PAGE SIX a.,,, ts MFDFOttD MATL TRTBUSTtf, MTCDFORT), OUttOOtf, WKl")NrcSl"AY. JANUARY 10, 1012. BANK OFFICIALS ALIJEEGTEO Four Institutions Hold Annual Meet ings and Declare Dividends Progress and Prosperity Reflected In Statements. Tour Med ford bnnks held their nnntial elections Tnosdny at the dose or blinking hours. Hcgulnr dividends wero declared nnd substnntinl growth nnd progress reported. Old officers wore, rc-clcctcd for the ensuing year. Mctlfortl Xntlonnt. The stockholders of tho Bedford Notional bank elected tho following directors; W. H. Gore, J. A. I'orrv, P. K. Merrick, J. M. Kecne, V. M. Colvig, Horace Pclton, John S. Ortli. Tho directors elected the following officers : "William II. Gore, president ; James A. Perry, vice president : Fred K. Merrick, vice president; John S. Orth, cashier; William I). Jnekson, assistant cashier; D. J. Matins, audi tor. Tho regular G per cent semi-nnnual dividend was declared. First Xntlonnl Rink. Tho stockholders of the First Na tional bnnk elected the following board of directers: F. K. Deuel, C. M. English, Gcorgo W. Dunn, C. Strang, J. E. Watt, J. II. Cooley and M. L. Alford. Tho directors re-elected the follow ing efficers: President, F. K. Deuel; C. M. English, vice president; M. L. Alford, cashier; Orris Crawford, as sistant cashier. Tho regular dividend was declared. Contractor Bocier reported that the new building would be ready for occupancy March 1. Fruitgrowers Dnnk. The stockholders of tho Farmers DELCASSE WILL SITJIMBIKT French Statesman to Return to Power and Become Minister of Marine Is an Enemy of the Kaiser and Friend of England. PARIS, Jan. 10. Virtual dollnueo to Gonunny, which for years hns been his foe, is seen here today in the as sumption of the ministry of foreign nffairs by Theophile Delcnse, for mer minister of marine, who succeeds Minister PeSelvos in the foreign of fice. Admiral Genuinot is expected to become minister of marine. Deloasso's acceptance of the port folio of foreign affairs mark- his first real resumption of power since 190.", when, practically threatened with war by Germany if I)olensc re tained his office, the French minis ter of that day was forced to oust him at the demand of the kaiser. nnd Fruitgrowers bank soleeled the following directerate: L. Neidormey cr, W. II. Stewart, It. L. Jackson, George l Davis nnd It. F. Antic. The officials chosen were: George L. Davis, president; L. Neidermeyer, vice president; L. L. Jacobs, cashier, and It. F. Antic, assistant cashier and secretary. Jackson County llimk. The Jackson County bank elected the following directers: V. I. Vaw tcr, F. W. Hutchinson, C. W. McDon ald, George It. Lindley, V. J. Emerick, George F. King and J. II. Cooley. All of the officers wore re-elected and are: W. I. Vawter, president; George. R. Lindley, vice president; C. W. McDonald, cashier; T. A. Filer,, assistant cashier. WOMEN LISTEN TO LECTURE ON BEAUTY Isnliello S. Paul, authority on beau ty culture, smoke to a representative crowd of Meilfonl women at HI. Mark's hall last evening. Miss Paul appeared as a representative of tho Mnrluello training seliool, an Insti tution with GOO offices In tho United States, llor talk was a common sense one nnd departed entirely from tho Idea of using cosmetics to make any ono beautiful. Miss Paul was Introduced by Miss Com K. Utley, who has charge of tho Marlnello shop In this city. A BABY EACH DAY FOR THREE DAYS STRAIGHT CUKYKNNK. W'yo., Jan. 10. The proudest mother In tho country today Is probably Mrs. Herman Carlson of Hits city, who has given birth to a baby onch day for thrco consecutive days. Tho third child, a girl, was fborn early today. Tho othor two wero boys. 4 CHINESE REBELS WANT TO KEEP MONGOLIA LONDON. Jan. 10. Chinese rebel leaers, according to semi-official Pokin reHrts, will not cede Mongolia to IlufSin for proved Russian in tervention in behalf of the proclaimed republic. Chinese leaders fear Rus sia has an ulterior object in her plan the partition of the empire -in view of tho ltu.-.o-Japauese secret agreement. TEXAS TOMMY BARRED BY DANCING MASTERS NBW YOUIv, Jan, 10- I'mler pen alty of expulsion from tho Interna tional association of dancing masters tho largest ornanltatloiv of tho kind In tho world, Ha members weio to day forbidden by President William M. Karrell to teach the "turkey trot" or tho "Texas tommy" to their pu- NO CLEW TO MAN WHO SHOT AT CLARK SALKM, Ore., Jan. 10. -Nothing new has developed in the matter of the schooling of Altoruev Clark at the capital yesterday morning. Clark is linn in his belief that the shooting was connected with the Wilde 'cae, and asserts that an attempt was made to open a box e.prowed by him to Portland and containing exhibits in the Wilde trial. to tiu: pi' Tho series of articles on tho test of fuol oils and orchard heaters which have appeared In The Malt Trlbuuo will bo brought together In bulletin form and will bo ready for distribu tion as !-oon as possible. A few minor errors havo appeared, but these will be corrected as tho proof Is being re read. A fow additions will also bo made. Tho bulletin may bo had by calling at my office. P. J. O'CIAIIA, Pathologist In Charge, my many friends In tho second ward of tho city who ho loyally gavo mo their Hiipport on election day. I truly hope yon will never regret tho con fidence ou havo placed In mo, In my selection an councilman, and 1 am going to promluc you that I will do toy best to servo tho people, not only of that ward, but of Mm entire GAS IN YOUR STOMACH, BLOAT AND PRESSURE AROUND YOUR HEART Cured, Cured to Stay Cured With Dnnlmann's Gas Tablots. tv.u. lUM-MAWa (JVS.TAIUJ.T3 n m.U il-witllytxtthoMrvclSlunuthtU, (lulathailiwuth il KmtU It iml ! ilm4ii iMrWita 111 mc twinmui ur ruthff fnwn brrtuwi UrittlJ t.MWrh. UAA DUNN'S U.S.r.UiU.TH In lK wlr wimty In AwwiIm w.l wcull, nl liuliarlly to cwlra wnv.ii, Irritald ih.IiwiIm Mmntrb. ('mi Awtit imnivl lm allrr fw tUyV im II V VUIASSM flAS-TAIIl.t.TK twmHM jwir UHch J l qukl aim tnJ la twruutl ftrtloa. UhW IUAUt.VNX'S OA5.TAni.lTd w ul.1nl fnmt invthiivt In nUUiw. malala iu rl. im !. nn tlwrviwl, ki ininlnt, no illtljv m fty lla.1; tkr re mtr (ur nntth(tiCBl),lMCUT)vu nkm tm)tMx rlw h fulfcl. TiTi4irtNrtriJMf JAliyfvrtj;i)niMU, or wil dirwl U llitwduno llumury, WO Mtr ft. city, faithfully and honently. lCvery act and vote of niliio wilt ho for tho beat Inloresta of Metfford an I moo It, I may mo In Judgment, but tho iiplilt and luleut will bo lionnut, VI 0, lltlOLAND, II. II. WALTERS.Prncticnl Horscshocr Particular attention paid to Interfering hortton nnd contracted feet. All lamoucitrt In the foot cured, hiicIi mi eornii, thruiih movluular trouble, quartoiMiruck and contraction or tho foot, Anything In tho lino of haudmado work, Havo iihod nuuh homes as! Dan Patch Mark , , . , . 1:1)5 Minor Ayer 1 :08 M Cromuin ...,.,,.. U:03U AtidreKrenit J UsOO Geo, ll. Hay Unlf mile ,,,,, :58Mi And a number of othoru, too numerous to mention, Your patrouauo will bo appreciated, no mutter how'larKO or hiimII, aa Houth (Jrnpo Ht., Next to Went Hldo Hani Do You Need Drain Tile? WIO MAXtM'WCTt'ltn IT Tho llcut That Can tin Made. t lteforo Ordering Sco Vn. Rogue River Pottery Co Plant at 'Polo. 1!0 Oarnott-Coroy llltlg,, Mcdfonl I Mr. Ireland Thanks tho Voters. I am taking this method of ex tending my extreme gratitude to lftVglft.'i THE Hasklns for health. unrise Laundry FAMILY WASHING A SPKCIALTV. ALL WORK Gl'AKANTKKI) Orders called for and dollvorcd. First class work dono by hand. Ladles' and men's suits cleaned and pressed. Tel. Main 7S31; Home, 37. Corner Eighth and So. Central Avo. ilV'ro,'44M Roguelands Irrigated Tracts $450 per acre, plowed, fenced, leveled and planted to a standard variety of trees, with a perpetual water right. The terms are easy : 10 per cent down, and the balance in monthly or yearly payments. ROGUELANDS INCORPORATED FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager -rrscT" titt"&t"t"t"t"tK"Wt4 .A. T T t T T t T T T f T f T T T f T T T f T T t Y f f f f y y y y y y y y t f y f y y I f f y t f y t y y y y r M$ t i r , Sale Continues All This Week m Our generously reduced prices brought crowds of buyers to our store during the first week of our Great Sacrifice Salo. They are bringing them this wook. Our Suits, Overcoats, Hats, etc., are genuinely reduced from their usual modest price. These reductions are decisive each moans monoy loft in your pockot whon you buy. The high quality of the merchandise we sell is well known it will give you lasting satisfaction. Tho price always is made subsorviont to quality. During this salo prices are made still lower, while quality stays at its own high mark. Here you will find the best in Men's and Young Men's Clothing and FurniHliings. Wo invite you to supply your present needs and anticipate tiluro wants. You must come now, however this fine stock is moving rapidly. Our service, too, will please you. There need be no haste we want you to choose wisely. Each salesman will serve you courteously, with a sincere desire to advance your interests and typify the high standing of our establishment. In this store, and in its advertising, telling the truth about our merchandise is not a policy it's a custom, a habit a principlo! 'An advertised reduction in the price of an article means here the reduction from its customary regular price not from some mythical "value" which might be given to it. C A Suits up to $27.50 4t CT A A JJ to be sold at. ..JJUiUU Suits up to $18.00 to be sold at ... . SALE CLOSES SATURDAY, JANUARY 13 Always in Earnest THE TOGGERY t ? V ? ? y ? ? r "OF COURSE" Largest and Finest Clothing Store Between Portland and San Francisco ft: y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y r y y y y y v y r f ? T T ? ? ? ? y y ? ? y t r T y y .? T r y t z ." .