0rf6fl Hltl(Kln! yuH City Halt .mniili Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Itnln. M., t;vIlii., RHntlvo Humidity, fOA ret. V r "V , , 1, J ' f f& & m , , S L lf fiEfflaBPP'WPwT Dully HUlll Vrnr, Km t y I'lmt Ytmr. IN SHADOW OF DEATH 250 IN WORK IN RUINS Over $400,000,000 in All Was Moved From Vaults III Equitable nullillii( Today American Exchange Nn tlonal Vaults Give Up Treasure. 100 POLICEMEN GUARD REMOVAL OF $150,000,000 All ol tho Records Are Found Intact, Papers Not Even Bc- Inil Scorched. NI5W YOltlC. ,Ihm. II.- AlllnmKh WHrttotl Hint Iholr llvtm were in dan Kr, Uoll men today neeeplrd (he ohttnn iiinl i'mIiiu'iI th mint of lite Uqtlltltlllrt lillililillg In ln.. ll lid' Wll Mllll I'lfHI' H mll ill Millllfc which cnnlitin upward of W.Wiy, 000.000 In ntH-iiriU.-n. Wnll ulrcel nd ihI I ho fire Iimm pmolioMlly pnntl.v d il Hullriliw. Tn ih.Ivk t ht ptohlem f "l)V IniMiniNM," Mini for K"rw I protection, the kIUm mix I flr Hulhnri Urn Hit wiiitriitK h plmi to lyiiH iwil lite whIU of l!i riiolur. The wii mi me ri'iiHf neot xnii' hio liHl(illC Ilvt fwt Hlltl ItllilllflllHI-ll Ijinwli'ii lii FhII iii Hit vault of tin Mercantile Km ft' I)chmU ciiiiMiny. Si tot U tin ilunitr nf HCfidcnl lluil wjtllo llic men worked on tin niiii today it lino (,f HiiibiilnnefM wiiiU'il in tbt atrt'ttt pr'irinl in ruli ntiy iii JHrtiit in liollnU in Dm event of a itAlamity. Tho honk Mini rroflrfiit of the lJjtMJllAl)iL..JjUJLw.VM)!H)lu sotTli'ty InflnlrwnviHretf partly niilengod. d Hi tifflnlalit nay Hint f lin aleel Hilar canon which contain UO.OflO jMiii'ic mi which dm iniuiiiuy had IiihiiimI mo if tliHii $70,0110.01)1) In th.'ir ImliliT. m tiiiiujiiri'il. 1?IIMI,(MII),(MMI .MllMil. Mini' Until f IOO.000.nilO in nil wiih innvml friHit tile vmiiIIm in tli Kiitit mMm luilny Mini tlin ihohI nlMliorHln i!witHlimi uru tkti In xiifcuitHnl tin tH-fini'tii Hiitl hmmIi, Tll(t AlUlTIUHII llxnllHIlRd Nlltinllltl Imnk'it vmiiIIm wtMtt iiiiiptii'.l nl' n it livMniutt. It- wim itlMff.l iii n f-tfi'l Imt'ii'il I'Npi.'ttx vvutimi for liHintoilH timi Mini 10 liunvily anni'il coiuiln ilh TiO plniii ulutlit'M moil iMiuvnyod till' WCIlltll. KollllVWIlK tlllM (UIIIIU mi iiiitniiinliilii Mii'ki'il with nrini'il 1111 -))lnyiw nf llni liHiik. Il U "niil llml .f(!l),lM)0,IIOII uimii innvnil ill IliU 1111111 imr. Slmrllv HfturwHiil tliu vitiill - nf tint .Mnit'Miililn Snfo )nxwi( ttnni pnny wurn npi'iiuil mill, uliilu 100 -licoiiH'ii Mlnml sun nl. $IA0,000,000 in iiiMilitioM mill iitniioy worn innvml m 11 ututil iiininruil wiikoii anil tHkmi tn llut iiiniii nfriuo nf tlio lliinkur' TiiimI tiuiililiiy ill Willi fctl'i'ul. Not nnu nf llin nim wiih MMiritlniil iiinl lliiiui ohim miy tlio vmiliN will Iw nil lVmiul iiiliint. Miilorliijf tlio Mtili-t'ollnr nf llin IniililiiiK llronu'ii iionolrnli'il tn near wlioto Ciiinpinii'M Imily iw Inuicil mill are ciiilcnvniiiiK In ii'innvo It. EX-MAYOR'"Hi" GILL IS TO RUN AGAIN HHATTMS, W'iihIi., Jim 1 1. Kr inur ftlnynr "III" (till, who wiih ro callml tit 11 Hpoolul olootion 11 your lib')), Ih n onnilliliitn for tlio huiiio of rico iimiln, 1 1 let nomination punum worn fllml this inoinlim', and with thin ant Inn ho iinnlo an oponlnj; cam PiiIku Htatoinont. IIIIGAGO BOARD OF IRAOE BUILDING AFIRE CHICAGO, .In. Itnunl ol' Tnulo II. -Tho ChleiiKO mllilinu (iniiLrlit on llro today, tlio lilnzo HtnrtiiiK in tho HinnkiiiK loom nil tho mh;oih1 floor anil doing ,VJl),(H)() (luiiuiKi'. lluil' ol' tho downtown llro limiting npparalUH wna on thu bcctto. WEDS HER BOWERY CONVERT. "'n urn "" ' mi CHARLES H KfcOHEHDERG A rniiiiiiico of Krcnt Intfroni cultnl imliMl In .Vow York on ClirlnttiMti Kvo wlion Minn Aiinn IiiilliT. who lif 1 In-r lino homo nt lMttfOi'lit, Miinm.. to work In II10 xliiiim of tin. Jlnwcry. kmvu nr tolf In innrrlfiKt In cimrlcN II ICrurirti Imtk. tho flmt of Iwr convorU. Thoro wnmi't nny fancy inuMcoi fnncy cIoiIich t thin wi'ililliie, hut n IniinlriM in mi In whnnu wnn-Kiil llvi'it tho lirlilcunxim (mil plnyi'il n (mrt. nml In whne ui mini KtriiKKlo (ho Httlo hrlilr hutt lent 1 In-lpliiK hum), wore lht wltnonox OF ROAD DISTRICTS Court Meets Tills Afternoon for the First Time With the Highway Com mission Appointed During Recent Road Bend Election. 'I'linrmlny inornliiK tlio Qoiinty oouri itiiolnt( miMrvlMirn of tho wtrlo wnit 11 it j tttijmliitct! for tlio ninth tflatrlQt In plutio of '(I. Lynch. No nonolnl niont wiih iniido for tho olovonth dU trlrt, iotiilni; comtiiltntlnii with roHl tlonlit of (hnl ithttrict. In other tils irlftn, (Iioho In rlinrito n yonr nK worn roH.poIntoil, to work nntlor illrerilon of (ho county ronilmnHtor. Tho mipnrvliMirti HppolntoU wcro n follew: (IwrKo W. Joiiim, dlHtrlct No. 1; Ham il. Vnn Dyko. tllHlrlrt No. 2; A. Thriu'kinuitlu, illHlrlot No. 3; II. 8. (Sroory, dlntrlct No. I; Qtto Citrtor, tllwtrlct No. Bj ThoninK Stim l") ilhttrlr.t No. (1; Kil lllKKlnhothain. Ilti lot No. 7; I). W. S(urcl8H, iltK-(rli-t No. S; Davo Ponco, illstrlct No. It; V. It. (Inrrolt, tllHtrltit No. 10; .liiiiiiw I. Krodoulioru, ilhttrlrt No. 11!. ThurmlMy aftortionn tho court mot (or tho flmt I lino with tho highway rtiiiiuiltHiInu nppolntoil hy II to ohhIkI In tho count runt Ion of pormuuont hlKhwitM cotiMtrucliMl iiiulor (ho It.r.oo.ooo iMJiiiblHtnio. Tho immihorH of tho coniiulitaloii tire: I'Vanlc llrowii, KiikIo Point; Kaiiiuol MatlilN, Wooilvlllo; lloraco Pollon, Suiiib Val loy; MlloH C'untroll. Applonnto; D011 tnu llowort, Anhlanil. Waya nml iiiumiH of hlichway iionstriintlon woro tllKOIIMtlll. Tho hoatil ailjoiitnoil until Wod iKHtdiiy, .tatiiuiry 17, hy whlnh tlnio It In hopod that a iIccIhIoii will ho hand, ml down fioin tho mipronio court ro HardliiK tho hoiid Ihhiio. No lovy will ho rixod until that ditto. 1'otltloiiH havn boon locolvod from tho varlmiH school dlntrlctH rcnuojtt ItiK that (ho lovy ho placed for $10 per pupil limtoad of $8.10 art at pruri ent contumplatoil. At tho lust hoh hIoii of tho loKlHlaturo tho Htato lovy wiih ranted to $S per pupil and thu varloiiH dlHtilolH now want It placed at $10, Thoro aro 7;IS1 puplla In tho county, ami nt $8.10 per capita tho tax aiiimnitH to $(12,071). Thoro s.' 1 jTiiare im-1 niiWiTfi ' 'i i - un a UPERVSORS PPOITO WHO IS YOUR CHOICE FOR PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE? JMark cross botwoon munbor and liaiuo ol' oaiulidato. iiopubliuau.' 1 ( ) William Howard Tad. , 2 ( ) Robert M. La Pollotlo. S ( ) .Theodore loosovolt. "'V Donioorat 4 ( ) Woodrow Wilson. 5 C ) Judson Harmon. ' ' ( ) Ohamp Olark. ' . 7 ( ) William tT. Bryan. Out out and mail to Mail Tribune. Namo Address MEDFORD, PODFORD IS AGAIN NAMED AS POSTMASTER Nomination Is Sent to the Senate hy President Tall, and Will Undoubt edly Be Confirmed Conuressman Hawlcy Recommends Him. HAS SEEN BUSINESS GROW FROM $5000 TO $33,000 Has Held Office for Past Eight Years and Now Will Hold it Four Years More. A. .M. Wonilforil, who Iiiih hciaci! iim poMtuitiNter in tltin city for tin1 pnt tulil yoMix, Iiiim lict'ii iioiniiintfd for another four-year term, I'rowi ileut Tail liiivini; cnt m iimiiio In (he hhiiiiIu for eomlnnatiiin. luiiHinurh tot .Mr. Woodford' rccoVtl witli the (Kirital mitliorilieit in uitliout a llitw, nml he Inth the iiitIoieiiieut of C011 KronuiMti IIhhIo.v Hint no opponitiou Iiiih dcvulopcd, hin iippniutincilt will uinloiilitoilly he continued. .Mr. Woodford Inut scon tlio Iiiini icm of lit' local MMnffifo iuerunhu from .flOIMI a year to .f.'t.'I.OOO, nml the number of clerks increase in like pro portion. Free delivery linn boon in Mulled, nml n modern oflice lilted. TRAPPED 8Y ID, TIDE BRINGS DEATH UVKUKTT, Voah., Jno. 11 John I)orrliii;or, 2t, wns slowly drowned yoittortlny by Iho rlno of (ho tldo .on (ho Htnndwond tints. Ho had been liunlltuc, nod wnded In after a duck ho had idiot. The mud Is very t reach ertniH In iiiaiiy placon 011 tho fliitH, and ho niiiHt have xtoppod Into 0110 of (htMMt ami ntuck, m I red in tho mud and holpltMK, whllo tho tldo catno In mid idowly cropt up until ho waa drowned. JOSLEN GASE TO GO TO JURY TODAY SAN FUANCI8CO, Cal., Jan. 11 Whelhor rich Or Otto C. Joslen mlu- lod 17 yonr old Kthoi Williams under promtHo of marrliiKo or wnn liimsolf boKulled by tho lrl and uudor tho Impulxn of an Infadmtlon Induced to "depart from tho path of pronHoty," as bis altnrnoy, Samuel Shortrldco put It In IiIh arumunt, will bo placed la tho IiuikIh of a jury hero for n verdict boforo night. OPIUM SMUGGLED INTO BAY CITY BY STEAMER HAN FUANC1SCO, C.il., Jan. 11. Opium valued at $18,1.00 Is declared today (0 havo boon miniKKlod Into this poit when tho Amorlcau-llawall-an Ktuamer NobriiHkau arrived yeator day. Fodoral offlcora nro Invostl KatliiK. Ton flvo-tnol tins fouud floatliiK In tliu bay woro all of an oxpectod curKo of 13,000 tins that ltnvo biHn rocovorod. aro r.52 IiIkIi Hohool Hludouta cost Imt tho county $12,290, or over $22 par nvoniKo pupil, 1 im 1 1 iiggaaaB i ' 11 nr ' OREGON, TIIVKSDAV, JANUARY 11, 1012. LATEST SCENES FROM Manchus and Rebels Are Preparing for Another Claih Armed Brig ands Loot Homes and Arc Stealing Girls and Women. SHANGHAI, Jhii. ll.The im orinl Kovtinimsnt tnioHt of Cliimi mid the revolutionary force aro prepar ing today for another outdnuglit which threat on to be more ilihiiK tr.iits (bmi tho curlier onit'icmeiitH The II1111I out conic htH'inx tn lie all 11 in favor of the robuk, a defection of the troops frtnu'tlie imperial ranlU haviny been rejtorttjd at many point. At one place alone. 100l) of Ihcm have notilied the ftirtiTplepalions in I'ehin that they do ire flic formation of 11 republic. $ Itrlcands (7otiMt .Terrtir. rKKIN, Jan. TWStanliteiinf: nil nialen, looting (heir liumei mid tenl i pirl ami women, armed bripnnds nro today earryni on n reipi of ter ror near Ilmiehoufti, and troops are mnrcliinj,' iiKuiut them. One leatler, calling liituelf (icuoral Tonif, Iih al ready been beheaded and uiunormi other iutfeor chief of tliu robber band havo been killed. All foreigner are reported to Iimvc oonpetl ttiwMrd Sbanplmi. Ooneral 'IVfiig was tricked to hi death. Ut plHitned to Mick the uity of Wliienfu, but his plans were learned. He was invited to the Yn men of Chiang, at the city pile. Forty bandits accompanied him, but bo entered the goriltui nlone. After a Wv minute' conversation lie was seixed and uintnarily decapitated. His men ultiteVotl the tiity, but wore rejiiil.-ed witli a bh of about .10. The rol flctl acros the plain. I.I Riieu Fob, lemlor of the Ah Chiu Piling, clamiin to lie an emis nry from Wn I'limnr, fr General Li Yuan lleuj, wa n'so killed. AT DELCASSE APPOINTMENT VAIIIS. Jan. 11 All Franco to day Is rojolcliiK over tho nppolntniont of Theophllo Uelrasso a8 11111118101 of forolRn affairs jihI all over tho ro publlo ho la Konc rally roarded as the "man of tho hour." FollowliiK the downfall yesterday of tho Callloux cublnat, It Is hellovod almost certain today that tho ue.t promlor will be 11 man In Byiupnthy with Dolcasso's anti-Gorman policies. Many oxpress the Qplnlon that Del casso will bo kIvcii tho premiership. V1KNKA, Jim U. A tionsitlornblo portion of the Archdnko Fredoriek' palace hero was dcHlitiyed by llro to day, many valuable paintings lieiu ruiiietl. The i'liuiH'Sf'gturteil in tho apartments of the Arohduoho- la belln, """f-ff-f-f 4- f f f f f 42 BELOW ZERO AT WINNIPEG TODAY WINNIPF.O. Man., Jan. 11. Forty-two below zero was reKtstorod in Winnipeg today. Many point west of horo roo port as low as .r0 linlow. Itnil rontls are pructienlly tied up. All trains nro from 10 to 124 hours lute. T TT TTTf J-T T Tf i Dllt INCj RCbt.L RrCR.UITS ATs , 4 N 1 SERIOUS win rL $' CHINA EXPECTED IfeAKftifrfr AT ANY MUMENT WBBBmrl. IfltJ CHINA, WHERE REVOLT HAS BEEN RENEWED IHHHH9S9R8IE9HIIBHk'Cw"'rLyQH!iykJ(9Sfailkl IHHMk3HHBHHHHHHHb . mK. 'Ln!Ffi HAN KCW LOOTER. ABOUT TO CE PUT TO DEATH . HIS QUEUE ISTIC.D AttOUNO THf STAKE ABOVfi HI5 HEAD TO SEEK SUPREME COURT 110 IN CASE FOSSDOJMTIiCT Richeson's Attorneys Do Not De pend Entirely Upon Governor's Aversion to Capital Punishment to Save Their Client's Life. 110STON. Mass.. Jan. 11. Unless Governor Kugouo Foss and his execu tive council docldo to comma to tho doth sontonce imposed upon tho How Claronco V. T. Itlohoson, for tho murdor of Miss Avis Linuell, to life Imprisonment, soon, tho minister's lawyers, It was reported today, will ask the stato supreme court to re open tho case. Tho dofenso attorneys, It Is said, proposo to fllo a writ of error, which if sustained iill set nsldo tho plea of Ritllty and tho doath sonteuco Im posed by Jtidno Sttndorson. Tho attorneys for tho dofanso will base thoir claim on Klohosou's men tal condition, declaring that tho pas tor's mind was so weakened that ho did not undorstand tho nature of tho plea. Thoy will also allege, It is I understood, that Judgo Sanderson and District Attorney Pollotler errod in accepting tho plea, and that tho Judgo should havo sent tho caso to I a o,uullflod jury before Imposing sen 1 tence. AMBASSADOR BACON RESIGNS HIS JOB 1'AHIS, Jan. H Amorlcan Am bassador Hobort llacou today admit ted that ho had untiled his roslguu tlou to Proaldtmt Tatt. Ho will ao copt tho offor of a fellowship at Harvard as successor to tho Into Judgo Lowell, TRAIN SERVICE EAST HAS BEEN RESTORED PORTLAND, Oro., Jan. 11. Who communication with northwest points and Portland that was sliattoiod by tho big storms of tho lost tTvo days, mid train sorvlco oastward which was paralyzod noar Union, Oro., by snow drifts, has boon restored and things aro rapidly rosumluB normal today. Warm weatbor throughout tho north- xwest Js reportod. ALL RECORDS COLO HITHER FOR ill yEnRSSRTTERER Chicago Undergoes Its Eighth Suc cessive Day of Below Zero Weather Suffering Is Increasing, Rail roads Are Hampered. CHICAGO, Jan. 11. AH records for 40 years are broken here today, Chicago uudergoiuK its eighth suc cessive day of boiow zero weather. Tho mercury i at 'J below today with weather bureau prediction for an other drop to 12 toui-ut. lloportij from tho-wot mid south indicate that zero ruuonls arc aUo shnttorod in those sections of the country. Suffering is increasing, railroad nro hmuperud in getting their train through and freight traffic is demor alized, with tlio result that local coal doaloty predict 11 coal famine. Three men aro doad here as the roMilt of tlio cold wave that ha swept Chicago mid the middle woet. Tho death toll exacted by the oold, to tlato is '22. Throughout the middle west condi tions again aro orious. l'rairiott are blanketed with snow ami nil trains arc trom tour to live hours lalo. HARMON OPENS BIS CAMPAIGN AT CHICAGO CHICAGO. 111., Jan. 11 Opoulug his wostoru campaign to capture tho democratic national convention and soouro tho nomination for tho presi dency, Governor Judson Harmon of Ohio, hpoko horo today at 11 luncheon at tho Iroquois club. Representa tives of tho Hearst-Harrlbon demo cratic faction woro absent. Humphreys May Get Job. TACOMA. Wash., Jan. 11. Kepto boutativo Will K. lluniphreyei, staud pat republican, is out for federal judgo mid is working for the plauo vacated by LTnited State District Judgo George Donwoiih, it was learned Ion, hero today from Wnhing- No. 251. S SECOND BEST IN CLASKOFWITS Carnegie on Stand Resorts to Anec dotes to Avoid Answering Ques tions, Out Is Forced Finally to Give Up. THINKS COMPETITION'S DAY IS NOW OVER Says Government Should Fix Maxi mum Prices--$28 for Ralls Is Fair. WASHINGTON', D. C, Jan. 11. Deserting the Ktniitlitrtl of protection on which ho admits his huge forttiuo was founded, Andrew Carnegie thin afternoon declared emphatically for the removal of the tariff on niccl. "American intluntry," said tho iron master, before the Stnnloy house committee which is invostipiting the steel trust, "is well able to compete with the manufacturers of the world without protection." WASIIINGTON', D. C, Jnn. 11. -Andrew Carnegie, ironmaster and bo stower of libraries, today hntl an other opportunity to show tho fight that is in hint when the members of the Stanley house committee investi gating the steel trust, continued their "heckling" of ychtcrdny. Carnegie was alert nod chipper, and nppnrcntly enjoyed the clash of. wits with the congressmen who nought to tlrng ad missions from the ennny Scot. Today's examination of Cnrncgio opened tlio inquiries inlo the growth ofthe'Cnriicgic'foTtiine front &f0 000,000 in 1897 to $420,000,000 in 1900. The members attempted to get Carnegie to admit that the growth was unreasonable. Steel Trust Pretloudnates. Cornered after a battle of wits with members of the committee, Cnr nogio admitted that tho steel trust dominates that industry. lie resort ed to jests and anecdotes in nu ef fort to avoid answering, but finally Congressman Gardner begun an at tack which caused tho ironraiuter to "give op." Responding o a question by Con gressman Bcall, Carnegio answered that he believed tlio day of competi tion was over. Asked why competi tion had ceased, be replied : "Because tho corporation repre sentatives are able to sit down ami agree to fix prices and then tuaiutmu I hem. This is obvious." Should Flv Prices. Asked how this condition could bo romodiod, Carnegie aitl that tho gov ernment hbould fix maximum prices. He then read a long statement in which he pleaded for unity in the en forcement of the law against violat ors of tho anti-triint law. Chairman Stanley then asked: "Don't you believe that it is about time that the punitive arm of the law should bo invoked and any man vio lating natural competition incarcer ated f Don't you think he should bo hold up as an example mid warning to follow millionaire that they can no longer bo indifferent to the lawf Isn't it about time that we decided that ignornuco of the law is no ex citso?" "That's a good legal view," an swered Carnegie, "but I think from a moral standpoint that 11 mini's con science is oloar when ho nan say: 'I did no wrong knowingly.'" Ho then urged clemency for tho "ignorant manufacturer," adding that ho never suspected the men associated with him of violating tho law. "Out of all Ibis troublo," ho addod, "a now condition will urine, but it will bo a new ora in which all classes, including capital and labor, will Im satisfied and interested." During hia clash with CoiigrcsHman Gardner tho Scotchman fenced for u long time and when asked what ho considered a fair price for stool rails. He finally admitted that lie regarded $28 a ton as a reasonable figure. WASHINGTON, P. C, Jan. 11. Owing to a cold President Tuft w,mi forced to cancel nil engagements scheduled for today. It was an nounced, at the White House that urt alarm was felt over Iho president' condition. CANNY ANDY