MTUTVFCmn MATTi TRTBTTNE, lfWDFORT), ORKOOX, TlTTCflDAY, ,7AXITATtY 0, 1012. PATlTC afiVfctf V P 1, LICENSE TO BE SOUGHT Coiiimlltco of Mulfurit Mcrclinnts to wall on City Council nuil Dcmnnil Thnt License Do Placcil on Dons Elect flew Officers. TriiiiNnclliiK niui'li Intpoi lititl Ihim- IIIWD, tllll ,lll'fllU' UXNUCIIliioil III' Mi'dlnnl mill Tm'iln, cvotifn. Mine flnii of officer followed fliifUii flipper, mirvml liv llif ludii of tin l'iiwli.vlei)iiii chinch. AtiKiiii inipor- lllllt llllMillUHM liMIIINIll of wiih tlio np. puiiilliiir of n enuiiiiitloo t watt in tint t'ilv council mill inxo ii luK tmnno on dog in order to nltnln llic ilou pent In tlin city. Another eom luilteo will unit on tliu Wnguo River F.lectilo company mill inquest I lie je inovnl of I lie olil Condor Will it mill Power company ftigna over ..Mum Mi eel, which In dm lonxur lighted ut night. Final itrnitiKmtiKiitx were iiiiuIo foi tin ne'itliiii: of tlin Ktiilu Merehnnl' uiwociiilliiii In M I'd lord, .liuiuim 17 mid IH. which liii'ltidi'M mi niilouio Idle lido, it liiHiquol and llio ilccorn tiou of T lin treelw. Several "now niitiiitii'iv wore iidinii Now officer tiiiudi'd iii! !;, n Warner, piwidi'iili T. K. Daniel, mcc primidont; V. M. Kidd. tifiiMircr, Tin- officer mid A. ('. Hubbard, H. ('. ICi'iilnrr mid II. ('. Irclmid con hIHiiIo the honrd of director. Tin Mn'teturv, oliu It, Ciuktu, will lio ri elected lv tln lituinl. ODDDFELLOWS INSTALL THEIR NEW OFFICERS IiihIiiIIiiIioh of officer took place in Mi'drord Indue No. 8.1, I. 0. 0. P., Moiidnv nighl, Mi'Midtw tlu iiiHtiillu. lion lliniii whh olio candidate initialed. KollowiiiK nrw llio iuiiuom of tlio of lieon. iiiNlnlti'd; W. L. Myior. W. (t.; B. K. WlUoti. V. (J.; J. .J. Iliuiri, io. ioidiiii Hi'i'iolnry; V, K. f Redden, lliimioin) ni'fndiir.vs A. N. Illldorbrniit. tri'iioiirur; II. I). Tuiiiwr, wNiilim; K. V. Ilniiuord, conductor; (J. W. How ard, I'luiplitiii; J. K. Uhv. It. S. N. (L; .loliii IVil. I.. S. N. (I.; i M. Ktdir, IV, tS. (I.: .Sniuiiii!;liif?inJi!i, I.J!, V. U. J. n. KI(ihiimim, It. S. 8.; riinn. I.tlirdi'tt. I.. S. S.; A. I). .Inlmx, I. (1,; M. U. .Moadow., O. fj. Tlio triiMlui am ('. W. Mrpoiinld, J. I.. iKiinnwr and V. ('. Wilhon. Tin- retiring notdu Urnnd of. tlio Ioi1k' l I. O. Ilowmd and tlo dinlrict di'ptil who iiixtalltd tlio ulfii'jn ik K. (' (IiiiIiIm, - Vritrtnttlra, 1'otatouH -$l.r0 pur cwt. Cntitinuo 2c ' l'arciili lo. . I.otturo Bo houd, CarrolH l!c. lli'oln 2c. Onloim 2r. Cnlarx fcOcCMt do. Cniilltlovror I0fl16o hrnJ. 'i'limlpiJ 2c, Itniltihon Go bunch. OiiIodb Orcun, Do bunch. Fruit. ( Coronnute 10oench. I'Miiicsi-Urlori, 10o lb. V.ouionn 2fio dozen. IlnniinuH lOo to HOo por ilozon. OraiiKCH IGc to 40u. Oraiihorrlcii lGo uuiirt. Hut tor Kcua anil I'oultry IJiiltor Proah much, por roll, fifjcj crcatnory, KBo. Krkh Proah ranch, 3Gc; atomijo, 2Gc l'onltry llonn, drciiaad, IGo; llvq, 12n: HprliiKii, tl remind, IGo, Tiirlu'yu 20u to 2Gu, druimod, JMiytn, AVIudcualo Hoof Cown, 4 t-2o; atoora, Be Pork GUc nnd Oc. Voal DrcHHOd, 7li-10o. Mutton 3(0" 3 l-!!c, llvo; Inmba, Go lo 7V4o. Hay nu (I Pood. Ifny Xlutatliy. H; alfalfa, $12; grnsfl, 12; gralu'liny, U, Oraln Wlinat, OGo IiuhIioI; oats, 3G ton; harloy, 3f ton. tjtrsoo mcwAiti). Tlio undoitilKUod vlll pay a ro wuril of $G00 for tlio nrrunt and con vlqtlon of tlio portion or porno im who nttomptoil to hum tho W'oal Hldo I.lvory Htaldo, on Docoiuhor 27th, 1011, hy Holtlnu flro to tho niuno, 264 h. 0. OHAULKY, Ownor, ()UK(J()N ItKHTAUMANV GhlnoBo roatnttrnnt, Alao Anot'l can Hltchon. Hvorythlnu first clafls, Chop Runy, noodlpa and ovorylhlnjton AiHorlenn 1)111 of faro, Oconto Uin, in-oyrlotur. UD outli Front. 'JDO ' Attractions at the MI3S ROSE MELVILLE HERE WEDNESDAY. Tint rouii'tiiv in huim irt of MlwUwn at ih funny Httlo muntry girl Itoio Mflvlll" thU x' ii'M, which w III jwlih tlio ilR(all, plimfort'i, tlio ho her lant on Mm iuk Ik the b 'atrliicil atorklnK Mild the jiuiicIIm collection of lnlhl.i,il lulrnt that ' pllr. .Mr. J. It. Htlrllnx has kIVoii jflii' Iimk hit Imil fltmltiii6 "r In the (iicHciitntlon or thnt dcllithtful com edy. "Xla llopklna" ThU la the laat HciiNou that MUn Udvlllo will bit GEORGE KELLY Olio tt tho mout enjoyable theat rical ovuutfl of thin uoaaoii nt tho Modfotd thontoi', Jiuiuory H. VlU h tho visit or "Tho Vlrieliiluii," with (k'orgo Kelly playiiiK thu name part and an exceptionally well balanced company. In thuao day of problem phiyii and morally ort-eolorod nioloty diumiiM, this channlnK atngo ndapta tiou of Owou Wlatcr'a widely load hook la doubly wolcoiuo. Am prtv sontod by tho.I.n Shollo Vlixlnltm coiiipiuiy. "Tie Vlrajlulan" has ul ready pvovop ij moat excellont ontor talnnmut and over lro Ita Initial prodnctlon baa been icelvlng the at tention It ilchly ibscrvi'H at I he lianda of Boplioi'u utter bator chus u Urn- . j!SjSk , ". Medford Theatre fMlaa Molvlll th bt roinimny of hor rarw-r ami an nntlroly now iiroduo tlon In' rrery rwpct. Mmlfonl thwi tr January 10. , AS "THE VIRGIN IAN." matto outoi'tivlnmonts. It la doubt ful If tiny piny pioditoed of Into yoir link boon mom genuinely suu roauful thap "Tho Virginian." George Kelly In tho title rolo has a splendid oppoitunity for both emotional and coinudy.sconua, of which ho tnkc3 tho fulloat ndvnutngo; hla portrayal of tho charaotor being ono of the beat in hla brilliant stage career, "Tho VJj'jjlHlnii" ' will bo auinptuoindy atngud nnd that tho acting company will bo inoht compotont Is guai;antqod by tho La Shollo Virginian company, under whose .mauagopumt the play enutlnuoH to bo prcfiontod. IlneKlua for health. HVHIMHtt I'l'OltTirNiTfFi) KOIl HALM Now h Kroccry, In- volco fUOO, oioitn xtoik, lroflt out ovory montli. In Hokiio rlvar valloy, JJox U7, (lire Mall Tribune. ur.s MOXHV TO MA.V tTFlOAN $35)0 "ii Kt)tuCrwim Into attciirlty, Ifi(ulri at 002 Maplo . Htrcot, 202 Ki;UNIHIIi:i AI'AICT.MK.STH TIIM DlflllHHN, Cor liulnco and W. Main, lurniaiiou nimrunonia, prt vnto hatha, boat, cvciy convenloiico all now. l-'OH HUNT HOt HKICKUI'I.NG IIOO.MH POU ItlCNT Now and up to dato npartinont jnodorn In every partlo ular, una cookliiK. Htcwin Utmt, etc. Hinllhii apartmout Iioiikb, 2J7 o, Hlvenddu. POU 11KNT Throo room unite of liotmHicopInK rooniR. 222 Houth Holly. POU TTENT Piwnliii-1 houaokaup Iiik rootnn, AImo kInpIiik rooinn, at 21 (iummoo at.' I'liono 2Zi. POU HUNT Purnlhhid lioitMkiwp ItifC rootno, light, hm ami bath. Alao two room Iiouxp, furulahed, rloHc In. Inquire 357 Woat 10th ntrcct yjL POU HUNT HoilfRkfcpTtiK rooniK. .Ill N. Jlartlet, 3 block from Main. " 251 I'Olt HUNT HOl'HHS POU HMNT 8 room Jioiiho. fith and llartlott at. 227 Ctb at. II. U. Lumnden. POU HUNT 4 and 3 room house, (7 and 4 a mouth. 322 S. Gun tral nve. 2C7 POU HKNT Purnlahwl (i room cot tunc, modern. fil KIiik at. POU ItKNT Nluo room hoiieo, two nrca of Rroutid; city water; ex cellent pardon tract, largo water tank with Knaollne engine and pump; located at 2uk Clark atreet. Paul Krutzlar. POIt HKNT FUHNISIIKI) ItOOMS POU HUNT At tho Cottago, fur nlshofj rooms with or without board. Our rooini aro modorn. Hot nnd cold running wator, boat and private tclophono In oach room. I'rlcoa reasonable. C04 W. 10th atrcct. Mra. II. M. Cogg. 2C5 POU HKNT Purnlnhwl rooniH nnd bath with or without board. Home phone 127-X. POU HHNT-pAn upstairs bodroom with light, heat nnd bath conncc tlotiH. Phono GG01 or 7171. 307 South Oakdalc. 255 HOOMS GOo and up. Hotel Moore. Special rates by week or month. HOO.Mg 50c and up. Hotel Moore. Special rntca by yook or month. HOOMS GOc nnd rfp, Hotel Mooro. Special rates byjwoolc or moutu. POU JU3NT- Puraiah,cd rooms nnd housekeeping riwins. 0h, electric llghta nnd bath Home phono 212 r W. 711 North Central nvo. 251 ptm ltLwr opiacics POU HKNT Over tho postofflce, with heat and light. Sco A. A. Davis. POU RENT Largbmrortablo of flcio rooms with 'Olevator service, Btoom heat, hot and cold water. Low rntos. Apply Medford Purnl- turo & Hdw. Co POU ItllXT MISCELLANEOUS POU LEASE Fully equipped placer nnd quurtz nilno. Gold Hay Ileal ty Co. POU HENT Largo and small ranch es. Gold Hay Healty Co. POU SALE OH KENT VOU HKNT OH SLE Plrst class pinion and fruit tract with houso, barn and chlrkuu park. M. A. Hador, Medford, Ore. POU HAT.U HOUSES POU SALE OH HKNT-j-G room houso and 2 lots on paved atroet. Mod ford, a bargain: tonus. 11. II. Sturtovnnt, Ceutral Polut, Ore. 255 FOH HALE-ACHEAGE POU SALE- A beautiful site for your now home; build your home under tho oaks and lauielH of For est Court, Pcrndalo, 1 milo west of city on Jacksonville road; & aoro hiillillng sltea; l and 2 acre alfalfa tracts; 0 and 10 acre fruit ranches set to llnrtlott, Anjop and Hose, pears. Soil and situation mtiko those properties uuexcollcil for unrdonlng nnd poultry raising. Coiiiu and hee for yyursolf, P. S. Oarponter, ownor. Or address Hex (if. I. 271 POU SALE An Improved ten ftpro farm; C acres In 20Tyonr-old or chard, all kinds of fruit and ber ries; largo cherry troos that simply bont tho world In quantity and qunllty, together with n foe slmplo tltlo to tQn ncrea of clams and bathing boach In front; all kinds of clams in unlimited quantities. 1GQ0 ft. from Jirownsvlllo P. 0., on regular lines of boats from So nttlo, ono bom's run; 3 mllea from Promotion nay yard. First class plank road from houso to wharf. Pare from Seattle to placo for tho past year has been Go, never more thnn 2 Go. Special rates for school children. Will exchango for Mcd ford property or Hoguo rlvor val ley land. Applv to Jackson County Henlty Co., 2 17 (lafifott-Coroy bid. 2CG FOt SALE Largo and small tracts of land to suit Special good buy In a 000 acre tract close to good town and shipping point. Wrlto or call on U8. 217 anrnott-Caroy bid. Medford, Oregon. Jackson County Henlty Co. 20G IIiivo you linrnc-ed up n want .nl Intoly- ami liitolicil it to j'ouy tuK? POIt HALE 'LOTH POU HALELot 50x120, two room limiao, city water, Torma $2f cash, balanno monthly pnymutitn. Alio 10 ncro tracts on oasy terms, long time, urown tz. Wakefield, 107 East Main at- 251 POU HALE Wo furnish tho lot, you build the home, nothing to pay for two yeara". Por dctalla eo Ponson Invnatmout Co., 301 Gnruotl-Corey bldg. 2fi2 POH HALE LAM) POU SALI5 SIX well located lota on Ho. Newtown, Juat ao. of Dakoja avo., all (mat front, level lots, and If you look nt this price And don't Inveatlxate, It aurely will bo your Ioh, Laat hqhmoii thenin mma lota worn on tho market and wimo aold for $100 oach. Jf aold wlthlH trn daya, I can de liver them at $100 each, on tarma of 00 down and monthly pay ments. GEOHOE C. COHNIT1UH. 210 W. Main Ht. 249 POH SALE Aero nnd flvo ncro tracts adjoining Medford on long time, easy payments, or might ex chango. Gold Hay Henlty Co., 101 Electric bldg. POU SALE 120 acre: In Sams val ley side hill fruit laud, bonne, barn, chicken house, $2200, oaay terms. H. P. Uenson. 301 Garnett-Coroy bldg. 252 POH BALE MISCELLANEOUS POH SALE Fresh Jersey cow with heifer calf, from registered stock. A bargain. Phono Poll G00-H-2. 249 OU SALE 30 n. p. roadster like now, a bargain. Call 110 South llartlott st. 251 POU SALE Oak, pine nnd fir wood. Corner of Newtown and Ssvonth. Phone C041 Main. A. Jl. Toll. 252 POU SALE Cordwood. oak and hardwood, $5 por cord In carload , lota. Gold Ray Roalty Co., 218 West Main. Phono 1873. POU SALE Single comb White Leg horns; Crystal Whlto Orpingtons. Mating list now roady and sent on request. Order hatching eggs or baby chicks early as thoro Is sure to be a heavy demand for our stock this season. Aro booking orders now. Hnvo n few Orpington Cockorols for salb. Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jacksonville, Oro. , POU SALE For dry oak wood call Home phono 319-It. C. E. Kirk. 251 WHITE for our list of bargains in new and slightly used pianos. Used pianos from $126 up. Organs from $25 up. S. Mitchell, Eilers Music House, W. Main St., Med. ford, Ore. tf FOH SALE Incubators. I havo so cured tho agency for "Old Trusty," best made. Eighteen hundred Jn uso In county Mrhoro manufactured. Have known M. M. Johnson, tho Inventor, twonty years. If Inter ostcd In an Incubator addrcs me nt Jieniora. ure.. or pnono icon G30-J-6. C. W. Potter. 203 POH SALE Two good work horses and threo pairs of tlno orchard mules. Phono 9351 Main. POR SALE Rolchstolu soils wood at tho big woodshed 417 S. Oakdale Res. 40G. Home phono 141-L; Poll 1G1Q, 273 rOR SALE Wood oak, pine and fir In car lots. S. J. Myors, Wood vlllo. Ore. 257 FOH SALE Tont 14x20. C ft. wall. C largo pockets In wall, sod cloth door, 3 window openings with rolled covers, fly extends 2 ft. In rear and over sldos and It) ft. In front. Fine, up to dnte cost rope, poles, pegs, etc, comploto $00; used fiO days; take $25. $50 Vic tor talking machine, extra large brass horn, 19 pca.MS Jn. and StS pes. 10 lu. records,, cost $103.75, tnko $50. Kitchen cabinet, other things. 517 North Uentty at. 219 POU SALE Ono new $05 silk lined suit for salo nt $25; also ono rain coat and one gray overcoat. Ask for P. J. Nugel. '. W. Hlfart. 182 W. Main st. 260 POU SALE - Oak settee, upholstered. blnck leather. When now $45; will sell for $1; good as now. 220 Cottage st. 253 FOH SALE Cholco second crop al- rnifa. iiatoii. :ioo wiilnmotto. Home phono 295-L. 2G0 OLD TRUSTY Is a high grado Incu bator at vary modonito prlco. Do not buy until ou Investigate Its merits. C. W. Potter. 27 1 POH SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE 6 aero truck farms Vj mllo from Medford. W. II. Everhard, 909 W. 9th. Phono 6G71. FQR SALE OH EXCHANGE Two nnd one-half aero tract adjoining Medford-' city limits near car lino, $2000; also G aero tract- Will ex change. B. F. Benson, 301-Gnr-nott-Coroy bldg. 252 POH EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGES of realty any whoro, for ndvlco rognrdlng joatty and mining Investments in south ern Oregon consult Bonson Invest ment Co., 301 Gntnolt-Corey bldg. 852 FOR EXCHANGE City prQPQrty. lots, aero tracts nnd ranches to oxchnngo for other property Gold liny Roalty Co., 101 Electric bldg. POU EXCHANGE A C passengor touring car In good running order for real estato. Phono Bell 74, Jacksonville, Oro. FOR EXCHANGE $10,000 worth or Medford city property to exchange for ranch Benson Invoatiuont Co.. 'm GrmieU-Coroy bids. 3Ca HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Snloflinnn to nld its sup ply tho brisk demand for our goods; winrn vacant territory yot In ovory atnto went jnf tho Missis alppl. Capital City Nuraory Co., fkilem, Oregon, 201 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Woman for gonoral liouaework, waxen $l por day. Ad droaw Uox 25 care Mall Tribune. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED 8ewlng of all kinds. 431 Wwit 11th alreet. 2(5 1 POSITION WANTED Hy young man wFTff la n bookkeepor and aton ographor. Por particulars add rows P. O. box 778, Medford, Ore. 250 WANTED MIKORLLANKOUH WANTED To trade for a n room niodtrn bungalow lu good loca tion. Have a good lot In good lo cation. Will pay cash for the dif ference. Prlco must bo right 531 S. Plr at. Telephone Main B8.1 2 19 WANTED Horses to fend. Por fur tlmr particular wrlto Phil Loosloy Tolo, Oregon. 251 WANTED You can't help but make monoy. selling our guaranteed-to-glvc-autlaf action stock; free outfit; caah weekly; oxcluslro territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top penlsh, Washington. ItUHIXIXH DIRECTORY Aasuycr and Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING HIJ HEAU Assays made for gold, sil ver, load, coppor and other minor nib. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps and reports made thoreon by com petent julnlng assaycrs and engi neers at reasonable terms. Capital secured for developing mines and mining prospects. AH mine own ers aro earnestly requested to send samples of their ores for exhibi tion purposes, nnd send full de scription of their mining property. Southern Orogon Mining Bureau, Cth and Fir su. Architects. taiivq a. rrrrnx?r.T a..i.iia.. mpi Builders. Oftlco 7-8, 325 Main;! phono Main 3471; residence phone 744. Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INC. Medford office, phones Main 2511, Home 35C. Jackson ville phones. Pacific, Main 11, Home 200C. Accountants SPECIAL attention given to audit ing. Preparing balance sheets, cost sheets, profit and loss state ments. Also statements prepared for receivership and tho courts. William L. Noel!, Room 101 Elec tric bldg. Phono 1873 Main. D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kept for a reasonable ficuro; your business solicited. Office Medford Mall Trib- uno bldg; phono 6611; residence phono 6302. Attorneys C. L. REAMES, LAWYER OHIce Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Noa. 1 and 2 Postofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Garnott Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. n. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Tltlo Examiner. 254 320 Garnett-Coroy Bldg. Hllllard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Sort Drinks. Upstairs, Young & Hal bldg. A nice, cool placo to spend tho lint afternoons. lllllianlv mill Peel. MEET him nt tho Medtord Billiard Parlor. Clus. Dolman, prop, 272 Hill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bllt poster and Distributor. All ordors promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Orogon. Chiropractors DR. It. J. I.OCKWOOD, Chiropractor, norvo specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific mnssago given; ndvlco In dle totlcs, mudical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phono Home 1(IS-1C. 0r."EL1ZABETTT BROOKE, Ohlro practor, norvo specialist. Tho causo of disoaso located and ro movod; ndvlco In dietetics; baths that euro the "Incurable." Rooms, 247 So. Rlvorsldo, Phono Home SI-R. Hours 1 to 4. 256 Cigars and Tolxicco IRELAND & ANTLE Smokehouse. Dealers lu tobacco, cigars and smokors' supplies. Exclusive agont of Lewis Single Binder. El Merlto and El Paloncln. 212 W. Main Bt. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Wator filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur-voys,-subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concroto work, pump and cajitU systems. Rqoma 1-3 AdKlns bile, Medford, Oregon, Cliineso Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chlnoso nnodlclnos will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung trouble deafness, paralysis, prlvnto diseases and nil kinds of ohroulo and norvons ailments. Stomach troublo, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Soo mo nt all S. Front at , Medford, Oro., to 4, 0 30 to 7.30. Realdonco phono Main i'i, HUSIXESH 1HKHCTOHY -..... - . -. a. mi in - DcutbVia i mmi ii iiii iww i ,iiiMiiiii i nmr nm J. M. KEENE, li. D. S.; A. J. 11INI KER, D. . 8. Dentists, 328 I? Main. Phono Mala 3101, Horn 12 1-K. I i DmglfftM Healing. .MTr-T5SiN-o.;rffNATrl-rlYmft. inont cures nil uric ncld and toxic iHsMiaofl. Tuberculoids no excep tion. I mined Into relief. One day la all I aak to convince you. Conn now for frfjo coiiHiiltntlon. Dr. E. Ilrookn, D. C, 217 fio. Riverside. 8 1-R. 272 Furnltiiro ' II. E. WILSON fk CO. Doalora In now and second-hand furnltiiro nnd hardware. Agonta (or Iloiiflshold sIovoh and rungos. 38 8. Plr st. Phone Main 3101. Home 2G5-L. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner Sth and Holly ste., Medford, Mission furnltiiro mndo to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial ordor solicited. Ontiilto Works MEDFORD DRICK CO. Goo. W. Priddy, O. D. Naglo, Goo. T. O'Hrlon Contractorn and manu f act u rem of brick; dealers In pressed brick and Mine. Office nt their brick yard, West .Tackaon st. Phono No, 34C1. Garbage MEDFORD GAHDAOB CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Lcavo orders nt 29 8. Bartlctt, or phono Itodnoy Taylor. Pawlflc 3432. Heme 10-a. .Medical. RHEUMATISM CUH& Call tor Ditto Steel Liniment nt all drug stores. Guaranteed to cure. Guaranteed pure. Guaranteed under pure food and drugs act. Price $2.00 n bot tle. Manufactured by Mr. Charlca Turner, Bluo Steel Liniment pro prietor and Inventor, Gen. Del. (Liniment factory 107 North Front St., Medford, Ore.) 268 Printers and PufcMihcr VEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped Job of flco In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc Port land prices. 27 X. Fir st. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic. Bring your work to mo at tho alga of Tho Mall Trlbuno. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. Wo guarantco everything, put out Wo aro not la tbo trust. II. B. Patterson. Offico rcnjjbvcd to office Hotel Nash, in side entrance next to barber shop, ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grade nursery stock. Offico 104 S. Fir, Both phones. Physicians and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY PhyaW clans and surgeons, Taylor nnd Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-213, Offico phono 601, residence phono 612. Offico hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. nl. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Oar-nctt-Corey bldg. Phono Main 6351, DR. ARTEMUS W. DBANE DcntlBt. Office In RIalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telephono Main 681, Night phono 4432. DR. STEARNS Physician and Bur geon. Offico Garnett-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-213, phono 6501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, resldeuco 109, offico 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlclaa and Surgeon, DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. Practlco limited to diseases of wom en. Offices over Hasklns drug store. Phones, Pacific 1001, Home 28. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnott-Coroy bldg., sutto 318, Mod. ford, Orogon. Both Phones. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eca nclen. tlflcally tested and glasses supplied. Offico 216 E. Main at., over Mod ford Hardwaro company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. in. Both phoncu, DRS. SAUNDERS & QUEEN Prac tlco limited to eye. oar, noso and throat. Offico, sulto 318 Garnett Coroy bldg. Both phones. E. B, PlCKEL, M. D. Offico Jack son County Bank. Offico phono M 432; Res, phono. M. 682 J E. SHEARER, M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon. 419-120 Garnett Corey Bldg. Pae. phono' Offico, 731: resldeuco. 4542. Home phono, offico 48, resldeuco 2SC-L. Stenographer ELLA M.GUANYAW Palm block".3 Stenographlo work dono quickly and woll. MISS L. J. HINGSTON Public Ston ographcr, Medford, Oro. Phenes: Offico, Pacific 6571; rosldonco, Pa clflc 5083. Room 218 Garmnt Coroy bldg. 1 1 1 1 1 Transfer ElTUUtfsr Dray "and Transfer, Offico 1G South Fir. Phono Bell 31G3; Home 35Q-K, Prices right, Sorvlco guaranteed. MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY Parcels 10c, 15c, 25c; trunks 2Bo anywhere in tho city. Oftlco Val loy Second Hand Storo, 16 N. Fir st. Phones: Mala 3072; Home 354. Mossongor sorvlco, Fred Crocker, Prou. Uiiderfukoi-il." ' JOHN ""A, PERfrUndortakor'od Embalmor. Offico 28 South Bnrl lett St. TolephonoH: Day, Bolt 471; night, residence, nidi 470, Home 17U-L. Culls nnawored night or day, Ambulance uorvlgo, zz