PAOT3 HVD Jefi Came Back Exactly on Schedule Time By "Bud" Fisher rA -H-. ' Hlr ', VJ TO THi 'jCVOnO ! r LOOK. JW. MOW WJ NJST IX" KNOtOlO ON ft OOWM TAIn.S -'MOW Wr'S &OOT tmi t.CT-ro - rou iM3 " ""Mi - 'VOW MO T,1S Oov(f( vntM mm ro"rur op Do.N. HQ OUbHT rO 85 Me0- V TMl oooa , 'OKfctye.NVj .MOTHtJ( JjCCCKO ? MPTTOTID MATT TRTBTOTE, OTDTOTIT), OKEdON, -pilTDAY, ,TANtLT?Y 20, 1912. SSB I uir, rs( cmt " iH-'Miu iu - -. &- SuVm:w:;?h mt' " f few J -w-"t mnvn 'I1IVTUIIW N .., V :j .-v.... - ! AfjriTivr Vrw ..7ll I . --2r. f " M ? x fM!ia, mm It t MEDFORD MARKETS IMllil I'lil'CK. VlWlllltliHI, I'otntoort M 50 Mtr wt. (JhIiIiuko 3c. I'nrHiiliiv 'J'jO. . I.t'ltiiro fia lii'iid. Citrruln li'c llix'tn 2M(. ()nlon ac. Olory B04MI lox. Unullrlowur 1 0 fT J0i litiml. Turitlim 3Wa Itnillitliim rm Ininnli. OnloiiM (lri'dii, Cu IiiiiicIi, I'm 1 1. Coco n 11 11 In 10 a ihiuIi. I'rutKtji- Drlml, lOn Hi. I.MIH)IIH 2f0 (lOXOIIi IMiiinunn I lit- to 30n por tlozoii OrniiKon IGp (u 40. CruiilmrrluH 15 tjunrt. Iliitti-r. Hkkh mill I'oullry. Hultur l'rtmh auioli, imr roll, I'.Rrj flruatimry, SCc. lKKMI'ronli nuicli, 3Ccj BtornRt, 2fit Poultry IIoiik. lrcniHl, 18c; llvo Ho; xprdiKH, tlroKHoil, 20. Ttirluyn 30i; to 26c, drcdni'il. McittK, Wlioli'knlo. lliMif Cow, I'.io; tlffM, Cc. I'orlc r. Vi ft1 fir. Vnnl Drontinil, 7 i ft lOr. Mutton 3C3 Mc, llvo; IntnUtt, C( 7,0. liny mill l-Vvil, Wliolrnlo. Ilnw .Tlmotliy, $18; alfalfa. 1C; cruHH, $ll'; Krnln liny, tlti. Clrnln Wlimit, $102 ImibIioI; ontn, $37 ton; liitrlny, $0 ton. NOTICK. Notlro In liureby itlvon Hint tlio ti ii il m Ik ii ml will apply to h olty coiinoll of tlio city of Muilfunl, Oro con, nt ltn tiitxt roKiilnr iiumUIiu; on Kutininry fitli, 1U12, for u IIcuiiko to mill HplrHuouH, vlnniiH nml limit Hi) uorH In iimmtltloH Iciw tliiui n Knlton at lila place of ImihIiichu on lot 10, liloclc 20, In nalil olty, for n porloil of nix auontliH, 'lLh KAHNMiS. Dntocl Jim. 10, IU12. roiiM). dray goldlng; old hIioiw on alt foot Rranded on tho right nhonlder Own or may havo aamo by proving prop- orty and paying for thht ad, C. K. HICKOIC. On Griffin crook. at Ilarr Ranoh 2G7 NOTION TO MINK OWNICIIB. All pornonu who aro donlroua of securing apnea In tiio Medford Mining JutillooUlook on tho. mineral roHourc oh of aoiithorn Oregon and northorn California, to bo Innuod Foby, 1. 1013, Hhould linlnedlatolycall upon or ad drcflo C. W, Pntteraon or Guy T. TliniBhor, Nash hotol, Medford, Oro. UaokliiH for honltli. LEQAL NOTICES. NOTICK Ul' TRANHFKR OF M UOll LICK.NHK. I'ubllo notlco Ih horoby given that on tho 22nd dav of January. 1012, .1. R, Ryan being tho owner or Ihiuor llceiino No. 71R" lanuod by tho City ot Mudrord, Orogou, and oxplrlng on tho 2im day of April, UU'J, hoki aim , iiHBlgtiod nald rotall lliiuor llceuso to B. A, KroHchol and that on tho 0th day of February, 1012, tho under nlgnod will appear bofnro tho City Council ot Medford, Oregon, nnd will then and thero petition tho mild City Council , tor pormlHHlon to trauufor nald retail lliiuor llcenuo from tho nald J, R. Ryan to tho mild B. A, Kromihol; tho rotall lliiuor IiuhIiiohh that Iri being conducted by vlttuo ot mild llcnuiio Ih being conducted at No. 22 North Front atrout In tho City or Medford, Oregon, and Hlioild permlH hIoii bo granted by nald Council to bo traiiHfor mibl )(!onso tho wU IiuhIiiohh will bo conducted at tjio Hiinio.placp of IiubIihihii and undue l,1 )o ot fl, A. Krotiohol. Dated at Medford, Oregon, thlH 23d tiny of January, 1012, J. It. UYAN, , 8. A, KRO30IIBL, LEGAL NOTICES. NOTK-'K l" HltflTMCMKNT OI ItCCCIVKItKllir. Kotloo Ik liori'liy kIvoii tlint tlio iiiidoialRutM, J. 1. Itcdily, tin ru ci'lvnr of tlio Mi'ilford & Crutor l.n)to IliillroiiU coiiipniiy, mi Oregon corpor ation, to whli'li recolvorNlilp ho wan honttoforo nppoliitcil by uu order of tlio circuit court of tlio Htntu of Oro C.oii for Jnckuon county, In n can no tlii-rcln, and now pi-ndltiK. untltlod KdKnr llafur, plaintiff, vorniiH Mcd ford H. Cratur l.alto ltiillrnud com jinny, an Orison corporation, A. A. DavlH, II. 1. Adklun, It. II. Wlilto luiad, J. M lCi'uno and W. I. Vawtor, dtifcuidiiutn, Iiiik filed In nald court liU final report, nliewlui: that nald rculvoritlilp Ih ready fur final xottlo niont. Notloo In horoby i;lvon that hereto fore, In nald court and caime. an or dr wan duly iiiado nnd entered et tliif; Hnld final report for hwirliiK, l' open court, at JucliMonvllk, OroKon, on January 30, ID 12, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., and uiojilrlug Tun days' .uotlcu thureof bo Kiveu. Aitil all pumonn InteruNtcd In tlio nald ea Into anil In tlio innttont contained In nald final report, and In tlio dlntrluu tlou of tlio money lielonr.lni; to said nicolvurHlilp. will pleano talo uotloi) that tat nald time will ronio on for final hm r I in: tlio matter of panning il(ion nald final report, and of tho rcrelvor'n fern, expeunert and din- .... I .. .1... ....- ...! .11..- i iMimuiiii'iiin, linn in iiiu ii'iw uiu win 'liurnnmeutH of hln attorney, and tho i ..i,4im rt flit. ....nftrtil .Huff rllillff IfKi llf tho fuiidn, and that all pumonn hav liiK ubJiTtlonn to nald report nro hereliy rcaulred to file the mimu with tho cliMl; of nald court prior to nald time. Notlro Ih hereby r.lven that nt nald tlino and place, the court will dotor fnlno tlto mauiiur of dlntrlhiitlng'nald fund, and to whom thu nnnie ahull hb Dated thin 17th day of January, 1012. j. r. Hi:i)DY. An Hocolvor of tho Medford &. Orator lilto Hallroad Company, an pro gon corporation, which rnoolvur nhlp U peudliiK In tho Circuit Court of tho Htnto ot Oregon for Jack hoii County, UUHIMMS OIM'OHTUMTIICH FOR BALK- Bubtirbnn nlore, living loom attached. Rare opportunity. For particular boo A. F. llarneti. 2CS LOST LOST A fox torrror puppy A moiithn old. White with burr color bond, oiio Miol on body, tOiort tall. Ho wurd. Return 010 B. Fir nt. 200 FOR HICNT HOUHICS FOR RKNT 1 and 3 room hoimo, $7 nnd $4 a anautli. 322 8. Cen tral avo. 307 FOR RKNT Furnlnhod G room cot tago, uiodoru. CIS King nt. FOR HUNT llockenyon bungalow; modern. 720 Vfont 11th nt. Phono Main CC03. FOR RUNT fi rooinmodorn bunga low on pavod ntreot; gaa range. 010 N. Rlvoraldo. lnqulro nt ntoro In roar. 3GG FOR RKNT -Modern 10 room houno clone lit. Boo Allen Grocery Co. 207 FOIt HUNT IIOUBUKICni'lNQ HOOMB FOR RKNT Now olid up to dnto apartment anndorn lu ovory partic ular, gnu cooking, tttonm boat, otn. BmltirH npnrtmout houno. 217 So. Illvonddo. FOR RKNT Threo room nulto of hoiiHokoeplug rooiua; water fur iiIhIioiI. Frlco $S, Vivo blockn from pontofflco, North Central liuiulro at first houno north of 010 North Central uvo. 2 an FOR RKNT FurnlBhod housekeep ing rooiua nnd furnlHhed nleeplug rooniH. liuiulro 337 W. 10th. 2S.r FOR RKNT KlIRNIHIIKl) ROOMS FOR RKNT At tho Cottngo, fur nished rooms with or without board, Our rooniB nro modorn. Hot and cold running water, boat nnd prlvnto tolophnno In each room, l'rlcos roasonablo. 004 W. 10th street. Mrs. IL M. Cobb. J1GC FOR RKNT Largo sleeping room, $1.D0 nnd $3 por wook. Modern liouBokoopIng apartments, $18. Home phono 2G0-K. 222 6011th Holly. FOR IMSiVr OFFICICfl FOR RKNT Over tho poatofflco, with boat and 'light.' Boo A. A. Davis. FOR' RKNT Lnrgo, comfortnblo of- flco rooms with olovntor sorvlco, steam heat, hot and cold water, Low rates. Apply Medford FurnU turo & llUw, Co. , 1'UHNIHIIKII AI'AUTMi:.NTH TIIK HKItHKN, Cor. tjulnco and W. Main, furnlnhod apartment, pri vate hatha, heat, ovory couvcnluuco nil now. 1'OU HUNT MIHCKtIiAM'OtlH FOR MJAHI3 Fully (iijulpped placor and aunrta mine. Gold Hay Real ty Co. FOR RHNT Largo and small runch cn. Gold Ray Realty Co. Foil ham-j ACHi:,ai: FOR 8AI.H-A hoaiitlful nlto for your now home; build your homo under tho oaks nnd laureln of l'or ent ('ourt, I'errydalo, I mlln wont of city on Jacksonville road; U acro building nlten; 1 and 3 acre alfalfa tractn; r. and 10 aero fruit ranchea not to Rnrtlett, Anjoti and Rone pearn. Soil and nltuatlon make theno properties unexcelled for gardening nnd poultry raining. Come and mo for you not f. V. B. Carpenter, owner. Or add row llox CR4. 274 FOR SALK An Improved ton ncro farm; G ncren in 20-year-old or chard, nil kludn of fruit nnd bcr rlen; Inrgo cherry treon thnt nlmply boat tho world In quantity and quality, together with a foo nlmplo title to ton acres ot clntnn and bathing bench lu front; nil klndH ot clams In unlimited quuutltlea. 1C00 ft. from Drownsvlllo I. O., on regular linen of boats from 8c attlo. one hour'n run: 3 miles from Dremorton navy yard. First clana plnulc road from houno to wharf. Fare from Seattle to placo for thu pant year has been Cc, never more than 25c. Bpeclnl rnten for school children. Wilt uxohango for Mod ford property or Roguo river val ly land. Apply to Jackson County Realty Co., 217 uarnott-coroy uiu. 20C FOR SALB Largo and smnll trncta ot land to suit. Special good buy In a OOOjiicro tract close to good town nnd ohlpplng point.' Wrlto or call on 118. 217 Garnott-Coroy bid. Medford, Oregon. Jackson County Honlty Co. 2G5 FOR BALK 10 or 20 ncres of fruit land near Koirlu Point. Onlv n smnll cnnii payment required, balance cain bo paid In labor on joining prop orty If you havo a team, Seo Oliver II. Hrown, 430 Hartlett nt. FOR SALE 9 ncros nt wont onil of "Millionaire Row" 2 miles north of JaakNonvlllo. Deep soil, sub Irrigated, llvo springs; well Im proved, nil kinds of fruit, fdr $3500 for 10 days only. Terms. W. J. Albert, Central Point. 2G8 FOR BALK Aero nnd flvo ncro tracts adjoining Medford on long time, easy payments, or might ex change. Gold Ray Realty Co., 101 Klcctrlo bldg. FOirSALK"-WoT7ffur a "2"0ncro young npplo and pear orchard clono In bldg. slto adj.; Investigate. Med ford Laud Co" , excl. agts., First Natl. Hank bldg. FOR SAIii: IjAND DON'T WAIT t. YKARS. nUY CALIFORNIA FULL BEAR ING ORCHARDS. Money Hack If Not Batlsflod. $00 cash and $30 por month buys flvo acres with full bearing fruit trees In tho famous HIdwell Orchards nt Chlco, California. Pay ments Include Interest nnd taxes. Your money back It not satisfied upon Investigation. Tho Uldwoll Orchards nro tho most noted nnd nroiliictlvo In tho wondorful Sncra- monto Vnlloy of California. It's our confldeuco In. this land that prompts this generous offer. Wo'vo poaches, prunes, nlmonds, apricots and Hartlett pears, lluyora' rail road faros, not excoodlng $20, will bo credited on purehnso prlco. Land adjoins tho thriving town of Chlco (14,000 pop.) (References' Any bnnk ot Chlco, American National Hank of San Francisco nnd First National Hank of Ban Lcnudrn.) Bend for valuable. Information and facts to HIdwell Orchards, Inc. Chlco. Cal. 207 for saiTp, iiot'Sica FOR SALE Four room bungalow, front and back porch. 1033 W, Ninth, Prlco $800. 2G5 FOR SALE A bIs room bnngulow, one block south ot park; good terms. Cull and boo It nt 225 S. Oakdale. 2GI FOR BALK Wo offer for sale 5 rm. modorn bungalow; paved utroot. Some cnah, bnl. monthly payments, low' Int. , Meilford Land Co., oxolu slvo ngt., First Natl. Hank bldg. FOR HALM OR HENT , VOR RENT 'OR SALE Flrstolns8 garden and fruit tract with Iioubo, barn nud ehlckon puiic. M, A, Rador, Moarord, ovo, FOR KAMv MOOS AVI) I'OL'lritV KTfiTBAiilS llntchliih ogKn from my M ........ .. . .....I.. 1. irapnHHieu Vrjfw vinio urpuiK toiin and Rbodo Inland Reds. Got your order In early. Wrlto for prices. Myra Fuller Blnklyou HolghtB. I'hono CI 82. 280 FOR BALK Fifteen eggs, express prepaid, $2. Orpingtons. Wyan dotteH, Plymouth Itocks. Leghorns, llautnms, etc Also ducks and tur liey. Write for circular. Simp son's Pheasant Farm, Corvnllls, Oregon. 335 FOR BALK Thoroughbred Huff Orpington roosters Prlco from $1 to $2 each. II. O. I,ockwood, woat end Second nt , Medford, Oro. Phone Pacific C&02 2GC FOR BALK Iiioubfttom, broodon. fancy eggs for hatching. Order now at Schmidt's Feed Store. 280 FOR BALK 1?6K tor hatching. Crys tal Whlto Orpingtons. White Wy uudottos, Harrod Rocks and White Leghorns. Will book orders for early hatches. Come and sco the stock. 711 S. Central. Pacific phone 54 12. II- II. Hutterfleld. 2S0 FOR BALK Kggs for hatching, am booking orders now far tho nlnglo comb Whlto Leghorn, Wyckoff strain, ll.fiO fdr 15 eggs, $8 per 100. Plnco orders now. A. W. Stone. Phono 7302 270 OLD TRUSTY Is a high grade Incu bator at very modernto prlco. Do not buy until you lnvestlgnto its merits. C. W. Potter. 274 FOR SALE Single comb Whlto Lg horns; Crystal Whlto Orpingtons. Can furnish a few more Ieghorn eggs, the lant week In February. Also a limited No. Orpington eggs and baby chicks' next month. Re ceived first prlio on Orpingtons at Medford District Fair In 1911. Let us supply you with a trio or pen of thin strain. Prices on request. Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jacksanvllle, Oro. FOR SALE Eggs Tor hatching, sln glo comb Whlto Leghorns, Pota luma utility Mock, $1 for 15 eggs; $5 por 100, D. N. Jnnnoy, R. F. 1). No. 1, box 24. Phene: SUb. COO-R-5. 2S4 FOR SALE Rhode Inland Red eggs, $1 per setting of 15. 210 Court st. P. O. Hox 98. 2S3 ' FOR SALE Mammoth Pckln drakes a few selected specimens $2.50 each. Address Irn J. Dodge, Fruit growers Hank bldg, 209 FOR SALE WOOD AND FUEL FOR SALE Tho Standard Wood Yard, cor. 9th and Fir. sells all klndH of dry wood at popular prices. All wood under cover. Call nnd seo our wood nud give us a trlnl ordor. Pac. C501, Home 103. 2G7 FOR SALE Hig body twolvo or six teen Inch fir wood, best wood In city. Call II. 1 Flury, 619 So. Rlvorsldo, or phono C041. Prompt dollvory. Will not bo uudorsold. 281 FOR SALE Relchsteln sells wood at tho big woodshed 417 S. Oakdale. Res. 405. Home pliouo 144-L; Hell 1G1G. 273 FOR SALE Cordwood, onk and hardwood. $5 per cord In carload lots. Gold Ray Roolty Co., 218 West Main. Phono 1S73. FOIl SALE MISCELIiANKOUS FOR SALE--Cnrola Inner piano plnyor with modern Improvements. Been used 1 year; cost $750. In qulro Hox 801, Medford, Ore. 204 FOR SALE-Machinist latho and turbine water wheel. Mrs. 1). Sharp, Woodvlllo, Oregon, R. R. No. 1, box 00. 280 FOR SALE Cholco iiomo grown al falfa Beed nt Seven Oaks, 2 miles pnrth of Central Point. W. n. Harris, Route 1, Central Point. FOR SALE Housohold furnlturo nt ft bargain. Phono 7132 or call ut 1022 Roddy avo. ' 205 FOR SALE Two good work horses and threo pairs ot flno orchnrd mnloa. Phono 93 til Main. FOTTSALE ISO feoFof 4-foot picket fonco with 2 gates. Gold Ray Honl ty Co. FOR SALE Two buggies, Hot of bar. , I.lln 11...... T t IIL'UH, mull! fltlUkliU, 1IIU(I. J. V. Hnll, 315 S. ContrnI uv. FOR SALE Horso, buggy and bnr iiobh. Lonvo your uddvoss nnd pljqno nt Trlbnno offlqo and I will boo you lu a tow dnys. X. Y. ' 2G8 FOR SALE Get that clnssy roadstor. A 'flno buy for tho money, 110 South Uartlott ut, 204 ft f2p. 1 FOR BALI-MIBCKLLANnOBS FOR BALE Flno old violin, very cheap. Apply Hox 72, Tribune. 2G5 FOR BALK Gasoline engine, 1 V h. p. Fuller Johnson 35 foot 1 Inch pipe. Pump and cylinder in A-l shape. $00 cash. Call Farmer 8I5-F-24 or wrlto H. 11. Corliss, Talent, Ore. 2G8 FOR BALH Flno old violin, very cheap. Main 5701. 2G5 FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 ncro truck farms mllo from Medford. W. II. Everhard, 909 V.'. 9tb. Phono CG71. FOR SALE OR TRADE 20 acros highly Improved fruit ranch, near ly all lu No. 1 bearing apples; good largo house, barn, well; Join lug Ashland city limits. Trade for good Medford Improved. Prlco, $18,000. Address or Inquire C. W. Sharpo. Room 3 Rlalto bldg., City. 2CC FOIl EXCHANGE FOR TRADE Flno residence and 4 lots In Roneberry, Idaho, best town lu Long valloy. Would trade for Improved 40 near Medford, Ore. Good reasons for wanting to trade. Owen Swift, Roseborry, Idaho, box 10. 204 FOR EXCHANGE City property, lots, aero tracts and ranches to excuango for othor property Gold Ray Realty Co., 101 Electric bldg. FOR EXCHANGE Modorn bunga low on pavement; will take lots and littlo cash. Clark Realty Co. TO EXCHANGE Threo and one half Inch wngon to sell or exchange for llghtor one. Inquire of E. J. Odell, four miles northeast of ContrnI Point. 207 HKLP WANTED MALE WANTED Single man to do ranch work and chores around houno. One with some knowledge of gar dening and carpenter work pre ferred. Tolephono Central Point. Houdlnot Connor. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED All kinds of sowing olthor fancy or plain. 414 North Front street. 2G4 WANTED Steady job on ranch or urcburd by young married man without children. Good worker blmsolt and good nt overseeing others. Thoroughly qualified for laud and stock and sonic orchard oxperlonce. Satisfactory reforonces for chnrnctor nnd qualifications. Address box 11 Phoenix, Ore. 207 WANTED Sowing by the day. Phono 7402 or 424 S. Pench. 270 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED You can't Mt'lp but mako monoy soiling our gunranteod-to-glvo-satlsfactlon stock; freo outfit; cash weekly; oxcluslvo torrltory. Yakima Valley Nursory Co., Top ponlsh, Washington. WANTED I.argo young work team. Would Ilko to pay in lumber, deliv ered next summer. Pacific phono lSxxl, Central Point. WANTED Gontlo horso, ago 5 to S, 1100 to 1200 weight. J. M. Win tors, Ross Lane Toad. WANTED Good truo Bound work horso about 1100 pounds. Address P. O. Hox 312, Medford, or phoue 597-R-2, 207 BUSINESS DIRECTORY A&tuiycr ami Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays made foe gold, sil ver, lead, copper nnd other miner als. Mines and mining prospects Burvoyed, assayed and mining maps ami reports mado thereon by com petent onluiug nssayora and engl noora at reasonnblo terms. Capital Bccured for developing mines and mining prospects. All mine own ers nro earnestly requested to send samples ot tholr ores for exhibi tion purposes, and Bend full de scription of their mlulug property. Southern Oregon Mlulug Bureau, Gtli and Fir Bts. Accountants D. R. WOOD General nccountant. Your books audited nnd kept for a reasonnblo figure; your business solicited. Otflco Medford Mall Trib uuo bldg: phono 6011; rosldouco phono 6302, Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INO. Medford offlco, phones Main 2511, Home 35G, Jackson ville phones. Facltlo. Mala lit I Home 3000, flyyyftevng' g3 ov at 0 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Architects. JOHNS & TURNER Architects nnd Builders. Office- 7-S, 325 Main; phono Main 3471; rcsldcnco phono 744.. Attorneys C. L. REAMES, LAWYER OHIco Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF. W. P. MEALEY Attornoyn-at-Law, No. 1 and 2 Pontofflco bldg. A E. REAMES Lawyer. Osrnett Corey bldg. MTJLKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KBY, CEO. W. CHERRY) Room 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bide. Hillianl Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Cl gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs. Young & Hall bldg. A nlco, cool place to spend tho hot afternoons. Billiards and Fool. MEET him at tho Mcdtord Billiard Parlor. Cuas. Dolman, prop. 272 Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, ncrvo specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massago given; advice in die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phono Home 1GS-K. Civil Engineer '.LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor, water filings and irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sower design, concrete work, pump and cannl systems. Rooms 1-3 Adklns blk.. Medford, Orpgon- Hill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Boom 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Contractors nnd Builders. J. II. DREW W. L. HANDY DREW & HANDY. Contractors and Builders. Plnns and Estimates Furnished. Home phone 1S2-L or 347-R, 274 Pacific Tel. 359G. P. O. Box 73S. BOYD & SON Contractors nnd Builders. Job Work a Specialty. Cabinet Work. Painting and Papering Brick and Stouo Work. 2S3 CTilneso Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chlneso medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golture, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, prlvato diseases and all kinds of chronic nnd nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Seo me at 241 S. Front st., Medford. Ore., to 4, G: 30 to 7:30. Residence phono Main 42. Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real estato and anluos. Collections our specialty. Boom 412 M. F. & II. Co., opp. P. O. Take elevator. Phoue Mnlu 2021. - Dentists J. M. KEENE, D. D. 8.; A. J. HINI KER, D. D. S. Dentists, 228 to. Main. Phono Main 3191. Home 124-K. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO . DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO - Dontists Gnrrtott-Coroy bldg., sulto 310, Med ford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist. Offlco In Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered tor extraction of tooth. Tolephono Main C81. Night phono 4432. ' Dmglcfc.s Healing, MY TOXIN-ELIM1NAT1VE Treat ment cures nil uric ncld and toxic dlsouses. Tuberculosis no oxcop tlou. lmmpdiato rollof. O110 day Is all I ask to convlnco you. Como now for froo consultation. Dr. E, Brooke, D. O., 247 So.' Riverside S4-R. 272 Furnlturo H.' F. WILSON & CO. Doalors In now and socond-hand turnituro and hardware Agents for Household Btovos and ranges. 38 S. Fir Bt. Phono Main 3161, Home 2G5-L. MISSION FURN1TUR15 WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Medford, MIsBlqn furnlturo made to ordor. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial ordor solicited, ''fl 'll'l Jj&& v , Ipf " jib?-. ja, BUSINESS DIRECTORY Graulto Works -MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Naglc, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers In pressed brick and lime, Offlco at their brick yard. West Jackson at. Phono No. 34 CI. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main Streot, Doalnra and Manufacturers of Pressed and Com mon Brick and Tile. Gut our pric 3 and neo our brick and tile before purchasing. Garbago MEDFORD GARBAGE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Leavo ordori at 29 S. Bartlett, or phono Rodnoy Taylor. Pacific 3432, Hamo 10S-X. f Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trpes aro budded, not grafted. Our stock is not Irrigated. We guaranteo everything put out We are not In tho trust. II. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotol Nasb, in sido entrance next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grade nursery stock. Offlco 104 S. Fir. Both phones. Notary Fu'oilc HELEN N. YOCKEY Notnrr Pub lic Bring your work to mo at the sign of Tho Mall Trlbuno. Printers and PuNLsumh -YEDFORD PRINTING CO. lias tho best equipped job otflco In southern Oregon; book binding, looao leaf systems, cut paper, etc, etc Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Ph, dlclans and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phono 601, resldenco phone G12. Offlco hours, 9 a. m. to 3 P. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CAIILOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 410 and 417 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Phono Main G351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offlco Garnett-Corey bldg.. rooms 211-212, phono 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, rcsldcnco 109, offico 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. Practice limited to dlseasos of wom en. Offices over Hasklne drug storo. Phones, Pacific 1001, Hcmo 2S. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice UmlUd to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eea scion tltlcally tested and glasses supplied. Offlco 216 E. Main Bt., over Med ford Hardware company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. DRS. SAUNDERS & GREEN Prac tice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Otflco, sulto 313 Garnott Coroy bldg. Both pboucs. E. B. PICICEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bauk. Office phono M. 432; Res. phono, M. 582. J. E. SHEARER. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. 419-430 Garnott Coroy Bldg, Pac. phono; Otflco, 731; resldenco, 4543. Home phono, otflco 48, resldenco 286-L. DR. E. II. PORTER Physician and Surgeon. St. Marks Block Offlco Phono 4901. Resldenco 7051, Stenographers ELLA M. GUAN YAW Palm, block. Stenographic work dono quickly and well. MISS L. J. KINGSTON Public Bton- ographer, Medford, Ore. Phenes: Offlco. Pacific G571; resldonco, To rino 6083. Room 218 Guructt Coroy bldg. Transfer . BADS BROS. Dray and Transfer. Offlco 10 South Fir, Phono Bell 3152; Home 3G0-K. Prices rlgut. Sorvlco guaranteed. MEDFORD PARCHLl)El7lV,ERY Parcels lOo, I5c, 25c; trunks 25a nnywhoro In tho city. Offlco Val ley Second Hand Storo, 16 N. Fir Bt, Phones; Main 3073; Home 364. Monsongor Borvlco. Fred Crocker, Prop .. Undertakers, JOHN A, PER'L-Undortakor and Embalmor. Otflco 28 South Bart lett St. Telephenes: Day, Bell 471; night, resldonco. Bell 473, Home 170-L. Calls nnnwored nlgat or day, Ambulaiico sorvlco. I-