3rEDT?QRD MATL TRIBUNE, lrFDFOTO, OKKflON. SATTTCDAY, .TANFATtY 20, 1012. PAGE FIVE R, fcs ' S KM s . K "i SPOKAN E CROWD IB n OMORROW 0I liilfiiiil Empire Excursion to Los Anjiclus Will Stop for a Short Tlmo In Hid Roiiiin lllvcr Metropolis Toiimn ow, HI'OKANU. Wiinli.. Jhii. 20. Kvory linilli Iiiik Iidoii t tikuti on tho iipncjlul (ihIii fur tin- fifth m tin mil liilniiinCni. plro nxcin-xlMii fnuu Hiiolditio U Mm AiihuIim liy wy of I'ortliuitl it ml Hun J'rillMllNtMt, iMUVllIK lll'IO lit I I o'ljIOClll tin iiIrIiI tif Jmiimry m. Tint purty Im iIiio at l-tm AiikhIu at r.ilio o'uloolc Ilio HftoriiiHHi'iif .liuiimry aft. Tlm train wl roach I'niilanil t 1:o oVliK-k i im iifiuruoaii of Juii tmry XO, wlion tlm triirnloiiUtH will In K"iU of Uii (oiiiiiiiMclul clul, liwvliiKHt I0-30 oVItuk that hvoiiIiik, limiting itiim In tho IKiniio rlvitr val )iy at (limitH J'iihh, Mmlforil and AhIiImiuI mi Jiuituiry M, ' In flio iai-y will ha tlm rollowlilKt Mix. li. Jmiiw, C. II. LurKIn, Mr. K. II. OdwliiK. Mm. V. II. Iliiru. Mr. ami Mm. (imiiM" It IxhImoii, Mr. 0. M. I'ox, Mm. I. J. ItoHWorth. Mr. mill Mr. V.'. II. .MatlliuwM. Mr. nml Mm. J, K. Iloilnii, MIhm Jimtiplilmi Morton, Ml !'. 10. ICIIhm KInIci, W, '. WtitMlwr. llarulil Vocwtr, Mr. nml Mm. IS. T. Coiniiii, I-Mwlii (.'oiiiitn Jr., Ititlmrt Hoiiitm, Mr. ami Mm, (l. V (I. I'ntlnllii, Hurry A. I'luoi), Mr. ami Mr. J. I'. Mhxhii. Mr. ami Mm. OrrU DortnMii, A. C. Khafor, Mr. and Mm. .1. II- KlMliiMi'r, MIm Mary Thoinp Hfin. Mr. nml Mm. Jhhu-h 'I'yra, Mr. Mini Mm. V. I. Ilnrviy. Mr. and Mm. John Miik. Mm. J. II. Hmiommi, Mini Mnry M. IIniikkii. Mr. and Mm. J. C. CiiiimIiikIiniii. Mm. II. (I. DuvIiIkoii, Mh. Nnyiw. Mm. 1C. A. JoIiiihoii, Mr. ami Mm. II. W. Mil'liu, Mr. and Mm. It 'I'. (Iruvtft, ICiiuna A. (Inivint, Mr. and Mm, O. C. llucuui, Mr. and Mm. I). It. UIchi. Mr and Mm. 1". M. ttrofoot. Mm. It. (koMdti, J.oulH (riNttnln, Mr. nml Mm O. IC. (liiorn . Mr. and Mm. C K. Mlllor, Madmn N. Donson, Mm. l I., llrad- FRSCO I CONTINUE IN LEAD 101'OKNi:, On'., .fnii. lid. Tlm Him rniiii'lNi'ii (wo. mint tiiii hIhkiIIiik IdiiiiiwIiIcIi, with Iciiiiik ijm i'wciitliij hpiiKniKi nml rnrlliiiMl, im iviinii tin IMIIIWimi, IH Wl'll III IIIU il'ltll ovor n iIviiIh Imliiy, owiiiK In Ilia ilnmliil nIiouIIiik of Ktei! Willotl. r.A' Ilia xlinut lii'in liu HiiinHiil nil unjiifiU liy lii'cultiiiK 100 I'la.v piK'"N I'oilHci'Ulivuly at Ilia lnim ol' tho JCiikiiiii.' (Inn clnli. Tlm tmunn mIkmiI it yiilwiii tnilny. Tlm ni'mj HtnmlN! Kan KmiH-iiKMi- W'lllnlt, M7llj Pinli tirf .'157. Tuliil, TSUI. 1'orllnml IIoI.iIimii, 'Mh, Kulmrl Kin, :irl. Tnlnl, 707. Hiol(iini' -I'imhui, :i;i;i; Kclil, II 10, Total, (till. I.OR ANflJiLHS, Cnl. -Maliilioiial nilnU)M liy li'i'ul (liiinlli,liMm ran ln tmiilo HlaKiil only IIiioiikIi oiiliiianri Miitdiiiiicil hy an iiiitiativu uli-ction, iii'ioriliiiK to li'irnl opinion, Anli rooHtat' ali'ini'iil U itliniKiul in ulvoin. i rrrrii " "E-nmr nc aa at. lay, Mr. and Mm. .1. II. Mower, Krn until L'. Mowfr. Mr. and Mm I). It. Ilnntur, Mr. and Mm. O. H. I'ord, Mr. and Mm. M. 1). Hamuols. MIhh Horn. Katniioli, Mr. and Mm. M. I)ol miiti, Mih. J. A- Nmnn, Hjioltniic. Mr. ami Mm. Connld Motmle, MIhh MouhIu, Mr. anil Mm, II, V, Daljlim, (!iwiit, WiimIi.; (5. O. Dart, Mm. (1. M. I'alingrton, Mm. A- K. Wlll- Iiiiiih, llliiiiclio Wllllaniti, Conr d.'Aliiu. Idnlin; J. 1). WulU, Mr. and Mm. (I. Mi'Qiiarrlo, Mr. and Mm. It W. AndruwH,. Mr. and Mm, It, M lllrd, Neliwn, II. P.; Mr. and Mm. I'. V. Amlurwm, Mr. and Mm. O. W. JurvU, Uuvontiurt, Wanli.: Mr. nml Mm. William Jon., William 1'latt, (IrniiKuvlllo, lilalio; Mr. and Mm. '. H. Talur, Pnllmaii, WhhIi.; Mr. and Mm, Italpli lli'iiurd and l.tirlli. I.ow InIoii, Idnlin; Mr. and Mm, !iorp' II. Iluntluy, Colfax, WiihIi.; Mr. and Mm. 0 IC. ItiHivcr, Ui Orowiu, Waali,; II. C. Mul'li, Wullani', Idaho; (Uorn 8. Uldhey. Mnnnm, -Vnnh.; Mr. and Mm. J. K. Ityan, North Yak linn, Wanli.; Mr. and Mm. C. II. KnrtiB worth, I'ftlouMc, WaMh.; I). H. Nnhllch, CiilKttry. Altn. Our Correspondents JACKSONVILLE lOtx Lanipninn, odllor of tho (Sold Hill Nmvrt, una truimactltiK btiMlnox at thu mninty lunt oito day thin week. Mm. JamoM WIIhoii and crnnd dntiKhtor, Mlwi (Irani WIIhoii, wcru tho wtwk Mini KUwtH of Mm. K. J Knlill lal wunlt. Dr. and Mm. Itlrkort of Medford vliiltml with filomlM living lioro lHt Matiirdny. I., U Mnllt df AahlandAviiM a I'liul lion caller durliiK tho wook. Aiiioiik tlm jiiHitihantH from huro who nttHiidud tho MoruhantH' Itotall Mtio(ltttlon liaminol at Madford on Thnrwlay ovoiiIiik worn M. M. Tay lor, l.owln Ulilc'h and H, Atdiott. Mm. Karah Cantrall liua boon MiomlliiK tho wool; in town with hor daiiKhtor, Mm. It. II. Dow. Mm. 1'rod I'lolj wa n meant vln- Knr In Medford, A. H. Klulnhaininor and llorinan Offnnliar.hor of tho AppliiHiitu coun try woro trading with our iiioroliautH tlllH whoIc. Mr. and Mm, Horbort Klinnro of ThouiMDi enwk wpunt laut Haturdny ulKht In town uttuudliiK thu Odd KnllnwB liaiHjnut. Attoruoya O. 1), WatHon and 10. 1). DrlKKN of Axhlaml traiiHactod IiiihU iiumm at thu MiiirthotiHO ono day thin W0(l. Mm. IC. IC Knlill Iiiih roturuod to lior Ihiiihj u Portland aftor n Hlmrt vIhIL wlth'lior niotlutr, Mm. Mary Millar. W. A. Dohloy, tio piano tnnur f Medford, inado a IiiihIiichii trip to .InaliHouvlllo WtMluoxday, Mm. Dora HuIIiiiiii'hIi of lluncoui l vIhIIIiiu frlomlH In town thin woclc, Mm. ISIlii Cook, .Mm. Dora Salt- innrMli ami Mm. Allco Ulrloh npout Thumday nflurnoou In Modfont. -' MIhh Kordiioy of AHhlamt Iiiih boon Vlttltlut; ut tho .loi'KtiuHou homo thin wook, Tho Odd Follnwu' luHtallatlou and lianiiuot drow u Iiu'ko crowd Saturday cmuilui;, fully !I00 ItobokahH and Odd Kollowa IjoIhk In altundaiu'o. Whllo l(iilt;o wiih'Iu mittdou tho lndhm woro ontorlalnod by Mm. CaiiKhtran'H or (iliuutra, aftorwardH ropalrlni; to tho liaiHiuoL hall whoro n clilclcon plo Huppor wna survflil, Mm. I.owIh Ulrloh ontortalnod tho flvo huudrod club of JaokHoiivllUi at' lull' homo Wednesday nvonlntr, CnrtlR nml iiiuhIo woro oujoyod during thu tivonlnjr, followed by rofroHliinontH, Tliotio proHont wore: Mc. and Mih, M. M. Taylor, Mr, and Mm. II. Liiy, Mr. and Mm. .1. l WoIIh, Mr and Mm. O. Dunfoi'd, Mi', and Mm, II, 1 Colllmi and Dr. Golden. Mm, M. W. Taylor va tho RiiPHt of Mm. 0. h, HcainoH Tliurmlny and ililuy. . CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. (IcorKo A. ltot'tz, iiiamiKor of tho Ilotot Holland, of Med ford, and party of frlundy loncliod at Hotel Dunlap horo 1'rldny. Mm. Wont and lady frlond of Worn brook, Cnl., iipont a fw hours horo; Thumday ovculutr, It. W. I-'onlor, who Iiiib liuon vIhU Iiik O. W. Twlpln for wnuo time, loft for Ilorubrook, Cnl., Krldny. II. It. Hcott of Klamath KalU apont a few daM hero tho hint of tho wtd;. T. M. Joiioh and llttlo ilannlitor BuiihMuo loft for their hopio In Corti hiK, Cul., Friday. Mr. and Mm. M. Smith of Sllvorton, Ore., who havo lieeu the i;uoHtH of . llntflold ami family for tho pimt few dayH, left-for Houthorii Callfornhi Krlilny afternoon. K. A. Hathaway han returned to IiIh homo In CornhiK. Cat., after a Hoveral daya' vlnlt with Ills many Central ol'lnt frlcmlH. TALENT ITEMS. A, C. Knudnl left for Camulii one day thlH week. An Kpworth league soelal wna ly euTn tho Methodist ehureh Friday oveuluK. An old-fiiHlilonod HpellliiK matoh wiih one of tho pUmihIhk foa- tuieit of thu oveuliiK. J, C. Heater died In Portland Jan uary 8. Mr. Heater formerly reuldcd In Talent. Homer Dunbar and family, who havo been vIhIHiii; W. F. Dunn of Tl ont, left for Lob AiikoIoh, Cnl, Mm. A. C. Kandat returned from I.ob AiiboIoh January I a, Attornoy P, J. Neff of Medford at tended council meet Iiik WodnoHdny. Mm. M. H Coloimui Iiiih boon 111 for tho liiHt fow dnyB. Her frlemlu hopo for a apeedy recovery. Fred (loddard, who Ih HtudyliiK medleluo In Chicago, telegraphed iIh father, II. II. Ooddard, of thu arrival of a baby lioy-ut their home. A, Lincoln Klrjc la to idvo an on- tertalnmeut for tho bouotlt of tho Pa lent huIiooJ Junuary 115. Mr, Klrlc comeH under u Kuarautee, IIIh work will bo high ehiBH In every rospect. You will lint he disappointed by at- tend Iiik, AduilwHlon ill? ai)d S!Ti centH, Mm. A. A. Moody left Monday ovo iiIiik for her former homo In ltoch OHter, N. Y whoro olio was called by tho qorlQUH IIIiiohh of her mp()ier, Tho council will Hiibmlt tho rpicH Hon of bopdluK tho town for thu In BtairinH or tho wntor uyBtam to tho peoplo February It. WASHNGTON SCHOOL PLAY NETTED SI9 The WiiaIiIukIoii hcIiooI cleared TA on Ilio "Willie .Miui'm doit" eulerlHiti- inoiit, kIvcii lfimt Monilny ui(;lit. The lolnl rceeipU were Y1.'iI), TIiIm Iiiih been Itirpod over to Sn peiinlemleiit U. S, ('oljiiw and any elillil needing ool( or hIiocm will he fiiriiiHlieil (lie Hiline if rcpoiU are inaile to hint or any teaeher. The hcIiooI wIbIich to tliunlt Mm, C. J. KmkIiiiiiii Tor lier lielp u pinniHl, Tliey nmlb.e that it i due to her Hint I ho play wait hiicIi it decided hiiccch. To (he lldduieu, Hie KnnUn, the F.lkn ami the Merrivold Nliop, who w cn erotiMlv loaned malerial or iiilud llieiu, they iiIno huprtily oll'er tliauki. U S. HBVKIMIHIK, Principal Koimevelt School. Teachers and Parents Meet. Tlm I'nrentH uud 'JVncliem ukkocIu tloiiH of the JtooHevoll find WuhIiIiik tou hcIiooIh held it Joint Memilou In tho IiIkIi hcIiooI building Friday after noon at .'I o'clock- Tint nicotian wiih well attended and wn n aiiccon In every particular. An Intercntliin pro Krum wiih carried out. After tho program had boon ren dered a dellfthtful luncheon was nerved by ineniherH of tho domeHtlc Huluiiro cI.-ihh of tho Medford hlh'h hcIiooI, umler the dlroctloua of Minn llertha Welch, ilm cooking tcachur. Pythian Sisters Meet. The Pythian HIhUth belt their rev, ulnr nieetliiK Wodmwdfty ev 'IiIiik In K. of P. hall. It hehiK nodal iiIkIH ated. Im I toy, N. Y, LOCAL BASKETBALL CINNABAR VEIN ' TEAM Viraiftlle IS The liih jtetiool Im-kctliAll team nfnrteil ilnlmireli l'ir the nliaiiipion Hliip I'ViiJny "Vtiiiinj by irounoInK .JiifilcK'Jiivillu l.V"'1 "'" "f 'Mi U J ft. Kiuleliffo win? ilio tar for Hie IochIk, making J7 joTJt. 'fl- lemn played u HlroiiK'Kiline, bin won l)ccnw) they were more ucoiirntr otr Hie thrown. .IiHilfHonvillo llwcd nirprininj,' teuin work Hint, doiiplccl Mith the accuracy iliaplnycil ly Aledlord, would have limiln mi fnvlticilile it-ntn. Wilson clearly outshone hi- team mle on the ,)nckM)iivillti Jw-, The Io'kIi nnliool lined JCiinVlIff, Wtnie, J'riew, War, Coehrnii, llonwell ami Hall. thoro woro over J on preaunt. Hi fruHhnientH woro m-rved durliiK which Mayor Cnnon poured the iwffeo, John Perl wiih handy inmi with tho Ice crenm and I!d flrobrldKo poured cold water on everybody and ovory thliiu. Hxcellont iipihIc wh fur ulahed by Moflduim-K Hodjji and KuiiibH. RED SCOVERE0 A ouk lot vein of clnrlnliar, about wliich llu-ri! Iiax been more or hmi inyMery for yearn, han heuii (Uncov ered In the Palmer brk noclion, c cordintr ' the story brouglit to Jled fonl from that liquid thin morniiiK. The vein in rniid to be very promiffhiR. Cbiiiubar, native red Miilpliuret of mercury, potiaoMes u aleaily mnrkel value, although piircbnnM of thu mm Imvo been held back aoinvwlint to bold tip I he price. MCHOOfi XOTtCK. All pupltH who will ho alx yearn of o on or boforo Juno i, 1012, may enter echool Monday morning, Jan uary 22, 10 J 2. No clawtiw organized aftur Friday, January 27. AM dealrhiK to enter Hhoiild enroll ah fioon nn )K.ll(b, as the ndiooln nr inipllH. full at tho present lime and nccom modntlorn intiHt bo niacin for tho now 1 259 Iteapecttully youm, tJ. 3. COhMNB, Supt. of Schools. . f I . B. T. VAN DE CAR Has an Expert Wntchinnktti' a jul .Kngvttvei' o. P. ELLIS Ncrw is the time to have yowv watHi cleanutl fop spriijg wear PHIPPS BUILDING v USE ALLEN'S F00T-EASE Tho niitlHCptlc powder to bo shaken Into the ahoea. If you want rent uud comfort for tired, tender, achlntf. Hwollen, BwealliiK feet, use Allen's Foot-Kaao. HellcvoH corna and bun Iouh of ol) pain and preventB blisters, Horo ami culloua i(k. Juat tho thliiR for DancJnK PurtJea. Patent Louther Hhooa, and for Urenklng In; NcA' Hhoea. Jt la the greatcHt com-; fort discovery of ttio aj;e. Try it to day. Sold everywhere, 2G eta. Don't ucwiut any uubatltute. For FJIKB trial packnKO, nddria Alien 8. Olm POULTRY WILL PAY If You Have the Laying and Paying Kind ! 1 HOTEL MEDFORD DINNER $1.00 Per Cover Oral) Cocktail C'elerv en Uranelie Cream of Celery en Crouton, &on(fle Conaoimne Yolaillu I'Yioll Silver Smelts; Tarter Poninu'S, Julienne 5 to 9 P. M. Ytui Olives Sauce i kii lades of 13eef on Compote Santa I?osa Sherbet Uoast Young Oregon Turkey, Chestnut Pressing Sweet Potatoes Southern Style Cauliflower au Gratia Salad Maeedoino Btinana Short eake ' Uainbow lee Cream Swiss Clieeso !Mixed Nuts Demi Tasse , , ; 'All Pivad and Pnkry Used in This Hotel !Arc Our Lemon rcringue Pie Assorted Cakes Tonstudpraekei'S Laver Paisius Own Make HOTEL MICDFOm") Pau-!Mohr Co., Xrops. SUsTDxVY tTamiiiry 21, 1912 7'Jggs for hatcjiing frejn: jifv pri'e pen of Hatred Plymouth Koeks, 15 $3.00 Utility pen of Barred P. Hocks, 15 $1.00 S. S. Hainburgs 15 $1.00 S. 0. White, 15 $1.00 Uoudan, 15 $1.00 Call and see my birds before buying. Get the best and you will then be sat- I isfied with vour hatch. GEO. L. DAVIS 712 W. 10th St. MM Great Shoe Sale LOOK FOR THE RED BOOT LOOK FOR THE RED BOOT Monthly Blooming and Climbing Roses, Tree Roses, Shade Trees, Small Fruits, Strawberry Plants and a General Assortment of All Kinds of Fruit Trees H. B. PATTERSON OKIco in tyiMi Hotel I,obly Inside Kntiiuico Newt to Harbor Shop SaleHjard lit) South Mr Street ti.Tli!? - i Office Phono Main (II II lU'siricnro l'liono Main 2WX llaBltlna for honlth, I THE unrise Laundry VAMIIiY WASlir.NO A SPKCIATl'V. ALL WOHK (1UAUANTKKI) Ordor'H callod for anil delivered, First elas work douo by lmnd, l.udlea' ami inon'ri anils' cleaned and proascil. Tel. Main 7S31; Home, 37. Corner Hfghth nml South Central Avenuo. Starting with Saturday, December 20, and. closing Saturday, December 27, we will sell ' v, " - ALL CHILDREN'S SHOES,- '. Tn sizes taNo.S, tho pair W..J1.00 In sizes S. to 11, the pair. '. ,v $1.25 la sizes 11 to 2, tho pair...'. :.... J $1.50 Misses Shoes, 2 to 5, tlie pair.., , , ,,.....,.. $1.75 About 100 pairs Ladies' $3.50 to $4.00' Shoes in small sizes, the pair $1.00 All men's $-1.00 shoos $3.25 All men's $3.50 shoos ! $2.75 Fine line of Men's high cut Boots at greatly rcducedjprices. Infants' soft soled shoes, the pair 15 The Model Boot and Shoe Shop AND ELECTRIC REPAIR SHOP M. S. BIDEN, Prop. 19 30. CENTRAL , f I L. N. JDDD TALENT OREGON Jackson County Orchards, Homes and Farms In a Thriving Center in Ono of tho Garden Spots of tho 2" Rogue River Valley " - J Page Woven Wire Fence All sizes of Page Steel Gates Garden and Poultry Fences Economy Lawn Fence First class R. F. D. Mail Boxes -. End and corner posts Northern cedar fence posts Call on or write us for Everything in the fence line. T?ADDIS& DIXON "TIIE FACIE FENCE MEN" PHONE 2CX. Distributors for Southern Oregon n ml Nor thorn California. MAIN OFFICE, 134 NORTH RIVERSIDE AVENUE, MEDFORD, ORE. W4f4Vttt!fft