MEDFORD MATh TRTBUNE, OTDFORD. ORl'YIOX, 'ITKSPAY, .TANUiVRY 10. 1012. TAKES SEVEN MEN TO SUBDUE THIEF Armed With Long Yen Shi Needle Harry Johnson Stabs Four in an Effort to Escape From Jail at FOSTER MOTHER MILITIA READY iictloii tho ntniu body, llnr I'lmnu mid Irvine, In powerful speech e, hud called upon the worltern to close their ranlitt on tho political field ami iIIhiuIkh all leadeiH who itlnod In tho way or claim solidarity at tho polls. President 10, h. HokiiIii or tho slrllc log Hiut'liiian shopmen Is hum milt ing financial aid for the Milkoiit, Mr. and Mrs. Rapp Schuman-Heink Separate A r v TO QUELL RIOTS L. N. JDDD TALENT OREGON Heiress Who Left Home to Dc Near Authorities Have Elpjit Companies of Militia Under Arms Ready to Re peat Bayonet Chnrno If Neces sary. Her Sweetheart Will Be Returned to Chicago in the Near Future in Custody of Fostcr-Mother. Jackson County Portland. PAGE EIGHT OFFFOR DAUGHTER isPRoSP' fSHM I'OHTLAND, Ore, Jnn. 16. Armed with a long yon Mil needle, n Ktool Implement used by opium smokers, Hnrry Johnson, alias Frank Uedfern, a yoRgman, well known to tho pollco on the Pacific coast, etnbhed Captain ot Detectives Uatty, Detectives Malone and Royal and a prisoner named Frank Parker this forenoon while attempting to escape from tho city Jail. It look seven men to subdue Johnson. Uatty was stabbed In tho chest. Tho steel penel rated two Inches, nar rowly missing tho heart. Parker was seriously wounded In tho abdo men and Malonc and Royal were each stabbed In the hand. Johnson attempted to make a break when tho prisoners arrested over night were being lined up shortly after 9 o'clock for pollco inspection. Ho stabbed Parker, who tried to stop him when ho ran for tho open door, and attacked Malonc, who was Btnndlng guard. Tho others were stabbed while trying to handcuff tho prisoner. Johnson Is doing a 90 day term for robbery. He Is wanted at Salem also for some silk robbery. ,( GIRL IS RESCUED; WAS HELD PRISONER IN HOTEL TACOMA, Vui.h., Jan. 10. Rita IJilov, 14-ycnr-old daughter of a wealthy North Yakima rancher, was rescued this morning at 3 o'clock from the Berkshire hotel, owned by W. J. Tinimonc, manager of the Pnu ingca theratcr, whore ho is alleged to have been held prisoner by Charles. Parker, n theater attache, and How ard Copjick, n cigar salomnn. Cop pek and Parker lire held under $2500 bond for kidnaping, and the girl was turned over by tho police to her aunt. Mrs. Ircd J. Konworthy of Southern Tncoma. The girl was taken to the hotel from the theater and when friends ttiuscd the police to start n search for her, the two men held her in their room and refused to give her up un til a squad of policemen arrived. Tho girl was Kent here to attend n Catholic convent. CHICAGO, III.. Jan. If.. Mrs. Her man Huehlcr, tint or mother of the 16-year-old heiress who was located In Now York yesterday and found to have loft hor home bore because of an infatuation for n waiter, started I I today for Now York to bring Violet! Mck to her home here. The Illinois Humane society began today an In vestigation Into the case. Mrs. William Holzapfol, Violet's mother, deserted by hor hustfnnd 13 years ago, turned the child over to Mrs. Uuchler. who took her without legal adoption. Slnco then Mrs Holzapfel has been uninterested In her child and Is still apathetic re garding Violet's welfare, Indicating apparently little Interest In the case The foster mother, however, Is oer- Joyed at the girl's rocovory. "I want Violet back," she said be fore leaving for New York. "I have dono everything a mother could for her, being careful of her surround ings, porhaps too careful, and giving hor tho best of ovory thing. I tried to make her happy, and I believe sho will be glad to roturn." EVERYTHING IS IN READINESS (Continued from Page Onc. Them,'' led by A. J. Henderson. Springfield ; "Sticeulntive Huying- Advantngcs ami Disadvantage.," led by J. T. Ross, Astoria; "Itet Kind of Advertising for the Retailer," led by C. A. Murphy, Corvallis. h veiling, 8 p. m. "How to Dispone of Unseasonable Good-.," Jed by An BR? f b HARROWING EXPERIENCES AT FIRE CRAZED HIM NEW YORK, Jan. 1(1. Still crazed lV liitj Jiarrowing experiences at the Equitable building fire, Timothy Man ning was found wandering around Brooklyn today, after having es caped from n hospital last night. Manning was unable to talk colior entlv or remember anything except tlie dcnlli of Firo Chief Walsh. During the progress of the Equit nble fire, two men leaped from the top of t)ic building, crnsliing to the ground at Manning's feet. Ho fled from Hie hcene and lo,t his mind when told that Walsh liad also per ished. Manning was sent to n hos pital, but ucajicd last night, lie was returned to tho hospital today. Stocks Gain. Ni;W YORIC, Jan. 10. At the opening of today's, stock market Heading, Union Paoifio and Ihiltimoro & Ohio gained fi-B and Ciinndinn Pa cific was tip 2 3-8. Lehigh Vullov nnd American Tobacco ououpied most attention during tlie morning, and tho demund for tlieso stookts was hoavy. At noon moat of tho lenders- wore uu clmngcd from yo.tcrdny'K closing. The market closed Hun. Tlojuls were firm. drew Bnind, Cottage Grove; "Com peting With Mail Order Hou-oV' b'l by II. C. Ganiett, Medford; "Securing New Miimiioms" led by M. O. Huron, Snlem; "Hct Way to Do a Credit Business," led by O. A. Moldon, Hood River. . , Morning, 9 a. in. Report of com mittee on credentials and auditing: discussions, "Do We Need New Leg islationIf So, What?" led by John Collier, La Grande; "Holding Trade," led by W. C. Sttimberg, Vancouver, Wash.; "Attracting a Woman's Trade," led by J. C. Mann. Medford nddrcss, "The Trade Paper and You." Leo R. Merrick, assistant secretary Portland association; address, "R- latinn of tho Retailer to the I'ro dtieer," James Witliyoombe, Corval li; luncheon. Afternoon, 1:30 p. m. Add ret.. "How to Avoid the Rocks" F. L. Shull, city manager, Portland Flour ing Mills company; discussions, "Ad vertising Value of Market Day Pro grams," Jed by F. J. Fletolior, Al bany; "Proper Supervision of Clerks," led by Henry W. Meyer, Salem; reports of resolutions com mittee; miscellaneous business; elec tion of officers; selecting place for next convention; adjournment. WILLIAM RAPP SAYS RECONCILIATION WITH SCHUMAN-HEINK IMPOSSIBLE NKW YORK, ,I.n. Hi. Rct-.'iuili.i uu.d would not permit tlum little lux- liiin liittit i.M St.lnim.iii UriCs hi Hie. Heink and her youthful hii-band. -William Rapp, who i- IKnug sued fr di vor$, is iinpoHsiblc, aceonliug to n statenutit by Riipp today, in which he denied Hint the diva's children are tlie real cause of their incompatibility mid said that he was the man who nmde the singer rieli. "It is the same old "story," ho de clared. "An ahist cannot he a good mother. It i linno.nBibhiJ' Wilson to Tour. TKBNTOK, N J., Jtt. 0.-0ov-crnor Woodrow Wilson today is mak ing preparations for n tdiort spnooh makiug tour through tho middle wost, beginuiiig tomorrow. Ho will speak in Detroit, Ann Aibor and Grand Rapids, Mich., returning to Trcnlon Monday. Dogs to Bo Shot. ST. THOMAS, Onl., Jan. Ifl. Fol lowing it hldtophohiii scare the may or Inst night oidercd nil stray dogs bliot on sight. Yostorday a. dog owned by n Mlchignn Contral con ductor bit his mustoi's liand in two. Sunday llvo men wero bitten. All Jinvo beon sont to tho Pasteur insti tute in Toronto, SURVEYORS HAVE NARROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH SAN' BERNARDINO, Cal., Jan. Hi. Suffering from the rigors incident to three hours' imprisonment beneath tons of 'snow hurled upon them 1 an avehtuch near Mount San Her uurdiiio, James Adler, Peorcy Hay wood and George Ktimnor, govern ment surveyors, wore brought here today by Harold Ctimmings, a mem ber of their party, wlio effected their roseuc. The men were caught in tho blind end of n small canyon by the slide, the sloping wnll of the oriiico form ing a natural bridge thut kept the full volume of snow from engulfing thum. Cuinmingto, who was working on the rim of tho canyon, tunneled beneath the iniisw and guided them to safety, carrying tho body of Adler, wJio was uncoiisoioins. Adler will recover. Mall Is Tied Un. OTTAWA. Out., Jan. I (I. All mull Jn fiio Canadian capital is tied up following tho quarantining of the postoffico when two sorters weie found to be suffering from 6innllpo.. Letters will be fumigated and about ,100 Miatofi'ice olorks wil bo vaccin ated today, HrbUIiib for hoalth, Johnson Vows Vengeance. CHICAGO, Jan. 1. By "black listing" any fighter who ongagos in u contost in New York, Jack John son, the negro lieavywcight champion, j today beliovos ho can even up with the Now York boxing commisuiou for not allowing him to box in tho me tropolis. Mohnson declined that it Jim Flynn euros to tight Iiiin for the title he must not engage in a con tost with Al Palzer in Now York. Thugs Escape. SAN FItANOISCO, Cal., Jan. 1C Chief of Pollco White admitted U)day that tho cearch for tho three thugs who shot and killed Assemblyman John Mullnlly In his saloon yostorday baa been so far fruitless. Ho attrib utes their escape to tho lack of an adequate number of polloemon In tho southern district of tho city. He referred to .MnifX Seliumnn- Heink's .tntcinciif thRt lie wanted the children to be self-mnijo, as was h. I from her." LAWRENCE. Mass.. Jan. Hi. Still in ilread of dangerous mob out breaks, in the strike of textile work ers against shorter hours Imposed liv a state law, llio uuthntitic todav have eigljt. eouiuuu8 of militia uu der nuns here today, ready to repeat yesterday's bayonet charge IT such action becomes uece.nrv. Owners nsscit that L'.'ltUIOII of the IIOII.ODO of the sttilxcrs hae returncil to work. "THE SCARLET THREAD" IS PASTOR'S THEME The subject for Rc. Eldrtdge' dicu.iiiii at the Monday evening services nt the M. E. church was taken from tho second chapter of tho book of Joshun. Subject, "The Scarlet Thread." When the children of Israel besieged Jericho, Kahab hung n -carlol thread from the win dow and the two soldier' whom she had helped when they were hunted for tln'ir lives saw the thread ami she and her house were saved. Tho scarlet thread runs all through the lliblc, beginning in Genesis, where Jit says, "The seed of the unman shall bruise the serpent's head." In Christ all liuvc it completed, for his blood was shed for us. Kahuh had been u woman of un savory character, and often the pco- , pie who are deep in sin nnd know- it' I are the first to accept the scarlet blood of,,Christ; they feel their need and arc ready to make the effort for something better and thereby accept the atonement made for them. Ra liuli heliecd in the God of Israel, and that in him was salvation and no- .where cNe. The scarlet thread was the sign agreed usin between her nnd Orchards, Homes and Farms In ii Thriving Contor in Ono of tho Gurdon Spots of tho Roguo Rivor Valloy SAYS CITY JAIL IS TOO ' NOISY FOR HIS NERVES LOS ANGKLKS. Cal.. Jan. 1C After suandlnj; a night In the county jail Frank C. Smith, alias Dr. J. C. Day, is awaiting today the result of a canvas by his counsel to rala tha $3000 demanded to Inmirtt his ap pearance In court January I. Smith is charged with having om dazzled I2&00 from .Mrs. Nellie K. Holl. a widow. He was arrested in Portland, where he '11 rod as "Dr. ray." and brought to Loh Angeles. When arraigned Smith asked for more tlmo'to plead. Ho then asked to be romoved from the city to the (hie of the stuis ), working in a Chicago department store, one is an insurance agent, and another is a re porter. "It would hnveboen diffeient if I ! tJ i a Mill! I llilk .. .k .1 aak9.. 1. .. j. , i ,, i, , i ... . i .God's soldiers mid she liiiug tho hand," Rapp continued, "hut I was I ,, , . ., . , , ,...., . I thread m the window whore everyone come HI SS- ing and make our lives helpful to others. The subject for tonight will be "Eve and the Devil." Mr. Chidester, the choir leader, is furnishing', with the help of his choir members, some excellent music for these meetings. An invitation is extended to nil to attend. ,.,.., . I inreati in ino winnow w ore everyi more than that 1 wa her manager. , , i . i t.i. iiii ,... could see it. Jesus wants us to co v hen we were inn rna Iie had .flit),- , , , e ., .. . ohm v i . i .Mm. mm t . ""t open y before the world and c 1)00. Isow she IiHK 400,001). Iteinrc ,'. ,, . . , , , , ii.- i fcss htm, nnd he will give us a hlci I was her manager she made trout . , , ,r , , .. , manager $400 to 000 a conceit. Now. she re ceives from $300 iq&UOQO. And she has given me a ple1 8Jo, fed and clothed mu. Hut I didn't ask money Rex Spray Companies Special Attention to Users of Lime and Sulphur Spray Notices have been scut out bioadeast by it couipelitlxe III hi, claiming a spray of lo per cent, neatly oiicsixlh stiouger than any other spiny and lceoinmeiidiug siu-h spray to be tunic diluted than I to II bi'cuuse stronger than REN. The following is nit easy test by whih any grower can ascer tain for himself as to whether such lepiesentatious are collect or not. . Tim spray sent out by The Rex Companion will weigh 1 (1.11 siiiuds per gallon. When diluted 1 to It the mixture, will weigh H.."ll pounds per gallon. Any spray represented as being stronger which will not uioel the above requirements is jo!i1 under false repieseutatioiiH, and the person so offering same is subject to prosecution by the State mid I'Vderal authorities. Ri:. J.IME Si Sl'M'IICR KOEITION is giinruiitccd at ntimn strength. If made any stronger there is danger of orystalllr.atlon, especially if the spray is left out in cold weather. REX is just what it represents itself to be, nnd should be used according to directions to get best I emails. REX KI'RAYS are made in alt parts or the Tailed States and Canada. We have had years of experience and know whereof wo speak. I'or cash or time tetuiH, see Producers Fruit Company Distiibuliug Agents for Oregon. Also for Jtoltoti Heaters. la county Jail, doctoring that tho clty'a bastilo was too notsy for sleep. ARMED INTERVENTION IN CUBA": MAY COME SOCIALIST UNION PARTY IS FAVORED WASHINGTON'. D. C, Jan. 1C , khks.vo. Cal.. Jan. 16. Three Armed American Intervention In Cuba cheers for Job Hnrrlmnn, Alexander to protect the cutabllshod Cuban gov-; Irvine and political Holldarlty of tho eminent and to preserve peace Is trade union movement with tho so ilrodtcted at the statu dopurtmont'ctallst party were given by tho dole bore today as the result of the trans- gntes to tho state building trades mission of a note to American Mln-, convention huro today at tho call of ieter Itaaiipro la Havnua. itho giucral president, I'. H. McCarthy Tho note declared that Amorlra of San Francisco. would feel compelled to Intorvono In j The demonstration rivaled that of Cuba utiloss tho "voloraus movo-' yostorday, when Secretary O. A. meat" there weie quelled at onro. Tvoltmoe rend IiIh report urging some xSrSt? VH1S N It's the Name on the Movement that Counts BUYING a watch by the case io like buying a book by the cover. Hook or watch, it ia the inside that counts. In buying a watch give first consideration to the movement. If you want the best movement for your money choose from our assortment'of WALTHAM WATCHES We have Waltham Watch" in all grade at a wide range of price-ch watch the bejt value poMibc at its rcipcctUe price. And wc can suit you with a watch case-plain or fancy, solid or gold idled. "It's Tune You Oivntd a ll'attham." Wilihtm WtKhrt rr the molt .UixmUMt n( tlmrritcr. Tl a life luvc.tmcm-lct ut tell you an iJjmu.rUUIlUiu. MARTIN J. REDDY JEWELER Near PostolTire Icdfonl rAAvAAAV 'at 'a ta tj We Are Going to Continue Our Low Prices on Groceries .. .. .. . .. A A. AA TTiTT iTTTTi v -w T T T T ? T f f T T t f ? T r T i t t T f t T f f T 15 pounds Granulated Sugar for r.v ,.-..',... $1.00 16 pounds Red, Pink or White Beans for ! :. , ,,;. $1.00 10 pound sack White or Yellow Corn Meal for :...". ........... ,".:. .... 30 1G pounds regular 8 l-3c Jap. Rice for : ..f;.....o?...M. .,,. $1.00 ' A, 50 pound sack Fine Table Salt for t ......,..,..-' t.h.w G5 Star, Horseshoe or Climax Tobacco, plug v. ; v 45 "Highland Blend" Fine Hard Wheat Flour, sack.... ' ..J..' 'r:.$MZ.X...A $1.25 "v "American Rose" Cream of Bluo Stem Hard Wheat..Flour ; j .'..' .'..,,.. $1.35 "Kenida" Idah6Hard Wheat Flour, sack t. ?. ....,..:., .,-., $1.35 5 pound pail Eastern Lard. , G5; 10 pound pail :....., . $1.25 5 pound pail Lilly Compound 55i 10 pound pail ...., $1.10 , X t I HUTCHISON & LUMSDEN r T T t r f T T T t t T T ? T T ? T T f ? T T f f ? T f T t f t x 'x V A k ! I $'"1''XM HaBlUne for health.