' I KEDKOftDrATTi TflTBUNK MT)FOTlD, ORKflOK, TTIESD'AY, JAHTTATIV 23, 10.12. - h- PAOB TOT irs ' It Must Be the Cold- Weather That Makes Mutt So Anxious to Go Home By "Bud" Fisher H Hill' CTQKrr l'Vri iknTA. atenA-'irun'Vn' "JO lNPtAJ5NCte tt spn to CAN ALrAOtfr ,,LU Hu MOfc , QOOKINC. Mqu "J X 1 "s LOOK t MfQ Mib thUftRttiUNT MAPU Of A PMOTOTAKQMCm OvJKVU'tWNfr TfW, VOU Tvr-0 I'TOOT VlD &HOW IT TO r,7 VIMCN but! tMlNK,0rouRVJtOOlNr T"l -&V' WD OHC'LL .ii '-7 .,...K -,, .... ,..,... J'U run m, OVIKV; jl-Vm- " HSS MiLs"b rod mC ue J lop n"WT -. . ""l'M OMUt TOO CLftO To DO AN' THING 1 CW TOR. MUTT TO HELP PA- Hlw HOR.MLL HC'b OONE FOWL fAG . 1 . : '- jka, ' 'a :.raawer X-MN'jrJ MGR.G A LirTCG 1 te-l ' '" -? "TT- - Veae! Tokpn op vimnt wms "" ( Ufel ii- . -"sisSP? peR.MM, thc; nappigv I ( 9.1 N ull jjfe MOfAGMToP YOOSUIPG, I Vw.'J EPsT" HRN .""- I VJU.L MOV JNVJM j 1 !Tc IN BH O ) l3? Our Correspondents KANES CREEK ITEMS. Mr. Who ( tlio (ViiimiiiIii1 mill witn u IiuhIiu'hh vloltor In Until I S 1 1 1 on Katiinliiy. Mury HokkIm Hicnt a ln rctontly (ho KiKttt of Mtk IUkIhIi'iUiiuii. Krotl Ktntiilio mill vlfo of tlio Wil low HprliiKM imlil (lolil Mill ii vIhII iiiio day rwunlly. Ada mill Cniltolii Hwlinlon of (JiiIIh (lrnuk wiro kiickI "f frluiiiU at tlio llnultiii iitliio on Tliuritilay. Mr. Htlni'liiirK ami lltlln ilitiiKlitor of (lolil lllll opiiiit Mvoral tlnyn ro toully on Kuiichi crtwk, iiwtn of frlnnilH. Mr. and Mm. Manlou woro KiiontH of Mr. nml Mr. HokkI vr Suiiilay. MrM. Kannlo lloff or (lolil HIM Iri Uio HiittKl or Mr. .MuDliKttll for n Uw iluyn at littr iluawinl farm homo In IIIhoI;wII. Mr. nml Mm. Hyatt of "flnnloii How" Hpuiit Kiitiilay aMonioon with frlttmlH IIvIiik ii Kamw Crcol;. John lliiinincrnloy of (lolil Hill tlrovo liltt liiiiich of koiUh out on Kiiiiiw rrk Tluirmlny to ihn Hyrloy piiMtiiro for Mr Oroonhuif, who Iiuh jMirdiiixt'it the wiihh from .Mr. Ilnin inomloy. John Clty ami wlfo of nmr Cen tral Point ionl Biinilay with Mr. am! Mr. I.owIh. Hnniluy IioIiik iln I'I'X'l HprltiK "' It HO(itiiil Hint uvury ono wiih out on font or linrmilutrlt ir otherwise linnU" Iiik In tlio Htinshlno. If Dmnv Itinnor mnnrln ho truo, wimIiIIiik hull' will rlnx on Kanun ortHl; In Uio nimr fiituio. Nullum anontloiiml liuor. . JMi Duikoy mailu a hmlntwi trip t(j tlio county mt on HNtiirdny. MrM. Dr. KoUoy anil tho children, of (lolil Hill, punt Saturday aflur iiuoii with Mr. Avory. 5r")'i7rKl 1 ilmilro to kIvo notlco that I am jno l(iKt tho ihylr,laii for tho Mol Tord Hoipltal atwoolatlon, Dr. It. V. 1'oolliiltx Im tho uhyKlihm for tho. unMochitlon. Dr, roullniU and I nro uoi paniit'rfl. ana ,i, k. iikakku.'m.jx LEGAL NOTICES. itih:iavi:itHlill'. Notlco h liornhy kIvoii that tho tiiHlui'Hlmii'd. .1. !'. Jtoilily. an ro- flhlvnr of tho MoiUord & Crator Lukn Jta llnmil nimnmiy. tin Orouou roritor ntlon, to which rocolvonililp Jin wan llorotoforo appolntPd hy Jin ortlor of Uio circuit court of tho state of Ore li'on for .liinkHoii county. In a ciiiiho tliorolu, nml now poudliiK, outltlcil "Kilwir Hafcr, plaintiff, vithhh Moil- ford Crater I.ako Itallroiid coin linny, an Oregon corporation, A. A'. HavlH, II. V. AdUliiH, It. II. Whlto lnmd, J. M Ki'ono ami f. I. Vawtor, iloromlaiilH, haH riled In im1d court IiIh final report, hIiowIiik that paid VorelvorMlilp hi nmdy for filial ot,to iiiout, .''Notlco Ih herehy jjlvon that lioroto foro, In Hiilil court ami ciiiiho, tin or der wan duly inado and entered nt tliiK imlil final report for h oil r Iiik, In nneii court, at JnckHonvllle, OroKon, on January II 0, liU'-', at tho hour of 31) o clonic a, in., ami roiiuiriut; ten 1iivh notlco thereof ho ulvun. And nil pernoiui IntorcHtod In tho nnld oh- into and In the nmltoiH coutuined In imlil riual report, and In tho illntrlhu lion of tho monoy IioIoiikIiik to wild TicolvorHlilii, will plcnno tako notlco that tat im Id tliuo will come on for filial hearliiK tho mattor of puhMiik iipon nnld final report , and of tho recolver'H fot-H, oxpenHOH and cllu liuiHoinoulH, and or tho fuoa and din JiiirHoiiiontH of IiIh attorney, and tho Jijnttor of tho Konoml dlHtrlhutlon of. tlio fuinlH, and thtit all pnifloiiH hnv liiK ohJontloiiH to Hiild report nro Jiprnliy romilrod to file tlu hiuhq with tho clerk of nnld court prior to mild Notlco In horouy kIvoii that nt nnld t'lmo and placo, tho court will deter mine (ho niannor or lHtiil)iitln nald fund, mid to whom tho mimo hIiiiII ho (llBlrlhiited, Dated thlH 17th day or January, 101" "' J. V. URDUY. !A Hot'olvor or tho Medrord & Crator Lnko Hnllioad Compnny, an pro ison corponitlnn, which recelvor fihlp la peiidluK In tho Clrriili Court of the Htuto or Oioou for JacH L oji County, EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. Hy A. C. Howli-lt. Oircar Wright, iikiiI for tho Pacific & KtiHtoru railroad cnuipauy here, and Mrs. WrlKlit Ic-ft for Premio, Cnl., hint Tuiwdny. Mr. Iliown, hrothor-In-law or Mr. Huron, tho conductor, him taken Mr. Wrlnhfa place. They oxpeel to ho aliHuut ahout a month, hnvliiK Kno to vlnlt .Mm. WrlKht'u inothur. Mr. Wnnhbiirn, tho Tahle lluak or chardlnt. wan vInKIiik KjikIo Point hint WoduoMilay, llu wa hero on liUHltimm with H. 1. TrotiHon, tho "apple kliiK," but Mr, Trormou had Keno to lodford that day and ho had to wall until tho afternoon trnln for him, It In understood that while Mr. Lampmau, editor or tho Hold Hill Newn, wan hero ho pronpectod tho outlook for. the ItiHtallatlon of a printing plant, hut load In (; himlueHH men HioukIiI tho move promnturo ho there wan nothing dono In that line. I' Salter, tho new hardware mer chant, vlHltcd Medford lat Tnvinlny. K. D. Hone, or Yankeo creek, wiih a mioHt anioiiK un WedneHilay, ahto Mr. Helff, formerly of I.ako creek hut now of .Medrord, wm a ploimnnt miller. Tho mimo day Minn MukkIo Turrull if Iiko ureok wiih a kuohl at I ho aunnynlde. 8ho waa on her way to irntch tho train for Medford. Mr. Newport, a carpenter on the Pacific & KiiHtorn force, Ih IiiivIhk a I'ino with a felon on IiIh thumb. Ho Ih htoppliiK at tho HunnysMo, but wont up to IiIh fntlier-lii-law'8, F. J. Ayrc', liiMt 'rhumday, and Friday mdruluK tolejihonud down that IiIh thumb wiih mm had ns It could be and ho wiih afraid ho would loao It to the flrnt Joint. K. O. Zimmerman nml J. F. Hurch of Portland are In tlio valley work ing In tho iutercHt or tho Antl-Knloon luamie, and they aro to bo at Ktif.lo Point next Tlinrmliiy nlKht, tho sntli, with it Mtcrcopllcon and a largo nuni her or flilo vIowh to oxhlhlt, all frw, In Bplkern hall at 7:30 p. in. IOvory body Ih Invited. Died, at the rcmldeuco or her aon, Andrew Clnrno. January 17, 1U1L', AlnC. Mary I-', Clarno. nged 57 yearn and 10 days. I'lio deceiiHeil wiih horn In Yreka, Cal., and arter living In California with her luiHband, (1. V. Clarno for Hovoral years and raining n family thoy caino to Jacknou coun ty ami milt led about ulx iiiIIuh north or Haglo Point, whoro thoy roniiili$tl until death Hoparatod them, ho' hav ing died August J, UM1. Kho Icnvoa rour ehlldrou, three hoya ami ono girl, mid thrco grnndchlldron. They were all with her at tho tlmo or her death, Hho wiih a meinhor of the MethoillHt KjdHcopal nlmrcji and lived a coiiHlatont ciirlHtlan life. The remalni)(wero Interred In tho Central Point cemetery on tho 10th. Funeral Horvlros woro conducted hy Hoy. A. 0, Ilowlott at tho grave. FOKllKNT -IIOlJKICKnRl'l.Va IIOOMH FOIt UKNTNcw and up to date apartment modern lu every partic ular, gau cooking, Htcnm heat, otc. Hmlth'u apartment Iioubo, 217 Bo. Hlvomldo. FOIt H13NT Tliroo room milto of ItoiiHokeepIng roouiH; water fur iiImIiuiI. Price 8. Five blocka frotu lMntnfflci. NoKh Central. Imiulro at flmt Iioiiho north of 01 U North Central nvc. 2CC FOU HUNT OFFICIO) FOK HUNT Over tho postofflco, with boat and light. Boo A. A. JJnvJu. FOIl HICNT Largo, comfortable or flco rooinn with elevator servlco, ntcnm heat, hot and cold water. I.OW. ratoii. Apply Medford Furnl turo & Hdw. Co. FUItNIKHKI) APAIIT.MKNTB THK m:nni3N, Cor. Uulnco and V. Main, furnished npartmouts, pri vate hatha, huat, every convenience all now. FOIl HUNT FUHNISHHD HOOM8 FOIl HUNT At tho Cottage ftir nlahed rooms with or without board. Our rooms nro modern. Hot and cold running water, heat nml private telephone In each' room. Price reasonable C04 V. 10th Bt reel. Mrs. II. M. Cosit. 2G5 FOIl HHNT Largo Hleoplng room, 11.50 and t'i per week. Modern hotiKoheopIng npartmentB, $lft. Home phono 20G-IC. 222 South Holly. FOIl HUNT MISCUIiljANF.OUS FOIl LKASI5 Fully cijulppcd placor and qiinrtt inlno. Gold Hay Ileal ,ty Co. FOIt HUNT Largo and nmall ranch es. Gold Hay Healty Co. FOIl SAM-! Oil 1HCNT VOH HUNT OH BALK First clans garden and fruit tract with houso, liarn and chicken park. M. A. Under, Mod ford. Gto. 1X)H HATiRrUOVSICS FOIl BALK Cottage, closo in, cheap, on ay tonus. Imiulro Stuart Ktilpp, at Medford lluslness College 2C2 FOIl BALM 'Four room bungalow, front and back porch. 10.1:; W. Ninth. Price $S00. 2T.5 FOK HAL1J ACHKAOU FOIl BALK A beautiful slto for your now homo; build your homo under tho oaks and laurels of For est, Court, Perrydnlo, 1 mile wost of city on Jackson vlllo road; ', nrro hiilldlng sites; 1 and 2 aero alfalfa tracts; 5 and 10 acre fruit ranches sot to llnrtlett, Anjou and IIokc pears. Bell and situation mako these properties uiioxcolled for gardening ami poultry raising. Como and bco for yourself. F. S. Carpenter, owner. Or address Hox G5L 271 FOIl BAIiU TiA.VDH DON'T WAIT 5 YrTAHS. HUY CALIFOIINIA FULL HHAR IN(J OriOHAHDS. Money Duck if Not Satisfied. $'J0 cash nnd 120 per month buya flvo acres with full bearing fruit trees in tho famous Dldwoll Orchards nt Chlco, California. Pay ments Includo Interest and taxes. Your monoy back If not satisfied upon Investigation. Tho IJ Id well Orchnrds nro tho most noted nnd productive In the wonderful Sacra mento Valley of California. It's our confidence in this land that prompts this generous offer. Wo'vo poaches, prunes, almonds, apricots and Uartlett pears. Buyers' roll road fares, not exceeding $2C, will bo credited on purchaso price. Lnnd adjoins tho thriving town of Chlco (14.000 pop.) (Keferences Any bank of Chlco, American National Hank of Ban Francisco nnd First National Hank of San Loandro.) Bend for vnlunblo Information nnd facts to Uldwcll Orchards, Inc., Chlco, Cal. 2C7 FOIl SAJUK Oil KXCHANOE FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 aero truck farms Vt mllo from Medrord. W. II. Everhard, 909 W. 9th. Phono CG71. FOR SALE OR TRADE 20 acres highly Improved fruit ranch, near ly all In No. 1 bearing npples; good largo house, barn, woll; Join ing Ashlnnd city limits. Trade for good Medrord Improved. Price, $1 8.000. Address or Inqulro C. "V. Sharpe, Room 3 Rlalto bldg.. City. 2CC FOIt KXCIIAXGB FOR EXCHANGE City property, lots, aero tracts and ranches to axchnngp for otliT property Gold Ray Healty Co., 101 Eloctrlc bid FOR EXCHANGE - Modern hiinga low on pavement, will take lots and Ultlo cash. Clark Realty Co. FOR SALE MISCKLTjANKOUS FOR SALE Rhode Island Rod oggs. $1 per setting of ID. 210 Court st. P- O. IloxvOS. 2S3 FOIl SALE .Machinist lntho and turbine water wheel. Mrs.-D. Sharp, AVoodvlllo, Oregon, m II. No. 1, box GG. " " 2SG FOR SALE Eggs for hatohlng. sin gle comb White Leghorns, Peta- itiiur. utility stock-, f i ror ir oggs; J5 per 100. D. N.' Jannoy, R. F. 1). No. 1, hox 21. I'Jione: Sub. 500-R-5. 2S1 Ilnaklim for health. jr.osT LOST--A pair or gold bow glasses betweoif 20!) S, Oakdale mid Gray &. Moo'b Htoro. Howard. Return to Mall Tribune. 2G2 LOST Saturday, ono nlnqk screw earring i lOustoMi Star plu. Loavo tit this (iffico. 202 JFQlt JlENT-nUOUBES I'OR RUNT Furnished houso oloso In. Hox '105 or Inqulro at Com mercial club. FOR RENT I and 3 room houso, V mid ? t a month, 322 S. Cen tral avo. 207 FOR RENT Furnished 0 room cot tage, modern, G18K.lngHt. FOR RENT llookonyos bungalow; modern. 720 West 11th st. Phono Main 0003. FOIl RENT (I room mndorh bunga low on tinvod Htroot; huh raiigo, (1111 N. Hlvonildo. Inqlilio nt store III roar. .. 20G FOR SALE An Improved ton aero farm; C acres In 20-yoar-old or chard, all kinds of rrult ami ber ries; largo cherry trees that Blmply ,1ieat tho world lu . qunntlly nnd quality, together with .a Teo almplo title to ton acres of clams nnd bathing beach in front; nil kinds of clams lu unlimited quantities, 1500 ft. from Ilrownnvlllo P. 0 on regular lines nt boats from So attlo, ono hour's run; 3 miles from Hromortoii navy ymd. First class plank road from houso to wharf. Faro from Soattlo to placo for tho past year hns boon 5c, novor more than 25c. Spoclal ratos for school children, Will oxohnngo Tor Mod ford proporty or Hoguo river val loy land. Apply to Jackson County 'Realty Co., 217 Gurnott'Coroybld. 205 FOR SALE--Lnrgo and smnll tracts or land to suit. Special good buy In n 900 aero tract oloso to good town and shipping point. Wrlto or cnll on us. 217 Uarnott-Coroy bid, Medford, Orogon. Jackson County Jlonlty Co. 205 FOR SALE 10 or 20 ncroa of fruit land uotir Eaglo Point. Only a Biunll cash puymont roqulrod, balnnco can bo paid lu labor on Joining prop orty If you havo a team. Boo Ollvor H. llrown, 430 Uartlett nt. FOR SALE 9 acres at west ond of "Millionaire How" 2Vj miles north of Jacksonville. Doop soil, sub irrigated, llvo springs; woll Im proved, all kinds of fruit, for $3500 for 10 days only. Terms. AV. J. Albert, Central Point. 208 FOR BALE Aero and flvo aero trnetR adjoining Medford on long tliuo, easy payments, or might ex change. Gold Hay Realty Co., 101 Elocti'lo UUlg, FOR SALE Single comb White Leg horns; Crystnl White Orpingtons. Can furnish a few moro Leghorn eggs, tho last week In' February. Also n limited No. Orpington eggs and baby clucks next mouth. Re. celved first price on OrpfiigtoiiB at Medrord District Fair In 1911. Lot us Biipply you with n trio or pen or this strain. Prices on request Mrs. E, E. Oman, Jacksonville, Oro. FOR SALE Cordwood, oak and ' hardwood, $5 per cord In 'carload lots. Gold nay Realty Co., 21S West Main. Phono" 1873. FOR SALE Incubators. I havo se cured tho ngoncy for "Old Trusty." best mado. Elghteon hundrod In ubo In county whero manufactured. Havo UiiowiuM, M. Johnson, tho Inventor, twenty years. If Inter ested In an Incubator address mo nt Medford, Ore., or phono Hell 539-J-O. 0 W. l'ottor. 2G3 FOR SALE Two good work horses and threo pairs of rtno orchard lnitfes. Phono 9351 Mala. FOR SALE Relchsteln soils wood at tho big woodshed 417 S. Oakdale. Hes. 405. Home phono 144-L; 'Roll 1010. . 273 OLD TRUSTY Is a high grado Incu bator at vory moderate prlco. Do not buy until you Investlgnto Its inorlls. C. W. Potter. 274, FOR SALE Rig body twolvo or six toon Inch fir wood, best wood In city. Call II. P. Flury, G19 So. Illvorsldo,, or phono 5041. Prompt dollvory. 281 FOR SALE Hatching oggs from ray trnpnosteu urysuu www urping tons and Rhode Island Rods. Get your order In early. Wrlto for prices. Myrn Fullor. Siskiyou Heights. Phono 5183. 280 FQR SALE 180 feet ot 4-root picket renco witn a gates, uoiu itny iieai ty Co. FOIl SALE MISCELLANEOUS uusiNiiss orroRTUMTins FOR SALE Span 3-yr.-oId colts; weight 1400 each: well matched and well broke. Call or wrlto John Blstys ranch, 2 miles northeast of Central Point, Ore. Phone. 2G3 Architects. FOR SALE Carola Inner piano player with modern improvements. Heon used 1 year; cost $750. In qulro Uox 801, Medford, Oro. 201 JOHNS &. TURNER Architects and Hulldors. Offlco 7-8. 325 Main; phono Main 3471; residence phone 744. Abstracts FOIt SALE Got that clnssy roadster. A fine buy for tho money. 110 South Uartlett st. 2G4 FOR SALE Furniture of flvo rooms complete. Address F. J. R., Trib une. 201 ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT ! CO., INC. Medford offlco. phones Main 2511, Home 350. Jackson ville phones, Pacific, Mala 11, ! Home 2006. Attorneys FOR SALE Choico homo grown al falfa sood at Seven Oaks, 2 miles north of Central Point. W. B. Harris, Route 1, Central Point. C. L. REAMES. LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, eccond floor. . PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attorncys-at-Law. Nob. 1 nnd 2 ! Pcstofflco bldg. FOR SALE 400 cords finest fir 'A. E. REAMES Lawyer. wood; near track: dirt cheap. Act I Corey bldg. G&rnett- qulck. Phono Tribune. 532. Hnv 79 ' ofil "MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL- FOR SALE Fino old violin, very cheap. Apply Box 72, Tribune. 205 KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bids. FOR SALE Furniture of a 5 room heuse: rent $10 month. Every thing complete. Price $125; closo In. Home phono 83-L 2G3 FOR SALE Fifteen eggs, express prepaid. $2. Orpingtons, Wynn dottes, Plymouth Rocks, Leghorns, Bantams, etc. Also ducks and tur keys. Wrlto for circular. Simp son's Phoasant Farm, Corvallls, Oregon. 335 FOR SALE Thoroughbred Bufr Orpington roosters. Prlco from $1 to $2 each. B. O. Lockwood, west ond Second st., Medford, Ore. Phono Pacific 5592. 2GG FOR SALE Incubators, brooders, fancy ogss for hatching. Order now at Schmidt's Feed Store. 2S0 FOR SALE Two buggies, set of har ness, Reed saddle. Cheap. J. C. Hall. 315 S. Central ave. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nice, cool placo to spend tho hot afternoons. Billiards nnd Peel. MEET him at tho Medrord Billiard Parlor. Chas. Dolman, prop. 272 Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massage given; ndvico in die totics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phono HOmo 1GS-IC. Civil Engineer HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Salesman to aid us sup ply tho brisk demand for our goods; somo vacant territory yet In every stnto west or tho Missis sippi. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Oregon. 201 WANTED Boy over 10 years old to learn tho printing trade. Must llvo at home. Mall Tribune. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Employment In family by competent woman. Addross J. P., caro Medford Tribune, giving kind of work nnd wages. 202 WANTED All kinds of sowing either fancy or plain. 414 North Front street. 204 WANTED Sowing by tho day. Phono 7402. 421 S. Poach. 207 WANTED Experienced chamber maid, best references, wants posi tion In first class notol. Phones: Pacific. Main 3S41; Home, 237-R. Miss Ollvo McAllister, Gon. Del., Medford. Oro. 202 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED You can't holp but mnT;o money soiling our guarantecd-to-glvc-satisrnctlon stock; freo outfit; cash weekly; oxcluslvo torrltory. Yakima Valley Nursory Co., Top ponlsh, Washington. WANTED Largo young work toam Would llko to pay lu lumber, deliv ered next suuimor. Pacific phono lSxxl, Control Point. WANTED 500 mon to Join Panto rlum suit club, $1.50 a month. Ask about U. 2G1 WANTED Gentlo horse, ago 5 to 8, 1100 to 1200 wolght. J. M. Win tors, Ross Luuo road. BUSINESS .l)IllF,CyORY Assayer nml Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays m(ylo ror gold, sil ver, lend, coppor and othor miner als. Mines and mining prospects Biirvoyod, assayed and mining maps and roports mado thoroou by com petent mining nssayors and ongl noors nt roasonnblo terms. Capital secured for developing .mines and mining prospects, All mine- own era aro earnestly requestod to sond samples of tholr ores for exhibi tion purposes, and sond full de scription of their mining property,' Southern Orogon Mining Bureau, Gth aud Fir sts. Accountants FOR SALE llous.linld furniture nt n bargain. Phono 7132 or call at 102a Heady vo. 1200 D. R. WOOD Gonernl accountant. Your books audited and kept for a roasonablo figure; your business pollened. Offlco MeiUord Mall Trlb uuu bldg; phono 0011; residence phouo U3QH. v LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and irrigation work a specialty; Bur voys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concroto work, pump and canal systems. Rooms 1-3 Adklns blk., Medford, Oregon. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg.. Medford. Oregou. Contractors nml Huildcre. J. II. DREW W. L. HANDY DREW & HANDY. Contractors.nnd Builders. Plans nnd Estimates Furnished. Home phono 1S2-L or 347-R. 274 Pacific Tel. 3590. P. O. Box 738. BOYD & SON Contractors Aud Hulldors. ?Job Work n Specialty. Cabinet Work, Painting- nnd Papering Briek and Slono Work. 2S3 Clilueso Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chlneso medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, prlvato diseases and all kinds of chrouic nnd norvous ailments. Stomach troublo, constipation, indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Seo mo at 241 S. Front st., Medford, Oro., to 4, 0:30 to 7:30. Residence phono Main 42. Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real estato nnd unities. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. 1 & H. Co., opp. P. O. Tako qjevator. Phono Mali. 2021. Dentists J. M. KEENE, D. D. S.; A. J. HINI KER, D. D. S. Dentists, 228 lu. Main. Phono Mala 3191, Home 124-K. Hrugless Healing. MY TOXIN-ELI.MINATIVE Treat ment cures al uric acid nnd toxic d!soasc3. Tuberculosis no excep tion. Immedlnto relief, Ouo day is nil I ask to convince you. Como now for frco consultation. Dr. E. Brooko, D. C., 247 So. Rlvorsldo. 84-R. 272 Furniture H. E. WILSON & CO. Dealers In upw and Bocond-hand furniture and hardware Agojits for Household stoves and ranges. 38 S. Fir st. Phono Mala 3101, Home 205-L. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner Sth and Holly sts,, Medrord. Mission furntturo mado to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order so.llcltqd. Garbage MEDFORD GARBAGE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Loavo orders at 29 S. Burtlott, or phono Roduoy Taylor, PaUIlo 3133, Hffiuo 1Q-X. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Grnnlto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nnglo. Geo. T. O'Bricri Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers in pressed brick and lime. Offlco nt their brick yard, West Jackson st. Phono No. 34C1. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trceii are budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. Wo guarantco everything put out. Wo are not In the trust. II. B. Patterson. Offlco removed to offlco Hotel Nash, in sldo entrance next to barbor shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of hlgh-grndo nursery stock. Offlco 10'4 S. Fir. Both phones. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic Bring your work to mo at tho sign of Tho Mall Tribune. Printers anil PtiMIshw yEDFORD PRINTING CO. Iiaa tho best equipped Job office In southern Oregon; book binding, looso leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc, Port land prices. 27 N. Fir L s Physicians and Sargcoaa DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and Burgeons, Taylor and Pblpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phono 501, residence phone 612. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Phono Main 6351. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE3 Dentist. Offlco in Rlalto bldf., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction ot teeth. Telephone Mala 681. Night phono 4432. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offlco Garnett-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, residence 109, offlco 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. Practice limited to diseasos ot wom en. Offices ovor Hasklns drug store. Phones, Pacific 1001, Home 28. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., Biilto 310, Med ford, Oregon. Both Phonos. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to cyo, ear, noso and throat. Ees scien tifically testod and glasses supplied. Otrico 210 E. Main St., over Med ford Hardwaro company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. in. Both phones. DRS. SAUNDERS & GREEN Prac tlco limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Offlco, sulto 318 Garnott Coroy bldg. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank. Offlco phono M. 432; Res. phono, M. 582. J. E. SHEARER, M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon. 419-420 Garnett Coroy Bldg. Pac. phone: Otflco, 731; resldonco, 4542. Home phone, offlco 48, resldonco 280-L. DR. E. 11. FORTER Physician nnd Surgeon. St. Marks lllock Ofrico Phono 4001. Resfdencu 7051. Stenographers. ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm block. Stbnographlo. work dono quickly and well. MISS L. J. KINGSTON Public Ston ographor, Medrord, Oro. Phonesr Office. Pacirio G571; resldonco, Pa cific 5083. Room 218 Garnott Corey bldg. Transfer EADS BROS. Dray and Transfer. OfHco 10 South Fir. Phono Bell 3152; Home 350-IC. Prices right. Sorvlco guaranteed. MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY Parcels lQc, 15o, 25c; trunks 25a nnywhoro in the city. QH'co Val loy Second Hand Store, 15 N. Fir st. Phones; Main 3073; Home 354, Messenger service. Fred Crocker, Prop. Undertakers. JOHN A, PERL Undertaker n.ud Embalmor. 0Jco 38 Bantu Bart lott St. Tolophoncsr Day, Roll 471; night, rooldenco, Roll 473, Home 170-L, Calls unsworeil nlglik or day., AmUulnugo Brylco. ,