A '4 1 4. FlN 4 i tub ? t Mutt's An j . MUnttN IIP .lBhl 1 innikf ....'.( YH3 ?ROrS,5IONM I OCVtAtSR. NCLLIF ttJJVJOU. INViTCD wjQ'tL, A VJ - r nii,ui,i..l w'--' I riij' r INIU.IIM i r I ANN TirAC? I COMMUNICATIONS. j (Inmr I'mUTU'rt. I wri(o t iiiiHWor in a ui'iHTiil way Home 4iioHtiilrt tliul iiik hh1im1 4i;u many tlmtw, alMo to ixi1itlu Hint k!M'i IiihI Hprlnu' I Ji new iuu uiiil Unit ruiiiiiilKHiim to llicir work on a inucli tllrt'i-n-nt planl. Kirxl, tin Kiinii' wanlciiH do not k any part of it'vinlntor'H lliii', but work on a flat Hillary, ami lliort Ik a law that wlum a wiixli'ii loariM or hci'm a violation ami lion not prohcculn It lie in llnnl .f 50 ami loHttrt IiIm jolt. AkiiIii tlinr i no wanlni thai Iiiih llio authority In t'xciHD a man that violate tlu Mlato lawn. TIik wnrtlni h a fool who kivi'h tho poopht a clnnii'o to liohl a dull oviT IiIm head. Tlur ar hoiiio iiumi who i(m to think that IIioho k'oiu who Ifvii hunk in Hh laonutaiiiri hhouhl ha allowoil to kill i;aui; t will. In thin they ar wniiij,'. Although a man may k'liuw that llmro ant Hvcrnl ilror on a f'w tlioiimiml ncrcM, hut in a k'W itral way Hut wanlciiH know that lliu (U'it aru fiiHt followint; Ilia mail of tint elk ami hiifl'alo, Tlii'.V alxo know that tlioHii miili) who live in Ihu nioiintaiiiH aru rfHionxihlu for the IllOht of tliih'doHlrin-tioii. Then) am unii who will put up tin aruiiuti'iiL that tint law wax umili- for tho nltv innil ami th open mhihoii wjim pliict'il when hi couln Ixt KCl out to hiiut.' ' This wroiiK to n mnrkrtl dirfc. If tint ooaooa MiM-oiUt in ll) wintni' tlio u'iiiih'' would ho Mior; if ilpon hi ttiu Hprim; wouhl ho iltt'lin'oiliitf; tion Hon. So It h op(Mi at tho only lhao of tho oar whou it i1 lit for food. Wliy aro no many of oir wealthy illi'ii litivina lur)'u (raotM of laud for a ttrivatu hiinliiiu ami HhIuiii; Kmuiulf ItooaiiNo thi'V ' "oo that wo aro ko iriir to diMtroy all of iIiIk natural Ii!h tory, k i hoy iiroKiiltinjjnmily for tho fitliiro. Thoro'M'oum to ho no ouo iViokinij after tho lifo of tliU aino and hirdx oxoopt tho iiioiinIv kiiiiio WardoiiKwho aro lookod upon in oon tiiinpt. Tho Kiiino Iiiwr wtiro inailo for tho pooplo who liko to hunt and HhIi. )t looks Io mo a though thoy nhould try to help tho k'uiiio wnrdou and (;ot KoimI Norvioo. If thojo woro no uamu Ihwh in Hum Hlalo tho camo would lout; mikmi havo hoiMi a thill); of tho pant, til oro Ir (piilo u inovciuout on at Ihu prosout tiino in romird to m'UiiiK MnniD oik for Ihtoo rcflfvon. If Oro Kon dooH (ctHniiio of tlioHo elk ami that poor uiouuUtiii dwollor killn ono tluXt .von ran put up that old iiiotli oatflu arKUinont for him -ho was junl t'odiut; a lilllo fronh moat for his family, or it wiih tloj Ilrst ouo io ovor flair; ho thought ilaH a door; ho Iiiih ahvayn hoou a cifino prolootor, Aiitun, you will incut n man who will put up tho urK'iimont that if thoro woru no hoiiuty paid for woIvoh and patithorri this would protoot moro pinio than all tho miiiio wardoiiH. Tins would ivo moil a kouiI oxotmo to o into tho uiouiitaiiiH whou tho 8UIMV wiim on and thoy would kill n i'ow mom door out of hciimui, for my oxporiouou Ijuh led mo tp know that thcHo pauthorH do not kill iir many door an thoHo pooplo would liko to iniiko iih holiovo, Whon iiimi Ih'rtt oamo horo to Huh oo;ijilry tlufro woro IhouHiindH of door aiuT thoro woro pauthorH in pro;or tioiV, No ono ktiowH how long thoy had honu'licro-toKolho'r. Any man kuowH, who Iiuh ovor rid dot! ovor an old Hhoop rano dial Iiiih nojj1 boon uxud for hIioop for 15 or 20 yoarn, .you ann hoo plenty of hht'op Hkiillii that liu'vo laid thoro all of this limy and thoy havo not dooayod. Thou If 'tho panlhur killn ho many door, wlty do wo huo ho l'ow door nkulls in thuiuountniuH? Thoro- 1h a bounty offorod. Tho law HiiyH any pornon othor than a Kii'mo Avu"rdqn wlm InforniH on a vio lator K"tH 'ia" '' "1U ""i xv'li('11 W(lillil bo .fifi. Now, thojio two-lo'd anhnalH aru killing moro door out of Hoiitfou than tho four-lood oiioh iuo, Wfi'i- not try for this bounty? AlthoiiKli I wH admit that a houiilv paid on paulhoiM Hint would justify man to try Ft' them would ho ijuito a help, and 1 alno think It Unlucky Bird; He AhllUf ric.utn ...... I tit I A L. ta . 1 . ""V " ". ' U Sv 1 wmolw too lwvPH,7l r. 30 t'LL 06 I.VK.Q lo musuvw io -julx. win n. t wm,t. ' ThefA su. to TMWIfWr OHIJ PptVwGO ftrwi1"' Jir'T Q WNC'J; ' ;" would bo moro effoetivc to pay a pil bouiity on tho ooyotcw, iih thoy not many fawn while vet hiiiiiII and thii wouhl henelll tho pooplo moro in a Ki'iioral way. Still wo am oiioourauod to loam that thorn aro no moro than ouo third of tho violations oomiaittod at tho proHi'iit linio, ootapared with two years iiko. Tho u'limo dfiini'tirii'iit has thor oughly mado up its mind as loiu; as tho NtatutOH stnud as thoy aro wo will do our host to pro toot this nat ural history, and ovory effort will bo mado to cloot inoii to our oillces who will oonliuuo to proHitoiitu a ikTi-oiih who violates anv of oar uamo laws. (Ii:). IIAlttlADINK. flamo Warden. rtUi Onrad In a to 14 Dr four ilrUKKlnl will rruna rnonfr If f - MIK'Tll l.'Vr fnlltf I.. xnr m.v rnmm of Koliltiff. Illlml. Illp'ilnf or 1'rolruJlns I'lion in iu tt uc, uwc. notick to mini: iAvnuus. All jiorioitH who nro doKlroun of BocurliiK nmco In tho Modtord MlnlnR Jublloo HOok on tho mineral roHourc on of southern OroKon nml uorthorn California, to lo ImiioiI Foliy. 1, 1012, hIiouM luuiH'dlntoly cnll upon or nil- (IrtiMA 0. W. Puttorron or Guy T. Thrnthcr, Nnnh hotel, Modtord, Oro. SAN KHANCISn). Cal. Hoar Ad ininil Mooro of Yoiha Ilaoua naval Mntlon hero has onmpjuiued.to Mayor MoCartliy that an oulistoil sailor iu uniform was denied a pent nt u looul theater. The tar donned civilian clothes and got tho seat. Hence the kick. OAK'LAND, Cal.-Frank 0don, hoii of a superior court judge, has appealed to that tribunal for a writ of mandate compelling the board of education to reinstate him iu high solhiol, from which ho was expelled. (Paid Advortlsomonti.) l-'OR CITY TREASURER. Inasmuch as Leo L. Jacobs ban declined to again run for city treas urer I horeby offer myself ns a can dldato for that offlco at tho city election to bo hold In January. Q US SAMUELS. FOR COUNCILMAN FROM THE THIRO WARD I hereby nnnounco myself as a candldato for councilman front tho Third ward at tho coming city erec tion. J. T, 8UMMEKVILLE. CANDIDATE FOR COUNCIL- MAN FROM SECOND WARD I hereby nnnounco mysolf as a candldato for councilman from Sec ond ward at tho coming election to bo Hold January Oth, 1013, In tho city ot Medford. J D. WYNKOOP. CANDIDATE FOR COUNCILMAN KROM FIRST WARD I horoby tinuounco myself as a candldato or .cotindllinan Iron) tbo First ward at tho coming election to bo hold January 9th, 1912, In tho city of Medford, Oregon, v" . L. G; PORTER. FQU COUNCILMAN J7KOM THE FIRST WARD I horoby nnnounco myself as n cnndldatu for councilman from tho First ward at tho coming dty elec tion. J. W. MITOHHLti. CANDIDATE FOR . CQUNCI MIAN FROM THE SECOND VARD WhoreaB Councilman Wortman of tho Socond ward has' dpaldod to re tiro 1 horoby nnnounco myself as a candldato to succood Mr. Wortninu In tho city counoll of tho city of Medford, Oro,, at tho coming elec tion to' bo hold In said city on Jan uary Oth, 1012.' EDWARD 0. IRELAND. MONEY, TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN ?1200 on Im proved city or ranch property nt 8 por coat. A"1'1'1"18 l,ox 7Ci Tr,u uno. 340 i'OUNI "" FOUND LadyTgo'lli briicorot. Ap ply 140 S. Holly st. 24Q I I ! - I I I II 1 " . . - ' " - ' I Mil II I I " ' '""""' ' ' ' - 1 W ! i-T ' ' I .1 - I i -... i , -- i . """" MEDVOnn MATL TRTBTTNK TMTOFOim OttKnOX, FRIDAY, .TANlTiUlY 3. 1912. - - JJM L , amwtum i t m inim wnwn Mw miwi. Miim m ' " " ii. .I i -i-ttit 'nt !-' ' j i r-i-nr -- , r -- i n i i mi in - m .. ml m- i i t r i Tmi ' r - i - - Ji --r "- ' Couldn t Even vjcu.,GUA(Aa 99 TO A P'PC WITH ttUT wCHf No ftUt WJfltfKT Ai,.- 0NLV ceCMft.e (MrVr r mm itK.vr iioijhkkjcicpi.no ItOOMH FOIl KENT Now ilruT up to dnlo ajmrtmont jnodorn In ovory partic ular. Knn cooking. hUiiiiii boat. otc. Smith' apartment Iioiihc, 2 17 Bo. Klvomldu. KOIt ItKNT Throo room Ktilto of htiHoleuilui; rooimi. 'i'Vi Soutli Holly. I'Olt KENT VurnlHliod linimckcop Iiik rooiiiH. AIko HleopliiK roouiK, ut 1 (louosoo Ht. Phono -t 2 2 -1 . KOIt KENT KiimNlid housolteop Ini: roomn, Unlit, kok and bath. Alm two, loom Iioiiko, fiiriilnlim!, cIoko In. liupilro 337 Worit 10th utreot. 250 J-Olt ItKNT HOIJHKH KOK KENT - 8 room jioiibo. Cth nud llnrtlotl nt. 227 Kaxt Cth Ht. II. U. huniRdoii. KOK KENT and 3 room houso, J7 nnd It a mouth. 322 S. Cen tral live. 2C7 KOK KENT C room cottnBo nt 22C Houth Central nve. Inqiilro of A. Duff, 333 Kant Jackson st. 24G KOK KENT Six room modern fur nlnlied houiio, at (503 Park nvo., S22.D0. Inquire 520 South Ivy. 24C KUKN1SIIEO APAKTMKNT8 jre THE nEKIlEN. Cor. qulnco nud W. Main, furnished apartments, pri vate baths, heat, every convenience nil new. FOR RENT FURNIKHlfcl) ROOMS FOR KENT At tho Cottage, fur nished rooms with or wlthot board. Our rooms nro modorn. Hot nnd cold running water, heat and private telephono iu each room. Prices reasonable. CO 4 W. 10th street. Mrs. II. M. Cois. 2GG ROOMS GOo nnd up. Hotol Mooro. Special rates by weok or month. ROOMS 50c nnd up. Hptol Moore. Special rates by weok or mouth. ROOMS GOc nud up. Hotol Mooro. Special rates by week or month. FOR KENT An upslnlra bedroom with light, boat nnd bath connec tions. Phono GG01 or 7171. 247 KOK KENT Furnished rooms nnd housekeeping rooms. Gas, electric lights nnd bath. Home phono 212 W, 711 Ntyth. Central nvo. 2G1 FOR HUNT OFFICES FOR RENT Over tho postofflco, with heat and light Soo A. A. Davis. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR LEASE Fully equipped plncor nud quartz mlno. Gold Kay Real ty Co. FOR RENT Largo and small ranch es. Gold Ray Realty Co. FOR SALE OR RENT VOR KENT OR SALE First class garden nnd fruit tract with houso, barn nnd rhlckon park. M. A. Rador, Medford, Ore. FOR HALE ACREAOE FOR SALE 1 H actcn with new 4 room houso, lumber In houso cost $2G0; four mllcH out; nil clenr. Ideal chicken ranch,' for limited tlmo $500. Address H. E. 11.. Tribune, Home phono 2S5-L. KOK SALE An Improved ton ncro farm; 0 nerca In 20-ycnr-old or chard, nil kinds ot fruit nud ber ries; largo cherry trees that simply boat tho world In quantity nnd quality, together with n fee simple title to ton acres ot clnina nud bathing beach in front; nil kinds of clams In unlimited quuntlttos, 1G0Q ft. from Rrownsvlllo p. 0, on rogulnr lines-of boats from So tittle, ouo hour's run; 3 iuIIob from llromorton navy yard, First class plank road 'from houso to wharf. Faro from Sonttlo to plncq for tho past yctr Jinn boon Go, nevor moro than :!5o. Special rates for school clilldron. Will oxclmngo for Mod ford proporty or Kqguo river .val ley laud. A))p))' to Jnokaon County Realty Co., 317 Gnrpott-Coroy bid. 3GG KOK SALE Largo nnd amnll tracts of land to suit. Special good buy In n 000 ncro tract closo to good town nnd shipping- point. Wrlto or call on us. 217 Gurnott-Coroy bid, Medford, Oregon, Jackson County .Realty Co. 3G5 ""FOli SALE OR KXdiIANGE FOR SALE , OR TRADE-G nero truck fanpH V4 mllo from Medford, W, J I, Evorlmrd, 000 V. Oth. Phono G071. Mir yiiwrjL i ! ok . - x " ''t ? v..r 7; .cash 7 fiaft .mn. - -.- . ESfeAi '"iss 'to L ' 9" S0PAe &"a9 vw-- J -' tiv lflHrun j5i : - v i.(Hn i - . t loor-Mf lunixxr r lti v m.. ' Win on a 1 to 100 Shot r - ' i ..,, vM T Iav..!) LffRT I WHMXWQN I -4fc. l i j'""i vcir? i .w - w- i r . c I ' 1. i"rJw -V pop- ion wo ' ;S2r S. kok HALfy irousia KOK HALE OK RENT G room Iiouho and 2 lot on pavoil Hlrcct, Med ford, a bnrRaln; teruiR. V. II. Sturtevant, Central Point, Oro. 2GG KOK HALE CottnK'-' flow) In, cheap, cnH toruiH. Inqulro Stuart Knlpp nt Medford IlUBinewi collcgo. 248 KOK HALE A tnaj. Two room bonne, furnlturo and lot GGxIOG ft., ror. H. Newtown nnd Dnkotu nve. JDr.O. Will tako team, homos and burnenH nH part payment, and $300 cnnh. balance ?10 per mouth. Ad dro P. O. box 225. 247 ORCHARD JiANDH KOK SALE DY OWNHK You com bine tho advantage or a city and n Htilendld orcnard Ir.ntincnt In tiuyliiK either of the followlnj; or clmriln. located wllliln ono half mllo of Medferd: 15 aero tract. 1 4 acres In 3 and 4 year old pears, 1 acre nlfalfa. 10 aero tract, G acres In 7 year old Newtown np ploa, 4 acres ono yoar old pears. Thoso arp vory choice tracts with good deep soil. For further par ticulars address P. 0. box 110, Medford. Oro. 24G FOR SATiR LAND FOR SALE Aero nnd flvo ncro tracts adjoining Medford on long tlmo. easy payments, or might ex change Gold liny Realty Co., 101 Electric bldg. KOK SALE NIco llttlo homo in Moonville, Soma valley, Ore., con sisting ot good 6 room bouse, largo barn and chicken house, good well of water and nbout 7 acres ot land, hair. In alfalfa. Kino for a chicken ranch. Price $1700 If sold between now and Jan. 15. 1012. Address Mr. M. E. Gnrdner Sams Valloy P. O., Oregon. 24S POR SALE 20 nero chicken ranch nnd garden spot. Mining grouud on It. O. A. Goodcn. Ruch, Ore. 248 KOK SALE Homestead relinquish ment of 1G0 acres. Ipcntod In the Sams valley country. This place Is thoroughly equipped with every thing that pertains to farming. Good team, wagon nud harness, plenty of corn and bay to wlntor tho stock, six bend of hogs, three heud of f'uo cows, ouough apples and potatoes to last until novt sea son, nnd enough tools "on tho place to start In clearing nnd fencing. Thoro Is .enough timbor alone to pay for tbo place. Tho whole luy out goes for $1500. Tonus. GEO. C. CORN1TIUS, 210 W. Mnln St.. M. G031. H'qmo 343-R. KOIt SAL13 Homestead relinquish ment of 1G0 acres, threo miles this side Eaglo Point. Freo soil, and soma sticky. . An excollent hlllsldo property for fruit. Kino garden laud. Tho Improve ments don't amount to much, out tho lnnd Is worth tho money. Only $500. GEO. O. rOKNITIUS, 210 W. Main St., M. G031. Home 343-R. VOll SALE MISCELLANEOUS KOK SALE Sow and pigs, pacific 403-K-2. 240 KOK SALE Fresh Jejsoy cow with helfor calf, from registered stack. A bargain. Phono Bell G00-R-2. 240 FOR SALE 30 n. p. roadster liko now, n borgalu. Cnll 110 South Kartlott st. 2G1 FOR SALE From ono to four thou sand gallon galvanised Iron tnnk. 1021 W. 10th or phono Bell 530-J-G 247 FOR SALE Wo nro booking orders fm mini hrnil lllirnp-.triVROV lllcrt. from January litters. Sire; Kins uoiuon, urnuu i-uauipion uregon Stnto Fair, 1011. Pleasant Valloy Farm, Woodvllle, Oro. FOR SALE Oak, plno nnd fir wood. Corner of Newtown nnd Sovonth. Phono 0041 Main. A. B. Tull. 352 FOR SALE Cordwood, oak nnd hardwood, $G per cord iu cnrlond lots. Gold Ray Roalty Co., 31$ West Main. Phono 1873. FOR SALE Single comb Whlto Log Itoriis: Crystal Whlto Orpingtons. Mating list now ready nnd sont on request. Ordor hatching eggs or baby chicks early b thoro Is sure . to bo u heavy demand for our Btock this Benson, Aro booking 'ordors now. Havo n few Orpington CoeUorela for salo. Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jacksonville, Oro. KOR'BALE For dryQnk wood cnll Homo'phouo 310-R. O, K. Kirk. 2GI m l - -- KOIt HALE MIHCi:iiLA.VKOU8 WRITE Mr our list of bargains In new and sllgntiy used pianos, ukcii pianos from ?125 up. Organs from 25 up. 8. Mitchell, Kllers Music House, W. Main st., Med ford. Ore1. tf KOItjJALE Incubators. I havo se cured tho agency for "Old Trusty." best made. Eighteen hundred In uso In county where manufactured. Have known M. M. Johnson, the Inventor, twenty years. If Inter ested in an Incubator address me nt Medford. Ore., or phono Hell G39-J-G. C. W. Potter. 263 KOK SALE Two good work horses and threo palrB of fine orchard mules. Phono 93G1 Mnln. KOK EXCHANGE KOK ' EXCHANGE City property, lots, acre tracts and ranches to exchange for other property Gold Kay Realty Co., 101 Electric bldg. KOIt EXCHANGE a six room houso and two lots close In located In Evcrott. Wash. Address S. P. Cope, Phoonx. Ore. 247 EXCHANGE Good iuenmo vacant nnd farms In and near Chicago for property here. AddresB Box Is, caro Mali Tribune. 247 EXCHANGE For homo In Medford sixteen acres good soli, seven acres In fruit. Imlnnrn to crain: one mile from dopot nt Ashland; nicely lo cated. Humphrey. si& iieaiora. TO TRADE Ono lot on improved proporty In good location. Price right. Pay cash. Address Box O. H., Tribune. , 240 FOR EXCHANGE A 5 passenger touring car In good running order for real estate. Phono Bell 74, Jacksonville, Ore. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Salesman to aid ub sup ply tho brisk demand for our goods; somo vacant territory yet In every stato west of the Missis sippi. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Oregon. 2CI 1 1 ELI WANTED FEMALE WANTED womnii for gonoral housework, wages $1 por day. Ad dress Box 25 caro Mnll Tribune, WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position ns housekeeper by refined Christian woman. Ad dress P. O. box 25. 24C WANTED Sewing of all kinds. 431 West 11 tli street. 251 POSITION WANTED By young man who Is n bookkeeper and sten ographor For particulars address P. O. box 778, Medford, Ore. 250 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Horses to feed. For fur ther particulars write Phil Loosiey Toip, Oregon. 251 WANTED You can't help but make money soiling our guurantccd-to-glvo-satlsractlon stock; freo outfit; cash weekly: excluslvo territory. Yakima Valloy Nursery Co., Top penish, Washington. WANTED-Loan ot $1750 at 10 per cent for ono year on security of $4000 vnluo. Address B. C, caro Mall Tribune. WANTED Counters, show cases, scales and storo fixtures. Address E. O. Hofler, this office. WANTED Will board saMdlo horso or pony for winter for his ubo. Address Box 20, caro Mall Trlbuno. 247 BUSINESS DIRECTORY ' - 'i Assnyer tintl Analyst; SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU AssnyB mado for gold, sil ver, lend, coppor nud othor miner als. Mines nml mining prospects survoyod, assayed and mining maps and roports mado thereon by com petent mining nssayors ami engi neers, nt reasonable terms. Capital socpred for developing mines and mining prospects. All mlno own ora aro earnestly rQ.quosted to send samples at their ores for exhibi tion purposes, and sond full de scription ot tholr mining property. Southoru Oregon Mining Bureau, Gth and Fir ats. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER Architects nnd Bulldors. Offlco 7-8, 325 Main; phono Main 3471; residence' phdno 744. , T- '-. . Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INC. Medford qffico. phonos Main 2511, Home 35G, Jackson ville phonos, Pacltlo, Uulu 11, Home 200G. By "Bud" Fisher i BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountants SPECIAL attention given to audit ing, preparing balance snoots, cost sheets, profit and loss stato zncntH. Also statements prepared for receivership and tho courts. William L. Noell, Room 101 Elec tric bldg. Phono 1873 Main. D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office Medford Mail ffrlb uno bldg; phono CG11; residence phono G302. Attorneys C. L. REAMES. LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2 Postofflco bldg. A. E. ,REAMES Lawyer. Garnett Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY. GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bide B. F. PIATT LAWYER1 Land TIUo Examiner. 254 320 Garnott-Corey Bldg. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars anu son urinKS. upsiains. Young & Hall bldg. A nice, cool place to spend tho hot afternoons. BUI Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster nnd Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 20 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Cigars nnd Tobacco IRELAND & ANTLE Smokehouse. Dealers In tobacco, cigars and smokers' supplies. Excluslvo agent of Lewis Singlo Bindor. El Merito and El Palencla. 212 W. Main st. Civil Kiiglneer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer nnd Surveyor. Water filings and irrigation worlc a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concrete work, pump and canal Bystems. Rooms 1-3 Adklns blk., Medford, Oregon. Chiropractors DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist. E. Oth and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massage given; advlco in die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phono Home 1GS-K. DR. ELIZABETH BROOKE. Chin praetor, norvo specialist. Tho cause of disease located and re moved; advlco In dietetics; baths that euro tho "Incurable" Rooms, 247 So. Riverside. Phono Home S4-R. Hours 1 to 4. 25G Chinese Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese niedlclnos will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goituro, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, prlvato dtsoascs and nil kinds ot chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation. Indigestion, womb nnd bladder troubles. Seo mo at 241 S. Front st., Medford, Ore., to 4. G: 30 .to .7; 30. Kesldonco phono Main 42. Furiilturo Hr E. WILSON & CO. Dealers In now and second-hand furnlturo nnd hardware. Agonts for Housohold stoves nnd ranges. 3S S. Fir st. Phono Main 31Gl,Honio 200-L. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Comor 8th and Holly ats., Medford. Mission furnlturo mado to ordor. Cabinet wprk ot nil kinds. A trial ordor solicited. Grantto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Goo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers ot brick; . doalers In pressed brick and llmo. Office nt their brick yard, West Jackson st. Phono No. 3461. Dentists J. M. KEENE. D. D. S.; A. J. HINI KEK, D. D. S. Dentists, 228 l'J. Main. Phono Mala 3101, Home 134-K. Garbnsa MEDFORD GARBAGE . CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Leave orders at 20 S. Bartlottv or phono Rodney Taylor, PaJflo 3432, Hrao 10S-X. PAOE FJRVDNf i BUSINESS DIRECTORY Mcthca!. RHEUMATISM CURE Call for Bluo Steel Liniment at nil drug stores. Guaranteed to cure. Guaranteed pure. Guaranteed under puro food nnd drugs act. Prlco $2.00 n bot tle. Manufactured by Mr. Charles Turner, Blue Steel Liniment pro prietor nnd Inventor, Gen. Del. (LInlmont factory 107 North Front at.. Medford, Oro.) 2E8 Printers nml PaKI.-uVr VEDFORD PRINTING CO. Das tho best equipped job offlco in southern Oregon; book binding, looso Icat systems, cut papor, etc., etc Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic. Bring your work to mo at tbo sign of Tho Mail Tribune. Nurseries MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE Cut flowers, potted plants, shrubbery, bulbs. 923 E. Main. Phone 3741. QUAKER NURSERIES Oar treos aro budded, not grafted. Our Btock Is not Irritated. Wo cuarnnteo 'everything put out. Wo aro not In the trust. II. B. Patterson. Office removed to offlco Hotel Nash, in side entranco next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of blgh-grndo nursery stock. Offlco 104 S. Fir. Both phones. Physicians and Surgeons DR. M. C. BARBER Physician and Snrgeon. Rooms 403-4 Medford Furniture ant Hardwarw bldg. Kes ldonco 1303 W. Main st. Office hours, lu a. m. to 4 p. m. Tel. 101. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physl cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offlco phono 501, resldenco phono 612. Office hours, 9 a. in. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLO.W. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nett-Coroy bldg. Phono Main C351, DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist. Offlco In Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered tor extraction ot teeth. Telephono Mala 681. Might phono 4432. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Oaruett-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 6501; resi denco 307 S. Oakdale, phono 7171. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlclaa and Surgeon. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. Prnctlco llmltod to diseases ot Wom en. Offices over Uasklna drug store. Phones, Pacific 1001, Home 28. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnott-Corey bldg., sulto 318, Mod tord, Oregon. Both Phonos. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician nnd Surgeon. Practlco limited to pvo, ear, uoso and throat. Ees scien tifically tested and glasses suppllod, Offlco 21 G E. Main at., over Med ford Hardware company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phonos, DRS. SAUNDERS & GREEN Prac tico limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Ortlco, sulto 313 Garnott Corey bldg. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Juck son County Bank. Offlco phono M. 432: Res. phono. M. 582. Stenographers; ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm block. Stenographic work douo quickly and well. MISS L, J, HINGSTON Publlo Sten- ogrnphor, Medford, Ore, Phenes: Offlco. Pacific GG71; resldenco, Pa cltlo 5083. Room 218 Garnott Corey bldg. Transfer EATSTlKlJS.Dray" TinlT'rJuHTdr. Offlco 16' South Fir. Phone: Bell 3152; Home 350-K. Prices right. Servlco guaranteed. MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVEKY Parcola 10c, lGc, 25o; trunks 85o nnywhoro In tho city. Offlco Val loy Second Hand Storo, 15 N, Fir st. Phones: Malii 3072; Home 354, Messenger servlco. Fred Crockor, Prop. Undertakers, JOHN A, PERL Undertaker nnd Enibalmor- Offlco 28 South Hurt lutt St. Telephenes: Day, Bolt 471; night, resldenco, Hell 473, Home 170-L. Ciilla nnaworod ulght or day, Ambuluuco sorvlco, t