I 'l . PAGE SIX w MTCDTFORT) MAIL TRTROTTO, ftrEDFOTm OTCKaOy. TTTEST)AY. .TA"NTTTATCY IK), 1012. DARROW ONLY ONE OF MANY in . So Declares District Attorney Fred ericks in Discusslnn Arrest of At torney No Chance, He Said, for Darrow to Escape. Attractions at the Medford Theatre SCENE FROM "THE ROSARY," OPERA HOUSE, TUESDAY NIGHT, J ANUARY 30. TAMl'A, Fin., .Ian. 30.-HThc ar rest of Clarence Darrow is lint tlir hoKlnnini;," Httitl District Attorney John ) Fredericks of Los Angeles, who is hero, when asked if Darrow' arrest would be followed l nnv of the higher-ups in the American Fed eration of Labor. Fredericks left today for Los An geles to be in time to personally con duct the bribery case?. "There was no chance for Darrow to escape," said Fredericks. "We knew when Juror Bain took his seit that he had been bribed. And we knew who did it. The indictment of Darrow was no surprise to me." COLEMAN PLEADS GUILTY. 1 4Efes3HraslifcfriEBS KMS&SKMBmh ' 3mLw 'Mat! is (Continued From Page Onoi objected to n clnus-e which rend "He refused to pay on demnnd." For this, with the permission of District .Attor ney Mulkcy and Warden Finley, was substituted "He failed to pay on de mand." With this alteration made Mr. Hcnmes entered a plea of guilty to the complaint on behalf of his client. Two Years Delinquent. Mr. Finley then outlined to the court the reason for the complaint. stating that he had been sent to Jack son county by the state fish and game commission to demand this money from Mr. Coleman and to prosecute him under the provision of the state fish and game law. For two years, he stated, Mr. Coleman has not made a remittance, the amount now totaling $10,000, although every other county clerk in the stute had doin so. Mr. Finley was followed b C. Ij. Reames, who took the game warden to task for certain statements pub lished in the Mail Tribune Monday afternoon, in which he was made to say that "several letters" instead of one letter had been sent to Mr. Cole man demanding that he pay this money over to the slate. He also made several insinuation to which Mr. Finley took exception and an swered. Wants Hank Itecortl. "You say that I was in a great hurry to run into print with state ments which I cannot back up," stat ed Mr. Finley to Mr. Keutnes. "I am not responsible for what upjrears in the papers. I say now that one let ter was Bent to Mr. Coleman. Hut since you arc so very apt with your insinuations I might usk to have you produce before this court the bank records showing where this money has been during the past two years and whether it has been drawing in terest or not. The single letter we sent out to the county clerks of this state was sufficient to have them all turn the money in to the state treas urer. But here in Jackson county we find a clerk who disregards our re quest and who alone among the clerks of the stute is behind two years with his remittances which he is supposed to make every three months. If lie was behind one quarter or three quarters it would not be so bad, but when a mnn is behind eight quarters and disregards a letter sent him four months ago asking him to square it up, it is time somebody got busy." Coleman Pleads Guilty. Aftor Mr. Finley had completed his statement to the court Mr. Coleman mndo a short statement, snying he was guilty of n, technical charge. lie offered no excuse with the exception of the statement that he was over crowded with work and that in order to muko this remittance he would have first hud to check up the books and determine the amount due. "I have pleaded guilty because 11 nover remitted this money quarterly," continued Mr. Coleman, "but I never received a penny of benefit from it. I am sorry on my part thut this has occurred, but I am not a defaulter." Following Mr. Coleman's statement Justice Taylor stated that ho would flue Mr. Coleman the minimum amount provided by the stuluto but in iew of Mr. Colcinan's statement he would suspend the sentence. In discussing the case, Mr. Finley said: riuley's Statement. "Not only has section 21111 been violated by Mr. Coleman, but so has section 3151, requiring county clerks to mnko semi-annual reports to the secrotary of state of monies received, and section JUOL which provides thut in caso county clerks fail to make returns, no salary shall be issued to the clerk for services rendered and in addition provides a penalty of iKIOO to bo recovered in civil action. Or wo could have proceeded under sec tion J057, But wo are not persecut ing Mr. Colcpitin, only seeking recov ery of monies dim Hie stato. "I cannot understand Mr, Colo- Kowlaml and Clifford's plaj, "The wh'ch Dni.n' " la rnnnnllni tlila RP.tsnn . v i .1 .two..,., .,.. ...0 ...- - with remarkable success. This pla. as everybody remembers, was the hit of last season, when It broke many house records for big audiences. The play was written by Edward K. Hose, author of "The Prlsouer of Zondn." and many other successes, and has become as much of a favorite with theatergoers throughout the country as any of Mr. Rose's former dramas. The play from the start tolls how Bruce Wilton has amassed a fortune he lavlsKa upon his wife, it tl.o cause of .ill this disaster I Tlulr home Is a hnpp one unknown Father killy, however. until there creeps Into It a noto of menace. No one hears of It at first excopt Father Kelly, a priest, the former tutor of Uruco. Quietly lie goos to work to find the person who la catmlng the advene Influence In the household. Almost on the verge of discovering the eauiH'. calamity descends upon tho Wilton house. Hruce's fortune is swept away, and In such a way that he believes his wife the cause of his ruin. Husband and wife are sep arated, the home Is destroyed, and with resi Into seal, perseveres In his work to fathom the mystery and finally succeeds In his undertaking, lie finds tho uuo who has caused all the misery and eventually restores the home. Tho scenic environments of the play aro extremely attractive, and place much credit on llowtaud and Clifford's effort. Tho play will be ceu at tho Medford thoatur on Tuesday. January 10. with tho cast consisting of Harrison J. Terry as Father Kelly and Jean P. Ward as Vera Wilton. UPER1NTENDENT JUUIT WILL FEED UNO TAME BEARS 11 GRATER PARK Superintendent W. F. Arant i.f Crater Lake national nark is joins to try the novel scheme of "tamins" the bear that roam the wilds of the park next season. Superintendent Arant made a trip last full to the Yellow-tone national park, where he went to meet with Secretary of the Interior Fi-hor and suiwrintcndcuts from national parks all over the northwost. While there he observed some of the tiling done and the way wild animals were han dled to make them feel lit home. Among the "new wrinkles" he no ticed how the bears wore treated in the park to keep them there and to make them gentle enough to be elot-ely observed by visitors to the pnrk. Thii plan i to feed the beacn at certain places nnd get them coming regu larly to these points to seek grub. The plan is to gather up scraps of moat from hotels and 08rcnes of animals where they can be had and place them in the ImmiU of these wild animals, and Mr. Arant pays he i going to try the same plan during the coming summer and se if he can not establish a colony of bruins where thoy can be seen by visitors to Crater lake. He doos not expect to ho able to get a large numbor of bears the first year, but believos by proier treatment and care he will be able to have a bunch liviusr about the super intendent';, headquarter.- and the rim of the lake that will become so tame nnd gentle visitors mliy walk up to within a few yards of them. To be-in with he expects to take this feed to the haunts of the bear, where it will be scattered and de velopment watched. When this L eaten up he. will again take feed out, but this time and each succeeding; time will plnce his "bait" a little Closer to hcadiiuarters. Mr. A mat realise--, however, that if he makes a success of this he will have to exclude all dogs from the pnrk confines or make a rule that no visitor take a canine into tin- pnrk without having it at the end of a nH or chain. If dogs are allowed to run through the pnrk promiscuously they would naturally run to the bears nnd Scare them from their haunta, so they will have to he barred, l'oth dogs and eats are barred from Yellowstone jwrk. The superintendent thinks his plan of "laming" the bears and getting them (o make the park their head quarter will add to the attraction of the plnce as u tourist report, as many would make it a point to see them if it were made possible. man's excuse of not having time in two j-eiirs to send this money in, when all ho had to do, according to his statement, was to sign a check and mail it. Tho money, nccordiug to him, wns deposited to his credit 111 various banks. Though he states he received no interest, he hud the use of the money during the two years and should he have died at any time, it would have been hard work for the stato to recover." Should Header Account. "C. L. Reames, attorney for Mr. Coleman, In his statement before Justlco of tho Poaco Taylor, has charged that I, as stato game war den, have bcon over-zealous In tho performance of my duty and In car rying out the orders of tho stato board of fish and game commission ers. Ho has also charged that I have boon negligent In not notifying and continuing; to notify Mr. Cole man till ho paid the money In tho gamo protective fund. 1 have not been ovor-zoulous nor havo 1 been negligent. "Since tho Issuo has boon raised by tho attorney of Mr. Colomau and ho has tried to shift tho lilaino from Mr. Coleman to any shoulders, in justice to Mr. Colomau and to myself I think a public accounting should bo mado as to whoro this $10,329 has been on doposlt, wlion It was deposited and whether It has been checked out for othor purposes, kept with othor funds, in whoso nuino It was deposited, und whothor It has borno Interest." A store deserve to roup the full "advertising values" of its genuine bargain saloft but it never does m without the fullest publicity, LONE WOLF'S BAND ARE AT VANCOUVER HOW IHE HONOR SEP GOT CHAS. GAY'S GOAT CLUB WILL HOLD GOOD ROADS MEET Extra Session Tnlk to Bo Theme o( CommtTclnl Club nt Special Ses sion Wctlnesilny Evrnlnu Hupc to Imluco West lu Act. A special meeting of the Cummer- ml club is called for Wednesday, J.i.iuurv .11, nt 7 :II0 p. in., at the city hail. There will be only two subjects up for discussion, namely: A resolution in I'u or of mi immediate oxtra ses sion of tho Oregon logtlntuio to con sider nnd pass laws enabling the peo ple of the scci'itl comities to vote upon and ctvate u bonded indebted ness for the building of peruuiueut and scientific highways. And, sec ondly, to prepare a repot t diicctcd to tho propcrt authoiilies nt Washing ton eit, urging the necessity of tho on il completion of the federal build ing nt this plnce. A full attendance is desired. Let it be known that, although we aio temporarily, defeated in our fight for good roads, we urc not whipped. WM. M. COLVIO, Monger. DENIED MEN RIGHT TO WEAR UNION BADGES Dr. E. Kirchtfessner Practice limited o chume iIIhcuscm HOTEL HOLLAND Wednesday. lloiiw, 10 to :i. TUSCAN SPRINGS Having no oipuil on eiirth In variety of mluiu'nt witters nnd curing iIIhciihch that niedli'lncn will not reach, If you am In need of health, en mo now, Wo nro open all tho year mid can give tho bunt ot euro and attention now iih wall an lu ttuiumor. tllm;o dully from Ited llluff to tho sprlugM. Further pnr tlculnrH nddreiM E. B. WALB1UDGI2 TI'HtUN 8PIUNOH. (UIi. How the pot sluttp of Honor Camp nt Westville got Charles (lay's goal is the story broughUlHtck by 11. C. Stod dard and K. C. Walton, who returned Monday from a trip to the Prospect xwer plniit. A few days ago, Charles (lay, who has had charge of Hie connni-nary at Westville, returned liiupingly to Med ford. Ho oxiilnwld he had injured himself by ilili-Jitini his hip. The accident occurred when the pet sheep of the camp insixtcd on coming into the dining tent during meals. Mr (lay grabbed the uuium! by the head, pulled him to th door and threw liuu out. In doitiK it, however, he states that he sliped and fell, dislocating his thigh. After several hours of e cnicintiug min, tho limb whs pulled back into pliiee, but Mr. Ouy was so lame that he returned home to recu perate. The honor men, however, gic a dif ferent, version. They say that Mr. Ony wns cujosing dinner when the sheep entered and grubbed u slice of bread out of his hum), that Mr. (hn. in ejecting the sheep slipped und tell and that the sheep then butted his fallen adur-arv out into the cold, cold world, and that the impart of the annual's h .id caused the inpiry. VA.S'COUVEIt, H. C, Jan. 30. Lea dors of the Industrial Workers of tho World havo arrived horo from Spokane and declaro thoy will into the tactics so successful there and at Aberdeon and Fesno to obtain free speech. Thoy threaton to Import over a thousand of tholr followers hero and fill tho city so full that It will bo Impossible to arrest any moro. For Eczema Vo a mild pooililtif wanli that Inntnntly utopH the Itch. Wu h&v old many other rcmtsllnu for rkln trundle but none thut wu could t sonttlly Kiinrunt-) an wo ilo tlio I). 1, I). I'ruticrliitlon. If I had Kczunia Id uuo D. D. D. Prescription MKDI'OItl) I'llMtM.U'Y Good Teeth Mean Sound Health J3AD TEETH) HSaiflrfl fceitxr 3) l W nti W i""" -- .... It Is not sufficiently understood that tho condition of tho tooth has u very largo influcuco on tho general hoalth. Poor tooth moans Imperfect mastication one of tho principal causes of indigestion. Lot us exam ine your tooth froo of charge, und wo will put thoin In proper condition If thoy neod our service. All branch os ot doutlstry practiced, DR. BARBER, The Dentist 207-208 Farmers and Fruitgrowers Hank Hldg., Medford, Oregon Pacific Phono Main GM Home I'houo 287-L. Draperies We carry a very complete lino of ilrapcn- Ince curtolnn, fix turvx. etr , and do nil cIubhch of tipholHti run: A HP"dal man to look after IM work uxcltmlvaly and will Kit' us good service ait Ih iohhiIj1p to cot In own tho ltfTKI'Ht cltlcn. WEEKS & MgGOWAN GO. EVERYTHING FOR THAT OFFICE If short phono, us.- ..Both Phonos mr " Medford Book Store nillSIIAXK, Australia, Jan. 30. Fourteen thousand men of all trades with tho exception of bakers aro on strike hero lu sympathy with em ployes of the street railway who walked out when ptirtnlnnlon was re fuged to wear union labels on tholr uniforms. Labor members ot tho stato parliament tried hard to arbi trate hut the bonrd of munuKOinmit of the street railways refused. People A Sermon to Sleepy TONIGHT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH llr. Pin-sons deliver an address at High Heliool 8: 15 a. in. Subject: "THE MOST IMPORTANT DUTY OF LIFE" tti Wednesday afternoon sit l!:!U)n conference with per sonal workers, at the church P Hanking for health. D0NT GET RUN DOWN t Weak and miserable. If you havo Kidney or Illadder trouble, dull head palau, Dizziness, NervniiHuesu. Pains ! lu the back, and feel tired all over, I Kut a pnekagu of Mother dray's .Mil). , .MATH' LK,V, tho pleasant herb cure. It never foils. Wo havo many testimonials from grateful people who havo used this wonderful rem edy. As a regulator It has no equal, j Ask for Mother Oray s Aroumtlclar at druggists or sent by mull for 50 cts. Sample KKKK. Address, Tho Mother Cray t'o , l.eltoj, X Y o'yes & Black HOUSi; AND SKJ.N PAINTING Un-to-Dato Auto and Carrlngo Painting, Gold Leaf Signs and Interior Decorating a Specialty. Shop nnd Offlco 8. Crape und 10th St. Offlco Phono 7771. Res. 7212. All Work Positively Guaranteed. Rex Spray Companies Special Attention to Users of Lime and Sulphur Spray linn, thiiu Notices hne hoeu xeut ut htondcrut hy a competitive chiimiui: a spray of 1.1 iwr cent, nearly nui-it!i stronger nnv other spray nnd recommi ihIiiik such spray to ho muni diluted than I to 11 Iu'ckumo Mronjcer than IIKX. The following- is mi eay test by whinh niiy grower can ascer tain for liiuiNcIf a to whether nucli representation me correct or not. The spray sent out hy The Ifo.x t'oiupanleH will weih 10 1) pounds per nllnu. When ililuUil 1 to J 1 the uii.xtuto will weigh H.'di pounds per gallon. Any spray rcproaonttid aw hoing; stronger which will not meet the above reipiiremeutd is told under fnlto lepronmitatioiis, und the person so offering miiiic in subject to prosecution h the State anil Federal uiithoritics. HKX I.l.MK SWM'FUMl SOLUTION is gnnmnloed nt nlone strength. It made any stronger there is danger of or.VHtnllir.ittioii, especially if the spray is left out in cold weather. IIKX is just what it icpn sent itself to he, and should he used according to iliicctious to get licst nwult. HKX SI'ltAYS am inn.lc in nil mrl of the United Stilton nnd Canada. We have had yean of experience sad know whereof wo spciik. l'or cithh or tune terms, nee Producers Fruit Company DiHtriliutiiiK Atfi'iit Tor Onwin. Al for Holtim Unilcr. m. a a. f r T ? T T T f t ? T T T T T T f t T t f f ? T t T T T f T T f In Order to Make Room for Spring Stock B. T. Van De Car Will Sell His Jewelry Stock i at Cost For This Week Only We will Make Oulr Guarantee Good i In Phipps Building East Main Street .t r ? T t f T T t V V Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y l