Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 16, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    IPAflE SIX
okdixawco no.
An ordinance declaring ths assessment
on Uio property benefited for Hie cost of
laying a 4-lnoli voter mnln on Plum
street rroin wovenm street to jjhkoi
nvtmiio, linn uirrviwK " iwuron'
OI1UT II nimciuuTit tiuuvoi in ma wnifi
inniii lien nocKctt.
Ti.n r!lv f MiMlfonl doth nnlaln ns
Hoctlon 1. -Whereof, tho City Conn-
oil Old heretofore, by resolution, declare
Mr Intention to lay n 4-lnrtt water ntalnl
on I'lum Rlrecl from Klevenlh street to,
DnKuta avenue, nnu to assess tne
cost ihoronf on th property front
ing. On sold portion Of sold street
In proportion to tho.fronlngo or said
property, ,nnl fix ft nine nd iliudo for
ncrivring pruienin against jiue injm
Raid water main mi sniu pari, ot
utruft nml the nimsiini'ht",()C thu
01 (
thereof on nroresniu
And vrhciiB. kbUI roRolullon atr rtulv
rtilillRhotl nna pontm ni icquircM ny
ronRldtfrinir tiny huoh prptoatR. Tmt no
RUOll protMjfl wens nt ld U !'
or rccOlvedby Uio connclT to the lavlnc
nf said wwter niftln or the amtesHment of
lite cOHt thereof an ufore-ald. and.aald
council bnvinir conaldereil the mott.-r
mid deeinlntr that said watar mnln yaa
nnd in of mnterlnl lenefll to aaid cltv. ,
and Hint nil property to lie naaeaaed
thereror would b bonefll.Ml thcn-bv loi
the extent of the probable nmnunt of h-
resijectlve aaaeaamcntH to iw . i"
npalnst sold property did wW
lUmjJi .be eftat nf aaM water
respective ftsseasmentH to Iw. lex led
mnln l.?a been and. hereto; Is delermlne,l
IO oe (lie nuiii fc ,-. ... ,
Now. tbererore. It Wliereby further de
tcrmlncd that the proportionate share of
tho cost of Inylnc aald water main of
1II1 L ,,..., . ......
SO IIIO Idlt "( . "V"'-i,:
RCOllon Jin 0' no ntmrier oi hi n. rouniy recorder recoms ni. jcb-hiiw( rv jK-.rv.-j '', ,f'"'-' V, ".1T...U,
Ami vlierJns, n meellnj- of tho coun- county. Omson. SO feet, rntu per foot. , unM lrthw of tmld ,i,eet I" to ajnonnt
ell wns liebtnt Hie time rtVut plC flSfeO M rvnia. atnount. ?., ! net nuiKialU the Uemrlptlon or each a i-
i.J ...T, .na.i..tinn fi.T- iij itiii,i.a nf u.-.n.... Vn ti T ctiill ..I nl ' e.-l of latitl hetow liu thai eAOn nleiv
portion of nald street Is the amount se ""' i7"- B '1'.. mte tier foo
?JJ.r.ia V ' lhil VZftel by Aiwwwunent No. S& KUiel S. Mooter.
I?r"'tnvini or -aid S5flcr main ! Lot 1. hlock 1. Ros lark addition. City
the laylnir. or mw , Y?'.cr ...?"!. , .,r Ml.irt nw. t.-.u.i... &a e.,i
.'.IUI1 ,,...1... ... ...'. ..-...-. -... -- . .h........ - - - - - ,.r .u........
BO Rel OppORllO me (leacripnon 01 ne " -V-, , -i ii iiVL, Vaa 'Ar ifc
nmc nml that the respective amount' , scrtlil In A pi 8S. jre 1, of tlw
.V 1 mHinnrllniuil benefits of County reconter'o . records of Jackaon
n.i u-nter main to said raspoctlvc lr-1
mim ..e inmi noil nlo tho uronortlonal
frontnpo thereof on sold Btreets. the
counclf doea horehy dcolarn each of the
parcels of property described bolow to
nsscssed ond each of tho same hereby la
nssosscl the amount set opnoslto eacn
depcrlbtlon for the cost of laylnR wild
-.vntcr mnln. Tho name arpenrlnj; noow
ccji dofcrlpllon belnir Hie name uf the
owner, or reputed owner, of oocli suon
Jot or parcel
MAIN ON 1'L.l'M STltnKT 1'llOM
AVUNUli , , .
Assessment Na 1. Iavlna Walters.
A tvurcd of land 69 CS feet in width lylnB
between block 1, C nnd D subdivision,
on Uio oast and I'lum street on the weal,
ns described in ol. 77. pKe C!9. of the
county recorder's records of Jaokson
county, Oregon. VronlnKo -ITS 91 feet
on the cast aide of Plum street. ITS 91
feet, rato pt-r foot, 44 Cents, amount.
,UB..un,Ant V. Mniirtiw, O Mnrmv
A tmrce'l of land" situated between block
1 C and 1 subdivision, on the north, ,
Union street on the east, uiock 5. u anu,
1 subdivision on the south, and I'lum I
atrcet on the west, as described In Vol
60. pace 11, county recorder's records ori
Jnekson county, OreBon. Frontage 184 7!
.L, .... , .L.t .t.i nf Plum street
iw? r..t: mto.oor foot. hi. cents: I
amount S1S5.1S. ' '
Assessment No. S.V J. Herbage., tne Meat siue of I'lum street, as u
Lol 1. bjoclc :, C and I subdl1sIon. scribeil In It. page SC. of the count
City of Medford. Oregon. Krontage 70.4! recorder's reeords of Jfson counyy.
feet on tho cast side of Plum street, as, Oregen: Vs ff,; rate per foot. SI cents;
described In Vol. 9. page IC7. ond Vol.) amount, J I2.W
:.- ta e ti..V,,niv rnr.liir'i Assessment Na 31. M. II. Itorton
rnAnr.t. nt Jarkon coiintv. u re iren: 70 42
feet; rato per foot. S4 conts; amount. ,
359 IB
Assossmont No. F. J. Iferbage
Iit 2. block S. C and D sulllvlslon.
City of Medford. Orttgon.' Frontage 60
feet on the cast side of Plum street, an
. I. . ... '., C.l nn.... Cif? M.l .,t
uemnuru 111 .. . . ?-"."
60. page . oi uio couuiy nunii-i n
records or Jackson county. Oregon; 50
feet; rato per"! foot, SI cents; -amount.!
LO. mice ,. or mo county recoruera t
jlAn I
8sessmcnt No C F. J. Herbage
Iot 3. block 3. C and D subdivision.
City or Medford, Oregon. Frontage 60
y..i .r.. ,i.. ... ri., ?.r m,,. .,r a
.i,.serllHl in Vol. 69. nace 6C7. and Vol
CO. tiaco 70. of tho county recorder's
records or Jacsson county, uregun; su
feet; rato per foot, 81 cents; amount.
343.00. ,
"-- - ...i . tr t i
Assessment o. d. r. j. nerouKu.
Lot 4. block 2. C and D subdivision.
City of Medford, Oregon. Frontage 50
feet on tho oast side of Plum street, as
.i.n.n.i ir. Vol Ki tlmvl. IK7 nml Vnl
60. page 7C. of' the county recordefa the west side of Plum street, an ue
recorda of Jackson county. Oregon. 50 . scribal In It, page 836. or the emmty
34 00 Oregon; w roet; rale per root. It cents
Assessment No. C F. J. Herbage "'nt. J4S 00 ,.
Lot 4. block 2, C nnd D subdivision. , Assessment No. 35 M. H. Hprton
;.i... ... uir..i r. Tisn,... tn Ut 8. Laurel Park addition. Cltv ol
ret: rato ner loot, si cvam: ajnuiuii, . .. -j, .- - --.......
feet on the east aide or I'lum street. o( mwuom. uregon. 'rrontage t.e reel oo
described in Vol. 59. page 687, and Vol. the side of Plimt street, as de
60. page 76, of the county recorder's i scribed In It. page 836, of the county
records of Jackaon county, Oregon, 6e , recorder s reoords of Jackson eounty,
feet: rato per foot, 81 cents; amount. Oregen: SO feet; rate per foot. 81 cents.
If 00 I amount, 143.00.
Assessment No. 7. D. J Stull et al I T AwMBwnt No- ' "-..J1- I'f'10";
Lot 1. block 8. Hose Itrk addition. City , It t . Laurj rarkaddltlon City of
I 11 ir ui iiiruiviu. ,v-,i.., .- .
of Jlearoru, uregon. j'-rontage ie( I
on Uio east side of Plum .street, as
described in Vol. . pane . of the I
county recorder's records of Jackson ,
county. Oregon. 58 feet: rnto per foot,
84 cents; amount, fi.7.
Assessment No. S. D. J. Stull et at
Lot 3, block 3. Hose Park addition. City
of Medford. Orotron. Fronlai;e CO feet
on the cast side of Plum street an de-
scribed in Vot . page , or the scrjueu in it. lw '. oi tne county
county recorder's records or Jackson ' recorder's records or Jsokapn county,
county. Oregen: 60 feet; rate per foot. . Oregon i: 0 feet: rate per foot, 81 cents.
"ASSSSmSl'SS,1- "i.J. mull et .iTTpV 4nd II : I. hereby ordere.1
of'MedW BrSSSf rongi'Td ?eel i nts.'nW. Vl'sU. ilroTttSrTn
n Tl. Toast side of Plinn street as dt the Hater main lien docket of said city
HcribeJ Ii Tvol oase - o the 'end that (hereupon notice lie glen to
m.,,ntv rwonr.r'H r'ftc.TrVlH of Jaakaon the owners or reputed otvnors or aald
n2tv oraeon- CO Sot- rata nor foot property, and that the same be enforce.1
hj orntt.- nrnmint fEO 40 ,, otillected in the msnner provided bv
SVeme!uNo: tt-V. J. Slull et al clioUtUop
T...f i iiinok a. itiour Park addition. Cltv i F asseasmentH ror tne improvement or
of Alodford. Ore no 11. Fruntuee 146.6 feel
" -..I , - -- T - - - -- " -
on the east side of I'lum street, as de
scribed In Vol. , lWge .of the
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon, 110.5 foet; rate per foot,
81 cents; amount, 3133.0C.
Assessment No. 11. I J. J. Stull et al
I Ait 33. block 3, Itpse I'oik additiun. City
of Medford, Oregon. Frontage 146.6 foet
un the east side of Plum street, as de
scribed In Vol. , page , of Hie
county recorders records of Jackson
county, Oregen: 146 6 feet; rule per foot,
84 conts. nmount, $123 06.
Assessment No 13 Thomas B. Mer
rill. Lot 14, bloek 1. Kose Park addition.
City of Medrord, Oregon. Frontage 60
fegt on tho west side or Plum street, as
described In Vol. 87, lage 70, or the
county recorder's locords or Jackson
county, Oregon; 60 feet, rate pr foot,
84 cents, amount, $42.00.
Assessment No 13. Thomas K Mer
rill. Lot 13. block 1, Hose 1'urk addition.
City of Medford, Oregon Frontage SO
feet on the west hWu of I'lum street, as
described In Vol, 87, page 70, of the
county recoi'dtr'H repords or Jackson
county, OrpKon; 60 feet; tate per foot,
hi cents: atnount, $43.00.
Assessment No. 14 K T. Merrill
Lot 12. block 1, Hose Park additiun.
City of Medford. Oregon. FronlUKe So
fei on tho wast aide of I'lum street.
us described In Vol 80. page C5'.i, of the!
county recyriiuin rvcoioi ui. uuhwii
county, Oiegon;' 60 fent; vqq per foot,
84 cents, amount, $41! 00.
Assessment No. 16. 1 V. Carver
Lot 11, block 1, Hose Park uddltlun.
City or Mearoj-d, Oregon. Frontage 60
fcot on tho west sldo Of Plum street, as
described In Vol 80, page 79, of the
county recorder's records or Jnekson
tniiiiity. OrogQij; 60 feut; rato pur foot,
84 cents: u mount. $42.00.
Assessment No 16. D. F. Cnner
Txt 10, block 1, Hose Park additiun,
Cty of Medford, Oregon. Fionlsi) 60
frtel oiv tho west sldo of I'lum stteet, as
described In Vol 87. page 370. of the
county teordor's rucords of Jucltfcon
county, Oregon; 60 fuel; rato per foot,
81 cents, uiuounl, $42 00.
Assessment ffo. IT. p. J, fjtull t nl,
Lot 9, bloek 1, Hose Puik additiun.
t'lty of Medford, Oregon. Frontage 50
feel on the west side of Plum street,
US described III Vol . page , of
tho county recorder's lecords of Jackson
county, Oregon, 60 feet; rnto per fool.
84 cents; amount, $43.00
Ass'iMsmnnt No. 18. Jnekson County
Itulldlng & Loan Association. Lot 8,
block I. Hose Patk addition. City of
Mudfrrd. Oiiyson Frontage 60 foet on
tho west Slue of Plum stroet, us de
pctlbed lu Vol. 87, pafO 230, of the
. county recorder's records of Jnekson
eounty, Ornt. M ftrt: rate per foot,
84 cents: amount, $42.00
Assessment No. 19 Jackson County
ltulldlng A Loon Assoomtlan. Lot 7
mock I, KOMt iTtrK,, niv nf
4..IV ,,
'onl. Oregon KrtintK 10 fret
west side uf I'lum street, as de-
ed In Vnl. ST. page M0. of the
i Meoiom
acribed In "I. ST. PBIte
I county reconler's reconls of Jnekson
U;V .mom i J io """ ,w lvm'
cents, amounl, $4J 00
Assessment No. SO any btiiljL Iot
S, block 1, How llirk nddlttou. City of
Mrdfnrtl, b
iKon. Profllnso fi fwi onlJ M", unrwro r oin m "iy"j"
Ulr of llun ltt. ns. do. UiWfby to tho extent of UnprlMlili
rorr-a TiJSN of' jncltim! ! 'W nmlnM .tl roHrty. ilW ortlfr
the woat
BnrllHHl In
tniniilA- rrpWJor'
county, t)rgTh; SO f.t, rut a pur foot,
M eiitn. nmrntnt, llt.ftO.
AMjuaiiifiil X'n 9 J) .T Aloll ..I al
j l.l 5. block It ItiMHt Park Mdilltlnn, City
I ..a l.lf..-.l A-wawtH 1fM.hkftat.l lA fanl
, on the eut kWc of Dnni flrwit. n de-
ill .iiiiikimi. vi L'si-irii. - initaan ! hi
i hrriiicd m vol. s pngw - - or tn
i,t 4. block t, Itoaa ltrk addltlcni. tlty or parcel t land In Nwfited by the
of MedfnrJ, Orer-t, Kronta. $0 feotllaln of aaJd water main ti tbV nill
Ul X,J .(,,, or iMtn atraot, s de- evtenT to be nm.xint wt pplte
crllcd In Vol. .... , imar - of the the deacrlpltow of the aanie. ami tni
o,in(v recorder's recorrt of Jakan the reapeett nmoiinl" r.reaent Hie
rountv, Orejton. at) feet; rato par foot. 1 proportional benenta of "Bid wnt, r main
s, wntil Amouiit. J4SW. mM nawilve jmrcela of land, and
.Hneiament No. St. U. U Crowley, aljhi the proportional mmti.ite I hereof
Iot 3 bock , llo-, 1Mrk n,untln. Clt on -vaitl al reel. I he council doea hcrbr
of jnP,jforl. tlrron. Frtintjr 18 foet declare each of the parcela or property
1K Wnat ,.. r 1 !..., mtrmt a .i. rhacrlbml 1mIow to tie aaenaed and each
1 rMrllie,l lu Vol. SS. laure 14. of the
county recorder- l-iwords of Jaekaon
Wty, OrBfOH. M feet, rata ler foot.
f!mHiZ St -k A. Holme.
Lot S, blvck 1. Roaa lark addition. Clt
of Med ford, tircKoti. Kronta
a so rt
I8t, as de.
on tb weet alda nf I'lum t
critHKl In Vol. S7. liKe 4T,
, ,.. .IH., r,r TOum ulr.1 u .!.
county, Orecon. M feet : rate Jer foot,
St cents, amount. 343 00.
Assessment No, 56 M. II. llorton.
Iit 3, Laurel Park addition. City or
Medford. Oregon. Krontngo 4S fet on
the west side of Plum street as de
scribed In It. page Sffi, of the county
recorder's records of Jackson county.
Oregen: 4S feet; rato per foot. SI cents,
nmount. $10.33.
Assessment No 27. J. AV. Diamond
Lot 24. laurel I'ark addition. Ctty of
,Meirorii. uregon. truntage w nsst im
tne west side or i'lum street, as ii
scribed In It. twge S30. of the county
recorders reoorus or JacKson county
Oregon; SO feet, rate per foot, St cents
amount. 313.00.
Assessment No. 28. M. II. Itorton.
Lot 31, Laurel Park addition, City of
Medford. Oregon. Frontage 10 feet on
the west side of Plum street, as de
scribed in J... iwge S3S. or the count)
recorder's reconls of Jackaon rniinly.
uregen: ao reel; rato jier root, si cents:
amount, u.un.
Assessment No. Sff M It Olover
Jait 30. laurel Iatk addltkMi. City of
Med ford. Orenon. rontaire to feet m
oe i i oi i-nuii i.
scrllied In It. paRe s. of the county
recorders records ot jHCfuwn county.
Orepon; "feet; rate per foot. SI cents;
amount. 4S-?0.
Assessment No. 30. M. II. 1 lor toil
tt 17. Laurel Park addition. City of
Medford. Oregon. Krontuge SB feet on
tot 16. Laurel Park addition. City of
Medronl. Oregon. I-rontnge 50 feet on
lhe west aide of I'lum street. a di
scrllieil in It. Jge 836. of the oountj.
recorder s ivcorils or JacKson county.
amount, $11.00.
assessment .No. 33.- ,M. 11. iiorton.
r-. i i ...i 11..1, ..l.iiii... rn?.. A
"".. "" "i v""'""i -: "
- ,-"'. ,V VJ.
Medford. Oregon. Frontage 50
the west side of Plum street.
feet on
as tie-
scnoeu in it-, page jt. or tne county
recortters records or jrcksou county,
Oregon; 60 feet; rate per foot. SI cents:
amount 142.00.
Assessment No. 33. M. 1L Itorton.
Jt IS. laurel Iark addition. City of
Medford. Oregon, rrontage 50 feet on
ma n-aiar nina rt.
the west side of Plum street, an de
scribed in It. page 836. nf the county
recorder's records of Jackson county.
Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot SI cents;
amount, 312.00.
Assessment No. 31. M. II. I lor Ion.
Lot 9. Laurel Park addition. City of
-" ,' ,J-"ureI "" u.u," Vly.
iiuru, urvMun. rninmra o iwi
r." "', l'i5""", in.72L2.T. .
tin west side or I'lum street.
scribed In It. page 83G. of the
Ifcord'" records or Jackaon
9H, .,-
Oregen: 50 feet; rate per foot, SI cents.
amount. 342.00.
Assessment No. 37. M. II. llorton
Lot 4. Laurel Park addition. City or
Mislford. Oregon. Frontage 60 feet un
tne west sine or num street, as de
the west side of I'lum street, as de-
streets therein.
. Hection 3. It Is further ordereil that
the notice above provided lie published
three times In the Dully Mall Tribune,
i a new simper published and or general
circulation in said city, in the manner
provided by ordinance No, 3(0 of wild
The foregoing ordinate was passed
by the city oounqll of the City of Med
ford. Oregon, on the 19th day of De
cember. 1911, by the following vete:
Merriek. aye; Watt, aye: "H'ortHSim.
aye; limerick, aye; Klfert, aye, uud Mil
lar, absent.
Approved December 20, 1911.
v if (unw
City Heoorder
To the owner, or reputed owner, of
each parcel of' property described in the
foregoing ordinance, no uumeil therein
and In the Hen declared by said ordi
nance, as recorded In the docket of city
You are hereby notified that the as
sessment declared by the foregoing ordl
mince bus been mude and the lien there
for (uiteied In the city lien docket, and
that the same Is due and you are hereby
required to pay the same to the city re
corder within tyn days from the service
of this notice, which service Is made by
publication of the foregoing ordlnanco
and this no Hue three times in the Med
Con I Mail Tribune, pursuant to an order
of tho ally council of said aity
Oily Recorder.
An ordinance declaring the assessment
on the property benefited for the cost
of laying a four-Inch water main on
Minnesota uvenui from Oonevs avenue
to lloosoyell avenue, nnd directing tho
recorder to enter a statement thereor in
the water main lien docket.
The City of Mcdfoid (lulli orduln US
Seel Ion 1, "WliiTean, the oily oounoll
did heretofore by leaoluUpn declare Its
Intention to lay a four-Inch 'water mnln
on Minnesota venue from aneva uve
uue to toaivclt avenue, nnd to assess
tlw cost thereof on the properly fronting
on said portion of said street in propor
tion to the fro n luge of said pruerty,
ujid fix a time and place for hearing
protests against Un luring of aald water
mulli on said part of said street and the
nsHesineut of the cost, thereor us afore-
And, whereas, paid resolution was duly
, -..himi in v.i. sa. luim. ii. of tiwiiif the .-tame herebv I aeied the
01 ,ll"
MEDFOTO matt- trtrttne,
publisher! and posted required b)
ikk-Hon 1 16 of the charier of said ellv
Ami. whereas, n meeting f the council
was held at the time and place Ilxed by
I. I t-nooliitlnn. fur Ihe mintose of con
.-".'. -.---- , - -."...
airterlns nv such protest, mu no pw
! ver? at said tlmr. or tt any id her
tint, made to or trwUwl b) lh w ivyd
to th ssld Uylng of ssld water iiMln
or n niwnmn oi m' i-.., .u..... ,
frrimlil. ml lil eounoll lmvln wui
utitoivtl the mutter mt ilmnliiK tlmt til
vat mnln wa nml In of material lMno-
Ht to mI1 olty. nml thnl nil tr-iprty tn
mM muaIi. Ilil
And. where, the cost of fluid enter
main Hm own ami nereuy in iwiwraumi
to be thy MM of $! 8
NOW tnererore. It m nerenj- mrinvr
illM-mlwl lht two rowirtlint
-!- ..-..-.-., - . . -
or ir. ti is "" "":',"","
anwiunt art nnncstte each description for
trw cost f laving said water main. Tlnsl
name appearing nb,ie each ileeeriptinn
being the name of Hie ovui'er. or reputed
owner, of each such lot or letrrcl.
Assessment No t W H. Humphrey.
Lot 3. block I. Huinphrev-Andrews' ad
ditiun. Cltv of Medford. Oreawn ' Frunt
ae 1 feet on the north side of Minne
sota Avenue, as ileeerlbed In Vol ,
pam , of the count) recorder's ree
ords of Jnckacn county. Oregon 35 feet,
rate per font. Jl amounl. JT 09
Aaaeasment No 3. W. 11 llumphrev.
Ll 4, block I, ltumilirv-v-AnirWa' ad
dlllou. Cltr or Medford. Oryon l-'nint-age
So feet on the north, side or Mlnne
mitB avenue, as described In Vol .
pas 4 of the countv recorders records
or Jackson count). Oregon; 50 feet; rate
cr foot. $1.08. amounl JSi.OS
Assessment No 3 AV II. Humphrey
!.t S. block I. Uumphrev-AMdrewa uil-
illtlon. City or Meiirow. iireunn i-ront-uce
50 feel on the north side of Minne
sota avenue, as iHwertoed in ni .
imsv . of the dmnty recnnler's rec
nrila of Jackaon county, Oregon, to reel,
rate iter root. Jl SS: nitMHtnt $51 04.
Assessnient No. 4 V. II. llumphrev
Lot 6, block 1. Humphrey-Andrews' ad
dition, t'lty or Medford. Orcewi. Front
age SO feet on the north able or Minne
sota avenue, as described In Vol. .
page . of the county reconhTs rec
ords of Jackaon oounty, On-gua. is feel,
rate per foot. II 0s amount. $11 SO
Assessment No 6 -y H Humihi
Lot 7. block I. Itii!nphrc)-Amlrvw ad
dition. Cltv of Medford. Oregon Front
ne SO feel on the north side nf Minn
Hda avenue, us dearlbe, in Vol. .
page , of the county recorder's r. c
nrda of Jackson county. Oregon So ret.
rale per foot, $1.08. amount. $l OS.
Assessment No. 6 W. H. llumphrev.
Ijt S, block 1. Humphrev-Andrewa' ad
dlllon. City of MedfortL Oregon Front
age 50 feet on the north able of Minne
sota avenue, as described In Vol .
pair , of the eounty recorder's ro
oeds of Jackson county, Oregon. 60 feet
rale ier foot, it SS. amount. $64 09
Assessment No T W II Humphrey.
Lot I, block I, Humphrey-Andrews ad
dition. City of Medford. Oregon. Front
age 50 feet on the north side of Minne
sota avenue, as descrllMrd In Vol ,
wge . of the county recorder's ree
ords of Juukson county,' Oregen: 60 feet:
rate p-r foot. St. OS. amounl. $61.00
Assessment No 8 V II Humphrey
l.o4 IS, block I. Humphrey-Andrewa' ad
dlUon. Ctty of Medfori). Uregon Front
age 60 feet on the north aide of Minne
sota avenue, hn described in A"d .
page . of the county recorder' rec
ord of Juckson county, Oregen: SB feet,
rale )M.-r foot. $!.; amount Jl.i.
Assasjuneat No, 9.-W. II. Ilumiihrey.
Lot II. block 1. lliimphrei -Andrews' ad
dition. City or Medford. Oregon. Front
age JO feet on the north side of Minne
sota avenue, as inscribed in Vol .
page , or Hie county recorder's rec
ords or Jnekson county. Oregon, 5u fwt,
rate iter foot. $ ag: amount. $64 00
Asaeaamint No lu Henry Humphrey.
Lot 3, block 1. Huniphrey-Knighl addi
tion. City of Mvtlfonl. Oregon Frontage
30 fdet on the north side of Minnesota
avenue, as ileacrlued In Vol tit. page ,
oi iii lounij rwurarra recorm u JtiCK-
son Bounty. Oregon. 39 feci, rate tier
foot. Jim. amount. $31. M
Assessment No 11 Henry Humphrey
Lot 6, bloek 1. Humphrey-Knight addi
tion. Ctly of Mcdrord, Oregon Frontage
30 feet on the South side nf Minnesota
avenue, a described In Vol . pact SIC.
of the county recorder record of Jaak
aon eounty, Oregon, 30 fe-t, rate twr
foot $1.08; amount, $31.69.
Asseaauient No. 12. William P.
Mealey. Lot 10, block 2, Humphrey
Andrews addition. City of Medford, Ore
gon. Frontaga 59 feet on the south side
of Minnesota avenue, nit duacrlbed In
Vol. 91. ge SIS. or the county record
er n records of Jackson county, Oregon;
0 feet; rate per foot, $l.0t; amount.
$61 00.
Aement Tio. is Ml II lam P
Mealey. Iit 9, bloek 3. Humphrey-Andrews
addition. City or Medford, Ore Ore
eon: frontage 50 feet on the south side
of Minnesota avenue, us described In
ot. 91, tut itv 619 of the comity rAprd
er"a records of Jackson countv, Orfon.
60 feet, rate per foot $lo. umount.
Assessment No. II. William P
Henley i,ot S, bloek 3, Humphrey-Andrews
addition. City of Medford. Ore-K'JH-t""
0 feet on the south side
or Mlnneaola avenue, as described In
ol. 91. age 618 of Hie county record
er a records or Jackson county, Oreuou;
jo reel, rule kt foot, $1.08; amount,
Assessment No. IS. William V, y L,,t T, block J. lluinphrey-An-drews
uddllloiL City of Medford. Ore
gon frontage (0 feet on the south side
' MinnesuU avenue, as deaorlbeil In
o4 m, Ktge SIS, of tlu county record
er s records ot Jackwou coiinly, Ore Ore
eon: SO reet: rute jier foot, $1.08.
amount $64.00.
Assessment No. 16 Wll Until P.
Mealey. Lot 6. block 3, Humphrey-Andrews
addition City of Medford, Ore
Kon; frontage 69 feet on the south side
.Minnesota, HVcuue. us described in
Aol. l, taige 610, of the county record
ers record of Jaokson county, Oregon;
60 let; rate per foot. 1108. amount,
AaseMsment Ki 11 u'liiiu,,, t
VMearey. Lot 6, bloek 2. Ilumjliry-Au-liews
additiou. City of MedforilOi,-
boii; iioiiikhm km teci on in souin side
of Mlliuesutu avenue, um i..,utII..i i
Vol. 91. isjge 6 1 9-of the county record
eiJs reourds or JMkson county, Ouegori;
fi f,.i ft lu ,u e, .... , ,1, ............
irinn ,v i" ", n, hihouiii,
Arsessmmit No 18 William P
Meitluy. Loi I, block 3, Humphrey-Andrew
iiililiilon. City of Medford, Oie-
Kuii: iruniugo oo reel on me south ld
Mo ley. Lot 3. bfouk 2. .Ilmiiiiiiriv-Aii
drew addition. City of Medfoiri, Oio
gon: frouluge iO feet on the south side
or Minnesota, avenue, us Oescilhuil In
Vol. 01, pug S10 or tho county rconril
er"s reooiVls of Jaokson county, Oreifou;
5. ft: rule pir foot, $1 08; amount,
$nl 00.
Arsinsiiient No. 20. AVIIIIani P
Meuii-y. Lot I, block 2. IIiiiiinhley-Aii-drew
addition. City of Sledfurd. Ore-
"i"l.i'"",''" ee on tne souin Mine
.' . MI'"esota avenue, gs destn-lbed In
lol, 91, pugii r. 1 if uf iliu eouiily recoid
vrn records of .laokou enmity, Oregon;
rJ ;... " " i' r ""'I, i; mnomii,
f 27,01
Hiillon 2, And It is harebv nrdorul
nnd ordulntsl that the seveinl assess
ments uud Hie liens theieor lie mitereil
in the water main lieu doelmt nf sulij
oily, and thst therm-noil mitloe be given
io tne owner or reputeii ownei'S or sum
Pi'iinetly, ami Unit the same he niifinced
nnd collected In the maimer provided by
the charter of Ihu city for the collection
of assessment for tho improvement of
streets (hurcln
Heolloii . It is further ordered that
His nollce abovn piovliled be pilbllHlieil
threu limes In the Dally Mall Tribune, a
noivspupi-r publltilnU uud of t'cncrul clr-
or .MinniKoia avenue, as described In
Vol. 91, page 619 or the county record
er's records of Jacksou oounty, Oregen:
$.;!'1' '"" '' fwt. fl.OS, nujiiuiit.
AsauHsinsnt No. ' 19 Wllllum i
mwdfoito, omwoy. tuksday, .i vnfaky ig, mi2.
CUlnttoli tn mtld cltv lu tin lilrttiner pin
vldt'd by ordliinncc No R0 of mild city.
The foreKOhlii onli mince wim invnned
bv the city council of the City or Mad
fniil. Oieuon, on tl' l'lt day of l)e.
ceniber, IP11, .by llo followlnis VOto
Merrick, eyas Vatt, e ortmin, yi:
Kinertck. nve! ate. 11ml Mlllur.
oppmvwi urtcenioir mm, km 1,
.Attcat: .Mayor.
City UooonlM
To Ibe owner, or r-put"il owner, nf
eacn purcai or nroperu uwainiKni in 111a
fore-folnit orilltMiiici' ah nainmt theivln.
nnd In the Itan ibvlnre.1 by until orilln
ance. reotirdwl In the dookat of oily
Vol 1 are barauv
iv null fled IhsLlho ixh-
nt b the fikr'i!WnK or
en iniide nnd ths lien
In the city Hen tlHOket,
faenament declar,!
dlnance Imm Ihhmi imole and tile lieu
Llherefor entarad I
nml ItlHl tun Milne is one ami ymi Hie
hereby ritulril to iw the mi tit the
ettj rccorflor irtthm ten dy friun the
aorvioa or v& iniiitv, wiuon wrice
made by iJibTrualioit of tho for-HpilnK
ordinance And tliln notice three time, tn
the .Medford Mall TtHoine. purmmut lu
an order of the cltv -.uncll nf ald city
City Moourdel.
An iirdlnsiieo necinrtng III
ntviit on the Imiurlt U-neflbsl
for Hie
.cost of IM'Ing h 4-In. b water nvain on
Ashland aVenga from Kast Main street
to Wt lmvtUb siivei ami uiis'cting
lli.t rveordoc lo tuiler i Statement there
of lu On. water insln Hen docksl.
The City of M,diid doth ordain as
Section I. AVhensis the oily eoiintilt
did heretofare b nlutlott debre Its
Intention to lay a l-'ih water main on
A-hlttnd avenue rrom 1-Jast -Main street
to Kasi Kleveulh nlf, t ami to asses
the ihwI thereof on the property, frnnt
Ing on aald portion of said street In
prolMirtlou lo the fronisse of mild prop
erty, anil fix a time .uul nlnce fof hear
ing protei( agalosi Die laying of -ild
water main on said pari of sold street
and the assessment f th cost thereof
as At foresaid.
Ami, whereus, said reaolullon nhs
duly imbllshed and isdeil as required
'by section UC of the ebarler of swhl
And. whereas, a mnilnc nf the coun
ell was held at Hie llltle and ptsce
riel by said resoluiion, ror the pur
pose uf cnusldcrtiia sny such irotesls,
hut no protest re nl said time, ol at
any other time made lo or reowlvcd by
the council lo the shuI la) lug of said
water main or llie ursesament of tne
coat thereof a aforvsalil. and aald coun
cil hadng considered the matter and
(hs'iniug mat nam wui. r inain was nnu
is or material benefit to said oily, and
that all properly to be assessed there
for would be licnflted thereby to the
extent of the probable amount of the
.rcsprrtlre ussciuuneBt lo be I, vied
against mid proper! dbl order said
loam laid.
And. whereaa. the io"! f aald Hattr
malii has beeti and hrr. I Is determlneil
to be the SUln of 115.; .3
Now therefor,-. I. i her, by further
letermlned that the ii'U"rtloiiitte shar
of Hie cost or hi) IB K.nd wuler main
tif each parcel of prop' rk rronllng on
said portion or said Is Hie amount
set opposite the d. script Ion of each (Mr
c I or land lielow. and that tsich piece
or narcvl of land Is t by the
laying of said water main to the full
extent mo tne amount so set opposite
the description of the n-iine. and Hint
the respective amount represent the
prnportiotml Iwneflts of said water
main to said reMpeclive parcels or laml.
and also the proportional frontage
thereof on sjtbt street the council ihies
hereby d. dare ei!i uf the puree I of
property drsurlhed belon to lie isx-ssed
ft nil each of the uni- li. rby Is ..-.seius-d
the Miiioitut et opposite I'Hch lUecripllun
for the cost of laying said waur main
The nam-appi-arliig aboti. imoh descrip
tion being the num uf Hie owner, or i
pul.-l owiht, uf vurli such lot or ptirvel.
AaseMineul Nil I W. M. Ilolinws.
Lot I. block 1. Klfb Hill aildtttotr. nty
of Medford. Orevea. I'tonlaae 139 teat
Ion the east slUi of AsbloiMl avenue,
u- crimsi in oi - , tKy . oi tne coun
ty nsrorder'M reeerits of Jackson count,
Oregon; 30 f-i-li rale Iter foot, $133.
.amount. $26 I.
Aaaessniewt Xu. 3. It. A Mathews.
.The mc 111 half of lot . block I, Nab
lllll addition. City of Medford. Orenon
FrtHltBKe 60 f-et on lite eaat able of Ash-
iiiml avenue, as ilescrliMsl in Vol. si, p,ig
!3, or the coast y recorder's recoroh of
Jaokson oounty, Oregon 60 reef, luie
IfC fool, $133. smouui,
Assessment No. 3. Fanner ami
I'ruilgro rs Haajk.. The south half of
lot 19. block I. Xob Hill aiblitlou. (1I
of Mislfor.l. lirrgon. I'ronlage So f. .-t
on the (ual side of Aahlun.l u(enu, , as
descrlls-d In Vol 96. page 311 of Ihe
bounty retorder a records or Jacks.o
county, Oreson. 60 reel; riti p r roo(.
$1 J2. aiiiount. CiS.99.
Assessment No 4 T P. Kuhbr Lot
I. block 2, Neb lllll addition. City of
Medford. OrcKoB. rrofitage 97 IS f.-cl im
ihe east Hide of Ashland avenue, as de
scribed In Vol II, page 81. of the county
p-cordnr's recorils uf Jacksou oounly.
Oregon; 97.19 feet; rat per root, $1 32.
amount $128 35
. AsseiHMiiuil No. 6. A. W Cluik 1-I
L ldook 4. Medford Heights uddlllon.
City or Medford. Orecon. Frontage So
feet on the east side or Ashland avenue,
a described In Vol. T. ige 3S3, of the
county recorder reourds of Jnekson
rounty. Oregon; 50 fest, rate tjer foot.
ii,,i hihvdiii, v.ue
ASSeasni. lit No I
V-C II Hen It and J
11. m It li u,t
HelKhl addition
a. nnw. i, jie.,ivr,l
Ctly of Slealford. Oie-
t.l.u.1, I .1...,...
gon. Fronlaae 5U feet on ihe east side
,if Aashland neniM, as described In
Vol s iwgi , of the county rsroril
it's reeords of .luukwm county. Oregon,
60 fi-ut; rule p. r foot, $133, amount,
$86 00.
Assessment No. 7. C. II Hcotl nnd J
G Hinllh. lad 9. block I. Medronl
llelKhls uilililion. CJty of Medford. Or. -gon,
Frqntuge ",0 foet on the eust side
or AMilund avenue, as (lesirlbed In Vol
. me . of Um ooilnly recorder' ri c
vrds of Juik'ion lOttsfy, Oregon, 60 feet,
rale per foot, $123; amount. $8os
Asaewsmini No. 8. C. II. Soott and J
G Smith. Lot 4, block I. Jledfi.rd
Height addition. Oily ot Medford, Ore
gon. Frontus.- GO feet on the east able
pf Ahlsnd ui,niw. as described tp Vol
, page , or t)H oounty recorder'
reoordtT of Juckson count, OreKon; 60
feet; rnte per fiit, $1.81; amount $6C.uu
Assoasment Ko. 9, O, II Heott and J.
O. Hdilltli Lot .(, bloek 4, Medford
Heights addiilon. Oily of Medford, Oie
gml. (fiontuKe it) feet on th esst side
Of Astllstid u'.ernii', as ileNrrllisd In Vol
, psge , of lie oounly recordi r's
.recotds of .lioksori oounty, Oregen: 60
fel, rule per fool, $1.32; amount, $0(1 on
Assessment Nu III. V. II Meott and .1
Helghl addition, City of Medfoid, Ore
i u -a. iti i-i i ii ii
gon. I'loutUKe r,0 fsst Oil Hix oast side
or Ashland utenue, as doscrlbed in Vol
, page , of tlio oounly r order's
records of .liuksojl Oi'llut), On sou. 6u
feel; iul p. r fool, $1.22; umoiint, 1 Oil 00
ASSI'Mlle, No. 11, C II Hiotl uud J
ii. Hmlth I,t 7, bloek I, Muirord
Heights addition. City t Medfoid Or, -sou.
Fninlutfe ',o fent on Iliu cusl side
or Ashland a-mite, us dcscilbed In Vol
iwge - , or the oounty recorib-i's
nt'ords of J.ieMon county, Oregen: no
fiul; rate pi i foot, $1.32. amount. $60 oo
Assessment 1 J.C. II. Heoll and ,1
O Hmlth 1...1 i. block I. Medronl
ItelKhts sildlHiin. City of Medford, Ore
gun. Frniilitui, -,o fvit on the esst side
or Ashland utinup, as described In Vol
, iwg . of tiui 'county reeoriler's
re wild of Juiknou 0(uuy. Otcic'ir, 50
feut: rutp per toot, 81.33, nmpiint, $60.i)li
Assessment No 1,1. O. II taiutt and .1
0 Smltli Ijt y, bloek 4, Mod ford
(lelghl addiilon City uf Medfoid oie
gon. Fionluui Ml feel on the .tiist side
of Ashland moim., a desuillail In Vol
, mg --, oi tile couuly ii collier's
ruoords of .hiei- ion oounly, Oregen: f,n
feet, rnlu wi root, II 32: iniiount, $i:a.0U
Assessment ). C Ii Hcotl ami J
O. Mmllli Lot 10, bloek 4, Medfoid
Jlelghls Slldlllon. City of Medfoid, On-
gon. rroniUKH r,n rul on imi eust siijv
of Ashland uuniiii, ug described In Vol!
, iiage , or tlie county recorder's
records of .link ion ogilllty, Oregen: 60
reet; rate per foot, $L3Z; amount. i;e oo
Assessment No. If, C. il tlcott
.1 (1. kbit th. I.,, i
IL block I
iieigpiH auuiiion, (Jl
tn or Mi.i
nieiiioiii. ure
'son. Froulnge r,(j fit on I lie east slilo
iiv in iiiiiiiui ii, i ii n"
Of Ashland annua, ns described lu Vol.
, page . of tho OOHIlly recorder
neorilH of .IuiI.hoii wmnly. Oiegon no
feel, lute bur (wi, f 1.32, UI'lQuut, VU 00,
AssesMliiKiit No III (' II SV.ilt nml
J. O. Hmltlu Lot li, block 4. Medford
, Height uddlllon. City of .Medtonl, Wie-
hoii I'l-oniHge v iei on tne mst sum
of Ashhiud ninue, lis diiscillii'd III Vol,
, page --, of the count) ueniiter'a
lot'iiriia uf Jscksou count). Oieguu, HO
rseti rote per fi't. l .i, uiuounl. JiO 3u,
Assessment No. I, C II Mcott nml
J, il, hmitli. I.ul 1.1, block I, Medloiil
IIHtflit uddltlon. City or Mcdrord, Oie
gon. Fioultiue HI 4 rel on Ihn east
slue of Ashland iiwnuc. ns describeil in
Vol , liase -, uf the vuuhly rvcoider'N
records of jHckson county. Oregon, HI "ift
fuel, into pel' tout. II it, niuouuf, ISH HU
. Asssssmenl No. Is, C, II, Hcotl and
J 41. rnnllli Lot Ii, block I ..Madron)
HelKbls Hildlltun, Clly ol ftlmlfiilil, Ore
gon Vrontage M) rel on Hie east side
of Asblnud nXebile, US descilbed III Vol.
--, iagi' , or the county lecnrdei's
leCtmlN of .iHcksou couuly, Oivgiui, 50
fVl. rate er rwil, $) ii aiuouutt $9 no.
Assessment No. in --(' II Kent I uiut
IJ. O .smith I. fit fa, block I. Medfoid
wieiKht ammioii. i:n-or ,ieiir.ud, un
on, Fnmliigv 30 feet on the east side
Of Aahlnud aNenui. as Uencrlbed In ol
s lage --. uf tho county reeoidn's
rorords or Jsrksun imouiIv. Oreuon. 60
feet, rate mt Dml, II, .13, nmouiil. SS uil,
Aswessmeut No. 20 O N Rubbius. A
triangular wre of land coniprlsin hs
noun till reel or PlitCK. IK. lliiM-llnl
addition, Willi u rioulaae ot i.i I r,s-l
P tne .SIS! sine or Ahliliimi lleuue. AS
(H'SerllMMl lu Vol - . istge -, of Hie coun
ty ns-uruei reconi ot jucksou countv.
Itlivgou. 61 3 reel, rale per root, $1 33;
nmount, $76 60
. AajMwuuent No. 21. It II. Tun. A
parcel of laud comiuislng the south too
feet of block, fi. UniHiiisl addiilon, CIU
ot Medfonl. Oregon. Intite ISO feci
on tho east aide of Ashland avenue, He
desirlbed In Vol 83, age 1)39, or the
countv record i'm nsjonls of Jackson
county. Orvgon, ou r-et, iui ir fuot,
$1 33. amounr. $132 00
AKsenament Nu. 14 -II. II Tofl. A
Putuei of latnl rojnirlslng the ninth SO
T.t or block It, Imperial addition, fit)
of Medronl. Oregon Fnuilngn St reel
on I lie east side of Ashland atuuv. as
llrscrlbnl In Vol 2. pose 4)14. of Hie
county reeorUer'a recoids of Jacttson
county. Oregon. 0 fcot, rate ir fmit.
fl 33; amount. $fl(.U0
Aaaensniant Nu 11. it. 11. Tuft. A
Xiroel or land iiiiii'tlslnr a SU-fool strip
it a point as reel souiti of
t mnllli line ur 'Ciillt nlieal. Mlaiulliitf
from the east line of A'thland avenue to
the east line r Imperlnl addition, with
n frontnge of 50 feel on the east side or
iWikltiil axeiiue. a described lu Vol !$,
Jiage l.2, of Hi (Siiuity reeoriler's rec
ord ot .IsekstHi county. On gon. 60 feel,
ml.- er foot. $1 33. amounl, A uf)
Aswsincllt No Si -F K ami ,1 C,
May, A unreel of laud In bloek 17. Im
IKrinl aiblttlop. Clly of Medfonl. Ore
gon, oomprtHlng ihe third 50-foot strtii
south or Tenth street, having a front
age of 80 feel on the east Bids or Ash
land avenue, an descrllie.1 in Vol, , page
of the couuly recorder repords or
Jackjaoti county. Oregen: 60 feet; rate
per foot. $133. amount, $68.00
Assessment No 26 J, A and Jessie
).rdurf A panel of land comprising
in rourin u ruot strip in block I,, im
JHTlal addition, beginning at a plni IM
et south or the aouth Hue of Tenth
sin-el, with a fnmtage of 60 feel on tin
eiifit aid., of Ashland a valine. a ,h
acrlhtsl In Vol --, Hge , of the countv
r collier's records or Jackaon count),
Oregon; SO reel, rale per foot. $l.lf.
amount. $18 V0
Aaseasntenl No. St II tritydsltiee A
parcel uf land In bbn-k IT. IhiMrUI ad-
dl l Ion. otHnprlslna Hie second 58-fool
etrin north of a point uiinoeJle the i
line of Kast Eleventh street and extend
Inr from Ashland avenui1
lo Ibe east
line of Imperial a.Ulltlnn. Iinvl a front
age or SO feet on Hie east side of Ash
land avenue, as ilencrlheil In Vol Si.
page 89 of the county t reorder' a rwords
or Jackson eounty, Oregon. 69 foot, rate
j r fool. $1 3l, amount. $68.00
AsaeMament No, 31 - C. Y. peart A
J si red f laud in block IT. Imtieilul ad
lltlon. Clly or .Medronl. Oregon, atim
prislng the first 60-fmit atrip mo Hi ur
a point HH)lie il. north line "or F.lev
loilli alrvel and eXIendliia from Ashlund
aenue to His east line of Imerl4l aibli
tlou, having H flonlnge of 60 feet on the
l side or Ashlmvd avenue, n dencrllwd
ill S'ol, , page - . of Ihe county re
corder' recont of Jnekson l',nmt. Ore
gon, 60 fact, rale per foot. $1.32. unuiuul.
Assessment No 2 p jt Whims. A
)aicel of land comprising the moihII 104
et uf block 17. 'iniMrll ad.lltloo irilv
.of Mtslford. Oregon, with a frontage pf
u ifii on i ue ni sine in .snianu ate
nue. as descrllxsl lu Vol , IMTige ---.
of Ibe county reconler's record of Jack
son county, Oregon, Ho r, ,. rate per
fiMit. $ 33 .nnu. ml, 17 Jo
Assissnicnl No 29 -li. K Armour
tad 7, bliMk II. lmH-rll uddltlon. City
if Medfoid, Oregon Fnmlage SO few I
on Ihe West side of Ashland BVentle. OS
di-srrlhed In Vol 8'. IMM SIS. of Ihe
counly recorder's reconls of Jackson,
niuniy, lirrB'Mi, in i-i, rale 1ST tool.
$1 32; amount. $411 oo
As.'xsioeiit No. 39 16, 16, Armour.
Lot 8. block 13. Imiterlal addition. Ctly
of Mi-dfard. i m gon I'roqlage so fet
on the west side ut AshlaMl avenue, as
llcstrthod In Vol 83. psge6l3, of Ihe
county n-cordcr'B reconls of Jackson
county. Or, gun. 60 reel; mis per foot.
$1 82. amounl. 184 06
Asseasment Mo. 31 W It. Armour
Iot 9, block 13, ImiH'iuil mlillHoii, Clly
of Medford. Oregon. Frontage 10 feet
On the west sIiIm of Ahlnil avenue, as
described lii Vol $2. page 616, of ihe
rounty reconler's n cord or Jackson
county, Ormon; 69 reet, rate per fool.
II 32. amount, $66.00
Assessment No. 32 K. 11 Armour
Lot li). block 13. Imp-rial Siblllloii. Clly
of Med foul. Orenon. Fiontago SO reel
.nil the west side of Ashland avenue, as
1,-McrllMil in Vol. 82. wg 615, of Ihe
county recorder's reconla of Jackson
roiint, Oregen: So reel, rale per foot.
l 12. amount, $69 04
Assessment No. 3114. It Armour
Lot It, block 13. Inipirlul addition. City
of Jdnlfoid, Oregon. FnmtuH S feel
on the west wide of Ashlund avenue a
deaerllw.1 In Vol. , Ims.i SIS, of the
county reconler's records of Jackson
rounty, Oregon; 60 feet, rato jar fool,
$1 32. nmount, $06 oo
ABMtiunt No 81 --K it Armour
lad I.', block 13, Imp, 1 11 uddltlon. City
of Medfonl, Oiegon. Frontage. 60 feel
OH the West side of AmIiImIiiI avenue, MM
(h-scrlbed U Vul 83, (uiuh 66, of the
couuly recorder lecoril of JSckson
county, OreRon; 60 fed, rals iwr fool,
$1 32. amounl, 166 oo
Assessment No 36 Carrie a Carrot
linn. Lot 7, block II, Imperial addition,
City or Medford. Oregon Frontage 60
fi t-t lin the Heat side of Ashland avenue,
described In Vul. 72, Nlge 668, of the
county recorder's record or Jackson
county, Oregon. SO rut, rate per root,
$1 32, amounl. $66.00.
Assessment No 28 Carrie O. carnn
hun. Lot 8, block 1), Imperial ndillllon,
City or Medfonl, Oregon FmutBKc 60
feet on Ihe West side of Ashland avenue,
lis destrlbvd lu Vol 72, page 668. of the
county reeoriler's reconls of Jackson
county. OroKoifl 60 feel; rate per loot,
$1 n, amount, $86 Oik
Assessment No 87. flnrrln (I. Carna
.liau Lot 9, block 14. Imperial Hildlllou
Clly Of Medfoid, Oreuon Fiouluge 50
fet on the west sldo nf Ashland avenue,
,UH llesorllied In Vol 72. iao 658, of Ihe
couuly iMUoriler's reconls uf Jnekson
(oiinty, Oregon; r.i) reel: tuts Iht foot,
i$l 32: ainoiiiii, 160 oo
AssoMsmelll No 3K -Cairle (I, f'anin
liau Lot 10, bliioli II, Impel lal ilildlHoii.
Clly or Meifiiiil, Oregon. FionlBge 60
fiet on His wost side or Ashlund avenue,
us descilbed III Vol 72. INIge 668, of I lie
county reconler's reconls of Juukson
couuly, Oiegon; 60 feet; ruin per fuot,
$1 33; nmount. $06 00
Assessment No, 89 Carrie CS Otiriiu
haii. Lot II. block II, Impulul addition,
t'llv uf Medfonl, Oregon. Frontage. 60
feel on His west side or Ashland avenue,
(is ilesiu'lbml lu Vol. 72, pagw 658, or Hie
couuly leopnlor's n conls of .liiokson
couuiy, Oiegim: f.O feet, rale per fool,
$i'i2, amounl, $00 oo
Ash. ssmenl Nu 40 --Ciiri l, (I, Curna
luin Lot 12. block II, Imperliil iiililiilon,
Clly of Medfonl, Oregon Froulnge !
fei I on tlm west side of Aslilillul uveiiile,
us described in Vol, 72, PHgo 668, of I lie
couuly recul dot's i coords uf Jnulison
couuly, Oiegon; 60 foot; ralo per fool,
l :i', uiNObiit, $00.11(1.
Ass' Msmeiit No, tl.'-O. II Hunt I and
J O Hinllll. The noilli llij.2fi led ol
lot 8. bluili H, Medfonl IlolghlH uddltlon,
Clly of Aleiirol'd. Oiegon Fionlllue IU2 26
'.feet on Hie west Sldo of Aslilillul uveiiile.
as discrlliud In Vol , pugu . uf I lie
Oounty luuoi'dut s lecyrds or .liuiltsuu
county. Oregon, lflv an net; niio per
foot,. $1.32: aiilliillll, $Hi 17.
Assessment Nu 12. C II. Routt and
U 0. Kuillli, Lot 7, bloek .'I, Mmlfoiil
Hdglitu itddlHOii Clly or Medronl, Ore
gon Fi outage BO feut on tlm west slitu
of .' Iiliuid avenue, us th seflbcil In Vol
-, (May i uf tho cuunty iccurdur's
' ' i
U'COI'iIm of Jncltscii countv, Orrgoil. Rll
reel; tale pel root, $1 M. iiliiuunl, 11.00,
Assossuinnt No 41 ' II Moult Hiul
J. II, Hmlth. I.ul 0, blm'U 3. Medford
IIcIkIiIh uddilloil. I'll) or Medfiird. Oiv
gon Froilttlge Rll reel oil the Weal side
of Ashland iiteniie. lis dcM'l llunl III Vol
n PllKe , of the coiillU lecohlel's
ivcords of .liiulison contliv, Oli'Hon, 60
rist, rate per fool, It it, nuuHHH, $1
Asscssinenl Nn, II -c H Menu
, nu nu,
No. 14 -r II Heiill m
l.ul A. bbioU 3, Meilfini
Inn. t'lt id Medfonl, the
r ,1 ui.iiii
IIkIhIiIs Mllillll
.'--. - - i' . ' ' . ' .-. V . .
i Ii'ionlaae til reel on I lie west Mine
iuulae SO feel on Hie west
uf Asliluml asenue, it desoithed III Vol
-. Ihiks --, or the county recorder's
recoids uf Jscksou foiinly, Ornuou, 60
ffii, rule r foul. II l: uillotint, $8rt OH
( .(Hsessment no, m -( n, neon iinu
J I'
Tfelahl addiilon. Cltv of Medford.
i nllltlll, I.ul I, Hilled j, .vieuiiilil
glllU Froulnge 60 feet oil Hie Weal Midi'
or Ashland meiille. h ilesetlbetl HI Vol.
- lkIKe . of Ihe county truordel
reeordu of .Inckson countv, Ol intuit, nl)
feet, rale h r fool. $1 1'J, niununl, $fMU0
.Vaavasmeiit Nu 46 C 1 Heotl (Hill
.1. PI Smith. I ait 1. block . Msdfonl
Heights addition. City uf Medronl. Ore
eon. Front fill leel un the Meat side
Lnf Ashland loeniie. hs deaorihwl In Vol
, ige - , ur the county n'uonier a
nssmls of Jncksou countv, Oregon; 60
rel rale ih r roi 1111 nmount, l us
Assessinenl No l) C II Ncolt and
J O xmlih l.ot . bbK'V I. Atinirnrd
Heights addition, Cll) of .Meiirunl, Ohr
Kon Fnmlnar In fert on the west able
of Ashlund axeiiue. irurllad lu Vul,
- s pae , of ihe countv reeorder's
1,--,i.r,,p w Jni'HKi,M vuiiii.j, ,,,'a.,
feet, tale pit' root. $1 11.', lillHilllll, 46 rto
.(sa.ameni ,mi 11 i' n HHu aim
J (l.l'mtlh. Loi U. block . .MeStord
HolgAls uddltlon, t'llv nf Medfonl. (Me.
gOII I'lOlllige tU feit on the West Side
lr AshlMlid KW'iule, ns ibsoilbed In Vol
, large j of the t'omilv iwuhIhi's
n-conls or Jackson otuint), Oieuon. 60
feel, rate ir fool $ 3J nmnunl, $44 at)
Asisssuieul Nu IS-l II. Xeott "Dlld
J. 0 Sulllh 'l.tit II. block 2, Medfonl
Heights uddltlon, Clly uf Medfonl, On
Ron Fnnilsge SO leet nu the West side
of Ashland avniu., as decrllail in Vol
-s latge - . of Ihe oounly reeordt r's
reconla of Jnekson county. Oivson, 611
feel, rule H-r fd, $1 JJ. Hinonnt, 9,iu
Amo'ssmeiit No So C it SV'ott nml
J (1 Hmlth lad 1 block i. Medronl
llelgbta addiilon. CU ol Medronl, Die
NOU. FnilllM4 30 reet oil Ihe West Hide
or Ashland uveiiile. na described In Vol
, page --, of the count rcennUt's
records nr Jnekson riuno. OreRen: S
feet, rale r fiaii, $1.32 uuiouul. $H( OH
Ash. Mimiut No SI,- C II Heott and
J, O Hmlth. lad , idoek I. Medronl
JlelRhi uddlllon. Clly of .Medfonl. on
gon FronlR. n feet on Ihe West stile
of Ashland avenue, hs dt scribed lu Vol.
page . uf Ihe i utility murder's
ivcords of Jaokson county. Oregon, 69
feel, nite ei f.slt, (I J..', allleillll. $8490
Assetsunenl No Si c, II sleolt and
J IS Xmllli tail 1. block t. Medronl
Height addition city of Medford. Hn
Ron Frontage 69 feet on tin. West side
of Ashland avenue, us described. In Vol
. pa Re of the county reconler's
lecuida or Jackson cnunl), Oieuon, iu
feel rale per foot. II 32. amounl, 144 00
Asseasemm No S3 C II sJ.'oil and
.1 II Hmlth I...I .",. bloik 2.
ll.lRhla addiilon. City of Medford Ore
Ron FroMlMRe 60 f.el un Hi, west aide
of Ashland aenue, as described In Vol.
. ptIR,' . uf Ibe count) rrcotdei'a
records of Jsckeon count), Oregoii. 5M
reel, rale ter fool. $1 13. amount. 199,90
AsM'sanieiit "s'v, 14 -c l Hcuit and
J I) Hmllh la,l 8. block 3, Medronl
JUIghts addiilon. Clly of Medford, Ore
gurw Front a Re 6 f.-et ou ths West aide
of Ashland aienue. a described In Vol
- . iage -. of the count) recorder's
reconla of Jscksou county. Orvgon. 6
re. i. rale per rH., l jj. autyunt. $99 09.
AmeM No 63 C It flcoll and
J O Hmlth I-jt 6. block 3. Medford
iieignia uiniuiun. I'lly or Meilfonl. lire
gon Fnmlap II feet mi Hie west side
ot .(Sliiauil avenue. .,. a, sci.bed In Vnl
e . page , ur ibe county recorder's
records or Jaekaou cipiniY, Oreuen: 3
fe. i. Ml.. p,r fisit. $1 M. alnoiini. 12 lo
Hi'dbMi 2 And It Is htrehy unlered
ami oiiaii.ii mat the aetersl ssaeas
lllenls and Ibe Urns thrn-of lie entered
lu Ihe Watei pulln Hen doefcel or aabt
clly. and that ihen-upou nolle- Im Rlvug
hi me uiuiera or repniisi owner or aaiii
property, and that His same Im en'oiced
sni coiieeiist in me manner provided by
Ilia charier ur I lie cltv for Hi colleotlitu
or aemelits for Ihe implutemeiit of
sireeis (Herein.
Heel ion 3 II Is further ordered thai
Ihe notli'.i above irovl4el Im published
Ihreo limes In the Intlly Mall Trtbunev a
newspaper imbllshrd ami of geneml cir
culation In Mild city, lu the manlier pro
vided b) Oldlfwnce No. 269 of sold clly
Th furcgolng Ofdiiiame wa pueaed
by Ihu illy council of the City ( Med
ronl. Oregon, on the Ifth day of ls-remtM-i.
lull, by the rulloaing (olu
Merriek. e,'Vall, aye, Worlnutn.
aye. Kinerlck, u). , Klfert. aye. ami Alll
Isr. nbavnt.
Approved December 39, It) I
Attest: .Mayor.
Clly llstHinler.
Tn lb owner, or reputed owner, of
eseh Ntnel uf iroM-ny described In Ihe
foregoing ordinance, as imummI therein.
...wa.v.'. mm ,itvii mvivii
U ilettJaifil by sabl onllll
iIihI In the ducket or clly
SHU in tne lieu
snec. as recon'
Von sr hereby notified (hat (lis as
sessment dvclsrsd by Ihe foregoing or
dinance has been made and Hi llvu
therefor entered III the clly Hen dockul,
and Hint Hie same Is dll uHd you ale
hereby rertulrvil lo pay Ihe same lu the
city recorder within ten ilays from Ihe
service or this Hollo, which service Is
made by publication of the foreRolug
onllnunew slid thl millce three tliue III
Ihe Medfonl Mall Tribune, pursuum lo
nil onlei of Ihe clly council of snbl ell)
CH) IteCotiler.
An nnlluulir ! riR Ihe iiroperl)
sdjocenl to ami Isuifinsl by Ihw six
Inoli lateral sewsr Sdnslriieled along al
ley, block 70. orlclnal lownslle. I.'lty of
fi.Medforil, Oregon, tur Ihe eosl nf con
olruellng the same ami ptuvhlllig Ho
nmniii'i- uf curt) tug said assessment into
lull effect
Th Clly of Mcdrord doth ordain us
M el Inn I Wheri'us. Hit roiincll did
heieloforu provide bv orilliiuiicii foi nerv
III); Hie UWneis or properly Hil'ltc. lit to
vim iwnciiieo ny inu cunsiriiciiim or no-
lalerill Sa-Wer llelelusft. dt'Mllbell lo ll
pear iwfoie said council ami show cause.
Ir any, why said pioperly sliuulil not !
osmsiMiil lor the construction of sabl
sewer, and did fix n Iliu and place for
lieiulng any protcsls, which notice was
ui veil in u coord u no vviih said nrdiisnic.i
inoro num ten nays iieroie tne iiurIii
iiug ot tne oonsiriiuiiou ot s.un sewer
nit no iinitesi iiitiiiusi said uunstruciioii
ir assessment of Hie cost tlieieof was
iiuiie id unjiMie anil sabl suvvei' was. bv
Slllil iiiiunell unleieil conslruclsil.
And, wheieus. Hie cost uf Hie construc
tion or said sewvi has been and hereby
I I Clel milled to bo Hilt slllil of I 'I.', nu
flow lliiH'ifnie, sold oily doth ordain
uud dueluie that each panel of piup
llly iIosciIImmI below Is adjaeeiil In Hurt
liunefllml by tint tieilulu laleiul seitci'
11 luelifS In sUa cuiiMliiieli'd on nib y.
block 7b. otlKlnal liiwiislle, City or Med
fonl, Oiegon, uud dial Iliu piopoi Hon
if llie cusl of said newer Which each nf
Slllil pmuul of land should bear bused
III lllll Ot'llelllH lll'IIVeU rcHpcuHVfl) b)
said stticisl trusts nt lands In Iliu iiinounl
set oiipuslto the ilescilplluii of each
parcel below. Ilmt ennli ul said paicela
in uuiiiuny iiuiieiiieii hi ma aiiioilul Svi
opposite its ill wit tlitlim below by Hie
oiinsiriiolloii of said sower, unit llial said
sevi ml .imnunlti lepicsent the prouor
lloiial beilnflls of said si'Veru! .paif-els
fioiil mild New vi And ouch ur snd istr
eels Is Inuiliv assessed In Ihu uiiioinil
Set opliosllu II ileHuilpllon huluw for
um eousii ui'iion or sain sewer, 'I'he
iiiiiiiii apiicsilug above ouch description
being Ihe inline uf the owner, of upilci
llWIIel, uf I'llllll NIICll Jul III' p.ll'UCh
Ul.Ut'K 7(i. (Illlll MAI, 'I'OWMHI'I'I.!
IH.ut'K 7, OHIl
, ,irn., , ., , .1 ,.. ........ ..v..... .. .v:' -'
viii nr .ni'.wr nnu, i;ni',uwn.
'' M'llKO
Assessment Nu. I
-tluillli I''. IftilHl'Inti
'J'llO Slllllll 26 feet of lot '. Iilonlc 711
Oltglunt 'I'ownslKs (Illy of Medronl, Oie-
croiiingu 2r, reel up the oast shin
Pf said alluv,
us ileHurlliuil lu Vol, 83,
piiUM 6211. uf Hut Ciinnti iiiuoiilcr's ieo
bi'ds uf Juiilisun rouiily, Oi-egnu; 26 feu I;
lule pur fool, 411 (jvllls; iiliioiiul, $12,26
4VSSCBWIIIUUI u. vv. I,, iiiiiloy, Tho
. iy
)(if the county rcomilars ikcoi-iIh nt .ionic
sou cuunty, Oli'KOn, 26 fee); rnlu pic
tool, V vvillll! UOIOUIII, f i. tn.
uorui so iuiii ur 101 i, uioog i), in g up
'I'nwnslle,. (illy uf Mfldford, Oicgdii
r'luiilugii VTi ft'nl on Hid oust slilo'nf wild
alley, um iliisurtbeil In Vol. 86, lmuu 31
Assessment No .1 - W I, lliini'V. I.nt
9, blnuli Tn, ouiiiiuil Tnwiisllu, Ully uf
Mi'ilriud, oiiuton FronlnKii So fflut On
lip. wist side uf Hstd iilii'V. us r'lr"',
In Vul Ml. piiho .13. nr Iliu plainly in-I'linlei-'s
lepuids ur .InnkHuu uuiilliyi Ore-
gun, mi rii. iniii liter nnu, i iins.
per nuii,
HIUOIIIIl, $81.00.
Aaat.uaiu.oil Mil 4 .M I. Alfllnl
I. IiIopIi til, OilRlnul TovviiHllo. yiiy nr
Mediunl, Oregon I'toiilsMi' 80 find im
His cusl able VI f said alloy, lis tlesuilbnil
In vol 01. isige is. i Hie iHTtlliiy rs
um dei's iMHinlfi or Jiifilisou nuiiiil), Ore
Kuii: so fei; ime per ruoi, -i i ihiiIh;
nmoiinl. $31 so
AssisRineul No 8 -M I. Airord. I.ul
6. block 74, Original Tuvvnslts, tHiy or
Midfoni Oregon Friiiilng 60 fcsllii
the essl Sldr uf suhl HUey. AS isllbeil
in Vol 01, page 73, ujf Iliu sniiiitrr.
unrders ricoiiiN ur Jirksiill oounly, Ore
gon, 611 feel lllll. KM' flHlt, III VStltSl
smnuiil. $21 I."
Asseasiusnl No l U .Mfonl. Lot
4. bliMU 74, OilKlnal Towuslle. Clly of
Alldfoid, Oiegmi l'onlsgw 0 feel oil
he eust aide of ssld nllsv, a iscnhed
In Vol l, uagr 78, of lltr WHiliirr
vurdsr's n
mis n
f .hjekanu miliniy, Oie
gnu, ttfl
tut iter foot, ll oeulsi
ainouiil. Ill 60
Aenienl No. T laffle. M. Ilslley
Lot t, block 78. OrlRlual fuwnslt. Clly
of. Medford. Oiegon KniiilaR to TsM
un Ibe wi st side of ald alley, ti d
scillH'd Hi Vol 14, istge 114, uf Ule
oounty fecoider' tsHionl of Jrtflkslln
mliulu Olhlia.t,,! hit fttal llllM IW, ftUtf
149 n. tils, uhlolliil, 111 80,
ASMrsfctni'iit r.o R. -reine M- imiioy.
Lot s. block T4. orlttlnal Tuwnslte. I'll)'
uf MiMlfonl, Oiegon I'ninlsHO ' nud
ou Hie Wet Stile of UHI U1ISV, S.M U"
in Vol 84.
i in, ur.
reco nb'rs .
uf .liiulj
I'oiinlv iivKon, 60 feet, into per
IU cents, amount, in on
Asseasmvnl No Mvlva
IS, Ualley.
.., 1, t.l..L. Vi. II.I.I....I II,.,. n.lln
of Medford. Oregon (''rollings SO fSol
i.iii a. ,,ih.m u un. n.i inn iir.
ou lb" weal sld or said Hllev, us de
scribed Irt vnl 14 page II!', nr the snunlv
iiH'onbi's teisoda or Jackson eouiily,
OreRon, 60 fret, lule per fool, 19 osnls;
amount, 111 69
AsNessiiieril No lU'-Hylys II llnllpi".
lit 19. block 74. Original To nells, Clly
or Medronl. Oregon , Frontalis ID reel
on Ihe W(l side or sabl stkVy, 9S de
scribed m Vol 94. tg 119, of Hi oounty
jeeiiriler's reconls uf JscIUMih dnuilly,
iin-gnu .'. feel ri iwc fi)i. 19 oms;
nmmiiit. ttl iw
AsacHsmeiit No II I' J. Ilutlsv Th
north hair of tail II. block 76. OrlKtnsl
Tnwnalie. Clly or MislfofiL OrfMhit.
1'ronlase :;. fel on Ibe wl kble of sold
Rlby, a ibserlbetl In Vul I", istpe t,
pf lb cmiiiiv nssmler' reconls nf Jsok
son count Oregen: "6 feel, rule r
fisd, 19 Kills; amount, II8.SS.
Asecsstnrtil No IS Asnss IUHI Ihe
smilh luilf r bd II. bba-k 71, Orlidimt
ToWilsllV, t'llv or .Medfonl, Oregon
Kmniasii 36 fee on Hs vvrsi sld of
suhl alley. HS described III Vol 76. IHtR
3i. of in rounly rwcinlsr'a tes-otils or
Jaekeon county, Oregert: 36 feet: rnto
l r f.wl. 19 cents amount. 113 26
Kecllon 1 And H l harebv ordered
and ordaincl that aald several saaeas
nienls and ih liens Hiercof b nlerl
In the lien ilotk.l of afl.l clly, and that
thereupon n.ilbe U- given lo h own
I rs or reputed owner of aald irriy.
and Htat th same l enf erred and ool
eieii in ihe manner provldeil br ih
charter of said rlty for Ihe collect km uf
naesinent fot Ihe Improvement of
Street therein
gwrtinn 8 II la further onUrwd that
Ihe (i oiler above pniMded far b I Mill
llsbed Hire lime In the Dally .Mull
Tribune, a newutrr pubilsltinl and of
Rene ml circulation In ssld oHv. lu Ihu
manlier provided by onllitaite No. IS9 uf
paid cltv
C1,. rhtM.lMa mmIIh.U. IMAM IMMU.I
, ..,va.,.,H .-, ,.,,- .- ,v.r..'-
bv Ibe clly ootincll or Hie t
of lite Cltv of Mail-
fonl. Oresoii.
on the 2nd day of January,
1918. bv III roiiowin Voir
Merriek. absent. Halt. ay: WwliHstt.
aye. Ktoerieh, o)e; Klfert, ayo, agd Mil
lar, ave
Approved January inl, It 1 1.
Alleal- MM) or.
Clly HeynrAer.
K7)TllTli '
To Ihe owner, or Hrpulsd iw'ur. of
acb srcel of property ihaenHlcAt IB Ibe
fnreRoing onlthanoa, as. oh in I thtrflH
and I (br Ilea diM'Ured by sabl npill
sane. . as retsirged In in tloeket uf olty
1 lens -
Vou are hereby nOllflol thai lbs as
eiii.-nl ibs land by the foroaolHg unll
pnce bae la-en made and the 1lw there
for rpiernl in lit city Iih diM'kel. and
Ilmt the saiiii Is due slid yug are liar
by rettlre,l I., pay the eaiue lo lite 11)'
j,ss,r.l. r within lep ,biv from lb srrv.
I if Ibis ll'illf. Which service I IHSlla
by pllbllralboi of lb for.'gidUR ordl
nsue and Ibis notice Ihrr, nine In llai
Medfonl Mill Tribune punHtant lo an
orib r of lb, i'Hv eoiMicll of nahl clly
Clly llRCorder
Clark & Wright
Public Unit Mailers: I'lniil Proof,
Desert I.IH11U. Cniiloslit nml Mlnlii),'
('list's. Hi'tlp
Assmlatu Wmk for Allnrnoys
Pacific Railway &.
Navigation Co.
Trains will run dull)', oxtuinl Hun
ilny, on tlm followlni; iicliuilnlu:
I,v. J'orllnnil 7:1! On. in.
I.v. Illllolinio 8:50 a. m.
A r. lhmtili l'olulH. , rl;liO n, in,
Ar. Iluy City 2;0 i. HI.
Ar. Tllllninook 2:ar i, m.
i,v. Tiiiiiniptiic 7:cn ii. an,
Uy. Hay Olty 8:ir:i. in.
I,v. llonch l'ulnlu, ...0:00 ii, in,
Ar. IIIIIhIioio nun p, in,
Ar. l'oitliiiiii 4:10 p. in.
Tluoimli tlolintH on uiUo nt uty tlrl()t
orflco, Tlilril nml WiiHliIiigton atroutu,
nn Kouilli nml Ymnlilll, to alt iiolutH
on tho j'. it, a N. Fui'tlior piirtljiira
from tho olty tlnkot iiKimt or ntjcjiit
Koiiitlt unil Ymnlilll titriiutii,
John M. Scott,
(iiilHU'iil riiHHupKpr Aircul,
I'oitlnii'l, Oregon,