Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 20, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Medford M'ail Tribune
,.'I!,.,0JP,!,,l0.crAtl0. Time, The Hertford
Mnll, Tlio Medford Tribune, The South
ern OrcRonlnn, Tho Anliliind Tribune,
Offlc Mnll Tribune. HulUllnc. 8527-29
North Kir street; phone, Mnln 3031;
Home 76,
OKOnOK PUTNAM, Kdltor nnd Manacer
i:ntortd ns hocon1-clns matter nt
Medford. Oregon, under tho net of
March 3, 189,
Offlelnl Inper of tlio City of Medford.
Official l'npcr of Jnckson County.
Ono year, by mnll 15.00
Ono month, by mnll so
1'cr month, delivered hy enrrler In
Medfnnl, Jncksomillo mid Cen
tral Point .SO
Rnturdny only, by hi.Ml, por year.. 3.00
Wcnkly. per yoar 1.80
Dally -kveratro for elecn montha end
ing iwovomucr sv, lsu,
roll easd Wire United Pitts
Tho Mull Tribune Is on saIq at tho
Pcrrv Nowk Stand. San Francisco.
Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland.
Ttowman News Co., Portland, Ore.
W. O. Whitney. Seattle. Wash.
Metropolis of Southern Oregon nnd
Northern California, and tha fastest
growlnp rlty In Oregon
Population U. S. consus 1910 SS40;
estimated, 191110.000.
Plvo hundred thousand dollar Gravity
Water System completed. Riving flnrsr
auppiy puro mountain water, ana 17.3
miles of streets paved.
Postofflcfl receipts for year cndlnjr
November 30, 1911, Bhow Incrcaso of 19
Der cent.
Itanuer fruit ctty In Oregon Ttoguo
jllver fipltienberp npples won Bwetp
Bt.lkcs prlxo nnd tttln nf
"Apple Klnjr of tha 'World"
At tho Nationnl Applo Show. Spokane,
1909, and a car of Newtowns won
rirct Prize In 1310
nt Canadian International Apple Show,
Vancouver, B. C
Xtrst Pitte In 1911
at Spokano National Applo Show won
by carload of Nowtowns.
rtORUo Jtlvcr pears brought highest
f trices In all markets of tho world dur
nc tho past six years.
Wrlto Commercial Club, IncloslnR C
cents for postac for tho finest commu
nity pamphlet ever published.
By Ad Brown
As They Have It.
Wilson Is a grartor.
Worst of all tho sharpers;
Hero Is proof authentic
Ho had a quarrel with Harpers.
Hero's another awful fact,
It makes us blush to mention,
He surely shan't bo president
Ho asked them for a pension.
And if this is not enough
To fell his chances flat.
Ho intimated Bryan should
Bo knocked into a hat.
Goodness, gracious, mercy mo,
How can such things really bo;
Wisdom, fitness for tho placo
Have naught to do in such a case.
A Harvard student gambled 'away
$75,000 in ono evening. Wasn't it
wicked for liloi to snond a week's
allowanco that way?
Wood row Wilson's repudiation of
Harper's isn't so surprising as would
be nn expression of lovo between
Post, and ColHor's.
Tlio Valley Muse.
Adaptability, best proof, to bo shown,
Of a sedato or an explosive town,'
Welcomes cordial, with never a
When nulotly or noisily looking
Given a goodly bunah ol bluo-rock
Dooming their buslnose, tho smart
est; Wet or dry, tholr mission's no fake,
Liquid refreshments through "uppor
Tom Tolniap, In Ashland Tidings.
LONDON, Jan. 20.- nUpnteliei,
from Tripoli way thai hundred of
Turkish hohliors were killed and more
t!iiu 1000 wounded in one of the
iierct'bt bultlos of the war, when Itul
iaiib repulsed nn uttnek at Dornn.
Desjiilo tho heavy list of futalitios
on tho Turkis hide, it is dcclnrud in
reports from the front that tho Ital
ians lost hut a score of men nnd only
17 wore wounded.
The Ituliuns wero engaged in re
pairing n damaged wider supply.
Word of tho Turkish advance reached
them in tiino to provont surprise. The
Italian position wjib strong, hut addi
tional jireparnlions wore riifchcd to
repulso tho uttnek.
LOS ANOfiLKS, Cal. Unumml
activities about tho office f Distriot
Attornoy Fruderioks today utrongth
ened u report that Fredoriok. is en
jouto to Los Angelas and may arrive
before night. Attuehas of tho of
fice wero silent rugnrdinjr tho wlioro
nhoiitb of their oliiof.
Jlasitius for houlth,
IT "WAS too bad that tho escaped "honor nion" wove so
.speedily recaptured. 11 eut so short, tho "1 tojd you
so" triumph.
Human nature is full of frailly that is the only rea
son these prisoners attempted to escape. A little vicious
ness, considerable weakness, a large lump of folly, a dis
torted vision and an inverted perspective and you
have it.
In any crowd of twenty-seven men. picked up as you
meet them, and not from the tmtter or from the prison.
will be found a certain percentage of the unworthy. If
only three out of twenty-seven violate their word of honor
it will be an unusuallysmall percentage. There is a big
ger percentage among the business men of Medford who
signed up contributions for public funds and then repu
diated their pledges.
"When, however, the soleetion is made from among
those who have been the under dogs, who have suffered
for their own and perhaps for others' sins, whose outlook
has been strangely twisted, who have been led to regard
law and order as more or less of a common enemy, yet. who
are really the product of the mistakes of civilization, it
is remarkable indeed that there should prove to be so
many in Avhom is implanted
A tew veal's ago two convicts, watched by nnnocX
guards, escaped from the Oreiron penitentiary and left a'
trail of murder and blood
only when both had been shot down like the hunted beasts
they were. The inhuman treatment then accorded pris
oners was as much responsible for this outbreak as the
natural depravity of the men themselves. I lad Tracy been
an "honor man" his escape would have been heralded as a
shining example of the failure of a system that trios to
lift the fallen instead of trampling them still further in
the mud yet it was the product of the old regime.
It is the irony of fate that the escape of these honor
men was discovered onlv when an attempt was made to
present one of them with his
ernor. There was mt reason
tempted to get away. They stated less than a fortnight
ago that they were satisfied and contented, and infinitely
preferred the life to thnUat Salem. Yet with all to lose,
and nothing to gain, they played to lose and lost.
This incident illustrates the difficulties in the thank
less task Governor "West has set for himself in being cour
ageous enough to defy criticism from the uncharitable and
bonehcaded, by lending a helping hand to many unworthy
of the opportunity yet the percentage of the worthy is
large enough to justify the effort as the results have
amply ijrovcn.
T1IE Oregon Retail Merchants' Association at their
annual meeting held in Medford adopted a resolu
tion pledging support to Congressman llawley "in .his
effort to secure an appropriation for the Crater Lake
This is interesting as there is no .recorded instance of
Congressman Ilawle s ever having made an el tort to
secure an appropriation for Crater Lake park.
AH bills affecting Crater Lake that have yet been con
sidered by congress "were introduced in the senate, killed
in the house, without Hawlejs objection, revived and
saved in joint conference by the Oregon senators. These
measures were introduced, by Senator Bourne and ably
championed by Senator Chamberlain.
There is now pending before the senate a measure in
troduced by Senator Bourne known as S. 4451, which reads
as follews:
"A bill to authorize the construction of a road in Cra
ter Lake National park, Oregon, and to appropriate one
hundred thousand dollars for the commencement thereof.
"Be it enacted by the senate and house of representa
tives of the United Stales of America in congress assem
bled, that the sum of one hundred thousand dollars be. and
is hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of tiny money in
the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to lie immediate
ly available, and to be expended under the direction of
the secretary of war and the supervision of the chief of
engineers, for the construction of a wagon road and the
necessary bridges through Crater Lake National park,
Oregon, together with a system of tanks and water supply
pipes to provide for sprinkling, in accordance with the
recommendations contained in the report of the war de
partment published as house document numbered three
hundred and twenty-eight, Sixty-second congress, second
sessien: .Provided, that tile secretary oi war may enter
into a contract or contracts for such materials and work
as may be necessary to complete the said project, to be
paid for as appropriations may from time to time beNnade
by law, not to exceed in the aggregate six hundred and
seven thousand dollars, exclusive of repairs and mainte
nance and of the amount herein apprepuiated: Provided
further, that the work may, in the discretion of the secre
tary of war, be carried on by contract or otherwise, as may
be most economical or advantageous to tlio United States;
and provided further, that sucli sums as may be necessary
for repairs and maintenance of the said road, bridges, and
sprinkling system, not exceeding twenty thousand dollars
per annum, may be expended from the appropriations here
inbefore made and authorized."
Oregon merchants should be just enough and fair
enough to give credit where credit is due, and not to play
partisan or factional politics by bestowing upon one un
earned praise at the expense of the other even though
Senator Bourne does champion the parcels post.
Congressman Uawley will have another opportunity to
work for Crater Lake, by securing the passage of this bill
through the house. If he does it, he will be justly entitled
to praise and commendation, lie has a chance to make
good let us hope he will not be asleep at the switch.
lUvery porson in Oregon or elsewhere interested in
Crater Lake should write personal appeals to their ac-
fliuiiutnuces in congress asking support Xov. .this bill,, and I
a sense of honor and a de-
throutrh two states that ended
parole signed by the gov-
whv thev should have at
should assist in lining up congressmen from their former
homes to vote for this measure, which means so much to
the development and progress of southern Oregon.
Medford Nineteen Years Ago Today
Item Titki'ti Knim The .Medrord Mnll of .Inuuury at), IWW A, S,
Hilton llujs tho Paper 1'iirillii Hmanips Hotel Hon. W. S.
Crow ell to (iUo Talk tut China Preparing IMilldt for Chicago
It was jtiht 11) ears ago today
January U0, JSlKt that A. S. Ulitou
printed tho II rut Meilfont Mail in
Medfoid. When lUiton purohiiKod tho
paper it vn tho Southern Onmni
Mail, ami had )miiiiwly Ikhmi piili
Iwhi'd liy Kolix (1. Krtlxou, who wtw
a M)uiliM nml roiitliu'tiM tho junior
m h iMililionl orjjrta rtirwfitlitur Hit
iiuhliNliorV political I'aitlu Illiton
cIiaiiRuil its piilic, making it itulo
pfiuli'iil, nail al,-n elumjjod its uainu
to tho Mail. Hilton in hUII
living in Mod fonl.
iiiHiiir the itoia fouiiA in a oopy
of tho jiajiop of ID years njco tho Tol
hiwintf may ho of inlortv.1 to .Mtiil
Trihuao roadern:
pru,,,u. of 1Inlo MHir,iriif mw ,,
xH.ii. mid ho hud ju-i completed
nico, oloau jo!) nC varm-iliini; mid
jiaitcrinp tho interior of his hostolry."
A polltahlo iiivwtiaonl fur Mod-
ford oapihil wmilil ho tho oruotioii of
oottaitoti. Donianit-i aro honi" mado
daily for dnolliiii; liotixw hy now ar
rivals in tho olty, anil Ihoir want p
Xii'holsou Unw. wero iimkiiii; n
NjH'oialty of tlui sitle of OiiHittly sulky
SnttonV "llnolo Tom's rahin" dun
jinnv t o)om Imiw Janiimy LT. Soo
hi stix'ut parade.
Landlord l'urdin rejuiwth ipiilo u
llenty over the arrival of a flue,
large baby boy.
Ament: the old things which have
recently become new is I ho sign on
the Hotel Medford. Why not "Tho
Medford," Mr. Pimlin? Isn't that
more noslhotio ami more in kecpim
with our city?
K. P. Hammond reports the recent
ly organized lodge of (lood Templars
gaining membership at nu astonish
ingly rapid rate.
C. T. Nicholeoji has a d-yenr-old
Norman colt wliittli tiprf the scales at
1000 pounds.
C. S. Price, county school super
intendent, was in .Medford Wednes
day. Frank Steronson, employed in the
Southern Orp-on paokiug bouse, is
laid up with a K)uuliur attack of
blood poisoning which wns contracted
while working about tho scalding
tubs. Two othur employes arc sim
ilarly nfflieted.
Five new residents wero added to
the rosier of tho Medford 1iiisini-
college this week. They aro ('. W.
Anglo nnd Jlainio Isaacs id' Medford.
Ilosellu Wnler, Kiln Terrill and
Mary Wilcox of Tnlont.
Among tint Seventh street imprnw
ineiiis is the new brick addition being
built by P. L. Pritchard to his jew
elry store. Cloldciv Jim, tire doing
tho work. (This particular spot i
now coveted by thu .lauksoii Count)
bank building.)
Jlov. K. K. Philips will uiMress a
union tuiiijwrnnco meeting in the
I'rosbyleriau church Sunday evening,
January 'JL.
Hamilton & Palm sell ical estate.
(Jet priijos on city lota. Also money
lo loan.
I ranging huspft ut (mt nt Pav
is &
Jlert Whilinaji l;fl Weili..ilny
night for Portland and Sound cities.
J. .7. Ilrophy ltlliirned last week
from a milling trip into the Hold Hill
l-'red Lookonmuyqr of the, Medford
Aitifleial Ice company relumed Sun
day from Portland.
Sheriff Pellon was in Jown this
week J'or the purpotio of lecoiviug
Miss Alice MiiflhowH of Jackson
ville and Miss JUirllm Stewarl of
Medford are ii-nTyn' Miss Matthews'
mother nt Hock l'oTiU.-
Elmer Jbuhfordr bookkeeper ul tliu
Medford distillery, has been ill for
several days.
Hov. Foster anil family arrived
from tho HwunL (jmiiitry last week.
I To wilNn; tho Prcfebylerian pastor in
Porn On January 18, lo'Mr. mu'.
Mrs, Jesse Huhnrdgoii, son.
Miss Jdu Kcd.dcii'h.n.3 bccti elected
tho Woman' Kuliof
Ashury I Ion II wn ncvoroly hillon
on tho ! hy u miilo this wool;.
. ..
Tho Hon. W. S Cmwoll, lalo Unilod
Slatos miiiiNlor to China, ifudor tho
miMuViw of tho l.adio Kuil(l, will do
livor his cotohmlod, ilttiNli'Hlod "Kon
iiK Talks," at tho opora Iioiiko, ,lau
Hiiry atl. 'I'hoso "Kvoiiiii Talks" aro
roiainisooaoos of tho "Plowory King
dom," muHui)nuiod hy uuiiUO oiuios.
v.l(ihu Weeks of tho flrm f Weeks
vV Orr is having labels printed for 10
bovos of prunes whloh hao boon put
up l Ibis ilrm and aro to bo put in
tho Oregon fruit exhibit at th
World's fair at Chicago. Tho prunes
nro of I ho Kivnch arirly and are
said to bo a splendid arlioh. lincli of
the 10 boxes in which Ibis fruit is
packed is of a different wtriulv of
wood ami all of I lie varieties a prod
uct of the country sariouudiuit .Med
ford, and aro oak, alder, laurel, yow,
Jlr. birdsoyo pine, red cedar, mnuxnti
ita, mountain mahogany and while
wood. This lumber was all caiofully
sawed nt the Week llros. mill in
Phoenix and the bo.xes nil made by
Hasklua for health. "
Don't Think a AVarran- fi
tv Deed to a Piece of
Is All You
For, still more, you need a tv.
Ilnlile nlwtrnet lo hIiow you how
good tho deod l.
llavo un make It.
Wo Bpeclnllxo on
That Are
When wo make an nhstrnct or
any part of one- tho pitrt wo
luivo had under search may ho
depoudod on to show tho exact
condition of the title. And wilt
dcttormlrio your safety In buying
or loaning.
Jackson County
Abstract Company
Corner (Ilh and Fir Kts.
North Mnll Trllmuo Illdg.
Medford, Oregon
For your Rcpafrlnrj of Plumliltifl
nnd Ptimpwurk.
Coils installed and guaranteed
to give satisfaction.
KslinmtoH given op Water Sup
ply Systems and Plumbing.
No job too small or lurgo,
ANTEED. No. 24 Fir Street South.
Pacific 3702.
Tho undoridgnod having Junt
completed u largo now llvury nluhlo
In Haglo Point, wo Invito tho travel
ing pulillo to call and oxamlno our
rigs, teams, etc., all liolug In first
cIuhh condition. Our motto In to
Llvo nnd Lot Llvo. l'lmno at utablu
and residence. Call central,
fi. If. JIAItXIHII & BOX, Iropi,
Steain and Hot Water
All W'oik Oimniiilocd.
l'rlcow KuuNonuhlo.
W Howard Block, Entrance on Ctl) Ut,
. a'ftelflQ 003 U j , K9U10 319 ,
ooiitliu'tross of
Coi-jw, No. !l I.
AVe wish lo
wilh (he lael
impress you
that we are
Through uh you emi e.v
ehani;o -wliut you don'l. want
For wliai you do waul.
lOaeres, deep lilaelc slieky
soil, near Ceiilral I'o'ml; rV
tifres in l?-vear-oltl orchard.
lrieo $an(K); $1000 will han
dle. Will e.vhanu;e. Suhinil
liOacreK in eullivaiiou, -ii
miles S. W. -Mcdl'ord. I'ru-e
(K)00. I'lasv terms, will ex
change. .Submit your propo
sition. P20 acres !) miles from
Central I'oinl, will exchaiiKO
for Calit'ni'iiiu property.
Price, $7f) p(U acre.
87 acres foothill fruit land-,
8 miles N. V. of Medford,
partly in young orchard. Can
lie irrigated. l room house.
Will exchange for other
properly, not necessarily lo-
I 4 1 111
cal. i -an pav casu uinerencc.
10-acre tract within half
mile ol Med lord, r acres in
IJ-y car-old i)eai-, W acres
bearing grapes; house, barn,
I hennery. Price $(1000. Terms.
IH acre orchard tract with
in i. mile of Medford. Some
thing choice. Ask us.
1(!0 acres level .land all till
able, C miles from .hlagle
Point. iPrice $7000; $1500
will handle or will exchange
for other property.
120 acres in Sams valley,
17 miles northwest of JWcd
ford, 7 miles east of ("told
Hill. This is a good sidehill
fruit ranch in the rough. Soil
is deep. Some saw timber
and wood enough to pay for
place. About 12 acres cleared,
cheap new house, barn and
chicken house. Part of this
can be irrigated from spring
and creek. Price $.'1,100. Will
take half in city property or
sell on easy terms.
H acres truck and berry
land on Hear creek for sale
or exchange.
A bunch of city lots to ex
change for unimproved al
falfa laud.
100 acreK timber, will ex
change for lota. Price $3200.
Will exchange real oBtalo
for automobile.
List your alfalfa land with
us. We have inquiries.
8 room House, fine resi
dence district, ! bedrooms,
each with sleeping jiorch,
modern in iwvvy way. Price
verv low considering value.
$1700 will handle:
If you consider buying lots
be it, a higlrc.lass residence
lot, suitable for a mansion or
Hoiuething cheap, we have
them and you will iind both
price and terms right.
We aim to handle- and ad
vertise only real bargains.
Pliouca; lk-11, 7UU1; Home, UU-K
four. Whig or Only Potty ttatri
mill ClitH "
Till In decidedly lln jtwtwt ntiv
olly art over ii tit nod In Modfnid,
IIk wonilorfal to wo tho control
Mr. thulium Iihm or ho many little
H'U all Iooih on the bIuro at tho
llllio tlmu.
Special .'Matlueo Satiii(l,)n anil
SuudiijN at UilM)
Kteiilug Performance at 7:(lO
Under direction orivopte Aiiiuao-
i ti' ti t compHiiy
1000 feet or MatihloiH l'lllil lOOO
A railroad utory ('Mpochdly xtroug
In lln thrllliiiR moiileiitN of
Story ot iMoonhliiliiK In thu Ken-
lurky hlll.
A comedy, acted liy tlio rnvorltod,
MIm Klorenco lwrencw miuI
Arthur Juliunou.
"THU Cllll-S IIAl'iltTHIl,
A drum tie owmt In thu life of
Dniilet I loo no.
"APItll. I'tHH."
Pare. Ciuety,
Tlio Sinner.
In MunIc nml KffofijH.
Vour Oitu (looil liiilKiiieat Will
Aikiiottleilgo Our HiiMileilly In
Utery Itcip.-ct
AiIiiiUhIoii IOc. .MuHihv every day
Up-to-Dto Auto Biid Carrlngn
Painting, Hold (.oaf jjlgnn mid
Interior Dueoratlng a Specialty.
Shop nml orricn
H. (impo nml tOlh St.
Office Phono 7771. Hon. 7a 111,
All Work loltlvuly Utinrnntood.
Having no niual on earth In variety of
mineral watcra and curing dlNeaneu
Unit medlclnen will not rearli. If yoit
aro In need or health, rnino now. Wo
aro open all tho year and ran glvo tlio
tiotU of earn ami attention now nn well
na In HUinmor. Stage dally from Hod
llluff to tho wirings, Further par
tlmilnm adilroHH
Wanted-To Trade
A fluo plnuo for a ulco driving
team, weight l0 IIjh. Will pay
ecudi dlfferonco.
Wo haudlo Knaho, Htorllng,
nehulng, Mel'hall, La Fni'ipm, ami
many othum.
CnlW at
(for. 10th ami Oahdalo
V euirv it V'iy cnrniilcte I Inn
of iIiiijm ilni, 1'ic iiirlnliiH, fix
IllliM. ilc, anil lie all rlitMNiH ul
UIiIiiiIhIi i'Ihk A nitinl mini lo
IiiiiK ii I'll I' IIiIh MirK i xcliiHlvely
ami will Klvc ih koihI ni-ivli'o nil
M poHMlhlil in it" t la 0l llei
Iiiiki xt !i-e
Wo will luilld you n homo on
monthly payments.
M. F. anil H. Co, Dullitliig
,. , ,,.,., n.-Wgf .-