4 'ail v V fen" & ' 1 4K Iri J V ft.. M Orcfton Historical lorisig City Hall tn3A SECOND EDITION DnllyHlxth Yrnr. I'orty-I'liHt Vnr. Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Probable rnlti. Max., 1H Mlit., JIOj Hot. Mum., W Pet. MEDJ70RD, OUIWON, TJIl'WSDAV, .JANUARY 18, 1.012. No. 257. LIVING'S COST ASSAILED BY W MM Nl U I'M MHI NT POPULAR. Director nf Oregon Agricultural Col lege, Atl(li!sslii Merchants' Asso clalltiii, Blames Consumer (or Llv liill Beyond His Mentis. SAYS HE DOES NOT FAVOR PUBLIC MARKET Mornlnii Session of Retail Merchants Proves InterestingClose With Daititict Tonlht. 11 MT), j IHW V3H1 1 TENTATIVb JURORS WILDE CASE SECURED Thl innmlng' miiiii f III'' On rod Id'tnil Mfifliiiiilx' innciiilion pioT'ttd lo Iih inn' of llii m"! intci imtlitK of lilt piiwi'iit convention, which will I'll)" wild it hiunpii't 1. 1 tint Hold Mmllunl (hi cuming. Tin- HftlimtHMI lll't HMUM'iHtimi Mill i-Iii HI'W offlww for till' coming M''' Mil"' Hiljiuini nfd'C iMiiimilt'niin m-miniI ItWllllllloltN, Tim vMting rotwilmit win nil limit Im llmir pntliMw of .Mtidfonl kihI thf nwniuei' in which limy Iihxh been wel tMii'd Mini ttMliirUinod while ht'ie. All eaprtm grunt nilmlmliuM for Mod foul. ' Tim morning' miwioii wit devilled lo leveml tlhctlitfdoil. .loll" Collier of I.M OrMiiilit It'll a ilUi'iimoii on tin Ii)ili of "Xw l.igWHlioti"; W. l Stnimbfrir of Vmii'mmr mi "Hold ing Ti'Mil"; .1. C Mil f Mclfoi.l on "A It moling h WoiiimiiV Truth'." I. It. Merrick or I'orlliuul ili'lumvil mm HildroM on "Tin' TiHilu I'npwr hihI You." Willi) combo SmiiI.n. Vinoty I U ihimL iit"i'ntHK- "' IriwNt (ffcilid morning wii drift by JHiH Wtlll.vnnmbo, director of Hid i'.Mliiiiniit Mutton nl Oienti Airrltiiilltii'Ml colli'itc, iiton tin rem lion of III' retailor to llu producer. Till lllpll Will Of IIIIIIHttUl itlll'll'Nt lo .Medfoid nt lliix linn1, owing I" U'oi'til itKilntion for the i'tnlilMuniMit of a jmlilii' market, it move not ilin'iued wmm hv Dr. WhIivcoiiiIm'. Tin apeitk it IiImiio'iI ill" high i'ol of livinu iimi Iho univi'iMil IhimIi'iics to livii lipyoml (lit fuinil) iiK-iiim, niul lo tln hIiiioi iiihIIv liiitli ronlM wliicli ilimli'iM in pro ilni'ii iiiiihI w, foirinir llicin lo mill 1.1 or 'Jll wr i'ihiI lo III' inilinl i'ot of llii' mooiIk. Dr. Vitli)i'oiiiln) wiiil. in mil: "All iiinnini of I'onililimm niv uriliiil tilt liuiiiK tliii t'liii'f fui'toiH in iMinhiliiitiiiK In tin' iiliiioiiiinl i'oii( of foml. It ioiiilnr, in hiicli ilini'ti nimiai, to iluplcl Iho iimii'liiiiit or ilmil or hh I li'o chiof trniiHgii'nxor. 'flic tionlilo im oftfii dun to (lie luck of iniw (u'onoiuy in tlm liuinc, an I'ron mny Unit in In kmipintc wild llu I'niii ily iiii'oiiin. Tlmro h a Mli'nng ami nliuohl iinivmxil It'iiili'iicv in llif flood Main .of pioxpcrity lo live liw imiil tlm family uunum. l-'n'ipiuntly only ilm uliiildt'Hl ami IiIkIidmI prici'il 'cult l' moat will wiiffii'i' for tlm talilti. Dolii'iinliiH aii ili'iuanili'il wliicli lii'imtly swell tlm I'ooil IniilL't'l. llapH 'rcli-plioiK'. "Tlio liiliiplimm iiIno imixt lionr il pm I ion of tin' lilanin for tlio IijkIi coM of livini;. Tliiw inmli'in anil imlis pmmiililo iimlnimoiit for facilitating liiihini'MM ami prmimtinc ploitNtiri' nf I'oiiIk ii ruaily iuoiiiin for onliiini, ailiiiloM Uial olhorwico would, per Imp, Im lull iinpiiivliaKi'il. TIiIh in Hliuimiiit of cniiwiiii'iit I'oniiauuii'a liilily !h iiIko roHpmiMilili) for man iiiuorttiinoy onliM'H, willi their upt'i'ial iloliviiry, wliii'h mid Imiiu'iiminilily In llm ihihI ol' iliMtrilmlioii. "It Is wiill that tlu Nianilani or liviiiK should Im dlovali'il, liil '"ii Knrvatihin and ocoimiiiy jliniilit ho tin1 pivuruiiitf fiidtoi nf Hid homo. Liv ing n.poiHUH blinuld In) Ki'pl uilthin tlio IiuiiihIh of pnipiicly at hwint to III llui liuaiii'ial Hlution in lift'. Tlm niin-tiino (tommmi friiKil prai'tlco nf tlio luim.owil'11 in llu limno minniut; of fniil.i and v('Ki'lalilos in in kiuvii danut' of lii'iimuinK n Inst art, TIiohd ntliidiw nf fond an now mom i'oii vciilnntly piii'i'linm'd in allraidivi'ly Inlmlcd caiiH nt tlio cnrnoi' K'ooory, wlili'lniluo mid iniinonsoly In (lit) 001 of living. rmiNiimi'i' HuffiTH, "II in mil tlm coiiHUimu' who i tlio i'oiiIchL HiilTorcr midor prosont oiui. iiiimic I'imililioiiH, in tlio producer who ix Iho iiiiihI friHHly wnmuoil. TIiIh in Urn mm ureal iViuoii of Iho uiii'c-d nil dlHi'oiitout aimmi; I'iuiiici'h DK JOI1II CRlhXlUDUEtf The fliH-ilon of l)r John Hrlcr Hll lien ait prt'iiliU'iil of I'rliii'ftoii Uiihcr lly mi 11 iiiihir iii'tloii. He In n Krout fnvorllo nt I'rlncclou, where h lm ticeii profi'htKir of luulc tiitl lhl loiiphy for innny yeurn. uim is pi FOB (1 PORTION OR BARNEBURGTRACT More Evidence That Detectives Work Inn, Either for the Prosecution or Defense, ur Doth, Have Approached Veniremen, Secured. SECOND MAN, SAYS HE WAS QUESTIONED RECENTLY Hope to Secure a Jury hy Friday So That Real Trial May Open Monday. Greater Portion of the Land Will Be Set to Fruit hy New Owner, Who Is Stephen Tohln of the State of Wyomlnji. Two hnmliMil Mini thirty aero of (ho I'olor IlNriiulmrK plntm worn nolil WmIiiwhIh)' to Uttftihea Tohln. of CHir, W)o., tho prim imlil IhiIiik fao.oon. ThO IliliiI'lifirT.hnimil U loctitcd ono Hint a Imlf mlltM Hiiithoniil of Meil font ami In pail of tho Kro( llurnc- Inirx ilnnallon luml oliilm. Of tho Intel iiuiThtihitil Ifiu ncrtw aro now rmuly for thv plow. Tho roimilmliir of It IhcIUiIim whnl Ik Known an tho HurnithiirK llolvhtM, ipilUi a proinl nent point on tlm html which over look l hv out Ire VHlloy. Tho hind him tiovor Inmn net to fruit, hut for It). odd ycnrH It Iiuh Krowu oNCollont eroiw of wlnxit and corn. Mr. Tohln will ItmVo noon for WynniliiK hut wilt lelurn lo Mod ford In March, whoa ho oxpculH to tftkn up IiIh rimfdimeo hero. Next winter hu will not (Im urea tor part of IiIh recent purt'liuito to fruit, for which It In woll adapted. Aaldo from tho tract ahovo mon tlmifd Mr. Tohln owiih (pilto a Iiitko McrtKo of laud notir KiikIo Point, which lit Im huvlnn not to fruit thin wlutor. Mr Tohln Iihh hoon a vory oxton- mIvo Hhfup raloHr In Wyoming and litis iiihiIo a fortune In that IiiirIhush, and lain iivldontly ileclitod to InvoHt a portion of It In Hokiio river valley fruit hi mix. Th I h mile whh inade hy A F. Har nett, a Medford real t'Htato doalor- IRE HOOPS ME ASKED BY MAYOR (CoirtlaUQt) ua pui'o J,) Governor Foss Uracil to Send Two Additional Rcnhucnts of Militia to Lnwrcncu to Prevent Trouble With 1 Strikers. rmm.AN'11. on-.. .Ihu. us. m fiilciit'o l hat tlclui'tivfrt working cither for Ihu proMcoulioit, the ilc ft'iimt, or both, in tho Wildo cinlicz.li' iiieiit ctic, Imvt! hcen exceedingly active ipuwIiouiuK vciiiremeii con-, ccriiinir Iheir opinion on WildeV guilt or iiiMoccnec, wan lirouulit out in IiiiIko KhviuihukIi'm cour during (he forenoon hct,niiui ludav. L. A. .Injoic, eouxiu of the famourt hall player of the hiiiuo uaiue, while imiler exniuiuatioii, naid ho hud lieou approaelicd hy a man recently urn! iiNked rc-K'ai ilintr (he eane. llih state incut was hiinilar to that made by Venirciuaii Saltier Tuiwday. When the noon rcvii with taken 11 toulntivo jurymen occupied the box. Two of lliuiu were pacd for eiuiHc loday. They me V. K. .Inckson and Ii. A. I.njoie. Si rone hope of noinpletiiig the jury today, nlileh i to try Manker Wilde of San Diego on t'lnbor.y.lemeiil eharjtes, wa n. priced by attorneys tills foriMlooil M'heii kviiimiiuiMiiii 1 r venircinoii wi romjiiied. Nino tentn live jurors occupied Hie box when court opened. The kIiiIc lias lliroo ami the ile fem.0 hix peremptory oluillongex. t'n. lens lliese are Ktuiernlly exercised it was predicted thai a penuuuent jury will be heated by Saturday noon ami HihI the actual trial will begin Monday. 1 lie iiirce veniremen passed lor cause eserdiiy are .Afarliu Saltier, painler; .1. A. MoArllitir, mcreliant. ami W. (J. Katon, real e-tnto broker. VETERAN IS FOUND STARVING TO DEATH I.OS ANOHt.nS, Ciil.. Jan. IS. Klghty-four years old and n veteran of (ho civil wnr, Yeofol DeZor wbb found uurouHclouB hero today an tho topn of tlio Central pollco station, lovvnrd which ho hail tottorod to find warmth and nnk food. Half dead from hunger and oxposuro, tho old man wnn taken to tho recoIvhiR hos pital, whoro ho was cared for. UeZor oullHtod In tho S2il New York Infantry on I'tosldont Lincoln's first call for voliuiteorn and remained In tho aorvlco until tho cloo of tho war. Ho was wounded nt Oottys hiirK and after IiIh recovery lny throo moutliB In a confederate prison, Soveroal wcokn ago DoZor ondoav ored to gain admittance to tho Na tional Soldlora' homo nt Sawtollo, Cal. lie was denied hecnuso his aorv lco papora had hoon lost. Hecnuso of IiIh weakened condition ho Is able to toll llttlo of hla strugelo ulnco that Hmo. ' INNOCENCE " "- MINE WORKERS OF MAS. DLSEN MUSI lEBOEIND PRrFDRUSINGVUHIP MEDFORD LEVY IS LOWER THAN ES OR C Excellent Condition of City Finances Reflected by Total Levy Medfsri Levy Is 28.5, While That of Ash land Is Fixed at 40.5. EAGLE POINT AND GOLD HILL ALONE ARE LOWER Eagle Point Has Levy of 24 Mills and Gold Hill a Levy of 28. ENTRY TO POLITICS Adopt Substitute Resolution to One Which Indorsed Socialism and De mand That Orrjanlzed Labor Enter Politics. IjAWKKNVK, Miihs., Jim. 18. -Charging that Iho strikers in Iho tex tile mills hero are planning to dyiju mito tho plant, officials of tho cor poration today demanded of Gov ernor Kotts Unit ho Hunt two addi tional regiments of militia here, and doilare the oily under marilal Inw, The Htrikcitt resent -tills insinuation, declaring thai this it merely a plan mi Iho pail of tho mill owners to irniko tho situation appear moro se rious than it really is. Mayor Seaiilon has agreed with tho mill owner! that moro troops aro iiooosxury lo prcHorve ordor hero, and Iuih wired Iho governor urging prompt iu'IIiiii. Cloveruoi' Kiish wim iiIho lold Hull Iho slrikei'rt were planning to dyiiiuiillo lib rositlcucu in HohIoii. M'MANIGAL BELIEVED TO HAVE ENLARGED CONFESSION lN'niAN.U'OIdS. Hid., Jan. 18. Whon Ortlo McManlgal, self confessed dyuamltor, rcHiimed his testimony to. day hoforo tho federal grand Jury In vestigating alleged dyunmlto plots, It Is holloved that ho enlarged upon his coufesBlou to Detootlvo William J. Hums, in which ho Implicates 20 or moro luhnr loadora la iih many dyna miting outrages. Tho prohors probably will finish with McManlgal Into this nftornoou, but It could not bo learned whon ho would bo returned to I.oa Augolos, whoro ho may hnvo to stand trial for dynam'llng tho Llowolyn Iron Works thoro. SAN FUANOI8CO. W, A. anrd nor hadn't Blop In wookn. An nffablo si ranger with n "Or." on his cards offorod to produce tlm desired ro- Hiilt. "Tako tlioso powderB," bo Bald. INDIANAPOLIS. Intl., .Tun. 1S. .Proliibilcil by it constitution from favoring any specillo olitioal party, the 1'nited Mine Workers of America, in convention here, adopted today a substitute resolution for the measure proposed yesterday, which indoied Hooinlism and demanded that organ ised labor enter polities. The substi tuted resolution 1- not marked by any strong recoinincndrttion, but merely advocates independent political ac tion. The bill introduced in congress by CongrofMiiiin Yiclor Merger of Wis consin which pro wiles n pension for the aged and iulinii wns indorsed by the eouventiou and tlint portion of tlio measure which provides that no court shall be uv-tod with power to destroy tho bill should it become 41 law was reeoiiiiuciiiletl. E MI Woman Who Horsewhipped Judge Found Guilty in Third Degree- Maximum Penalty Is One Year in County Jail. IMPERIAL CLAN MEETS FRIDAY Abdication of Emperor and the Man cliti Princes Will Bo Topic of Dis cussion Believe Dowager Has Final Word. SHANGHAI, .I1111. 18. Final de cision as to whether the Maueliu em peror will abdieate Ids throno and the Mauchu princes lay down their power will i'oiiio tomorrow at I'ekin at n general mooting of tho imperial clan, It is said by the adherents of tho dyiuiHty hero that tlio majority of the Mnnohti princes are 111 favor of end Qardnor did. Ho awakoned $7G shy in.. i.. ...,. 1... ., i,ir.ni .in.,i...,.....i from tho government. It is behoved SKATTLE, Wash., Jan. 18. Mrs. OhrUtinn ONcn, who horsewhipped Judge Main in the conrthoiibe corri dor for setting aside a jury verdiot in her favor, and who was defended by her husbnnd, Harry Olson, n paint er, nftor turning down the court's of fer to provide him with threo of the best lawyers in Seattle, wns found guilty of assault in the third de gree. The maximum penalty is one year in the county jail and n .foOO tine. Two of the throe women jurors, Mrs. Hottn Dodge and Mivs Ida M. Kleemnu, were tlrm for Mrs. OlsenV conviction. Two men voted for her aeiiuittal consistently until tho final ballot. Tho story which led up to the ns- snult was excluded from tho testi mony. Olson wanted to show that Mis. Olson was under groat provoca tion. The Olsons paid about .fOOO in rent to nn agent of a Mrs. Sylvoster for 20 months in ndvnnce. The agent decamped and Mrs, Sjlvester sued for the entire amount. Two different jtuies decided in favor of the Olsons. Judge Main then set aside the second verdict on the ground that the agent's lease had run out. HOPEOFCLEMENCY FOR RICHESQN RAS OEEfUHOflEO Governor Foss Urged Executive Council to Refuse Commutation to Silas Phelps, Executed Last Week Looks Bad for Richeson. The excellent condition of the finances of the city of Medford U reflected by tho tax levy this season In comparison with the other sec tions of Jackson county. In nearly every instance It Is lower than In the other towns or cities of tho val ley, and this In splto ot the fact that Medford has led the van of pub lic Improvements. The total levy in Medford this year Is 28.5, while that of Ashland Is 40.5. The city levy ot Grants Pass Is forecast at 15 mills, although It has not been decided upon definitely and the Josephine county tax of 18 mills brings It to 33 mills and to this the school tax. must be added. Tho city ot Eugene will pay at a rate of 30.7 mills. The tax levy In the cities and towns of Jackson county for 1912 Is as follews: Place. City. School. Co. Tot. Medford 9.5 8 11 28.5 Ashland 21 8.5 11 40.5 Talent 8 10 11 29 Phoenjx 18 . 5 t 11 34 Eagle Point... 10 q 11 24 Central Point. 15 6 11 32 Jacksonville .10 10 11 37 Gold Hill.'.... 5 12 11 28 Woodvllle 15 C 11 32 BOSTON, Mass., Jan. 18. The Rev. C. V. T. Hiehoson's counsel have abandoned hope of clemency for the condemned minister, self confessed murderer of his discarded swethenrt. Avis Liuuell, ns n result of the gov ernor urging the executive council to refuse commutation to Silns Phelps, who win executed last week for the murder of Sheriff Haskins. Governor Foss found that seven of the nine members of the counoil be lieved in enforcing the elctrocution law, as long as it remains on the statutes, and thousands of letters urgiug the execution of Iiiehesou have been received by Governor Foss. Hielioson'.-, uttomeys admit Hint public suutimeut against Richeson is too strong. They now fear ho will pay the extreme penalty for his crime. The county court on "Wednesday completed Its work of fixing the tax levy for 1912. It totals an oven 11 mills, wh'ch will provide $418,297 this year. The levy is divided as fol fel fol eows: Purpose. Levy. Amount. Schools and library.. 1.6 ? 59,640 State 2.8 106,470 High school 3 11,408 Armory, Experiment station and fair 4 15,210 General expense 1.9 72,251 Road 4. 152,108 Total 11 1418,297 GUARD IS DOUBLED ABOUT LOS ANGELES JAIL LOS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. 18. Acting upon orders wired by Sheriff Hammel. In Indianapolis, tho county jailer today doubled tho guard about the jail where Uert H. Conners, Ira Oender nnd A. D. Maple, charged with conspiring to blow up tho hall of records In Los Angeles, aro con fined. The possibility of a Jail break Is said to have caused the extra precautions. Tory Party Is Active. LONDON, Jan. 18. Tho Tor) pnrty today has arranged for 40 mass meetings In Lnncnshlro January 22 and 23 as tho latttal -step in Its.nntl homo rule campaign. Tho constitu encies In theso two powerful coun ties, though Inclined to bo liberal In politics, nro protestnnt, and tho Tory lenders bono to play on the religious projudlco of tho electors to woun thorn nwny from tho llbornl pnrty, nnd so to dofont homo rulo for Irolnnd- today, tlint tho dowager empress will sny tho Until word which will mean re sumption of fighting or immediate es tablishment of tho proi'lanued republic. STEPHENSON IS CLEARED BY PROBE "No Evidence of Corruption" Is Re port of Sensational Subcommittee Which Has Been Investigating Elec tion of Solon.1 OFFICER TO FACE TRIAL FOR BEATING HIS WIFE VALLEJO, Cal., Jan. 18. Facing n courtmnrtial on charges ot actions unbecoming an offlcor and a gontle man ns a result of nn attack upon his wife. Captain Ernest H. West, r. S. M. C, Is under nrrcBt today nt tho barracks here. Captain West ts regarded as ono of tho brightest officers In tho serv ice He wns sent horo to act as Judgo udvocnto ut the caurtmartluls follow ing tho Uennlngton dlsaotor. WASHINGTON, D. C, Jnn. 18. "No evldeuco of corruption," Is tho unanimous verdict reached by the Bonntnrlul Biibcommlttoo probing tho olectlon of United States Senator Isaac Stophonson of Wisconsin, which was announced todoy. Tho subcommittee agreed to so re port to tho full senuto committee on prlvllogea nnd elections. Women Outvote Men. FRESNO, Cal., Jan. 18. Women outvoted tho men, In a percentage comparison, in tho special freehold ers' election hero, 117 out ot 200 registered casting ballots, whllo but 500 out ot 5000 registered males voted. No women mudo mistakes, whllo many men callod tor now ballots. Troops Near China, PEKIN, Jan, 18. Tho forco or Amorlcau troops recontly dispatched from Manila to act guards along the Amorlcau section of tho Pekln rail road from Tang Shan to Lanchow aro duo to urrlve nt Chin Wank Tao ear ly tomorrow on tho transport Logan.