ft You Vc Felt ';Q,TM!ii-Ux6,ir COtN.NOCHaTUc to 1 OP A6WMiT T. J GQVlUMri'-THii, , ' r tou&h WOILO I jif v v 1 i a iiii-- --ir MSOromD HAKXXT. BtUtl rirlo. r Vcgctablea, . Potatoes 1 1. CO per cwt. Cabbago ic. Pamnlpa 2e. Lettuco Be hied. Carrots 2c Rents 2c. Onions 'Jo, Celery 60cCJ$l dot. Cauliflower lOOlCe head. Turnips 2c. Hnd!ah Co bunch. OnlonaOroon, Co bunch. Frnit. Coconnutn lOo onch, I'runoR DrloiJ, lOo lb.. yAiii(iiiR SRo dozon. llnnnunn lOo to 30o per doxon. OrnitKo IGo to 40e. Urauborrloa lOo iuart. Ituttrr Kkr nI Tonltr lluttor Kronli ranch, por roll, CCo; crtmiiuiry, SCo. I'KP I'rcah much, 3Cc; ntornnu, 2T.O. , Poultry Ilrnn, drosnod, lCc; Hvo, 12c; uprlnKa. drcmicil, lCc, Turlco)'- 20o to 2Cc, drvMed, Mrntu, Whn1rnnltt Ilonf Cown, 4 l-2c; itoora, 5c J'ork 'GVlo nnd Cc Viml Uroiiacil. 7.4-10o. Mutton-j-3t,3 l-2c, Urn; Umbi, Cc to 7 Vic Itny iintl VrvCI. liny TliiM.llty. U: nlfnUtt, J12; Km n, 112: Rrnln liny, 114. drain Whoat. OCo biiihcj; oata, 136 ton; barloy, 13b ton." NOTICU TO mini: OWNinifl. All poraonn who tiro donlroitit ot kcurlUK npncu In thu Mod ford MIiiIiik J ii til I oo Hook on thu mineral renourc- of Hotilliorn OrcKOii nnd northern California, tu lio taaund Fohy. 1, 11)12, ithnuld liuiundlatoly mil upon or ltd drona 0. W. I'attornnu or Ouy T. llirnnlur, Nanli hotel, Mcdford, Orv. Alitor hoiiii) oIiihhIIU'iI iiiIm -nuil Himplil'v jour liuiit fur u "llui-?ooui liiinuu" llasUlim fur hdatth. CITY NOTICES. OnOtKAHOB rfO. 037. All onllimncfl tlfflurliiK " hmih- iiTwiii on iii irtm ii'fni fti iiih WM or litiliurn I lnplt iVIt iiinlii on lUol Nlnlli hI mtI fmm orilxnil umhiiio tti'd lo oily HiiiIIk. umt tllii'olhiK llm i-ovfirdtir lit fiili-r i Mlliii)'iit llu'H'or In lllft WIlliT llllllll llill tlocKi'l Tlni t'lly of Moiironl ilolli oritulu iin ruitnuM' Hi'ollou I. Wlioii'iiH, tlm oily oniinull did Imrolororn l ii'Miiltillnn iWImio Iim Inlriillim Ik luy it l-lnrli ivaior innlii on liittt Nlnlli Mtroot ftoin I'm lliiiul uvouuo WgHl til Oily UltlllH, Hllll III IIHMl'HM llm tuiMl IlKHwif on tin) lnnpirly fiontluu on Hiilil piiillnu or mild Ntt rot In piopor lion to III" fumliiKii or mtlit propoily. anil fix ii lliiin unit pliioo rur luMrliiK Mdli'MlM nunlnitt llio IiivIiik of milil wiilrr imiln on hii lil pni'l of Ktilil Hlrooi nuil llio IIUMVHMIIII'Ut Of lllll OIWl llll'KOf UN Ufolo Hlllll. Ami, wlioroiiH, mii lil ii'Holtillnu wiim iliily I 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 m I mill iionIoiI iih iiiiilii'il hy Ni'iillou 111 or llio ulmili't' of milil oily. Allll. Wlll'll'IIM. II IIIOI'lllIK of llm ooiinoll wnii lu'lil ut tlm Hum nuil uluon flxoil liy Mlllll lOMIlllllllIU, rot' UlO lllll pllHO of oniiNlilitiluK miy hiii'Ii iuoIohIh, lull no IirntrNtM wcio at hiiIiI Hints op nt any ullior tliuo, ininlo to or roonlvutl hv tlm t'oiinoll to llm kiiIiI liivliik of miiIiI wiitur nmln or llio iiHNnHNuiont of llio cdhI lliuri'of ax iiroit'Hiiltl. mill W I 'I ooiinoll IihvIiiic ('onttltloiiMl Dm inuttrr mill ilooiu lilir Hint milil wutor innlu wuh mul Ik of nmtiTlnl lii'iicflt to hiiIiI city, anil tliut nil iroiory in Iin iiuh.'uhimI thorofor moiiIiI lio lii'iii'ftloil tlioicliv to Hio iixlmit of Hio iuhIiiiIiIh amount of tli ivmiiooHvo IIH0HHII1lUlN to III) lONll'll IlKlllllHt Hillll i0ioity, iilil oiilor Hiiltl main Inlil. Anil. wlii'ii'iiM, Hio tohI of until wntor llllllll llllK Imu'U mul lioioliv Ih llolOI'llllllUll to Iin llm hiIip of ttV: 1 1 Now llii'ii'TuiK. n liorliv furllior ilnloi'inlnoil Hint lu pronnvtloniito nlmro or. llio 1'iiHt or layluu miiIiI wnl ir imiln or oiioli piiiool of properly fionlluK on milil portion or muIiI Htiool Ih Hid muoiint nut nnpiiHlto llio iloHcilptlon of oncli pnr ool of Innil liolow, mul Hint onoli ploco or partial of liiml h lionofltoil by tlm Inylmi of nald wutor nmln to Hio full ixtonl to llm amount ho hoi opuonlto Hio il horlptlnii of tlm hiiiiio, nuil Hint llio roHpi'otlvo iimounlN ropri'Mcui t lio pio poilloniito ImnofllH of hiiIiI wntor imiln 10 Mlllll IIIHIIOtftlVO IHII'IK'IH of Innil, uiul iiIhi) tlm uioiioitiuiiai fruuiiiKo tlioivnf on until Hii'oot. llm couikiII iIhom IumvIiv lUcluro oiuili if tu pmoolM or proporlv iIokoiIIh'iI boluw In do iiNHrHi'i mul onoli of (Iin hiiiiio lioioliv Ih uhnohmoiI Hio uuioiiiit Hi'l oppnMlto onoli iWkorlullou lor Hio ooHt of lavliiK hiiIiI wntor innlu. Tu uiiino uppourluir ulmvo onoli iloMorlptlou lifllUK tlm nnino of Hio ownnr, or ropuloil owpor of imioIi hihIi lol or Diiicfl AHHI'HHMKNT I'Oll I INi'U AVATlIU KlAIN ON I'AHI' NINTH HTHMNT l.'HDM I'OJITI.ANIl AVliNl'H WKrt'V TO I'lTV MMITtf. V the Same Way, S. A.ttouf'goo wofvrt oi Rsti. job uouokt f 7nn uiriiiiiu. . WW ----- - CITY NOTICES. AMMrw.nifit Nu I -It It Tofl .n( A. liliH-k I, linthrial mlillll'iii. City of Mfilfoiil, liivsnu I'roiilUK" H fwt on Him ntirlti hIiIm of in Ninth Nliri. n iliiH'rtlil In Vol X9, phh I7T. of llm rminly rsooi'lnr'H ihooiUn of Jiiolouu nounljf, Oixhiiii 1U rwl, ml ppr fwl, C 1.47. Hlini'li'l. Ilili Ml ,Hintiiii!it. Ni. S W A I.nvalrtrr. A IWII'l'l of limit iiuiiiiiImIiik tn HIMt 1U fri't of lot T. Iilook I. Iniill niI'II-. tlotL I'lly of Mwlrmil. Uii'won, ami u Ki.fiMH nlil iv.-fll or l lie alley In block I. Imiwrlnl Hililltitoi, Imvimr h fn-i:i of 10 ffct on llm north itUta or hm( Miilh Ntrwt. hn iI.i-MIk-iI Ih Vol no, mu UK. or llio I'ihoiI) tm'utilt-r'H rii--i'IiTh of J.fliftim vounty. ()rn. in f I . tali' h)i- fiiui, fi 17. miiimiii. t no Amii(niiii'ii js'ii J - It A NflilHinl A purofl or la ml oiiiiipilnlK thu vnnl iMirllou of lot t. lilH,k I. lHiirll u.Iili lion, (,'Hy or iloilfoti). Uriiii, Mini th Mlllll llW'PKl IMinior Of lllKflC I. IiuihtImI nilillllon. ImvltiH u rnollHK of fc i fmt mi llio north mIiIw of IShmI N'lnlh nlr.i n ilrrlll In Vol it, iwk Id. or Him foiinty rwvnli'i'M ivoriU or Jai'k n wtniily. f)rfuu. pis tvl, ml lwr roui. II. u, Httimioi. situai AiHMinnt No I - It II Toft Lot T, liMk 2, linifrlul ml.llinui, city or Mulfortl. nrKou Knmn.' lie l fmi on llm Miuilh mIiIm of ICwMt .Ninth Mlif-t. UK UtTllHt In Vol SI. tNttfir IIK, or lli uiHi nty ivrurilrr'H riril uf JhcKmoi ooHiity. OrvKini. 13(1 fMt; mto Mr fiMit, h u. HiniMiiit. faoa.ai. Ai.iy.i.mi'nt No . P Vhuhk lt I, hliM'N i. niirlnl uitilimni, nty nt Wmttmh Urrcmi. KnuiiHu Id, rmi on 1 1 miiilli mIU. uf nt Nlnlli Mtrwt. an ilnMitllu-il In Vol . puko . or llm uoiiiity roirili'rM iwnnln of J cm mm oounty. tirrNon. 10 r-t. rntw ht ftHit. II IT. Mlliouilt, lis Ml Hwtliiti 2 Anil it In nrily onlxn-il nml otUhIhoiI tlmt lh iri-rl mmnwi mjrtilM mul llm llnn UitHf Im pnti-ixl In thu WHlrr nmln Hon tlookvi of miI oily. Hlti Hint thrrouimn iioIIim Iw utlli to llm owiiff or rrpiitwl iiwiiitm of mhI.I property, mul tlmt tho imhik Uf i-nforiTil mul ouIWImI In llm iiihiiikt Ui lilml liy llm otmrivr of thu city for tho I'lilli-otlon or HwtiitmintM fur tlm impnivi-im-nt r trnotM llmrelii. Huli)ii 2. It In furllirr otilpml Hint thu imttfMi mIhivi. provlitril Ih- ikiIiIImIkmI thriw tiui in tlm Imily Jlull Tribune liHMiT liublVnlmd mul of Hmrnl rlr tiulntlon In no lil city. In tlm omniiir rO tliltnl by onllmiiitf No. MO or nhM ty. . 7 Uo ritroKfUinr (ittllimtio wmn PimmwI by llm. oily (muhall or thx City of MV. runt, Oregon, on Hr isih iImv or loHn bor.'iatl, by Hi. roltmvlHK !: Mnrilvk. s., Vnlt, nyv, Wortnmn. oy; (linrrliik. wyn, IMforl. ), mul .Mil Iht, ulinl. Apprvi-oil lomttjr 3d, IS! I ... , W. II. CANON, AIImC Mayor. IIOIIT. W. TKI.VKIt, City ltMjrlr. NOTtCK. To the ovvnr roptlt-il owntr, of mo Mrl of propurty ilMwrlbeil In the forpRuliiK orillnnnoii. mm ikuikhI llmrolu, nml In tlm lltm ilwlanil by mhIiI urdl iiHni,. no rroonliMl in tlm ilookvt of tlly IIpmm: You nr mrby uiillflml tlmt llm hm MMMUimut ili-oliirl by tlm rniKlnK oniu imiicti liWM boon niHili' nml the linn tln'i-c-for nilcr. in ih rity Hon ilm'Krt nnd llml tho MMim la dim nnd you nro lmrby rHiilrol (o iy llio minm to Ihr city r Vordor within leu iIiiim from tlm M.TVlr uf till no I Ion, Mhloli Morilon In nmile by piiMli'Mlliin of tlm fori'KiiliHi orilliiniii'M mul IIiIm niilli'o thrvo IIiiion In tho Mini, rout Mull Trillium. puiHiinul to mi nrdur of tlm qlly ooiiiu'll or Willi oily UOIIT. W TKI.KKIt. Cll.v Itimuril u n. i-'oHST a i . . '. KOUND-Aiitoiiinlillo tiro. Cull ut Mull Trlliiiiiu offlro nnd pay for HUM ml. 2f.r miHINKHH OPPORTUNITIES FOH SALE Home bukory; also lluo of grocetleu. 201 tjoutli HlversUlu me. 2C8 I'Oll RENT HOirKEKKKPINO ROOMS FOH RENT Now and up to ditto upnrtmunt inodorn In ovury piirtlc ulnr, gits rooking, Htenni heat, etc. Riulllis apartment house, 217 So. HIvoiHlde. FOH RENT -FtimlHhod housckeoii itig rooniH, light, giiH ntid bath. Also, two room liouue, furnUhed, cIoko In, Inqiilro 337 West toth street, 2 CO TOR RENT IIOIJHEH FOH RENT--Fiinilsheil Iioubo cIoho In. llox 1 ! T or liiqulio at Com mercial oluli. FOH RENT 1 and .1 room house, $7 nnd $1 n anoulh. 322 S. Cen tral uvu. 307 FOR RENT FurnlHhod 0 room cot tugo, niodorn, ClHKlngst. FOH RENTNOW, mmlorn bungalow fiiriiliilied'nr unfiiriilHliod. Inqiilro of owner, lttS, MlstlotOo ut. Phono B3II2. 2C8 FOH RK.SVT Htickoiiyns bungalow; modern. 220 West lltli st. Phono Muln 0003. FOR RENT OFFIClca FOH RENT Ovor tho jiostofflco, with hunt nnd light Boo A, A, Dnvls, FOH RENT- Largo, comfoitiihlo or- i flco rooniH with oloviitai service, Hteiun ho.-t, hot nnd cold wutor, Low rntus. pply Meiltyrd Furnl- turo & Hdw. Co. FURNISHED APARTMENTS niE ilERIUW, ror. tjulnco nnd W. Mallir fiiriilnlied nparlinoiits. prl vnto bitthfl, hetit, every conveiilenoo till tlOWi MTCDTOttD MATh TRTBU.ND, AflODFORT), OTHWOV, T1TICSI)AV, JANUARY HI, 1012. You Know You ' . KOU IttCNT I'Ult.VIHHHI) ItOOMH I'Oll HUNT--At tho Cotttiuo, fur iiImIkhI riKiniH with or without hoard. Our roonm tiro niodorn. Hot and told riiuiiliii; watur, houl and prlvnto tolopluuio In oncli room. I'rlcoa roanounldo. CO I W. 10th ntreot. M.-m. II. M. Con. 2KC KOIt HUNT An upllr bedroom with HkIii, Imnt and Imth coiinoc tloim. Phono C&Ol or 7171. S07 Ho ii III Oakdnlu. 26 I'Olt HUNT I.sirK" Mlooplnic room, II.C0 mid IS por wook. Modern lii)tiuliooiln apartment, $18. Home phbliu 20C-K. 222 South Holly. I'Oll HUNT - front room In prlvnto family. Hoard Ir dttHlrud. 1'hoiio A2I2. 29 Hum Court. 2&S I'Oll KHNT MISCKMiANlXJUS FOH L19ASK Fully caulppod placor nnd quartz niliio. Gold Hay HonN ty Co. FOH HKNT I.nrKO and small ranch ca. Oold Hay Honlty Co. roit saw: ok iucnt VOH HKNT OH 8AI.K First claas Knrdo.ii ntid fruit tract with limine, barn and chlcUou park. M. A. Hadur, Medford, Oro. I'OK HALU IIOUSUS FOH 8ALK OH HUNT C room Iioubo and 2 lots on paved ntrcct, Mud- , ford, n baritaln; terms. D. II. Blurtovant, Central Point, Ore. 3CC I'Oll KAI.1 T.OT8 FOH HAM-: Wo recently acquired In nil oxuhniiKO out of tho largeta and nioMt mIkIuIx rofcldunt'o lolu on Oak dnlo (ivoiiiio. For n quick nalo wo will jnnko prlco very rcanonablo. lloiiHOit lUVOHtiui'lit Co.. 304 Our-Iiott-Coioy bldK. Phono 7!KH. 2S0 FOH HAI.K-I10 down iuitl jTo monthly btiya nlco resldonco loin, nnd the prlco I rlRht, too. For pot cnah wo will ell you n block of lots nt a price that will make ou alt up and take uotlcu. This In an investment nnd speculation worth whllo. Ilonson Invoatmeul Co . 301 (lamatt-Coroy bldjj. Phono 70SI1. 2CQ TOH HALE ACREAGE FOR SALE A booutlful slto for your new home; build your homo under the oaks and laurels ot For out t'ourti Perrydale. 1 nillo west of city o"n Jneksnnvlllil road; ,,& ncru building sites; 1 nnd 2 aero alfalfa tracts; C ninj 10 ncro fruit ranches, sot to Hurtled, Anjoit and lloo pcnfH. Soil and situation uitiko tlioso properties unexcOlbM for gardening and poultry v rntslng. Cotno and sen for your-olf. F. S. Carpuuter, ohor. Or address Hox 001. 271 FOH HALE An improved ton acre farm; 0 noros In 20-year-old or chard, all kinds of fruit and bar rios; largo cherry trees Hint simply beat tho world In quantity and quality, togu(hur with u feu slmplo title to ten acres of clnma nnd bathing bench In front; nil kinds of clams in unlimited quantities. 1C00 ft. from Rrownsvlllo P. O., on regular Hues ot bouts from Se attle, ouo hour's run: 3 miles from Rrumortou navy yard. First china plank road trout Iioubo to wharf. Faro from Seattle to placo for tho past year Iiiih been Co, never more than 2fc. Special rates tor school children. Will exehango for Moil foul propoity or Rogu'o rlvor viil loy laud. Apply to Jackson County Realty Co., 217 Gurnott-Corey bid. 205 FOH SALE Largo and small traols of land to suit. Special good buy In n 000 nuru tract close to good town nnd shipping point. Wrlto 'or call on us. 217 Gnruott-Coroy bid, Medford. Oregon. Jackson County Realty Co, 2G5 FOR SALE A splendid 10 ncro or chard tract within Vj nillo of Med ford. Wo want to show you this. Ilonson Investment Co., 304 Clar notUCoroy Ijldg. Phono 7001, 2ftTi FOR SALE-10 or 20 ucros of fruit hind near Euglo Point. Only n small rash piiynient'toqulrod, balanco can bo paid In labor on Joining prop erty If you have n tenui. Bee Oliver II. llrown, 430 lliivtlott st. FOR SALE LAND FOH SALE Rend Hoimon's Bargains nud buvo money. FOR SALE 100 ncros good uhlckous fruit or vogotnblos. Four acres Irrigated: IR mroa under ditch. Will tsil.o $1000 In city properly Tonus. Particular. O. F. Cholgreii, 730 N. Tutt u0, .00 -r Have (Jf THO VJS, t vMir 1W toTWOJ TrU' V50O0 lown TO ' CAT Nu,tj LlflQUblNC. tlr TMCRA'i Atff CMmoG, TIP TH& JftUJi'ANH I'Oll HAMv I.SIW DON'T WAIT T, YKAHS. IIUY CAMFOHMA l'll.h IJHAK 1NO OHfHAHDS. Money, Hack, If Nt Hatlaflud. 100 eaah and J!0 ir mouth buyii flvp7noroB nii full bwurlni; fruit treOH In th" fntooim Hldwoll Orclmrda iU Chlc California. Puy lunutK Inuliido Ititinat and tnxon. Your money back If not satisfied upon luvotfaatln Tho Hldwoll Orchardx uro tho most noted and projluctlvo n the wonderful Sacra mento Viilloy of California. It' our confidence in thU laud that prumptH this peneroiu offer- Wo'vo peacliM, prunes, almonda, aprlcoU and Hartiqtt pear Iluyurg' rull rofld fare, not exrotdiiiK $20, will be credited On piirchaae price. Land adJoliiM tho thriving town of Chloo (14.000 'pop.) tHeferencoa Any bank of Clilco, American National Ilnuk uf San FranrlKo and FIrat National Hunk of Ban Lewndro.) Send for valuable information and facta to Hldwoll Orchard, Inc., X sTfJCTt "AN'lT J-'HFIT LAND Vljlt? en isA r oniy i miiog rrom coi taR Orov, ISO Keren. 25 good for fruit. (0 good paturc, balance fine pill tiK timber, oni $15 per acre. 90 acres ono mile from city lluiita, 30 ncros rondy for planting or chard, balance orchard and pnnture land, only $2SAier acre. Addreiw ltox 4C8, ColtaKe Grove, Ore. 257 FOH SALE Aqro nnd flvo acre tracts adjoining Medford on long tlmo, oaay payments, or might ox chance. Ood Ray Realty Co., 101 Kloctrlc bldg. FOH SALE EquU In 20 acres trult laud, five mllujqsoulh ot Itoseburg. Ten acres In one-year-old apples; ton In' pasture. -Good freo soil. Smnll house Would consider trade for Medford property. M. Ilu&Ji. .V.M Uentty t. Home pou 31S-W. 5G l'OR SALE OR KXCHAXGE FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 acre truck farms Vj tnllo from Medford. W. H. Everhard, 009 W. 9th. Phono 0C71. For sale or bxciianok 120 acres side bill fruit land, deep soil, part ot it can ba Irrigated from crQok nnd springs- Price $3500. Will tnke some city property In oxclmnge. Hon son Investment Co., 304 Gnrnolt-loroy bldg. Phone 7091. 25C I'Oll MALE MISCELLANEOUS TOR SALE Cordwood,. onk nnd hardwood, $5 por cord In carload lots. Gold Hay 'Realty Co., 2 IS West Moln. Phono 1873. FOH SALE-Smslo comb White Leg horns; Cr) Mini White Orpingtons. Mating list now rondy and sent on request. Ordor hnluhlug uggs or baby chickH early aa thoro is suro to ho n homy demand for our stock ths season Aro booking orders now, Hnve n fow Orpington Cookorels for sale. Mrs. E. E. Oman. Jacksonville Oro. FOR SALE- Incubators. 1 liavo se cured tho agency for "Old Trusty." best made. Eighteen hundred in iiho IniHMtnlv whoro. manufactured. Huvo known M. M. Jojiusou, tho Inventor, twenty years. If Inter ested In nu Incubator address mo nt Medford. ")ro., or phono Bell C39-J-0. (' Potior. 203 FOH SALE- Two good work horses nud throo jmlra o( tino orchnrd inules. Phono 93C1 Mnln. FOH SALE Holohsloln sella wood at tho big woodshed 417 S. Oukdulo. Res. 40C. Home, phono Vll-L; Bell 1010, 273 OLD TRUSTY Is a high grade Inou bntor at vciy modoratti prlco. Do not buy until you Investigate Its merits. C W. Ppttor. 27 I FOH SALE- I'ottngo, close In, chonp, quay tonus. Inqulro Stunt t Knlpp. Ut Medford Business college, 255 FOR SALIC- Wood onk, plno "and fir In enr lots. S. J. Myors, Wood VlllP. Ore. 267 FOR SALE- Two SQ h. p. R.piissen ger oars. Good n new, Cheap on easy terms. Address nox 475, Postoftico. 2CG FOH SALE - Ithodo Island Rod cock and n few pullets; nlso one flno White OrplUKtm cockorol. Prlco right for quick sale. Myra Fullor. l O. Box UL Mouford. 201 FOirsTVLW-- Hlg nly twolvo op iSlx toeit Inch fir wootl, bust wood In fit). Call H. l,Flury. 019 So. Riverside, or phono 5041. Prompt delivery' 2S1 FOH BALE f- Wlirner has n full Block ol fruit tioOH, rosea and or nanuuitnl i " Ofloo sin uoneva two , Willi Will niiltibiirey. o& , , . ,. , ., ..,.,.,,. . , ,...,. B0OIH XbXK.MT mm J , ,r c - ' w ,7 " m. " I'Oll HALB ailHCKLUlMiOUS FOH SALIC Hrown Leghorn pullctH and one Iliack Minorca rooatvr. lith and AHhlaud, KuM. Hide. 2f.fi FOH SALE Hatching ok from my trnpnected CryHtnl White Orpins ton h And Ithodo Island Iteds (lot your ordor In onrly. Wrlto for priewf. Myrn Fullor. P. O. Hox 421, Medford. 277 FOH SALE Ksk- tw liatchliiB. am hooking orders how for the single comb Whltp Leghorn. Wyckoff strains $150 for 15 ukks, $8 per 100, Placo onlera now. A- W. Stone. Phono 7302. 2 60 I'on i:CHANOi; FOH EXCHANGE City property, lots, acre tractB and ranchos tu eicliauso.for other property Gold Itay Hoalty Co., 101 Electric bldg. FOH EXCHANGE For hay. corn, seed potatoes, a fresh mllcu cow. stock, Hokb. poultry and wood. I have all grades of tho bot quality of lumber. Office. 813 Geneva no nue. East side. L. D. Warner. 26S HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Salosman to aid us sup ply the brisk, demand for our goods; somo vacant territory yet In every stato west of the Missis sippi. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Oregon. 2C1 WANTED Demonstrators for house to house for Ashland. Central Point nnd othor places. Good mon ey for hustlers. &- Mason ut Wocks & McGownn. 255 W AXT1 Hi) ITU ATI ONS WANTED Man and' wife want posi tion In camp as cdolc and helper. Capable of faking' full charge of any slao; thoroughly competent; A-l references. Address Box 17. caro Mall Tribune. 2S7 T" T.T. 1 SITUATION wanted by married man t to work on ranch; experienced with all kinds ot farming. Box 40, Jacksonville, Oro. 2CC WANTKI) by competent stenograph er and bookkeeper, afternoon or evening work. Have my own ma chine and own turn out flrst-chtas I work. Fine references. Box 77, l Tribune. 260 WANTED Young lady oxporlcncod in clerking and bookkeeping would like position. Address 8 Ross court. 2 CO WANTED M ISCKLLAXEOUS WANTED You can't help but mnko money balling our guarauteed-lo-glvo-satlsfnctlou stock; free outfit; cosh woekly; exclusive territory. Yakimu Valley Nursery Co., Top penish, Washington. ANl'ED Tu borrow $7000, glH- edged security, long tlmo. Apply at 915 West Tenth st. 25C WANTED Good iilftiUn tracts, B0 to 100 acres. Statu price, terms, loca tion", etc., tu first lottor. Prlvnto ;mrty. Box X V.. Tribune. 2R7 WANTKI-Itooiii and hoard in prT: vnto family- Address F. II. W., 211 West Main st. 257 WANTED Largo oung work twun In trade for lumber, number to ho ' delivered next summer. Pacific phono lGxxt Central Point, Oro. WANT TO RENT 2 to 20 ncros liu- I proved garden, fruit orx chicken ranch. .1. T Hnfforty, S10 W. 11th 1 at.. Mcdrord, Ore. 259 ! III II- JM -I ! I A I I .11 1 WANTED -Clean rags at Mall Trib une office. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Assayer nud Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays mndo for gold, sil ver, load, copper and othor miner als. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps nnd reports made thoreon by com petent mining nssayors nnd engi neers at reasonable tonus. Capital secured for dovoloplug mines nud mining prospocts. All mine own ors aro oarnestly roquostod to sond snniplos of tholr oros for exhibi tion purposes, nnd sond full do scrlptlon of tholr mining proporty. Southern Oregon Milling Bureau, 0th und Fir sts. Accouutniits SPECIAL attention glvon to audit ing. PropnrJng balance sheotfl, cost sheots, profit ami loss stnto mteuts. Also statements prepared for receivership nnd tho courts, William L. Nooll, Room 101 Eloc trlo bldg. Phono 1873 Malu. D, R. WOOD Gonornl accountant'. Your books audited and kept for n roasotiublo figure: your business nollclted Office Medford Mil II Trlb uiio bldg; phouo 0U11; rouUlonco phono 0302. IIUSINHSS DIRECTORY Architects. JOHNS & TURNER Architects and IluJIdcrs. Offlco 7-8. 326 Main; phono Main 3471; residence phono 744. Aim tracts ROOUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INC. Medford offlco. phone Main 2511, Home 3CC. Jackson vlflo phones. Pacific, Main 11, Home 200ft. Attorneys C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Rank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALBY Attornoys-nt-Law. Noa. 1 and 2 Postoftico bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Garnctt Coroy bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (It. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Room 11 and 12 Jackson County Dank bide. Dllllnril Parlors S. T. DROWN & CO. Blllkirds. Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs. Young & Hall bldg. A nice, cool placo to spend the hot afternoons. imiianls and Peel. MEET him at the Mcdtord Billiard Parlor. Chas. Dojman, prop. 272 Ilil! Pouters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster nnd Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackfon County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, norvo specialist. E. 3th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massago given; advico in die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phono Home 10S-K. DR. ELIZABETH BROOKE, Chlro praotor, nerve specialist. The caueo or dlseaso located and removed;- advico In dietetics; baths that cure tho "incurable." Rooms, 247 So. Riverside. Phone Home S4-R. Hours 1 to 4. 25G Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer nnd Surveyor. Wator filings and irrigation work a spoclalty; sur voy, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting,- sewer design, concrete Vork, pump and canal systems. Rooms 13 Adkins bile, Medford, Oregon. Contractors and Builders. . J. II. DREW W L. HANDY DREW & HANDY. Contractors and Builders. Plans nnd Estlmaton Furnished. Home phono 1S2-L or 347-R. 271 ClilnesiO Medicines CHOW "YOUNG'S" Chlueso medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung Double, donfnoss, paralysis, prlvnto dlsousuti and all kinds ut chronic nnd norvuuB ailments. Stomach troublo. constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Soo mo at 241 S. Front st., Medford, Oro., to 4, C:30 to 7:30. Rosldouco phono Main 42, Dentists J. M. ICEENE, D. D. S.; A. J. HINI KEH, D. D. B. Dentists, 228 h Mnln. Phono Malu 3191, Home 124-IC. Pruglcss Healing. MY TOXlN-ELfMlNAT'lVE Troal- ment cures nil uric acid and toxic dlsuusus. Tuborculosis no excep tion. Immedinto relief. One day is nil 1 nsk to convince you. Como now for freo consultation. Dr- K. Brooko, D. O., 217 So. Rlvorsido. S4-R. 272 Furniture II. B. WILSON & CO. Doalors in now and second-hnud tiirnituro and hardwnro. Agents for Household Btovoa and ranges. 38 8. Fir St. Phono Main 31C1, Home 200-L. MISSIQ'N" FUtNiTURE WORKS Corner 8th nnd Holly sts., Medford. Mission tiirnituro mado to ordor. Cablnot work ot all kinds. A trial ordor solicited. tJnuilto Works MEDFORD BRI01C CO Geo. W. Prlddy, O. P. Naglo, Geo, T, O'Brlon Contractors and manu facturers of brick: doalors In piossod brlok nud Uuio. Offlco at tholr brick yard, West Jackson st. Phouo No. 3461. Onrlmge- MEDFOHU OAHBAO.E CO GAR 11ACIE IlAl'LKP Leave orders at 29 S. Hail lot t, or nhnuo Rodney Tuylor, PaJIlo 3133, Huuio 10-X. page nnvm By "Bud" Fisher I1USLVKS3 directory; Mctllcnl. RHEUMATISM CURB Call for Dltte Steel Liniment nt alt drug stores. Guaranteed to cure. Guaranteed pure. Guaranteed under pure food and drugs act. Prlco $2.00 a bot tle. Manufactured by Mr. Charted , Turner, IJIuo Steel Liniment lrc prictor and Inventor, Gen. Del. (Liniment factory 107 North Front St., Medford, Ore.) 208 Printcra nnd I'uWIsliorn lEDFORD PRINTINO CO. lias tho best equipped job offlco In southern Oregon; book binding, looso leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lie. Bring yonr work to mo at tho sign ot Tbo Mall Trlbuno. Jiurscrlcs QUAKER NURSERIES Our tree, aro budded, not grafted. Our stock is not Irrigated. Wo guarantee ercrythlng put out Wo aro not In tbo trust. II. B. Patterson. Office removed to offlco Hotel Nash, In side entrance next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grade nursery stock. Oftlco 104 S. Fir. Both phones. Pliiilclans and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY PhysU clans and surgeons, Taylor antf Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-311-212. Ottlce phone 501, resldcnco phone CI 2. Offlco hours, 9 a. nt. to 8 p. in. DR. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLO W Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nott-Corcy bldg. Phono Main G3C1. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentistl Office In RIalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered tor extraction o teeth. Telephone Main 681. Night phone 4432. DR. STEARNS Physician nnd sur geon, uiiico uarnett-coroy mug., rooms 211-212, phono 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdulo, phone 7171. Home phono, resldcnco 109. offlco 130. DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD PhyBlcJaa and Surgeon. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. Practico limited to diseases ot wom en. Offices over Hasklns drug store. Phones, Pacific 1001, Home 28. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Coroy bldg., sulto 310 Mod- toru, Oregon. Both Phonos. DR. J. J. EM MENS Physician and Surgoon. Practice limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Ecs scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Oftlco 210 E. Main St., over Mod ford Hardwaro company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. DBS. SAUNDERS & GREEN Prac tico limited to oyo, oar, noso nnd throat. Offlco, suto 318 Gnruott Coroy bldg. Both phones. E. B. FJCKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank. Office phono M. 432; Res. phono. M. 582. T I --l--.il I III I I .-I II I Mil 0 J IV SHEARER, M. D. Physlclau ami burgeon. uu-i.u uaruett Corey Bldg. Pno. phoue: Offlco, 731; residence, 4512. llama phouo. off loo IS, rosldouco 280-L. II - - i i -minp ' m -- - -y lip mi ) StenograplierH ELLA M. GUANYAWPatm block. Stouogrnphio work dona quickly and well. MISS L. J. HINGSTON Public Ston ogrnphor, Medford, Oro, Phonoss Offlco, Pacific G571; resldcnco, Pa cltio 5083. Room 218 Garnott Corey bldg. Trniusfer EADS BROS. Dray nnd Transfer. Offlco 1G South Fir, Phono Bell 3152; Home 350-K. Prices right. Sorvlco guarautood. MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY Parcels 10c, lBc, 25c; trunks 215a anywhere In tho city. Offlco Val ley 8econd Hand Store, 16 N. Fr st. Phones: Main 3072; Home 354t MessouKer sorvlce. Fred Crocker, Prop. 1 " ' ' " ' i ' i ' ' i Undertaker. JOHN A, PERL Undertaker and Erabaliner. Oftlco 28 South Burt lett St. Telephenes: Day, Roll 471: nl,h.t. roBldonco, WW 473, Home 179-L. Calls answered nigUt or day. Ambulance amice,