City Halt Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Clear. Max., HI; Mln., Il Itdntlvo Humidity, H1 Pet, Untly Mlxlh Yenr. I'liity-riml Vuur. MKUTORD, OltKdOX, FIUDAV, .JANUAItY 20, 3912. No. 2G4. "5! ROYALISTS IN FIRST BATTLE ARE DEFEATED KNOX WARNS AGAINST FOREIGN INTERFERENCE. NOTED AVIATOR PERFECTS FLYING BOAT WHICH ) WILL MAKE TRANSATLANTIC FLIGHT POSSIBLE OF K ECHNICALITY WANTS UNCLE SAM TO PROBE MONEY TRUST W MAY t v 9& A. I V 4 i.5 f H- i v,v, ' t , iv , i M Alllniiili Better E(iiliicil mill Tak Inil Republicans hy Surprise, Gen mil Hiiiiii Millies Men .mil, After Fierce Battle, Routs Maiichtis. LITTLE DIFFICULTY IN THE CAPTURE OF PEKIfl Stnmlnrit Oil ami Other Concussion Serkurs arc Charged Willi Failure of Negotiations. SHANGHAI. .Inn. 'Jfl. Wirliln -dfapetntelv ! Hw fad l' lMi if i. fir ti linMiilil iin, ivvniii ltoitUl itmlfi (Ihmm'hI I.i Viihii Hun.' today iMild lltf ioytlil in the llr-i haill nl iliw iflM'l biImiiicm nil PcklM Tins) of I be dilatory taclien or the Mnnliu iiinii', hIim hnd ptil f f ) iuMillii'iiM fwi day ! iliiv hiIIi pruifibu uf mIkImwIhmi which wtn ttvr fHiniliHl, the noliiiHMiiMiH Hi ilniil m TwrfH f Immni lit move northward friii Hlmiiliml. on tin onptlitl. MkImh.v Itolwc'ii N'mikimt ml TiH 'iVm Ill impcrialiM intei optm llut inhcl army. Iti)iill-l,t Heller Ifcpilppctl. Although the royalUU were liotlr HjnltHtil mid ri'tiHlly took the ' publican Ity niirpiW, the latter atond their umnod iinil, dcapito. tltf fiift that ncoro or their soldier ttcri' mowed ilown by raking lire fnim Mill IttNCllillC guio "f 'I'' enemy, Oen nml I.I Yuan IIiik quickly mllii'il hi formi Biul led Ilium in it itwirrnlo cltftrgu mi the iiiiiPriHlit. Tlii Man I'kwi ff "wept hIT thair fvl and (mHii.h! wtn left dead Mill I iI.vIhk "" ilni lihllo Hold before tin iiiiHriulUt nfTtooni ordorvil a retreat to iiwnll reinforcement, .Mihumikiin from Wit Chang todny Mate Unit tho main section of the rebel in in y Iihm started northward In co-opei-ntc with ht force in the iiortliwe!. The main ncelimi of the revolutionary hi tuv i said tti ln ItJt'iitifully Hiipliwl with nrlillorv iinil HiHinniiilion, nikI it i Kinmill.v Itf lloMnl that tin I'tnnliiiii'il fni(t( will Iihvii liltlo iliffiiMiltv in iMiptiiiinK l'okln. . Sliimliitil Oil lltiuncit. In mi mliloiinl I Ik1 Sliiinxlmi "u xullo oIiihkoh tlm Sliiiiilnnl Oil cintf pfiitv Hint nllmr onni'iiini Kiu'laTr' willi i oMponwiliitil v tor llu fiiilmo l llui iiiinn iiogoliiituinit licro. Am n nmnlt it io lielii'voil Unit Kmitiinnnl iiipiiimt fnn'i(ii('r will lie Kiontly in Uiimillnil, inn) Ki'iiiiuu ilnmnnsti-iitiunK II I'd fllHI'Oll. Miiny ponmiiM lmri think 1'roninVnl Sun Vat Son hmtilt'il tho HiiKMtinnK of tliv moil who vun nl'lur ooi'i' NimiH Tor Iho hit; (MiiporntioiiN. It in (liM'ltmul lltnt inturniitiminl llnnnoiorM, iiii'lutliiiK' the Klnnilunl Oil compiiny, iionliihiiiitil lo Snn Ynt Snn'n c. poiiHOM during hix nnolntionnry cimi piiiKH ami Unit In hIooiI put iik it re null of thcli' ilil'lin'iiccH. GABY DESLYS MARRIES HARRY Harry Pllcer, Athletic Dancer, and Woman Who Was Responsible) for Downfall uf Portiiiicso Monarchy Aro Married. KI-JW YORK, ,lnn. 20. -Onliy Don ly, Iho Piii'iHtuii damtor, who wan in diieully nwpiiiiHiblo for the downfall nf Iho PorliijjiioHo monarchy because of a liuukfoit with Connor King Manuel, today Iiiim been mnnied to Marry Pilimr, umMU'iliiiK In a tnoHHiigii hIic Hinil to frioiulrt Itoro. "I married Hurry Ibis mnruinn nnd wo nro ho happy," mild flaliy in the incKwngc. Piliinr in a fonmu' iiiomlun' of the Winter Oariluu cnmimny hero ami wan foil lured iik an alhletio danmu'. He nailed bin dauco Urn "Oaby (Hide," and thin- niMtlo n bit with Iho liltlt PiwIhIiiii. Now York frienilH of tin oouplo Htty (lahy and Pileer fell in lovo lit lll'clt Hih'llt. CUHURoorr Secretary Kuox In Speaking boforo flic Now York Stale Asoc!ntlon, Philander 0. Knot, Bccrelary of Htato, ilM not honltnto to drclnro tbnt there was actual danger pro benlM In tlio (juration of foroten Intcrfcrcnco In Central American republics. Ilo appealed for tho rntlflcatlon by the Bcnato of the Uultvtt SUtua of tbo peud lug Ntcnracuan ni)J Uonduruu loan conventlona. GOULD LINES TO iSIIS ROOSEVELT " BE MERGED INTO i 1ULD CARRY T Transcontinental System Will Include Wabash, Missouri Pacific, Denver & Rio Grande nnd the Western Pacific. PIKIU.O, Coin., Jim. 20. Prm lical ciMillnnrtlion of tltn ivportiMl ini'ixi'i" '!' Ui Ooiihl pnipni'tn into it iiiKl trutimioiitiiittiilHl rnilroiul sk loin with u direct lino front New York to San I'Yn noium wn inndo hero hy Pretiident II. 1 Htikh of tlm Denver tV Itio (Iraudo tiiilroitd, who lodiiy ik cm route ciint. AHIioiikIi ho would not hpceillciilly dineiiM tht pluiiM, he in timuteil (hut the report wnit lino hiuI Imh (rip ent helioved to huvo fiiin'o lltiiiX to do with the prooHod merger. Aceordiii to repiitt the (i-hiim-(miliiteutal Mynlem i lo innltide (he Wabash, which connect New York with SI. Louis; the .Missouri I'acillc from St. Louis to Pueblo; the Denver Itio (Iraudo li'oui l'ncblo to Salt Luke, and the WoIcim Pacttlc from Still Lake to Sail Pranci-co ARE IN SESSION Ro(juo River Valley Institute of Pres hytcrlan Sunday School Workers Aro Hohlhifi a Mectinn in This city. , The Rdkiio River valley itiHtitule of PreHbyleriuti Sunday hoIiooI worker is boiii),' held in tho Proxbytorian church in Medford today and will continue until Sunday ovoniuif. Following Is Hie program for lliiw afleriiooit and eveniiij;: Aflornooii (.'onforoimo wilb offi cers of tbo oburoh ami of tho Sunday school, led by Rev. A. M. Williams, educational Hiipeiintoudenl, and Rov, ). V. Millipui, I). D., synodical supoi' iuleudeul, both of Portland. TIumiie: (I) "Tbo Present Fl'fieienoy of tbo Sunday Schools Ropreseuled in This Conference" ,(2, "Relation of tbo Church to lis School, (!l) I)oflnUo RoHtilts This litslitulo Should Accom plish." Uvonliijf -Poimlni' mcotliijf. ltov. ONE GE 0 PRESBYTERIANS IWTOW iff f Clmructcrlatlc Poso. Governor Sttilihs Declares People Would Get in Better Frame of Mind Under Roosevelt Than Under Any Other Candidate. t'lHt'AClO, Jim. L(5. - llriiigins; now that Colonel Roosevelt an earry Kansas by n plurality of 7f,000 if ho will Mooopt the reptthliean presi deiilinl iiomiimliou, Governor Stttbbs of Kmiinhh today called at the bend (piartoiv hero of the national Rouse elt eouimittee. He announeed his willitiyiittss to accept a place on the Rooatnelt enmuiittee along with Gov eniois llndley of Missouri, Osboru of Miehiirmt, Fori of Xow Jersey and Gltiflbcork of West VirKinin. In dUeitMfiiiiK tbo politienl situation ill Kansas, StuUbu said; "The liiisinews men of Kansas are m inor of ndone ltoosevelt lie- OHUKo he is a known quantity nnd lnifl n well delluod prorum wli'udi he Hilverliseit. In nddilion lie is not vtHimiiiry like many well meauiiiK projjrfMtvo. 1 believe that people would uct in a belter frame of mind under Roosevelt in a year than thoy would under any other president m four years." DAVE SMITH GETS THE BEST OF THOMPSON VANrolWKR. 11. C, Jan. 20. A special cable o the United Press from Sydney, AuHlrnlin, says that Cyulono Joliiiny TliRmpsoii lost out ou points in a 'JO-round bout there lust nij-lit with Dave Smith, Iho Australian. Thompson received terrible punish ment all tbrotiKb nnd scarcely lauded otio square punch, Ilo wns warned several iiuios by the refereo for iu friuuiui; (he (dean break rule and also for bittinit low. Smith was tho fa vorite wilb tbo lurjjo crowd. l'OUTLANI), Oro. KntorliiB n N'orllt Hud mission to got ioIIkIoii, (Iny Allen confossod today lto atolo a Ulblo and ton conts, Roberl McLeitu, 1). I)., Presbyterian olin'mnnu, presidbiK. Praise service. Address, "Tho Work of Our Rumla.v School hoard," Rov. J. V. Millignn, 1). 1). Address, "Adult Membership in Iho Sunday School," President U. M. CrookB, Albany college. KANSAS BY 75 FREE BANKER Only Seven Working Days of the January Term Is Left and the Jury May Not Be Held Lqjnlly After February 3. $ MORRIS STILL STANDS PAT IN HIS DEMAND State Hopes to Prove That Wilde Was on Intimate Terms With Morris. ! PORTLAND .jjlit. art.- -Onlv mwii ' workint; diiyrt of III ,!mmiihi-.v tonn of tin (li"lnct (oiirt iir left nnd n l'ci'l- ' Int. fiLiu I.. fwiii3lirnitli.iii t. t'.ll tit tlic pn.MM'iilors of Until. J. Wilds Cot iitilic.zlciMsnt lij-'dnnt"1 tlioru i- te riinin (linilit iitf o ltflhiT tlii; jury citn sit h'pilly nflor KHirtiHry 'A. The jury wiih "nllcl for tin- term" mnl, ni'i'oiiliiiK to iittoriievis llicrc no pniviMou in tlm w for holilm; it ocr until tint oinl if the (hhI. W. CiMipcr Morrih il I'liiilimii's to Htiiml put in hi (IcuihikI for u (lis. iii'ikmiI of nil imlictiJit'iilH njeHinst him in I'.xclinnjjL' for twtiinniiv unitixt Wihlc. The foremmn fc(ion wn. Kivcn over to the iilniiiltlcMtioii of lulled from Wilde to Morris hy Frank Stow, formerly a litieiue associate of the San OioKo hanker. The stale hopes jo prove hv the let- teiN that Wilde vn on intimate term is pluiiniiiK a Im-i- with Morris nod n lies eolip. Some ebaracienHtje"pasne in the letter rend: "I can always yet out and j;et a sealskin union suit." "Knelosed Hud an alarm clock m you can yet tip sooner." "I want you to save mo some money so I can buy a inoul ticket. Those California fellows alwttys soak me when I land." Frank Slow on Stuml. The prosecution at Inst night's ses sion of tho Louis J. Wilde trial for embezzlement, Introduced Its first mutorlal evidence orj which It expects to prove Its charge of conspiracy nnd embezzlement by Wlldo and W. Cooper Morris, when Frank Stow took tbo Htiiml. Although Stow did not conclude his testimony, ho gnvo a history ot the Union Telephono Construction company, tho bond selling agency In which he wns associated with Wilde, not omitting the alleged deception by Wilde In falling to account to his associates for their slmro ot the prof its from tho transaction. According to his testimony, tho organization Invaded Omahn, Neb., lu 100C, secured a frnnohlso for $.10,000 and outered Into n contract with tho Omaha Telophono company to Install a plant of G000 tele phones. In romditoratton for install ing tho plant the construction com pany received bonds to tho amount of $1,500,000 4 por cent preferred stock nt par nnd common In tho samo amount. Stow was elected goneral manager, V, F. Graves president and Wlldo snles agent, ench nt n snlary of $300 monthly to bo paid out of tho concern's profits. Tho remain ing profits wero to bo divided oquul- iy. Following the snlo of a solid block of $500,000 of the bonds to tho Oro goti Savings and Trust company at par, Stow testified that Wlldo re ported tho block sold for $410,000. Tho company reoelvod $100,000 In certificates of deposit, $r.000 wns divided between tho trio nnd $.5000 was put lu tho treasury, l.ntur Stow h.ild ho Investigated nnd found that Wlldo hnd rotalnod $50,000 for himself nnd hnd given Morris ? 10,000. MURDERER WALKS TO TOWN AND SURRENDERS FRKSNO, Cab, Jmi. 20, Confess iiif to tho killin of Mereel Marino, whom ho says lie clubbed to death at Wood Camp, near Mendotn, Tttos day, Joso Marin Corpio walked into police headquarters hore today and surrendered, He chimin Marino at tempted to kill him with u shotgun. Corpio walked nil tho way from tho camp to Fresno. Olcna H. Curtlsa Is greatly encouraged by the successful trial at Saa Diego of bis new flying boat, designed for naval use, and ho aovr considers transatlan tic flight possible. His new machine is said to have made sLxty miles on hour in the air and fifty miles an hour in the water. E SAYS HE IS RELIGHTED WITH THEWHDLE OF US Eulogizes the United States and its People and Expresses the Deepest Friendship for the Nation Energy " and Progress Pleases Hfmr NEW YORK. Jan. 20. Eulogisinc tlie United States and its people and expressing the doope&t friendship for them, the Duke of Counniu'ut, gov ernor general of CxiiMdtt, today psve the United Ft ess the tirst authorized interview since his arrivsl here. He said: "As governor general of Canada, I wish to say that the seutimout of the Canadian people is now and always will he friendly to the United States. "I am delighted with having hnd the opportunity to meet President Taft, who, us the representative of the entire American people, received me most cordially. My visit to Wash ington was most pleasant. "On the spot where the British embassy now stands in Washington I witnosos n big artillery review when I was there 40 yen is ago. Grent im provements have been umdo in that time. "I was much impressed by the high type of soldiers in your service, by the workmnusliip-likc appoaraneo of tbo cavalry escort provided me, and I appreciated them ery much. "As lor tho country, 1 am full of admiration for it, its energy and the progress that I have seon on nil sides will he carried back to Canada in my memory, together with my highest os teon!." GIRL GIVES FURTHER DETAILS OF "COAST" SAN FRANCISCO. Cnl., Jan. 20.--Graphieally depicting Iho luro nnd horrors of the Hnrbary Coast, Ada Hrelagne of Sacramento today added more accusations to those she has preferred against Jimmy Luwlor, dive proprietor and former pugilist. She swears that th latest victim of Law less white sluvo system is u 10-year-old Modesto girl, who wns trapped into the slums and ruined. The girl bus disappeared and it is feared sho lias been smuggled nway or disposed of m some moro serious way. JUVENILE COURTS OF AMERICA ARE BEST VIENNA. Jan. 20. Tbnt tho Juvo nllo courts, education of Juvenllo de linquents and tho euro and protec tion of dopondent children lu Amer ica Is better than In any other coun try of tho world, was tbo stntomont nuulo hero at n mooting of tho So- cloty for tho Protection of Childrou by Count Glolspnch, professor In tbo Gorman university at Prague Count GlolBpach has Just returned from tho United States, wbero ho nuulo a study of tbo Juvonllo court systom, D SAYS HURTHiTTO HURT BDT HURT ONLYJJRT HURT J. A. Lemery Has Justice Arrested for Assault, But Taylor Turns Accused Loose, for Hurt Did Not Hurt Him Much"." J. A. Lemery, nu Ashlnud attorney, whs in Medford Thursday afternoon nnd tiled a complaint against Joe Hurt, a justice of the peace in Ash land, charging him with wrongful nnd unlawful assault iiKin the person of the above mentioned J. A. Letuerv. The case was to have been heard in Judge Glenn O. Taylor's court in this city Friday at 10 o'clock, but the complaining witness did not ap loar, he having telephoned Judge Taylor Thursday night that he was unable to appear and asked that the case be continued which would have been done had not District Attorney Mulkey moved that the case he dis missed, ami it wns so ordered by the court. There have been hard footings be tween the justice and attorney for somo time over trivial matters which have come up iu justice court cases in that city from time to time in which Lemery has apHarcd as attorney. The assault, jf oho was made, is thought to have been provoked by Lemery. Lemery bore no marks of violence its evidence of tho beating which the complaint would lead one to believe he hnd received. T. R. JR., ALSO NOTHING TO SAY "Father Does All the Talking for Our Family," Declares Young Roose velt When Reporters Pester Him With Questions. NEW YORK, Jan. 20. "Oh, I f-ee now what you aro after. You want me to toll you where my father stands on tho third tortn proposition I Well, thoro is nothing; doing. You know father does all the talking for our family." This was the answer today of Theo dore Roosovelt, Jr., to the reporters who tried to interview him on tho po litienl situation. With his wife, young Roosovelt is here from San Francisco nnd ho is spending a month's vaca tion at Oyster Hay and ran over to the city for the day. "No, not a word," ho replied. "I always leave polities to the main brunch of tho family. You really couldn't, expect me to talk. I'm too old i bend, fur that." s Samuel Untermeycr, Famous for Years as a Wall Street Attorney, Urges House Rules Committee to Favor Llndhurg's Resolution. SAYS A FEW MEN ARE IN CONTROL OF FINANCES "We Will Never Legislate Intelligently Until We Thoroughly Under stand This Question." WABIUNclTON, Jan. 215.- Samuol Untermyer, famous for years as a Wall street attorney, today urgd tho house rules committee to favorably consider Representative Llndburg'a resolution asking Investigation ot the 'money trust." .Ho seld: Because I am satisfied, that we'll never legislate Intelligently regarding the trusts and tho monetary system until we thoroughly understand this Question underlying all others, I am an earnest advocate ot this Investi gation. "Behind the money oligarchy la a system vicious and dangerous beyond conception but still within tho law. As a result of the recent consolida tion of Industrial and railroad cor porations, the control of their financ es has drifted Into tho hands of a few groups of New York men. They dominate great banks and trust com panies ot New York and Influence the use of vast deposits for enter prises In which they are Interested or approve. . Mt Money Concentrated. "In the past five years there has been a greater concentration ot mon ey power thau in the preceding fifty years. This power has been cemented through tho interlocking of tho di rectorates In the financial institu tions which would naturally be com petitive. "Independent railroad construction has ended. Competition against the trusts and Industrial Interests s Im possible. Their ramifications are so endless that credit Is irapossib'o for now enterprises conflicting with, their plans. And there lies tho trusts' greatest danger. "Tho same power dominates tho New York stock exchango and tho clearing association, both of which are beyond Judicial and executive control. "With tho different states engaged in nn Indecent strugglo for patronage of the corporations and bidding ono against tho other In laxity ot admin istration, it is hopoless to expect the restraints necessary for tho protec tion of security holders or tho pub lic." Untormyor declared that tho Aid- rich monetary schema would not rem edy the financial conditions ot tho country. I FAILS TO GETJEW TRIAL State Appellate Court Denies Appeal of Dr. Burke of Santa RosaHe Must Serve 10 Years In the Peni tentiary. SACRAMENTO Cnl., Jnn. 20. Tho state appellate court hero today denied tho appeal of Dr. W. P. liurko ot Santa Hosu for a now trial for dynamiting tho tent of Lou Etta Smith ou his sanltorlum grounds which housod Mlse Smith nud ?'or baby. This means that Dr. liurko must sorvo tho lO-year sontonco imposed on lilm by Judge Walter Sewell, Dr, Durko, who has boon out on ball, will bo taken nt onco to tho peniten tiary. ' PORTLAND. Ore. Many public school tettchors In Portland use "pure slung" uud bad grammar, uccordlng to F, T. Adams, n formor school principal. Tho school board will in sist on puro English. . hum .' BURK