Crocker, Prop, - Undertaken. JT5HN A PERL Undertaker and Emunimor. orrico 28 South Bart lett St. Tolephenos: Day, Bell 471; night, roaldeuco, Bu 473, Home H9-L. CullB nnaworeil niU,t or dy, Awbulco aervlcs. , T I "