Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 09, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    V?r4 ,VMW3lv
V n .,
Novelized by
From tho Play of Ihe
Same Name by
Copyright. 1910, by Winched Smith
nil Louts Jotfph Vane
(Continued from last Saturday.)
"By the wny, did yon get your Inrl- '
tntlon to Joslo Loekwood'a party. Mr, '
Duhcnhl 1 happened to sec It on the !
hall tnblo this evening."
"Yes,' lie assented quietly.
"It's to be the social event Of tho
year. T hope you'll enjoy It."
Tra not going It's against the roles
at first 1 moan business rules. I'll bo
bo busy at the store, you know,"
Alone, I wns fnln to confess he baf
fled tny understanding.
The rush of business to Graham's
Tbegtin tho following morning. Dun
cab's bauds were full almost from the
first, and be bad to relegate such mat
ters as ranking dual disposition of Ids
stock and getting acquainted with It to
tha Intervals between waiting upon
customers. Old Sam must bavo put
up more prescriptions in the next few
days than he had within the last fivo
years. Everybody wanted to tafeo a
look nt the renovated store, shake
Satu's hand and sec what the new
partner was really like. Sothern &
Lee's was for some days quite desert
ed, especially after Duncan toofc-a leaf
out of their book, bought an Ico cream
freezer and began to servo Cabs of
cream in the soda.
Will Blgelow even dropped round
and bought sampled of the tobacco
stock, from two-fors up to ten-centers;
and smoked them with expressive
snorts. Tracey Tanner's soda and cig
arette trade was transferred bodily to
Grnharu's from the first, and Jtoland
Baraetto gave it his patronage, albeit
grudgingly, as soon as he found it lm
nosslblo to shake Joslc Lock wood's aJ-
leglauce. I say grudgingly because 4
Jtoland didn't like the new partner
and had said so from the first. Out
every one else did like him almost
without exception. Ills attcntheness
and courtesy werenot ungrateful aft
er tho way things were thrown at you
nt Sothern & Lee's, we declared.
Duncan certainly did strive to please.
No man ever worked harder in a Had
Tlllo store than he did. And from the
time that he began to bellcvo there
would tic somo reward for. his exer
tions, that the business was suscepti
ble to being built up by tho employ
ment of progressive methods, he grew
astonishingly prolific of Ideas, from
our sleepy point of view. The win
dow displays were changed almost
dally, to begin with, and were made as
Interesting as possible. We learned to
go blocks ont of our way to find out
what Graham & Duncan were exploit
ing today. And daily bargain sales
wero instituted, low priced articles of
everyday use, such as shaving soap.
toothbrushes and the like, being sold
nt a few cents above cost on certain
days, which wero announced in ad
vnnce by means of hand lettered cards
in tho show windows, whereas for
merly wo had always been obliged to
pay full list prices.
'still earlier in his career as a busi
ness man ho noticed that the local
practitioners wrote their prescriptions
on odd scraps of paper.
That's all wrong," ho declared.
"We'll have to fix it" And by next
morning the job printing press back of
the courthouso was groaning under an
order from Graham & Duncan's, and a
few days later every physician within
several miles of Itadvillo received half
a dozen neat pads of blanks with his
naino and address printed at tho top
and the advice across the bottom, "Go
to Graham's for the best and purest
drugs and chemicals." Tho backs of
the blanks wero utilized to -request
people living out of reach, but on rural
free delivery routes, cither to mall
their prescriptions and other orders In
or havo tho physicians telephone them,
promising to fill and dispatch them by
the first post.
For ho had a telephone installed
within the first fortnight and tho uext
day advertised la tho Gazette that or
ders by telephone would recelvo
prompt attention and be delivered
without delay. Tracey Tanner be
came his deliver' boy, deserting his
father's stables for tho obvious advan
tages of $3 a week with a chanco to
learn tho business.
Blurting with a lino of fivo and ten
cent packages of Indigestible sweets,
Duncan in time made arrangements
with a big Pltt.hurg confectionery
concern to ship lilin a small consign
ment of pound and. half pound "fancy"
boxes of chocolates and bonbons twlco
a week. And taffy pulls and fudgo
parties lnpsed Into desuetude.
Later Sperry introduced Ulm to an
association of druggists, of whlgh he
been mo a inombcr, for the tnalnto
nance and exploitation of tho cigar
nud tobacco trade In connection with
tho drug business.
Again, ho treated Rudville to its first
circulating library, establishing a
branch in the stocc Onp coutd buy a
book ut n tuodoruto prlco and either
keep It or c&cuauga it for a fee of a
few cents.
Undoubtedly ho mnde thp business
hum during those first few mouths,
and after that it settled down to a
steady fortvaia movement. n store
became n social center, n place for poo
pie to moot In time Tracey wns pro
moted to be nUtiurt mid nuottier boy
engaged to make deliveries.
Hut thU chronicle of progress has
mn away altogether with n desultory
(Sot "j: riiiHS ft f.
Eras tmSSB & -- - w
lol I,
pen, which started to tell why Duncan
didn't want to go to Josle r.ockwood's
party. 1 was long In finding out, but
not so loug as Duncnu himself, per
haps, by which I mean to say tlwt he
was conscious of the desire not to go
and determined not to without stop
ping to analyze the cause of that do
idre more than very superficially.
It happened, toward, tho close of the
eventful liy already detailed at such
length, that a3 "Dunrtin was entering
the liouro with a loud of boxed goods
he heard voices In the store young
voices, of whic,h one was already too
familiar to his cars. lie paused, waiting-
for them to get through with their
business and go. for he bad no time
to waste Just then, even upon tho
heiress of his manufactured destiny.
Betty wns then worklug in the shop
(old Sam having gone upstairs for a
little rest, who was overwrought and
weary with the excitement of tbnt
day), and It was Duncan's hope that
she would be able to serve the custom
ers without his assistance.
There were two of them, you see
Joslc and Angle Tuthlll hunting, as
usual, in couples. And while be wait
ed, not meaning to eavesdrop, but un
willing to betray his whereabouts by
moving, he heard very clearly their
passage with Betty.
He overheard Oret. distinctly, Betty
responding in expressionless tenes:
"Dcllo. Angle. Hello, Josle."
There ensued what seemed a slight
ly awkward jiause, then Joslc, pain
fully sweet. "Did you get the Invita
tion. Betty i"
Betty moved into Duncan's range of
vision, apparently Intending to come
and call him. She turned at the ques
tion, and he saw her small, thin little
body, and pinched face en silhouette
against the fading light beyond. He
saw. too, that she was stiffening her
self as if for some unequal contest.
"The Invitation V" she questioned
dully, but with her head up and
"Why." said Josle. "I sent you one
to the party, you know tny lawn feet
next wcs?k."
I give the local pronunciation as it is.
"Did you?"
"1 gave it to Tracey for you," per
sisted tho tormentor. "Didn't you get
Betty caught nt her breath Inaudlbly.
Only Duncan could see the little spasm
of mortification und anger that shook
"Ob. perhaps I did." she said short
ly. "I I'll ask Mr. Duncan to wait ou
Sbo swung quickly out Into the hall
way, slamming the door behind her
and so darkening It that sbo didn't de
tect Duncan's shadowed figure. And
if she bad meant to call him she must
have forgotten it. for an Instant later
be henrd her stumbling up the (Stairs,
and as she disappeared be caught tho
echo of a smothered sob.
Ho waited motionless, too disturbed
at the tlino to care to enter tho store
nnil epdiiro ingle's vsnld advances,
and ttirough the thin partition "tlioro
came to him their sharp comments on
Betty's ungracious behavior.
Joalo said finally: "Oh, como on,
riiri't- Irtt'o ttnlf nm Innr-nr I flntl'f
. . ..".".. ""' "-- y
think It's lieultliy to urini: souy so
soon before dinner, nnywny,"
Angle glanced blgnlflcantly at Joslc.
"And, besides, wo only wanted to
Tholr voices with their footstep? di
minished. Duncan allowed a prudout
Interval to elapse, entered tho storo
and began to bestow tho goods he had
brought in.
While ho was nt work the light
fulled, no stopped for lack of It Just
as netty came dmvnsinlrs.
"Ilellol" he bald ehourfully. "Know
whero tho matches nro'J'
"Yes." fcho inoted behind n countor
nnd fetched him a few. "Are jou
most done?" ho Inquired, not un
friendly, as, ho took down from its
bracket one of the oil lamps,
"Ilurdly," ho responded, touching a
light to the "wjck nml replacing tho
chimney. "It's a good deal of u Job."
"Yes " ,
He replaced the lamp nnd In the
act of turning toward nuotlior caught n
"IIimdso of the Kill's face, pale and
Iravvd lr oes 1 ii i'inn.0,1
And with thn renmon wnn' departed
from him, leaving hint w in-'l i iuw
to hn Impulse of plt, "Oh. thunder"
he told himself, tin listing a hind Into
hi pocket. "I might (,h well he broke
ns tho way I nm now" Ho produced
the scanty retinitis of IiIa gmlwtuko.'
Jaif vsiJi.' '
"Miss Graham" -
"Yes?" she asked, wondering.
"Couhl jou get a party dress fix
thirty-four dollars"
"Thirty-four dollars!" she faltered.
He discovered what small change be
bad In his pocket. It was like him to
be extravagant, even extreme. "And
Hfty-three eentst" be pursued, with a
nervous laugh.
"Heavens!" tho girl gasped. "I
should think so!"
"Then go ahead P He offered her the
money, but she could only stare, in
credulous. "I'll stake you."
"Oh. no, Mr. Duncan." she managed
to say.
"Oh. yes!" no tried to catch one of
the hands that Involuntarily had risen
toward her face In a gosturo of won
der. "I'leuse do," ho begged, hh tone
persuasive, "as a favor to 1110."
But she evaded him. stepping back.
"I couldn't take It; I couldn't really."
"Yc. you can. Just try It once and
sei how oasy It is," he jiernlsted, pur
suing "No. I can't." She looked up shyly
nnd shook hur head, that smile of her
mother's for the uiniiitmt Illuminating
her face almost with tho radhtuvo of
beauty. "But 11 thank you very
much-Just the same."
"But I want you to go to that party."
"You're awful kind," she uald softly,
still smiling, "but I don't euro to go
now. I"-
"Don't enro to go! Why, you woro
Insisting on going n llttlo while ago."
"Yos," she admitted simply, "1 know
I was. But I've been thinking over
what you said slnco then, and I I've
inndu up my mind I'd be out of place
"Out of place!" ho echoed, thunder
struck. "Yuri. I've concluded I belong hero
In tho store with fnthor." She hnlf
turned away. "And I gua folks Is
better off If they htny-whero they be
long." CHAPTER XV.
AT didn't go to the Leci: wood
lawn fete und did excuse
himself on the plou of being
unable to loavo the store. I'm
nfuild the young iitun'lmd a fnlut, fond
hope thut Joslo would be Qlfrmdod, but
ids excuse was accepted without re-'BpastrunrM
llnf'llm tv.llr r.,,... . (V vvlll.-lll frtll.
and that on a wonderful "I'll, moonlit
..i .1...1 .... .. v.. ....i i.,.,. milt
overjbls tod It n Hplen -
I.. r,, i, a vt u.
nltfht, nnd
did mii-cpsr
. A II, VIHMII " "- '
sue recorded tho event t tho otont of
i column nnd n Imlf of leading unit
tor, enlltl It n poclnl Mnetlon nnd do
wrtbod the gAvtis of the lendlUK In
dies of ooolHty priwent lu liewllderlng
phraivs. i rend the proofs with nn ad
miration stroiiniy tlnriiutvl with nwe
and found It lacking in one paitlculnr
only no uieitUon was mule of Uolttnd
Bni'nette's H,rst opojt fi. iil sittt.
llolsml Imrt ordered It from n cloth
ing house In DilCnfro. nd It nrrlvwl
just In tlino. liming lomid nil tvUout It
from Uolnml's ovhi ltp (they dllntisl
iiixui the mutter to W itt. the tailor.
JiWt lHnentli my window i. I sort of
Iitmar tvund itowntowvi sunnlay even
ing In the bene of putrhin.' a glltnpic
of It and wns not disappointed. I wns
llterlng In Gruluun's when llolnnd
sauulereil iionehuluutlv In nt nhout n
quarter to S and cnl'cl rr n mrk
of "Swwts." Snuj inrvisl littn. nnd
Puucan. ttapfrtty for hlui omiiNRl nt
lae nioowat. aflffr one iik nt ltolnud
rotiroil ureelpitntl,v U-Uiml the pro
scription cmintor ovcrvi'ine. I Judged
from RolntMl's triumph nit smirk, tty
diHHiost chnarln. U thought I,
mlftht ho have boQii; he could never,
by wlMtovvr wltdmt fiideavor. have
npprovluiaUNl ItrtHuid's yplemlor
The coat wns imbtalhsl ut lest so
Watty diM?rlbl It within my hear
Ingi and enrtoustj douMo breastetl.
caneht togetlir nt the wnlst vtb a
single button, thus rciealtnit u shining
oxmiw of very Miff lilrt bosouv.
which crvakcil for some reason. With
tbla ltolaud wore u rlbb'sl white silk
waistcoat, very brilliant low cut jwit
ut leather shoes nud white silk mickc
The trousers wore strikingly cut ns to
onvli leg aftr tle phjsluit coutlgu.-n-tiou
of t)m dumwtle wur und tho ef
fort or the wioh w.i ii "isurahly en
hnnrtsl by an opera hat "He of tlnwe
tall ami strtKJnn eoiiimpf .ns that von
can shut un, ty pnnu gently but
tlrtnly uw tho hnm-in in'drlff nud
looking iiHtiiHM'liHtR. imt tilth is apt
to OHon w-ltlih rvfouii'Ii"'- reKrt If
yoa'ro tint vrtfil I clrd to he
able tu import that Itofnnd (nlbst to
cnwiult the Hli'Piai r uisiring a red
itrlitK tl. tils th wns a Kt.twr Idaek
tlrmly kmnttl at tHe tacior.
Diiucnu Ml Into n routine wlthotw
the kiaat wvhleiwe of ili nitont. lie
was wrly to rfee an.1 to wortt
and rarely left the stor save, at meal
hours nud clolug up tlino. He' at
tended church with admirable regu
larity, both umraing nnd ovenln;jiorv
Icon, on Supduy, the mldvvcuMy prayer
meeting nud Irlday evening choir
prnutk-e, for in the course of lime liu
had been won over to Join the choir
and modestly discovered to our edifi
cation a barltono vo.leo wholly un
trained, but not utipleaslug. Joslo
Leci: wo x I sang contralto and Bess
Gabriel what we were Informed was
soprano only vlllu called It a tre
ble1 Tracey Tanner pumped the organ
and puffed audibly lu tho pauses, a
singular toatlinuuj to his devotion to
Angle Tuthlll. who "Just sang" with
the other ehleCy because she was Jo
slo's noarest friend. ,
Nut had setliHj jlovvn to n pretty
steady corres'MUMlenco with Kellogg,
chlclly on bUHlnnej mat tors. Kellogg
was investigating oh) Ham's burner
mid Eoemisl (utte Impressed with Its
possibilities, He hndiqiinriclod with
Roland's friend Uurnbnm on Duucan'a
reproMcntiitlons und ordered him out
of the olllcoH of L. J, Bartlett & Co., It
seemed. Later he opened up negotia
tions with n corporation -known us tho
Modern Gas company, 1 believe, a
romiMjtJtor of Consolidated Petroleum,
nml In duo course niproMontntlves of
both concerns c-uuiato Rndvllle, exam
ined tho biiruei and retired, noncom
mittal. Then Bartlett sent n icuubd
tlon forn model und supplied the funds
for milking It, tlms demonstrating his
As foi old Hum, ho had rison to the
dignity of u frcsk ont and felt him
self mi aristocrat for the II rat tlmu lu
his life,
1 don't remember Jiwt bow soon It
was. bin It wus shartjyv after the for
mation of the firm of Grulinm & Dim
tuMhjirio.jojuijjjuu.ii regolyed bin
l l il ll.l U tb. MY (it t .10 1 Ot K
Ho ntvopted, of oimw w lu th
i;" - wm.lod ( or not, fot iheioo.uld
' ho no oeust for his tefuMlng u .Suudiv
..I ..... ,,,.. ....I... .,...,.. ,.,.,. .. .,!,.. ....
event of It The Hollies were Invited they weie Arninlntn
wood's bruther nnd idstcr-luduw, nud
tho (iodrre.v came over ftvmi West
erly to grace the board na lopiosoutti
tlves of the l.wl.wood stinln
At the eonelustou of tho menl. which
endured throughout two Intonulunhln
liouiN, the elder men folk wit lull ew to
the garden nnd tho lawn. Nntwim left
to Josle, who coudueti'd' hlui to tho
side porch, out of slglit of eveobod.v,
nnd plantwl herself lu n baggy tuiui
mock there. Shu wna gay, even bill
limit within her limitations, utvh
naive, coquettish. hy petuluut, bv
tin us, nnltimted by n sense of eon
i;iiest. She supplied the major part of
lie eoitvorsutluut chatting volubly on
the thousand Httbjeots she didn't mi
Jlorstnud, tho dexou nIio did In the
must Ingenitnus ipnuuer IninglunbloHhe
InUl beriMlf open to ntv nmts not om e
hut u seotv of times, mid wIini he
f nlteil 10 resioud nceordlnc to thocmle
' of Itndvtllo hud the wit to ninsk her
l chagrin, did sh feel any. Ver? proh
ably he laid his hick of responsive.
ni's nt Ihe door of hN Miyiiens (n
quality he was wholly without) and
liked him the better for It
It was on this dm that she extracted
from hlni his protnlo to Join iW choir
He nepeded through npiithy alone
"I don't care whether you cnu ln
or not." she confessed, with a look,
"lint I do want somebody to walk
home with me that I like."
"That's n ulce way of putting It,"
Duucuti considered without emphasis.
"Rotund Ituruette's always vvnlke!
homo with me. but I think he's Just
"Why?" Inquired the young man.
with some Interest
She uvertisl hur bond, imieklug nt
the strands or the hniiiiiHM.k. "Oh, you
V,tmw." she wihl dltildeiitly.
"Oh?" Nut wns onllglitiined. "Then
I'm sorry for Roland."
"I can't blnme him. you know." He
couldn't help this The lime, Ihe place.
Ihe girl. Ittsplrod-ludtml. Incliud-onu
to banality.
"WhyV" she perslsteiL
"Oh. ifwt know." lie caught the In
tonation of her previous words pre
eluely. ,
Hb had ttiigrorc to hliith nud hang
her tnmd. but he reculved a thrilling
WMig gluitce.
"Ah! Aren't you awful to tnlk that
way. Mr. Dunenii?"
"Vom" he Hiltultteil meekly.
"Then jou will Join the chair?"
"Oh. s," he ngreisl liatliwsly.
"I'm tn glad "
He thanked her, but nvokbil litr eye
"We" might 's well begin tonttttit."
she suggesttsl prohi-utly. with dIUWimi.
dowticiist eyes
"Whnt-the eholrY" He was tartld
"Oh. 1 coul di't wit limn it rehearsal."
"No. 1 dkln t imstii that."
"1 mean about Unkind." She was
j paying minute ntteuttuu to the luce lu
Uertlon or her skirt."""
"About lK)Hiiid"--
"e; I uiiHiii You know what I
1 mean. Mr 'Duncan?"
"I assure you 1 do tint. MUut i,is.'k
wood "
"AImiui not walking home with him
any mure I don't want Jo I' wUb
vou'd commence lonMilit Hisiead or
rholr pracllee ulghf. I'd miii-h mllmr
, walk home with yon."
"After evening snrvke. jou tHan1"
Hho noddisL "It'll lm a gn-al plnj
i ore."
1 "Realty?" Hhe gave him her ujttn
I ti nw.
, "Reiilly." he assunsl her.
"Ah. I don't believe jou moan that!"
"Bill Indeed I do "
It was in it until nearly fi o'clock thm
lie wns given n chiiui-e to i-h-mh lie
Imd even then to refit! Intlexllity mi
luvltutliiii lu stay to suppif
Mluta Lockwood mi exsinsve wo
mnti. goiierouslj convex tiluio-t sinoili
trvd him with uuprcflnilou ut his
thanks, f.lie held his IihihI lit u large,
moist pilm and beamed iimmi him.
saying, "N'ow't you know ihe way,
Mr. Duncan"- '
"Yes." Bllnky Inslsicd, blinking ro
gulshly, "drop In nny lime, Tnku w
luck. We're jilaln people. Mr. Dun
can. but alius glad to sec our friends
Drop lu nny lime."
Josle accompanied him to the front
gain, where etiquette nspilnsl him to
linger fer u imcllng chat.
"Goodby." The girl guvo him her
hand. "I'm real glad jou came nt
"The pleasure has been nil mine,"
Insisted the gnllatit liioinldc. fishing
tho trlfu pliruse iliwperntelj froni the
gray vacuity of his thoughts.
"You won't forget?"
"I'orget what?"
"About tonight."
"Do you Imagine ( could?"
Joslc returned to the family con
clave, to interrupt a symposium ou
Dutu-nti's qualities,
Duncan wrote to Kellogg In his ronm
that tilylit after church "I don't want
to sound Immodest, but It lonkx us If
you were 'righted mini apparently
there's notblng"1o it.
"Probably I should have stayed on
lor supper, but I ceuldn't: I should
tmve choked. was; my tionl was
ninHIng Another ten minutes and I
Mioitld have Jumped down on the lawn
nud run round the Iioiiho on nit fours,
cupping mid foaming at the mouth,
und Imvo wound up by blllug old
"Tho worst of It nil Is I kno'e I'm
ungratoful; I know they menu well.
But why Is It that people who mean
well almost Invariably grate upon
jour Hciivlbllltlctt like tho bureuchlug
of u Bhitttpenell?
"But I mustn't nay maun, things
about my future relatives, I pitmtuuu
That Is tho great trouble with your In.
fiTinil scheme, Huiry. It iieems to be
Milting like ti clmriii, und now iljiit
I've got something lo do Pin hot tr.
trong for It as I was. But I gave you
my word Only mind this-if
the rules proscribe a pcrptunl course
of Sunday dinners en fnuilllo It's gn
lug to break down nud turn nut it nat
ural born tllvver. There are limit to
human endurance, and Put human,
whntuver else I nm not."
U.MMr'U slumbered to lis close
A drowsy uuiiiiiin sett Us I iiihhi
our v alloy. In which Km ttudl
IImiihI iH'tice seeuted but the
more profoiiud.
Joulo Look wood nnnonnre,! that she
whs going away to sehool lu New York
for the winter. I'etu Willing took the
pltslge and kept It nlmovt n mouth.
Svill Ulcilow secured time tublen and
lalmrlously tnuiyusi out his moiuIhuiiu
ally eiiiiteuiplntisl (tip to the east -like
the others, dealluod never to come olf
Tracey Tanner went to work for Grit
ham ,f. Dumati Ruinml psrnette psld
ostontiitloiis nttenilous to Bess ta'ti-
VO i
nuHii (iAumt:u
lirlel, who tolerated hlui slmdly bo
ciiiimo shu didn't much like Josle; but,
blighted by Joslo' supreme liullfrer.
ence, this budding passion drooped and
failed by mutual consent of both par
ties concerned. Atigle-Tiitliill been inn
morn conspleuously than ever the orb
of Tnicey'a universe. Duncan wnlled
liome with Joslo on two went': day even
ings mid t,wlee on Kniulays nnd lea nnil
how to piny haliim nud isircheesl: Tlio
drug utore prospered lu inoileratlou,
Kothern ft. LeoAnluly contesting Its
conquering campaign And Duncan
glow thoiightrul.
One lias more time to think unself
ishly In Iltiilvllle than lu a great city,
where tliere'it ruiely more time than
enough to think of one's own concerns
And Duncan wns tanking time to thlpl:
about others, 'notably Betty Oraham
Tho gill wus, us usual, shy, reticent,
losurved. Khu kept hur thoughts ,to
h(-isulf. dinning tho most liitluuitu not
even with old Hum, who would 4ulk.
But ptiucun divined Unit she' wus un
happy. (llo saw her go nnd come, a wistful
Hhadow on the Imrdorn of his (ccupa
(Ions, self contained, u little timid, but
at the finino (lino liruve lu her own
rjulot, uncomplaining fashion And the
distant look lu those uoft eyes he. ill
vlneil to bo ouu of longing' for tlfat
which she might not possess tho ad
vantages that other girls had, socially
nnd eduentlounlly; tile pleasuro they
routilved. tho attcntlouff they re
celvrd, the thousand and one slight
things that make existence life for a
woman, Ho wiw her drooping Inseu
Mby day by day, growing a little
(filler, a simile nmro aloof nud llHtlesa
And ho becuino Inlllillely concerned
f"'' "", ,-.
('V(i bo Coittliiuod,)
Miivlriim for liiinltli
Ms4tWrV',' f
py ' i''W
ML.f 5fc- ''1
Clark & Wright
WAfimnaxou, a. a.
I'uhtle t.niul Mnttirnt Klnal Proof.
Dosort litiiiiin, conli'sts nnd Mlulna
Ciisas llerlp,
Ansoolslft Work for Atlornnys.
Game Boards
Also full line of
all seasons
Book Store
Grocdrios, Ctmdioo Truito
Cigars, Tobaccos, 'Snidor's
Frosh Milk, School Sup
plios, otc, at
De Voe's
Little Combination
N'oxt Door JI.ilol Jlwiroi'd
I'm-. Photii' 0(111
(lint grow
Unit bear
Northern Grown Stock
Columbia & Okanogan
Nursery Company
Of tho WuiinU'hmt -Valley
O. ,M, l.'inilon, .Medford Kulesiuaii
PIioiik Hl-lt. UIT H. IMverslilo
Pacific Railway &
Navigation Co.
Trnlnn will run dally, uxcopl Sun
dny, on tho following unhedule:
Lv. Portland 7:20 a, m.
Lv. I lillHlioro ...... fijfiOn. in,
Ar, Bunch J'olutu. . . .1:20 p. in.
Ar, Bay City 2:01 p, in,
Ar. Tllllninonk-,,.,., 2:25 p.m.
Lv. Tlllnmoolc 7:55 n. mi,
Lv, Buy City.; H: in. ', '
hv, Ilcnch Polntfl. ,,,9:00n. in,
Ar, lllllubnro 1:25 p. in.
Ar. Pot Hand 4:10 p. m.
Through ilckoln ou nnlo nt city tlckot
offlco, Third and Wunliliigtun utreutii,
on Fourth nud Yamhill, to all polnta
on tho P. It. & N. Further pnrtlculurB
from tho city tlckot ngont or tigotit
Kourtli und YmiHilU otrnutH,
John M. Scott,
fleiieriil PaHHenger Agent,
Portland Oi-ouon.
! i w.iii . )