Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 20, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Gifted Musicians to Return Soon
Hint nppcnlH to tho imagination nnd
which unalysis can never grasp. It
is this that makes tlm effect of llm
doll-like lienuty fndo aH the nenfonni,
Here is the definition of henuty I
found in the dictionary before me:
"Thoso qualities which nro most
pleasing to tho oyo together with
grace and charm a, beautiful wom
an." Yours for charming womankind,
(ff o w
r" -i j ' ' ' k
A vnry pli'MMiiiil uml enjoyable pur
ly sviim ittvii Thuimliiy nlnlit at llio
pi oily liiiiitn f Mr uml Mm Unlit.
Ilnll tm Norili (Viiiuil avenun by
their iIiuikIi!"!'. MIhh Atlallim, lit,
honor of tint IiIkIi i'Ht)iiii hImi hold for
hot' yniiiiK liuly filcinl MIhh Hadlo
(.'(iiiiiM, who Itm vi Huttirdtiy wllli imr
imriMilx, Mr, mid Mrs. Mllto Curimn,
fur tlinlr former homo. Among tht
forlumit" KitH worm MIhh dimly
Mt'.MIIIIun. Kvyllno l.tiptiliil. Itulli
lliltt'lilimn, Huln IImuiIh. Hitilln Cm mm,
Moititit'ti Clark, .Itwtlo Partly, Lo
Itilnit Ulilclt, Ulnli Cornell, Vonllit
CnrlliM, lltirnli'o lluli, Klvu Amlernnu.
Kvoreli Ulnar, Hay Ulnar. Monition
IdllK, Uwnmto Mulilnou, Holtloit Mill.
(iiNiiKo IVhitw. John Doiiiiuor, Kitrl
Kennedy. ICurl (Jill. Porter l.onilroiu.
(lMirKu Titus, Clitreuco Hviiiui. I.)l
Murium. Ilohttrt HnvoroiiHOn mill Clttr
iiiicii llonunr. Ilfitnliiintiili went
HOivml lit lll:S0, All numrt having
Hpi-nt it moMt ilollghtful "Vi'iiliiH uml
nil wUh Mliw Ailullno, thi'lr I; I nil.
thoiiKltUul hontiHw, ninny happy r
ttiriirt of th tiny.
Tim Uilltw' Alii middy of th Klmt
M. IC. church una In ntKiilur tHMlon
WMliiMlny nl 2: 0 p. in. In Hi"
church, with hii iiniiHiinlly Ihtko nt
IhiiiIwih'h. IiiiHiw lining printout
snunlfwil thMr Intonwt mul loyalty
In tlm work IivIiik dune !' H" wcitity.
Devotional ixrcU- wore romluotmj
by Mr. Httiefw. mul vw n comment
(Inn nervlco In which all uro oxniiolml
In riiiw tlmlr vtiwn of coiiMjcrntloit
ami with doubled oiiorxy put I" "'
tulmr bt your' work wti hnvo over
done. It w deelilml In nerve- n
buimiml for tltt umrehnntM and html
miiw mmi of Med font February fi.
Olhur manor of grunt Imporlmiro In
tlm way nf cxtntllng ami uiilnrgliiK
th" work r under ronhltliirntlon ami
will ho itntlnltoly tlwldotl upon at Urn
imxt ninmIoii. It 1h hoped all wlm
woro prjwtuil on Wndueitdny will kIvh
tlm iiuilUr tlmlr itiiwl prayerful
thdiiKht anil loporl for imxt Wmluo
tluy at tlm church
k Tlm reception given Hi" ('uild
of SI. .Murk'n church to wnli-oimi llm
imw iwtor, H'V. Slmrrin, uml lii
fitmttv Tiniiilny I'vniliiK w"
vnry iili'imanl uffnir. .Iih1k Cnlvijj
Hiivti llm iiiblroHH of woIimmiii', lo
wliicli Mr. SIhtHh ripiiiilitl. This
whh 1'iillowoil by nil inlt'riwtiii pro
urtiiii, iMiimiMliiiK of u whik liy Mr.
IImIi; h piitno milo, Mihm l-Vrn Illiti'li
iiimin; tcrilaliini Mihm Dniulil; cmnr.
Ml. I'HrMiiiM; mihk, Mr (li-orjji1 An
lIlKWK. I.iKlit rofH'wIiiwiilM w'io
iirvtul ilnriliif llic t't'i)iiik'. Tin1 font
initUti) in I'.litirxo wih Mr. Willimii
AiuIii'um, iiliairiiiun; Mr. anil Mix.
(Joilti'm, Mr. V. ,1. Hniwii, MiiH Ilnni
lii i'VH, Mil. Hurry uml Mr. Kt'iitimr.
Tlm WYriiitiHiliiy Slinly flub nit't
wild Mrn. IIiiIMh tlim wicl;. I In- miiIi
jiti'l of Mm iitlt'iimiiu lu'iuis' "Italian
Ait." A pnptir tm "(liollo, MuMif
t'io anil Km AiiKi'licu" wan rniul by
Miw AiiNtin; Mix. Ilnllix mini u puiur
ou lliittiimlli; Mix. Vnwtur on I.imiii
urilii l)i' Viimi; Mm. l'mxum liutl for
ht'i' sulijui'l Wiipluu'l; Mix. Mtiuix hml
AiiiIitiim tin) Snrto, mill Mirt Sncilit'ur
IihiI Titian. KufroHliiiu'iitH worn kitvoi!
iiflur llm iroKnitii. Mix. Vawlur
piiiirt'tl ttoffutt mill Mix. Alfonl, us
piittul by Mix, Ainu'lto Wnktmiuii
Dr. uml Mix. DuniiiNtou ontoitiiinoil
tlm Kivti Hundred club at limit' Imum
on Wont Main strcat Wi'ilnohtlay cvt'U
iiiK Tlm Kof,tH prosonl wure: Mr.
uiiil Mm. Mmriclc, Mr. anil Mix. Lu!;o,
Mr. uml Mix. Stont', Mr. ami Mix.
Limixdcn, Mr. uml Mix. llnnlili, Mr.
itml Miii. Wait, Dr. mid Mix. llaibor,
Mih. Kuiitiiiir, Mix. Pfoulz, Min
l.aurn Tritii'lilur, MIhh Kara Kuiliiy,
irr. Will Walt, Mr. (lforKo Ttit-olilor
uml Dr. Ti'uut'y,
Aboul nfl of (lie yomiK IniliiiK of llm
Auioiia tiliiNH of tlio Hiiplml Sunday
Hiiliool nit'l with Mix. A. A. llolums
thin wiiolc for a luiHiuohH ineotiui,'.
Snvural niv inuinliurH woro tnkoii into
llm uIuhh. Lif-lit rofruriliinuutH wuro
Horvod itftor tlm biiHiuoHH nn'ctiiiK ami
a houial uvmiintf wuh spout.
"Mvh. J. D. Conk uml ilauKlilor, vli
liuvo bcou viiiitiiiK Mr. uml Mix. 11.
K, KoHtor, returned Monday In tliuir
homo in I'orllnnd.
M'r. mill jrix. W. II, Foslor rolunu'il
HiIh wtnik to their liouio in l'orlluml,
ul'lor viniliiif,' Mr, and Mix. P. I1).
M!hb Alien SIiooIh roluviuul Sun
day 'lo Iwrkoloy, Cal,, whom hIio is
utlomliiiK Univoi'Hlfy of California.
Mr, C W. Hyriio lofl Momliiy ftr
Sim J'VuikjIml'o,
An iiMiihuully pleiihiml uncial even
low wiik held liv l'"' I'.vlliian HiMlern
Wi'diiehilny. Tin1 hall ami tablex
wniv pri'llily ib'eoralt'd wllli lv and
I'ohiin, uml it ili'lieiuiiH Hiipper wuh
nerved. Diiiiimuk and ennU foiuieil
Hie evenliiK'n enlei liilnmeiil, Mim.
Pel I wuh eliairmmi of llie eniiiinillee
ill eliniK'e uml Him other iiiemlieix of
the eiiinmiltee wcie Mr. and Mr. K.
(I. Tiou bridal', Mix. Ciiiium, Mix. Kei
xliaw, .Mix. Iloduc, Mix. Lillian Hay,
Mr. Peil and Mr. MeKee.
The KelieeeiiH held an iuiliulinu
Tiii'dav when I 'J new ineiubei wen'
iiiiliuled. Klulminti relieHhmeutH
were served later in Hie evening Tlm
eniiiiiiillei' mi eiileiliillliliK wuh Mix.
Ill I it Half, eliMiiiiiiui; Mr. and Mix.
(Imldi, Mix. lloHitid, Mix. Aldenha
Ki'it, Mix. Plall. Mr. P. .1. Howard, Mr.
.lot' (Iri'Ktii'.v and Mr. Itnyden.
Mr. f. M. Kidtl fiiterlamed .it
fiiiiU Tlinr-ilay iiflnriionii uml Iter
Kiiexlx uere ,MiilniiieH V. II. Ilrotvu,
Ittiiiioilcii, I'ltrUt.v, KhiiIiht, l'in.'lili.
Purtlin. DniiinU. Mt-rriek. Wall. Hnl-
li, (le.irxe KiiiK and llnliuen.
Tlm Junior noeintmn of Hie
(ireMter Metlforil elub in plumiiuc a
"Ihitnb Supper." An effort will be
made to have all tin member attend
no that plain, for Hie flit it if of tli"
elub may be il'iM'tiNki'd.
Mix. perry enterliiiuinl at enriln at
her limiie on Vet Main Htieet lant
Saturtlay fveuiuK. wlit'ii her utcts
were Mt'Ktlainiw Sehennerlmrn, Mor
rison, Palmer, Medowan, Mis.i Cox,
Siietlieor and Weekx.
The Intermediate Kmleavur soeittty
of the lytMliyterinii fliureh, wltieh ih
a uewlyttruanireil (ttteiety, will ineet
in Ibe ebaoel Katurilav eveniiiL' at 7
Mix. O'Hrien enlertalued Hie Wed
ntwtlwv Hritljjt' elub Huh wetdi, when
Mr. Parry won the prine, it bamlMiMue
silver fork."
Mrs. J. K. Joiiuk, who has Inrn vix
ilini; her tluuhter, Mix. Ktltir
Poixor, left lant week for Iter home in
Mr. Arthur Clenry, ntliletie inau-ajce-r
of tlm University tf Oregon,
npt'iit tlm week-finl in Medfonl.
Mr. S. I.. Leonard mid Mr. A.
I.eouaiil returned Itt-tt week from it
vinit to Situ Uii'K". Cal.
Tlm iiit'uthn; f llio (Irenler
Meilfortl elub will be held a week from
Momluv, JumUtrv 'Jit.
Mr. I'd NT. Wurner entorlaiued a
number of the vinitinc inereliauts
WediifMluy evening.
Mr. uml Mix. ('. M. KiikHsIi will en
tertuin the Five Handled flub Mon
day I'vi'iiiuif.
Dr. nnd Mix. M. C. Harber onler
litiued tlm Friday Kvoniiij;
elub tlii.H week'.
Dr. Traeey of Albany spent a few
dayM with Ins dnti;liter, Mrs. II. K.
The Order of tlm KitHtoni Star will
liolil a business uieeliii); WVtlimxiliiy
Mi-h. K. . .lanney loft this wool;
for Herkoloy, whoro Him will spend the
Mr. mid Mix. .1. II. Woodford loft
Sunday for Lou Augelen on a pleasure
Mr. and Mrs. William Davis re
turn ml litHt week from a visit in Santa
Mix. ,1, 1), AndrowB ontortnlnoil tlm
Friday Aftornoon Hridj;" club this
Tlm Tliuixday Aftornoon Briilo
oliib mot with Miss Hiuon Davis this
1 C. Kolloxj?, n former resident of
Metlforil is spending n i'ow days
ho re.
Mix. Lnthrop Perkins ontortainotl
a few friouds nt luimhoon Wednesday.
Uvh. Luinsden entertained tho Fri
tliiy Afternoon Hritlgo club this week.
Mrs. L. 1). Jones uml Miss Maud
loft Thursday for Los Angeles.
Tho Ouilil of SI. Mark's chureh will
moot Thursday afternoon.
Tlif iiuirriitgi' of Mr. IJert Ander
son mul Mix, Kvu .losepliine Kvitus
oi't'iirred Kuutluy, January M, in
Porllantl. Mr. uml Mtm. S. S. Kinitli
of Metlforil wi'ia present for Hie
eereumny. Alter a shoit hone.yuio)u
spent in Poitlaud, Mr. uml Mrs. Au
tleisoii will return to Medfonl and
will reside in Mr. Anderson's hand
some home mi West Main street.
Mr. Fred Nielmls of Fnirbanks,
Alaska, and MImh Aimlim of lliilaml
weie marrieil in .laeksonvillf Juuiiary
III by the Hev. Johnson. Mr. Nielmls
urrived from Aluska Hie first of tlm
week lo meet bis bride, wlm fume
from F.iikIiiihI lasl suiiiuier. The
happy I'tinplit left Friday for Fair
banks, Alusku, where Mr. Nielmls is a
prominent business man.
Mr. I'. ('. Moatyoniery and Mis
I'lsie Hioadley went united in mar-
ruii' at tlie rresijjieriau inanse liy
Itev. W. F. Shields, Monday, Jauii
n rv lf. Mr. MonlK'ouiery was foruier
ly a resilient of Metlforil. Mis Mont
gomery is well known in music cirelos
and has many friends heie. They
will make their future home in Ala
meda, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Ileilin of Kent,
Wnsb., u'hii have been tlm quests of
Mr. ami Mrs. II. U. Lumsdeii for sev
eral weeks, left for their home Wed
nesday. The F. I. L. of the Presbyterian
chureh met Friday evening in the
ehapel, Miss Mary (lore mid Mis'.
Jacks iti'ling as hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs. (leorge Johnson of
Chicago, who have been visiting Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Wosterlund, returned
Friday (o their home.
Mrs, J. K. F.ifert of Itotchurg, who
has been the jjuc-t of Mr. ami Mrs.
W. W. F.ifert, left for her home Wed-
Mix. It. C. Washburn of Tuhlo Hock
uml her mother, Mr. 11, K. Jones of
Portland, left Sunday for a trip to
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Anderson and
daughter of Idaho Falls, Idaho, are
the gnosis of Mr. and Mrs. F.d Nichol
son. Miss Anna flarrisou, who has been
visiting her siMur, Mrs. M. F. Hartley,
left Monthly for her home in Port
laud. A
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Joiie. who
have been visiting Mr. ami Mrs. H
0. Wilkinson, left Monday for the
Mr. and Mrs. Husen of Hreckou
ridge, Minn., will spend Hie winter
with their daughter, Mrs. F. J. New
Tho Ladies' Aid society of the
Presbyterian church will meet in tlm
elmpcl Tuesday afternoon at J:!I0
Mr. Frank MoKeo, fir., returned
this week to Allmipierque, N. M., after
a visit with his family nt Seven Oaks.
Mr. Weiss, who has boon visiting
his son-in-law, S. A. Kroehel, left this
week for his homo in California.
Mrs. W. W. Harmon entertained the
Bridge Lituuhoon elub most delight
fully Tuesday at Hotel Medford.
Mrs. K. K. Kubli, who has boon
visiting her mother, Mrs. Miller, loft
for her home in Portland.
Mrs. Mary Yoekey is spending n
few days with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Hrown, near Grants Pass.
Mrs. Will Ilanley returned to Port
land after u week's visit with her
mother, Mrs. Cameron.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Polton mul
daughter Gladys tiro spending tho
winter in Calitorma.
Mix. Tiltou of Wootlville is spend
ing a few days in Medfonl visiting her
Mrs. L. 0. Ling lofl Wednesday
for Los Angeles, whoro sho will visit
hor sou,
Mr. J. L. Clemens and Miss Sylvia
Clemens loft Friday for Stockton,
Mr. mul Mrs, W. L. Ilulloy loft
Wednesday for n trip to California.
Mr. and Mrs. It, W. Tolfor loft
Wednesday for San Frauoisco.
1 ' ' i ' 1 1
mJHIIIv Arj.1 aL Er JHIm
"it , ViWTfl
Loon) tiiun'c lAver will bo Rlml to learn of tho return to Metlforil In tho
near ftituro of Mlnut Crowell anil Crawford, violinist mul planlHt who
will after February I ho heard at th Medfonl during the noon and eve
ning incitlit, Tlnw tvo young Indies for two years furnished music at the
Nash grill, leaving when Mr. mul M rs. Otto Itelclimun retired from the
iniiuiiKf inuiit of Hml bintlncKs, to ta ke rharKo of tho t;rlll at the Medfonl.
MIkhch Crowell mul Crawford have a InrK' clrrlu of friends In Med ford
who will heartily weleouio their ret urn.
The Ladies' Aid society of Hie
Christian church hpetit it very pleas
ant afternoon Wcdiic-ilny, January
17, at the homo of Mr. Qu'iHeiibeny
on South King stnet. Twenty-live
members wen present. Lijjlit refresh
ments were served. Next meeting
will be hehl at the lunne of Mix. A. IS.
Cuuniiigham, II4II North Ivy street.
Mrs. Carjs'r will held entertain. All
members are invited.
The Kutrcnoiis Vhit club met
Thursday afternoon at Hie home of
Mrs. T. .1. Kastman. Mrs. HurrOughs
won first prize, a beautiful cut glass
dish, nml Mrs. Stennett won second, n
handkerchief. Light refreshments
were served.
The Uennania Dancing elub met
Thursday night at the Natatorimn
with about 0") couples present, lte
frcshuHMits were serml uml n jolly
good time was enjoyed by nil.
Mrs. Louise Midler left this week
for a three months' vl-it in Califor
nia. Mr. F. K. Deuel left Monday for
Fort Wayne, Ind., rut a business trip.
A valentine ball will be giveu by
tlm Elks Kbrnnifcl4 ni.l.iu "Knl."
Mr. Karl Huntley returned HtU
week from a trip to I-os Augclc.
Mrs. York entertained a few friends
with a luncheon Thursday.
Mrs. Pfoutr. is the guut of her sis
ter, Mrs. Denni-toii.
Mrs. F. A. Mcintosh left for Port
land Tuesday.
Hy Madame Travilla.
s Henuty's path through life is a
sort of rose bordered one, a royal
progress; for to Henuty the world,
big and little, high mid low, pays
homage. Just as the individual wom
an hits the ability to win favor and
to plense does she come to realize
that the first and most potent influ
ence is physical beauty.
If there is a woman who does not
enre to look well, who does not care
to win affection nnd love, she is an
abnormal creature nnd with her we
have nothing to do. It is simply
human nature, a desire implanted in
every normal woman's heart to wish
for admiration and love.
Assuming that it is not only the
natural desire of wommi hut also her
duty to please, in order to succeed,
she must tram herself to that end.
First of nil, let mo- impress it upon
you, that end is not obtained by the
uso of paint and rouges.
Mohninmcdnns say, "To Kvo God
gavo two-thiiils of all beauty." Not,
without purjioso conhl Divinity have
hostowed such power. Dr. Johnson,
who wrote the English dictionary,
said, "Nature has given woman so
much power that tho law cannot af
ford to gtvo her any more."
It is certainly doubly true that we
cannot consider tho subject of wom
an's beauty, which exercises so pow
erful an influenco for both good and
ovilf without the study of its sources
mul in turn answer that baffling
question, what is henuty?
From tho beginning of history the
two forces most potent in moving the
world have been beauty and gold, and
when the two powers woro pitched one
against tho other it was not beauty
that, lost.
There nro two sorts of beauty:
Ono working for tho destruction of
good, leaving a path like the trail of
a serpent, the other uplifting mid
working for the highest, noblest pur
pose Tho first sort of beauty is only
u desire to pleaso uml gratify the
senses for n moment only to plunge
into tho depths of dospair that fol
low. "Dourest Nnturo, strong and
kind, is swift to avongo tho abuse of
her gifts and Heuuty that has no
higher aim than selfish pleasure only
ullimates itself in ruin ami decay."
Mere physical beauty without hi-,'"
moral worth is but a fleeting shadow
whose history "is writ in blood" ami
in tragedy. It is like the ripples on
the placid surface of water when a
pebble is tossed into it. Hut when
beauty of person is united to beauty
of character it is of high moral worth
which the inteleet stamps upon the
face and shows its dignity nnd punty
in every movement.
It is this combination of physical
and mental beauty that makes wom
ankind n glory in history. To prove
this, if I had the space, I would take
litiskiu mid Chaucer, who wrote "A
Legend of Good Women," but o
legend of good men, nnd Shakespeare,
who has only heroines. The people
of Egypt gave to the Spirit of Wis
dom the form of it woman and was
adopted by the Greeks, where we find
it in both art and literature. Why is
Hie statue in the harbor of New York
the Goddess of Liberty and not the
C...A ,.f I ilioi-tv? I
So then, wherein does the magic
lie? All sorts of theories have been
set forth, but none have been ne
ceptcd. It is the inherent longing of the
soul for H'rfect hannony and the
pletisiug sense of sight from which
the beautiful springs.
Demit)' reaches its perfection in
the human form and its utmost ex
ultation in woman. The thing which
chnrms most is and must forever re
main unlet limbic, for it is something
"The Best OU
for All Motors"
Note the convenience of
the flat Polartnc can gallon
or half-gallon site.
' It fits snugly into the tool
box fakes up practically no
room at all ; and It can always
be refilled from the larger
The flat Polarine can may
come in handy, too, for carry
ing an extra supply of gaso
line along. That may save
you from getting stalled some
Always keep Polarine with
you. Use It steadily. It means
Deolers ctvoteAtra jtU Polarine.
Read our (n, booklet, "Polarine
Witters." It Hilt help xu In coring
tor your car. Post-pnU on request.
M,ijf utfvru).
Standard Oil Company
Clark S Wright
Public Land Matters: Final Proof.
Desert Lands, Contests mid Mlulng
Cases. Scrip.
Associate Work for Attorneys
Second Rand Store
Buys and Sells Second-Hand. Goods,
Copper, Rubber, Brass, Etc.
M. J. PILCKER, Prop.
15 North Fir
Home US I Hell 3073
It's the Name on the Movement that Counts
BUYING a watch by the ca3c is like buying a book
by the cover. Book or watch, it is the inside that
counts. In buying a watch jjivc first consideration
to the movement. If you want the best movement for
your money choose from our assortment of
We have Waliham Watches in all grades at a wide ranged prices each watch
the bcu value possible at its respective price. And wc can suit you With a
watch cau- plain or lancy, solid or gold filled.
"It's Time You Owned a WaUham!'
W.llb.r, WaicliM are ih moil JependaMe i.f tlmr-piftM. Thtl
ilXW tUcm If jro.i want lo rmk yr w-Ilj
l.i i u.irK..;-Ut i., you 3.1 au'iuttej WJihja.. ,
Near Postoffice
Rex Spray Companies
Special Attention to Users of
Lime and Sulphur Spray
Notices have been sent out broadcast by a competitive firm,
claiming n spray of 15 per cent, nearly one-sixth stronger than
any other spray and recommending such spray to be more diluted
than 1 to 21 because stronger than REX.
The following is nn easy test by which any grower enn ascer
tain for himself as to whether 8ttch representations are correct or
The spray .sent out by The Rex Companies will weigh 10.9
pounds per gallon. When diluted 1 to 11 the mixture will weigh
8..G pounds per gallon.
Any spray represented as being stronger which will not meet
the above requirements is sold under false representations, and
the person so offering same is subject to prosecution by the State
nnd Federal authorities.
REX LIME & SULPHUR SOLUTION is guaranteed at abovo
strength. If made any stronger there is danger of crystallization,
especially if the spray is left out in cold weather.
REX is just what it represents itself to be, and should be
used nceordmg to directions to get best results.
REX SPRAYS are made in all parts of tho United States and
Canada. W'c have had years of experience and know whereof we
speak. For cash or time terms, see
Producers Fruit Company
Distributing Agents for Oregon. Also for Bolton Heaters.
T 1-Efcj
HAPPY is the woman who is never
unprepared who can always lay a nice appetis
ing meal or light luncheon bofore any guest unexpected
or not. Her friends praise her for her housewifely qual
ities and sho feels that delightful satisfaction which can
only coma from hospitality perfectly done. '
'jphe secret lies in having a
well chosen selection of canned
goods and table dainties always at hand.
Look over our stock the best of tho kind in tho town
and make a selection today. Then put your fear in tho
cupboard for you will be prepared for any company
come when it may.
8 0-10 S. OENTItAL A V M ,