Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 13, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    itTDFom)irA7fTRmnNnTn!DTronr), omwov, satti?t)Ay, .taxiary 13, 1012.
From the Play of (he
Same Name by
CF)rUM, WO. ly Wln.lnll .Iit.Mli ,C
ml l.nuli Jattpli Vtnc
(Ciililllillt'il liiilii lfflfl )
(In "told lilitinelf ho 1 1 ml nolvcil (liu
problem of linr illmiine, Imt IIh rtMiinly
rxiiiMliiixl lieytiud IiIn rofldi The bind
MiHH wit doing very well Indeed, hut
It WHN Mt III JIUIIIK nntl mint bo Kllt
Iwltsl to til feU' tlHHIH'lllI llrilllll IIH
IHNwItilti. Am It run thfiv vn an In
tio niilllcli'iit to bmrd, Indue nml
elnlli" 1 lie tluve r tlicm, maintain llu
credit of ttiii iwrtucndilp and now mul
niMiln mliiilt of 11 xtltflit but mh'Hii-
tllKCOlllt addition to till" M(M)k of (It-
lure. Tiling wonlil ftiuiluly lm bet
ler In lli roiino of tliuit, but
It ciiiim to mim tlmt In' left the rtnrc
fnrly one (vihiIhk, oriiliiK lilueteir on
IIhi phin or honitt Kllctil ludlmidiiltlon,
ihI limt lilium'lf ler the speo of two
llo found hlinmdf nhortly after H nt
wno by tlm unit' in tln Itolitin plnci'.
An lined iirgni IiiiiIit, iiiii nf tho freed
ilrtri.ii hrouiitit troiii Vlrslnhi by the
Hohtini. mlmliiml him to Hut Imll nml
hwV hi onril. Ninotlii'rltii; hU own won
ihtrmeiit. fur In ibine daj nobody
(llmurtiwl thn llitirt mul tin? im-hck of
(livny of i tit. Ilnliuu uwiiudnn nitre It
mimtnr. Dunrnii IihiI pun: to wait.
"Cunnel llotiun ull e jo', mill."
tho nurvMitt ld nml iuIiotw! him Into
thn library.
Itoliuu received tho young man
MMndlnjc. lie want hr coitruwtm bo
inmtli Iila awn rouf n hit wh Impov
nlble nvny from It.
The eotoiiH iKMlilcd. "At your nerv
lee, ulr." nml wnliwl urlinly.
Duncan hail liU own way of ccltlnj:
nt tliliit.
"May I Inquire, olr. If you are ne
iimOiiImI Willi liu- Hnn of U J. Hart
lull A Co. or New Yofkr
"I lwo hewpl of ll. Mr. Duncan."
"Then woiilll uu mlnil dtdioe uie thn
favor of wrllliiK to Mr, Henry Knl
lK. Uk junior iwrlimr, mul imlctiij;
I1I111 about incT
Tile ciilouttl rllffi'iiiil. "Mny I nU
why I Hhoiilil 1I0 iiuytliliiK ho unrnlltul
"ItucniiMo It iMji't iimmllc1 for, lr. I
nicflti jiui won'i think no after I've
Ilohun InMlnoil hU hcwil, Hoardilng
f Nnt'M fHio with hi kiMMi, brlisbt nyiM.
"You ttii, lr. It's thlti wuy. I wmit
you 10 intrtiMt iik with n coimMortibli
Mum of inonry. mul imiurully you would
lutt do 1 Imt without Iniowluir mxue
thlnn mImiiii inn."
"1 Iiicllno very iiiurh to ibiulit Hint
I filionlil do It In tiny u tiiit. Mr. iJiiu-
"Oh, ihtn't ny Hint. You don't Unow
tho clrruiotitMiK'tw ni yet." Nnt Jnrlanl
lit limit (iMrmwtly ul tho colonel. "You
Mi'o, ou'ro Hitbl to bo nno of tho rich
iiit mnn In town, nml I'm certainly ono
of the HnriMt, no of courno 1 turn to
you (it n ciiM 111.0 this."
Duncan could have Nworn that tho
ryiw wito lwnUlliiK boueaih tho miv
iiKnly l.iillttil blown.
"You iinmt iimlfrMtnuil I'm In bUKb
siimw hero In Iladvllle-n parlner In a
i:rowlii; nml pnwporliiK concern-nli
Oolnjr-xi'ry woll In point of fiict."
"Hut wo Imwn't nny njirtro capital.
In fact, wo liurou't Kot nny capital
worth immtlonluK, Hut tho butiliiotfH bi
cutlioly noiiiiiI nml bolvent."
"1 coiiKmtiilntit you, Mir,'1
"U'linuk you vory much. Now, I'm
InleroMcd In n rnthor liiRiilur coho,
Hint of u youiiK woumii-ii girl, I
Mjioulil Biiy-ilnulitnr of my purtnor,
KIio'h n jjood kIiI Htiil womlorfully
Hwent nml Hue, lr. She coiiich of one
of tho bent fmullli'H In theso purtK."
"On her imitliur'n vide," uuuuestcil
tho colonel diyly.
"""'So I'm told, Kir, Hut hIio'h been
lioj-leettil. Clt'ciiiiiKtiiiiccs lutvo been
npiliiHt her. She liann't hud a rent
cjmiico in life, but nIio niiRlit to hnvo
it, mid I'm koIuk to hoc tlmt it ho jjeta It
ono way or itnotlior."
"You Imveii't ll'nlHhedV" Bnld tho
colonel coldly. '
".Not (pilio, lr," mtld Dtincnii. 'Oood
hIrii," bo told himself, "liu hiiNii't or
dered mo thrown out yet."
"To coino down to ensos, Blr, nIio
fliielit to bo Hunt to a ood boardlnj,'
neliool for u fow .yenrH. It'll tiinUu n
jiow woninii or hor-n woiimn to ho
jirouil of. HIio'h not tlmt In her. It
only iicedH to bo hrouRht tint."
"And boforo you leave, hIi" Htilil tho
colonel with tdgiilllciuit preelHlon, "will
you bo no kind hh to Inform mo why
you think Hit should Intercut moV"
"No." wilil .Duncan candidly; "I
Imveii't Kot the ijurve q. "Hut wltnt I
wanted to propono wiih tliN-tlmt'ytiu
lend mo S.'iiK) to cover tho expeniio of
tho Hint year on condition that I rep
roHPiit the money an coiiiIiik from the
prolltn of the biiHlueiei and, In uhort,
keep tho traiiHiictlun between our
BOlves aliNolulely tpilot. If you'll In
quire of Mr, KoIIokk he'll tell you 1
enn be tniHteil to keep my wind. Kur
thermoro" lui' KUllopcd, miHpoetliiK
KK IiIh time wnu pei'lloiiHly Nhort and
noHlrliiK to t;et It all out nf lily HVHteni
(-"I'll tfiiiirituttio yon reiuiyuiont vlUilu I
J en f mid (Imt oii liitit I be mum V'.
llii way a mvtiinl ibnw"
Ilohun looked him ovr fwm hwid tu
foot, bnwetl In Nlli'iici mid, iui'iiliii(
both liml Mloml ilinnialiiiiit IIiIm imih
rifo-sniNml a bell iie by Hie ehliil
n ey mid pulled ll tluletitly.
Ill the ilewilHte fniineMoti of tlmt
dreary Imuxo itomewlieie u bull tliikhtd
illxcoidnntly. A mtwiiHiit Icier Hit
whim liumU'd dniky butlur opened dm
-tthr he wild.
Colonel. Ilohun oamyed to xponk.
clourcd hi thront ituirilly nml Imll-
A.VIilll IIIU'AME niK OIIU Ot'TltAt LY'ri t'SI
VKI.iB. eflltil Duncan with a courteous got
"ttclplfl." Mid be. "thin nentleiimn
will linwit RlAMuf wlnu with hih."
"YnMMUhr nUimmeieil the ouRni
Ilohun turned In liM kiumL "Won't
you be nid. Mr. HunvniiJ" be huhJ.
'Yimi have IiiIiiIinI mo coimldentbly.
Mir, it ml I uliould h gtad to dlnrtiwi
(he tinnier with you "
KpecHileM, Duiiemi khikmI Incohcr
1'iilly nml tinned lowurd eliulr hh Him
MTVMiit reMptnwriMl with troy on
which wnu n duennlur of nherry nml
two old fMhbuiwI. thin Mtetuiiii'd cry
Inl kIhmdh. ' plnciil llili on the
llbmry table, tlllii) ihe kIjimw am) nt
n nIkii from ItoMiin retired
"Sir." until ilm colonul, Imllcntlns rh
lry, "In you. I bold It n prlvlb. nlr.
to drink to the ouly ifmttouMii of aphil
ll'n Ihn'ii my jfixHl forinnw'to meet thin
mmiy n ytmr."
Hy way of nh hW. It uliould be
mentloHiNl I Imt tbU wwt Hit ilrnt and
inly drink Duuchii tool; whlln he II rod
In Itftdvlllo.
ItOlt A HI. Y nothing vir trare
rim to more comment In Itatb
vllle tltnu Htty Orunniu'a df
pnrture to MHtil the winter nt
t beantlMi: M'honl nHr l'lilludelphl
Ilnnlly any one kuew miythluic hIhmji
It In fnet. the rumor of It vmth Junt
belli;; nulned nbout mid eouteniptunuH
ly itbertMlltMl an nil ImmU when Tra
cey Mttlloped down Mnbi Mruet Monday
i no n due with the nuwu that nIio had
left on th enrly train.
Itndvllltt hmn at tlmt MurHtltiil. then
ctainoroiiii. but ttwre wan little lufor
tiMtfeu to bo got out of old Umn.
Dtiiipon hluwnlf rofiweil to he Inter
viewed, lie tohl everybody who had
tint Iwpodeuee to maMtlwi the nmtier
to him that ll wax Mr. tlrabiiiii'H af
fair. Mr. (Iritlmin wh a auttntniitlal
buHlutnM man. ho mM, and If he cIkno
to aemt bin dailhler away to acuiml
he had a rfK-t rlijlit to do ao.
One direct reault or ll all wan to
haateu JtMle'a own leave taking. It
would never do to let the (irnlinin
oclltiae the lwkwooiU, you cc .!.. c
had Im-vii InlUliiR nf koIiik to (( !i.'l
In .Mrtrjl.uiil, but Hetty a move t a
a j'Aiitv nowN ron htaii: ocoAnioNB.
fnutilounblo. center llko IMiiliulelphlu
made her change her mind, and ar
ratiKOineiita were uiiulo by which Josdo
wiih able tt go Holly ono belter. A
youiut IiiiIIch' seminary In New York
city Itseir tveplved Joale. She left us
boivavetl about a week after Hetty
vauliihetl from out ken, but promised
to bo back for the Christ inns holidays
llutty wna jMnpy. sbo proteMteil In
every comiuaaTicutlou, and wholly iTou
tent.' Sho wiih Kt'ttliiK "Ioiik Tho
olliot" Klrla liked her, mid hIio liked
them, Hicho Htatemeub) belnt: mado la
tho order of their relative Importance,
l.ota tif tliein, of cottrae, wuio frlRht
fully swell (Hotly annexed "trlhtrul
ly" at hcIiooI, by the b.vel and bnd all
MOi'tH of clot lies. The tlntjf a I ore, not to
be, uupplle.d hvr with u party
WflBr ,Mr
. "k -n ir ;. vs. -r
cue. u for Mlulo wiiahH.
JtHile kept Iter pnniile mid rninn
home for (nirlmitma, Ulio wiim relbont
nn to her litlpteaaleim of the New York
Nemlunry, but Ncnmril oxtretnely Kind
to be Imjue, tiotwIllwlnntlliiK the fact
that Nat had npiHimitly couinutcd no
dial in lilMB alllmieeii with thn other
belle of our vlllnKo. Ami Jlolnnd io
uinlnul true-ii reliable aecoml atrliiK
lo .IomIo'm bow. Hold ml wua working
hard nt tho Imnk, with mi iippllcfltlon
that enrnud Illlnky Iiekwood'a regard
and oulapoken approbation, ami bin
Olirlatinna iHlinent proved the hoiiim
(Ion of thn aeuaoti,
In pnnftlnK I Mhoiibl iiieiillon that
Hetty didn't como home once through
out the vntlre aehool lerm. The Chrlat
man ami ICnuler holiday) alio mieiit
with a Klrl friend at bee I'hllatlalphld
homo. i
Meiiuwhlle life Iji our town aim
meied fieutly. Dum-aii eontluuad to
make protrmo. for one IhtHK I ra-
Mil Hint he put In but itoda with whip
ped cream, which helped it let to hold
Hie trade legnluwl In the nummwr from
Hotliern it I.
Uccnatoually Duncan vlalted aomo of
, the towua In the cownty lo derelop the
I mini oitiar bnaiiiHM widen he had mm-
teixfully. (uaUKUrated ami which In
rc)iei uMtarlally the pro lib of the
111 in.
There wna a certain night nlonR to
ward i ho lit of January when trade
wan dull. n It always la afler Clirlat
man, and there wan nobody In the
more anvo Nnt and Traeey. Uneli bad
their laak, whatever It mny hnvo been,
and each wan htmled with It, but of tho
two Tnicoy Keeiuetl the morn nwtlesu.
Diiinmn hroko n lutic xllenre In the
itoro. "Wlml'a the trouble, TraceyV"
Tmeoy pulliMl up with a atnro of con
fiialon. "I I duniio. Mr. Duncan; I
wan Ihlnkln', I hiimbh."
"Anytlilhe Kie wronc?
"Not jet"
"Somebody been dcnionatrntlnff that
your doll'it utuffed with anwdutt. Trace)-
"Noo; but, any. Mr. Duncan" Trn
cey'H canfualou iKt-ame terrlflo.
"8ay on, Mr. Tanner."
Trnooy atruxRled Hrcepllhly. The
wonU wbwi thy came were blurtcil,
"Ah, I waa only Uilnkln 'ImmH AiirIo,"
"Do you over think about, anything
"No." Tracoy admlHMl hoHoatly, "not
tiiucli. Hut 1 wua wonderln' "
"Are yon atuck on Angle. Mr. Dun;
lanT' dautanded Traeey deajwrately.
"Grout auaknal I hope nnt!"
The boy alghed. "Thank you, Mr.
dunoan TitAvntan to tur KcmiinontNa
unv.Na to uuvutor ucmi.niku.
Duncan. I wns only worryln becnuso
you nml Anle l hlnbr toKuthor In
the choir now .lole l.ockwood'n koiio
to tK-hool an' nn' Annie's tho purtleiit
girl In town an' I waa 'frnld 't you
illicit like her boat when Jonlu'a away.
An' I wanted to auk you to pick out
ti'mothor iiirl."
Duiu-nn chuckled silently. "Trncoy,"
ho wild prutfiiutly, "It HlilUoa niu you
mum bo In love wllh Angle."
The boy nulled. "II am,"
"And I think slio'tj rather partial to
"Do you, really, Mr. Duncan?"
"I do, Do you want to marry her?"
"tleo! I can't hardly, wait! Only,"
Traeey continued, tlUeoiiNolate, "It
ain't no use, really. SIio'h so party an
swell an' old man Tutblll's so rich
not llko the Lock woods, but rich all
Hie Ruiuoo an' I'm ouly tho son of tho
Hvory atablo man nu' fat an' all' that
an' "
"Niiimonso, Trticuy," Nat Interrupt
oil firmly. "If you really want hor
and will follow (bo rules 1 Blvo you
II'h a elnob."
(To bo Continual.)
umti kock, iVk., Jim. i:iv-
Two puciMoiiKwrti wore tlrowhoil nml 1 1'
ollierM nru Iitully i'rozou aa n result
of llio hiukiuy of (lie K&Miuur, Nplllo
.lolinson, whon hIio ulruek ieo in Ijuko
li'AiiKiiille lotluv.
UasUlus for honlth.
Plan to Form Corporation lo Handle
Product of Northwest; May Absorb
Northwestern Fruit Exchanije; Se
cret Mcetliiu Is Held.
(OrogO)i ,liiiniiil.)
Vory iMlutly, U eoinniittee of lenil
injC fruit nmU lrom IUhhI Kivr
in in t'orilNittl )jkiliiiiijf the organiza
tion of mi j)frtolHilb'rH' coriMirntion
llint will inclndi' Uie preut iJintrietH
of liooil (ivar Hoy"' river, Wetint
t'lieo nml Norlli Vnkimn, logwther
with all Hie umaller ibtrietH of lhe
nortliwoHt nml illHt Mil nliMoib Hie
.VortliwexterH Frtllt i r. limine, whoxe
offices are in 1'
The IIimh IMver oiiimitleo eon
ihU of C. II. Siat, head of lhe
Hooil Jlivi-r AiMi.' (Jniwi-ri.' nnion,
A. 1, Mimoii ii ml J. I'. KcrKU4in. The
meelinx wnu Iield with ntletuplOil -ciiK-y
with C. A. .Malbcoiif of the
Xortliwowtoru Fruit exihmie in the
,SwliIifi( liitiltlin
To obtain ooii trill of Hie fruit ex
cliHiijje mid intjjiiile it- (sniinint h
an axMi-l of proptHk-d eorjiurHtion it
irt Hind HinI it will be iircentiury (n m
eure -.,iilro or flD.'MNi Mtoek of the
eoneem. Tllo niNouut now neetled
for i-oulrol liu-eil nt
$:iO.WH) lo $50,000.
1'Imiim for nil Mil ii'.Mhwewt fruit
linmllerH' eorH)iHtton have before
been eouxiilorflil, but never ha def
initely, it h Kiil. IVnit f.nwer ul
one or Hie other of the four yn-it
ilUtricU bnve bofoee taken the iuitii
lie in prontliiitg cunibniatioii. but
I'Ncb tune hostility of mtorcxtx ilue
to ilifferejiee ill local kui has been
iirgfi Mftaitml tlio jilnn. No it in us
alronjrly itrjeoil tlmt if the npM"e crop
of th' nortliwost Ib hnmlled through
ono h'm eorjHimtioii or "trust," miun
t Mined by roiru6aiitntiu imm lrtnt
Hrower of nl tlio,Scliiii, it will oe
IHotsible to Iieeti tile eastern markets
from lieiK flomle'il nml to dictate
price to uHNturji bnjers.
Cominitlees fiilm Medford nml
(Inmtrt Pan lmve ttlrendy eontotlered
n iroMiwitiim, anil is said now ree
ominemU iH)nsoTnI.siirt to Die grow
en of Ho4iil Hiverj'WenatcIieo anil
North Yakima.
In llieir dcire lo 0SimH publicity
Mr. Spnmt, Mr. Miisoii nnd Jlr. 1-Vr-jfiii'oii,
nfter rejnsterlnjt nt the Im
HiriMl liole.1, turned lit" their key and
went awny, not iiyiu where they
wore jfouiK or what, tlioir plant.
The eomiiiittee spwt the day piling
over lhe tin?k anil newels of the
Northwestern Frail uxehniiKe.
Kxsro&n MAHrzxa.
BtU Pricta.
I'otRtoos $1.50 per cwt.
Cabbngo 2c
Parsnips 2c.
Lottuco 5c head.
Carrota 2c.
Uoota 2c.
Onions 2c.
Celery 50c $1 doz.
Cauliflower lOOICo head.
Turnips 2c.
KadlBhea Cc bunch.
Onloua Qrcon, Go bunch.
Cocpanuts 10c each.
Prunes Dried, 10c lb.
V.omons 2Cc dozon.
Dnnauna lOo to 30c per dozen.
Oranges 15c to 10c.
Cranberries 15c quart.
Iluttcr Kkk "! Poultry
Putter Fresh ranch, por
Cue: croamory, S3c.
Kbb FroBh rauch, 3Cc; Btorage,
PnuUcy Ilenn, tlrossetl, lCc; llvo,
12c; BprlnRS, drecd, .lBc.
Turkoys 20o to 25c, drossod.
Meats, AVhoIesialo
Hoot Cows, 1 l-2c';ttcor8, Be,
Pork R V c and o,
Vonl Dressed, 7'i-10c.
JDitton 3 3 l-2c, llve: lambs,
liO tO 1()C
liny and Footl.'
Hay Timothy, tUi nlfaUn, J12;
grnBB, i; grain hay, $14.
aralu Wheat, 9Go hushol; oats,
$3G tou; barley, $36 ton.
'I'OIfrjiANn, Or- J'i 13. Willi
leaps rtml ImiuuK the Willnniello riv
er biro iki on it-, way to the flood
Htnjjg iml by noon tmuorrow it is e
lloeled to voneh a idm) juf 'llvo foot,
when sonVe of the liAver (looks will
ho Huliinorued, TIip river rose three
I'ol in llio last 2 1 lioiiw.
lUiut'ull iluriii,' llio past 21 lioura,
tcjf'lh,r with the mild liiiMriifiiri"'
Mbieh Imii moHeil Hie, utiows in the
hiuher plae tributary to lha Willnm
(tie, has cntlatt tb ri.
Have roil liarnaftMNl op a want nl
lately -and liitohd it to yonr task?
Tell what llio H In Hlw - briefly.
The nmjxctie tenant in Hiitchintr
for vur ml.
Motorists, Attention
( ylindcr troubles usually arc
due to carUm (JeiMmit.
Trace lm k the r;irlKn dc
jxisit, and, If jou do not fiml
the fault lit your mixture, you
probably will find it In your
lubricating oil.
cally clmuiintcs earliori deHw
1U. It mvcs you fnm fouled
spark plugs and talvcK, scored
cylinders, etc.
It keep proper lubrlcatlnt:
Insly at IhkIi tempemtures. It
feeds freely right down to zero.
TIhs Pularino Hraml tsivers Po
Inrine Oil ; I'olarine Trm mitdon
Lubricants (la three ronsitt-eiM-l)t
PoUrino Fibre Create
and Polarlne Cup Grcate.
Li ff fu-k(f- twm kyia
fuiUtvlit Mn vo In carlo tor
tour car. Write for it tmtitr-
Standard Oil Company
that grow
that bear
Northern Grown Stock
Columbia & Okanogan
Nursery Company
Of tho Wenatcheo Valley
O. M. I-iiidn, Meilford SoloMimn
Phono NI-II. 17 S. Itlverslde
Deal with the man that does the
uioul busiius. You wdl find there
in n rcMiaou for it. N
During the jmst thitw years
over .100,000 tree, and ioes Jiuve
been delivered to the planters of
tho Koue Kner valley by tho
AH slock leninsj llii nursery i
jjunrnuleed to l'hMASM mul the
N. S. Bennet
Office 1201 North Central Ave.
Box 823, Medfcrd, Ore.
Twenty-two years' experience in
orchard and nursery work in Urn
Kflguo ltter alley.
2 Orders nnllM for and delivered.
Indies' and men's nulls cleaned
Home, 37. Corner JSIghth and
Aetna Accident Northwestern Mutual Life
Bolh Phones 210 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg.
WW 1 zfiogazz
isnovnisii m rniiiisiiiif
zMkr fJU i mm m LU
HAPPY is the woman who is never
unprepared who can always lay a nice appetis
ing raoal or light luncheon boforo nny guest unexpected
or not. Her frlonds praise hor for her housqwltuly qual
ities and alio feels that dQlishtful satisfaction which can
only como from hospitality perfectly done.
'jphe secret lies in having a
well chosen selection of canned
goods and table dainties always at hand.
Look over our stock the best of the kind in tho town
and make a selection today. Then put your fear in the
cupboard for you will bo prepared for any company
come when it may.
80.40 8. OENTKAL AVE.
roi'tlaml to I.o AiiKeles 5) S S KvcurIon Tlrkafa QostliiK
On wilo dally, good lx months with stouov&ra going or roturjiIu?.
CorrosnondlitKiy low Hire front ohar Oragon nolnta. Call Qij our
agouta for '
"llniuKonuily Illustrated I.itomturo doscrlhlng Sa'n Prariclsco,
Oaldnnd. Mt. Ttunnlnals, llorkeloy, Stanford Uulvoralty, San Joao,
Lick Ohnorvatory, Sautti Cruz, Dol Monto, I'aso nohlea Hot Springs,
Santa Barbara, Los Angelo, Famdana, Long Uonch, Vonlco, Ulver
Bldo, Itortlaudg, San DIogo, tho Oh Spanish MIbsIoiis, Ypaomlto ?.'
tlonal Ftvrk ami Big Trooa, uud ninny other, Rinses of Intftrcat lu tho
(1 old on Stats; or wrlto to
Qqiioral Fasaeugor Agent, 1'OItTLAND OBEOON,
: Laundry
First class work dono by hand.
and pressed. Tol. Mftln 7831; 2
So. Central Avo. 9
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lHlvS, ITS Y.lUi:i ATl'UAf