OrM HUterleftt tartt 4 Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Probable rain. Mat., IHj Mill., 110; ltd. Hum., HI) I'd. llly-Hlxtli Ycixr, Korty-Klml Ttmr, MKDFORD, OKKCJON, WKUXKHIMY, JANUARY 17, 1912. i. No. 256. OREGON RETAILERS WELCOMED TO CITY PROSPECTS BRIGHT FORCENTRAL FRUIT SELLING AGENCY V , A " M' 1 GREAT GAIN TO FRUIT MEN IS SEEN IN MOVE Klrliy S. Miller, Manager Rogue nivrr Fruit anil Proiluco Associa tion, Dack With Word That Other Districts Arc lnvosllatlii Matter. FOUR GnEAT DISTRICTS TO FORM CENTRAL AGENCY In This Way the Great Crop of Fruit Produced Each Year In Northwest Can On Sold to Best Eml. OroUy Hrnu raged by th ontliii hImih with which IIih phut of tint Itogtta Itlvor I'nill & Prmltieo aimo elfcUou to lmv tliu Hood Itlvor, Wo natelmo, YaklMm and Ituguo lllvr (rult HWMHllafllUIH COtlllllUO III on KrMt KetllHK ancney by purahuMng tlm ooiitrolllHg stock In tin Norih 4iHlrii lrult. Hxalmiigo. and ttinw (t)irn (Ii0 HltVNHltlRtl Of tlllN IKIlHril irMrHl caiiiitrtluni!, huvo limm ru elrtl, ICIrlijr H. Mlllor, iiinuciKur of tlm luttt nmxH'lHtloti, roturnod thin morning from it two wj)ih vbdt at lltKut Itlvor, Wountchiw and Yaklinn. Ttaw HUMHtllltlOIIH III tluwo )0ltH. litt( Mr. Miliar, urn iiiurh lutorontod li lh propound plan ami nro now lood Rlyr ufr and ?'fTr w'ltwi thuy innkft 11 rofMiit V I'uiuitrhco nml Yakima wilt Kit buy. In l.iinil Moil. Tin lituii of ifiiiililnluK tlm mwoeln tlorm of tlitw four grwtl dlrttrlctn In (h uorthwtMl ratiio from tliu lual HMwlHilmi which wiit Mr. Mlllor to lliw olhsr district to iIIwiiihi tlm mat tr. It I btdlnvott that tho formation of nmcli a nulling Hftury Ik (mhhIIiIm nhI will Imi of liicHlculaliln benefit to lk Indiuitry. Tliu ld grow out of it feeling that If tho four lUrttrlnU could gl tnglliir tlm unrthwottt would uftcap tho ehuotlo dlmiHtnr ' wlilali ovorluok Cm llfnrtilii ami othor MoutldiiM. nml won lil moan no ail vmiiwj of five yearn In iiiHikotliig fruit. 'I'll In kiihhhii tlm northwest will iiiaikut 2S.0O0 oar of tipple, 16,000 or which, at Uwal. will ho produced hy thwo fouF district. Tlm plnu nit It HtauiU now, accord lug to Mr. MJIlMr, In to mergo tho nulling ilspurtmoutH , of tlm llooil lllvor, Hokum Itlvor, YaMnin ami Wouiitrhoo milium Into 0110 mmtcnl ugouey, whloli will direct tlio innrkot Iuk of tlio fruit of tlm four big uuloim In thin and coiulnx ymirn. It Ik piojiomd to tnko ovnr tlio IiuhIiioih of (ho N'orthwoHtoru Krnlt oxcIiiiiiku, whlnli lia Uh luwuliiiiartorn at l'ort laml.' Tlio o.xiilmiiKo, In (ho paat two yoNiH, htiH ptirfoctod Uh hoIHuk hh (did iindl It now Iuih 1111 out lot In nil tho iiiiirl(U, lai'iio mill hiiiiiII, In tho Unltoil HtntHd and iiIho kooiI uoh puotM for doing hiulucflH In foroJKii (uiiiiitrloH. Hindi 11 Hytituiu would ho Inviiliinhlo to .tho four lnio unions, iih II would not only kIvo tlmm an iiddltloual outlnt; hut hy tho puroluiHo of tho IiuhIiiukh of tliu oxoliniiKo, thuy would tliim louiovo 11 hIioiik coiupo tltlou from tho Mold, Mi'iiiih Advanlano, Thu unrryltiK out of thoHo plaim muaiiH 11 coopurntlou of tho hhhooIu tloit anil tlio Hollliut form, rnthor (linn (ho huIIIiik forco and tho cnu Hiiiuor. At (ho prcHont tlmo hut 10 poi; mint of tho nrlno paid liy tho iiouiuiuor In rmuilvod hy tho Rrowor. Tho roumlndur i;ouu lai'KOly to tlm nnlddlnniiui; and for traiiRportutlou. Ah tho nuBoolutlon hoIIh In cnrlondii It cannot rough tho onuHiiuior dlruct hut It miu ojiuilnato tho nilddloman to n grout (Ioki'oo and Hull dlruct to tho wlmloHiilor. Tho dlHtillnitlvo Hyatom hi cniupro IioiihIvo, roiKihluK tho outlio country, and tho pundiitHo of tho NorthwcHt Krult nxchaiiKO moans tho tiilclut; over of nioro tlmn 100 lirauch ukuii oloH, and would kIvo coopo ntlon with Htiuh oi'KiuilziitloiiH nli tho Flor ida OltniH union, tho Anuulcan Ortmliurry oxchunBo, tlio (Iooi'kIh ECONOMY AND C N CT S ORGEHBYTAfT President Sends Message to Conness as Result of the Invalidation Car ried on hy a Commission Appointed One Year Ao. ' SEVERAL CHANGES IN ADMINISTRATION SOUGHT Would Wipe Out Revenue Cutter Service and Group Llohthousc and Life Saving Services Toother. WASIIINdTOK, I). ('., Jan. K (Irt'Mlor wrrioiwioy hiiiI umrn '' noitiii'Ml ini'thoilii in Ihn mlminiMr.i tifl of lllO ItllHtlltMM Of till) UHCll' intiit wait urxml lodny hy VroHidint Tn It til 11 ni(t'il immiHK(i to mm xrtwd. KiihIiIi'iI fo iuvilixiilo pulilio Im-i-ikim liy mii uppniprialion of $111(1,(101) tiiHilij .limo UA, 1 (J 10. tin irMiilint np IHiintml h (Miintiiiiuilou of ihmiiioiiiv ami offwiMHov and iih h nwull of llicir worlc n uitMMiiKc win iiiliiiiitlml. Tin ('iinmitHHion, Hit priiilunl Any, lint mitcrml upon llio pmpnrHliim i.f lliri'M Hopnrnlo lalmlationn. The flit IohIh with tho iinumor in which t lit MorvicoM of th Kovt'rtiiumit mIiuiiM ho jfriti)il iti ilnirtnimil, ,lli-wc-limlitHd tlrtnl unriiw of niMrt tltml wllh tlio HotiviliiM nf particular mrv it'iH nuil tlio form of orKiuimitioit for llio Mrfiiiniim'0 of partii!iilnr lm-i-im'hh oDonitioiifi. AnmiiK tin ri'ooiiiiiiomlntioiiH of tlm roiuntiMHiiMi jM t lift t (lit 10 venue ruU rlur forviiM', which mmt llio jfovoni uioiit W,.'ill().0(ll enoh yenr, ho nlm. JhIiciI Mild itx work performed liy oth er HurviooM. The ooiiiuiinMinti cn(i iiiHltN that thirt would mtvo $1,000,0(111 HMiiiiHlly. Tho coinuiiMiion iiImi iiiih llml the lilitlmut nml lifo nm iuk Mnn-icuM ho iiiliuiuiMtorm! liy a muhIi linroau iiilmid of, uh nl nrociit, h.v Iho Imi'ciiiu loimtcil in ilifforout ile-i-arlimmtK. Till wonlil hiiv .flOO, 0011 a ally. Another ulmlilion recommended Is (hat of Iho return oTfico of llio de partment of Iho interior. II wo 11U0 niinlei mil flint wlioron llio miiiual triiiiNpoilution imimI lo Iho uovornniout I iiImmiI .1'..(I0(),000, Iho country wl no cmiHidoriilioit from (ho pulilio ear rlor. Tlio pit'niiloiil mh-ooalo moro liiiKinoHhliho uii'llmil in itrrnnniiiif for ami poyiiiK for thoo Korvioo. In elimliitf hU inohMiKO, which deals with it multitude of governmental liUMincK iiiultcrN, (ho president do- oln iv that llio cot of tlio offioiency I'ointiiiMMiiiii'rt orvicoK duriiiK (ho priwlnul fUciil your i nl llio ralo of $i:iO,000. Ilo nk thai cmiKrc' iippropiiiiimu tor llio work ho in creaxed lo $J00,0tl() ami that an ad ditional .frill. 000 hhoulil ho provided for tho puhlicatiou of tlio ioniiIIh of tho oftuiiuixMnii'ri work. NOMINAL CHANGE IN NEW YORK MARKET N'KW YOHIC, Jan. 17.- TodayV look inaiiol opoucd with uoininnl chniiKOH. TrndiiiK wan lif;lit with tlio oxoopllou of Canndiun Pnoiflo,. which lout a point. I,ohi,'li Valloy ro.so' tj a point. 1, atcr scclling forced ITuion I'doillit down a point ami IJiiilml SIiiIch Slool, Anicricnn SimilliiiK and Hill HlookH worn douiilcilly heavy. TolcKiaph nml tolcphouo Ihsuch wore in K"ml ilciuaud, hut tlm fetandard lonlH wcro dull nml laokml yostor- lav'u linn uudoVlono. ' 1 Tho innrkot olouod utuiuly. Uontlri avoiv linn, Krult oxchaiiKo, Iho Carolina Fruit oxohaiiKO, tho Virginia Krult ox rluiUKO and a dozon othor audi nBHn olatloua, and allow tho uho of tho forco for nn nil tho year aorvlco, Mr. Mtllor will roturit to Ilnnd Hlvor uoxt wook to nddrcsa tho Htooltholdora of tho Hood Itlvor hbso elation. In tho inonntlino ho will lako up tho inattov with tho nionihorfl of tho local nusovlntloii. i m MONS. CLAUSE " H&r&. H 0lfV IHrel mt 5-Tjlfei l nrk& iWw i liruGMtXAafiS . JmI R V vV " "T BOAS JOSEPHR5&J)W ' '' KEY TO ROUTES-i- GRACE, v.,55 5?AU Jb SVE-fi PACKeT COMPANY CPRO&ABUE MBORG. AMERICAN LINE C PROBABLE ROOTe) AMERICAN -HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY r.V.SrSU.uu',ii:r,l:Mt-H eflM5HIP COMPANY NEW YOf?K AKIO 50UT4 AMERICAN UNE. SOUTH AMERICAN STEAoASHlP COMPANY W.R GRACE AMD GOMPAUY Failure of tin.' Kovcrjuncnt authorities ut Washinm-i o dutunuiuo what tolls, if any, are to ho charged for vokm'U umiij; the Pamiina canal is unmsin sluppi'ig moil and cxportors in Ihis and olhcr ports to ilciuaiiit that there bo a prompt M'ttlement nf the mutter. , emigre i now wrctlinu with the prohloui of lll-( hut il iniiy not ho settled at this sesbion. Thoro i h lUioided olm-li on tho Mibjeet of whutlior Aiuoricau vohuIs should pay or not. How much toll foreign or doniohlio voolt iuut pay dopond on (ho roMilt of (lie il'ht in congress. Plaint for t)ii huildiiiK of voHsel mid for tho e.xleiiMon of trade, involving the expenditure of millions of dollar hy American Iiiimiiosr tuou, are held up pending notion in Washington. Foreign shipping interests, mixioiiK jo inako iie of (ho ennui, are atoumled hy Hie delay, which they declare is sure (o mar tho opening if not injure for yeaiv 0110 of Iho iiiot sludeudous onjjitu'ering works in tho history of the world. Emil L. Hoas of (lie Hainhurg-Americnii line, Moim. I'ahiinir-lVrtor, Josuph P. Oraeo and other big steamship men anxioiiHlv await immediate action. i ' CUBANS OBJECT TO INTERVENTION Fear Lnmllnfl of American Troops Aualn Will Mean End of Freedom Nunoz Says Thoy Will Flpjit Americans as They Did Spaniards. HAVANA, Jan. 17. Proaldont Uoinois conforrud today with tho load ora of tho vutoraus' niovoiuont and all paitloH of polltloliiim aro to fraino a roply to tho warning o( tho United Sdilos. Tho'hollot horo la gonoral that It Aiuurlcaa troops ngulu ocoupy tho Island, Culm'a lu- doiiuudonco will ho gouo, President Onnio. ojiiicola to roply that tho ovurninont will ho ahlo to provont any outhroak. Kfforta todity aro liolng inttdo to conclllato Gonoral Nunoz, louder of tho "votoninB' niovoiuont." Nunoz announced hofnro tho mooting with tho Ooiuois partloana that ho would not consent to un Aiuerlenn ocou- mil tolls TO FACE TRIAL Judyo Willis Refuses to Grant Mo tions to Set Asldo Information Charfjlnrj Detective With Attempt ed Brlhcry. LOS ANClHLKS, Cal., Jan. 17. Huporlor JudKO Finnic Wlllla today donlod both motions of attorneys for tho dufonso to set asldo 'information charging Hurt II. Franklin, forntor dotootlvo for the McN'amara dofonso, with bribery and attomptod bribery of Juror Robert F. Bnn nnd Pros poctli Juror OoorRO N, Lockwood, In tho McNamara trial.. Judgo Willis sot Tuosday, Fobrtt- 27, as tlio trial datoT patlon. , "If tho Americans InvndQ Oubn," ho said, "wo will flgliflhom aa wo FRANKLIN did tho Spaniard" tils huh Room) NEW ORLEANS AND CALXAO LINES CPROGAeLE ROVTE, WEST TO PROTECT PRIS0NP0LICY Unofficially Announced That Gov ernor Will Leave Giving of News Rcgartllnn Prisoners' to Discretion of Prison Officials in the Future. SALEM, Ore, Jnn. 17. Tho un official nnnouncoiuout of Governor West that heronftor ho vould luavo It to tho dtscrotlon of prison officials as to whethor nows rogardlUB tho oscnpo of convicts should bo made public Is beltovcd to Indicate that West la dotormlnoil to protoct hU prison policy from bitter attacks which havo boon launched against It by a number of Grogon nowspnpors. Undor West's policy a largo num bor'of folona havo been paroled from tho stato poaitoiitlary, and ha has olthor conitnutqd sontonco or re prieved ovory murdoror sentoncod to COUNTY TAX EEVY WILL BE 1 1 QR 1 2 IVtiLLS County Court Is This Afternoon Considering Levy But Has Not Yet Fixed the Amount for Roads or General Fund. STATE LEVY IS FIXED AT 2.8 MILLS BY COURT Road Tax Will Probably Be Five Mills General Tax to Be About Two Mills. The county court Is this afternoon fixing tho 1912 tax Icry for tho coun ty and state. It will bo between 11 and 12 mills. At a lato hour this afternoon tbo county court had not decided upon the exact amount needed for tho road and general funds. Tho tax levy fixed as follews: State ' 2.8 mills School 1.6 mills High schools .3 mill Armory and fair 4 mill If tho road tax levy Is fixed at 5 mills and tho general fund at 2 mills as expected tho total tax levy will be 12.1 mills. This with tho 9.5 mill tax levied by tho city and the TJ mills levied by 'the school board will make a total of 29.6 mills on property In Medford. It may be that tho road lory will be fixed at 4 mills, which will make tho total levy for county and stato only 11.1. Among the special items covered by the Jcvy is .7000 for an Ashland armory, $2000 for n county fair, $2500 for experiment farm and $4000 for the county juil. Tho school levy is mnde to cover f8J3 for every pupil, as demnnded by the new state law. Petitions had been received to increase this to ?10 per pupil. All road work was ordered stopped, pending decision by supremo court upon tho roud bonds, and tho county road masters office ordered closed. This means that Koadmaster Har mon's services will be dispensed with for tho time being, at any rote. No rond work will bo done until spring opens. ATTORNEYS HURL CHARGES TO AND FRO IN WILDE CASE PORTLAND. Jan. 17. An excel- lent opH)rtunity, which was not passed up, for attorneys in the Wilde ease to hurl recriminations ut each other was offered during tho fore noon session when Venireman Martin Snttlc, a paiuter, stilted that he had been approached and sounded con cerning his views of the oaso. Sadler's statement was mado just at tho olose of his examination. In stantly lawyors for tho prosecution mid dotense were on their feet chnrg ing their opponents wilh jury tam pering. CANT HOLD HANDS IN PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS PORTLAND. Jan. 17. Holdinc- hands whilo attending public school in l'ortlniid wus forbidden hy tho school board in a formal auuounuo nient today. Fear of tho diseaso microbe, In st end of tho kissing bee, aotunted the order. Unknown Steamer Sinks. ADKItDBKN, Scotlaud, Jan. 17. A largo steamer sank off Potor hoad today with all hands, after foundor Ing. Llfo savors sighted tho vessel In distress, but all attempts to roach her woro provontod by tho hoavy seas. Tho namo of tho vossol haa not boon learned. hang slnco his term of offlco began. As a rosult West has boou severe ly criticized as a "weakling" lu aonio quartors and pralsod aB a "humano governor" In others, OREGON RETAIL MERCHANTS IN SESSION HEI Large Number of Delegates on Hand for the Sixth Annual Convention Two-day Session Replete With Matters of Interest. COMMITTEE GREETED DELEGATES AT GRANTS PASS Convention Will Come to an End Thursday Evening With a Ban quet at the Medford. The sixth annual convention of tho Oregon Hctall Merchants association Is In session today at tho Nataorlura, tho greater number of tho delegates having arrived In tho city this morn ing. Tho morning session of the convention was devoted for tho great er part to addresses of welconio and preliminary business. This afternoon, tho merchants will tako up tbo real work of the session. Tho Medford Merchants' associa tion had every plan' for tho conven tion arranged for tbo reception, aed entertaining of the delegates. A large committee ot local business mea vis ited Grants Pass this morning and there welcomed tho delegates trav eling south on train -15. Or "arrival in this city tho party was conducted to tho convention hal! at tho Natatc rlum. and also to tholr apartments In tho hotels of tho city. Several banners of welconio wore displayed In tho city, and all of tho cluster light polos wcro decorated In honor of tho advent. ot tho conven tion. Representatives from ovory town ot slzo in tho stato aro on band for tho convention. Tho convention will gathor In ses sion this evening, Thursday morning and Thursday afternoon. Tomorrow evening a hugo banquet will bo given at tho Medford. A number of features havo been arranged for tho entertaining of tho delegates, a principal featuro being automobile drives throughout tho city and valley to all points of In terest.. Tho convention was called to order this morning by Pres'dent Garnett. prciddont of tho Medford Merchants' association. This was followed by an invocation by Rov. Shields, after which Mayor Canon mado an address of welcome, as did Prcsldonot Colvlg of tho commercial club. Mayor Canon's address was responded to by J. C. Mann of Portland, whllo Presi dent Colvlg was answered by J. L. Stockton of Salem. Tho report of Secretary C- D. Morrlck showod that tho organiza tion was, at this tlmo In a moro flour ishing condition than It had boon at any tlmo slnco It was organized six years ago, during all of which tlmo Mr. Morrlck has boon soerotary. Ilia roport showed thoro was $1031 in tho treasury at this tlmo and a pros pect that this amount would bo In creased to ovor $1000 lu tho near future President Bell appointed tho fol lowing cemmittees: On credentials, W. M, Groeu, Eu gono; Geo, Hockouyos, Portland; M. TUIory, Corvallls. Order of business Thco. Roth, Salem; B. Iluukl, Astoria; E. N. Warner, Medford. Auditing G. A. Scott, Dallas; O I. Clrclo, Eugene, Mr. Prouty, Albany. Resolutions Max O. Rurln, fia lom; John Collier, La Orando; J. C, Mann, Portland; F. R, Wotherboo, Eugene; W. F. Isaacs,. Medford; Geo. Johnson, Corvallls; A. G. Dlnckerhoff, Carlton. Following Is a list of tho namoH of those in attendance from out of tewn: J. C. Maun, Dan Kellahor, George HockenyoB, Rny ChlHholm, W. F Groer, II, W. MathlBon, A. L. Oraff, F. h. Sluill, O. B. Morrlck, Loo R, vVQittlnucq on Pave 6.) - u, -..