hi i win nm MEDFORD MAIL TRTBUNE JPDF0RD. OKF.aON, SATURDAY. JANUARY 20, 1012. COLONIST TRAVEL WILUOEffl Incrcaso Is Expected In Number of Homcscckcrs Coming to Oregon This SeasonWestern Governors' Trip Responsible. BAPTIST MEN AT E IS . A The Seven Points of Beauty. ILL; TRIAL HALTS Work of Selecting Jury to Try Louis J. Wilde Goes Ovrr Until Mon day Non-Union Artisans Arc Not Wanted. Over 150 Representative Men From the Various Baptist Churches of the Valley Meet in Interesting Ses sion In This City. Dllnd Senator Says Wllson-Hnrvcy-Wattcrson Incident Is a Merc Bubble and Not a Billow Not to Be Taken Seriously. "PAGE SIX SENATOR R KAVANAUGH BANQUET BOARD AIDS WILSON SPOKANB, Wash., Jan. 20. Col onist trnvol on nil llnpa to Washing ton, Oregon, Idaho nnd Montana from eastern io!ntn this spring will bo much larger than Inst year, accord ing to Howard A. Noblo of St, Paul, general pnssongor agent of tho Great Northern Railway company, who Is In tho northwest on his first official visit.) Whllo hero ho said: "liuslness is generally good In the passenger department, showing In creases over last year. Of course, It is quiet in somo spots, but tho good crops of 19 11 gavo tho farmers a llttlo extra money. Many inquiries nre being received from persons in terested In Washington, Oregon, nnd Montana. "The indications are for a heavier colonist travel this spring. This probably Is due to the crops of 1911 nnd to the advertising through tho western governors' special train which traversed all over the east. Tho land shows also greatly exploited tho country. "I look for an Increased demand for small farms, 10 to 20 acres, nearer the larger towns and cities this year. There Is much Inquiry for logged-off lands and tracts that can be used for dairying and poultry raising where small orchards can be set out Many working people In the east, with small savings, are making these Inquiries, and it Is our aim to get these peoplo to come west and locate. We have our exhibit car traveling through Indiana and Ohio now, and Instead of having It make stops In tho larger cities as hereto fore, are having the car stop at towns of from 500 to 1000. "While It Is not definitely settled. I look for a recstablishment on all transcontinental lines of last year's! colonist rates, based on $33 from Chicago to Pacific coast points and 25 from St. Paul. This is one of the matters to bo discussed at the next meeting of the association." llankins for health. The Knptfct churches of Itnguc River valley sent representative men to the number of 150 to a conference held in Medford last night at 7 :30. They assembled nt the Ilnptist church and marched in hotly to the Nash grill, where they enjoyed a splendid banquet. An orchestra from the tnenV 'lnss of the Haptist church rendered excellent selection'', n did n qunrtctte from the same organiza tion. They were heartily encored, and nil enjoyed the music, both in strumental and vocal. Dr. Padelford was then introduced by IT. If. Tuttle, chairman of the meeting, who staled the history nnd puriwse of the Laymen's movement. It was born in the city of New York five years ago nnd has for its pur pose the'roaehing of every man and womnn in this world in thU genera tion for Christ. His address was practical nnd witty nnd well re ceived. Dr. V. T. Stnckhonse. secretary of this movement for the northern Bap tist convention, was then intrduced nnd gave a most stirring address on the objective purpose of the move ment and how to accomplish it. Stnckhonse lias a striking personal ity, is a great wit, a logical speaker and a fine story teeller. He held the audience with him until 11:30. Those in attendance from outside point were: J. L. Oault, V. O. N. Smith, Rev. E. II. Hicks, Victor Shaw and Dr. II. JL Shuw, Ashland; Ben Harnian, II. T. Hull, R. K. Haekett, Arthur Conklin, A. E. Edgerton, Chas. A. Fessenden, P. L. Warren. James Pilgrim, Wra. R. Brougher. J. R. El der, Jerry McCracken, Russell Drake, John Riggins, Leslie Warren, D. A. Fitzgerald and Rev. F. C. Lovett, Grants Pass; Rev. It. B. Shonn, A. W. Beebe, W. II. Head, D. McKillnp and I. R. Hamilton, Central Point; ,T. W. Grover, Prof, P. II. Daily nnd C. L. Painter, Eagle Point; George Brown and Orla Belle, Brownsboro. Dr. Stnckhonse is Accompanied also by Rev. Fred C. W. Parker of WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 20 Hushing to tho defense of Governor Woodrow Wilson of Now Jersoj in the controversy growing out of Wil son's demand on Colonel George Har vey that tho latter stop advocating In Harper's Weekly his candidacy for tho democratic presidential nomina tion, United States Senator Thomas P. Gore of Oklahoma declared that tho Wllsou-HarveyVattcrson Inci dent Is a mere bubble, not a billow. He said: "It seems that the head and heart of Governor Wilson's offense Is that he told the truth. An honest mnn cannot accept office with lies on his conscience. To decline the aid ten dered by tho alliance was a difficult and delicate, task. Governor Wilson did so In the face of danger, and his act was one of ouornl and political heroism, such as few men nre capa ble of. "Governor Wilson's critics should toll frankly whether their candidates would assume tho obligation which tho governor declined, and If so. whether they would discharge or dis regard the obligation. "I had much rather seo Wilson defeated with his heart an open book than triumphant with a skeleton con cealed In It from tho public eye." rOliTIAKI), Ore., Jim. J0. Owing to Iho illness of Judge Kavauaugh, the work of selecting a jury lo Iry Louis J.' Wilde, the Sn Diego bank er, for embexxlenient of $110,000 in connection with the Mile of telephone bonds to the defunct Oregon Savings and Trust company, wms put over un til Monday and the attorneys were given n chance todav to examine the records of veniremen who arc yet to he examined. It is now believed that the jury will not he completed until Wednesday. During yesterday's kioii the de fense made it very plain that non union artisans were not wanted on tlie jury. Two more non-unionists were Krcinplorily challenged yester day by the defense. Previously they had removed another non-union man by similar procedure. TO CURE A OOX.S IS OXS DAT Take I.AXATIVK IlItOMO Qulnlno Tab tots. Drucclats refund money If It fall to curv. K. VT. GUOVtrS slgnaturo Is on each box. 1 5c 1 task Ins for health. FOUND. Gray gelding; old shoes on all feet. Branded on the right shoulder- Own or may have samo by proving prop erty and paying for this ad. C. F. HICKOK. On Griffin creek at Darr Ranch. 2G7 Portland, who is general Baptist mis sionary for Oregon, and Dr. A. M. Pet toy. Pacific coast secretary for the Baptist Home Mission Society of America. They nre holding confer ences in the Baptist church today nt 10:30 a. m. nnd '2 p. in. Drs. Stack house and Padelford will hold sim ilar conferences in California cities next week. Colds Vanish Quick, SetiNlhlo Method That Doesn't Upset tho Stomach Ilavo you heard of tho overnight cold euro that Is putting colds In tho head and chest out of business be tween sunset nnd daybreak? Here It is. Cut it out and save it If you don't need It now. If yon have a cold, cough, throat soreness or acute, catarrh, bo sure and try It to night Just before golag to bed. Pour a scant teaspooUful of IlYOMUl (pro nouncq it HIgh-o-mc) Into a bowl of boiling water, cover head and bowl with a towel and brcatho for several minutes the vapor that arises, then go to sleep nnd awako with a clear head free from mucus. 1IYO.MEI Is guaranteed for catarrh colds, coughs, croup, asthma, sore throat and bronrliltj, or money back. Iiottlo of llyomci pO cents nt Chas. Strang's and druggists everywhere How Many Have You? The really ImmiuI tt'ut woman niti! MiHM'H8 tho following unveil points of lieauty: A Good Complexion, A Perfect Flurit, A NICE HEAD OF HAIR, Beautiful Eyes, Pretty Eyebrows, A Well Sltapcd Mouth, Good Tcclli, Very few can lay claim o nil of these seven ullriliiilcM of beatify. Some slip into the hciiuty elats liy Mmsoing four or live utiil very many Indie nucccimI m being exceedingly nttraclivc with only two or three iHiiutrt to their credit. Tin mm attribute which prevent nny woman fnim being pluiu mnv lie piwmiwvd by nil. nml that is it nice head of hair. Geraldluo M. Forbes, writing In a recent Ihsuo of it woman's magiixlno and touching upon tho hair In Its relation to feminine good looks hu'k: "And what it difference it makes In their iippcnritticc! One cannot look ugly If tho hair grows thick and has it satin sheen. Tho fashion of tho moment demuuils glossy hair and hair that lies close to tho head In clinging tendrils." To Make Your Hair Beautiful, Use Newbro's Herpicidc Reasonable care nnd effort is nil that is required lo enable almost any woman lo have good hair. When the hair falls out and is stringy, u never, dry, brittle mid generally uiicittlitly, Urn condition is ueiirly always tine to dandruff nnd the genu that causes it. Before the hair will grow iiitturullv and luxuriantly, the scale-like accumulation muni lie r.e moved nnd the dandruff germ destroyeed. That is what NKWHHO'S IIKRIMCIIH' does. If is an md to nature. III'RPK'IUK keeps the scalp clean, nddi it softness and luster to the hair which indicates health. It not only prevents the hair from falling out hut cause it to Mteomn one of woman's greatest charms. Beautiful hair and lots of it may he the leward of every woman willing to devote u little personal effort to the use of the First nnd Original Dandruff Germ De-.lin.ver. Herpicidc t"p itching. Applications obtained at the better Barber Shop sand Halr-Dresslnu Parlors. Large size bottles sold and guaranteed everywhere. The Best Shampoo Soap and Most Perfect Comb for Ladles Use. Don't use a cheap soap for shampooing. Herplclde Aseptic Tar makes a soft, creamy leather and does not harm the hulr or scalp. There Is nothing better No lady can appre ciate the real comfort of hair dressing with out n Herplclde Comb. Aitk Your DruggUt About These Tilings Get Our Booklet and Try a Ten Cent Bottle. Kveryonc should rend the booklet pub lished by tho Herplclde Company, on the Care of tho Hair. It Is worth while. The booklet and a trial slie bottle of Newbro's llerplrlde will be mailed to any address for Ten Cents in postage or silver to cover cost of packing and mailing Address Till: IICItl'ICIDi; CO., Dcpt. (Hill, Detroit, .Mich. MEDFORD PHARMACY, Special Agents I l l SIMMONS K!D GLOVES HI) V &T TVfTM? N Ida P,c,s . 10c Always a good assortment in T i i 1 L VII lii stock; black, white and colors -P X - " X T A - "M- Magazines . . . lQc First to show a complete assortment of New Spring Merchandise. Every department is loaded down with bright new goods, assembled from all the large manufacturing centers of the country; many very high-class lines we carry exclusively for Medford and vicinity. The newest, most reliable line of merchandise sold at small margin of profit constitute the two reasons why we deserve your patronage y T f f f f Y f Y Y T f Y Y Y Y WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT The assortment is very large and consists of plain and fancy Flaxon, stripe and checks, from 15 to 50 Dimities nnd Nainsooks in stripes and checks from 10 to 25 Plain Lawns from 10 to 25 (Special price by the bolt.) Honeymoon Nainsook, very fine and soft 10 to 30 V Serpentine Crepe, good quality 15 Soft Krinkley Crepe, assorted patterns 19 ! t t Y T I A GINGHAMS AND PERCALES ' 50 pieces of fine Dress Ginghams, fast colors and new patterns, only 12i2 V 25 pieces French Imported Gingham at 25 ! A 25 pieces of fine Cambric Percales, white grained small stripes Y nnd figures, also dark grained : 124 and 15 Amoskeag Apron Gingham, best made 7 T T I & 08-in. Bleached Damask 48 j 70-in. Bleached Damask, extra heavy .j 60 X 72-in. Linen Damask . :..75 !. JF3$ 1 1 HENDERSON feV j2m - f I LA PRINCESSE ft, V Hm What Corset mm TABLE LINENS AND TOWELiNGS What Corset Do You Wear? Your appearance depends on the answer to this question. If you wear an individualized Henderson Corset your answer will be that you have the most comfortable, hygienic and serviceable model you have ever worn. And your figure will be shapely and fashionable. We know of no other corset that gives such complete style and service satisfaction aa the Henderson. At our corset department you will find all of the latest designs for all proportions of figure at moderate prices. Whether you need a new corset now or not, we invite an examination of the artistic Henderson Corsets we are offering. examii $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $5 DE BEVOISE BRASSIERE FOULARD SILKS 75c 2l-iii. exira good quality Silk Foulard, nice now patterns? for spring, always sold for $1; our price 75 HG-in. New Bordered Foulard. -They (tome in dress patterns only and no two alike quality and silk guaranteed. IOach $1.0.00 27 INCH MERCERIZED CREPE SILK 35c In groat demand this season for evening dresses and slips. !A very pretty fabric at 35 :p' OUR 27-IN. ALL SILK MESSALINE AT 85c T Y 72-in. All Linen Damask, heavy 98 18-in, Brown Linen Crash 7 jf 20-in. Brown Linen Crash 10 Y 18-in. Bleached Crash, heavy ; T.:... 10 Every woman Iiuh diHcovercd that for a fiifiliioiiii'ilo flgnro u joo(l corset is not enough. The contour of n flpiro ami tho (it of tho owu above tho corset will mulco or mar any woman' apjiearanco, Tlio lut ilreHHL'd women of every llfjiire wi'ur tho Do I'ovo'iho HraHier). Wo kIiow (iiem in plain and embroidery top. Prices from 50 to $1.50 Comes in a big variety of colors and shades. Wo consider it the best grade evor shown for the price 85 CLARK'S MAKE HOSIERY Every, pair guaranteed at 25 No. 1 Misses' fine ribbed, double heel nnd too 25 No. 21, Boys' heavy ribbed, soft tex ture, doublo heel and too 25 No. OfJl, Ladies' J'ino weave, made to J 00 fit and guaranteed to wear 25 . MfffJfJT Insist on gotting Clark's Make r H sb y 1 r r y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y f y y y y A y y mK