Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 16, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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1'norltmn llnldiiK Co., Ktr, W. Mulii
hi i not, corner (Irit)iu ninl Main, ilullv
din fresh lirmiil (ivory umriiliiK to
your homo.
Ilroinl, iili'H, riiww una Ico cronnm
nt tho I'mirl'mit Hnlony. I'miiipt do
llvury, hoth phonos,
HiiIiIhi'm liottlcii mint Ml l)n Voo'h.
Mr. ninl Mim. It. II. lieosun of
Hi M'l(onrlilK. Minn., iiitIvimI In Mod
ford Humlny iiIkIiI ami will ruiiiiiln
hero ii (iiuplit of iikiiiIIih vlNltlni; lliitlr
mm. In-law ninl dittiKlitiir, Attorney
unit Mm. I'' J Niiwiiiun, TIiIh Is
Mr, Hot-son's third vIhII to Med ford.
Ho wns h.wc In J U 0 Ti . itituln In 1U0H
ninl now, (our years Inter, Im Iiiih
IKIMltlVldy Klltlll'il thu mutter iih to
whore his Iioiiiii Ih koIiik l 1. nml
mixt mil In will roiiin hi'iii lo re
iniilii. Many chuiiu,nn havo luln'ii
ihiru dlnru It Im first visit hunt.
Attorney I-'. .1. Niiwnian wan In
(.'I'lilrnl Point Tuesday on loKnl iMIsl
llt'SS. I'hotm that order fur wood to tlio
Hlniiilnril Wood Yard. I'iui. Cnoij
lloitiu ma. ' 2f7
I.. Ii. HiM'i-Hanl, or Aunvillo, I'm.,
arrived In MetKunl Monday.
K, W. Carder ritinw down from
l)trhy Halnrdiiy mid spout Hnnday
and Monday with his family In Mctl
ford. Hulls cleaned mid iriMiMl, ll.fio,
Mcdlord Dyo Works lloth phonos.
K. (.'. Moiilnomnry mid I'lslo llroud
ley wiru united In iiiarrlaKK at tin
I'rimhyti'rlmi ninnse by llev. W. T
Hhlolds. Januiiry Ifith. Mr MoiiIkoiii.
iry In an ussnyer who had for n lltuo
an offlm In 1 IiIh city. 111m Iioiiio In
In Atumi'dn. Oil., whore Iio will tnko
his brlilf. Mm Mont:omiry Ih iih
of tho talented you lit. Indies of Med
ford, IioIiik known iih a lover of mu
hIo. Prosperity and Kinross In tlio
wUh or llu'lr many friend.
B. A. Nowtill, ladles tailor, 4th
floor M. K. & II. Co. bide.
Mr. and Mr it. W. II. Itoynolds of
Nltchflold, Nub., who hnvo boon vis
llltiK In .Medford for ft couple or
thrw weeks, loft Monday for Hun
1. H. Hi'VerldK". who has boon a
lonelier In thu sixth rado In tint
Washington school. )uih Ihii promol
i'd to tho poilllott of principal of
tho Itooievoll school.
If yon want Kod wood, Reed minis
uro and prompt mtrvlcn rail Home
phono 10:t or Pacific CGOl. 207
MUn Anna Harrison, who bun boon
In Medford visiting her sister. Mrn.
M. K. llartloy, loft Monday night for
bor homo In I'orllmid.
Koo 11. A, Holmes, Tho Iiisuronce
Man, ovor Jackson County batik.
Mm. 1". I). l'foiitx. of Halt Lake
rliy, arrived In Medford Monday for
a vlnlt to her ulster, Mm. C. II. Don
nUloii, and family, at 113 Wont
Dry wood nl tho IiIk hIioiIh, corner
Ninth and I'lr. Home phono 103,
Punifio rtr.oi. ar,7
Mm. IC, It. Heely mid her brothor,
):. 0. HlmpHOii. vlnltud Anliland (rUiniU
Kmlly T, Btandoford, nxnmlnor for
tho Now KtiKlnnd Consorvatory of
Mimic In IIOHton, piano, harmony,
mimical hUtory. 428 West Fourth
1 K. Douol loft Monday iiIkIU for
Fort Wayne, 1 ml., whom Im kooh to
look uflur IiuhIiicbh miittom nppor
talutiiK to tho Hottlomeut of bin
mothnr'H oHtnto. NotwIttiHtmnlliiK thu
fact that Mr. DoiiuI'h uiothur, Mm.
Htowart, died 12 yearn ko, i con
Hldorablo of thu ontato Ih nt 111 uiiHot
tled, FroHh candy dally at MoDowoU'h.
Try MnDowoll'ii Ico crimm and
Whllo on routo to Houthnrn Call
fornlu Mr. and Mm. lloraco 1'ollon
and daiiijhtor, MIhh OluilyH, woro on
tiirtulnud at Oakilalo, tho hpiicIoiih
orchard homo or Mr. nml Mm. CIiuh,
KIiik, imar HobiiHtopol, Cal.
Home mudo broad at Do Voo'h. 257
Mm, Kil, AnilroWH, toachor or volco
at Modforil coiiHurvatory, Nat build-
HiK. 270
MIhh Ktta Harmon, or San Friin
oIhco, arrived In Medford Monday
nlKht. Itobort llarmon, of MIIok
City, Mont., arrlvod TuoHilay morn
liiK. Thosii nro dauuhtor and won of
0. I- llurmon, llvlu on Capitol
HolKbtH, who Ih HoiioiiHly III, Tholr
ceinliii: Ih tu ruHpumin to toleKrauiH
tollliiK of tliolr fathur'H IIIiiohb,
Wo pay ciihIi for ciiHt-off clothliiK.
liutH and hIiooh, Will H. Wlluou ft
Co., 100 North Front Htroot. anc
Dr. W, 11. IMcltol rotumod TuoHday
mnriiliiK from n visit to Port land.
Hooiiih HO (j and up, Hotol Mooro.
Bpoclal rntou by woolt or month,
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Day Phono i!U71
Nllit rhoncH, I Wt AVooks U071.
A, 10. Orr, Utl0!3,
IjADY abhihtant
lleliHOIl'a llai'KiilliK on piico fi- l'rtili
Uioiii ovor,
Tho I'liclflo & KiiHtorii railroad
carpunlor kiiuk Iiiih fomplolod three
HotH of Hectloti foremen bullillnjtM.
One of llnme Ih lit llulto FnllH, mi'
other at Derby anil Urn third one Ih
nil iih ted four iiiIIoh niiht or KiikIo
Point, Tlio track but ween Moilford
and ICai(li) Point Ih kept In repair by
Modioli eruwH at ICimlo Point and
Medford, IIiomo crow worldiiK lb"
trade half way out of each of theoe
plnroH, The IjiiIIiIIiikm coiihIhI of a
rorciunu'H Iioiihi) nml a biiulihoiiMo
ror the men,
Carkln & Taylor (John II, Curkln,
Olonn O, Taylor), attoriioya-nt-lnw,
ovor Jack non County Hank bulldlnu,
Tho l.adlen' Alii mich'ty of the
ChrlHtlan ulitirch will moot Vi'diion-
day afternoon nt 2:30 oVIonk with
Mm, quIiiNonhorry, tar, Honlli KIiik.
All uiomberH mo re(iieted to bo
Wo want HIS palm of old hIiooh
t IiIh week, toil Noith Front. 'iUU
Hlophou Tobln, of CuHper, Wyo.,
arrlvid In Medford Monday.
Mrn. Moryflold, or Omaha, Neb,
who Iiiih been a kiiokI at tho C'ottuKo
tor a few dayn, loft Tucxday moiii
Iiik ror Portland. Hho will reloni to
Medford before koIiik to her homo
mid may Invent In Kojjiio river or
chard laud.
Carrie l.otilxo Alton, vIoIIiiIkI mid
teacher. Medford CoiiHcrvntory 27C
Hot chill nt McDowell's
Mr Ada Perdval loft Monday for Portland,
Tho Mudford Connervatory of Mil
ilc mid laui'.uiiKiHi In the only inutile
Dcliool In HOiithoni OroKoit with u full
corps of teachem. . Talllandler.
director. Bend for calaloKUo. 27i
I'red NIcIioIh, of Alaitka, arrived In
Medford Tuomlay. Ho coiiioh all thin
dUtauce to make MInh Mlllau AuuliiK
or thU city bin brldo. They will bo
married within n row days, when
they will leave, ror Alaskn to roHlde
Col. It C. WiiHliburu, or Table
Hock, wan In Medford TuoHdny.
Mm. 11. ,N. Iliitlor v lit I led Anhlaud
frleiulii TuoHilay.
Hooiiih r,0c and up. Hotel Mooro
Bpoclal niton by week or month.
itreot. Telephone 7211. 2GG
It. II. llenuotl. aBHlntant mnmiKor
for tho Medford (Jrocery compnny,
was tu (IruntM 1'ans Tuesday on
bitsluesM ror his company.
Attorney K. A. IteatnoM wns In
drains Pass Tuesday 'on lujjul bnsl
iiesH, ,
Dr. J. i:. Bliocror, physician. OfHco
1 101 20 Onrnelt-Coroy bulldlnK.
Mr. and Mm. O. D. WrlKhl, of
KaRlo Point, took train No. 15 Tues
day for n visit with relatives In
Fresno, Cal. Mr. WrlKbt Is Pacific &
Kustoru station nm-nt at KaKlo Point.
II. A. llarnum IoK Tuesday morn
liiK for San Francisco.
Bay kid want soino inonoy? I'll
toll you whom you can sell old
clothes, hats and shoos. Wilson, on
Front slreot. 26K
Mrs. M. K. Price of this city vis
ited Central Point friends Tuesday.
I). Williams, or Wolf Crook, was III
tho city Monday.
Mrs. IoiiIhu Muller left Tuesday
inoruliiK for a three months' visit to
rolatlvoH In Oakland and I.os AiikoIus
and other California cities.
Hot tamnlcs tit McDowoll's.
Mrs. K. K. Kubll, who has been
vIsltliiK bor mother. Mm. Miller, In
Jacksonville, returned Monday iiIkIH
to her homo in Portland.
Phono your ordore In to Hads
Bros. Transror Co. OHIco phones:
Hull 31C2; Home IIGO-K.
II. PIcard, or llombrook, Cal., ro
turiiud to his homo this moruliu;
after a visit with Medford friends.
K. T. Btnples of Ashland wna In
Medrord Monday and TuoHilay.
Hooiiih r.Oo mid up. Hotel Mooro,
Bpoclal rates by wook or month.
I,. J, Mosorvo, window trimmer nt
tho aolden Hnlo, Ih vlsltlni; frloiulH
In Central Point.
Mm. Will llanloy rotnrnod to Port
laud Monday iiIkIiI nftur n visit with
relatives lu Medford,
Dr. J. W. Bhonror, physician. Orrico
41H-120 (lamott-Coroy bulldlnK.
Mm. It. C. Washburn, or Table
Hock, and her mother, Mm. II. 13.
Joiioh, or Portland, loft this morn
Iiik for u pleasure trip to Honolulu,
II. I.
13duar Martin, violin and piano In-
Htructlon, nt Palmor'H Piano Place
City Hocordor It, W. ToUor mid
Mth. Tolfor will louvo WodncBdny for
Ban FrauclHco, whom within u fow
dayn thorn will ho hold u reunion of
all or Mr. Toiror'B llvlnj; rolatlvoa,
soino oC whom nro coming rrom tho
oast ror' tbo occasion mid others, who
nro HonrarlUK no( w-lll put lu at tho
San Fi'HuoIhco harbor to bo present
at this tlmo.
HtifllduB for health.
m. 4. -
FOH BAliWCottiiKO, cIobo In, clump,
easy torniB. Inqulro Stuart Knlpp,
at MoiUord IIusIhobh collo'o. jifl2
HOY WANT13I)To HwTrn pilntliiK buul
noHs at Mall Tribune,
FOH BALW-- Plymoutlf Hockcoo"kor
ola, Puclflo phono 738-J-4, 200
Novcliecd tiy
From the Flay of (he
Same Nome by
Cprrlhl. 1910. br Vflnch.ll Smith
nd LaaU Jtifpli Vnt
(Coiitiiiui'i) from Inst Hatunliiy.)
"Honest, Mr. DiiniiiuV"
"I fiiiiriiniee It. 'J'nicey. I.UIeti to
me" Ami Imuran expounded Kel-
S. ." -
r mi iiiii tmt m.
" v
. ' - t.
Li w i jtm
M' "T
Io'j'k rules at length, ndnptlm; tbcm
to Tracey'n clrcumstnnci-s, of course.
Hid throtiRUout maintained the ntv
Icy of a t;ra en luiapo "You try and
you'll see If I'm not right," ho conclud
ed. "(Sosli. I b'llore ou are!" Tnicey
cried ndiulrlnuly. "I'm just Kuln' to
see how It works."
'Do. If you'd fnror me. Trncoy."
'"Say. MWt-Xnt. you've treated roo
(omdliln' Immunsp,"
"Your iiiUmke. Tracey. I't
treatiM nnylenly since I've been hero.
I'm on tho watou "
"1 mean Just now, when wo wns
talkln' 'bout me an' Ancle. I'd I'd
like to help you the same way If I
"You would" Duncan eyed the boy
apprchcuslxely, mmdcrlu;; what was
"Yes, Indcedy, I would. An p'rhnps
I kill tell y uii hoinetlilp' that will."
"SK'ak. I Ih'k."
"You-er you're tryln' to court Joslo'kwood, ulu't you"
"Oh:" said Not. "So that wbb HI
That's n swrct, Tracey." he averred.
"All right. Only If you are she's
"Just how do you (ltrure that out?"
"Oh. 1 kin tell. She was lu here to
ulRht with Itoland."
"Yes, just nforo you come home from
prayer .meelln'. She was lookln' for
you, an' when she seen you wasn't
hero bIio wouldn't wait fur uo sodu nor
uotbln'; said she had n headache an'
was koIii' lioiuo. Holaiid went with
bur, hut sho didn't want him to. You
Just missed scolii' her,"
"Heavens, what u blowl"
"Hut Holaud's taklu' her homo
ucodnjt psotyou noub."
Mar UitjylHRf
vCbbVL.bBv iWBmW tin
rBVBBBaS bbbbbVs
UbbIT AbbH
iLbbbbwbwSk AbVbbV
"Tliiuik you for thoxe kind iwtrds,
'i'nicey" Nil I hIkIiciI ami paxHi'd a
troubled hand across His brow. "You'ro
ii iruu frlcnil."
"I'm tryln' lo be. Nni. same'n you
are to me." Trncoy tboimlii this over.
Kill t-fiii nln'f fiinllll' llle. lire tnilV" In,
asked prosenlly. "I mesn 'bunt belli' j
a inn friend r
"Why should 17"
"Ah. I dunno. You're no cur'us
NOinctlincs, I ain't never sure whether
you menu what you'ro ssyiu1 or not."
"Oh. don't say that."
"Well. I ain't the only one. livery
body lu town soys they don't under
stand you half the time.'
Duncan moved over to Tracer. His
face was entirely serious -Tracey,"
he sold, droppluc a band on the boy's
shoulder, "do yon know nolhlnj- In
life U harder to bear ibsti not to be
Tracey wrestled with thin for n mo
ment, but It was beyond him.
Then w hy the dlckeim don't you talk
no's folkn 'II know what lt' about'" he
demanded heatedly.
"Heeuiibo bin!" Duncan hesltutcd.
with his enigmatic smile "Well, be
cause the rule don't require It."
"What d'you mean by I hm'" Tracey
Nat couldn't explain, so he counter
ed neatly. 'This Is one of your An
Kb ewnliiKs, Isn't It. Tracey"
"Yep. but"
"Well, you hurry nlona. I'll close up
the shop"
Tu Duiienu. now seated on the edfie
of an upturned box In n corner of the
store, came mi Idea. He drew a roll of
blll-t from his poctet uud Mrlpped on
the lop one.
"Here's $."." he suld to Tracey.
TSIrls can usually be captured by
JinllcloiiH expenditures. I wUh you
link "
"Mi. th.Miks. Mr. Duiuiin"
"Hut. Tnicey"
Tin- boy paused at the door.
"Itemember what I lokl you. Don't
you iiiuLi- too lunch loie. It Anle
do that"
"Cosh, that 'II Ik the hardest rule of
all for me!" A shadow elouded Tra
cey's honest eyis. "Hut I j-ot to do It
that way. anyway. I esn't ask her to
marry mi- ylt- I can't afford to cut
"It's a contrary world. Tracey, a con
trary world."' Blghtil Nut In a tone of
deepest melancholy.
"What makes you say that? You
klu sit married 's soon ' you want to."
"You think so. Troecy?"
"All you got to do 's ink Jolc"
"I'm almost afraid you're right,"
"Why? Don't you want to git mar
il?" Well"-Not smllcd-"no. Don't be
lieve I do. not Just now, at any rate."
"Well, you don't have to If you don't
.ant to. O'd night."
"Yes. I do," Nat told Trarey's back.
The rules say so. If the girl aska mo
I must."
He grimaced ruefully tteneath bis
wisp of n mustache, "Anyhow, I've
got n tvw months left,"
So the winter wore away, and as
spring drew ulgh upon our valley Dun
can neemel to grow perturbed, even
as he had been In the autumn before
Hetty wont away
Duncan urged Sam to more his house-
nnii Juuied lis If he "bad been stuck
with a pin. Ills Jnw dropped and nli
eyes bulged. "Ores! Seoul" he cried
and In it twlnkllug was round the
counter, throwing himself Into the
arms of a man whom he hnllcd ecstat
ically. "Harry, by all that's wonder
ful!" He fairly danced with delight.
"Henry Kellogg. Ksqulrer Uo cried.
holding him at arms' length uud look
lug him over. "What lu thuiulera
lion are you doing here"
"On my way to Cincinnati on busl
ncss. Thought I'd drop oft for n ulglii
and size you up. .How nro you"
"Mo Look at me-plcturo of health
Harry, you've made n new man of
mo." Dimcnn prnuced round his friend
In n mild frenzy. "No booze, no
smokes, no swears-work I I feel like
a two-year-old, 1 could do n Marathon
without turning a hair, Watch me
kick up my heels and neigh! And
listen!"' Nut crowed. "I'm u busluess
lunn. Didn't you bellcvo It? Pipe my
KelloKR tifvued to obey the admoni
tion of Dunciiu's gesticulations and
tool; a long look round tho store.
"OiuU" said he, "I'm blowcd If It
Isn't truo! It was hard to credit yout
loiters, llut It's gnat, old man. I
congratuato you with all my heart,''
"Just wult uud I'U toll you all about
t "mKmmmiix i
hold from orer (ho More to n hoiiso. He
xjluted out that a separate rcsldcuco
distinctly befitted the dignity of it man
who was at once a prominent Inventor
rind one of lladvlllc's leading mer
chants (vide a "Personal" In the late
Issue of the Itndvllle Cltl'cui, to say
nothing of the social oxltlon of his
dauglKer-meanlng Hetty. And the
house Duncan had his metaphorknl
eye upon was large enough to shelter
Nat himself lu addition to tho Gra
ham family.
(Jrnhnin fell In with the scheme with
out a murmur of dubiety or dissent.
Whatever Nat proposed In Sum's un
derstanding wos right and feasible,
and even If It wasn't really so Sat
would make It so. They engaged the
house mid moved. Miss Ann Supurnu
Nlbn WhJtmnrsu. n imtlilen ludy of for
ty-five or therealwuts. popularly known
as "Phrony." bad been coming In by tho
day to "do for" old Sam lu the rooms
a bo to the shop. She was engaged us
resident housekeeper for the new es
tablishment and entered upon her du
ties with all the discreet Joy of one
whose maternal Instincts lime been
suppresiied throughout her life She
mothered Sam. and she mothered Nat,
and she panted In expectation of the
day when she would have Hetty to
aguln for the Kaster holidays,
but she didn't return lo null!)
her term lu the New York
kehoot Just why we never discov
ered. The Iwocknoods furnished us
with no realfy satisfying explanation.
They said that Joule didn't like New
York, but 1'ie always doubted that, es
pecially itlnt'e Joste married and In
alstcd on moving ntralgbt away to that
metropolis. I upect she didn't get
along with the clais of young women
with whom she was throw u ut school,
and I'm pretty certain she "as uneusy
about Nat ull the time she una so fur
away from him.
It was during this period, between
the Kaster vacation and the eutl of the
spring school term, that Holuud liar
uette's animosity toward Duncan be
came virulent
Josle, of course, was prompt to oust
Angle Tu thill from ber place In the
choir. After that she sang with Nat
on Friday nights as well as Wednes
days uud twice per Sunday. Hetween
whiles she was u pretty constant pa
tron of the store. There was no longer
the least doubt In the collective mind
of thu town as to the Inclination of
Josle's affections.
The culmination came the day before
Hetty was to return a day late in
May, I remember, and a Friday at
It began along toward evening. Dun
can, alone In the store, was busy be
hind the prescription counter. Ab
sorbed with his task, he thought him
self quite alone until a well kenned
voice reached bis ear.
"Well!" It said, unctuous with appre
ciation of the sight of him. "Old Dr.
He let the pestle all from his band
It But first tell me bow long you'ro
going to be here."
"Well. 1 jtlan to hang around with
you a couple of days. My business
In "he west Isn't pressing."
"Good! I wrote you about taklnu a
new place for the Grahams?"
"Yes. ami I'm mighty keen to meet
'em. The girl here?"
"Hetty? No; she's coming home to
morrow. Hut Graham himself Is up
stairs In the laboratory. Take you up
In a minute, but not before I've bad a
good look at you."
Kellogg found himself a chair.
"Well," he Inquired, twinkling, "how's
the scheme worklug out? Are you
really living up to nil the rules"
"Every bluglctary one."
"You have got u strong constitution.
Even prayer meetings?"
The church thuyj? Honest, narry,
1 own It."
"Hully for you. Natl But how does
It work? Was I right?"
"I should suy you were. It's so
easy It's a shame to do it If this
thing ever should get luto the papers
there'd be a swarm of city men light
lug out for the country so thick you
wouldn't be uble to see the sky."
"1 knew It! Trust your Uucle nar
ry." Kellogg waited a time for fur
ther particulars, but Duncan seemed
stuck. "And you've made a stroug
play for the foud attectious of Lock
wood's daughter"
"Certainly not!"
"You forget your rules." Nat grin
ned, whimsical. "1 let her to make a
play for me."
"Of couio. My mistake. Hut bow
has It worked"
"Oh. immense!" Duncan's tone,
however, was wholly destitute of en
thusiasm, He stuck his bauds tu his
troupers pockets and 'half turucd
away rrom his friend, looking out of
the window.
Kellogg smiled secretly. "lYou mean
"Our Personal
to all
'We havo bocn In business In this town
for ome time, and we ure looking to
bund up trude by always udvlslng our
patrons right.
So when we toll you that we havo
found tho ecsemu. remedy and that wo
stand back of it with the manufacturer's
Iron clad guarantee, backed by ourselves
you can depend upon It thut we flvo our
udvico not In order to sell n few bottlta
of medicine to skin sufferers, but be
cause we know how tt will help our
business if we help our patrons.
We keep In Btook and sell, all the well
known skin remedies. Hut we will say
this: If you tiro suffering from any
kind of ukln trouble, eczema, iihoHubIs.
rash or tetter, wo want you to try a full
Hla bottlo of D. D. l. I'resoiiutton.
And, It U Uotja not do tho work, this
m '1 J -fl- i , "1
yotfw 'Tnii fier"nlretd'? Then you're
euggiHl''' Kellogg had understood
perfe-ily. you xee.
"No. not et. I'tc got two months
"So you have. And since she's so
strong for you there's uo hurry. Let
her take her time."
"1 only wlih ube would." Duncan
removed out hand from the pocket the
better lo tug ut bis mustache. It's
gut beyond that to the point where 1
have to keep dodging her."
"You don't mean It! That's splen
did." Kellogg got up and slapped
Nat's shoulder heartily. "Hut don't
oiertlo the dodging. She might get
her Isick up."
"Not she. She'd eat out of my hand
If I'd let ber. You dou't understand."
"What's the matter, tben? Aren't
you sirong for ber"
"I wish 1 were."
"Hut why? Is there another"
"No." Nat shook his head, honestly
believing be was telling the truth.
"Only 1 don't look at things the way 1
did once."
"Just what do you mean by that?"
Nat. squaring himself to face Kel
logg, was very serious now and trou
bled. "See here. Harry," be said, "do
you really waut me to carry out tmr
rest of the agreement?"
Most certainly I do. Why not?"
"Because I'm pretty well fixed here.
The business Is making good, and so
am L It won't be long before I can
pay you back, with Interest, as wo
agreed, without having to marry tbat
poor girl and draw on ber money to
1 make good to you."
"You want to go back on your agree
ment?" demanded Kellogg, with a
show o.' dlsappolnment and disgust
"Yes and uo. 1 won't break faith
with you. If you Insist, but I'd give a
lot If you'd let me off let me pay
back what you advanced and cry quits.
When you outlined this scheme I was
down and three times out willing to
take a chance at anything, no matter
how contemptible. Now well. It's dif
ferent." "Good heavens! You don't mean
you'd be willing to live here?"
Nat smiled, but not mirthfully. "I
don't know." be hesitated. "I'm afraid
I'm begluulng to like It"
"You. Nat?" Kellogg's anuuement
was unfeigned. "You ready to spend
your life here slaving away In this
measly store"
Duncnu grunted Indignantly. "Hold
on, now. Dou't you call this a measly
store. There Isn't a more complete
drug store In tho state!"
"Do you hrnr that?" Kellogg ap
pealed vehemently to the universe at
large. "Is it ossible that this Is Nat
Duncan, the fellow who bated woik so
bard ho couldn't earn a living? Gnd,
1 believe I've arrived Just in time!"
"lu time for what?"
To save you from yourself, old
mau. Here' tho heiress you came
here to cop out. ready and unxious.
everything el&e coming your way, and
uud you're more than half lucllned
to back out You make me tired.' .
(To be Continued.)
Famous Diplomat Dead.
FI.OHKNCK, Italy, Jan. 10.
Henry Ltibouohere, former editor of
London Truth, nml u famous diplo
mnt, died here today. Ho served 1(5
years in tho British house of com
mons. You cmi's nuiko nti interesting ad
vertisement of nil iinintorostiii" storo
but really you should ho careful
that your really intorestinj; store is
not inisreprescntcd by an uuintorest
in; advertisement.
Skin Sufferers"
bottle will cost you nothing. You alone
to Judge,
Again and again we have seen how a
few drops of title Dimple wash applied
to the skin, takes away tlio Itch, in
utantly. And the cures all seem to be
D. D. I). Prescription made by tho
D. D, D. Laboratories of Chicago, la
composed of thymol, glycerine, oil of
wlntorKrqen and other hcullng. soothlntr,
cooling iugredlonts. And if you urn
Just erasy with Holt, you will feel
soothed uud coaled, tho Itch absolutely
washed nwuy the moment you applied
this I). D. D.
Wo have made fast fritads of more
than one family by recommending this
remedy to u, skin sufferer here and
there and wo want you to try It now
on our Doslttvo no-pay uuaruutee,
Wo wish to impress you
with the fact tlint we are
QUAETEES Through us you can ex
change what you don't want
for what you do want.
Nothing down and $20 xor
month buys new two room
house with two large east
facing lots, sewer and water.
Price $900.
5-acre tract just outside
city limits, suitable for sub
division or chicken ranch.
Price $2900, easy terms.
Splendid south and east
facing lot on South Oakdale,
high class residence district.
We are in a position to make
price on this away below the
market value.
We have a few choice lots
ou Dakota and King St. at
prices that are right and
terms to suit.
Will exchange real estate
for automobile. .
Nothing down and $10 per
month buys good high, dry
lot; sewer and water. Price,
Los Angeles and Seattle
property for exchange.
10-acre orchard tract noar
city; 6 acres in 7-year-old
Newtown apples, 4 acres in
1-year-old pears. Price $750
per acre.
21 acres within l1 miles
of Medford; one half set to
3 and 4 year old apples and
peal's. Good deep black loam
soil. Splendid home site with
fine view of valley. Price,
$8500 cash.
We aim to liandlo and ad
vertise only real bargains,
Phenes: Hell, 7001 Home, 2-K