PAG13 TWO MEDFORD MTLTR BUNK MODFORD. ORlWOtf, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20. 11)12. t LOCAL and! IPERSONAL I- A ruml mull route Is soon to lie CRtnbJIfjliod o)t of Grnnla Pans ex tend In K up Koguo rlvor on the north filtlo nn fnr tin Wooitvltlc niul return on the notitli nlUo of the river. The route -will nunpl eomcthtnK like 100 fnmlllos, 80 of whom have already HlRiicd up for rnjtlj hojos, Snhlcr'u bottiod milk at Do Voo's. ,- 27.9 V S. Commissioner Canon loft Sat. unlay mornlnp; for HosohurR, whore he had business before tho land of-1 flee Mrs. J. 1). Wlmor. of Hums, Oro., Is In Medford vIsltlnB Mrs. Thos. Puson. Mrs. Wlmor formorly roahjed In Mcdfqrd. Sho was thou MI83 Car rie IJmphlott, SultB cloanod and prossQd, $1.50. Medford Dyo Works- Both phones. 27C Dr. I. 12. Tracy, of Albany, Is In Bedford visiting; II. C Konlnor and family, "W. S. "Weston and Thos. Miller woro In Gold Hill a couple of days this week. S. A, Novell, ladles' tailor, 4th tlcor M. F. & H. Co. bldg. W T. Marshall loft Friday evening for Roseburg and .Portland. Don Colvlg left Friday night for a few days vlstt with his mothor and slBter In Portland. Seo It, A, Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. Mrs. W. R. Adams loft Friday for Tacoraa, where she will jpln her hus band, who is engaged In business there. After a few wooks stay in Tacoma sho will go to North Dakota for a visit with relatives. Six dollars now takes a fine new $425 piano at a reduction of $107; other makes at $190, $245, 267. $274, $312. Simply bring in $G and select your piano, wo deliver it to you tho same day. After that you pay $G per month. Ellcrs Music House, 217 West Main street 260 1-lttlo Llnwood Dlakley is spending Saturday and Sunday with Gold Hill relatives. Miss E. G. Robinson returned to Portland Friday after a visit with Medford friends. Tho Medford Conservatory of Mu sic and languages Is tho only mnslc school in southern Oregon with a full corps of teachers. G. Talllandior, director. Send for catalogue. 27G Bert Anderson returned Friday from Portland, accompanied by bis bride. Rooms 50c and up. Hotel Moore. Special rates by week or month. Mrs. P. J. Neff returned Friday from a business visit to San Fran cisco. Dr. J. E. Shearer, physician. Office 419-420 Garnett-Corey building. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Harmon, of West Baden, Jnd., arrived in Medford Fri day. Hot tarn ales at McDowell's. Prof. P. II. Dally, of Eagle Point, vrn In Medford Friday. Phone your orders In to Eads Bros. Transfer Co. Office phenes: Ben 3152; Home 3C0-K. Ed Weston was in Gold Hill Sat urday on business. Rooms 50c and up. Hotel Moore. Special rates by week or month. Edgar Hafor returned Friday night from a several weeks' business visit to Council Bluffs, Iowa.' Mrs. Hafor will not return until In March. Mrs. Ed, Andrews, teacher of voico nt Medford conservatory, Nat build ing. 276 Engineer Bert Harmon loft Sat urday morning for Leland, Ore., where ho will run out lines for a wagon road from Leland to Dr. Rod dy's big copper mine. Dr. Klrchgessehor will be at the llotol Holland every Wednesday from 10 to 3 o'clock. 259 Tiio Loyal Temperance legion will meet in tho Methodist church on Bartlett street Wednosday, January 24, at 4 p. on. All children between tho ages of C and 10 aro urged to attend. MIbh Smith, state secretary of tho L. T. L., will bo with us at that time. Emily T. Standeford, examiner for tho New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, piano, harmony, musical history. 428 West Fourth street. Telephono 7211. 2CC Tho Baptist ladles hold a mission ary meotlng nt tie hospitable homo of Mrs. L. B. Kent Tuesday afternoon at 2:30. Mrs. Stlno hud prepared an unusually Interesting and helpful program, which was well carried out by the various ladles present. Mrs. Holmes sung 11 beautiful solo, after which refreshments wero sorved and n good social time enjoyed by all. Fresh candy dally ut McDowell's. Weeks&McGowanCo. i UNDERTAKERS Bay Phono 3371 Xlffht Flioneii r. W. Wttki 3071 A. E. Orr, 3093 X.ADY 4BBISTAIIT. The opportunity of your lives Is offered you now You can't afford not to loo); prosperous and well dressed when you can got four oults sponged and pressed each mouth for $l.r0. Tho price heretofore hnsilioon $2. Call for our driver .who will explain tho matter In detail; or call nt tho Pantorlum Dyo Works com pany's office, No. ft North Flrt Suits called for once a week and delivered. Wo want 500 members of this club. Aro you with 119? ft s Money to'Jonn on Improved coun try and elty property. Medford Land Co., aultu 201 First National hank. Sunday school Institute nt tho Presbyterian church next Friday, January 2G, and continues until af ter the following Sunday. The In stitute will bo conducted by A. M Williams, J. V. Mllllgan, H. M Crooks and K. F. Hall. All aro Invited. Carrlo Louise Alton, violinist and toachor. Medford Conservatory 270 Evangelistic meetings begin in tho Proshylorlan church Jauuary 29. Rev. Wm. Parsons, 1). I)., will bo the evangelist. Hot chill at McDowell's C. C. Wright, of Wlnnemncca, Nov., arrived in Medford Friday. Mrs. W. N. Campbell and children looft for Woodville Saturday to visit over Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tncobs. Peerless Baking Co., 133 West Main street, corner tlrapo and Main, delivers fresh bread every morning to your home. 259 Mrs. Maude Butler returned Satur day morning to her homo at River side, on Foots creek. She was ac companied homo by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott, who will visit with relatives there over Sunday. Dr. J. E. Shearer, physician. Office 419-420 Garnett-Corey building. J. A. Wright and family of Phoe nix were in Medford Saturday. Geo. O. Goulot, of Orlska, N. D., stopped off in Medford Friday for a short visit with S. A. Nye and W. N. Campbell He 'was en route to Los Angeles. Edgar Martin, violin and piano in struction, at Palmer's Piano Place. 2C7 Jj W. Mitchell will leave tonight for Portland and Seattle, p bo ab sent two weeks on business. Geo. Morrison arrived In Medford Friday from Vancouver, Wash., for a few days' visit with old-time friends. Mr. Morrison Is now en gaged In the newspaper business In Vancouver. Try McDowell's Ice cream and sherbets. Mrs. Staplcton left Medford Sat urday morning for Ashland where she will rcceivo medical treatment at tho Swedenburg hospital. Money to loan on Improved coun try and city property. Medford Land Co.. suite 201 First National bank. Miss Leila Meo visited Ashland friends Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Fox of .Central Point wero Medford visitors Satur day. Carkln & Taylor (John II. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law, over Jackson County Banlc building, Medford. Messrs. J. II. Cochran and J. F. Hutchason will leave Medford on No. 1G tonight for Portland, whero on Monday they will be guests at a ban quet to bo given tho several re pre sentatives of tho Mutual Life Insur ancc company by tho coast managers of that company. For sale, Stone's confectionery storo, opposite depot. Exceptionally good preposition. 259 Mrs. Cbas. Johnson Is visiting Ashland friends for a few days. Rooms 50c and up. Hotel Moore, Special rates by week pr month. Mrs. T. J. Parton and daughter, Miss Alma, of Eaglo Point, were in Medford Saturday. Miss Alma left on No. 15 for a visit to relatives in Ashland. Joo Beeman, mayor of Gold IIJ1I, was in Medford Saturday. Mr. Waddle, mannger of tho Nat atorlum, has fitted up and opened a room In tho building for the use of devotcps of chess and checker games. Patromigo for these games is solic ited. 259 Charles Toll of this city and Charles Terrili of Uroyv-mbgro en gagod in a street scrap In which it Is said Tull was tho aggressor and also the viptor. Tho poljco Interfered and pujt a stop to tho row, but at noon Saturday no complaint had been filed with Justjco of the Poaco Taylor, and as City Magistrate Canon Is out of tho city nono could havo been filed with Jilrn. Read Benson's Bargains on another page and save money. E. B. Fljier, managing editor of tho Orcgonlan, accompanied by Dan J, Malarkey, arrived in Medford tjils morning to mnko tho final transfer In closing the sale of an orchard tract near Talent, which wus reported Home tlmo ago. Bread, pies, cakes, ices and ice creams nt tho Peerless Dukory. Prompt dellvory, both phones. 2!i$J Miss Besslo Say tho Score!!, sec retary of tho young people's depart ment of tho W. 0, T. U., wj speak at the Baptist church on Wednesday evening, January 24. All nro urged to bo present Medford, Ore., Nov. 7, 1911. This Is to certify tjint about November my daughter vna taken with n severe at tack of rheumatism which rendurotl her left arm useless, In fact It was so near pnrnlyied that she was not able to move her fingers, but kuowlng of some of Dr. Chow Young's marvelous liuros of long standing cases of rheumatism, we decided to consult hlin. In which I am pleased to my made no mistake, as his. remedies acted as he claimed they would and after tho third treatment tho vluni mntlc pain entirely left her and she hijs not had any symptoms of rheu matism since; besides her general health Is much Improved and l do not hesitate In saying 1 believe those ufflictod with rheumatism or paraly sis will do well to consult Dr. Chow Young, whoso house la comer of Tenth, and Front Btreets, Medford, Oregon. A. P. WEISS. 270 SENATOR CUMMINS ANNOUNCES (Continued From Page Onei MAN WANTED BY ROSEBURG CAUGHT fl. A. GriuiUM wns ambled in Med ford Friday ijlglit by Chief of Piditw HilMin, upon itiHuuntiou received by wire from !ioseUuir. ttrimu in waited in lhwobunx ' mi wor olmrgn jjl" Itiruon,, by bailee. Oont!)blo It. I' 'AnIiuoi'IIi f IIono Inirjj nrrived in Ahullon! this morn iug and will 'return vwtli Id niuii on No. 10 this afternoon. It is under stood thai other (linmvs vwH bo pre ferred iiKiiiiift flriuu- of yrnver nature than the one li Is held on, upon hi, nrrivitl in IU -ebuiy. COURT HOUSE NTWS Attention Dairymen rtiul Stockmen Just received ear of registered and grade llolnteln cuttle. They woro tho mortgage Utters of tho Ohio Western Huhoivo and can do It hero. All from tho noted DoKnl strain, Imported from Holland. Best herd went of tho Casomles, Prices aio right. Phono 732, party 1M or visit our ranch on Ross Lnno, TIOKNOU .V- llOOMTTLU "!,1 tluit entile vordinlitv oxifts between the I,n Follotte and Cummins move moots. Cummins Kilters Rait. WASHINGTON, 1). C. Jan. 20. Senator Bert Cummins of Iowa to day announced his candidacy for the republican nomination for president, The declaration by tho Iowa sunutor that ho wns at last In the field as against President Taft and Senator I-i Fpllotto of Wisconsin caused a tremendous political sonsntlou. Cummins' candidacy was an nounced In n direct statement Issued today. In it tho lowan said: "So much has been published in the newspapers and so much hua been written and said to me concerning the presidency, that I fool It my duty to iiiako a plain statement to tho repub licans of Iowa. "Immediately upon my return from the last session of congress 1 made a statement of my opinion respecting the presidency. That opinion remains unaltered. The situation, however, Is changed, and it now seems probable that more than two candidates wljl be seriously considered iu the national convention. "Under these conditions. It the re publicans of Iowa bellevo 1 am fitted to be presented to tho convention ns a candidate for the presidential nom ination and they desire to present aiio, I will appreciate and accept their con fidence as a gratifying evidence of their Jalth In my promise to serve ns best I can tho general welfare of tho people." NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby given that the undersigned will apply to thp city council of tho city of Medford, Ore gon, at Its next regular meeting on February 0th. 1912, for a license to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liq uors in quantities less than n gallon at his placo of .business on lot JO, block 20, In said city, for a period of six mouths, , WILL KARNES. Dated Jan. 19, 1912. HI 10 JO til.' fiVJOO .100 TOO JLATE TO CLASSIFY 4- - ---4---4-4- ------ FOR RENT C room modern bunga low on paved street; gas range. G19 N. Riverside. Inquire at store In rear. ' 2C5 FOR SALE Furniture of fivo rooms complote. Address F. J. It., Trib une. 2C1 WANTED Room and board for boy 8 years old, near Washington school. Phono Mufti 541. 200 PERSONAL PERSONAL Matrimonial to date. Many wealthy paper up Business confidential. Road testimonials on marriages. Paper sealed, 10 cts. Mrs. Bell, 1 81 G Magnolia ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Real Kstnli Trnn4Htloni. Ida Minnie Moliee to John Pieioj property iu PnichCs Alukn addition, A-ldnud.. .; Charles A. Hniwn to Ilender non llnsh, Timd in See. 1 1, Tp. :I0. IK.." Win. A. IMiiUor In J. O. Talent, property jn 1'mk addition, Medford Win. Lewis lo Win. I. Ureeu jeaf, land jn Tp. :10, :IW Win. II. Cuiuo to Dora ('nine, one-third inturc.t i:i lot 7, Ml; 10. (bddjlill Win. II. ;nm,eto Iteuheu T. Caine, om;-third inteiest in lot 7, I.Ik 10;' Gold Hill Ili'iiheii T. Culm I" I'll" M. Caine, one-third interest in lot 7, lilk 10, (fold Hill Frederick Knhlnnd lo Clin. A. Hniwn, r.'2-l acres 111 Tp. M), IK. James I. Frcdonbursr lo A. IC. J. Shultt. laud iu.Tp. :il. 'JW.. C. It, Ueimroth lo J, O. Tuleut, S.28neres iu.Tp. :iS, 1... J. T. Ends lo Jf. I). Rrophy, pmpurty iu Fiit Kxtcusiou Southern udd., Medford..,. O. W. Palm toJ. C. Barnes et nt., property in Cottage ad dition, Medford- United Status to'.Urant family, 1(0 neres in See. 10, Tp. lit,, 3W; patent. F. II. Cook to Albert Anderson, 17 nens in Tp. US, 1W J. C. Collin! to A. K. Reamiw, land in blk. 7; Park ndd. to Medford Win. Lewis to Ww' U Oreen lear, laud in Sc?3G, Tp. 30 3W ... John H. ilyorly to Win. L Greouleaf, land Iu Tp. 3C, 3W Contract O. & C. Dev. Co. to II. II. Wea- gant, land In Tp. 38, IE.. 231-78 U. S. to Sanford S. McKorchcr, land In Tp. 40, IK Patent Jnmcs W. Dudley to Geo. R. Llndley, lot 9. blk. 3 Siski you Heights add. Medford. 100 Win. M. Smith to' Gus Nowbury, Win. M. Smith to Gus .New bury. ...,,,... Power of Attorney Frultgrowors Trust & Title Co. to Mollia Kceno, lands In Tp. 37, 1W t. Molllo Koeno to Fruitgrowers Trust & Title Co., 1C50 acres in Medford '. Johp A. Van Sant ot al. to R. W. Flshor, jiroporly In Ash land 1 Albert Alford to W. T. Mason, lots 4, 5, C and 7, blk. "S" Talent l C. C. Beekmnn to Benton Bow ers, 900 acres In Tp. 3C, IK. 2 1,000 Seattle Appraisals Sovoral Medford people have employed us to npprnlHo Seattle real estate. Such appraisal la usually worth more than It costs. Ira J, Dodge ot Medford was formerly contitjctod with thin of fice. Other Seattle and Medford refexences on request. u, 0. intsuiNi: v company UOO New York Itlk., Seattle (Charter Member Seattle Real Es- tato Assn.) REAL ESTATE Willninotto Valley Farms of nil description-. Garden ami Fruit Lands, Timber Lands. Some exeellent bargains in AL MANY CITY lMIOl'KUTY. Write or call on J. V. PIPE 'J0.1 West Set I St.. Allmnv. Ore. 10 10 10 Murrliigu Licenses. Edward M. Morgan uud Florence K Simmons, rr FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT New and up to date apartment modern in every partic ular, gas cooking, steam heat, etc. Smith's apartment house, 217 So. Rjvcrsldo. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rogms, light, gas and bath. Also two room houso, furnished, cjoso Jn. Inqulro 337 West 10th street. 2C9 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Furnished houso close in. Box 495 or inqulro ut Com mercial ciuu. T FOR RENT Furnished houso con tabling 0 rooms, hot uud cold wa ter, buth, etc. Threo blocks from P. O. Inqulro 310 N. Bartjett. tf FOR RENT 4 and 3 room houso, $7 and $4 a month. 322 S. Cen tral avo. 2C7 FOR RENT Furnished 0 room cot- tage, modern. P18 King at. FOR RENT HockenyoR bungalow; modern. 72? West Jh st. Phono Main GC03. FQR RENT OFFICES FQH RENT Ovor tho with heat .and light. Davja. poHtofflco, Seo A A. FOlt RENT Large, comfortablo of flco rooms with elevator sorvico, s(cam heat, hot uud cold wutor. Low rates. Apply Mod fort) Furnt- turo fc UuYf. co, New Cuhvh. Charles Itatidlos versus II. C Bon uey and P. A. Uonney; uutlon for money. A. E. Iivoines, attorney for plulntlff. Hasklns for health. Children's Eyes tWSM require onrcfni watching, ospcclnlly In the case of studious scholars. At tho first sign of weakliest! they should hnvo thnlr eyes examined, mid, If necessary, Glauses should bo worn. But any kind of glussea will not do. Bring tho child to mo and I will guarantee to fit tho right lonscs so as to improve the vIhIoii and reinovo any hoaduchos that may result from oye-strulii. J)p. Ripkert (Hit KeiliM-r's , WOOD COAL ANY QIWNTITY BURBIDGE FUEL & TRANSFER CO. BOTH PHONICS EVERYTHING FOR THAT OFFICE If 'short phono us. ..Both Phonos Medford Book Store MAKE AN OAT OF THIS -v ,,Wj - 1 " v I if ylf i WW fj2rTr " Y .. -"s . 4SJ&$l wm) 'V.ot 'SI 1 IKW.J'J that tho bettor the outs, corn and moal you glvo your stock tho botlor health will thoy ho In, timl tho more hard work will thoy bo capable of doing. Wo aro offorlng tho very host Feed on tho market and nt snonoy saving prlcos. Wo ask a trial, uh that will bo all that Is necessary to mako you a regulur customer after ward. It Is only by touting that you can prove our claim. RUSS MILL Do You Need Drain Tile? WW MAffl'lMOTURn IT ,1 , The Most That Can lie Made. Refnro Ordorluu; Hm Vn. Rogue River Pottery Co HOI) (Inriiett'Cui-oy Illdif., Meilfonl Plant at Tolo, Tf-&Mr,'p !V TMU'll'vD't1 '! kV l,JJi k. A Full Line of 444flr'jVlt44Vff' Peerless Lamps All Kiiaraiiloptl. Now ia (liti tiuip to gel your houso wirt'tl. (lood IIkIiI ttddH lo (Iu; comfort oil wlnl or llll'llfllS. SO. ORCGON ELECTniC CO. North Grnie Street. rrr. Noarly a quai'tcr of a century lmilor tho hjuihi nianticiiKMil THE County Jackson Medford, Orogbn .It has .mu'eot'dt'd because of Bank W Soimdnosa of priiit-ijilti Economy of inaiia(Mitont Safoty of invest mciit Courteous and liberal treatmout CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 J. Vawler, PreHideut (I. i. Lindloy, Vieo Pvo. U. Y. AleDouald, Cashier ? First National Bank OF i MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $58,000.00 s United Slates and Postal Savings Depository "Wo solicit your business, which will receive our careful attention. v. ic. DitiMUi, ritit.siiit.vr , oititis citAwroitn, M. Ii. Al.l'Oim. CASIIIItlt AHSIKIW.Vl" CASIIlltlt $40 PER ACRE Vor 80 aeres the east half of tho north wont quarter of Koctiou 5, town !l(j, rangp .1 YU8t ono and a half milos avosI of .lunglo .Point. Twenty to 25 acres has boon under cultivation. Tho owner is very anxious to soil and at this price it ought to move. W. T. YORK & CO. Mail Tribuno Block Rog'uelands Irrigated Tracts $450 per acre, plowed, fenced, leveled ad 'planted to a standard variety of trees, with a perpetual water right. The terms are easy : 10 per cent down, and the balance in monthly or yearly payments, ROGUELANDS INCORPORAT P FRED N, CUMMINGS, Manager i A i I c J 1