f r, ' MEDFORD' MATTJ TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 0, 1012. VXQE SEVEN i i." y y K DC ' Tlix (Iniilir Medfm-d ,U, will liolil it Hii'ciiil iiit'i-t niu MoikIiiv iilliTiiiiiiti nl 'I uVliii'k. ill Si. .Mmlv'm hull, when Ooveiuor Wcl will iiililii'MH l In- chili. A KKIMM'lll ilixitlllillll U O.Xttllllll'll o I ln imlilli'. In honor nl' Mi (Inttrmlo Tioii-h- llM'i wIlliMI1 lllltl'l illk'l' IIIM'III'M next week, MiH lleilliu ICiiuHmIi kiivo ii very pii'Hv Ii noil ulumur, Sutiiriliiy ul'loriimm. Ivv iiinl vinli'lM wore u'd In di'i'onitioii. Curd with played, iillt'i' which a iluinlv IiiiicIiciim wiik nerved. All (In iiiftH vi-rn pill in n licit hit pud IihmIicI, IriiiiniL'il in huh lax, mill iim Ihc Iniilc-clcct imlh'il Ihc chipper lii received her liiii'ii limvir Tim uiii'm(i present, horddiw Mm liiniiir Kiitil were Mo.iliiini Kuillli'lil. KhIIiciiiihI, OiviiI .IiiIiiihiiii, Unwind lllll, iilu I)imIK. Mclillvn;, .Mcllnvvd' mill ltnilnc; Mii' lliicl l)nvi MhiIkk Ki.l.lcll, Mlhlrc.l Wnrc. I !.. Kuutmir, Iilu I .en Ki'iilncr. Sum WcllHV, I'hoidin lllilicc, Jcniictlii (K KihiiI, MhiiiiIc Dcih'I, Helen 1 1 erring nl' Ci'iiIihI Point, Helen Dnlil, Uiurn TinlcliUir. Lncile Miirwhnll. Sim Miirwhnll, Horn flrM.v, IVrn llnlcliln mm mill Alice Hlrceli. Tim WVilmwiliiv Studv olub lielil i imml unjoynblo "iim'II Iiiiiimi" Ml tin homo nf the cIiiIi'm iieiili'nl. Mr. K H. I'ii'kfl, Now Year' ilnv. Tin Iuhum wm mint! nilinlii'dllv deeoniled in (III IuiIh,V lIl'IMIIXlillllH. MflMHim III ivv were uHfit with mil eiiriuiliuiiM iitul liiiiHellHn uiiHl efl'cclively. Tln officer of lli' eluli roecicd ItiriiiK Ihe hIIi'iikhiii. Thorn in Iim Merc Mr. VI II. Picket. Mr. Kmch-li Mm. Tulllo, Mr. Allord mi.l Mr-. Vjiwler. In llie iliuiiiK room, where u dititilx luncheon whm Ki'i'vuil, Mm. Wiikeiiuii mul Mr. HnllJN poured coffee (Ik llrt purl nf Ihe iilleriitMin mul Mi Parson mul Mr. (IhIc the liitlei part. Ailiiitr were .Minwo Kver- liiinll, I'ern llntcliiiiMUi, Iilu l.vc Kenlner, Alice Sired, Alcllut Ktucr- iok. Itnlh Merrieli, .locphino Itool ...via n....f.i I' . If ' ?, .Mlw Alton mill Mr. Kmumr played ilurluir Urn alleriioiiii. In huiiiir of their uel, Mr. mul Mm. T. N. Merlin. Mr. mul Mr. SiiiiiimIcii entertained at .V)l) Weiliu tiny evening. The liiiue wiih pret tily decorated in poiiieltn ami C'liri!- IUHN icrefll. The kiii'mIh pieent were: Mr. ami Mm. Iturliii, Mr. mul Mr, l.uke, Mr. ami Mm. Wall, Dr. and Mm. Dcniiinlon, Mr. ami Mm. Kiik lih. Mr. ami .Mm. Merrick, Mr. ami Mm. Unllix. Mr. ami Mm. Wakeiumi, Mr. ami Mm. W, II. Drown. Mr. and Mm. lliilfhiiirtiiu, Mr. ami Mm. (leo. Dm I, Mr, ami Mm. Oeorp) Kiiik. Mr. ami Mm. Vawter, Mr. mul Mm. ICeutiier, Mr. ami Mm. K'idd. Mr. ami Mm. York, Mm. Ailmii. Mr. (leorxe Tieiehler ami Mr. William Wall. The Pythian .Sinter entorlained Wediuihilay uvoniiitf with a noeial, which followed initiation mul iuntiillii tiou of offieem. Five ui'w uieinhem were rvi'i'Uuil, The now offieem are; Mm. Kdiiii Iliihliniil, .M, (.; Mm. Kiln I'erry, K. S.; Mm. Hilda Olin tcnd. K. ,1,; Mm. Klla Woiiuuiu, M. T.: Mm. Pearl lliitiduiHou, M. P.; 7ili Mary IIiimwcII, M, It. mul (; Mm. Pearl, protuetor; Mm. A. A. Klynu, outer K'nu'd; Mm. Kdiia jHiuiOh, iiiHtnllatioii officer. Mr. ami Mm. John P. Duller ami .Mr. ami Mm. J. W Molutyro held "open Iioiiho" Now Year's day at the riiMidouce of Mr. ami Mm. Duller. Holiday decornlioiiK were uei with llenilij: eflVel. Mm. W. i, llaueoelt, uiiither of Mm. Duller, aHitetl In re ceiving'. Mm. PoltiiiKor pmueil eof I'eo, iibHiHttMl hv Mm, ,1, (1. Wilxnu ami Mm. II, (1. Stiudiinau. I.ittlu MIhk Dorothy Piu'hoii mul MiH I'hiulolto liny Kiirvuil Iho puueh. ' MrH. John Ciukln and Miss Ourkiii entmlaiiiiMl Thumilny nfleruoon for Minn (lorlriulo Trieehler. Tho after nonii wiih Hpunt in HewiiiK, after which refrenliuienlH woro aerveil. A HiirpriHti hnfx, whieh wiih to ho opened ul a later diile, wiih piVHeiilcd to the honor KUUHt. ThoHO preHent were; Mm. J. 1). Doll, Mm. (Hun Taylor, Mihj Laiiru Trieohlor ami Miss dm- Iriidii Troiehlor. Tlio Drilled TitiunluMiii club was on liirlaimnl Weilnumlay hv Urn, Caroy nl lior homo on Kiupj llihway. CJIiriHlmiiK (loeoratioiiH, froh mid gi'ooii, wuro uwed. A very dalialoiiH liiuelieon wiih sorvoil, after wliloh li'ridKo wiih played. Tho huohIh woro : MoHilauiDH William IIikIko, DaniolH, Uarinoii, Piirdin, AndrewH, Root ami lliitehiiiHou, The chili mpets noxt week with Mm. Ilarnion. A delightful New Year'n ovo lunch eon party waa given by MiBy Miuiiiu INTERESTING ETINGS OF WOMENJS CLUBS. Deuel, ill Iter hiiinc on Mouth Oiikdnlc. Tint luncheon Iiciiiiii at 10 ii'ene noil huh prepiiieii ii ioiii-c in u nun' n tlie voiinif luilii'M, tin liint coiiihc cm), iiiii with tlio new yeur. TIiiihc pie enl weie; 'MImki-w Arlie Nntwielt, l'Vmiei'H I lentil, Kvelyu Cnrey mul Minnie Deuel; Mi'Mxr. Tuin Keiintliii, Juke Wine, I'lnoi'xon Merrick mul l'liul McDonnhl. A New Yeur' iliunei wm kivii Siinilav by Dr. mul Mr, Ailkiiih at llieir home on the Axhlmul mini. Dr mul Mi-h. Ailkiim urn iiMieei of the vnllcv mul nil the kiicM were I'rieiiilK in the eiiilv iliiv-. Tline iieeul were: Mr. mul Mr. II. K. A(lkin, Mr. mul Mm. A. I'. Tnleiil. Mr. mul Mr. Ileil Itoimlicitv. Mr. mul Mr. V. K. I lentil ickunn. ), lli'inlrickMiii mnl Mr. I'reil Dmiuherty. Mih. Curi'V eiilerliiini'il New Vear'i. lav nl dinner mul nipper. TIium preHi'iil were: Mr. mul Mi. William llllduc MiHH.Ii'iiu Undue. Alex, limine, MUh Kvelvii I'aiev ami llarolil (,'hicv. The Women' Mirtkinuarv Soeioty of the 1'rcnll.VtcHnil elllllell Will meet '1'iie-iliiv iilleriiiiiiu next lit 2ull) o'clock at Ihe chnpcl. Mm. Du Itoi i liue.. for the iil'lcruonil. Mm. M. A. Knder ami M!h l.ucile Kiuler leu cilut.ilnv lor a vlMit in KiiKeiu ami Portland. .Mir, will reliirn to Meilforil, Mm. rciniiinini: in I'orllnud. l.lteili Itiiiler " Anionic the Mtudcnl who returned to Corvlilli to the Oicoii Aurieiil titnif Hille;e were I'red mul Virgil Strain:, Dcu Porlu, Walter CiiililrntM ami Cailtou Shirley. Mm. W. S. Ilallowav and Mi Hallow hv left Tuedav for CorvallH, where they will lake Ihe hort iikH eiiltiiral eoume at the Oreuoii Ari- cull ii nil college. Mi Mahel Wilon iclunicd t (llcjiihde. where 1io i teiwdiin;; nnli0d, after eiulmt: the riiriwtina holidays with Mr. ami Mm. W. 1". Wait. The marriage of Mi flertrmle Trieehler and Mr. Frederick Dim worth of llayx, Mont., will he ol nixed Wedneday, January 10. Mr. and Mm. Norwood and the Mti Norwood oT Central Point were the New Year'" tsiio! of Mr. mul Mm. P. K. Dlackhurn. i. 11. P. Harxmvo left for I.os An jfeh'K, where he will join Mr, liar Krave ami daiik'htem. Tliuy o.eet to he away hcveral uioiilh. Mm. (loorite Sony and ehildren, who have been viitinc Mm. William Deed, returned to their home in Cali fornia Tuoxdnv. t Mm. 1. DoiIkc of Paris, Mieh., who ha been visitim; her daiiKhter, Mr. P. K. Merrick, left for I.oh AiikuIo1? Thiimday. Mm. KliMiboth KobiiiMiu, who will bo the librarian of tho new Caruuuic library, arrived in Medfonl thin week from Seattle. Miss Cordelia flrnflV, Myron Knot and Herbert Itawliuus of Central Point returned to Oregon AK'iieultiiral eolloL'o Tiuwiliiy. 4 Tho new rector of St. Mark's church is expected to arrivo some time next week, to take charge of tho parish. Tho V. I. L. of tho Pro.sb1orian ohuroh was onterlained Friday oveu inu by Itov. and Mrs. Shields at tho Maiitio. W. l lliihlio loft for Corvallis this wiiok, whoro ho will laka tho short .eourso in horticulture at the 0. A. C, Mrs. CI, K, Altkon and daiiKlitor ro turned to tholr homo' in Hlddles, Ore., nftur visitiiiK' friends in M.odford. Miss Carkin i HpuiuliiiK tho week in lawn, tho uuest of Jlrs. Carkius ami Miss (lortrudo Trieohlor. Miss Alieo Cowill returned Tues day to Huone, where hhu is attend in the Htato university. Miss Itnlh Peters returned Tuesday to Kiitfeiie, where tho is attending tho university. Miss Opal Daley volurued to Cor viiIIIh Tuesday, whoro she is attend- Iiik 0. A. C. MiH Clara Wiries vetnruod Tues day to Kimono, whoro uliu ia attend- jl . $ V1SK III" the iiiiivenOU, alter HemliiiK holidnM with her pareiiln. the Mr. and Mm. II. M. WIicIhiI miter faiiied a few of their friend infor mally Momliiy evening al their resi dence, l'J2'J Wet Main. Mimic lan tern hluloH howinic old !ahioiicd photoKrapliK of the quests vvert thrown iiMin the cnrliiiii, which ciuiHcd imich iiierritiieut. Musical se lection were iriveu by Miss Florence Hnzclriu'tf. Mr. Hemline, Mm. F. KdiiicmleH ami Mr. Whelsel. I.ikIiI rc fr"huient were erved. Thoe prei ent were: Itov. mid Mm. V.. 0. Kid riilvje, Mr. and Mm. Ileinlim of ltoe buiV. Ore., Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Meek er. Mr. mid Mm. Mnmh, Mr. mid Mrs. Clyde Ha.eliiKc. Mr. ami Mm. Ar thur llnzi'liiu'i;, Mr. ami Mr. Churlc Hoy, Mr. mid Mm. Foret Kduicade, Mm. M. A, Pnttcmnti, Mies Marion Merrill, Florence Hazelrigk'. Kalher- ine l-.duiemle and .Mr. h. Merrill. The iiuxiliarv oeiety to the Chris tian Woiiian's Hoard of Miina met oil Wi'duediiy aileriiooii at the lioiiii of Mis Stmiileford. IH Wet Fourth lrect, 12 uieiiiliem of the society ami Iwo viitom liciny pichcnl. The sub ject eouiilered was "Porto ltico." Intvretinif papers were read by Mm. Ilurd and Mr. Allemlerfcr on tin IM'ople and country of Porto ltico. An iuleretitiK and instructive talk wn also Kiveu by Ihe pastor, Itev. Doyle. Mr. and Mrs. OeorKC Clay Corni lius entertained iiiforiiuilly at a Ihree-eoume breakfast New Year' moriiiiitr iu the chnnnitiu' apiirtuieal- at the Deibeit. Covers were laid for mx al a daintily apMiinteil table, mid healed wer: Afr. and Mrs. J. It. Whituiirc, Mr. and Mm. (). M. Conii- tin mid the hoxt and hoste. The Juvenile Dnucint; club enter taiiuil their friends Tuesday vveniiie when 100 couplert uttemU'd the dauet Xivcii at the "Nat." This club is one of the most popular in town ami thf dancer are always enjoyable. The next dance will be held January 1.) Mis Deie Kllisou ami Afr. Orover Medley were married in Portland Dr counter .ii. i no younir couple wcr fonaer residents of Medford ami arc well known here. Miss Deulah Warner returned Mon lav to Stockton. (a., wbere she is tcachint:. after pendiinr the holidays with her mother, Mrs. I,. D. Warner, Miss Grace Wolf returned this week to Salein, after spending the holiday in Medfonl. Mr. Harry Finloy arrived iu Med ford Tuesday from, CI rid ley, Oil., for a hort viit. Miss Alethca Kineiiek returned to the Univomily of Oregon at Kugeue Tueduy. Mrs. Olive Han) f Newport, Wash., i the inest of her sister, Mis Ida Keith. Arm. W. T. Van Scoy of Ashland is visiting her (lauuhler, Mrs. I). D. Itusell. Mrs. D. F, Mulkey ami children re turned this week from a visit in Mon- mouth. .Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dobbins re turned this week from a trip to Port laud. Mr. Harold Caroy returned to the University of Washington last week. Arm. S. A. Hull left this week for a visit with relatives iu Fresno, Oil. Mrs. ltiddoll entertained tho Fri day Afternoon Driilfjo olub this week. www 1). C. It. Hay ami family returned Tuesday from a visit in California. Miss Until Merriek returned to the state university at F.ukouo Tuosduy. fleortfo IT. Davis was the tuost this week of his brother, A. A. Davis. Mr. Vernon Vawter returned to tho university at Kiikoiio Tuesday, V. day J, Ncff left for Salein Wedues on u husiuesH trip. Mrs. Porter J, Noff left Thursday for a trip to California. Tho Thursday Uridjo olub met with Mrs. Hedlleld this week. Mr. A. 1'3. Heaines left Tuesday for Porllnud. Tim Ladies1 Aid society of the1 Christian church will meet with Mrs. Only at 2.'W Smith Central avenue Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. ami Mr. T. D. Pdch returned Thursday from n trip to Han Fran cisco. Dr. 'J'. W. Andrew of Maukat.t. Minn., arrived in Medford Friday for a visit with his broth.r, Mr. Fd Am drews. Alex JJuiijU', who Iiiim been visitint; his parents ilurim.' the holiday, has returned to .Stanford university. I BEAUTY SECRETS "To be free miiulid ami cheerfully iliHc)ncd at hour ol incut mid of sleep ami of excreiic, i one of the best precepts of louir Innlhik'." It lias loiiu been hii acknowledged fact that health i the verv founda tion of Jiuppines m u-efulnes for both men ami women, ami we now recognise it as the eoniemtone ol beauty. We lire onlv het'iuiiiiii; to learn the full sigiiiflcanee of that old proveib, "Metier mi ounce of preven tion than a pound of cure," and it 1 the ounce of pretention that I want you to have iu over weight. Correct habit of diet, i:jtlmig. lecp ami ex ercise, ncooriliimjtii season, offer 110 encouragement to iliscime, bat when we sec the habit if elolhimr according to m'iimiii totalis ignored ami God good fresh air tteateil a though it weie a rare article not to be used, there is nothing I'll but to crouch by the fireside and sow hcciI of de spoiidenev mid dieHe. Health ami beiiutv dumiind impera tively the obolite purity of these four necessities -air, water, food mid thoughts. So effective ait thoe four things (bat the woman with a deli cate constitution, if he abide bv them, can compier the petty ailment ami enjoy hot tcrr health than the ro bust woman who; constantly violates them. Yemrs hne swept by the idea that the fragile, .ylph like girl is the highest typo of beauty and that the ilaiutv little uppetilf is a mark of delicacy ami good breeding. Health recpiires iioiirishiu food that is properly prewred in nflleieiit quantities only. It is ab-olutely necessary that the appetite should be regulated bv reason and the woman who wishes to cultivate her beaut v must learn by experience what agrees with her. Next to the lungs the stomach is the most abused .organ in 'the body ami iu nine eases out of ten that orKu reflect: its condition in -the complexion. NHnrcfonniilntes such n is'rfcet creature that the inward purity seems to lend radiance to the translucent skin, ami just a three fourth of the world are starved for fresh air so they are also stinted in the normal tptantity of water the body needs. Clainliness without and within! No one thing has so powerful an influ enee upon the structure of our bodie and the texture of flesh a the water wo drink. Pure, good water is 0110 of the most indent factor that ultl mates itself ia a elioh-hlooin com plexion. It is never too late to sup ply the bodv with better material; it is never too late to strive for anv good thing we desire. The .drinking of hot water freely before hroakJVt and between meals has hastened the euro 01 many a pasty, sallow com plexion and there is no simple regu lator 01 tlie internal economy mote efficacious, for it cleanses the mucus membrane of the stomach and slim u lates the whole alimentary canal ami the kidney to do their work, per forminu the necessary office of senv- eager for the wlio body. It should not be druug so hot as to create dis comfort iu swallowing, nor be tsntred down iu n, deluge. It also aid the bowels, whieh is of vital importance, and their neglect is a menace to a (,'ood complexion; and is so often the oriLMiiattiiL' cause of pimples. When tho internal onrnns are torpid an tin duo amount of work is forced uhii the skin, causing tho troubles that women are xt raveling to overcome and are often so easily connuerod by tho drinking freely of hot water. Pleasure is a direct aid and stimu lant to digestion ami fear, low, spir its, or serious niiestions should never bo brought to tho table and every disagreoablo topio of conversation should be humidied from tho dining room. A well educated woman was oneo asked why sho was so quiet at a particular dinner party and she said sho had nnthiiu worth while to say. I couldn't help but remember what tho wise fool said to tho dys peptic Potronius, who brought science to tho table, "Why all this analysis of food; digest thy meal with a jest and 11 laugh," If wo cultivate tho habit of think ing pleasant things thoy will como to our lips without effort and tho whole world will seem hotter and brighter. At tho close of a lecture ono of our Krentest educators said, "Oh, for a Clark & Wright SAWYSXI WARxixaroxr, . o, Publlo Lana Mutters! Final Proof. Doaert X.ini). Contests and Mining Cases. Scrip. Associate Work for Attorneys. healthy mind and 11 healthy body how beautiful!" Bodily and mental health (ire iho Higii-rmimml of a clear complexion, mid (his is one of the primary quali ties of beauty, without which no hnr monv of feature can avail to make woman lovely. Yours for charming womankind, MADAMF, OUIVIU.A. We Have Moved Tho J. T. nroadley flowor torn is now In tlio M. F. & II. tore, across tbo street from former location. Choice lots of cut flowers, bulbn, ferns, palms, etc., al ways on band. J. T. BROADLEY Groceries, Candies, Fruits Cigars, Tobaccos, Snider's Fresh Milk, School Sup plies, etc., at De Voe's Little Combination Store Next Door Hotel Medford Pac. Phone 5G11 TREES that grotr TREES tlmt bear Northern drown Stock Columbia & Okanogan Nursery Company Of tho Wenatcheo Valley O. M. TjuuIoii, Mcilfortl Salesman riiouo 81-lt. 217 S. Ulverslilo Deal with the mnn that does tho tno&t business. You will find there is ii reason for it. During tho past threo yenrs over 300,000 Irees and vines have been delivered to tho planters of tho Unfile Hiver valley by tho Eden Valley Nursery All stock leaving: this nursery is Ktiarnutecd to l'LEASK and tho PRICK IS H1GUT. WHAT MOKK 1)0 YOU WANT? N. S. Bennett OffiCO 1201 Box 823. North Central Ave. Medford, Ore. Twenty-two years' experience in orehard and nursery work in the Hokuq Hiver valley. r H. H. WALTERS.lPractical Horscshoer Particular attention paid to Interfering horsen and contracted foot All InmancsH In the foot cured, sitnh nn cams, thrush navicular trouble, quarter-crack and contraction of tho (cat. Anything In the lino of hanil-mndo work. Ilnvo shod such horsos as: f)nn Patch Mark ljflG Minor Ayer lt5S,4 Crenelle .... , , 2:02 H Andrcgrcns J. 2:00 Geo. If, Hay ....Half mlln :tH And n number of others, too numoroua to mention. Your patronatto will bo appreefnted, no matter how lurgo or small. .12 Hoiilli rnpo Ht., Next to Vct Hide Hani ftfetosj J T Jd. is Sunrise Laundry FAMILY WASHING A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK GUAUANTEItt) Orders called for and dollvorcd. First class work dono by hand. Ladles' and men's suits cleaned and pressed. Tel. Main 7831; Home, 37. Corner Eighth and So. Central Avo. 44f&4f4t4(4r4444444e-4f444- ...First... National Bank of MEDFORD, CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Suiplus and "Undivided Profits $58,000.00 0. ilt'd States and Postal Savings Depository We solic' your business, wliich will receive our care ful attention. F. K. Deuol, President M. L. Alford, Cashier ,Orris Crawford. Assistant Cashier &WmfitfiVtytyVtywlVV&iW&WV0VtyWt0Vi& ARE YOU JETNA-IZED AGAINST ACCIDENTS t C. H. REDFIELD REPHESEXTIXG Aetna Accident Northwestern Mutual Life Both Phones IU DRfxnectetfCo UHHrn V - WJlir irriA'v;T: vvi iri i lk tv-'Bi C.C irninirnvm HAPPY is the woman who is never unprepared who can always lay a nice appetis ing meal or light luncheon boforo any gueat unexpected or not. Her friends pralso her for her housewifely qual ities and eho feels that delightful satisfaction 'which can only come from hospitality perfectly done. 'jphe secret lies in having a well chosen selection of canned goods and table dainties always at hand. Look over our stock the best of tho kind in tho town and make a selection today. Then put your foar in tho cupboard for you will be prepared for any company como when it may. ALLEN GROCERY CO. 86.10 S. CENTRAL AVIS, OREGON : ; ; : L -; : L 210 Fruitgrowers ,Bank Bldg. ST1 w ti 44 G