Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 22, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    pok two
iLOCAL and!
Fred Wright, who Is connected
with tho North Fir ntroct fish nnd
poultry compnn) a few days ngo,
wlillo dreBtdng n. chicken round u
gonUomnn's BOlld gold Hnk cuff but
ton In tho craw of tho bird. If any
ono has lost 8ii,ch n plcco of adorn
jnont and will describe- It to Fred U
will bo returned. If Mr. Wright
know from whoso flock tho chicken
was purchased ho would bo Inclined
to mlno for pioro gold In tlmt same
llock, but lip does not knoy
L. 1). Corbfltt wns transacting busi
ness In Ornuts pass Monday.
Snldor'n bptlloil milk at Dq Voo's.
Mr and Mrs B. K. Gall are visit
Ing Ashlnnd frlonds for a. fow days.
Mlsa Grace Honry roturnod Sntur
Hny from n visit to frlouda In San
Suits clo.inod and pronsod, 51.R0.
Medford Dyo Works. Roth phonos.
Mr and Mrs. J. W. Irodalo left
Saturday for tbolr old homo In Du
TanRO, Colo. Mrs. Irodalo Is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs- II. 1
8. A. Newell, ladles tailor, 4th
floor M. F. & H. Co. bide
Mrs. L. J. Alining, who lives near
riiocnlx, and her friend Mrs. E. P.
Fisk, of Catrlngton, X. D., wero In
Medrord Saturday visiting friends.
Seo It. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance
Man, over Jnckson County bank.
j, S. Vilas returned Saturday from
a several weeks pleasure trip into
southern California and a business
trip to Chicago and other eastern
Men's suits French dry cleaned,
$1 50. Pnntorlum. 2C1
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hartley of
Talent were In Medford Saturday.
Six dollars now takes a flno new
$425 piano at a reduction of $107;
other makes at $190, $245, $2C7,
$2.74, $312. Simply bring In $6 and
select your piano, wo deliver it to
you tho same day. After that you
pay $6 per month. Ellors Music
House, 217 We3t Main street. 260
C, R. Mason of Waltsburg, Wash.,
arrived in Medford Saturday.
Tho Medford Conservatory of Mu
sic and languages Is tho only music
school In southern Oregon with a full
corps of teachers. 0. Talllandler,
director. Send for catalogue. 27C
A crowd of music lovers complete
ly filled B. J. Palmer's piano rooms
In tho Cuthbert old stand, Saturday
evening to hear tho concert which
was given In connection with the for
mal opening of tho store. Selections
by the Karnes orchestra and by Miss
Olab Chaffee wero warmly applaud
ed. All avallablo seating room was
taken and an overflow crowd re
mained outside on tho sidewalk.
Fresh candy dally at McDowell's.
Attorney and Mrs. Gus Newbury
left Saturday night for a week's
visit to Salem and Portland. At
Salem Mr, Newbury has a case to
nrguo before tho supremo court.
1. F. Lozlor roturnod Saturday
night from Klamath Falls.
Money to loan on improved coun
try and city proporty. Medford Land
Co., sulto 201 First National bank.
Mrs. Lllllo Lewis and son. Max,
of Grants Pass, wore In Medford Sat
urday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. A S.
Carrio Louise Alton, violinist and
teacher. Medford Conservatory 27C
Asahel Hubbard loft Saturday
night for Portland, where Tuesday
lie will uttend a convention of tho
hardware and Implement dealers of
the state.
Hot chill at McDowell's
W. A. Aiken visited Ashland
friends Sunday.
Miss Ada Welch returned Sunday
night to her home In Portland aftor
o visit with Medford relatlvos.
Dr. J. E. Shearer, physician. Office
410-420 Garnett-Corey building.
Miss Edith Marshall, who has boon
visiting in Medford with hor brother,
A. L. Marshall, and family, returned
Sunday night to hor hpmo In Seattle.
Edgar Martin, violin and piano In
struction, at Palmer's Piano Pla.ce.
Mr. and Mis, C. H. Fierce re
turned Sunday night from n soveral
weeks' visit tp Los Angolos and other
southern California cities.
Try McDowell's ico cream and
Miss Ella Gaunyaw returned Satur
day f loin a pleasuro tilp to boutheru
Hata cleaned and blocked. Panto
xiurn. 2C1
W. II Maultby was In Cold Hill
Monday on business.
Say Phono 3371
Xlffht PUoueii r. VT. Week 2071
A. E. Orr, S093
The secretary of tho Redding,
Cnl , Commercial club hnn written
President Colvlg for plans and speci
fications of the Medford Commercial
club building. Thoy evidently have
seen and admired Medford's splendid
exhibit building. They may bo able
to dunllcato the building, but
Is some doubt as to duplicating tlio
exhibits lu tho absence of Mr. Col
vlg In Portland Acting Secretary
Hader has drawn n floor plan of tho
building, with written details, and
has sont U to tho Redding organisa
tion,, Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Dodge returned
Mondhy morning to tholr homo at
Dlllnrd, Oro., after n visit In Mod
ford, guests oi air. ana m. mam
Khun. Mr. Dodge Is station agent
at Dlllnrd.
Rooms ROc and up. Holol Mooro.
Special rates by weok or month.
Guy Gaunyaw returned Saturday
from a pleasure trip to San Fran
Elmer Colomnn, of Phoenix, was In
Medford on business Monday.
Mrs. J. 11. Shobloy and Mrs. Mnry
Ingram of Woodvlllo wero visiting
Medford friends Monday.
Road Benson's nargalns on nnothor
page nnd save money.
J. S. Storm loft Sunday for
Phoenix, ArU., whore ho expects to
remain and engage In tho stock bus
iness. Attorney F. J. Newman and L. J.
Mlkscho were In Gold Hill Monday
on business.
Men's and women's clothes altered
and repaired. Pantorlum 2CI
Z. M. Gibbons, of Elmyra, Ore.,
arrived In Medford Saturday.
Money to loan on Improved coun
try and city property. Medford Land
Co., suite 201 First National bank. 4
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hales, of Hal
lock, Minn., who havo been stopping
at tho Holland for a couplo of weeks,
loft Monday morning for Portlaud
and eastern Oregon. They are look
ing for a location and declared be
fore leaving that Medrord suited
thorn better than any place they had
seen. They expect to return to
Medford within a few weoks.
Carkln & Taylor (John H. Carkln,
Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law,
over Jackson County Bank building,
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stock of Stock
tou, Cal., arrived In tho city Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Powers, of
Albany, Ore., stopped off In Medford
Monday morning and will visit with
frlonds In Jacksonville.
Rooms 50c and up. Hotel Moore.
Special rates by week or month.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson re
turned Monday from a four months'
visit to friends in Creed, Colo. They
te(ll that there has been snow on the
ground in Creed continuously since
in October and that the thermometer
has stood between 20 and 30 de
grees bplow zero nearly all of this
Men's suits sponged and pressed,
75 cents. Pantorlum. 261
Mrs. W- F. Kolsoe, of Eagle Point,
Is visiting Central Point friends.
Mrs. E. Eriekson visited Grants
Pass friends Monday.
Dr. J. E. Shearer, physician. Office
419-420 Garnett-Corey building.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watklns and
daughter of Rogue river wero In
Medford Monday on business.
W. II. Ensign, of Wasco. Cal., has
boon In Medford a few days looking
tho city over. He has also been look
ing at orchard tracts.
Mrs. W. E. VanVacter, of Ashland,
visited Medford friends Monday.
Hot tamalea at McDowell's.
Mrs. J- M. Walker, of Portland, ar
rived In Medford Monday for a visit
to her slator, Mrs. S. E. Dexter.
Phone your orders In to Eads
Bros. Transfer Co. Offlco phenes:
Bell 3152; Home 350-K.
C. F. Gregg, of Copemlsh, Mich.,
arrived In Medford Saturday for a
visit to his daughter, Mrs. F. E.
Rooms 50c and up. Hotel Moore.
Special rates by week or month.
Wm. Gorlg. general manager of
the Pacific & Eastern, returned Mon
day morning from a business visit to
Mrs. Ed. Andrews, teacher of voice
at Medford conservatory, Nat build
ing. 270
Mr. and Mrs- L. Lltman, who have
boon In Medford for a couplo of
wooks visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. S.
Lobo, loft Monday morning for tholr
homo In Chicago, going by way of
Los Angolos and El Paso,
Emily T, Standeford, examiner for
the Now England Conservatory of
Music. In Boston, piano, harmony,
musical history. 428 West Fourth
streot. Telephono 7211. 2CC
John Arnoll will leavo Monuay
night for d week's business trip to
Ladles suits cleaned and pressed,
$2 up. Pantorlum. 2C1
Col. Frank Rny returned Saturday
from a several weeks' visit to San
Francisco and Los Angeles.
Tho Ludles' Aid society of tho
Presbyterian church meets In tho
chanol Tuesday at 2:30. All tho
ladles of tho congregation aro In
vltod. Hostess, Mrs. W. H. Gore.
Judgo AVm. Colvlg left Saturday
night for Portland, whero Mrs. Col
vlg and her daughter, Mrs. Gale,
have been stopping for it few weeks
Mrs Colvlg having gone there for
medical treatment Mrs Colvlg is
ported to Tto recovering from hor Ill
ness and Is expected homo soon.
Tho Rtor,k has boon a laggard at
Uio town ut. Mclollus, milking his
first appearance, at tho homo of Mr.
and Mrs. 13.' D. PIcknrd on December
31, with nn $4 pound boy, who has
boon named Charles. Edgar. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Plcknrd formerly resided In
this city.
"A Poisoned Spring" wilt bo Nov.
Eldrldge's subject at tho Methodist
Hiilspoiml church tonight. Those. iu-
vlvul services will continue every
night this week except Saturday.
Ue F.ldrldge preached two splendid
sermons yesterday and tho cjuirch
was filled o Us capacity both morn
ing nnd evening.
Mmlfurd. Ore.. Nov. 7. 1911. This
Is to certify that about November my
daughter was taken with n severe at
tack of rheumatism which remiorou
hor left arm useless, In fact it wns so
noar paralyxod that she was not ablo
to move her fingers, but knowing of
some of Dr. Chow Young's marvelous
cures of long standing rases of
rheumatism, wo dQcidod to consult
him. In which I am pleased to soy
made no mistake, as his remedies
acted as ho claimed thoy would and
after tho third treatment tho rheu
matic pain entirely left her and she
has not had any symptoms of rheu
matism since; besides hor general
health Is much Improved and I do not
hesitato In saying 1 bellevo those
afflicted with rheumatism or paraly
sis will do well to consult Dr. Chow
Young, whoso house Is corner of
Tenth nnd Front streets, Modf,ord,
Oregon. A. P. WEISS. 270
A general store in iood ille nt
robbed Sunday night uuil $3.") iu
mouey was tukeil. i
Chief of Police Hittson'of this city
was communicated with 'life toon n
the robbery was discovered this
morning" nnd he is now. rounding up
nil suspicious looking characters.
It is thought the robbers enmc thN
way, as section men this side of
Woodvillc saw two inon leave that
town on foot along the railroad track
early this morning.
Great ventures cau't slop for small
Rogues always get the pity of the
A man at the piano! It's a kind of
fancy work.
Let your foot slip, ever so little,
and your character hadn't a leg to
stand on.
A young girl marries because she
is iu love; n widow to keep out of it.
1 know no greater obstacle to the
favor of charming women than to be
a serious man. :
What you call treason toila.y.will
be patriotism tomorrow when it suc
ceeds. Posterity left George Wnshingtoir
childless that his country might oall
him father.
The Providence that tnkos qnro of
the childjess and drunkards take
euro ot'the United Slates.
Don't (luestioii a woman's heart. If
she loes 3011 there's nothing lo tell;
if she doesn't she won't tell it.
What better tribute to a sweet
memory than to seek its' renewnl?
Persistent widowhood is a ool elegy.
Weeds of muliee ami shimler, left
to themselves, neglected, will ilotirish
nnd spread into u maze of obstacles
a very forost. Kvery time weeds of
blunder show iu your path, put foot
on them, crush them under heel,
stamp into dust, nnd those that sow
thom. One doesn't get from books the
graces of the ballroom, and for some
it's ensier to form u statute thuiwto
return a compliment.
'oRBaCyV, Jll., Jan. 22. Dr, Harry
Webster, who murdered his second
wlfo when threatened with nrros,t for
bigamy, was sentenced by Judge Far
rand to life Imprisonment at .Toilet
prison. In vlow of the plea made by
counsel for tho defense tho Judgo said
ho would nut sentence tho prisoner
to death but would Inflict "an even
greater punlshmont."
In pronouncing osntencc, tho court
replied the clrcumstunces of tho cao
and then denounced Webster und
painted a gloomy word picture of the
long years to bo spent in tho peniten
tiary contemplating his crime.
But Webster sighed In obvious re
lief as ho heard tho words that sent
him to prison for llfo, but saved him
from execution.
Never relaxed vigilance iu "stock
ing" with only dependable goods, and
under biiuIi buying couditiotiK nn war
rant renl price ooiicefiHioiiH these
iiiiugi muKu u mure worm wuiio uuo
it advertising iiiteVesjin. ' '
arEDfrORP, QTCKaON, MOttmY JANrAMV g. jnt2,
So Declares Ednnr Hater on Return
From Enstrrn Trip Wnrnliin
From East to "-Watch Your
"Medford la becoming very well
known Iu tho oast,' states Edgar
I Infer, who has Just returned from u
two monthV visit throughout the
middle welt, "and now when Med
ford Is muutloned It Is placed at oneo.
I noticed t great dlffoieitco lu this
rognrd this visit, compared with pre
vious visits 0lt.
"Business is gonurall ory dull In
tho wist and Medrord seems busy
t'ompiuod with places I llted. Ono
thing Medford and the valley must
do Is watch tholr value, A reputa
tion Is rapidly being gained by Med
ford for being n costly city In which
to live. Rogardloss of tho amount
of truth on which this statement is
based, Medford must be careful and
frown upon fictitious values."
SKATTI.K,,, Juti. -JJ. Louis
M. Kramer today is iu juil ohurgcil
with the theft of .$1000 vitli of din
mrtuds from hN own mother. Lust
Wednesday Mrs. Lottie Kramer was
held up and robbed by young iniiit,
who looked her in a room after ho
hud got tho loot.
Kramer told the police (bat the
robbery was committed by nuolher
nuui to whom he gave the informa
tion of his mother's gn. After the
robber', ouug Kramer '?, the
two men divided the loot. Ho said
ho bad been living ut his mother's
home for several, weeks and the
temptation lo steal the jewels became
too groat to rciM.
Bert Conners III.
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Jan. 22.
Shortly after appearing In Judge
Willis' court for tho rejiimptlon ot
bis trial Bert II. Conners, charged
with complicity ' In a plot to dyna
mite tho Hall of Records, became
suddenly and violently III. A phys
ician was summoned aad a recess or
dered. Doctor's Purse Suffers.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Jan. 22.
Dr. Otto Josleu'8 pnr suffered from
tho Inroads made upon It to defend
himself against the case mado by
Ethol Williams, tho 17 year old can
dy girl who charges betrayal. And
his counsel today asked Judgo Lnwlur
to reduco the ball from $5000 to
MENLO PARK, Cal. Multi-mill-Ionuiro
Alex; Hnmllton loves privacy.
He fenced lu n public automobile
road. Pedestrian, ho had to walk
ati additional mile, kicked. "Well,
I'll buy it," ho said. Ho did.
1 SHERIDAN, Ore. Following tho
example sot by Judge Shortall of San
Praiiclsco, Justice of tho Pearo John
son says ho will iimrry any leap year
couple free provided thbrldo did the
Six hundred children and parents
connected with tho army post hero
havo just onjoyod their Christmas
treo. Santa Claim v.a compelled to
postpone nls visit nearly n month
owing to a scarlet fever epldomic.
Is the liumun example ot "out of tho
fryln-pan Into tho fire." Charged
with vagrancy, he leaped out of the
police court window -10 foot through
tho top of a patrol wugon. He's In
On (lie day that vur store is tlie
best ndvertihcd jdore in .iown--life
ought lo have u ery roBy look to
you I ,
IlaBklns for health.
! -'"---:
FOR SALE Choice homo grown al
falfa Hopd, a.t Seven Oaki, 2 mles
north of Central Point. W. B.
Hairls, Route 1, Central Point.
FOR SALE- 100 cords finest fir
wood; noar trade; dirt cheap. Act
quick. Phono 7532. Box 72,
Trlbuno. 2 CI
FOR BALE Four room bungalow,
front and buck poic!i 103II W.
Ninth. Price 800. 2CD
FOR SALE Flno old vlqlln, very
choup, Apply Box 72, Trlbuno. 205
FOR EXCHANGE--Modorn bunga
low On pavement; will tako lots on
llttlo cash, Claik Roulty Co.
WANTED 500 men to 'Join Panto
rlum suit club, J 1,50 u month.
Ask about U- , 201
M '
l'etuti Pilio-
Poll! toes ft fU))iot" owt,
Cnbbngo "je.
PniDutps ISto',
Lettuce Cu bend.
Cufroliv UVjO.
Boots 2(C.
Onions lie.
Celery riOii(P$l dim.
Cauliflower 1 0 (T 80o bond.
Turnips 2 'fie,
lUidhdioK Re buuoh.
oiiluuHfGi-uun, Ro bunoh.
i j Fruit. '
Coeohnitnlflo each.
PrunuH-nVlodt ,10 lb.
l.binon-ariu doxon.
Ibuuuias ido to U0o per doxon.
Oranges Ific to I Do.
CnmborrloH IRti t'unit.
Hotter, Eggs and Poultry
Butter Fresh much, per
tino'.erouuiery, SCe,
KgK Fresh ranch, ar.c; storage,
Poultry liens, droused, 18c; live
12o; springs, dressed, 20e.
Turkeys 20c to 2fic, dressed.
Meats, Wholesale.
Boof Cows, I too; steers, Go.
Pork RUST tie.
Von I llrowtod. 7 V4 CT 1 Oe.
Mutton :t A :i.e, live; lambs, U
7 Vie,
Hay uuil Peed, Wholesale.
Hay Timothy, $1S; nUnlM. ?10;
gra, $10; grain hay. Sl.
Grain Wheat, SI 02 bushel; oats,
J37 ton; barley, $10 ton.
Meanest Thief Found.
LOS ANMKIiKS, Cnl.. Jim- 2'.J- -Tho
I, ok Augctori police today hiuo u
candidate (or tho luenucwt thief"
title iu u miiu who pulte fioin it
tautening Iho ulius ho iu SI. Vin
cent' Catholic church and pocketed
the pennies and nickel it eoutuiued.
Tho box hail not been opened for n
weok und ih believed to htie held a
couiddomhlc num.
SAN I'UAlTcIaCO, Cal. SmnshlUK
a big window of a Market street
store, a thief took a suit and over
coat. A crowd pursued him. Ho
ducked Then ho donned tho coat
and helped (he crowd cIihho himself
A Resident of Medford Shows
Only 0110 way to euro n bad back.
Liniment and plasters may rullevu
Thoy won't euro It.
Backache menus sick kidneys.
Doau'a Klduuy Pills aro for bad
Medford puoplo back them up.
Read n case of It:
F. W. Gray. C07 Palm St., Med
ford, Ore., seya: "A fow years nj;o
my kidneys began to bother 3110 nnd
tho trouble wns aKgruvatod by no
occupation, which required mo to bo
on my feet tho greater part of the
day. When I began work In tho
morning I felt ull right, but after I
bad boon on my feet for a couple of
hours my back bogan to pain 1110 and
nt night I would scarcely be able to
straighten lu some way I hoard ot
Dean's Kidney Pills and began uslirg
them. They cured mo lu 11 short
time, and lu return, I am pleased to
recommend thorn."
For snlo by all dealers. Price fiO
cents. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
Now York, side agants for tho United
Remember tho name Douii'h -and
take no other.
Seattle Appraisals
Soveral Medford pcoplo havo
employed tm to appratso Soattlo
real estate Such upprulsal Is
usually worth moro than It costs,
Ira J. Dodge ot Medford was
formerly connoctod with this of
fice. Othor Soattlo and Medford
references pn reuucBt.
1!0 New York BIk., Beatllo
(Charter Member Soattlo Real Ho-
tato Assn.)
Roguelands Irrigated Tracts
$450 per acre, plowed, fenced, leveled ad
planted to a standard variety of trees, with
a perpetual water right.
The terms are easy : 10 per cent down, and
the balance in monthly or yearly payments.
Do You Need Drain Tile?
Tho Host Tlmt Can I In Mndo, , ,
Before, Oidotlng Hon I'h,
Rogue River Pottery Co
Plant nt 'Polo. "" Gurnott-Coroy llldg,, Medford
Ttanu w" v- "i m 'J IT!.
Nearly a quartoi' of a- coniury unuYr tho sainu
Jackson County
Medford, Orogon
It has sucept'dod hooaiiyo of
Soundnoss of principln
Economy ol! iiiaiiagoniont
Safoty of invest input
Courteous and lihoral treatinont
V. I. Vawlor, Piusidenl: 0. I. Lindley, Vice rrcw.
0. W. Alt-Donald, Cashier
CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00
Surplus and Undividod Profits $58,000.00
United States and Postal Savings Depository
We solicit your husiness, whieh will reeeivo our
careful attention.
I. 1C. ni'l'HL, PltlS.SIIUi.VT
"For 80 acres the east half ol! tho northwest
quarter of suction f, town !l(i, range I west
one and a half miles west of Mitflo Point.
Twenty lo 25 aeroa has boon under cultivation.
Tho owner is very anxious to sell and at this
price, it ought to move.
W. T. YORK & CO.
Mail Tribune. Block
A Full Line of
Peerless Lamps
All LMinriinU'iMl. Now in
tho limo lo got your Iiouko
wirod. (looil light iuUIh to
tho comfort oC wintor
North Qrnpo Streot.
M. L.
1 t
' i --