JU". iC3 Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER I Cloudy. Mnv., nil; MIh., !l) I ltd. Hiiiii., OVJIS IVr CoHti S I)nlly-HUtli Year. I'uTty-Klrnt Yrnr, MEDtfORD, ORKCJON, 1MIUY, JAN'l'AKY H), 11)12. No. 257. ILA. ii LOCAL RATES ON SOUTHERN PACIFIC ORDERED CUT ABOUT 20 PER CENT City Ha'l n -it H rf4 ' THREE HONOR MEN BREAK THEIR PEEDGE Alter Hnvlnn Kept the Faith for Two ami Qne-lwlf Months J. W. Riley, Alhrrt Snlonl and Frank Aram En dcavor to Escape. OTHER HONOR MEN FORM POSSE TO RETAKE THEM All Avenues of Escapo Are Closely Guarded and Escapo Is Impossible. After having kept tile faith for Imi mill m iiMlf mouth, tliu HtiHiii lici'itinr tlHl glltllt lllll tlu'lT "llOIIOr llll'll" litnlvH thulr idi'dc Id (livirnor '"t mill d(itinl Wiwtvillo Thiitdit I'VtUltllK about 7 o'clock. It WIIH ! ti'olonk bwforc Uii'ir mImhmiimi wh ili--en vol ml. liitmNto Indignation rtMtiPtt timoiitr tlu 21 other mnl euiih fm llii' ritnpRMiltu, Ht niii'fi Ih'kiiii. tint (ii tiro cMiiip turning nut. With lantern tin' runaway wcii- trni'inl through tlu Imiali to Hit' ("rotor I !,! mud iiIhimi I'dclum, tlu'iu'i! down to the hill tn tliH flounce mi'k Hi' l'('ti bridge, I hone hIumk the ruud toward l'oiliy. It wn dawn lcfitt xomo of tin immiuTN returned to omiip, linr pumiilt of llto doner! om.8hould tlity In) ruptured Ihoy will hit brought to Mi'ilfonl ami tukfit itiiwl In Snlein, it lynching i fun red dimild llu'V In' M'turiii'il In WMille. In fur fitly l-ancny. The miMiiif uion urn .1. V. Kile.v. AlliHit Haloiti mid KiMiik Aram, nil in for potty Inreiitiy, wrving inIlr- miiinto -tmleiu'i-n. Kulimi' iiiiniiiiiiiii Hiiiitciii'u wu about to i'.pir mill (lovoruor Vut IihiI already mnt . ooinlilioiinl putnlu to tin camp. Tin iiihnIuiiiiii M'litoiion of the other I wo would Imvn expired in u Tew month. Now nil faro from wl to nino yanm nihlitloinil limu if nnpt iiri'il. ii uinihiKt speedy release If (hey hint remained with kooiI huhiivior. Word nf llii) mi'I nuny una lulu phonoil KnglniK'r Hhiiiioii hy Churlo Uny, who hud nnivoil ut Iho ciimp Thiinxlny willi six new prioiii'rn who lophiccd lx taken back Wcdiiimdiiy hy Warden Cm lis. Jon PurUr of llio I'nuilld & KiiHtoni nt once willed tip nil pohiM hiilwitnn Mi'ilfonl mid Doihy mid u lookout for the .iipM is being maintained. It wiih thought Ihut mi attempt would lid made to roauh Derby liofuro dawn, htoal n liitiid our and mako n gut nwuy, hut nl noon nothing hud boon hoard or HiKin of i(i (lonvlotH, who nro vi . ihuitly ooiuiiis; down Hid Kumo cri'iik roud or Mt ill hutwuun 1'oytnn mid Doihy. ItoaiN Deep In Mint. Tho rnudrt nro deep In mud, while it liht hikiw iiiiikuN trni'kiiiK nny. CoiiKtnhlo KiiiKlur loft Medford to hunt tho iw-cupon Friduy morning, wliilo lookouts nro hoiiif,' muliituinud ul Dorhy, Ayrun Spur uud KukIo l'oinl. Tho iiolli'o of Medford nro iiIkii on Iho nlorl. Tlioro in n nnvurd of $.r0 nlivo or $100 doud on ouoh honor mini who nullum u "l nwuy. Thnro pooiiiH littlo likolihood of thin (do milking rooi their eHcupo. Illliiy wiiljjhtfi 1(15 )ound, !h rnther Nlihl, H foot 10 iuolioa in height, iirihI III). .Snlonl in mi Italian, iirciI 28, weiuhiH 150 pntiudH, Ti fuel, I) iuoliox hi(,'h, durk 1'Uinplo.Nioii, with Hliuhl miiHtiioho. llirt plot nro win? puhliidiod in it croup of driller In tho Now Yenr'ft Mull Trihiine. l-'runk Arnrii Ih ii Mo.Nienn, wuI?Iih 17(1, (I font IiIkIii dark ODmplo.xionnd, nod 21. Hi ley wiih Borvinir from nno to 10 yearn term for laniony hi dwelling, u Heooud offeimo. Ho is a idioliiKiaplior hy I rude, Salon! wiih Horvini; i'roin ono to llvo yoarH for luveeny and hud al ready hoou paroled to take offeel ut the expiration of tho your, though ho did nol know it, Arnra wiih HorviiiK J'roin one to hovoii yeui'H for lnroony. The Kl-uwiiji followed n vepriumnd WHY DID UACON llVMQtlJ I Ptva 1 ss - ""f?l-rtv &x'&S&iG trirrmA, Mticlt iiirprle In rMHi'Kit(1 In Nim York nl Hie in Hun f Itilifit It.uiiii Ir rmlKNlliK n I mint JMiiIcn .iiiIiihk'Ii1ui to I'rniu'e m tut mill' n filmw of llnr viiril. An lilt rmlKiiultoii follow oil n vlxlt from .1. I'ltirpnitt .Mnti'. It l lilntiil Mint lie urn) lie Ihhi lo n-., clnle liliiuelf willi tin- MriJii i li"ii-o Rcsnltillous Arc Adopted Cnvciinu Many Matters John Stockton, Vcll Known Merchant of Salens It Chosen as President. With Hip eiertldu i-C ofiloen nHd AiloptHiii of.ii iiiiinlnir of itwolulioiit. ilie Orutfun Helnil Mereluiiiti' i.tli miiiiinl (MiiiM.ufioii oxino-to u i'Iinio In iIiih citv Tliiirdv uflemiKMi. tonioet uieniii next yenr nt Alhttity. New iiffieBrM woih eltii'ldd n fid Ieuh: lottii Sloi'kloii, irtpiilwil. Snlein; lidiii Collivr, llnl vica iirtMHlriit. Ii Onndi': W. A. IMI, imoik! viof pn. ideal, KuittMiit; Ii. N. Wnnier. third vioo incMidrnt, J1odfeiil: m Merrick. xocivlMiy. I'm timid; Thoiium C. Watt, Iron nii re r, Kuehmi. Dirt'oloif. SoutliHiii Oirueu: II. ('. (Inrnett, Modforil. Willmnelto val h'. : V. M. Kpph'y, 8nlom., mid .1. A. Ilciitlcrxmi, Dull Ivelliiher. .1. W. -link Hiul .1. (: Miiiiii, all of I'ortlmid. IvmIim-ii Ouuieti: K. Polaok. l.u rirniule, mihI I!. Alevnuder, lViulleloii. AmIeHu: K. Iloinklo. Tim ulcilion nf .lohii Slockloii of Siih'in iik primiiloiil of the orjaiiiwi tioii uah coiixidered an uuiiMially happy ehoiee, for Mr. Stoukton im one of I he niont rovereil ol the many iiierchnnlH of the wtato. ' Tho nMiointinii adoiiteil the fol lowing rcMilutioiin! "Ilniilcd. that the O. It. M. A. nt all liuiu k'ive piefeioiioo to Ot'ooii mado iiroduulH uud materials, en- ihmvor lo ereatu h sonliiiiout iiKaiut hluiiehed flour ami ohlain any Iok'ih latiou Ihut it uuii lowunU its aliol ihluueur. "That the in"inheii of the eonvon t ton Hiipporl roiiKreiMiunii Haw ley in hift effort to neeurv an appropriation for the Outer l.uko highway, and reooiiiiiuuid that looul UHsooiutions IhroiiKhoiit (ho Htato iiiMlruet their roproHoututivoK in WashiiiKtoii to wup port tho nioaHiire. "That Iho O. II. M. A. uvhoiuhloil in Medford oommeuil the notion nf'.lnolc biou county in hondiiiR Iho eoiiuty for $I,,'(IO,()(IO for tho ooiiHtruotiou of tuirinniionl hitfhwayH, and we onrneHt y hope (hat the notion taken hy the people of dnokson enmity will ho up held hy the higher ooiu'Ik of the stale. "That, thin convention h opposed to the duiycIh iiiI or any loiilntioii in faor of the erenllon of Iho hiiiiio. 'That ,tho uoiivoiitioii wihIioh to eoiivev H k ihaiikH and approoiatiun to the newnpapora of Iho oily for tho iuterohl that they have taken in tho hy Foreman flriovoH to Saloni. ltiley and Arnra pretended illness Thursday afternoon and laid off work duviiiK tho afternoon. All bIiowoiI Up at tnip per. The oeapo was evidently douo on the impulse of tho moment, as no lireparalioiiH worn made - not even the phono wire heiiiK eul, MERCHANTS 1 IEW0F GB ID ADJOURN UNION IN TO THEDE OFT In Stronuly Wortlcil Comment Build- I Inn Trnilnc Pnnirtifliin ripplnrnc All. solute Belief in Innocence and In tcoity and Devotion of Leaders. COMMITTEE REPORT URGES FORMATION NEW PARTY Hearst Is Condemned as Archenemy of the Workinumcn of America. KltHKNO, Cnl., Jan. 10. Almoltito tiollff In tliu inuocdiico, latogrlty nm! (lcM)tlon to the Inlior inovoniont of Kb Itiilk'ted offlcliiln, with pIuiIkch of moral uud financial nupport, wan de rlitrod hy ttio Callfornlii HiiIIiIIuk Truism t'oavoatloii lioro today, wlum u ntroiiKly worded report couinieut on Hoi-rotary O. A. Txeltmoo'H annual report whh uiiiiiilmoiiHly npprovedo. In the report of tho committee, I'nlteil HtiitoH Hpeclnl PromTutor )- rnr Lnwlcr In tho MrNaiimrn nctlon ami netloiiH outKrowliiK therefrom wim louuilly flaud. LnwIor'H alleged liitlmldntlon of Txoltmoe. Anton Jo liRiiiiHea and i:. J. Clancy, and his allotted promlBi'n of Immunity for I hum ( thoy would lni;ilicuto Bam u el (iQlnilehiw'ofo cllUd if"'iro6f p"oi tlVo of tho dimtiirdly ehnrnctor" of tho imlloiiM iiKalimt Tveltiuoo mid his fel low offlnlnlH, liwler wuh nrrunml In Koaernl tonus of hrntallty and iinfalrniwH toward all liilnir offklalfl, whllo V. It. I low ml wan donerlhod an tho arch Miriny of tho toller. Dolopatcw to the noxt oouvonllon of tho Aiaorlcau Kudomtlou of Iibor wore Inntructod to Hiipporl the propotml of nation wldo tmycott UKiUiiHt tho Hearst pa pore. Tho report of tho rommllteo also ui'Kod an Immedlato conforcaco nf tho oxooutlvo hoardK of ttio statu fed eration of labor, tho Htato building trad oh rounrll, tho union labor party and tho mirlallid party to neriiro (to lltlral Holldarlty for tho proHoat year In tho labor rntnpulKU' T WAGE FOR LABOR Statcwido Campalon for Minimum Wane Law and Eight-Hour Law Is to Be Launched In ttio State of California. KHKSXO, Cnl., Jan. HI. A Rtato wide eampuiitu for u minimum wuko law and an oiKht-hour law for all em ployed men, women and ehildron in ('nliforuiu, the nuniiiuiin whko heinp; .'-' duily, wan nuthorized at tho con vention of tho state huildiue; trados t'diineil here. v On this ihsuo tho value of tho rof creudiim, uiitiativo and reealt to tho whjjo (mrnei-s will ho tented next No vemhor, Tho resolution was sub mitted hy S. W, Sullivan of tho San Kraueisoo (urpollters, union, Offieers of tho eoutieil will ho eleoted lata today. eonvoutiim and (he space that has heen aoeorded to tho roporiH, "That tho delegates of tho eonven liim wihh to eonvoy their apprecia tion for their eutertaiiimout, to the Medford HiiHinoss wren's asboeiation and to the oitizens of the oily." You oau's mako an IntorcfitinK ad vortihoment of an iiiiinterestine; storo hut really you shouid ho oarefid that your roally iuterestiiiK: storo is not misrepresented hy an uninteroHt iuj tidvovliseinent, FENSE El WA MINIMUM American mMi . & AWBBBmsm in His fill' 'mm y "'' iLvSSmWmmmmmflSm Jww9HBH Office. flu r?tHHHlM'HHHHHH i . . rmrtSsOmmmmWm!M kW&UL jHr-, 'ifieiOHBffi wmiBM ' " nHoSBHBHHfi9BBiiliiHliH : " i 1. SIrepIts" Igrand jury now Igmioh would OF DECISION OF S Ono Is That Abdication Has Been De cided Upon and Another Is That Question Is Still Open But Will Bo Finally Settled Later SHANGHAI, J-.il. IU.- Vnryiiii,' re ports of the doeiMon of tho Maiiehu imperial olwu. wbuli nyjt thh nftor uonit in Pekiu to cunsldur abdication of tho throne, reiuliQd' pro today. Ono report is that ululiyliijou ha.-, hoou dOoided ujion. Aaotrnyv. tlmt the nncstion is still open, ljut, tlnally will ho-settled at uiudlicr niQuthij; tomor row. . . Yuan Shi Kai i lUAi'd n di patuhus reaohia lurstday as de olarinp; thut ho will resign the pro mioitiliip. SlIAXpilAI, Jan. l)A-l)ispntohos reuoived today from CalHojj state that haudiU uto loot inn tliu, tompW and monasteries, dentroytjur all holy shrinus thronshout houttiorn Kwan Tuns provinoe. A vpJuiiU'or eorpo has heeu orgaiuzod lor pvoteetion. PHICIN, Jan. Ii). A hiltor dipute is on today hot ween tln younger Man ohu prinoos, who epQS aiidioatiim of tho roigninj,' dmiily, and the older priuuos, who favor it. The empre. dowagor and I'rinoe Oliju have tried to have tho yoimx idumojjit buhniit to tho juovitnhle, hut thoy me mooting serious opposition, whieh U heinu; ea eouraged hy the Mongol priests I CI D Whom Pope PROBING AGTiONS ''S STAFF Turn in Investloatlon Based on Dar row's Assertion That Confessions Wcro Made "In View of Develop ments Lcavinrj No Other Course." INDIANA I'Ol.lS, Iml, Jan. 11). That tho United StuUs sraud jury in veotisatiiiK tho alleged nation-wido dynamito oonspiinoy is prohiuK jnto the uotivitiew of Claroneo Darrow's as-sistnuts (lutiu tho prngrQes of tho MeNaiuara trial was learuqd lioro to day. Sovoral invostisatora ojnployed hy Dnrrow in ooaueetlou with tho trial, iuoludiiij C. V. Coonoy of C'hi eaRo, testified today. This turn in tho investigation, it U rejiortod, wn btifod on Dnrrow's assertion wlieu the MeXiuuimus con i'o8od that "in view of developments that thoro was no other oourso open." Tho probers are anxious to loarn if Dnrrow's nijonts know nnylhiuR thut would eoiiueot labor officials with the aJloRod plots. WOMEN MAY STUDY LAW ON THE COAST l.OS ANGEU2S. Cnl., Jun. 10. When tho womon's low cinq Qumtuot od hy Mrs. Shorlridgo, FoJtxi a Ios Augolos attorney, opons iU suriiiR term tomorrow, impirinu; lVn-tiawill he permitted to resistor an troeluuen in the Urst woinonV law i-oIIoro on the il'ai'iilc eoast. D I Honored This s Photograph, the First Taken Since His Elevation, Shows John Cardinal Farley New Robe of BE DELEGATE TO BALTIMORE Social Democratic Leader Announces His Candidacy for Delegates to the National Democratic Convention Next Summer. Acceding to tho request of the democratic stato control committee Judge W. II. Canon has announced his candidacy tor doleRato to tho national democratic convention to bo hold In llaltlmoro tho latter part of Juno. Tho dolomites luivo boon ap portioned to the various sections of tho stato so that there will bo uo conflict. According to tho construction at prosout placed upon tho presidential primary law, peoplo can only voto upon ono delcgato, ami tho roqulsito number recotvlng tho highest votes tiro elected to attend tho convoutlou and carry out tho wishes of tholr constituents. Howovor, ait appeal will ho miido to tho supromo court for tho construction of this law, and It Is hoped to secure, it decision wheroby tho peoplo may bo entitled to voto upon tho onttro delegation Instead of ono only. Mayor Canon has rocolved pledges of support from Josophlno. Douglas and other counties that Indicate that bo will rocolvo tho undivided sup port of tho democrats of southern Oregon, thus rendering his selection probable. Ho has attended many na ttouul conventions as n dologato In states "no formorly resided In ALL DISTANCE TARIFF RATES ARE REDUCED Order of State Railroad Commission to Be Completed This Afternoon Contains Sweeping Reductions on Distance Tariff Rates in Oregon. EXACT STATUS NOT KNOWN UNTIL ORDER IS RECEIVED Will Prove a Special Boon to South ern Oregon According to Dispatch. SALHM, Ore., Jan. 10. That or ders to be completed hy the state roil way commission Into this afternoon are to contain sweeping reductions bu distance tariff rates in Oregon, is tho statement of Commissioner Campbell toduy. Orders have accumulated through the past year of hearings in volving every ronil in tho state. The reductions will go into effect March 1, at the samo time its tho recent or ders from the interstate commcrco commission become effective. On the Southern Pacific and Oro-gon-Washington Railway and Navi gation company, with all their branch lines excepting tho new linos up tho Deschutes valley, the following rates have been ordered on a basis of 100 peunds: Fifty miles, 32 cents; 100 miles, 50 cents; IHO miles, G2 cents; 200 miles, 72 vents; 250 miles, 82 cents; 100 miles, Ul cents; 350 miles, .$1, and 400 miles, $1.10. The material reductions begin nt the 200-milo haul. This will bo an especial boon to eastern uud southern Oregon and will make it possible for them to enjoy approximating low rates already enjoyed by cities with in 100 to 200-milo radius of Port land. When above dispatch was shown to A. L. Iloscnbaum, local agent of tho Southern Pacific company, todny, Mr. Itobcubuum stated that approxi mately the reduction would amount to about 20 per cent of tho present rate, assuming thut the figures con tained in tho dispatch aro those cov ering artielos taking a first class rate. There aro commodity rates in effect from Portland hero and in what way thcfeo will be affected tho dispatch does nut how, uud until Mr. Iloscn baum sees the order of tho oommi bion ho is unable to mako a further statement. Assuming that the figures con tained in tho dispatch cover articles requiring first class rates tho reduc tions will bo as follows; Miles. Now Rate. Old Rate. 50 $ .32 $ M7 100 50 .62 150 02 .70 200 72 .87 .Oil ! " -LIK) 300 01 1.18 350 1.00 1.41 Medford is principally uffeotcd in (ho reduction of tho $1.18 to 01 cents. This ordor will in no wiso uffect interstato shipments from California. Shipments from tho east, in many eases, nro nmdo up hy tho terminal rate to Portland plus tho local rato to Medford and, of courso, theso in terstate shipments would ha ma terially reduced. HILL STOCKS RISE ON NEW YORK MARKET NEW YORK, Jan. 19. Tho fea ture of today's stock market was tho strength of tho Hill stocks. Whoa CJroat N'orthorn preferred and North ern Pacific each roso 14, tho uiitlro list responded In sympathy. Cana dian Pacific intido a sensational Jump of'4V4. Thp tobacco stocks woro vory firm, Iorllard advancing an oxtromo nlno points and Llggott and Moyors flvo. The list recoiled after tho opening advances. Around noon tho tone was firm, with the "PP chimes In good demand. c"