I- MDITOttD MAIL TRTBTOE, atEDFORD, OW:(mT, TUESDAY, .TAOTAKY 10, 1012, PAQI3 FOOT MEDFORDMAILTKIBUNElpni! 1100 TO AN TMni51KMnnNT KISWHPAPKR I't'ltMHIini) KVRIlY AITI'UNOON MXCISl'T BUNPAY, II Y THIS Jl2lJlOUD P1UNTINO CO. - - i ' ii i ' Tlio Democratic Tlm. Tim Mr 4 ford Mali Tim Medford Tribune, 71m South cm OregonlM!, Tlio Ashland Trlliuno. Offlco Mall Tribune tlulldlnrr, 2687-29 North Plr Home 76. Htrcoti phone, Mum 3021; OnoilOH PUTNAM. 'Ciller and MivnnKrr I'ntrred nn FfCond-clnsH matter Orotjoti, undar tho net Mrdroru. Match 3, 187D. Official Pnnrr ftf tho City of MrdfonL Officio) Pnper of Jnoknon .County. BirnsonrPTioK bated. . Ono yenr, by xnall ..w"...... 5.00 Ono month, by mnll 80 Per month, delivered by carrier In Mr If.ir.l, JrtrkAonvllle nnd Con- trnt Point 80 Bnturday only, by mftll, per year. . 2.00 Weekly, per yenr 1.60 BWOriN CIKCTTI.ATIOIT. Dally Rverace for eleven month end ing November SO. 1911, 2781. mil KAed Wire United Ir-B Sltpatclm. Tho Mali Tribune 1b on wile at tho ferry News Stand, San l'rnncls-co. Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland. Powman News Co.. Portland. Ore. W O Whitney, Seattle. Wash. uxsrosu, osraotr. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, nnd the fastest crowlnp city In Orej-on. Population lT R census 1910 SStO; estimated. 191110.000. Vivo hundred thousand dollar Ornvlty Water System completed, giving flnrsv mipply pure mountain water, nnd 17.3 miles of streets paved. PoBtofflca receipts for year ending November SO, 1911, show Increase of 19 per cent. Banner fruit city In Oregon Ttopuo Illver Spttenlerg npples won nwcep 8takes prlio and title of 'Apple Xlnff of the World' at the National Apple Show, Spokane, 1909, nnd a car of N w towns won First Frixe in 1910 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver, PC ..... rirst Frlxe In 1911 at Spokane National Apple Show won by carload of Newtown. ..... . Koguo ltlver pears brought hlj-host firlees In all marltcts of tho world dur ne tho past six years. Write Commercial Club. Inclosing 6 cents for postage for the finest commu nity pamphlet ever published. HARD IB HOWL WAS BUT A BLUFF - - Gavcrnment Introduced Testimony In tended to Show That While the Packers Were Complaining of Hard Times They Were Making. Millions CHICAGO, 111., Jan. 1C When tho trial of J. Ogden Armour and tho nlno other millionaire Chicago bcof barons was resumed In tho United States district court today the government introduced testimony In tended to show that while tho pack ers were howling about the hard times lncldont to the panic of 1907 they in reality made millions In hid den profits. Through questions put to Harry TimmonB, chief accountant for the Morris company, tho government showed that the packers juggled ac counts and Inflated costs. rf MANIM!. TELLS HIS STORY TO JURY INDIANAPOLIS, lnd.,.Jan. 1C Ortle 13. McManlgal, tho self con fessed dynamltor, today occupied tho attention of tho United Stato3 grand jury hero Investigating tho alleged country-wide dynamlto oormplracloa. It is predicted that It will ronulro two days for McManlgal to toll his Btori, as ho is considered tho prin cipal witness to appear before the probers, McManlgal's wJfo and children "invo returned to Chicago without seeing tho prlsonor. It Is bolloved that efforts to roconcllo tho couplo failed. STATE FEDERATION OF LABOR MEETS TIIK DALLES, Ore., Jan. 10.--Witth tlio "arrival of 100 udditionnl delegnU-, arriving today, "tlio ninth nnmial convention of the Oregon Stuto Federation of. Labor bottled down to net mil work thin forenoon. Approximately, :QQ del Qjjiit.ag, are present. Among the speakorn-.wlll be Governor West. ' DESCENDANT OF TWO , . PRESIDENTS ARRESTED LOS ANC1KLKS, Cnl., Jan. 10. John Qniiipy Adams, Jr., who allium to bo n descendant of two president, is a prisoner in tlio nity juil, charged with contributing to tho delinquency of oliildrou. A store deserves to roup tlio full "Advertising- valuos," of its genuine I bargain flhlcs hut it never docs so ! -without tho .fullest publicity. i ours mm iu PROTECT FATHER Frankly Admits to Police That He Married Girl on the Prayers rtt His Father and Not Because He Loved Her. PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 1C With Wllliitm Wood, nid 23, Iu Jail and his 1 4-year-old bride at the homo of hr parents, the polloo today tiro making a search of tho Pacific north, wost for "Professor" 1). K. Wood, 05, a music teacher, fnthor of tho pris oner, on warrants concornliiR hla conduct toward his kou'h wlfo, and two other young Rlrls, who were his music pupils. It la believed the older Wood Is In hiding In Seattle. Ho Is charged with statutory offenses. Wood Junior and tho girl, daugh ter of an Kast Portland grocer, wore married yesterday by Itev. Ilonjamln Young, a Methodist minister. A few hours later tho police arrested Wood, who Is a singer In a moving picture theater. Meanwhllo the elder Wood apparently learned the police werv. searching for him and left town. William Wood today frankly told the authorities that he married the girl on the prayers of his father, and not because ho loved her. Ho said he met her only a few days ago. -f TREATMENT OF THE, SKIN Bv Aindnme Trnvillu. Just as tho barometer tells the state of the weather tho skin is a telltalo ol tho condition of tho body. Intelligent care can make tho skin so beautifully exquisite that no com parison describes it. It is the' error of today, as tho blunder of past ages, to try to cover up blemishes of tno face skin ana Ignore their causes. Tho medical fraternity have been largely to blame for this for they merely looked upon it as "only a skin disease." There is no part of the body which should rccelvo nioro attention, for upon nothing else does a woman's appear- anco and happiness so closely de pend. Although the surfaco of tho face is small, it being oxposed to tho air and being the scat of the emotions. It is more active than the. skin else- whore. Its sympathy with every or gan Is acute and when wo think also of all the facial expressions enforced upon it we realize tho work it has to do. To counteract all this thero Is much to be done and as I havo al ready emphasized tho internal care of tho body I shall row deal with tho oxternaT tho face being the most difficult and most important. Because of its constant exposuro to tho air, and often wind and sun, tho faco requires tho most careful treatment. In towns and cities espe cially, thero arc such impurfitles in the air that constantly effect the most healthy skin. In the country, though most favorable to the com plexion, wo must contend with all tho conditions of tho weather. It Is impossible for any woman to use ono rule of treatment for all oc casions. It must bo changed accord ing to weather, exposure, occupation and health. Cleanliness, of course, is tho first condition on all occa sions and since it is very difficult to obtain a pure soap, even u pure caa tlle, I find that a woll proparod blanched almond meal compound containing powdored oat meal is far superior to any alkali preparation. It should bo made Into u pabto by add ing wator and used at night with warm wator. It Ik also excellent for cleaning out tho pores and banishing blackhoads. Ah tho faco Is oxposed to dirt during tho day It Is of the utmost importance that tho impuri tlos be removed before retiring. For rough, coarso or oily skins, especially with enlarged pores, tho friction of a camel's hair complexion brush is valuable. If the skin is dry and delicate the dirt should bo re moved with a pure liquid almond cleansing cream by pouring It on a soft Turkish cloth. It is better to use plain witch hazel If you don't know absolutely as to tho purity of the almond cream, Tho label on a bottlo may state tho word "almond" but that may bo only tho perfume and yet contain no almond oil. All tho rubbing pf 'tho fact in bath ing, -unssaglng and drying should bo upward. A syBtom of carefully stud- led movements will bo given you In my noxt article. Never loso sight of the fact that tho skin of tho faco is more dollcato than that of any other part of tho body; and tho whole aim of tho treatment should bo to avoid Irritation and excesslvo stimulation. Tho abuso of hot and cold wator and electricity is very groat. No ono should bo entrusted with tho applica tion of electricity but a thoroughly equipped modlcal electrician; ono who Is us skilled in tho profession ns tho woll trained surgeon in his. lectrlclty has been turned to ho ALDR1C1PS RETIREMENT. SCNAtOR NCtT-ON V At PX1CM M-ct.tr- The hist act nuirklug the permanent retirement from public life of former Senator Aldrlch was a lslt and a sdiort chat with President Tuft at the While House. "I retire without regret." he said In departing. much use In the faco treatment that It 16 doing a groat deal of harm. Schools havo sprung up all over the country, and particularly iu largo cities, on the basis of an advertised fad tho "something" new then send out pupils with practically no real knowledge but with their ad vertlsed fad under the alluring sign of "Somebody's System' Gonulno Intelligence must bo tho basis of everything pertaining to the rare of the body Internally and externally. One of the most horrible processes iu execution today Is that of remov ing the skin from the face. Not long ago I saw a woman iu a drug store window whose faco on ono side showed the wrinkled skin of sixty years and tho othor side was like that of a young child. Can you imagluo anything more grewsome? It is a peeling process of the most agonizing sorP. Aftor tho raw sur- fni-o lienlH tho cotni'k'xlou In some casen is very fair and lovely but has no moro expression than a wax doll. Tho drawn muscles about tho eyes are exactly ltko those of a very young baby. For months afterward tho faintest breath of wind or the touch of tho softost cloth causes torture. After tho lapso of a comparatively short time this sensitive skin begins to show many lines that were not thero beforo taking the treatment. If we don't understand the ageing process of llfo isn't it right to sup pose that only a easonablo amount of Intelligence ypuld make ua know that tho muscles under tho skin are too old and facial expressions of thought too severe to support tho skin of a baby! Yours for charming womankind, MADAME QUIVILLA. SAYS SHE IS VICTIM . OF LAWYER'S ZEAL CHICAGO, Jan. 10. Weeping and threatening her uttornoy not scouring the necessary H0,0U0 bail for her re lease, Mrs. Itono Morrow, charged with, followins her proliiniuary hoar ing today, the murdor of hor aged liiihhaiul, declared she is an iuiiom-ut victim of circuinHtnuccM. She is on the verge of hyuteriu. "I could have proved 1113' innoconco, convinced the judge and bomi at home now if my lawyer .had let me take the stand nnd loll my lory," Hnid Mr. Morrow between nob. "Hut he made me sit (piiet, nnd here I inn, charged with murder, nnd tlioy are trying to Imng me. I know nothfiig of the crime -nothing. HocuiiAo 1 quarreled, with my lninliainl, a hitter old mini, disappointed with his failure in "life, who had nothing to live for and de cided to die, I inn held and they want to hcnd me to the gallows." Judge Fakft fixed Mrn. Morrow' bail at $10,000. The dcfeiiHc Iimh ns yet been nimble to liiniisli thin sum. NATIONAL WOMAN WASIilNOTOX, I). C, .Tun. J(!.--National woman hiilfrago in provid ed for in the. inneudineut introduced in the house today by Victor Horger, Hoeinlist congressman from Milwau kee. If the amendment is finally adopted Merger propose! to enforce iU provisioiiH by enactment that any wtatn uttempting to evade its terms hhall he puuibhed by reducing the state's veprooculutiou iu the national house. FiVe Die in Wreck. NI3WCABTLK, Pa., Jan. 1C Flvo trainmen wore killed and flvo seriously injured when a passenger train on tho Dnltlmoro & Ohio struck an open switch In tho yards hero today. Ilasklus for hcaHu, OWtT I I J)vv?aVm.'TT .. , H rtffiW& 1 4rVP 9rr.aUtfwf-"JJ KM 1 355 Our Correspondents EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. ( Ily A. C. llhuU'lt.l Since I wrote Inst Ueputy Sheriff O 11. Shearer and Mr Schuknleht fame out from Miidford and engaged a biiKgy. They had their own loam, and started for tho Pronpect country. Thei proceeded about flu utiles on the way. then hugmi to renlUo what It meant to null sticky. They would go a few rods and then the horsoH would havo to slop and rest, so they finally concluded tl retrace their steps, and arrived ut thi SunnysidB ut dark well satisfied with thulr ex perience with sticky. The night of tho !th Inst- our new town officers were sworn In and us stliued the duties of their respective offices. Among the new officers were William Von dor Helleu.aiiuyor; S. II. Hnrnlsh and Frank Nichols as aldermen and Kd Clncade as marshal. The old marshal asked me to say to the readers of Tho Mall Tribune that he would not havo the office again under any circumstances. Thero was nothing of especial Interest done at the council meeting oxeonl the regu lar routine of business. Uiwtnu & Heard seem to have quite a time trying to get Von der Helleu's old store building moved, us tho mud and rain keep them from making much headway. Since the late 'rains tho railroad men have been quite binty keeping the drift from banking up against the piers of the railroad bridge Just below town, and Friday night they had to take tho locomotive from the station to draw tho drift away. Whllo working at the bridge, Mr. Stout, the foreman of tho gang of bridge mou, met with two mishaps. Jhe first one was to havo a heavy timber fall on his foot and damage his great toe considerably, and the next thing was to fall and strike his hip on the end or n railroad tie, hurting him qulto severely. I see that Heath Diamond havo some ns fine looklngenpplex In tholr store as I havo secn'thls season, but no one seemed to know the variety. Marian Trusty, who has been up at Trail visiting his brothvr, started for Texas Inst Wednesday. J. E. Iteed of Wellen, living on his homestead on Yallkee crook, has Just returned from Scuttle, Wash., where ho has been Jo Tisltila sick mother. He spent tlio night with us at Eaglo Point and tbe noxt morning gave me his subscription for the Weekly Mall Trlbuno. Ho sa'd by taking tint paper he would get about all of the foreign news and nil of tho local news'. MrNewport, a son-in-law of F. J. Ayros, came out Saturday to have Dr. Holt open' a folo'n' on one of his fingers. W, M. Wadloigh of Chicago, III., came In from Newport, Ore., whore he had been seeking for some of the valuable stones that aro so abundant In our state. He Is hero now looking over our pralrlo lands for agates and other kinds of curios. He expects to gather and ship a lot to a firm In California near Los Angeles. Your Englo Point correspondent took a trip to Medford Friday and on tho enr with him from Eaglo Point were Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Orover, Mr. and Mrs. S. Ii. llolmus, Mrs. J. B. Jackson and daughter, Miss Cornell, who Is attending the business college iu Medford, and Will. Kulght tou, besides several wh'oso names I didn't know--for our town Is filling up so fast that I moot lots of stran gers. Thomas Nichols .In. wis also with us. Ho has been attending the business collegu In Medford but wus compelled to slop on account-of his being afflicted with hbj eyes, ho hav ing lost one of them and his hav ing to use the other so much causes Inflammation, and ho said that ho was going to see an eyo specialist In Medford. Hobert Palouzo, another or our bright youtliK.startB to school In tho high school department the 17th of this month Thus .wo have several of our bright youths going to Medford to attend school on account of thero boing not enough In that grade to form a clan, .but'wo expect next year to have a xchVol hero that will compare favorably with any of tho schools In the valley. Mrs. Larklu Heyuulds and her sou camo out from Medford Just Friday afternoon to be with her husband at tho Sunnysldo. He is ono of tho rail road carpentors and is horo building a house for the section men on tho P. & K. railway. She oxpocta to re turn to Medford Stiuduy ho her sou can go to school. Last Friday night thoro woro two of tho streot lamps takon from their stands and this (Saturday) morning tho now marshal authorized wp to say thut If they woro roturnod there would bo no questions asked, but If not tho guilty parties would bo nr rostod and punished according to law, Errand hoy, office boy, storo Jiolp er whatever work you jiavo f"r u hoy meaiiH preliminary work for a wunt ad in finding tho right hoy, CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. City Recorder J, V. .Ineohs upenl 11 few hour Monday iu .luek-onille on elly liuniuenfc. Mr. llelTlinij win n Monday a Sui tor nl (JnuilH I'ums from heie. Ml-. K. M. White-ido of Medfoid -peut the Hrst of the 'week with, Mr. and Mr-, U, CI. Whileido. A. C. Walker made n hiudne Ir'p (o (Iruitts Pa Monday. A. W. Walker, the liveryman of Medford, was here a fdiorl lime Mon day. The IjMdie.s' auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. will serve cocoa mill wind wicluw ut the V. M. ('. A. building Ihi (Tuonday) oveeiiing for 10 eenm. A -oeiul time i pronfiMcd to nil who al loud. Mrs. nnd Mi- Manning, MInn Mar garet Knuley, Mr.-. Anna Colon. Mi Murv OlsMin, Min Peail Kosn, MiM Kiln May, .1. F. liny. .1. II. tiny. Ue... I'enrl, S. A. FatlUou. .1. W. Myer-. Kenneth lleehe, Meuile, Kindle, Mr-. Kuudatl and daiiKhter, Mix l.eln IVnrt mid K. Scott were uiuoug (he many Central Point people who oponl Monday iu Medl'md. Mr, KiehardHoii mid Mis- Kiehard sou of Iteddiug, Cut., brother mid nieee of Mr.-. S. II. .Murray, nre lu"v visiting Mi.-. S. 11. Murray nnd othir reluliven here. .1. Nichols, who Iiiik been lull ing home folks here for the 'Miat month, left for Crcj-ceut, Ore., Tue--iluy evening. EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS Mr. JohiiHtoii of Phoenix n iu a very critical condition, 11 paralytic stroke being bin ailment. C. Carey ha- jul received a largt' quantity of the very lif-t needs of all kind of vegetable to he planted in hi exteimive holbed-. Mrs. A. II. Ferris from I-Vrn val ley wus trading in Phoenix Satur day. George A I ford of Ferns valley wan in Phoenix Saturday. Mr. and Mr.-. Joe Wader were Med ford visitors on Saturday. J. Hunter of Talent rural route wa in Phoenix Saturday. He informed your correspondent thut bin father, at the Soldier'n home at lfoxchurg, i very feeble. The old gentleman h ri I yearn old.-- Mix. ,1. I'oko ot Phoenix left Sun day morning for Drown-viMc, Ore., when-ifdio expei'tr lo vi-it her daugh ter. .Mrs. C. Ciito. Mrs. Lizzie Stnneliff of Phoenix, accompanied by W'illisin Wright, Mr. Chnrlen Isnnf and Walter Vine, left for Mniitugue, Cnl., Saturday morn ing, 011 being np 1 need of tho dentil of Mr. (loor-cH Wine, daughter of Mrs. Lizzie Standi!'!'. Iltmiden hu IihiiiI and xuveral other children, Mr. Wife leave a little bube nix Week old. The funeral cortege arrived on the evening train Sunday. Interment Monday al Phoenix. J. W. Pierce, Miiperinlendent of Hie Sunny Cliff orchnrdu, was iu Phoeuiv Saturday. lie nnyti his company in laying dIiiiih for a big recrvnir to furnihh water for muiic Hue gurdeu laud upon their property. Mr. Pierce is it lover of nil kind- of horticultural TnTTTITJ rrrirar'i I Do You Know tho Con dition of tho 'Titlo f.o You i Properly? Aro you sure that there aro no unsatisfied Judgments against Home former owner no unpaid assessments no unpaid taxes no court proceedings mlssod? You can't he sure unless iu former transfers Abstracts That Are Absolutely Reliable wore used In each transfer. Hotter ascertain tho condition of your tltlo now, Then If you should want to sell or borrow monoy, you'll know where you stand, Jackson County Abstract Company Corner flth and TJr Bt. North Mali Trlbuno Dldg. Medford, Oregon work nnd i- hound Iu mihmm-oiI, Mr. While nnd finally of Tnlenl and a Christina minister have re hinted from Te.a-, lifter several week looking around. Mr. White left Kogue river uboiil ten ear- ago de during In' never would come hncfci bill now he returns and hrinip a col our of 18 hniucHeoker with him. Mr. While unit a Mr. Wilson, one of hl lintui'M'ckerB, were in Phoenix Salur tiny. Thev thought land too hieli, hill when told what il would produce pill up their thinking i-up and licgun to make Hun I C-. in 1 ii 1 - in -----' Rock Spring Coal On llimtl all the Time (mice and Coal Vnul, Twelfth and I'lont Streets PlltlNI' TIIH Burbidge Till" COAIi MAN Valley Second Hand Store Wo liny and Sell All Kinds of Bccnad Hand ('nods M. J. PILCHER, Prop. 15 North Fir Home 'in I Hell !H: REAL ESTATE Willamette Valley Farms Of all de-.cription-, Garden nnd Fruit lands, Timber Lands. Some excellent bargain- iu AL BANY CITY PIIOPKHTY. Write or calf- on J. V. PIPE, 'in.'! WY-I Second Si.. A lliuii . Ore. Scuttle Appraisals Several Medford people hnvo employed uu to npprnlrio Seattle rent estate. Such appraisal U usually worth moro than It coots. Ira J. Dodge ot Medford was formerly connected with this of fice. Other Seattlo nnd Medford roforences on roijuoit. It. V. I'l'SKINi: COMPANY ()(! New York 111k., Hen tlio (Charter Member Seattlo Heal Ins tate Absii.) Game Boards Also full line of Games all seasons Medford Book Store Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency roit ham:: r.-room huiiKalow with some furniture, close In, 'iHU), a lots Iu Westmoreland add., $550. !' acres Improved 1! mllus out, only ?7fi00. Half InteroHt Iu lunch counter 1200. Ill) acres Improved, ?l-f per acre. IliO ncreii 4 y4 miles out, $150 jier aero. 'iitADi: 10 ncros near Central Point for Ijouho In city. MISOMLLANICOUH Want from owner, ucrcuKfl to trade for Loh AiiKoleu prnporty. All kliidii ot trades In California. Horses for salo. Furnished houses for rout. Vucant hoiiBos Iu all parts of the , cljy for rent. LlBt your property with us, KMI'IOYMUNTtl Woman to cook on a ranch. OlrlB for Konoral housoworlt. E. P. A. BITTNER ROOMS 6 AND 7, PALM DL0CK Opposite Nash HotoJ Phono 4ttlj Home, J4. 4e4rt- WHERE TO GO TONIGHT ISIS T II E A THE TONIGHT Thin In Mure lo I'lenxe IIANKH AMI WOOOV Colored t'oiuedlauN If you want to hniKh drop In mid Mini henr thoim cooiih Iu t licit- tlarklo T)wu itrtiimeut, DANA IIAIt'n.l'rt' Ainetlvi-'H I'luorlto Celllxt The act of ipiallty a treat for loerti of kooiI inunle. 'II i nt' reel- of i ho Im'hI pliiuri'N In (own ula)X on Imutt tine rca. imv rum. Speilnl Mallaeo SatiiMli)- and Hiiinbi)-4 at 'Jitlil Kveulnn rerf'triiiauce at 7KK1 5TAR THEATRE Cutler direction if Peopleit Ainuito ment Company ALWAYS I.N Till? I.I?AI loot) feel Of Mntehlci I'lllti 1(10(1 TOOAY'S I'ltOOItA.M 'Till? MlMl.tltM Ol' Till? LAW" A Wetttern Thriller 'TIM? IvSPAPK l'lt(M Till? IH'NtJI'ON" A ltomnnilc Hlory of (he Middle A Hex "Till? VOICKI.KSS .MliSHAOK" Powerful Drama "CAVIJ HOMItS ON Till? CANAItV 1SI.KS" Kdiiriitlnual Scenic. "UAH'S. NMAS1MT" 1000 I .a in; tin AL SATIIIvIt Tho Hlutter U'OOIAVOIITIIH The Photoplay MiihIcIiiiiii Your Own (Sooil Jiit'itu'cut Will Arliuowltthtii Our SuMrlorlly In l'ery llenp-Tt AiIiuIhnIoii IOc. Malluit' etery day Noyes & Black HOf.SI? AMI HION PAINTINO Up-to-I)ato Auto nnd CnrrlaKo I'alutliiK, Oold Leaf HlRna nnd Interior DecnratltiK a Specially. Shop mill Office H. Orapo and I()l(i St. Offlco Phono 7771. Iter). 7212. All Work I'OHltlvoly Ouarantocd. TUSCAN SPRINGS NnvliiK no ctpiul on earth In variety of mineral watcm and curing dlnenRCH that mrdlrluofl will not reach. If you aro In need of health, come now. Wo aro open all tlio year and can Klve tint lieut of care ami attention now as woll iim In -nimmer. Hlntto dally from lied llluff to the nprliiKit. Kurthur par tlcularH addrtviu E. B. WALBRIDGE TI'SCAN HI'UINOH. PAL. Wanted-To Trade A fine piano for a nlro drlvln--team, weight 1250 IIih. Wilt pay ciihIi difference, Wo liaiidlo Knabe, Hlorllni:, DohuliiK, MePhall, l.a Kanpio, and many othuiH. Call at IIAIiC'H PIANO IIOUHI" Cor. inih ami Oakdale Draperies V7 carry u very oomnlete line of (Irnparlen. luco oiirfalna, flxturen, etc., nnd Oo nil olnauoN of tniliolaturinv. A Inclnl miin to look nftor thla work (ncluntvuly und will iflva n jiood r6rvlco an n poimible to st In von tint lartffnt clitoaj. Weeks & McGowan Co IF YOU OWN A LOT Wo will hiilld you a homo on monthly payments. MEDFORD REALTY AND IM PROVEMENT COMPANY M. F. and II, Co, Building.