PAGE SIX --r arRDFonT)- MAtjj rrRTBirNrBt arEDFORD. ftREClON, WttDNrcanAV, ,TANITAUY 51, 1012. GHEtRING CROWD ST L Thousands Pack Street to Glimpse Duke, Duchess and Princess Forced to Battle Their Way Through Maelstrom of Humanity. NEW YORK. Jon. 24. Almost mobbed by nn enthusiastic ami cheer ing crowd thnt blocked their path through Wall utrect today, the Duke nud Duchess of Conunught and 1'rinccsn Patricia wcro forced to bnt tlo tlieir way through n mnelstroiu of huninnity which threatened to crush them. From nn nutomobilo which was the pivotal jMiint of the whirlpool of cheering thousand!) the royal party, including Ambassador and Mrs. Wliitclnw Kcid and tho pinrds, plunpod into a rapids of eruluii humanity, which threatened to carry them off bodily. Police, detectives nnd government secret service men clubbed a passageway through the human wedge from tiic automobile to tho entrance of the stock exchange and the party disappeared, disheveled and out of breath. Leaving the Kcid mansion in three automobiles, the Conunught.s and the Heids, Princess Patricia, the lndy-in-wniting nnd the duke's bodyguard, became separated. The llrst ma chine wns lost in the traffic down town, but mnnaged to reach the stock exchange before the other two cars. Throngs of riotously excited thou sands eddied nbpnt the enrs nnd the machines hnd to be driven through tiie financial district at a snail's pace The first car awaited the arrival of the others before its occupants got out. Then, groujwd as n mnss of football players, the royal party pushed through the jam to the ex change building. On co inside, they did not see how they were going to get out, nnd extra )olico were telephoned for. Once safe inside the exchange the royal party was conducted to the governor's room nnd introduced to members of the exchange. Then for lfl minutes they watched tho brokers trading on the floor. The usual pan demonium was reigning below nnd the royal party seemed to enoy the sight immensely, but their comments could not be heard above the roar of voices of tho buyers nnd sellers. Just as the party left the exchange n lunerai procession appeared in Wall street. Tho crowd waiting to see tho royal visitors held up the hearse and enrriages, nnd the driver of the hearse became nervously ex cited. For a moment it looked as though something serious was to oc cur. Attention of the crowd was directed for n time to the funeral nnd the duke's party were virtually carried into their automobiles. As the duke's machine started nway the driver of tho hearse recov ered his wits, whipped up his horses, scattered (he mob and drove right up behind the duke's automobile. Back of the heurse followed the princess' machine, and behind this came the mourners' carriages. Newspaper photographers climbed on top of the hearse and snapped pictures of the uniiio procession. All efforts to dislodge them were un successful. At (he first intersection of streets the royal party's automobiles turned out of the funeral line and wont to tho city hall. YELLOW FEVER CLAIMS GUNBOAT COMMANDER WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. Dis patches to tho navy department today from Guayaquil, Ecuador, state that Commander Bertolette of tho United States gunboat Yorktown and Sea man Clarence Wood of tho sanio ship have died thero of yellow fever. Auto Kills Boy. SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. 24. Find Ing that Clarence nrncken, 11-year-old son of Mrs. Martha Auriol, did not raturn from school yesterday af ternoon at tho usual time, the mother started out to find him. Sho was pilot nt her door by police officers, who told her that tho boy had been run down mid killed by un automo bile. She fqll fainting In their arms. Girls Learn to Smoke, TACOMA, Wash., Jan. 21. Mrs. Covoll, publlu morals officer, is In vestigating reports that high school girls are learning to smoke. M VISITORS LONDON, Jan. 24, Shipping in surance has been affected at Lloyds its it result of Italy's activities on the high sens and thero is much uneasi ness here tody. War premiums Imvo been doelnrod on insurance and no tion is declared to bo under media tion by Austria and Kuglund as well ns. France. Husking foFhenltb. TEACH PERUVIAN GIRLS miv,i - - ' - ' " s I j I ' " " "" ' .III. I mi.UMHlf X. X) AMERICAN NURSES WITH 6ROUP OF PECU IAN PUPlLi. American methods In the nursing and training of Infants ha boon ex ended to Peru, where. In Lima, the Misses Uerttu and Uonlle Mocrl. lutes of n New York tritlulug school, are In charge of Instruction work In Hit l.iliics' llo?Hl The work of these two wouieu has proved highly grallO if to ihf Peruvian covertitneiit MMiMMMBM CHAMBERLAIN ASKS $5000 FOR SURVEYTHROUGH CRATER FOREST WASHINGTON', Dec. 24. Senator George E. Chamberlain has added an Item to tho general agricultural ap propriation bill calling for an appro priation of $5000 to pay for a sur vey through the Crater forest re serve from the south line to the west line of the park, and from tho east lino of the park, near tho Wine Glass, to the railroad. This would connect tho park road surveys with the coun ty roads. There is every prospect of the Item carrying. Will G. Steel has received a mag nificent collection of Klser's colored Crater Lake views, a duplication of the interior department set, and ex hibited them in tho headquarters room of tho good roads federal aid section of tho American Automobile association, whero they attracted a ARE INVESTIGATING THE DEATH OF HARAHAN CHAMPAIGN, III., Jan. 24. Vice President Parks and Assistant Gen eral JIannger Foley of the Illinois Central railroad today are investignt insr the wreck at Kinmnndy early yes terday which resulted in the death of James T. Ilarahan, Sr.f former presi dent of the rond, nnd three other of ficials of the road. Representatives of the interstate commerce commis sion are participating in the investi gation. Officials of the Illinois Central as sert the wreck would have been avert ed had Henry Hroeker, rear flagman of train o. 25, performed his duty and flagged train No. 31. I. W. W. Leader Fined. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Jan. 24. On police chnrges that the Industrial Workers of tho World leaders were "belligerent" nnd incited street dis orders, Judge Weller today sentenced Organizer Herbert Wright to 10 days in jail without (he alternative of a fine. Frank Seviski and Conrad Wuagc, members of the organization, snid to have led in the attack upon the police, were given fines of 10 euch. Steamers Collide. HONOLULU, Jan. 24. Only a quick reversal of tho engines of the steamer Cleveland today' averted a serious collision with tho crulsor Col orado off this port. As it was ono of the Colorado's guns was badly damaged and the propeller partially wrecked. Pjlot Sanders dropped dead from apoplexy as a rosult of shock. Small Change in Stocks. NEW YORK, Jan. 24. Today's opening stock market developed a softening tendency and tho changes among leaders were small. Thero was llttlo trading and tho weakness of Lehigh Valley drew most of tho attention to thnt stock. Harrlman, Gould and Hill stocks had spells of weakness and Lehigh Vulley lost 1. The market closed dull mid steady. Bonds wore Irregular, There Is Only One " Br onto Thmt is Laxative Bronto Quinine VXD THE WOULD OVER TO DURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Always remember tho full namo. Look for this elguaturo on every box, 25o, OF NURSING great deal of favorable attention. A new era Is marked In America by the mooting of this institution. Sen ators and congressmen climbed over thomsclvos to recognize It, and to pledge to it their support. A broad policy ruled the deliberations and there Is scarcely a doubt but that the present session will appoint the com mission' asked for to report a com prehensive plan for tho construction of nation wide trunk lines. A bill has been introduced by Senator Cul lom for national highways. There is nothing now in the Cra ter Lake road appropriations situa tion. The Klser collection was tel egraphed for by Mr. Steel a few days ago, for tho purpose of using before tho senate appropriations committee when the matter of Bourne's bill is under consideration. WANT NEW WAGE SCALE FOR EASTERN MINERS INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Jan. 24. Representatives of the United Mine Workers of America nnd operators of the conl mines in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana nnd other states will engage in n con ference here tomorrow concerning a new wage scale for the miners. Tho men demand an eight-hour dny, to bogiu when the miner enter tho shaft and to end when they emerge from underground. It is believed thnt nil differences will be amicably adjusted. REMITTANCES FROM HOME STOP; MAN KILLS HIMSELF TACOMA, Wash., Jan. 24. That Howard Forbes, Tacoma accountnnt, who killed himself in Seattle yester day via the morphine route, was n remittance man whose supplies had I been cut off is accepted here by his friends us the reason for the sui cide. Repudiates Confession. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 24. Now denying ubsolutely that he is guilty David Abrains, the tailor who con fessed to firing the Rrondwuy flats, for which crime .Mrs, Nettie Roiida was ut first arrested, has today re nounced that confession. Abrains N in the Emergency hospital. "I don't remember making or sign ing any confession," Abrains de clared. "I f 1 did I was not in my right sonses. I attempted to take my life simply beennse 1 hnvo thought of subside for u long time." Mrs. Roudu is consulting her at torneys witi a view of bringing suit for damages against the city for false urrost and imprisonment, Many Women Rerjister. SEATTLK, Wash., Juu. 24. It has been found thnt out of 20,000 voters already registered far tho March election, ono-third are women. One feature that has helped is the fact that it is not necessary for the wom en to give their exact ages. All thoy have to do is to say "legal ago." Hash Ins for health. 7T Quinine" APOiJL frrrvR 80 ACRE IRACT SELLS FOR $40,000 J. A. Qothwcll Disposes of His 80 Acrc Orchard Tract, Situated Six Miles Northeast of This City, to n Los Angeles Man. J. A. llothwull has sold his 80 acro orchard tract, situated six miles north and cast of .Mcdford, to a Mr. Ulnck, of Los Angeles, for $10,000. In the deal Mr. llothwell takes Loa Angeles property to tho value of $5000 as part payment. Mr. lllnck was In Mcdford n few days ai;o and begun laying plans for moving to the tract with his family nnd Improving the property. Tho tract la nearly nil not to three yonr old pear and apple trees. This Is considered good fruit laud, lying, as It does, In close proximity to tho largo "101" orchards. G. L. Schcrmerfeorn has sold 1'JS acres of land lying one mllo south and east of Mcdford to O. W. Mc Uonnld. of Laramie, Wyo. Tho prlco paid was very close to $10,000. This tract Is undeveloped laud and Is what Is known as "brush land." Mr. McDonald will move here and clear tho land of brush, break It nud set tho greater part of It to fruit of commercial varieties. Mr. McDonald hits been quite prominent In political circles of Wy oming nud w:ih warden of the peni tentiary of that slate for n number of years. This salo was made through the agency of A. L. Harnett nnd W. J. Hills, of this city. SAN FRANCISCO. -Juan Arnnos prnctienl joker, hnd the tables turned on him, hut Judge Sullivan wouldn't believe it. .Iiian took n pair of stolon blankets to un aihlre-s nud found there nn open lot and a policeman. His rival sent him. Croup Ends Life Many Children Ills of Croup Every Year llcforo a Doctor Can Ilo Summoned. Parents of children should be pre pared nt all tlttiM for a spasm of croup. Keep In tho houso a romedy that will give instant relief and keep the child from choking until tho arrival of tho physician. Get a CO cent bottlo of IIYOMEI to day and in case of nn attack of croup pour 20 drops Into a kitchen bowl of boiling water. Hold the child's head over the bowl so that It can broatho tho soothing, penetrating vapor that arlsos. In the meantime solid for a physician. This treatment has saved tho lives of many children and Is a precaution that all parents ' oliould promptly take. IIYOMEI Is told by Chas. Strang and druggists overywhero and Is guaranteed for croup, catarrh, asth ma and bronchitis. An Investment for Sale If yon are looking for un investment in Mcdford, I have an interest in n two-story, new brick building which must be sold ut once. This will pay lfi per cent upon .fU'iOO mid bus pennanciit ten ants at present. Title is pcifcct nud owner will accept terms, If interested call nil u. & j EARL S. TUMY, 201 Garnett-Corey Building A Man Who Has m.4 j .'fif' DR. WM. PARSONS, D. D OF PORTLAND y ,' Will be heard at Church in RANCHERS IRY TO SECURE WATER ! ! I Mcctlnn of Central Point Commercial Club Is Devoted to Discussion of Seciirlnu Water From Ropo nivcr Valley Canal Company. At u Meeting of the Central Point Commercial club, held Inst night, the unit tor of irrigation was brought up nud dicustd. The orchard men nnd rnuelieis of the Willow Springs district and all those owning laud northwest of Cen tra I Point are petitoiuing the Rogue River Valley Canal company to ex tend the Hopkins ditch into their ter ritory. The coMimnv bus nurecil to make the extension if the owners of laud will sign nn agreement to use water on 'JUDO ncicx. Af the meet ing Tuesday night '!!." ncres were signed up and it eoininittee of in turcsted Inud owners in thai section are circulating u petition in an en deavor to secure the required acre age. The covering of the territory menus the extension of this ditch fully eight mile and will be u con siderable expense to the company, as the Hopkins ditch will have to be en larged over its entire length and n new and larger xiphou will have hi he put in to carry the water under Hear creek. With Ibis extension nnd increased carrying capacity of the Hopkins ditch over (10110 luhlitionul noil's of land i-iin be enured. Mount Tamalpais Military Academy SAN It.UWKL, WEST END. CAME. An accredited High School. Grammar Classes. Junior School separate. Only western School limine Cavalry and Mounted Artillery. Open-nlr Gymna sium. Open-air Swimming Peel. United States Army Officer detailed ns Superintendent. Next term be glno January Stb, 1312. AHTHl'K CKOHIiY, A. M., D.I). Head Mnntcr. In connection with our complete line of feed and poultry supplies, we have added a complete line of WHIPS for retail and whole sale trade RUSS MILL Something to Say 0 the Presbyterian six days Laces Just at tho sonson whon ovorybody noods thorn, Cluny Lacos, Torchon Lacos, Vnloncioimos Lacos, Insertions, Bondings, oto., oto. Thursday, Friday, Saturday 1000 Yards Valenciennes Laces and Insertions, worth He yard anywhere in town, special here . Tor the three days onlv lc Yard Underwear We are closing out. our entire line of Ladies', Misses' and Hoys Winter Weight Vests, Pants, I'liion Stilts, etc., at li") per cent to IV. l-ll per cent discount. All new, clean, perfect goods. HUSSEY'S i ROSES ROSES It's time now to plant rose hushes. A fine line of home-grown stock two years old. Special on Hyacinths, $3.00 por 100 Medford Greenhouse Home 237-X 923 East Main THE Sunrise Laundry FAMILY WASIII.Nfl A SPKCIALTV. A Mi WOHK (Jl.'AHANTICKI) Orilom culled for und delivered, Flrut cIiinm work dono by baud. LadlcH and men'u nultH cleaned and )irhneil. Tel. Main 7 K :t t ; Home, 37. Corner KIkIiUi and South Central Avenue. T fCttm&4!r r0Ms OGDEH a SHASTA ROUTES Clf "IIOAI) OF A THOUSAND WONDKHH" : $55 Portland to Loh Attach AND RETURN On nalo dally, good six innntliR with ntopovorn K"lii; or rot inn Inn. Correspondingly low faroa from otior Oregon iiolutu, Call on our agouti! (or HnudNonicly IIIiiHlrutcd Literature dcHcrlhlng Sail FiaunlHco, Oakland, Mt. Tamalpais, llorlioloy, Stanford University, Ban Jouo, Lick Observatory, Santa Cruz, Del Monto, Pnao Itobleu Hot Hpiliiuu, BfintafDurbara, Loh AiiboIoh, I'a&adona, Lout; Hoach, Venice, Ulvor ulilo, Itedlandn, San DIoro, tho Old Bpanluh MIkhIohh, Yosomlto Na tional Park and nig Ticoh, and many other placofl of Intorcut la tho Oolden State; or wrlto to ' JOHN M. SCOTT, Qonoral PaBBoiiKor Afeont, PORTLAND OltKOON, 5000 Yards Valenciennes, T o re li o n and Clnny Laces, Inser tion, Headings, etc., worth up to Ific a yard anywhere. Sale price 5c Yard Main 'MA 1 CALIFORNIA IS I-WMOl'S Til 13 WOItM) OVKIt I'OH ITS SI'M:MII IIOHTKIi. ItlKS, ITS VAKIKI) ATTHACl. TIONS, ITS I'lNI-J HMAOIIKS, HOT SeitlNOS AND PliKASUItM 11K HOHTH UKAUHKO WITH HASH HV Till! SOUTHERN PACIFIC llOUTW OF BIJABTA MMITUI) KxriirMloii TicltotH ComIIiik y f H V