A v fl A ! Far Be It From Jeff to Tip SflV i..,.-- ... -"" w' town wr ro V. UP UMT Your, Wx( Mill KiMhi.i 1.1. . .... 'ioVoivr, .rM,row i.fn.r. r.Li-l U0'Vr xt 0Lrx,r:R'"'"N' - . - i i.vv.irfj v rj"-n.ponW(ji f 1 " - -- I I ' rvrmrrm ra r-3-yi G. .Sag" Our Correspondents EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. Hy A. ('. Iluwlull. Wiltliiin KiiikIiIoii iuhI uif m hinn'il riuiit Tulwit n Tow ilayn wet, wlnutt (liny liml Iihcii ti iiUt'inl ill" fniiiHtil oT .Mr. (ltiilitnl, mil' nl' llidlr nil imlfllilnim. MUh I.'Im Sinilli, iinificul tlitci't.tr nml ln.'liiuu- of Oiffttm W, ('. T. r. mtil ntnte Nrrvinry of tliu L T. I.., gnv ut ii nijf nml nIoio I'liloiluin rtrtnt In B)ilkrr'i opont IikII TlinmilHy High!. SIih liml h ttiu Mixi'il uiulieiici Hitil niiltTlBiiifil llixin for over mi limir. Siimi'tiini'M lii' wmilil Iimmi IhfiM mi li wiun of hIh'iIiIiiik (imrn Mini ilitn limy wuiilil lit clniiiiK lliHr IinihIh wllh kIh inlirHrliiK Ii!' Itifliirn wild noiurn Mtiiiml to lliu oimmi dloti. W'lillc lid WH oHtitiixilily vork Itijt in llm liilorimt nf lint V. C. T. I'., fthtt Hlktl illMIM(ll ml OKI' llilmirt lilt' mlrUnliililV of n'wint; lln vmiiiuhi t ! riirht lo viIh mid illtiktrMttnl tliu thouMlit liy livll hii iiu-iilonl in Iter (MMhoinI ily. Kli iMiiil tluit lior m4f nh1 mother went nwiiy fmni littiiie tinee hiuI left her futlier anil lirillir to k"'i Iiiuiko mnl when lliey leluniml lliey foiiiul thilltfit nil tnmv tnrvv nml tlmt ine I lieu lie )iuh liml Mrt itttff lliMl ihvii were never ileiinml , (U kMI) ItoiiMl. Si I it limn aiiiil tlmt lftf8lff Sjhii Nil "1.1 ImeluiJiir nml illiln'l know hnw lo Uuvi ItoiiHti nml tkrtt lift nwiilml h lieliini'0t, n lie liH'l Htteiuptfil to lfrilntt on (lie liquor ielitti nnd the limre the iiien lei. latfil mi tlti Mibieet t t more iiiphh thY iniulo or it. Slit llioiiglil the Ileal whv wiin In iiive the women n eliniiec to eleun up the iHoriliirei nml ti Minolta i-v etlnliliHliuieiit. She in n vnry fliifiil iiul pltjinwuil xpenker nml nt Hi eloM of hfr remit ik nxkiHl how inmiy men thre were who would sole for I In women to try thfir hnml nt Mnatttluv In tliu troveiiimenlHl nffnii, HBil nlniiHit ovry iiihii In the home nwit In his wl. .Shu Heenm to lie very HKiilin liml the rouieii of Oregon will join with tin women ofiCnliforiiin, WhhIiIiikIoii nml Idaho in helping In nt intijetitfti out (lie .IiiiikIu in Ihe eoiiii try In eiuni next Nnvmiihoi', So might It lie. EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS li. K. Sinn nml K. 0. Coleiniin of I'hotmix weru in Medforil on IniMiiiens Tliurwdiiy. John )lni)oii of IMiouuix linn IioiikIiI Olio of tliu huleltur whopx in Tnlent nml. now npunitu two inunt iniukutH, one in I'limmi.v nml out1 in Tnlunt. I. Vi, Holinrln nml fiimily leliiniud Thinwiluy ovmiliiK from llioir trip to I.o AiikoIom. Till) lilllllV I'rieilclrt oT Itee. lni Wnkellehl, who forimnly lived in North Tnlent nml owned what !h known tin Dell rniieh, in ciiticnlly 111 nt liin homo in Portlnud, Ore. V. K. Coleiniin nnimi nut from .TiKiknonvillo one dny lnsl 'week lo vimit rehilivoM in I'lmenix. 0doi'k Klforrt of I'hoeiiiv Htlnrned hihl week from a IV w vxeeks' hlny nt Bnn Ultimo, Cnl., where liu went hop iK to Ihi hmiellW'd in hnullh, lioin tronlildd with (inlunh. I'hoenix ieiiplo Hknted WodniiHilny ovoiiiiiy and Inrned the prneecds of tho nvoninr vr to Dr. Itaillo for Iho hunodt of Mr. .IiiIiiinoii, who w ill nml In need of nHwiHlniiee. Tho ChriHtlan dhureli pooplu nlno Kvli a pound mi iial for tliu liimofli f II,,, family. Unth proved qiiito a help to (hum. HAN KltANOracO. (lonrKln " Al vIbo'h two hulldoKH, iicmmoil hy 1'rl vatii Grnwronl of liolnlm? liar hold him lip, will ho elilof wIIiiosbub In Jim trial, flhu unyH thoy aro huiuII Ilaiilclim for health. r II11HINKHH OPl'OHTUNITrKS inm BAr.l-J Hiiliiirliiin utoro, HvltiK room ul Inched. Kuro oiiortunlty. For imrtlculni'tt hoo A. I' Uarnott. WW ' -.' '! I Wl ! in , . , ,W ! .i Hl" " " IIIII1IIHHI.H MWM . . . . . . . .JJJ Gnarvrf v " ,.0i t . Dor,- wuu,mi'b , TtkiPfZ M'5 t," HmPJffl wnuu, rmi VJ" 1 ) V. J CONnJ THAT'S T imO-ONW ON I y WflF-4 GJN BOUGHT MIW IT WlVA I "V "aibi .. .- ' " TJ71P. .' vP " ?&. KANES CI1EEK ITEMS. Mm. HukkIh nml Mrn. .Mariloii nHint Vedm5mlay wllh Mrn. Mc (Mel lon or nmir town. Mm, HIiHIy, who linn been Iho Knout of liur mother, Mm. Illowem, In nt iiruiioitt paylnc frlnmlN nml rul utUi'tt it vImIL IIvIiik In SauiH valley. Plenty of water for tho placer iiiluem. Mr. Ill tt of the (Joiiteiinhil inltiii Ih itolnif (iillo tin Hiniinnt or hydrmillo mlnliiK nlncn tho recent howvy niliiH. Mr. JohntHiu or Derhy, Ore., Minint Momlny nml TilmMlny heio on profw mIuiiaI Ijiirtlru. Onulo N'IoIioIm or Medforil, who luiv been NpemlliiK n fuw da'H with Mr. nml Mm. lllKlnhothain, Iuih rotiirnod home. Mary 1IokkI Ih at priwent ntnyliiK with Mm. Dlowiim of tho llnulen. Itulpli lloiiMohnldvr, who Iuih hiKin MpomlliiK n fow ltt)ti on Hnnllue oronl;, nitnrnoil homo on Hominy. Mr. (ireenluMf, who bought n por tion nf tho llyrley farm, la doliiK ipilto a bit of Improvement. Ho In biilldltiK for hlinielf mul family a neat llttlo biiimulow on tho farm. Joint Marilon nml Klmur IIIkIh botlinm, with their wlvon. nttHiuletl tho leap jetir ball In Cold 1 1 111 Fri day nlKhl, which wiik kIvcii by tho liulhm. Much credit In duo them, howover, for their kooi! mnniiKuinont and flno order, which prevailed tliroiiKliimt tho evonliiK. Mm. .SwIndeii nml daughter nf (lalU vriHik wuro recent Kiuiuh crook vUltom. Jaiitiw Taylor nml wife Hpont Sun dny on nppnr Kiuiuh ornek with their moii ami lilu wife, Mr. ami Mm. duo. Tnylnr. Several yoiini? folltH from thin plnco uttumlud tho ilaucu on (5alln creek Saturday night nml report a laiKo crowd and fluo time. llnsldns for lionltk. VOH ItK.S'T HOUSIwS VOn ItlONT 4 and 3 room house, 7 ami $4 a anonth, 3'J1! S. Cen tral avo. 2C7 KOIt HUNT FurnlHlied C room cot tnn;o, inodorn. HIS King fit. VOM HKNT HorUonyos uuncalow; modurii. 729 West 11 tit t. Phono Main C003. KOIt HUNT- Modern 10 room Iiouro rlOHO In. Son Allen (Irociry Co. 207 KOIt 1MCNT -Kurnlrthed inodorn 3 room house on paved atruot. 731 Wont 2nd utreut, 270 FOR lllCtN'JV-HOUHKKinCl'ING ItOO.MB KOIt RENT Now nnd tip to dnto apartment tmndorn In every pnrtb: ulnr, Rns cooking, steam boat. oto. Smtth'H apartment liouuo, 217 So. Riverside, KOIt RENT KurnlHhed housekeep ing rooms mid furnished Bleeping rooniH. Inquire 337 W. 10th. 272 KOIt RENT KURNISHEI) ROOMS KOIt RENT Largo sleeping room, $1.50 nnd $2 per weolt. Modern ItouHokeupliu; apartments, $18, Home phono 20U-K. 223 South Holly. KOIt RENT Tltrco sleeping rooms to tout separatoly, cheap: with heat nnd bath. 244 N. Ivy. Phono Gelll. 220 FOR KENT OIWICICS KOIt RENT Over tho poetofflco, wth boat and light. Boo A. A. Davis. FOR RENT Largo, comfortahlo of flco rooniH with elevator sorvlco, steam heat, hot and cold water, Low rntos, Apply Medford Viirnl turo & lldw. Co. FOR RENT JIIHOELLANEOUH FOR LEABK Fully oqulppotj plncor and quartz mine, Gold Ray Real ty Co. FOR RENT Largo and small ranoh os. Oold Rny Roaltlr Co, FOR RENT Tho Ret Jnrkfinnvlllo. Home d ranch near orchard, about 12 iKM'oti In vlneyan (Ho. $20 por moiitU. W. T. York & Co. 20 S MEDTJ'On'D MATT, TRTBTTNE, jMnDFOjTD, QKWIOX, TTICTAY. JANUARY HO, 1012, Off Anybody s KOIt HAI.K- Wo nffur for mm In X, rm. iumlirii buiiKfllow; pavixl ntrut. Home ranli, hnl. monthly pnytmintH, low Int. Modrord hand Co., oxclu MlVfi ngt., Klmt Natl. Hunk IjIiIr. KOIt KA1.K -A Htiap. Now aomplotoly modern bungalow; furnlHhcd or ntifiirnlMhod; with lar lot ami chlcheu park. Call V.'.r, KnlKht ittroot. Phono. Home A OX'. 270 FOIt HAMJACKKAGi: KOIt HAMS A lioautlful Blto for your new homo; build your homo under tho oak and lauroln of Kor onl Court, Perrydnlu. 1 mllo wont of city on Jacksonville road; arro btitldlmr Hltcn; 1 and 2 acre alfalfa tructn; 5 and 10 aero fruit ranches aot to Dnrtlott, Anjou and Hose uoam. Bell and situation inako tltUHo properties unexcollod for RitrdenliiK nml poultry ralnlnf. Coiiim and neo for youmolf. V. S. Cnrpoiitor, owner. Or addroBH Uox Cf.l. 271 KOIt BALK 'J noroii at went ond of "Mllllonnlro Itow" 2 iiiIIph north of Jiicknonvlllo. Deep noil, sub IrrlKatod, llvo nprliiRB; woll Im proved, all klmlH of fruit, for I3GO0 for 10 dnya only. TorniH W. J. Albert, Central Point. 2C8 KOIt BALK Aero nnd flvo aero trnctB adjoining Medford on long tlmo, oaBy paymonta, or might ex change. Gold Hay Kcalty Co., 101 Klcolrlo bldg. I-'OH HALKVo offer a "aoTacfo young apple and poor oi chard clone la bldg. silo ail J.; Invoatlgato. Med foril Land Co . excl. ngts., First Null. IlBiilt lildK- ' KOIt BAL1C 7 ncrs 1 mllo north Mod ford on Central Point macad am road; ditch across highest part. Price $300 per acre. Will cut In half. Address Uox 1588, City. KOIt BALK 10 or 20 ncros of fruit nnd garden laud and a house built to suit you. Only u ainnll cash paymout required, balance on easy terms. Boo Oliver II. Drown, 43C N. Dnrtlett st. KOIt HALE LAND DON'T WAIT f. VICARS. DUY CALIFORNIA FULL REAR ING ORCHARDS. Money Uncle If Not Satisfied. $90 rash nnd $30 por mouth buys flvo acres with full bearing fruit trees in tho famous Iildwell Orchards at Chlco, California. Pay ments Include interest and taxes. Your money back It not satisfied upon Investigation. Tho Hldwoll Orchards nro tho most noted and productive In tho woudorful Sacra mento Vnlloy of California. It's our ronftdouco In this laud that prompts this generous offer- We've poaches, prunes, almonds, apricots and nartlott pears. Duyers' rail road faros, not exceeding $20, will bo credited on purchase price. Land adjoins the thriving town of Chlco (11,000 pop.) (References: Any bank of Chlco, American Natloual Dank of San Francisco nnd First National Dank of Ban Lenudro.) Bend for valuable Information nnd facts to Iildwell Orchards, Inc., Chlco, Cnl. Our ropresenlntlvo, O. It. Kaiser, nt Hotel Nash for several days. Call on him. 207 FOR BALE OR RENT VOlt RENT OR SALE First class gnrdon and fruit tract with house, bnm nnd chicken park. M. A. Rndor, Medford, Oro. FOR KALE POULTRY AND EGOS FOIt SALE Eggs for hatching, sin gle comb Whlto Loghorns, l'ota lunin utility stock, $1 for 15 eggs; $5 por 100. D. N. Jnuitoy, R. F. 1. No. 1, box 24. Phono; Sub. COO-R-C. 2S1 FOR SALE Hntchluft eggs from my trnpnostod Crystal Whlto Orping tons nnd Rhode Island Rods. Got your ordor In early. Wrlto for priced, Myra Fuller. Siskiyou Heights. Phono 182. 2SG FOR SALE Fifteen eggs, cxproBa prepaid, $2, OrplngtonB, Wyan dottos, Plymouth Rocks, Loghorns, Dautams, oto. Also ducks and tur keys. Wrlto for circular. Simp-, sou's Pheasant Farm, Corvnllls, Oregon. 335 FOR HALE OK KXCHANOK FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 ncro truck farms Vj mllo from Medford, W, 1 1. Evorhard, 009- W. 0th, riiono 0071. FOR SALE OR TRADE SO acres of land. Yucant lots proforred or trade, O. 1). B. Wood, (Ion. npl . P. O. 271 FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 vending machines, exclusive torrltory. Wrlto J. V, Autlo, City, 273 luMeVT t OM-- V HIND Ltd? -2Vv.X PR.OK, DIDN'T TECC "-j 1 SSCK..f ( -. i'wh nniv iiunii imiiw riii(i ivtir . itt;iiiii ruit j'.v;iiAiii uusuia iviiii-.wi.;iti iuiiiu-9 uuiit.iyi wiik Secret KOIt 8AL10 -Inoubatcim, broodem, fancy ogKH for hntrhlng. Ordor now ut Hchmldfn IV1 Store. 28C I KOIt 8AMJ SliiRle cowil) "Whltu Lo I honiB; Cryatal Whlto OrplnstoiiR. Can fiirnUli a tw more ItKUorn I okbk. tho laut wtk In Kobruary. A I no a llmltod No. Orpington okks ami baby chlckn next mouth. Itn I colvd first prlto on OrplngtonB nt Modrord nistrlcl Fair In 1011. Lot iih ntipply you with a trio or pan of thlH Htrnlu. Prlroa on roipiont. Mm. K, H. Oman, JackBonvlIlo, Oro. KOIt SALK Ithode Inland Hod OKgs, II per nutting of 10. 210 Court at. P O. Uox OS. 283 KOIt SAI.B Mammoth Pokln drakes ! a few iioloctcd antH'liiii'nH 2.50 J fMeli AililrfMA Irtt .1 HrulwA irrnll. Krowi-m Hank lild 2CJ KOIt SAM3 TliorbUKlibrtHl Ithode Inland I'orkcrolH, one 'j&u ok In cttbntor, practlcalb new. AUo one riding cultivator In kchhI condition. Call 9 IS Kntit Mala at. Phono 3844. 271 FOIt SALK Boventeen Ithode Island i Iteds, fourteen Orpingtons, forty I Plymouth Hooks, $85. Uox 791, caro Mall Tribune. 2C8 KOIt SALE Eggs for hatching, am booking orders now for the single comb Whlto leghorn. Wyckoff strain, $1.C0 for IS eggs, $8 por 100. Plnco orders now. A. W. Stone. Phono 7302. 270 OLD TRUSTY is a high grade lncu ba'.or nt very tnoderato nrlco. Do not buy until 'yon Investigate Its merits. C. W. Potter. 274 KOIt SALE Ecks for hatching. CryB tnl Whlto Orpingtons. Whlto Wy andottes, Darred Rocks and Whlto Leghorns. Will book orders for early hutclios Come nnd boo tho stock. 711 S. Control. Pacific phono St 12. D II. Itutterfleld. 2S6 I KOIt SALE WOOD AND 1TKL FOR SALE The Standard Wood Yard, ror. 9th nnd Kir, sells all kinds of dry wood nt popular prices. All wood under cover. Call and see our wood and give us n trial ordor. Pac. C01, Home 103. . 207 FOIt SALE Dig body twolvo or six teen Inch fir wood, best wood In city. Call H, P. Flury. 019 So. RIvorsldo, or phono C041. Prompt delivery, u 111 not bo undersold. 2S1 FOR SALE RolcliBtcln soils wood at tho big woodshed 417 S. Oakdalo Ros. 40C. Home phono 144-L: Dell lGfC. 273 FOR SALE Cordwood, oak and hardwood, $5 per cord in carload lots. Gold Ray Roalty Co.. 21S I "West Main. Phono 1873. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Machinist lathe and turhino wnter wheel. Mrs. D, Sharp, Woodvlllo, Oregon, It. R. No. 1, box GG. 2SG FOR SALE ( holco liomo grown nl- I tntn An... I tt C.t'stn rnl. ...Una north of Central Point. W. D, Harris, Route 1, Control Point. FOR SALE Two good work horses and throo pairs of rino orchard mules. Phono 9351 Main. FOR SALE ISO foot of 4-foot picket fenco with 2 gatos. Gold Ray Real ty Co, FOR SALETwo bugglos, sot of bar. iiosa, good s.uldlo. Cheap. J. C. Hall, 3 15 S. Centrnl qve. FOR SALE- llono, buggy and har ness. Leave your address and phono nt Trlbuuo office nnd I will seo you In a few dnys. X. Y. '.. 208 FOR SALE Gasoline engine, 1& h. p. Fuller Johmum 35 root lty inch plpo. Pump and cylindor in A-l shape. $00 cash. Call Farmor 815-F-34 or wrlto II. H. Corliss, Talout, Oro. 2CS FOll SALE One Inrgo hauling en glno and 4 or G trucks good us now. Phono Home, 33G-R after 7 p. an. 371 FOIt SALE t passongor Chalmers 30. Yulloy Auto Co KO'lt s"ALE Four to sovon foot wnl uut shade ticca ut lOo to I Tie. E. E. Foss, Talout, Oro. 272 LOST LOST A gold locket., Initials J. S. R. on it, Return 504" West Hamll- ton. Reward. ilt'jtayan. 209 HOST Froslf row-r rod and whlto spotted with long sharp pointed horns, no ear marks, Phone 3UU, 3GS KOIt KXCHANOK City property, lots, aero tracts and ranches to exchanirn for other iironnrtv flnlil I Hay Hoally Co., 101 Klectrlc bldg. I 'KOIt JCXCIIANCSK Modern bunga low on pavonent: will take lots ' ami Uttlo cash, Clark Realty Co. ,TO KXCHANGU Three und one half Inch wagon to aoll or oxchango for 1 lighter one. Inquire of E. J. Odell, four miles northoaat of Central . Point. 207 j KXCHANOK Splendid residence t Grand Junction, Col., for property Jn Hoguo river valley; rented for $3 nr month two years. A. If. Davis, Ashland. Phono 0'J. 2GS 1 1 KM WAXTIII) M A LK WANTED Single man to do ranch work ami chores around house. One with souio knowledge of gar dening nnd carpenter work pre ferred. Telephono Central Point. Uondlnot Connor. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper wishes one or two small s ts of books' to kcop. Address Dox 10, caro Mall Tribune. 270 WANTED Salosmon for Jackson and Josephine counties. We have a money-making line and want hustlers. Call on II, It. Burroughs at Hotel Moore. 209 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Steady Job on ranch or orchard by young married man without children. Good worker himself and good at overseeing others. Thoroughly qualified for land nnd stock and so mo orchard oxperlcnce. Satisfactory references for character aqd qualifications. Address box 11 Phoanlx. Oro. 207' WANTED Sewing by tho day. Phone 7402 or 424 S. Peach.'270 WANTED Position- by ""young Tady as bookkeeper, cashlor or stenog rapher. Can furnish reforoncee. Address M 1SG, this office. 270 WANTHSD Two young girls wish places as nurs girls for board and small sum bnlde. For informa tion address F. W. Uurk, Talent, Oregon. 272 WANTED Position on ranch by married man with orchard expe rience. Address Dox 29, care Mall Tribune. 27S WANTED Position on, ranch by married man, capable of cooking for rami hands. Address Dox 00, care. Mail Tribune. 272 WANTED .MISCELLANEOUS WANTED You can't help but make money selling our guarantccd-to-give-satisfaction stock; free outfit; cash weekly; exclusive territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top ponlsh, Washington. WANTED Largo young work toam. Would like to pay lu lumber, deliv ered noxt suiumor. Pacific phone lSxxl, Central Point. WANTED Good truo sound work horso about 1100 pounds. Addross P. O. Dox 3t2, Medford, or phono 597-R-2. 2G7 WANTED Furnlshod house 5 or G rooms, close In. Addross P. O. box 033. 2GS BUSINESS DIRECTORY Assaycr ami Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING DU- REAU Assays made for gold, sil ver, load, copper and other miner als. Mines nnd mining prospects survoyed, assayed and mining maps and reports mudo thereon by com petent mining nssayors and engi neers at rcnsonablo terms. Capital secured for developing mines nud mining prospects. All mlao own ers nro earnestly roquostod to send samples of their ores for exhibi tion purposes, and send full de scription of their mining property. Southern Oregon Mlulug Bureau, GUi and Fir sta. Accountants D. R. WOOD Goneral accountant. Your books audited and kopt for u reasonable, flgur'o; your business solicited. Offico Medford Mall Trlb. uno bldg: phono 0G11; residenco phono G303. Abstract) ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INC. Modrord offico. phones Main 2511, Home 35G. Jockson vlllo phones, Pacific Main 11, Home 2000. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER Architects and Builders. Office 7-8, 335 Main; pliouo Mala 3-471; residence phono 744, FOK KXUHANUB city nroncrty. Attomcya C' JJ.nF:f' AiVY,BIl ,?.f.nco Medford National Dank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEKK, WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2 Postotflco bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Garnett Corey bldg. MULKBY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY. GEO. W. CHERRY) Roonw 11 nnd 12 Jackson County Bank bide Ullllard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nico, cool place to spend the hot afternoons. DlllkmlH nml Peel. MEET him at tho Modrord Billiard Parlor. Chas. Dolman, prop. 272 Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massago given; advice in die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant Phone Home 1CS-K. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Wator filings and irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Rooms 1-3 Adkins blk.. Medford, Oregon. Dill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All ordors promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real estato and mines. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. I & II. Co., opp. P. O. Take elevator. Phone Mal& 2021. Chinese Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chlneso medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung trouble, deafnoss, paralysis, private dlsoases and all kinds of chrouic nnd nervous nllmonts. Stomach trouble, constipation, indigestion, womb nnd bladder troubles. Seo mo at 241 S. Front st., Medford, Ore., to 4, G:30 to 7:30. Residenco phono Main 42. Contractors mid Builders. J. II. DREW W. L. IIANQY DREW & HANDY. Contractors and Builders. Plans and Estimates Furnished. Home phone 1S2-L or 347-R. 274 Pacific Tel. 3G9G. P. O. Box 73S. BOYD & SON Contractors and Bulldors. Job Work a Specialty. Cabiuot Work, Painting and Papering Brick and Stono Work. 283 Dentists J. M. KEENE, D. D. S.; A. J. HINI KER, D. D. S. Dentists, 238 lu. Main. Phono Main 3191, Home 124-K. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. O. O. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnott-Corey bldg., sulto 310, Med ford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dontlst. Offico In Rialto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth, Telephono Main 081. Night phone 4432. Druglcsi Healing. MY TOX1N-ELIM1NAT1VE Treat ment cures all urlo ncld and toxlo dlscasos. Tuborculosls no excep tion. Immediate rellof. Ouo day la nil I ask to convince you. Come now fur froo consultation. Dr. E. Brooke, D. C, 247 So. Rlyorsldo. S4-R. 272 Furulturo H. F. WILSON & CO. Doalors in now and second-hand lurnlturo and hardware Agents for Household staves, nud ranges. 38 S. Fir st. Phcmq Main 3101, Home 2G5-L. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Medford. Mission furulturo made to ordor. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial ordor solicited. Garbage TtEDFORD GARUAGE" CO. OAR BAOE HAULED. Loavo ordora at 29 S. Dnrtlett, or phono Rodney Taylor, PuUtlo 9432, Home 10X. PAOT3 JWE By "Bud" Fisher O'ranUo Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. I). Naglo, Geo. T. O'UrJon Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers In pressed brick and lime. Offfco nt their brick yard, West Jackson St. Phono No. 24G1. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY. , 218 Wont Main Street, Dealers and Manufacturers of Pressed and Com mon Drlck and Tito. Get our prices and seo our brick and tllo before purchasing. Nurseries QUAKER NUitSBUlES Ourtre9i aro budded, not grafted. Our stock is not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. Wo aro not in tho trust. II. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, in side entrance noxt to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of hlgh-grado nursery stock. Otflco 104 8. Fir. Doth phones. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic Bring your work to mo at the sign of Tho Mail Tribune. Printers nnd 1'ubUshnra YEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped Job offico in southern Oregon; book binding, looao leaf oystems, cut paper, etc., eta Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Pli.i!claii3 and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor And Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offico phono 501, residenco phono C12. Offico hours, 9 x. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. Q. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Phone Main C351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur gcon. Offico Garnett-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-213, phone 5501; resi denco 307 S. Oakdaic, phono 7171. Home phone, residenco 109, offico 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgoon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practico limited to diseases of women. Offices over Haskins Drug Store. Offico Phones: M. 1001, Home 28. Residenco Plieues: M. 7981, Home 337-K. DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Ejes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Offico 210 E. Main st., over Med ford Hardware company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. DRS. SAUNDERS & GREEN Prac tice limited to eyo, ear, noso and throat. Offico, sulto 318 Garnett Coroy bldg. Both phones. j.E. B. PICKEL, M. D. OfHco Jack son County Bank. Offico phono M. 432; Ros. phono, M. 582. J. E. SHEARER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. 419-420 Garnett Corey Bldg. Pac. phoue: Otflco, 731; residence, 4542. Home phono, offico 48, residenco 28C-L. DR. E. 11. PORTER Physician and Surgeon. St. Marks Block Offico Phone 4901. Residenco 7051. """ "" ' " ' I HII I l mm Steuogru pliers ELLA IX. GUANYAW Palm block. Stenographic work dona quickly and woll. MISS L. J. II INGSTON Public Sten ographor, Medford, Ore. Phenes: Offico. Pacific 0571; residence, Pa cific 5083. Room 218 aarnott Coroy bldg. Title Examiners. D. F. PIATT LAWYER Laud Tltlo Examlnor. 320 Garnett-Coroy Rldg Transfer EADS DROS. Dray aud Transfer. Otflco 10 South Fir. Phono Bell 3152; Home 350-K. Price right. Service guaranteed. MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY Parcels 10c, 15c, 25c; trunks 2fio nnywhoro In tho city. Offico Vat loy Second Hand Btoro, 15 N. Fir st. Phenes: Mulu 3072;- Home 354, Messenger service. Fred Crocker, Prop. Undertaken. JOHN A, PERL Undertaker and "FEillr Embalmor. Orflco 23 South Bart lott St. Telephones Day, Doll 471; night, residenco, Bell 473. Home 179-L. Calls aimworwl night or day, Ambulunco eorvlco.