Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 30, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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I tt-iil IXiilt- TinitHuiiltiiiM,
li.vdiu Kpiiiiox In H. T. I Inward,
pniporly In .Mi'ill'niil $
Annlti 'L Miilnrltoy to Dim .1,
Mnliiild'.v; pnwitr ot'allnriHw.
II. !'. I'oliliitnl to ('. .1. (Mi'!'
tlulil, lot .", hi); II, llunle
vii id I 'in I; mill., AmIiIiiihI . .
V. L, Mi'Cliitu to Amlv hiitnip
ul nl., lot 7, hlk II, (lolil lllll
Htmll V. DaviK to .liilin O'Fail.
I.'ti. IoIm mill 'J, hilt 'J,
Highland I'mk mid., .MciL
V. V. .Monro to DaviiUnn A;
Itiillaillidd, lot l.ldk H, Hum
mid., Mi'iU'oid
Kihviml N. llullnr In W. W.
Cnliluell, Innd in Tp. ill), IK.
.Iny V. lliovcr lo Henry A.
Spi-UKiii', lot :i, hlk I, Citiilrnl
mill., Kittle Point
Iiiiri'ttu M, I.indli'.v to IViiiildiii
I. Martin, III iififM in Tp. M,
(i. S. Iliitli-r to Kiln ('. Suiilli,
lot It), W. (!. Mynr mlil.,
Fmil .1. Itliiktilpy lo II. K. Kim.
lor, I nutlet', laud in Tp. .'18,
MnryV). Kit, to Nimi Mui-lt, 10
iii'ioh in Hoc 10, Tp. !lf, 1V
litnii'H I). I'liiuitiiin to Kiln ('.
Smith, lllll im'i-i'm in Si'i, ITi,
T.. :i7, IK
Mollin Keoito to SinUlyoti
Hi'IkIiIh To., proi'rty in HI
kiyou Height add., .Mmlfiiril;
Qiu'i'ii Anno nilililion lo I. A.
Siail li, lot III, hlk 10, (Jiii'cn
Alum mid., Mi'ilfonl
.Mi. A. It. I'liipp. to A. M.
Saluix. .VI noro in I p. :i,
I,. K. Waki'itiiui to Jimutft (Mliii-
bull; imMKiiiut'iit.
.Initio l,ollo to Jiilm l.nIW,
lot , hlk IIS. Madford 1
llnniro J. IVItnn In llonry Vwn
llolvonhcrK, dr., land in Tp.
:ir. ;iV: emit met.
.1. N. Kim hurt to II. A. Snylo,
liroporly in Awliliiinl
Atmdiii Alitor ot nl to Olilln
iv'ii, :mi..'.:i m-m. in Tp. :7,
V. N. fiuiih.'ll to . .M. Mil
con, lot I mill 'J, hlk ll. Park
mid., M i'tl ford
Allmrt ('. Wnlilrrii to Kunuur
fc Fruitgrower' hunk, 1(10
u.-re in Tp. III. 'JW
A. .lime, fdwriff, to K. S.
Wilxon, loin . mid (I, hlk 17.
Klmrlrr W. A. Joiiim to l.itko
Itymi, proH)ity in ('iiliforiiin
Mroot, ,lnikNoiivillt'
I.miru M. Potti'iiRcr to I'. Ar
1 1 in r Mniwii, lot I mid ninth
hull' lot :i, hlk M-'. Muilt'ord..
Sum l. Pnnly to .1. V. Moln
lyn, properly in hlk 70,
.Mi'iirord; title buml
A. P. Harrow to l.oiitiu F.
l.iiiiUUty, lot j;i, hlk :i, C mid
1). tili., llmuilton mhl., Moil
ford 'nlli Hill mhlilion to (hittihl
Taillaudiar, loin , II. I. hlk H,
('oIK'ii Hill mid., .Mcilloril..
llninon I, Pulton to Homy Vim
lllilvitnlii'iy. .It., DO.fill aeri'M
in Tp. .'I.'i, :iV; contnii'l.
lolin (liin'illi to It. K. Unit.
property in Cent ml Point...
I.cnit ClmiHiiiK to (', . llaita
rolh. lot I, hlk 17, Mttilforil..
(!. S. IIiiII.t to II. I). AiiNlin,
Imnl in Tp. 118, IV .
Mairlauo I.Iii'iiki'n.
II. I,. Soniiiiei' and l,eniia I Vail
William (VohIiv mid Cora Slump.
(Imii'Ku I,. Caruv uml Sarah KITio
John Druko mid Miniiiu M.
KmIiiIo .Iiiiiihh A, ltaird; nidi'i' iiiihIk
on lliial KiitlliiiiKint; limit tiei-oiint lllod.
(luariliaii Nina. Noll uml (liutrmlo
Man in; ardor appointing II. K. Pialt,
New ('asi'n.
('. ('. McCorklo vh. Moy.l llowt
mid V. ,1. Slanloy l al; suit lo fori.
iiIohi) linn.
Mary K. Ingrain vh, l.uwiw luurain;
UiwIh A. Willi vh. M. M. Woliili;
nallail in ojoeliaiuil.
Inlia KtiiiKoii x. II. ('. Ilaniuiy ami
Anna lloii)ioy; milimi In iTnovor
II. (Iimtluir vh. Wolcli Kuiuhor Co.,
notion lo rniiiivor moiiny,
Savannah A. McN'ully vs. Kdward
MoNully; dlvoieii.
Sarah Ifuimy Slinvarl vh. John
Sliiwarl i unit for illvorad.
Kdward W. Hiilvu vh. I (I. Piiro
ami Claroueo A. KiiIkIiI; tuition fur
SWATTliM, WiihIi., Jan. ao. ,11m
Kamiitia ami wito woru (iHnhyxluturi
In a room In n WtiBlilUKton Htroot
liotul litHt nKht. Doth wo to fnuml
doail In hod thin lnnrnliiK with riih
linurluit Into t ho room tliroiiuli a
Uniky Iioho coiiiioctlou,
ftf HNNMit
tVT 1
N.VAIL fj"kn-!
V ra1 w ' 'IBi I
if '"Wu'Hl 1
1 1; . Uoiril I
': r M
WlB: Lmr W
Activity nt WnsliltiQton Indicates
That Attorney General Is Prepar
ing! to Take Action on Petition Filed
Recently With Him.
WASHINGTON', Jhii. :IU. Vhli iii
offieiHl KtMlcimiMt enii he neeurfil t
tlmt uflVct, il i hotii'VKil lliMt ceilaiu
mifivily in Ilia dopailiiniitl of juntiee
iiHMitm Hint lliu Hovuriummt ih mmui to
start a x'iirul iuvitiKtitinii of the
Atiierienii Telephoim mid TiK't:rph
The ni'tivity of Hie xovi'iiiiaeii! fill
lowt'il the Uliii): of a eoiiitniiit eliaru
ia thill I he Aloarieaii Tnlcihnue mid
TelitrM)h e,iiiimny in n inouopoly in
violntioti of the provision of (he
ShentiBw iiiiti-tnint Inw, hy (looi'xe
Uuutwlt, n jiiMtiru of the potu'e nl
Pellimn, n niihurh of N'ew York city,
throiiich hi attorney ('liarlu- UiihIi
liind. AeeoiiipHiiyiuK thu eomplniiit
wait a pdtitioti prnyinir that the Amor
iemi Tolephntio mid TolojtrHpli eotu
puny, TluMolore N. Vail preHidenl, hy
(Coiiliuued Prom Saturday.)
It" II i.'mu'HiIh'IimI. Unit a r.-Kiilur It'i'in
uf tin- County ('nt f for lie- I'mmlv of
JnokiHiii, HImIh of iiri'Kon. Iii-kuii uol Ix'lil
Ml llie I'uiirl liuuw In JurKiiilMlt In wild
iHaoily rtinl hIhIo, on WrUiii'Miliiy, llt lnl
il.ty of NovuiiUiT. lull, lie- llini' IImmI liy
law for U"- IioIiIIhk "f xnlU eonrt, when
wrre iiv.iil Hon. .1. II NVII, Cniiiily
JiliUie ; .Ihiiiih Owi'liM. (.'oitiily OiiiiiiiIh
Hloner; (liinu.i I.. ImvIh, Cniiiily i'oni
nilHNliutrr; v A. rolrniuii, Clerk, uml
w. a. jiiiikd. Kiniirr
Court eonx'iu'it inirinmiil lo Hiljourti
llletlt of NllVlMlllHT IhI. tl 1 1, with nit of
tloerH prewnl. when the rollowliiK I'to
eeeillfiiiM were h.ul. In-wlt:
WIiimi lh' rollowliiK hllU were lUlillleil.
IJOM- -Oimi I.. IihvIm. enniinlH-
Hlntu-r'H n.iliiry. Nov. I-S $ 9.00
ISV&S .Iiiiiii'm iiweiiK, eonimlHNliin
I'm HHhiry. Nov -t ll.on
In tin' iniiltui' of the iiirovnl of ilei
illy Hlii-ilff.
Marina Tryer. hiivltiK I"'!! on Octnlier
Kill, lull, tluly iiiMiini,-il ilepiily Mhertrr
of .luuUitoil eoiinly, On Men, liy V. A.
.lllltWM, Nlll'llff, II H Ull'M'folV OI'llHIeil liy
till, (Kllll't lillll Hlllil UlIOllltllttlllt l' uml
In Imrvliy iiiiprnveil
111 Hut niHllcr of the reiiirt of the
enmity poor furm for month of Oolohor,
Kill, HtinwIllK tiiiini'M. kIiihm uml iIavh' iiI
ti'iuliuioe uf HilleiiU In Jnckxea County
lohll Cieuilui fi itayHi cuino Out. 13,
Hiiij inn on. 111. tun.
Wllllmn Hiiriiaiin: 31 itn.vN.
('Ian ley lkanlrlnliHini; SI ilnyx,
Wlllliini lliiiRiavt'; 31 ilnyn.
AiiKiiHt 'rotiit'iiier; a I il.iyw.
.IiiIIiih Hinlii; hi iIiivh.
.liiineH A rami 1 (ao;; SI iluyH.
T. .1. HluluirilHi 31 iIiivm.
Mih, H. A. Cilthlierth; 31 ilwyH.
.lolin Witlilon; a I tluyn.
.lolin Hllvn. a I ilnvN.
Mi'H. ItoHn I'llnliy; III ilnyti,
.1. W I'lUih; III iluyx.
1-. 11. niti inr. a 1 miivh.
('. I,. Hmivll: III tluvH,
Henry I hut: 31 iluyx.
Itnliei't MilHi'ihile; 31 ilnyn.
W'lllhini (1. Dower; ft iliiya.
Dnlunn Tiny: III iluyx.
Klleil Oct. -t t li. lllll.
W. II. COMJMAN. County Clerk.
Ilxunilaeil niul iipiirovi'il tlilH Nov. -ml,
1UII. .1. It. NKII., County .IiiiIko.
In the mutter of the upplloutlon of
Holmin Troy, Win. O. (lower Hint O. O.
Merrltl for mlnilnsloa to the eouiity poor
1 11 int. It Ih Uioi'i'foio oriliaoil tlntl the
Hit lit iippllcaiitH lie uml they ure horehy
inlinltleil to the eounty pnor fanii iih
county eliuriiOH fi'iuu Hu ilute of thu illlai;
nr Hilil iitipilcntlonN.
In lln niulter of the monthly n(ute.
lui'iitH of .Iuh. M. Cioiwmlllor, V. II.
Coleiaiiu uml l-'ri'ii I.. CeIvIk:
Now at thin time imiiiiom on for 1111.
inovul hy Ihn County Court the month
ly HtiiteuieutH of .Iuh. M. Croiiuinlllor,
county IreaHUier; V. It. CoIimuiiii, county
olerk, hIiowIiik tw reoelvtnl for llm
tuonlii of (Jutohor, ItMI. and turncit over
to the county ireiiHurer in the mini of
ll'Jli.i'8, uml Vreil I.. (.'olvlK. county re
uoi'itnr, mIiowUik fei'H rui'Klvcil for the
month of October. Ill 1 1, and turned over
lo the county treiunuer In the mint .of
itun.llO. It In thtiiifoie i.iih'i-eil tlmt
Hiihl MtiitemeiitM lie and lh''.v are lierelw
lipliroved . ,
(a lliv nuiU'M' of the il((.'iiUou of
Hi It II Hiur for leave lo Iny wilier tilpe
It In orilereil hy Hie court Unit nnlil p
Pllciilloii lie ami Hie niiiii" Im li.'irhy up.
jiroveil, tlilH Novciiiliiir '-'ml. Kill.
J II Willi, . ,
In Hie Milliter of the nntiroviil of Hie
oinily cleilt'K Hlnleini'iit of Nmtlp hoiinty
wiirniiUM ror Hie mount or icunn-r, nui.
Ifi-ii'-il ilurliiK Ho' 111011111 or iwioiier,
lull. hi'mIii Ij. mule win 11111 r n In llie Intlil
mini of lid. II In therefore orilvn-il Unit
nihl Htn t im'-ii t he ntnl lln Hunt" Im here'
hj npinoveil.
Ill (he nmlU'l' of the iipproviit or Mu
ClouiI'M iiililltlon lo Tiilniil, OreRini:
(in hrcii tlmt until nun tie nun 11111 mnue
Im In nliy HPPIOVIM).
In the niulter of the county rouil fiell
iioiii il roi' liv it II .loni'M et nl.. order
1 tilnliiiitliliiK imnl;
iroeii'M 1 im 1 Hi" pmycr or won pen
IIOil tiff lilftlllfHl.
Ill the ni'illir of llie county roml t'll
lloilid for hy A M I.ooiiiIm et nl., outer
I h'iiIiIImIiImk r'wil:
It im niitereil Unit the prayer of hI,I
pi'tMloil i KrHlilol uml Hint there lie
II ml in cNttihllHhi'il hh 11 county r m nl nni)
I '.lit' IiI(Iimu 11 Mtllp of Imnl CO fetl
III whltli I11 hccoiiImiici' with Hie pruyer
"f Filial petition.
Hi the imill'T of tin' I'MtiihllNliIni; of
11tl1iK ini-eliii'tM In .ImcIihoii county. Ore
Wtit Alilanrt Frtdnct.
lliKlnnliiK hi the iiiliTKicllon of Ili'itr
tinh Mini lln ueiit line of H'"- 30, Tp
it KO'itli of ltuiiH I cmmI of Wllliiimltt'
Tlitiice iiii'iimliT hoiiIIii-hmI iiIoiik llfiir
cr ' h In Hm Jiiiii'Iiimi of AnIiIhiiiI creek.
Thftici- iiM'Hiitler eoiillierly Mloinr Anh
lilii't crt'ek to It" Inleritel'lltiu with the
inlihlli' line of Miirth M11I11 Hlruct In lliv
1'IM of Anhluml.
Tin nee nort iweMieriy uione niiiwie line
of North Mklu Mtre.'l In Hm lliti-rneclloii
Willi the iiililille line of Wllil'T Mlreetl
Thence WeMl HIOIIB llm middle Hoe nr
Wilner mIiiiI to Hit liilrrmrllon with
tie- inlddle llnr of Wiedrii utrcct;
Tie-net- Moiilh.Houtlo'nnterly nod Hoiitlt
11 limn the middle line of Woolen HtP'fl
oil Hcetllc 1)1 1 vh lo ItM lliUTHctJllon with
lire Iiililille llllf of NllllrV Htri'et:
lienor eMl lllnllK lilt) Iiililille lino nr
Nullify Mlrftt In ItM liiterMroHoii with
Hie lllhtitle line of (llMOlle nlri'it;
Tltciioe Mimllierly iilniii; the iiiltldli! Iliif
if (llttnlle Htn el to Hh inleiMt'Ctloii with
AhIiImHiI creek.
Thence iiillnrly iilnai; Ahliluml rrpek
to IM Inl.'tK.'Cllmi with llie fmitli line of
MI'.'A of Ho. :. Tn 19 Mouth. Itilnce I
HMt. Wlllmmltf Merldlun.
Tlietlce wt'Nt Mloiiu tnuioililp llim to
MOiitliWi'Mt riirner of !(. 31. Tp 39 noillli,
IIihikx 1 eMHt. Wllliimettn Merldlnn;
Thence imrth uloin; liiwnrtlilp line to
the plHve of IickIiiiiIiik
Cctrnl AihUnd rreclnct.
ll.-HllinlllK Mt the llltirxi'l'lloll of the
middle line of Woolen Mtiert niltl Wlllier
MlU'.'t In the City of AalllMIld,
Thine. I'M Ml iiliink' Hie middle line of
Wilder Mtfi-ft to ItM iMtrrwctliin Willi
the middle line of North Muln elreet;
Th.'tirr. HoulhPUMterly ulonu the middle
Km' of North Mulu Mtret lo ItM InltTitoc
ll'in with middle Hue of lloiili'Viird.
Tlnnoe MoiltheitNlerly hIiiuk mlddln tint
of llouleVMril to Km Inli'rit.Tliim with the
middle line of .MouutMln nvenue;
Tliriico Mouth alniiK the iiililille linn of
.MuiiiitAiu iivniiii)' to lt Inttrmclloa with
Uie Iiililille I Inv ii f illctiii BVenue;
Thence eHMl uIook Him inhldle line nf
Olt'iin HXriuie lo ItM interKfctloii with
the middle Hue of Klkatli-r Mtreet;
Thence eHMt alone middle tine of
KI!iiiIt Mtrwt to the 11 corner on ciimI
line Hc. 10. Ti, 39. JK. W. M.;
Thence wet to Anhliiml creek;
Thence luoniulur northerly uIoiik AmIi
Imnl creek lo the InternecUon with mid
dlr line of Kninllr utreet;
Thi'iice uurllierly uIoiik middle linn of
(Irunlic Ntreut to the middle line of Nut
ley ttlri'ft,
Tht'iiue went uIoiik middle linn nf Not
ify Mlrel to Hm IntcrMi'dlon with llie mid
dle line of Woolen Ktrrei or Seville Drive.
Thrnce iiirili-nortliwiierly niitl north
Kloni; the inhldle Hue of iiceulc tlrlve on
WtMilen Mtrett to pluce of IwKlanliiK.
South Aahland Frvelnct.
UeKlntilnu Ml the InterMoctlon of the
iiililille line of tlmilfvitril uml Mountulu
uumiii' in thu Lily of Aulilnml
Thence tMiutliriiBlrrly elcmi: middle Hue
(f llotilrvitrd and Hh ctinttiitiutlou AH u
county rotitl to Hie heath lino of Kec. II,
To S. S. of II. I K.. W. At.:
Tlienee iiorlheHMlcrly ulnnK middle linn
01 county romi 10 iim iniorxiciion wiin
llie iiililille Hue or the coimlv roml croitM
Iiik In n MOUtheuMterl)' tllrectloii Sc. 13,
!.. in i nt I, I . 1
Thence HnullH'Hlerly uIoiik mldille linn
nr Minn eouniy itiii in (in- earn 11110 or
i' SI. To. 3. S. of 11. 1 li. W. SI.:
Thence couth hIoiir towntililp line to
me MotmieuMi corner or hoc 3fi, rp. 39
or 11. 1 11. W. .M.:
Theiine w,'t 011 townnlilp linn to Hm
IiilerMxcHnn with Ahlnml creek In Mouth
jinn of HIU of Sec. 33, Tp. 3D, H. of
11. 1 'if. u .m.;
Tlienue iniHintler nnrUierly nloiiL- AmIi
land creek to llie mint mid WcmI quarter
line in neo. is, 11. iv, n. or 11 1 N ,
W. M.;
Thence eAMt nloiiK mhIiI quarter lino to
mmum line or isi miner Nireei
Thence north uloni; middle linn of
Htkeder Ntrvot lu thu mlddlo (Inn of
ulelin Mtreet;
Thence wi'Kt nlotiK middle Hue of Olenii
mIiitI lo Hm InterMeotlnu with iiililille line
of Moiiiitulo avenue;
Thence north uloni; middle line of
Mountain iiveuiln to llm place of hoRln-
11 mi;.
1 Worth BouWmrd rreclnct.
lleellinlnt; nl the Interhectlon nf mid
tile IJ111, or ICimI Main Nlrcel and Houlc-
vuni in l liy or AMlilunil.
Thvuctt eHMlorly n ml HoutheiiHterly
nlmiK the mldille line of ICitnt Main
Mtreet uml If h cnntlnutitltm iim 11 couutv
road lo Hm InlerHectlou with the iiililille
line or the county road wiileh cnMKeM In
a uortheiiNtcrlv tllrectlon llm SWU of
See 13. Tn. 3H. S. of II. I K. W.
Tlienco MoilUlWCMterly uIoiik middle
line nf county road to the Mouth Hun of
Sec. II. Tn, 3U. S. of II. I U. W. a .:
Thence iiorlltweMlerly uIoiik middle
Hue uf coiiuly road uml Hm continuation
iim lioiiltivartl to pluce or iH'KliinlnK
Medford Kortliwcit Frcolnot.
IleKlanlliK ill Hie Internee! Urn of ciiHt
Hiul went milliter line In Sec. Ill, Tp.
37. S. of li. 3 W.. W. M. and Griffin
Thence ciiMt alone Hiihl quurlcr lluo lo
ItM InlnrMCCtlnii with Hear creek;
Tlumoe uieaniler hoiiUi uleni: Ilmir
creek In Hh Interiw'ctlou with mlddlo linn
of com! uml wcNt county ro.ul' at MoAn-
orewM rorn;
Thiince weal and MOtilhwcNtcrlV uIoiik'
mhlillo line of wild county rn.ul acroHH
partM or wee. si. ss ami su. tp. ;i7. h.
or It. S W, W. M . to Hh Inlelni'Cllim
with middle line uurlli anil mouUi county
mail In NI'.Vi nf See. L'fi:
Tlli'llOe Mouth to the middle line of
en Hi and wimI county road, which ih a
ruitttuuntlou of Main Mtrcot In City uf
Tinmen weut iilnnir mlddlii Una of IumI
ilcHniihcil isiMt mill weal cuiiuty road to
iih lutorm'cilou with miiiiiio line 01 norm
and taiutli county road al houthciiHt cor
tier of HWli of NIJU of Seo. 30, Tp. 3T.
H. of II. 3 W.. W. M.s
Thniice ou III alniiK inlddln lino of
north ami hoiiUi county road to It h la-
lei'MocHoii with the middle lino of tluf
eimt Mint weal county roan wnicn is n
coatlnuatlou of the hoiiUi boundary of
Thence Wi'Mt iiIoiik inhhlle lino of litHt
di'Hfiiln'd comity road lo the Dollarhldo
Thenco Mouth uIoiik inhldle lluo of
coimlv roml one-fourth mile more nr Icmh
lo Hh IntcrMcotlon with mlddlo lino of
eiiHt ami went county roan.
Thonco weal aloni; mlddlo lino of
county road to (Irlffln creek;
'('hence meander northerly ulonK flrtf.
fin creek to place of HoKlnnlny.
MeAforA Bouthweit Vreclnot.
IU'kIiiiiIuk ut tho IntcrMcotlon of Ino
mlddlo Hue of KIiik utrci't In tho City
of Miulroril and iho county road which
Ih tho Mouth houndary of Ati'dford;
Tlionoo wcHt ulonK Iho mlddlo lino of
county road to tho nolluiiildo corner In
uorthwoNt nuurtvr of Sec. 3B, Tp. 37, S.
of 11. s, W. M.;
Tholion Houth iilotm tlio mlddlo lluo of
count)' road one-fourth mllo inoro or Ichh
to Hh liitoiHooilon with tho mlddlo lluu of
lCiiHt and went county road;
Thence weHt nlonu mlddlo lino of IilHt
ilcHorllicil county road lo Hm Intorwootlon
wiin iirtrrin oreca; . ,,
Thonco HouthciiHterly alonir Qiiffln
creek lu Mouth lino of Heo. S, Tp. 38, S.
of H. S V., W. M.i
Thenco wcMt to northwoMt corner Boo.
8. Tp. 3N S, or II. 3 W., W. M.;
Thence aouth lo hoiiIIiwohI corner See.
17, Tp. 3S. H. Of H. 3 W., W. At. t
Thenco cum
10 uoutliviutl comer Boo,
13, Tp, 3, H. of It. 2 W. W M .
Thelici norlli t "".',!,''i,."t 'I'tiht Hic
I, tp, 3K H. or 11. a vy w M ,
Tlieiic weHt to. inlddli' line of Die
fount)' rood, wlioh Im rniiiirnmilrin of
Thenco north hIiiiih h" inlddln of Innt,
iliotcrlhed county roiol to pine; of la
KlmiltiK, .
MAford zfortli CmtrsI rrtclnct.
IIi'KImiiIiik nt III'! I"' 'mi ctlon of Itfiir
creek nnd Hm iiimI 11 ml wimI rouiily riMid
at McAiidrew'fi fordl
Theiicn liiwioder nonilieily alfinc llcur
creek to Hm iHeri"'U" WlUi middle I III''
or HumI .Main iiirmi In lily or .Med-
TliVnre MOiltliWeltn Ml',111; middle
llnx or HiimiMmIii. Mlr''t in itn lnlir''0
Hon with mlddlo line i.r o h u. it. it.
main linn track.
Tlienre northWcMtfrly iiIoiir middle
line or O. A C. H. " '"im line truck to
middle lino or county mud Mt north city
lliulln or Medfoid!
Thenno norinenMieriv ami enMl MlotlK
Mold county road 'lie pluce or m
Mtdford Bonth Otntrftl Prtcloct.
IlealnnliiK nt the im. iM-tiiott of the
middle Hue of liuMt M'iiii Mlreel Hint HMr
uik lu Clly of Modf-id
Thence iHfttiidrr fond,. itNlnly itlorik
n-nr ereik to the M'"ii line of Hec. 32.
Ti. 37. H. of II. 1 W. W M .
Tliencif WeMt nloilK M'Hlli linn or Sec
32 to Hm Intorurctlou wnh iiilildlo Hue
of O. A C. II It. main line intek.
Tin. nr., nortliW'Mtrly Klnnir middle
line or O. A ('. It. It. I'iMin Him trnck lo
Hm liilriuoii with ioIiMIh lino or
MmIii Mtteel.
Tlinnen iiortlieaMlerlv Hlmilf inlddln
line or HmmI Main l'ii to the place or
Mtdford Worth Main rrtclnct.
Ili.irliitilnr- nl Hie llilf r. rtlnn of tnld
die llii"M of O. A a H. It main Him trnck
and the count)' rofld hi Hot north bound
ary nf Mmlford!
Tliencn Moulliweiile'iv ulonK tulddlp
line of county roan m u lnterclloii
with inlddln line of norlli and Mouth
eouniy toad In northern (iiiMrlcr Sc. I.
Tn 37. H of 11. s w.. w M
Tlirnn. Mouth uIoiik middln line or hint
dnMcrllind county road lo Hm lutnrKoctlnu
with middle lino 01 ei anu wchi eouniy
road, which In a conllnuullon or WomI
.111110 Mirnnt nr i;nv ui iiiuiore:
Tlienri, inMt nlonK middle lino or coun
ty road nnd Hm continuation hm WcmI
Main to Hm IntTKeclloii with middle Hue
or O, A C. It. IL main line track;
Tlinnen nortliwefueriv morn? luiuaie or
(), A C It ll. main line track lo placo
or Ix'Klnnlni.'.
McdforA Sonth Mln Prtclnct.
Ili'Kltmlni: nt a point In the county
road which Im .a continuation of WcmI
Main Htri'.-t uf Medford. Mould nr the
MoutheiiMt corner or MouihweMt oiinrinr or
nnri icttwt ounrier 01 wc 10. tp. a?. .
or It. S W.. W. M.;
Tlienco muilli uioiiK inionio line or
north and mooIIi county riwil to Hm In
terMectlnn with the inlddlf line of the
ertMt nnd weet oounlv riMd, which Ix u
conllnuallon of tlt county road nt the
Mouth Imundary of iledfenl:
Thence eHMt nlonK th' middle linn or
ImmI ilrncrllx'd county road to Hm Inter
Mectlon with the middle line or Klni;
Mtreet In City or MMlfonl.
Thence norlli aloau middle line of KlnR
Ntrnet Io'Hm IntorHcctton with inlddln
line of Eleventh Mtn-ct
Tlinnnn U'nMt nlonc mldille linn nf 11 Ih
Mtmct to ItM Interrcctlon with middle line
of Laurel Mtreet;
Thence north nlnnc middle line of
laurel Mtreet to Ha liilerrw-ctlon with
middle linn of WhI Jlaln Mtreet;
Thence WcmI nlonc middle line of WcmI
Main Mtreet to place of U'KlnnlnK.
Mtdford Oakdftlo rrtclnct-
Ili'Ktnnlmr nt the Intnrtiectlon of mid
dle line of .Main Mtreet and O. A C. IL it
main line track In the City of Mod
ford; Thence MMillieanlrrly alone middle linn
or O. A C. ll. IL main line track to Mouth
Him or Hoc 33, Tp. 37, S. of IL I W..
W. M.t
Thence went on towimlilp Htm to Hh
Intcwctlnii with Hie middle line of
north and nouth county rood, which Im
a continuation of ICInK trel In the Clly
of Medford;
Thence north on .inlddln lino of unltl
county roud nnd Hh Continuation n KlnK
Mtrnel to inlddln linn nf lllli Mtrret:
Thence weHt alonx'tnlddle line of 1 1 tit
Mtreet to Hm Inlcr-ccUon with middle
linn or Iturt'l Htrcel:
Thence north ulonc middle line or
l-aurr Mtrent 10 Hm IntiTHectlon with
middle linn of WeMt Main Mtreet;
Thence eMt nlonif middle line of West
Main Mtrct to Oakdale and northeasterly
nloiiK Went Main to placo of IwKlnulnR.
And It Im further ordered liy the court
Unit the nami'K of the folloivhiK -vetlni:
precinciM no ami tiiry nro iiorciiy chanced
to read hm follow k
NortheaMt Medford prcolncl. cliunKisI to
Medford Northeimt precinct: .Soutlinniit
Medrord precinct, chanced to Medford
So tl Hi cunt precinct ' '
And It Im further ordored by the court
Unit the votltiR precinct h of JnckHiin
eouniy iih now entHlillnhed and or rec
...... wr ... .,,.'j .11 nnun 11 .J nil nil
lowinK iiiimeM. to-wit: Antloch precinct.
Kan l ANhlaud precinct, WcmI Anliland
precinct. South Afliland precinct. Cen-
inn AHiiiuim prccmci, Aaniiinu iiuuic
vnnl precinct. Appleicnte pri-clnct, liar
rnn precinct. HIk Hullo precinct. Climax
precinct. Central 1'olnl iireclnct. Ijiclr
rolut pn'clnct. Klounci) Hoek precinct.
i'imiih urci-K pnyinci. uiiiu inn prcctnci
North .lackHonvllle precinct. South Jack'
Monvllle precinct. t.ake Creek nreclnct
Meadnw'H nreclnct. Medford Northweat
precinct. .SliHlford KouIIiwomI precinct.
.Meuioru ooriu leuinu preciuci. .Men
ord South CentrHl precinct. Medrord
North Main pn-cinct, Medford South
Main precinct. Mnironl Oakdule lire
cilicl. Medford NorllieiiHt nreclnel. Med
ford SouthciiMt precincl. Mound precinct,
I'lioeiilx precinct. Hook 1'olnt pn'clnct.
Same Volley precincl, Sterling precinct.
Talent precinct. Trail precinct, 1'nlon
nreclnct. WatkliiM nreclnel. Willow
SprliiKM precinct. Wimqr precinct and
t .'.MlVllll lll'VIIILl
(In It reuieinlicri'd. tlmt a rcKiilur term
jr I ho County court ror the County of
JackHon, State of OrcKon. Iickuii nnd
liuhl at the court Iiumo In 'JackHonvlllc
in Miuo county ami Mtate. on WedneMday
Urn Cth day of I )i cemliur. 1911. the Mine
tlxud hy (aw for tho holding of mild
oouri. wiieii were proMent, Hon. J. 11
.Nell, County Juilec. Jhiiicm Owciim. Coun.
ly CoinmltiHlom.i'. (leori-o I.. Davis.
County CoiiiiulMHlnai'r; W. IL Coleman,
hoik, unu v. a. jnnuH. Mimrirr:
When tlie follewim: lillla were audlteil:
13SJS 1. J. O'Oara, fruit Inapectr
or'a Hnliiry, Nov. 1911. ....... .1116.66
1326V W. A. Joiii-M. tdUTlff'H aal
arv, Nov. lllll 333.33
13300 W. W. Harmon, emintv
rondmnNtei'M MHlary. Nov. 1911 150.00
uasiii v. it. I'oit-niitu. county
clerk'a Miliary. Nov. 1911 S50.00
13263 .I'lvd (., Col v IK. county re
cordor'H Halary, Now, 1911....
13283 J. It. nJ. county JudKo'H
Hillary. Nov.. 1911
13261 J. Porev WellN. nniinle
ohool Kiiiit.'H nalury. Nov.. 1911 150.00
ij;uo u. v. Alter moiiikii Hlipor-
viHor'M hnliiry, Nov., 1911...... 120.00
I32fi 1. C, Henry. Rohool aunor
.lunu u..l..-.. k.a.. inti '
.n.l c PIIIIII..I .1. If-, ....,
J3267 V. T, Grieve, county uh-
HeNMor'H salary, Nov., tail ....
132BS Iuh. M. Creaemlller. Co.
treamirur'M Miliary. Nov., 1911..
13269 J. w. Wilson, Janltor'a a.
ary, Nov.. 191 1 ,
13270 John HlaeMt, ferryman'M
Bttiary. Nov.. 19 1 1 . . .V
43271 J, N. race, mipt. of -poor
fnrin'H Hillary, Nov, 19U
13272 Win. W 1' Holt, county
iitiyHloliin'H Miliary. Nov., 1911..
13273 Frank I, Coli'inan. deputy
ck'ik'K Hillary, Nov., 19U
13S74 G. M. laick.y. oxtra work
In clerk'a of flee. Nov., 1911...,
13276 l-'reil I Cotvli?. extra work
lu rccordc i'm of flee Nov., 191.,
l3276r-JuH. M. Cronomlllor, cputy
III in In treua. office, Nov., 1911
13277 W. A. Joiu-b. J. W. WIlHun
for Jailor. Nov., 1911 ,,
13X78 Katlo M. Orlovo, deputy
iiMHOHsor hire. Nov. 1911
1S279 Cluiuneoy l'loroy. deputy
iiHHosHor hire. Nov . 1911
13280 1. M. .lunacy, drinitv uh-
BcHHor hire, Nov, lull 150.00
13281 Mildred M. Null, deputy
(iHHCHMor hire, Nov . 19,11 , 61.00
132S3 Nellie It. Jones,' work In
Hherif f'M officii ...............
13283 ,V. A. Joiich, extra deputy
hire, J. K. Thornton. Oct.. 1911
loJSI . A. Jones, extra deputy
hFri J, K. Thornton. rov urn
132851). C. llonry. exp. of bcIiooI
HiincrvlHor, Gold Hill
13388 iHtlholl CollliiH. w'ork In
mcIi. HUpt.'H ofHce. Oot. and Nov.
,13287 C. IV HiiKK". ntlendtnu
meetliiK or coiuilv educational
hnuvd, .
158S8 Mi', J C. IvniHotoji, t-
I 00
teillnic mielliiK of county ndiica
tlonal hoard 2.00
U2! -WmIIiOCii IlecMOll, Hllen'IIIIK
nmllnK of county fdiicatloiml
lionril 200
UrjnW. V., Mucker, HlteriilluK
unliool hoard coiivnnilon 2 00
UJ'jl -Orlln .1. Hell. ntlendinK
miio'il hoArd convnritlon 2.00
13392 K. I'. Clmndler. fittcndluK
Mchooi leairil convention J. 00
13293 O. T. I.nwreiitz. attcndliiK
Ri'hool hoard convention 2.00
13294 -.1, V Dtlijcan. allrndliiK
mcIiooI hoard convention 2.00
l29 Kdward Judy attending
mcIiooI Iwiitril convention. 2.00
13191; -.liiN.plilne llll")', atlendlnic
chool lamrd convention 2.00
Wj;--C, a (larilner. Htlendlnic
Mchooi hocird convention 2.00
I329K--K. It. (Iain. atlcndlliK
Kchool hoard coiiveiitlon 2.00
13299 N U HreMtonn, alteiidln
MChool hoard convention 2.00
13.10(1' I' Korlien, allcnillnit
mcIiooI hoard convention 2.00
13301 MrH. N I'ernoll, ntlendluK
MChool hoaril convention 2.00
13102 lillll MvKee. nttellillllK
mcIiooI hoard convnnllon 2.00
1110 1-u A. Itrnwn. Hlteiiillnif
wh'xil hoard convention l.fl
11104 Kim Cruuiii. attend UK
mcIiooI hoard convention 2.00
305Jolin HImIv. Htlemllric
Mchnol hoard coiivnnilon 2 00
11106 -A. II. llMhrr. nilenillinc
kcIiooI hfaril convnnllon 2.00
121071' A. Hawk, ntteiidllii;
mcIiooI xr convention 2 00
I310H Win. W 1 Hull. nttcndlliK
mcIiooI hoard convention S.oo
11309 Home llaymond. attendlioc
mcIiooI hoard oouveiitlon 2.00
1331011. A. I'l'-rco. nlleoillliK
Mchnol Inmrd convention 2.00
1311 1 ;. A. (Ilviin, nttenillnc
Hehool iKMird convention 2.00
13312 tiro. II. Hrown. otlendliiK
nchool hoard convention 2.00
13313 J. A. GrafflH. allendlnc
Mchnol hoard convention, 2.00
13311 I.. A. Abbott. Hllenillnfc
MChool loarit convention 2 00
13315 I Hlnklc, attending
Mchooi hoard conenUon 2.00
1311ft JnmnH OwnnM. attendlni;
mcIiooI hoard convention 2 00
12317 IL C. Knliiey. .iltendlnsr
mcIiooI hoard convention 2.00
13318 JeHMe Ninilliamer. attend
lni; Mchooi hoard convention. . . . 2.00
13319 S. M. Nenlon. ntlcndliiR
mcIiooI hoard convention 2.00
13320 MrM. Horn A. White, nt.
lendlnK echool lward convention 2.00
13321 T T. Shaw, attenillni;
MchiMil hoard convention....... 2.00
13322 W, T. llouMton. attendlni;
mcIiooI hoard convention....... 2.00
13323 Frank Far low. nttendlni;
mcIiooI board convention 2.00
13321 J n McAlllMtvr. nttendlne
Mchooi hoard convnntiou 2.00
1332& J. W. Unlley, attendlni;
MChool lxrd convention 2.00
12326 A. A. Ilovce. ntlendluK
mcIiooI hoard convention 2 00
13327 Nellln Smith, attend ns
Mchooi board convention 2.00
1312X (. T. Payne. attendliiK
mcIiooI lioard convention s.oo
13323 IL M. Cook. nttendlnR
mcIiooI hoard convention 2.00
13330 CharlfM Kalncr labor. Hear
creek 7.00
1333111. B. Tucker, crnvel ror
county rotidM 17.65
13332 M. I'urdln. zam. Kltto ah-
Ktract. orderinl by JuiIrr Nell., 10.00
13333 JainoH Owen, road work.
convict camp 2.00
13331 JumeM Owciim. road work,
Nov. 1911 16,00
13135 Geo. U IJavln. road work.
Nov.. 1911 1800
13336 Duffalo IMtta Co.. road
mncninury i.yv
13337 Geo. Urown A Sona. Nov.
eMtlmnte on Bnyart road 600.00
1333S Geo. Urown A Bona. Nov.
CMtlmato on Knvnrt road 250.00
13339 J. C. Dusenbcrry. lumber
for roadH 10.16
13340 Geo. V. Mcrrlman, road
HUpplU'M. - 3.6u
13311 Medford Dray and Trans
fer Co.. road Huppllcs 22.50
13312 Chan. Oaten, work on roads 36.00
13313 Sam Whitney, work on
roadn with team 16.00
133M II J. Oaten, work on roada
with team 26.00
13316 Medford Furniture and
Hardware Co.. road Huppllns. .. . II. o0
1334C W. W. Cameron, covering ..
brldce on HlB Applcicato 300.00
13.147 Nunan-Taylor Co.. road
MlipplleM. , 63.3.
13318 Heull A Co.. road auppllca.
Griffin Creek quarry 9JSa
13349 L. J. Morck. lumber for
roadH. road dint. No. IS 60., 2
13350 Twohy UroM.. Nov. ontl- .
mate on Central Point road 500.00
13361 Twohy Hron. Nov. .esti
mate on Central Point road,... 600.00
13352 Twohy Ilron. Nov. cmII-
mute on Central Point road.... 500.00
13362 Twohy Ilron., Nov. csll-
mate on Central Point road.... 500.00
13351 Twohy Hros.. Nov. cntl- ,,
mate on Central Point road.... 500.00
11356 Twohy HroH.. Nov. csll- ,A
mate on Central Point road.... 500.00
13356 Twohy Ilron.. Nov. ostl- ,
male on Central Point road.... 500.00
13357 Twohy IlrOM.. Nov. eatl- rnnnn
mate on Central Point road.... 500.00
1335S Twohy Uro.. Nov. cmII- ,.j,
mate on Central Point road.... 500.00
13359 Twohy llrpa.. Nov. estl-
mate on Central Point road.... 500.00
13360 Twohy Hrost. Nov. cull- A
mate on Central Point road.... 500.00
13361 Twohy HroK.. Nov. eatl-
mate on Central Point road.... 500.00
13362 Twohy Hroa., Nov. call-
mate on Central Point road... 500.00
13363 Twohy llrow., Nov. csll-
mate on Central Point road.... 500.00
13361 Twohy HrOM.. Nov. esti
mate on Central Point road.... 500.00
13366 Twohy HrOK.. Nov. cRtl- ,
mate on Central Point road.... 500.00
13366 HIk Pines Lumber Co..
road mipplli'M
13367 Cliua. True, rad expeliHe,
uulo hire to Flounce Hock
1336S Murphy llroa.. ex
poime, uulo hire to Flounce Hock
13369 Hear Creek Motor Car Co.,
road HiipplleM ' .
13370 Nntatorlum and Ainuso-
meilt Co.. road HUPPlleH. oil....
13371 Fred Dutton. work on nvids
with team
13372 Gaddla A Dixon, road re-
labor on
labor on
labor on
laleir on
12 60
13373 II. K
llownuiu, ro.ul iup-
i rtvo. AiiMtln. work on road a
13375 T. II. Dawson, lumber for
roadH. road dim. No. IS
13376 W. Kltto. road huppIIch...
13177 J. W. Carpenter, road sup
plies 13S7S Columbia Ilrlde Co.. tlual
payment on Gold Hill bridge...
13379 Columbia llrldue Co., Ilnul
payment on Gold Hill bridge...
133S0 Columbia llrldpo Co.. Ilnal
payment on Gold lllll midge...
13381 Columbia HridBe Co.. Una!
lmvmenl on Gold lllll bridge...
I33S2 Columbia llrldgo Co., Haul
paytuout on Gold Hill bridge...
l.l'li;:! r-oliinilila HrlilL-e Co.. Ilnal
payment on Gold Hill bridge. 500.00
133SI Columblu llrldgo Co.. Ilnal
payment on Gold Hill bridge.
133S5- -Cc
'olumbhi Hrldco Co.. Ilnul
payment on Gold Hill bridge.,.
1331,6 Columbia llrldgo Co.. Ilnul
payment on Gold lllll bridge...
1338. a. W. Hobertaon, road sup-
I33S8 Kaila Hros. road work ....
13389 Uogile (Uvcr Klectrlo Co.,
road Miipptles. light nnd power.
(3390 J. W, Hays, supervlsor'a
aul.irv, road dlHl. No. 11........
13391 Win. Fllppln. labor on
roudd, road dlst. No. 11........
13392 W It. Van Houtcn. labor
on roads, road dlat. No. II
13393 W. IL Walker, labor on
roads, roud dint. No. 11
13394 Henry Hrltl. labor on roadH
road dlst. No, 11
13395 Hon Hays, labor on roads,
road dlst. No. 11
13396 Henry linker, labor on
roads, road dlst. No. 11........
13397 W. H. Gardner, labor on
roads, road dlst. No, 11
1339S Grant Harrison, labor on
rouds, roud dlst. No. 11........
13399 A. M. Henderson, labor on
roads, road dlst. No. 11........
IStOO J. J- Heubcr, labor on
roads, road dlst. No. 11
13401 Geo, Loud, labor on rouds,
road dlst No. 1 1
13402 Perry ICnott. labor on
roads, road dlst. No, 11 ,.
13403 T. J. West. labor on roads,
road dlst. No. 11
13404 Frank Wlimoth, lubor on
roads, road dlst. No, 11
13105 D. Moore lubor on rouds,
road dlst. No. 11
13406 IM Holt, labor on roads,
road dlst. No, 11
13407 Henry Ilrltt. tabor on
roads, road dlat. No. 11 .......
13108--S. Cadwaltader, labor on
rouds, road Ulat. No. 11,
13109--Lnn Applegatn. labor oil
roailM. road lint No. II 30.00
I34l0,rnn MnrrlM, labor on r on tin.
road dlHl. No. II v
li,ll--Jns. K. Grieve, foreman,
riMid crew No, 2
Ulll Ino, t'rnblrnn, work on
rood, road crew No, 2
lllll J L, Winn, work on roailM,
rtmil rri'te No. 2
1311 1 K. Conner, work on roniln,
road crew No. 2
llll- Mary K. Grlevit, board of
men, road crew No. 2
13116 II. H. Allen, engineer, labor
on r'milt. Nov., 1911 ...........
13117 J K. Wilson, labor on
road, Nov. 1911 ,
till W iiwi,n, lalKir on roada.
Nov., 1911
Ill 19 C. Grey, labor on roada,
Nov.. 1911
12120 John Ornwvna,
roadH, Nov., 1911 .
1 112 1 Tho. Perdue,
roadn, NOV.. 1911 .
11 IIS Kd MeGraw,
roHibt, Nov.. 1911 , .
11122 K. Kavnllo,
roadH. 7V.. 1 9 1 1
13121 John Greve, labor on roadH,
Nov.. 191 1
12126 Gi Lllll. labor itn road.
Nov., 191 1, foreman
.11126 W. If. KrKUMon. labor on
rrmilM. Nov.. 1911
11427 Mike Hroatl, lalor on roadH
Nov., 1911
I3I2H J. Oellnr. labor on rood,
Nov. 1911
13129 W. Kltlo, labor on roads,
Nov., 1911
IH10 V.. HrlekMon, Ulair on
roads. Nov.. 1911
11131 II. PItz. lalror on roada,
Nov., 1911
J1432 J. 8. KoHtnr, labor on roada
Nov., 1311
13423 N. J. Sheldon, labor on
roailM, Nov., 1911
1343 4J. W. GravnM, labor on
roadn, Nov.. 1911
13436 C. Grey, labor on roadn,
Nov., 1911
12136 J. Katon, labor on tohiIm,
Nov.. 1911
13127 Jim Herry, labor on roads,
Nov.. 1911
13138 Geo. Demmnr, labor on
rnnilK. Nov., 1 9 1 1
13139 J. K. Grieve, labor on roada
convict camp No. I...
13410 John Crabtree. labor on
roads, convict camp No. I
13111 Jan. K. Grieve, labor on
roadn. convict camp No. 1
13412 Jno. Grieve, labor on roads,
convict camp No. 1. foreman.,
134 43 W. W. Johnnton. labor on
roads, convict camp Jo. j ..... .
IUH -Chan. Gay. labor on roads,
convict camp No. 1
13115 Jno. Grieve, bills paid. W.
C. I;ever 11.70, Cooper A Frost
!l.-0. .........,...
13 116 P. Duggan. timekeeper.
Griffin Creek quarry
13147 I). Alexander, labor on
roadH. Griffin Creek quarry
13I4S T. Perdue, labor on roads,
Grlfrin Creek quarry
13119 J. A. Wilson, labor on
roads. Griffin Creek quarry....
13150 J. HnodgraaH. labor on
roads. Orlffln Creek quarry....
1315111. H. Alleen. labor on roads
Orirrin Crtek quarry
13452 Jim Herry. labor on roads,
Griffin Creek quarry
13163 J. G. Parker, labor on
roads. Griffin Creek quarry. . . .
13154 F. Thompson, labor on
roads. Griffin Creek quarry.
134SS B. CabraL labor on roads.
Griffin Creek quarry
13456 G. II. Cave. labor on roads.
Griffin Creek quarry
13157 G. Powell, labor on roads.
Griffin Creek quarry
13158 L. Ilaker. labor on roads.
Griffin Creek quarry 20.00
lata? u. ciarK, jaoor on roaus.
Griffin Creek uuarry
13460 Joe Lakovlch. labor
roads. Griffin Creek quarry.
13161 Mike Lakovlch. labor
roads. Grlfrin Creek quarry.
13462 lied Lakovlch. labor
roads. Griffin Creek quarry.
13463 Mike Madovlch, labor
roadH, Griffin Creek quarry.
13161 Mike Sadrach. labor
roads. Griffin Creek quarry. . . .
13465 Peto Dozet. labor on roads.
Griffin Creek quarry
13466 IL W. Kinder, labor on
roads. Griffin Creek quarry..,.
13167 I. U. Kinder. labor on
roads. Griffin Creek quarry....
13468 F. A. Kast. labor on rouds.
Griffin Creek quarry
13469 Chan. Judd. labor on roads.
Griffin Creek quarry
13470 C. Land, labor on roads.
Griffin Creek quarry
13471 Hen MathcwM, labor on
roads. Griffin Creek, quarry....
13472 Frank Ward, labor on
roads. Griffin Creek quarry....
13473 Dan Dillon, labor on roads.
Griffin Creek quarry .........
13474 L. F. Hoot, timekeeper.
Griffin Creek quarry
13475 L. F. Hoot, timekeeper.
Griffin Creek quarry
13476 Nick Madlch. labor on
roads. Griffin Creek quarry....
13 177 J. U Mathews, labor on
roads. Griffin Creek quarry.. . .
3478 J. D. Simmons, labor on
roads. Griffin Creek quarry. . . .
13479 J. M. Simmons, labor on
roads. Griffin Creek quarry.. .
131 SO IL H. Kelly, labor on
roads. Griffin Creek quarry..
13481 U II. Pressler, labor on
roadH. Griffin Creek quarry....
13482 F. Smith, labor on roads.
Griffin Creek quarry
13483 L. Petlls, labor on roads.
Grlfrin Creek quarry
13484 Mike Miller, lubor on
roads. Griffin Creek quarry. . . .
134S5 Otto '.a pie, lubor on roads,
Griffin Creek quarry
13186 A. M. Hose, labor on roads,
Griffin Creek quarry
13487 Fretl Smith, lubor on
roads. Griffin Creek quarry. . . .
1348s Sam Gardner, lubor on
roads, Grlfrin Creek quarry....
13489 Sam Gardner, labor on
roads. Griffin Creek quarry. . . .
13190 P. Mnloy. labor on roads,
Griffin Creek qtuirry
13191 D. WIlHle. labor on roadH,
Griffin Creek quarry
13192 li H. Strohmelor. lubor on
roads. Grlfrin Creek quarry....
13493 C. Helnklng, labor on
roads. Griffin Creek quarry....
13494 Nunun-Tuylor Co.. gro
ceries. Griffin Creek quarry....
13495 Mrs. IL It. Kelly, boarding.
Griffin Creek quarry
13496 Medford Hospital Assn.,
hosp. fees. Grlfrin Creek quarry
13197 P. li Sandoz, supplies for
convict camp No. 1
13198 Thos. A. Mathews, hauling
baggage, convict camp No. I . , ,
13m U it. Ileum, hauling
freight, convict rump No. 1....
13600 Art Nichols, beuf, convict
camp No. I
13501 ll. II. Vaughn, hauling
lumber, convict camp No. 1....
13502 Pacltlo & Kubtorn rullwuy,
hauling freight, convict cuiup
No. 1 ,
13503 Hubbard Hros., roud sup
plies 13501 T. M. Peelor. supplies for
convict camp No. 1
13505 W. A. Hlgglnbotlmm.
hauling lumber
13506 11. S. Allen, engineer, lubor
on roads, Nov.. 1911
13507 J. li Wilson, lubor on
roads, Nov.. 1911
13508 A. M. Peyton, hauling
lumber, convict ennui No. 1 . . . ,
13509 warner, Wortman & Gore,
e(c, poor farm, Nov, 191 1... ... IS 00
.I3ft27 Allien .ioiiiimou, regular
Indigent allowance, Nov, 1011 . .
I3R28Htephnn Carpenter, regular
Indigent allowance, Nov., MM..
13629 Nancv SlHetnore. regular
Indigent allowance, Nov., 1911. .
13630 Mm. J. Pnttlg, euro of
Miss Melritlf, Indigent
1331 A Slover, woott for .Mrs.
It. M. Poole, Indigent
13(32-. Square Deal Fuel Co.,
Wootl for MrM. II. M, Pootn
13513 Davld.nnn A UtltlnrDfllit.
groceries ror Mra. It, M. Poole,
13631 Mrs. K. C. Gnrd, oaro or
Coin family, indigents. Oot. and
Nov., 1911
1363S Nnnnn-Taylor Co., regular
Indigent allowance, Nov., Mil. .
,13636 C. M. Hucli. MUppflns ror
Wm. Hogwardt, indigent, Nov.,
.13537 Snored Ih-nrt hospital,
on re or .. lilcknm, innigoni. . .
13638 Talent Mercantile Co.,
supplies ror Mrs, J. C. Cnnler,
13529 Hutchinson A LlllUNtlen,
MUppllen ror poor farm
13540 Medford Hook Store. su-
to 00
10 00
16 011
3 0(1
idlnw for county officers ... 7 as
11 Irwin Hudson Co., muppIIch
for Mlmrlf m offlco 21 50
,13612 W. A. Jones, express on
orrtce supplies, .wov., mil.... ia
13313 The Home Telephone nnd
Telegraph Co., bill for court
house 7 35
13611 The J. K. GUI Co., supplies
for county soli, supt.'a office. . 1 40
13616 W it. Coleman, express
n office supplies 2.05
46 Kubli-Mlller Co., Hilpplles
for sheriff's orflco 60 00
13517 J. Percy Weils, express on
office supplies 2 IS
13648 Itoguo Hlver Klectrlo Co.,
power for court house pump,
Nov., Mil 3.10
I3S49 The Medrord Sun. printing
for county clerk's office 16.25
13660 The Medford Hun, tax list, 210.00
12551 Jan. M. Cronsmlller.
stamps ror county officers,
Nov.. MM 70.00
13552 Kllham Stationery nnd
Printing Co., supplies for sell.
supL's offlco
13553 Kllham Stationery and
Printing Co.. supplies for sch.
supL's office 3.16
13564 M. B Abbott, supplies ror
Jackson county
I3S55 Itogiie Hlver Klectrlc Co..
light ror county Jail. Nov., MM 9.85
13556 Jacksonville Post, sta
tlonery ror county officers 37 7u
13667 Medford Printing Co., sup-
?llcs for Co. recorder's office.. 15.00
58 Medford Mall Tribune, of
ficial printing for Jackson Co.. 131.73
13SS9 Ashland Tlillnr. nrlntlnc
HtinnllcH for convict cumn No. 1 361.12
13510 Huymoud Nellts. hauling
lumber, convict cumn No. 1
13511 Modol Clothing Co.. cloth
ing, etc.. convict camp No. 1 . .
13S12 Uarnntt.Corov Co.. road
supplies, convict camp No. 1.. 351.69
13513 Lean H. Husklns. sup
plies, convict cumn No. 1......
13511 Medford Harness Co.,
clothing, etc., convlot camp
No, 1 , ,
13515 Tho II. C. Keutnor Co..
Huppllus, convict camp No, 1 . .
13516 Geo. Hrown A Sons, sup
plies, convict camp No, 1.
uon j. j. uropuy.
o. 1. .. ..
meat, con
vlot cumu No. i
13518 Freight on flour, convlot
cump No. 1
13319 SunUiu'y Chemical Co.,
dtslnfeotunt, poor furm
13520 A. W. Story, Groceries,
poor furm, Nov., MM
13521 Fred J. Wrwin, meat, poor
farm, Nov., 1911
13528 J. G. Gore, apples for
poor farm
13523 V. U. Outmun, corn for
poor farm
13624 High & Leonard, black
smithing for poor farm, Nov.,
13525 It. ' il ' liuriifoV inds'o! ' ' for
poor farm. Nov.. MM
13526 0. N. Pace, light, freight,
45 00
for Co. eli. sunt.'s office.
13560 The I'aclllc Telephone. A
Telegraph Cc, tel. bill for Nov.,
13561 Tho Irwin llodson Co.,
supplies for recorder's; offlco. .
13662 Itogue Hlver Klectrlc Co..
IlKht for court house. Nov., MM
13663 Supplies for county school
superintendent's offlco
13564 Medford Iron Works, sup
plies for Jnckson county
13565 GlasH A Prutlliompo Co.,
register of nurses, clerk's offlco
136(6 W. A. Jones, freight on
office supplies
13567 Mrs. J. Johnson, washing
13568 Itogue IUvcr Klectrlc Co.,
supplies for county Jail
13569 Nellie IL Jones, boartl of
13570 Medford Harness Co.. sup
piles for Jail
13671 Klectrlc Construction Co.,
work on county Jail
13572 K. A. Langley. work and
supplies for new Jail
13573 Ulrlch Uros., supplies for
1357ICnaii'' If Basye. railing for
Jury box. circuit court
13575 a C. Whlttlngton. prem
ium less commission on policy
court house
13576 Premium on Insurance for
court houso
13577 Mcdford Itealty and Im
provement Co.. Insurance on
court house policy
13578 J. W. Myers, deputy rrult
Inspector's salary, Nov.. 1911. 143.80
13519 T. 1". Bimiu, uepuiy irmi
Inspector's salary, Sept., 1911.
13580 T. F. Smith, deputy fruit
Inspector's salary. OcL, 1911. .
13581 Clyde Iiarnum. deputy
fruit Inspector's salary, Oct.,
1911. -.
13582 Clyde Barnum. deputy
iruu inspectors salary, nov.,
t-.KS1.l r Altken. ilenutv fruit
Inspector's salary, OcL. 1911... 10710
13581 J. C. Altken. deputy fruit
Inspector's salary. Nov.. 1911.. 107,55
135SJ Geo. Hrown A Sons, sup-
piles tor i-tiwaru r-snionu, imii
genL - ...
13586 Geo. Brown A Sons, sup
plies for Edward Esmond. Indi
gent. .'.' "
13587 O. W. Ager. supplies for
sch. supt.. dlst. No. 3
13588 P. li Brantner. labor on
dam across Bear creek near
rock quarry .-
13589 Louis Eaton, deputy sher
iff hire
13&90 H. G. Shearer, extra deputy
turn xur biivou a uiitvtr. -.v...
13591 Dr.' Vl." iV iiargrave." 'exam.
Archie Itcames, an insane per
son. . .,...,.......,.
13592 V. A. Jones, cxp. of
Archie Hcues. Insano
13593 Tho State of Oregon,
keeping Inmates In Home for
13591 W. A. Jones. Jury to Med
ford. State vs. Bozus
13595 Aug. D. Slngler. commit
ting Chick Holln to county Jail.
13536 T. W. Hester, profeHMlonul
services rendered Inmates of
county Jail
13597 Dr. IL li Golden, attend
ing Dick Thomason, inmuto of
county Jail 250
13398 It. O. Shearor. uuto hire.
circuit court oxponso 3-6ti
13699 W. A. Jones, telegrams,
circuit court exponso 3.60
13600 V. A. Jones, photos of
Stone, circuit court exponso. ... . 8.00
13601 T. K. Daniels, grand Jury
witness, 1 day, 5 miles ..... 2 00
13602 Onus, Tscnlrgl. grand Jury
witness, 1 day, 5 miles i-00
13603 A. li J. Perclval. grand
Jury witness, 1 day, 5 miles.... 2.00
1360111. F. Snider, grand Jury
witness. 1 day, 6 miles 2.00
13605 Lottie Armstrong, grand
Jury witness, 1 day. 5 miles. . . . 2.00
13606 Helen Armstrong, grand
Jury witness. 1 day, 5 miles. . . 2.00
13607 Sirs. A. L. Armstrong,
grand jury witness, 1 day, 5 mi. .' 00
13608 H. C. Uonnuy, grand Jury
witness, 1 day. 6 iiiIIch .... 2-00
13609 Geo. Hamilton, grand Jury
witness, 1 day, 5 mlleu 2 00
13610 J. T. Hiedge. grand Jury
wttni'HH, 1 tluy. 5 miles....... 2-00
13611 Verdi Ward, grand Jury
witness. 1 day. 5 miles. .'00
(To Iio Continued.)
Public notice Ib horoby glvon that
on tho 22nd day ot January, 1012,
J. R. Ryan being tho ownor ot liquor
license No. 718 Issued by tho City of
Medford, Oregon, and oxplrlni? on tho
21st day of April, 1912, nold and
assigned said retail liquor llconuq to
S. A. Kroschol and that on tho 0th
day of February, 1912, tho undor
signed will apnoar boforo tho City
Council of Medford. Oregon, and will
then and there petition tho said City
Council for permission to transfer
said retail liquor llconso from tho
said J. R. Ryan to tho said S. A.
Kroschol; tho retail liquor business
that Is bolng conducted by virtue ot
said Hcoubo Is bolng conducted at No.
22 North Front stroot In tho CUy ot
Medford, Oregon, and should permis
sion bo granted by said Council to so
transfor said llcenso tho Bald business
will be conducted at tho samo place
of business and under tho namo ot
8. A. Kroschol.
Datod at Medford, Oregon, this 22d
day of January, 1912.
9 00