Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 18, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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V 1 , 1 V
Kvcry man should npponr nl his
licsl nt nil Union. In order to do
this, ho Hlimlld Join the l'nntorliuu
milt club nt $l.r.o per month, former
prlco2. Pour ruUs sponj;ail ami
liroKRcit enW inOnlh, willed Tor hiid
di'llVord unoli wooff. '
NoVsprlnR StoUtm-hnts nt DhnuMs
for Dudp. 257
fivtoi tho proseharn tan" ifrfftfnl to
luivo Ihulr mills prossod nt tho prfese
llio DnMdrfum lh Sffflfirifc; Jofif tho
milt rlub nl onco four suits n month
cnoiiRod anu pr$fcHJ tor $l,B.
Snluar'i liotttod inttk nt' bo Voe's.
' 27D
Frnnk McKee Sr. ling roturneU to
Albmiuarqiio, X. M., nftor n lengthy
visit with his fnmlly nonr Contra!
l'honb that order tor wood to tho
Standard Wood Yard, l'ac 0501;
Home 103. 267
Hay W. Collins of HurlltiRton, VL.
who was in Mod ford a Tow days this
vook looking around, has gono to
San Franolsco. He oxpoats to return
to Slodford Inter.
S A Wood of Ijimbcrt, X. II., ar
rived In tho oily Tuesday.
Suits cleaned and prossod, $1.50.
Medlord l)yo Works. Uoth phonos.
Carl V. Dayman loft Wednosdny
lilRht for Portland.
A. N. Jonos wont to filondala on
Wednosdny night for a few days'
business stay.
S. A. Nowcll, ladles tailor, 4th
flwor M. P. & II. Co. bldg.
O E. Bade, of tho firm of Jacob
son & Dade, sowerage and watar con
tractors, returned to his home in
Portland Wednesday evening.
W C. Debloy took No. 1C Wednos
dny night for I'ugOno, to bo absent a
few days on business.
If you want good wood, good meas
ure and prompt Borvlco call Home
phono 103 or Pacific C001. 257
Mrs. F- J. Taylor and son Ray
mond of Contral Point wero Medford
visitors Wednesday.
J. Q. Jnrvis, a Gold Hill druggist,
was In Medford Wodnosday on busi
ness. Sco It. A. Holmes. The Insurance
Man, over Jackson County bank.
Mrs. O. h. Huff, of Gold Hill, was
In Medford Wednesday being treated
for blood poisoning, caused from an
ulcerated tooth.
Tho 1912 Stetson bats aro ready
at Daniels for Duds. 257
Mrs. Benj. Haymond, of Rock
Point, was visiting Medford friends
Six dollars now takes a flue new
$425 pldno at a reduction of $107;
other makos at $19G, $245, J2G7,
$274. $312. Simply bring in $G artd
select your piano, we dollvor it to
you tho samo day. After that you
pay $G por month. Ellers Music
House, 217 West Main street. 2C0
John O. Walker, rw of the pros
perous ranchers of the Asbestos sec
tion, was in Medford Wednesday.
J. V Hale wont down to Suther
land Wednosdny night to look after
tho sale of some musical instruments.
Tho Medford Conservatory of Mu
sic and languages is the only music
school In southorn Oregon with a full
corps of toacbors. G. Talllandlor,
director. Sond for catalogue. 27C
Mrs. L. O. Ling loft Wednesday
for Loa Angolos to visit hor son.
Mrs. G, B. Aldon, of Rock Point,
was In Medford Wednesday on busi
ness. Rooms 50c and up. Hotol Moore.
Special ratos by week or month.
John W. Johnson is In Ashland
visiting his brother and family.
Dr. J. K. Shoarer, physician. Office
419-420 Garnett-Coroy building.
Only about twonty prospective pa
trons of tho proposed rural mail
routo out of Medford had a g rood to
put up mail boxes up to Wednesday.
Tho postofflce department will re
quire 90 or more to do this before
tho routo Is established. There aro
a groat many more than 90 families
on tho route who oxnect to bo sup
plied with mull, but those who do not
sign up aro very nogllgantly delaying
tho department In its work.
Hot tainalco at McDowell's.
C n. Powers, of Huttu Falls, was
In Med fold Wednesday on business.
Phono your prdora In to Kads
Bros. Transfer Co. Offlco phene3:
Bell 3152; Home 350-K.
Will Honbon left Wodnosday for
Tucson, Ariz., whore ho oxpocts to
remain for a coupio of years.
Home made broad at Do Voe's. 257
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Halley loft
Medford Wednosdny aftornoon for a
several weoko' visit to San Fran
cisco, Thoy will probably also visit
Los Angolos boforo they return.
Say PliQiie 2371
RlffM FUonosI V, W. Weeks 2071
A. E. Orr, 3093
Mrs Alice linker of Butte Kails
took train No. 13 Wednesday for n
visit to los Angelet.
HooniB 50c nnl up. Hotel Moore,
Special rates by week or month.
J. T. ItnfforLv.' who arrived In Mod-
ford wlth'hls family from Platt City,
Kansas, n couple of wooTtH ago, litis
routed n poultry ranch down near
Woodvlllo and Is now getting the
plnoo in shape to move his family
$2, $3 mid $1 hats nil go nt a
dollar. 100 North Front. 258
H. 1.. Mrllrldo loft Thursday morn
ing Tor Woodvlllo. Mr. Mrllrldo re
cently returned from a savuinl weeks
visit to Chicago mid othor eastern
oltlec. Mrs. Mcllrido, who was with
him. will return In about two weks.
Dr S. A. Lock wood was In Con
tral Point Thursday on profoaslonnl
Mrs. Kd. Andrews, tonchor of voice
at Medford conservatory, Nat build
ing. 27G
F. G. Delano, of Hutchinson, Kan.,
was in Medford Wednosdny looking
tho city and vnlloy over. Ho drove
Into tho country some distance, all
of which ho admired very much, and
ho said It louder than a whisper
and ho also said "the roads wore a
fright, but that feature can be rem
edied then you will have the garden
spot of the world."
All kinds of now trunks, $2.50 and
up. 10G North Front. 25S
Mr. nnd .Mrs. F. A. Harper and
H.' D. Alnswortb, of Juneau, Alaska,
arrived In Medford yesterday. These
people aro stopping at the Hotel Hol
land and expect to remain hero for
boveral weeks, during which time
they will look the country over with
a vlow to an invostment, the nature
of which thoy did not reel Incllnod
to divulge.
Emily T. Standoford, examiner for
tho New England Conservatory of
Music In Boston, piano, harmony.
musical history. 42S West Fourth
street. Tolonbone 7211. 2GG
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Moador of Tal
ent wore In Medford Thursday on
business. Mr. Meador is manager of
tho famous Suncrost orchards, which
wore sold a few weeks ago to Min
neapolis parties for $250,000.
We just got another shipment of
thoso $2 suitcases that wo are sell-
Inc at 9S cents. 10G North Front
street- 258
Dr. J. E. Shoarer, physician. Office
419-420 Garnett-Corey building.
Thomas Irvine, popular Southern
Oregon reprosontatlvo of Wadhams &
Co.. is spending the week in Medford
and vicinity and reports a splendid
' Edgar Martin, violin and piano In
struction, at Palmer's Piano Place.
H. E. Lounsbury, general freight
agont for tho Southern Pacific lines
in Oregon, and W. H. Jenkins, trav
eling passenger agent for the same
conipany, were in Medrord Thursday
on business.
Dry wood at the big sheds, corner
Ninth and Fir. Home phono 103.
Pacific 0501. ' 257
Rev. M. F- Chlids of Grants Pass is
In Medford assisting In conducting
revival meotlngs In tho Free Meth
odist church.
Frosh candy dally at McDowell's.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Pardee, of Grants
Pass, wore In Medford Wednesday
and Thursday.
Try McDowell's Ice cream and
Chas. Mosorve, editor of the Med
ford Fruit Grower, was in Grants
Pass Wednosday on business.
Rooms 50c and up. Hotol Moore.
Special rates by week or month.
Goo. Maugor, pharmacist In the
Medford pharmacy. loft Wodnesdny
for Indiana, having been called there
by a telegram announcing tho serious
lllnoss of his sister. Clarence Burko
of Klamath Falls has taken Mr. Man
ger's position In tho pharmacy dur
ing his absence.
Carkln & Taylor (John H. Carkln,
Glenn O. Taylor), attornoys-at-Iaw,
over Jackson County Bank building,
Mrs. W. A. Crane of Central Pplnt
was In Medford Thursday.
Carrio Lonlso Alton, violinist and
tonchor. Medford Conservatory 27G
Hot chill at McDowell's
G. B. Young loft Thursday morn
ing for a fow days business stay In
Grants Pass.
School books at Valloy Second
Hand store
Mrs. Mary Vookoy loft Thursday
for u fow days visit with Mr. and
MrB. Arthur Brown, near Murphy, In
Joggphino county.
Mr. Waddle, manngor of tho Nat
atorlum, bus fitted up and opened a
room In tho building for tho use of
dovotooH of chess and checker games,
Patrpnugo for thoso gamos is solic
ited. 259
Msh Corn Basyo and nophow,
Master Roderick Rodluo, of Juck
souvlllo, visited friends In Ashluiid
Now spring Stetson tints at Daniels
for Duds. 257
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. E. Andorson nnd
daughter of Idaho Fulls, Idaho, ar
rived In Medford Thursduy for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Nichol
son. '
Now spring Stetson hats at Daniels
for Duds. 257
I T Gnlllgor, superintendent of
the Del Rio orchards, at Bock Point,
wns In Medford Wednesday on busi
ness, Tho 1912 Stetson' hftta nro ready
at Ikinlels tor Duds. 257
i. L. Clomo'ps and Miss Syhlti
Cleluons will leave Friday for a tslt
to Stockton. Cnl. They will bo ac
companied by Mrs. Trofethon, who
goes to Santa Rosa, Cnl.
The 1912 Stetson hats aro ready
at Daniels for Duds. 257
Rend Benson's Bargains on another
page and smo money.
Continued from l'nse Due.
nnd oniiM". niHiiy to leave the ftnui
nnd ok huMuo in other meiine.
"Dealer- should take epeeial in
terest in ftiidiiiv markets for the prod
uct of the farm and not he content
with sdniply Hiiptilyinir the local de
mand, regtirdlestf of what may bu
Como of nny surplus the farmer may
happen to have. As the fiirmur prospers-
the whole community prosper.
'Tims the denier should become ihe
trusted business man of the fnruier.
Tho ilonlor should be the tuhwol- of
the producer ns to market conditions,
rendv nnd willing nt nil times to of
fer suggestions resnnlinjr the im
provement of the ((Utility of his prod
ucts to better meet the' needs of the
market, point out mistnkos if any
are made, in (lacking nnd grndiug his
good. For e.Miinple, it is estimated
that the fnnnes; losivs 17 por cent of
the value of his eggs on ueeouut of
fnultv methods of murkoting. The
denier should instruct him how to
remedy this.
Does Not Fax or Market.
(il do not favor tlw public market;
neithor'do I sympathize m the cluiuor
for the elimination 'of the middleman.
Production and distribution are two
different fields of endeavor. There
should be u better recognition of the
mutual interests between nil classes
of citizens. Live and let live should
he the theory of every business num.
Encourage the (Kitrounge of home in
stitutions nnd out out the mail order
concerns of distant states which
neither pay tuxes in Oregon nor have
the slightest interest in our welfare,
other than selfish roiniuuremliMii.
"I'rojierty owners in our cities mid
towns should be content with i less
rental nnd thus cease to drain the
very life blood of tlul country.
"Finally it is presumable that mniry
liomtM would bu beuilted if it more
simple mode of life were followed
It is rather too fashionable for the
family with an income of .fGDO or
1000 to presume o live at the same
.standard of tho family with nn in
come of .fSOOO or $M(i0. This, of
course, means inevitable disaster in
the end. A careful analysis of the
problem of living is not duo to the
initial cost of food. It will also show
that tho farmer is receKing a lower
rate of interest upon his investment
than those engaged in 11113' other in
dustry. In fact, if the plant food
taken from the fcoil by many of the
crops were estimated nt itx commer
cial vulue theo crops would he pro
duced nt nn actual loss."
xxoroxo VLLJIXXT.
,t XrUU ffriMS. i
Potatoes $1.50 per cwt.
Cabbage 2c
Parsnips 2c.
Lettuce Bo bead.
Carrots 2c.
Beets 2c.
Onions 2c.
Celery G0c$l doi.
Cauliflower 1015o bed.
Turnips 2c.
Radlsbos Co bunch.
Onions Green, Co bunch.
Cocoanuts 10c eacb.
Prunes Dried, JOo lb.
demons 2Gc dozen.
Bananas lOo to 30c per dozen.
Oranges 15c to 40c.
Cranberries 15c quart.
Butter Eggs and Poultry
Butter Fresh ranch, per
G5c; creamory, 85c.
Eggs Fresh ranch, 35c; storage,
Poultry Hens, dressed, lBc; live,
12c; springs, dressed, 15c.
Turkeys 20c to 25c, dressed.
Meats, Wholesale
Boof Cows, 4 l-2c; steers, Cc
Pork Zg and Gc,'
Veal D'ressed, 714-10c.
Mutton 3 03 l-2c, live; lambs,
5c to 7'c.
Hay and Feed.
Hay Timothy, .14; alfalfa, $12;
grass, $12; grain' hay, f 14.
Grain Wheat, 95o bushel; oats,
$35 ton; barley, $35 ton.
Gray golding; pld shoos on all foot.
Branded on tho right shoulder. Ovyn-
e,r may bnve samo by proving prop
erty and paying for this ad.
On Griffin oreuk at Burr Ranch.
Frctl Nichols of Fairbanks Mnrrlcil lu
Miss Lillian Annlnn of Enulantl
Britic Came jto This Place Last
Fred N'lohnlu, of Fairbanks, Alaska,
and .Miss Lillian Aiming, of England,
were mnrrlPd' lit' Jncknonvlllo Janu
ary lit, l$rit Uy Rev luhnson. Mr.
Nichols arrived' In Medford a few
days sgii from Ids Abkau home for
the purpiMo of meeting his bride,
who, by the 'way, left Nugluud hist
summer intending to go to Alaska
ami be married there, hut upon
reaching Medford where alio had
friends, she decided not to continue
the trip to tho uorthltiud unattended
and as u result of this decision Mr.
Nichols, who Is also a native of Eng
land, camu to Medford to moot the
sweetheart of his uojhood dnya In
old England, and the) were juarrlsd
here according to a prearranged pro
gram. Mr. Nichols Is 11 prominent
business man In Kalrhnuks, having
lived there 14 oam These happy
joung people will leave for their
northern homo Frltlav morning.
COREY, Pa. Frank Blair was ar
rested for cruelty to animals. The
horse he was driving was dying from
starvation'. "I food him every day,"
said Blair. Investigation, Tho stable
hoy was ghlng the horse sawdust.
NEW, YORIC Ironsport. Ohio,
closed Its postofflce because eery
body was too busy working to write
letters, tho police department disor
ganized because there were no crooks
population G37 Irishmen.
SAN RAFAF.L; Col. Clara Durnn,
daughter of VIco President Durnn of
San Salvador, nftor an olght day re
treat during which she said nothing
but her prayers, has become n Domin
ican nun for life.
BOSTON. A lottor bearing tho
signature of President Kmerltiis C.
W. Kllot of Harvard sold for fifty
cents. John L, Sullivan's "John
Hancock" brought a quarter more.
"Why not?" asked John when told
of tho deal.
NEW YOItlw-PosIng as a doctor,
a well dressed man stepped forward
nnd bent ovor Mrs. Prosnor, when
she fainted on the street. Lator a
$1000 brooch was missing from her
throat. Tho woman died.
BOULDER, 0). D. IC. Danlols'
sou marriod his wlfo'a duughtor. The
principals aro children by thoir par
outs' first marrlagbri. Father nnd
mother were beat man and matron
of honor.
ST. LOUIS, Mo. A dead pigeon
knocked from tho eaves by pnlntcrs
ell ton stories, struck John Rcoiub,
broko his Kamm nnd cut his face.
He will bring suit against the owners
of the oui'dliiR.
SAN JOSH, Cal. Mrs. Krnest Sln-
olulr says she will oppose bur hus
band's divorce suit on the grounds
that tho eaKo Is based on the veracity
of a condemned liar. She's sued on
tho word of a poll parrot.
SAN Fit ANCISCOT "What nro
yon druwlng, dear7" aslcud Mrs. Dan
iel J, Valentine of hor article hus
band. He showod hor. It was ft
ploturo of a coffin. "I'd like to soa
you go blind, lose your legs and rost
in it," he said. Sho wants a divorce.
Notice Is horoby glvon that tho
underslgnod will apply to tho city
council of the city of Medford, Ore
gon, at Its next regular mooting 011
February 0th, lp 12, for a license to
sell spirituous, vinous nnd malt Ma
nors in quantities loss than n gallon
at his placo of business on lot 10,
block 20, In said' city, for n period
of six months.
Dated Jun. 19, 1012.
Ilitsklns for hcaltii.
4- -f 4- 4- 4- 4- 4-4-4-4-4-4-f-f
FOIl HXCHANOK- Will you trndo
your equity bj (l boijso nnd lot, for
clear lots' Can ggt you some cash
dlffonmce. Answer mo ut onco.
Goo. O. Cornltlus, 219 W. Main
t. m. coat 20 B
WA'NTHD- If "others have failed to
move your proporty glvo mo a
ehanco at It. I can suroly got you
u dual If It Is worth tho price uskod.
fioo. C. CornitluB, 210 W. Main
St. 2C3
iWfllAYtflfOR STOLlW.
Ono black holfor mnrkod uppor
crop In right and under V crop
In loft ear. Branded H. C. con
nected on Joft hp, Last traco of
hor was In (joro pusturo, Reward
for Information. II. O. Messongor,
Contral Point, 209
County Court Decides to On Without
Ennjnccr's Services Until Ounil Is
sue Is Heard From If D0111I3 Arc
Lost WijrK Will Bo nilrpnelieil.
The couiily court on Weiliiesit i
declared tho ol'tice nl county road
mnstor, which lun been Illicit ilum-
the past year by V. Y. Itanium, ,i
cant until uoh lime ax tlu-y can
from the Mupruilia court in icgatd I
the bond lue. If the bond ts-m
fails the county will proceed with 11s
road building ciimwiigii without a
rondmitNtcr, employing an euunucr
from time to time as needed. If the
bond ikmio carrier the court will pio
ceed upon u course to he decided
upon nt tlmt time, allowing the high
vlay commission to Iiunc its su w
the mutter of 1111 engineci. It the
bond issue is made iuiHsihtc bv a
miprctuo court decision the connl
com t will ro! touch to u gicut degree
until kucIi time 11s lows me passed
which will nimble the county to bond.
The county court Wednesday ap
pointed .1, H. UnxiiWu road uar
visor in the (told Hill district to suc
ceed .1. W. llaye. nnd lnid IVuce
supeniser in (HhIHcI No. 11.
The meeting ut the MHlunli-t
church Ycducdny cxcuiug ujin lull
of inteiVMt and then whs a good
crowd to hear Kev. K. O. Kldnilgo
tell about llveV dialotnte with the
llevil. The Miibjcel wuh taken fntm
the second and third hapten of
OcnoMM. The iiilnwlrr said, in Krt :
''Seine people have htuglied at thi
xtory mid culled it the mmke Mory.
Chief nmoiig llivue was .Mr. hi-fi-soil.
"Mirny people Hiwak of these I'.ilile
time hnpMniugx and rail them c,v
tniordiuary, and often iiukiihlc.
N'otliini; in the Bible Is more clrur
diuiirv than things tlmt arc happen
ing right along in the lUlh ami -MUli
centuries. Two of thene. we will mcti
tuui : Admiral Dewey hiiiI hi capture
of Alnniln harbor and Admiral Schley
ut Santiago. (iud'n Wonl in thor
'Highly reliable and rational in ecry
reupcet and whatever we idh think
of the account in flnni'nn. we imisl
nckuow ledge (lie piftnrc i Ihe par
allel of iu in every day life."
Subiect for tonight. "Three Had
Bargain in .Scripture or invest
ment." Friday night will bf voimik
people' night. Sermon ami niuic
for oung MNd,
Hnsklns for health.
"Jfu&t Say''
It Means
Original and Genulna
Th.9 Food-iirlnk for All Age3.
More healthful than Tea or Coffee.
Agrees with the weakest digestion.
Delicious, Invigorating and nutritious.
Rich milk, malted wain, powder form.
A quick lunch prepared in a minute.
Take no substitute. Aik for HORLICK'S.
Others arc imitations.
Clark fie Wright
Public f.nnd Mnttrra: Klnnl I'roof.
DuRort LiiiiiIh, ContoatH and Mining
C'iihoh, Scrip.
AhhocIiiIo Work for Attorn uyn
Rog'uelaqds Irrigated Tracts
$4C0 per acre, plowed, fenced, leveled ad
planted to a standard variety of trees, with
a perpetual water right.
The terms are easy : 10 per cent down, and
the balance in monthly or yearly payments.
Do You Need Drain TTile?
wi3 MANUFvrrntn it
The Best Yhnl Can Bo Made.
Before ()i del lug Sco Us.
Rogue River Pottery Co
Plant at Tolo. UOO flarnclM'moy Bldg., .McilMnl
I 'Wfsfir-
,- .'i- II! KSSI ,'! .
2 hxk AmBia WWSM Afiv I
ll " i SjlA fj&y TV YSlf J JtMr
3 mmwm i mw
him, m
Nearly a quarter of a cpniury uiitler (lie samu
Jackson County
Medford, Oregon
It lias surcoerled because of
Soundness of principle
Economy of management
Safety of investment
Courtoous and liberal treat nient
V, r. Vuwler, President Cj. l. liiuriluy, Viec Pros.
C. V. ilcl)onalti, Cnshlur
National Bank
CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits $58,000.00
United Sfutcs ami Postal Savings Depository
AVo solicit your business, which will reeyivc our
.careful attention.
i'. k. menu,, iMtiiNims.vr . si. i,. AM'oitn, cahiiiicii
For 80 acres the east half of the northwest
quarter of section 15, town M, range I west.
one and a half wiles west of ISaglo Point'.
Twenty to 25 acres has been under cultivation.
The owner is very anxious to sell and tit thin'
price it ought to move. ,
W. T. YORK & CO.
Mail Tribuno Block
A Full Line or i
, 1
Peerless Lamps j
All giianuilcccl. Now in J
tho tinio io get your hoiiHQ
wirotl. Clooct Hfflit lulds Io 2
llio ('t)inrort of winter z
North Gallic Street. $
0f A (.