Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 05, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Our Correspondents
Itcv. 8. I. Orciwby of Modfortl,
jmstor-cyitngollbt of the Presbyterian
church of southern Oregon, will con
iluct eorvlccs I HUo Fn.Ha this
week. Nov. John 13. Day of AVootl
vlllo Is talUnK up tho work ns min
ister of the chinch nt this place ami
la nsslBtlng Mr. GrpgBby l this sc
ries ot Hirelings. Tho Interest Ib
B)oJ nnil splendid rosults arc ex
pected to fallow.
Our people nro again enjoying the
nunshlne. nftor n few dnys of. tilua
ton wrtatljrr.
LowIb Dooms Is nt work on his
store building and will soon hnvo it
comnleted and ready to move into
Tho Pacific & Eastern railway Is
nt work nt this place erecting a sec
tion house.
Sidewalk building has been some
what delayed on account ot tho bad
weather, but work will continue and
walks wilt be laid on all tho prin
cipal streets In town. i
William Scott has moved from
Central Point to nutto Falls and will
occupy tho Deal property.
J. H. Chlmcrg has purchased the
property of C. E. Powers which ho
Is Improving and will move into soon.
Mr. Summcrvllle, head ranger for
this district, has returned and will
take up tho work of cruising the
timber in Lodgcpolo district. Sir.
Peel, Mr. Whiting, John Holts and
Ucrt Pearlcy will assist him.
Itcv. S. L. Cregsby, becoming fa
vorably impressed with this place,
has purchased the property of D. W.
Day In tho west part ot town.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George E. Fox spent
Tjiurcilay in Grants Puss.
Mrs. Julia Muller nnd children,
Mr. II. T. Pmikcy nnd child nnd Mis
Mnrv Okon spent Thursday with
Hcdfurd friends.
B. C. Dunlnp of the Hotel Oxford
a Grants Pass spent Thursday here.
C. H. Gay of Medfonl spent a few
hours here with relatives Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of Sams
Valley, who have been visiting friends
here, returned home Thursday moni
injr. Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis J. Gay relumed
to their home in Seattle Thursday
Mrs. Ben Ellington is visiting iu
Sams Valley this week.
T. J. Xeff has ono to Derby lo
spend tho rest of the winter.
Miss Esther Mcn-itr, Mr. and Mrs.
lindane Sanderson, S. A- PUisn, J,
J, Brown, J. Ki'llerrunn ami Professor
Davis were among the Central Poiut
people "who spent Thursday in Med
ford. -
xxoroxs MUXX7I.
Potatoes $1.75 per cwt.; 2c lb.
Cabbage 2 c
Parsnips 2 c
Lettuce 5c bft&d.
Carrots 2c.
Boel 2c.
Onions 2c. .
Celery 50c ?1 dor.
Cauliflower 1015c head.
Turnips 2c.
Radishes Cc bunch.
Onions Green, Be bunch.
Cocoanuts 10c each.
Prunes Dried, JOc Jb.
demons 2Cc dozen.
Dauanas 10c to 30c per dozen.
Oranges lCc to 40c.
Cranberries 15c Quart.
Butter Eggs and Poultry
Butter Fresh ranch, per roll,
GGc; crcamory, 85c.
Eggs Fresh ranch, 3Gc; storage,
Poultry Hens, dressed, 15c; live,
12c; springs, drosBOd, 15c.
Turkeys 20c to 25c, dressed.
Meats, Wholesale
Jleof Cowb, 4 l-2c; BteorB, 5c
Pork 5c nnd Cc.
Veal Dressed, 7-lOc.
Mutton 3 3 l-2c, llvo; lambs,
Cc to 7Vc
Hay and Feed.
Jlay Timothy, ?14; alfalfa, ?12;
grass, 112; grain hay, ?14.
Grain Wheat, 05c bushel; oata,
936 ton; barloy, $35 ton.
Chlneso restaurant. Also Ameri
can kitchen. Evoty thing first cIobs
Chop Suey. noodles and everything on
Amorlran bill of faro, deorgo Leo,
..-,.. ll.. OO CmiMi Wenlit T.1
Will tho party who took two wag
oris from I. 11. McDanlolu' residence
ou Taft avenuo return fiamo at onco
and nothing will bo done, hut If not
wluruajl luimodlnto action will bo
(By A. C. llowlclt.)
Since mv last the old worn out
year BUI luis passed into. tho things
of the past nnd will soon be utmost
forgotten by the most of us in our
rush of business affairs, having our
minds absorbed with the prosperls of
the future. And ns wo review the
past year we ran see ninny mistakes
that we have made, opportunities iiee-
loetud, but wo can also see the many
blessings wo have enjoyed and nan
see great cnuse for thankfulness for
these bles-ungs, aud now 1 trust thai
we will each of us strive to improve
on our past experience aud try to
make our lives a blessing to others
more than ever.
Amont; the new arrivals at the
Suuuyside since my last are Fred
McClurc, who owns a farm southeast
of Jacksonville and also a tract of
land in the town of Eagle Point, lie
came over to look over his interests
here and to enjoy our beautiful cli
mate, for upon his farm there is con
siderable snow while hero at this
writing (January '2) there is scarcely
enough to cover the ground. Ho is
one of our old boarders and comes
homo every once in a while. Also F.
M. Lindsev of Medford was among
us. He is interested in a large con
tract for cutting wood on a tract of
laud recently purchased by the P.
E. Kuilroud company, with Mr. Me
Intyrc of Derby.
Mr. Ditsworth, his daughter Ora,
one of his small boys and a son-in-law
passed through hero Saturday on
thejr way to his mountain home.
The men who have been employed
to move the old store building of
Vau der Ilellou Bros, have succeeded
in getting it out into the middle of
the street and left it there. I under
stand that Mr. Van der Hellen in
tends to get a house moving-crew
from Medford to come out aud try
their hands at it.
Iu a former article I alluded to a
deal that was on hand aud prom
ised to toll more in the future, ns 1
was requested to say nothing ou the
subject at that time. It was a deal
whereby William Von der llcllon sold
his residence to Thomns Fallow; con
sideration, .-jaOOO; a line bargain for
Mr. Fnrlow, as the house cost more
than that amount. In the deal Mr.
Farlow turned in two lots he had pur
chased prior to that and ou which he
intended to build, but liked the other
locntiou better.
Iist Saturday night Mrs. Howlett
and our daughter Hattic gave u birth
day party at the Sunny Side, it be
ing the birthday of each of them, ns
Hattic was born on her mother's -JOtli
birthday. 1 Would be glad to be able
to give the names fl the guests who
were present. There were 70 invita
tions sen tout, just around town, and
there were 03 present and all of them
young people, thnt is, unmarried ex
cept eight and they bad not been mar
ried very long. I confoss that I was
surprised to see such a crowd of hoys
and girls ranging in age from 1-1 to
'lb, but most of them between 14 nnd
18. They played games, had music
and at 10:30 p. m. light refreshments
,vverc served with coffee and then the
fun commenced with the beginning of
the candy pulling. They remained
until about midnight nnd then most
of them started for their homes.
Among the most interesting incidents
of the evening was "Pinning the tail
on the donkey." One of the party
would be blindfolded aud given a
piece of paper with a pin iu it and
after being turned around three time
would bo told to pin the tail on the
donkey. It looked quite simple and
thuy would start for tho donkey and
pcrhups put the tail on the other side
of the room.
New Year's day Mrs. A. N. Thomas
gave a dinner aud invited the follow
ing; at least there may huve been
more invited, but the following per
sons were present: Mr. nnd Mrs. J.
J. Fryer, Mr. aud .Mrs. Floyd Pierce
of Forest Creek and their two chil
dren, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Jonas aud
his mother. Mrs. Jonas, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Thomas and throe children
and your Eagle I'wiiit corrofriwwlotit
and wife. Mrs, Thomas uid planned
to have her sou, Baxter Origsby aud
family, of Klamath county with them,
but he was unexpectedly called home
ou business, so they, we aud I' is moth
er wore diapoiiiad. But wo I mil it
very enjoyable time aud after pur
takyig of dinner as good a one as
anyone could wish we spent tho aft
ernoon socially, just as old time ac
quaintances should do. .
i"1 " -
500 ItinVAItl).
Tho undersigned will pay a re
ward of GO0 for tho arrost and con
viction of tho person or poruonB who
attomptod to burn tho West Hldo
Livery Stable, on Decombor 27th;
1911, by sotting firo to tho samo.
254 L. C. CHAItLKY, Owner.
Aftor this dato I will not bo re
sponsible for any debts incurred by
Mary E. JoneB.
248 D. F. JONES.
An ordinance ntist-HMlMK Uw property
tidjuveut lo ami UoiK'fUvtl by tho lx-
Inch Intern! sewer constructed nlonit
alloy between Kuclld ixveuue nnd llrdd.v
nvenuo. throuKh block 5. Conroy-Chvncv
subdivision, the coal of cnimtrittfllnir I ho
swine and nrovldlnK (ho manner of our
ryltiK snld nssessinont Into fall effect
Tho City of Medford doth orttulu ns
Section I. Whoieus. tho City Council
Ottl heretofore provlilo ly onllnmiw for
tho jwrvliiK ot tho owners of property
niljnrritt to anil benefited by the con
struction of tho lutrml wwnr herein,
nftcr described to appear before aohl
council mid show ownse. If nnv, Whv
snld properly should not be ummhI for
the construction of sld sower, and did
fix a time for liosrtiiK any such pro
tests, which notice was Rlen In ucord
mice with snld ordinance more ttmn leu
ln before the heKlnntUK of the con
st) uctlon of srtld sevier. but no protests
nKttlnst sold construction or Hssesniuent
of the cost tltoieof was made by niivtmr
nnd sttld sew.r wns, by Mid oouncll.
ordorwl constructed.
And wlieret. the cost of the con
struction of sAld wwfr ItMs ItatMi UMile
and hereby Is determlnet lo be the
sum of U0 10 TS.
Xow therefore. khM city dolh ontnln
Mid tleclftn thul ecli luixvl of property
descrl1et Iwlow Is ndjnrenl lo and ben
efited Uy tliAl certnln Intern) wwer six
Inches In slue. constructel on alley be
tween Uucltd Bvemie sud lloddy avenue.
throiiRh block 3, Conroy-Cloncy subdlvl
loii. ud that the proportion of tlie
cost of sld sewer which each of said
parcel of land should bear. Itased ou
the benefits derived respectively bv
said several tracts of land. Is Ihe
amount set opposite the descrlpltou of
eaen parcel itelow. and that each of said
parcels Is itctuallv beneflled In Ihe
amount set opimMte Its description be
low bv the construction of said sewer,
and thai said sxeral amounts repre
sent the proportional benerttH or said
several parcels from said sewer. And
each of said parcels Is lierebv Hsse-sd
the ntucunt set opposite Its dcFcriptlou
Ivelow for the construction of said
sewer. The name appearing- alxve aeh
description belne the name of the owner.
or rcnutcU owner, of each such lot or
Assessment No 1 It. J Conroy and
i. w Clancv l.oi l. Mock Z. Conroy -Clancy
subdivision. City of Medford.
Ort-(;on:frontn)re 50 feet on the sooth
side of snld alloy, as described In it.
pajjo 9SC of tho county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county. OreRen: SO foet;
rate ier foot. iS.SS.amount. 1111 SO
Assessment Na 2.r-H. J. Conroy ami
It YV. Clancv. Lot 2. block I. Conroy.
Clancy auhdlvls on. C tv of Mtslfonl.
trvjron:rrontnRe OU reel on the souili
side of said alley, ns described In It,
pajjo ass or ine county reconier s roc-
onls of Jackson county. Orenen: So feel.
rate per Toot. JI.J3 .amount. HI6
Assessnient No. 3 It J Conroy and
It XT Clancv. IjjI 3. block 2. Conrov-
Clanoy subdivision. City of Medford.
OrcRon'frontaRo SO feet on the south
side or sold alley, as described In It.
pa so 956 of the county recortlcrK rec
ords or jacKson county. uroRen: so reel;
rate vr roc. 2 29.amount. fill so
Assessment Niv 4 It J Conroy and
It W. Clancv t.ot I. block 2, Conrov
Clancy suImIIvIsIoii. City of Medford.
OreRon'frontaRe 50 feet on Ihe south
side of said alley, as doscrllxd In II .
pace 9J6 of the county recorder'! jtc
ords of Jackson county. Orojten: SO feet:
rate ix .4 fvit. 12 29:amount. $11150.
Assessment No. S It J. Conroy and
It W. Clancy. Lot S. block 2. Conroy.
Clancy subllvlslon. City of Medford.
OreRon:frontaRo SO feet on the south
side of said alley, bh descrll'l In It.
pace 96 of the county recorder's rec
onls.of Jackson county'. OrsRen: SO f.t.
rate per foot. 2.29:amount. tilt SO
Assessment No. C It J Conroy and
It W. Clancy. It S. block 2, Conroy
Clancy subdivision. City of Medford.
OreRon.frontnRe SO fovt on the south
sldn of said alley, an tlescrllied In It.
Iaen 9KA of tho county recorder's re
ontH of Jackson county. OreRen: SO feet;
rate per foot. S2.29;amount. $111.50.
Assessment No. 7. Lillian A. Kliler.
fit 7. block 2. Conroy-Cluncy subdlvl
slon. City of Medford, OreRen: frontaco
SO feet on the south side of said alley,
as described In It, paRe S0O of Ihe coun
ty recorder's records of Jsokson countv,
OreRon; SO feet: rate per foot, $2.29;
amount. Ill I. SO.
Assessment No 8. It. J Conroy nnd
It YV" Clancv. I.ot 8. blook 2, Conroy.
Clancy subdivision. City of Medford,
On-Kon; frontflce SO feet on Ihe south
side of said alley, as described In It.
pace 956 of the county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, QreKen: SO feet;
rate per foot. $2 10: amount. $114.50.
Assessment No. 9 It J. Conroy and
It W. Clancy. Lot 9. block 2, Conroy.
Clancy subdivision. City of Medford.
Orecon; frontaRe -IS.SS feet on tho south
side of said alhy, an described In It ,
puce 956 of the county recerder's: rec
ords of Jackson county. Oregon; IS.SS
feet; rate m-r foot, $2.29; amount,
Assessment No. 10 It J. Conroy and
rt W. Clancy. Lot 10. block 2, Conroy
Clanay subdivision. City of Medford,
Oregen: fronlajro IS.SS feet on thp north
side of said alley, as described In It,
page 9E6 of the counly recerder's: rec
ords of Jackson counly. Oregon; IS.Stl
feet; rata per foot, $2.29; amount.
$101. 3S.
Assessment No. 1I It J. Conroy and
It V. Clancy Lot 11. block 2, Conroy
Clanoy subdivision. City of Medford,
Oregon; frontage 60 feet on 'tho north
side of said alley, ns desarlbed In It,
pago 936 of tho county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon : SO ft;
rate per toot, $2.29; amount, $111(0.
Assossment No. 12. A H. Ha pp. Irfd
12. block 2, Conroy-Clancy hiiIi.IIvIhIom,
r.fu txf f,.jlr,i-,l O.iM'mi' frnntucn f.O
feet on the north nl'Iei of said alley, ns
described In It. page 802 of the county
recorders records of JariiHon county,
Oregen: SO foot; ralo per foot, $! SO;
amount. $111 SO. ,
AsMssnint No. 13. H. .1. Conroy aud
It W. Clancy. Lot 13, block 2, Conroy
Clancy subdivision. City of Medford,
Orgen: frnntogo 60 feet on tho north
side of said alley, us desarlbed in It,
page 956 of the county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregen: SO fjt;
rate nor foot. t!.29: nufhunt. 1111 SO.
Assestmvnt No. It It J. Conroy nnd
it V Clancy. Lot II, block 2, Conroy
Claney subdivision. City of, Medford.
Oregen: frontage SO feet on tho north
sldo of said alley, as descrllM'd In It
jiuge 366 of the county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county. Oregen: SO feet;
rate per root, iz.iv: amount, inr.u.
Assessment No. IS. O V. Chtdurrn
Lot 16. block 2. Conroy-Clancy subdivi
sion. City of Medford. Oregen: frontago
60 feet on ihe north side of wild alley,
as desarlbed In It, page .... of the
county reoonbirH records of Jackson
county, Oregen: 60 feel; rato per foot,
$2 29; amount, $111.60.
AHHOKmuont No. 16 It. J. Conroy nnd
H W. Clancy Lot 16. block 2, Conroy
Clancy subdivision. C'lly of Mndford,
iiregou; rroniage ki iei on ine norm
Hldo of said (i I ley, us dosoribed In II.,
page 956 of the county ricordi'M ro
ords of Jackson county. Oregon; 50 feet;
mt per foot, $2.29: amount. $111.60.
AsseHMirienl No. 17 It J. Conroy and
It W. Clanoy. Lot 17, block 2, Conroy.
Clancy subdivision. City of Medford,
Oragen: frontago 60 fet on tho north
side of Hhl alley, uh dpscrlliwl In It,
I)ge 9S6 of Ihe county reronlor's reo-'
ords of Jagkoon county, Oregon; 60 ft;
rt pr font, $2.29; amount. $114. SO.
ABment No, 18 It J Conroy and
It V. Clancy Lot 18, block 2, Conroy
Cluncy subdivision, City of Medford,
Oregen: frnnlnga 50 foot on Ilia north
Hide of Kubl alley, as described In H.
page 966 of the county ncorder's reo
ordM of Juckson county, Oregen: 60 feoti
ruin per foot, $2.29: mnounl. $11160.
Kcotlon 2. And It Is hereby ordered
nnd ordained that the several assess
ment und the liens thereof bo enteral
in lli waior main Hen docket of sold
city, and thvt thereupon notice be given
to the owners or reputed owueis of said
properly nnd Hint Ihe same bo enforced
and (udlpolcd In the tiiiiuiier provided by
Iho H.hUrlor "f the cltv for the collection
of HHKOHHiiu'iilH for the iiiiproveiiient of
streets therein,
Section 3. It Is further ordered that
the notice above provided be published
three, times In the Dully Mall Tribune,
u newspaper published und of Renurul
circulation In suld oily. In Ihu mutmer.
provided by ordinance No. 250 of said
Tin' forrgmtiff ordinance was, passed
by pushed bv the clly couikII of Ihe
f'Hy if Medford, Otegon, on tho lOlh
day of iH'wmlw, 1911, Uy tlio foUowiiis
vole .Mori'leK, uye: Wall. nve. AVorl
man. nyetKinerlglt, ujc. Klferl, nyi nnd
.Miimr. nnsnni.
Apprvjved Heeoinlier 20,
City UCeohter.
To the nwndji, Or r puled owner, of
each porvjol f propertv dosciilMMl In Ihe
foregoing ordlh.urec. named heivlu,
and In tho lltu denlarod by wild otilb
tinner-, ns tveorded In the doeket of oily
liens: '
You mv litretiy uoiil.l that the as
sessment deobtretl bv tho foregoing or
dliHiiiw lmn huon mad. ami the Hen
therefor utetvd In the city lieu doeket.
and that Ihe wune is due and you hit
herebv tvoiilrmtn? pu the same to Ihe
city tworjjer within ten dais fioiu the
service of this notice, which wrvU-e Is
made by puldloaiton r u, roregoing
oidlni;ni ud this notice threw time lu
tit Mvlrtihl .Mall Ti.iune. (rsunnt'ii
an order oftho qllv eenoell of aald oily
, City Kvcurder
An rmllnanoe ase-ing the proverly
adjacent to nnd iien. f toil by the six
Inch lateral sver o.nslruoted along
Aciuletny avenue from itodtlv nvwnue to
the nlley betwvon Huoild nvyntm aud
Hast Main street.the c.xi of eoitstruotliiii
the same and providing the manner of
carrv Ing said assessmool Into full ef reel
Tho Cltv of ,i.ii. ,..i.,i,. ..-
Section 1. Vheru the Clly Council
did heretofore provld.- .v ordluauoe for
the serving of the own-rs of property
ndlacont lo nnd benofilod by the con
struetlon or tho latr,ti swor herein
after described to npn.ur Iwfore said
council nnd show cmmk if any. whv
said pniperty should not bo assessed for
Hie construction of j.mi.1 s.vver, und did
fiv a time Tor .henr'Mg any such pro
tests, which notlmj was given In accord
ance with said ordluaiH-o nioiv tliuu len
das In-fore the boRinnlng of tho con
struction of suld sewer tint no protests
aciilimt mid construction or assessment
o toe rosv inereor vvas UHiiie ny auyono
.in. i mini nencr vvns, oy stiiu council,
ordered mnstructisl
And. whereas, the cost of the construc
tion of Klld sew-ur lis Ix-en innd nml
L''IK R nuterpilncd M ! Iho sum of
Now therefore, sabl rltv doth ordain
ami declare that twicli imfifl of nrnu.rlv
d.-serllted Ih-Iow is -adjacent lo and bene.
mei uy inai certnln later sewer six
inches In slue. ou Academy
avenue rrom Itetldy utemie to tho alloy
betwoen Kuellil avenue and Kast Main
street, and that Hie proportion of the
eusi in mui sewer which each of wild
parcels of laud shpuhl bear. Ihised on
the benefits derived respectively bv said
several tracts of land. Is the amount
set opposite the diserlptlou of each
rarcet Im-Iow. and that inch of said imr
ds Is actually lutiefitiHl in the amount
set opposite Hs deecrlpttou lieluw by
tin construction of said sewer, and that
said several amounts represent the pro
portional benefits or said Severn I imroids
from wilil sewer. And each tif said
pnrcr'a Is hereby nseenmil the amount
set opposite Its deeerliitton lielow for
I In- onslructiun of wild sewer. Thr
um te apttearlnK above each descrlptioTi
-. the im me of the o-ier. or rrputed
o i-i r. of .-ach such lot or pule I
Assessment No. I. It J Conroy nnd
It W Clanoy. I.ot . Week 2. Conroy
Clancy sulHlivislnn. Clly of Medfonl, Ore
Ron I'rontsge 1J0 feet oil the east
Side or Academy mvnuc as ilescrlbeil
In It. iage 966. of Hie county recorder'
r-eords of Jacksop rewaty. Oregon. JO
feet, rato per foot. $$3 amount. $15 00
Awminnnt No. !.--A C Itmoinli i ,.i
lit 5. block 1. Conroy-tTaney subdlviiloii.
City of Medford. Oregon 1 rontage J9 7.
l-ei on llu west side or Ardioy ave
nue, as described In Vol. 75. paire 405,
of the county recorder's records of Jack
tnn comity. Oregon r J.7t fmit; ruU par
foot. $tJ9; amount.' $M.0C.
AMo.iriet,t No 3 A."C Itnndall et al.
Lot 6, block I. Crtmgur.Cta.ney suUllvislon,
City of Medford, rfrnRrtn 1'VontaRo SO
feet on the wtmit ssJ of Academy nvonue.
as descrllieit In Vol. 75, (ge 9S. of
the county recorder records of Jackson
county, Oregen: S 'feet; rato tier foot,
$3 39: amount. $111 SO.
Assessment N, I. A. C NmiitattVt nt
Lot 7, block I. Conrov-Clancy subdivision.
fiy or Jliiironi. Ureuon. I'rontnge so
fei't on the west side of Academy avenue,
as desaWlieil In Vl 7S. page 496 of the
county recorder's record of Jackson
county. Oregon i fel; rate per foot,
$2.29. amount, $111 (0.
Assessment No i A. C llandall et al.
Lot X. block I. Conroy.Clanoy subdivision.
City of Medford. Oregon. Frontage 50
feet on the treat sule of Academy avenue,
as described In Vol 7S, lgo 19S. of the
county recordor's records of Jackson
county, Oregon 5 fact; rate tier foot,
$2 29; amount. $111 50.
AsseHMim-nt No f A. C. Itaiidatl et al
Lot 0. (dock I. t'onroy-Clanoy siiImIIvIhIuii.
Hi)- or .vieiixorii. Oregon. iTontagu to
feet on the west sldo of Aondetnv avenue,
as described in Vol 75, page 1VS, of the
county recorder's records, of Jackson
county. Oregon, 10 fevl; ralo per foot,
$2.19. amount. $114 SO.
Assessment No 7 A. C Ituudall et nl
Lot 10. block 1. Conn)y-Olaney subdi
vision, City of Midford, Oregon. Front
age 60 foet on the west sldo of Achdemy
avenue, as descrllied In Vol. 75. jmge
49S. of the county recordsr's records of
Jnckron eountv, Oregen: SO feet; rule
per fool. It n in. Mint, $11160
Assessment No x A. C Haudall et al
Lot M. block I Conroy-Clunoy subdi
vision, City of Mitiford, Oregon I'ronl
age 60 feet on tin wmnt side of Academy
avenue, as d'wirlljed In Vol. 75. iMge
196 of I lie luoiiitv reoordor's reeords of
Jackson counly firegen: 60 feel; rale
per foot. $2 29 ii m. milt. $1,17 10
AsseMKtuent No o (. ( Kundsll nl Hi.
Lot 12, block I. i'oBroy.Clauc subdi
vision. City of M.iiforil, Oregon Front
ago 70 feel ou lle west side of Academy
avenue, ns described In Vol. 7S. page
498, of the county recorder's records of
Jackson count v Oregen: 70 feet; rate
per fool, $2X0. amount, $160 30
Mention 2 And it Is hereby ordered
nnd onlnlntil thai tho several hc
inetitN and the IbiiN thereof be entered
in Iho water niiin lMn docket of nabl
city, und Hint tlureupoii notice bo given
to Iho owners or r puted owners of said
properly and that tho hjiuio be enforced
and ootieoted In th manner provided by
tho ohnrter of the city for Ihe collection
of assessments for tho Improvement of
at reels I lion In
Hcotlou 3. II Is further ordered thai
Hie nollce abovi provided ho published
three limes In th Dully Mall Trlbuno
ft newspaper pu' 'isud nnd of gHiierrtl
clrculullon In s.u.i olty, lu Iho manner
provided by ordinance No. 260 of ixtld
The foregoing orillimno" wns passed by
Die olty council t Hl"5lly of Medford.
Oregon, on Hie Iitti day of liacumber,
1911, by Iho folbiwitig vele:
Merrfck, ai : Walt, ayi; Wortmnn,
aye; Kuierlck, n Hlfrt, Hy, and Mil
lar, IlllWIlt
Approved Dec mbtir 20, 1911.
Atteiit: Mayor.
Clly Iticoilr,
To the owner, or ropnUd owner, of
ouch parcel of pwipyriy (hiscrlbod lu the
foregoing ordiriane,.; thh rirtuifxl heroin,
und lu tho Hen neolured bv snld ordi
nance, uh reconhd lu tho dur.ltut of city
You nro herrliv tuillbid Hint llin na
Hessriieut declnreii by Hio foregoing or
dlnuuco Iiuk In en nmdo nnd' tho linn
Uierefor entered in-the clly Hon ilooket,
nnd that the surn Is duo und you are
hereby reoulrcil to pay Hie mine to. the
city rocorilnr wltbin ftn davn from Jhe
service of this notice, which service p
luado by publU'iit'on of UiIh nollro nnd
Iho oregidug urdliianrn Ihreo tlnies In
(he Medford M .u Tribune, pursuant to
an order of tin nvnoiiucll nt suld city
ll'inT. W. THLI'KH,
city Honordnr.
An ordinance iiHsCssltig the property
adjucent lo und lienuflted by the Hlx
Uioh lateral mvir construotod along
Llndlov street fmoi Iteddv uvanue to
j:t Mnln sired, itm cost of constiuotliig! iluys before tho beginning of tlio con
the amue find providing 'tho iiiiuiiiei' of sti'iiclluii nf said sower, hut no pwtentH
larryiiig Null) 'i-' Kiitent loin full effect .iiriilnet aid ciiiihIi iiiilim or iishohhiui-iiI
The (its of Mfdfopl 1I0H1 old'iln (l f .. 1 ".it IhM'of miiilo bv unwine
fulliiHH und 1 iid hi wo i' U'lH, Hubl touhtll.
Action t. wi rcas, tUo CHy ''.MUUUviUv-riU coiibliiictcU.
did horelofolo provide by iii'dlttance for
Ihe serving of tho owners or property
adjacent lo nnd benefited bv tlio eon
struollun of Iho htteml sewer heieln.
lifter described lo appear before said
council und show cause. If any. whv
mil it properly should not no assessed for
tho construction or snhi sewer, mid did
fix ii time ror hearing any such pto
tests, which notice vvns given lu accord
unco with snld ordinance more (ban len
iliivs bonne the beHlnuInu of the eon
sttuetion of said newer, but un prulesU
uualust snld oonali notion or unsossmeut
of tho coat thereof was niailo by auyono
mid snld sewer was, py sunt unuucii.
otilored eniisti noted
And. Wheivtis. the cost Of tho con
slriicllon of sahl sew or baa been made
nnd hereby I determined lo be the sum
of tsu I. Id
Now therefore. Mild city dnlli onlalu
Hid ileAlai'n that imcli Parcel of prmiciiy
desvvUied beln iMMvilJari'ivt In and bene.
flletl bv that (WriAlll lilteiiil Sewer
litiici' VihihIi iietsd
ou I.lnillev
avenue In Host Main
HtriH-t. ami Hint , Ihe pi-opoitlun or the
nisi of Mrtld liw-r which ench of said
txircots of Jand should bear. Imsed ou
Ibr lMirfltM tJerlVeil rrspeetlvrlt hv salil
pevei-ni iraaia oi mini, is ine oinoiini in
opiioslto Hie discrlptioii of eocli parcel
Iwlovv and ttt each of said imroela Is
netuallv luiiinritoil In the amount set
opposite Its dM'ilpliou Ihow bv the
const ruclloif of snld sewer ami I It I said
several tiimniula represent Ihe pinfsir
tloiial beiieHts nf said several parcel
from tsiid sewer And each or sid imr
Oris is hereh) pvsessed Ihe nmollut set
opmislte lis deserlptlon below for Ine
consltuetlou of siild sewer. The iiniue
nppoarlng above inuit dem'tlptlon ttelng
the name of the owner, or reputed owner,
or eneh such lot or iareci
Assessment No. 1 Vv. -U Hlaok A
parcel of laud It'O feet In length. tS foot
In width, bounded on the tinrlli bv Heibly
'.iveiiuo and on the east bv Lludlev slioet.
aa described In Vol -. iwge , of
the eountv recorder's refolds of Jnokvin
counly. On'gon; 190 feet; rate er foole)
13 ii.. amount. 1 10.40. 1
Assessment No. X. -Jiiokanu County
Hulldlug Loan niiHHintlou A iwreel
or laud SOxIStS fet situated midway
between Heibly avenue on the north and
Kast Main strei'l on the south and ex
tending from Lludlev street oil Hie rasl
to ti 1 1-foot nubile nllev on Hi" West.
as descrllstl lu Vol, sy, ltagv 3J. of
the nniiity recorder's record of Jaeksou
county. Oregon, having a frontage of 60
feet ou the vrest side of l.llulley street
so feet; rate ur fiait, $2.16; amount.
$ I OS. 00.
Assessment No 3 W I. Hlack. A
parcel of land SSS 71x71 feet, hounded
on the cast by Llndley strict and on the
south by Host Main street, marked IN)
011 the map or the I Ity or Medford,
Oregon, with n fronts ge of US 73 feet
on tti Kant aula of Lludlev atreMl. n
described lu Vol . sigo . of
the county recorders records of Jackson
county, Oregen: is.'. 74 feet, rata per foot,
$3 16. amount. $101 16
Assessment No 4 A C IU111UII et al.
Lot I. Km1 Main addition, city of Med
fonl. Oregon Frontage 119 7 feet on
ttie side of Llndley aire. t. aa de
scribed III Vol. 75. page lS, of the
county recorder's records of Jackson
count. UreUMil. J 71 feel, rate er f"it,
$1 16: amount. $61 IB.
Acuint No ---A C Haudall et nl
lad to. ISsst Main addition. Clly of
Medford, Oregon. Frontage So feet on
the oust side of tdndloy street, aa ile
scrlbeil In Vol. 75. Mg 495. of lit
county recorder's rt cords of Jackson
county, Oregon : 50 feet; rule p r font.
$2 IC. amount. $los an
Awsessuient No 6 A. C Itandall et al.
1-ot is. Iiml Main nddltliHt, City of
Medfonl, Oregon Fiontag" B feet on
the vast side of Llndley street, aa de
scrllied In Vol 7S. Pg 195. of Hi
county recorilrs records ot Jackson
ouuty, Oregon. So feet, rale Iwr foot,
M IC. amount, $I0X.00.
Assesmuent No. 7. A C Hnndall el nl.
Lot 17. ISnat Main addition. Clly of
Medford, Oregon. liMilngn SO feel oil
this east sldo of Llndley street, nn do
Jcrll-d lu Vol. 7S. Migo 196, ot III
county reconler's records of Jackson
bounty, urvgou. SO foot, rale ier fwit,
$2 16. amount. $0S 00
Aasessinent No S. A C. Itandall et al
l.ol 16 Kast Main, addition, CUy o(
Medford. OreRon. ITronlag 10 feet on
the east side of Llndley strsel. as de.
.icrlhed In Vol 75. Iage IPS, of the
county recorders records of Jackson
county. Oregon; SO feet: wl per root.
t:.U. amount. HOKfM)
Asseasment No 9 A. C Hnndall et al
l.ol IS. Hust Main addition. Clly of
Jledfoid. tJrrgon I'rollUge 50 feiit IMI
Ihe east side nf Llndle) street, as ile
scrlbeil In Vol. 75. page 195. of tho
county recorder's recorfla of Jackson
eountv. Oregen: SO fsnt, rata lr tm,,;. aiooiiul, $105.04).
Assessment No 10 A C Hnndall el
l. Lot 14. Hast Main aiUlilliw, i'Mf of
Medford. Oregon. Krunlage 60 feel on
He east side of LlinUey street, aa de
rllMMl lu Vol T4. imgs 495, of the
county recorder's reeonls nf Jackson
county, Oregon. 60 faut, rato pr fKit.
$2 16; amount, $129.60. . .
Asesuient No. II A C Hnndall cl
al. I.nt 13, Kast Main addition. City of
MiHlfonl. Oregon. I'ronlage 70 feet on
the SHHt side of Llndley street, UM de.
eorlled in Vol. 76, page 495. of Ihe
county recorder's records or Jackson
county, Oregon; 70 feet., rate pur fool.
$2 16: amount. $151.20.
Hectlou 2 Anil H la hereby ordered
nml ir,liiliu.d that the several asaesN-
lii.ill let ttlid the lln thereof be eulwre.1
lu the wab-r main lieu docket of ttald
city, and thai thcnoiwm notluci Is- given
lo Hie iiwmia or repute! ownera of said
property ami that the wnw lw eiifornd
and collected In the iiiauner provldwl bv
11, eluirler nf the eltv for Ihe Collodion
of assessments for Hie luiprovnmi lit of
streets therein , ,
Hectlon 3. Jl 18 runner orurreo inai
the notice above provided h published
Ihno times in tho Daily Mull Trllmiw.
u newsimper puhllsheil nnd of guuentl
ejrculatlon in sold city, in n" lunmnir
provldrd Ity ordlnnnoe No. 260 of snld
tin- foregoing ordinance
liutnce vnis imumou uy
Hie cltv (101111011 0
f the Clly of MtHlford,
Oregon, ou tin lVlh day of OcoeniiHT,
Hill, by Iho following vele:
Merrick, uyei VH. aye; Woiiilinn.
aye. Hinarlrk, nye: Hlferl, gya, nnd Wil
li, r, absent.
Approved IJccomlior 20,
Atlcsl! . . '
Clly Htcordor.
To (he ownnr, or ropulod owner, of
each iarel of properly ilescrlbeil In Iho
foragolng oidlnunnu, aa uuuied thiielli
aud III Iho Ifmi ileulared by said ordlu
nncie, ii a rfcordod In Iho doultet of olty
Vott arc hereby notified Hint Hn iim
NKssiiieiit (leclared by t tin forogolni,' or
dlriiiucH litis Imioii niailu and ihe Hon
therefor entered In Iho clly lieu docket,
and that Die samo Is due und you nro
lioraby required to pay the muhid lo tlio
CUy it'iordar within ten dayM from tlio
rxrvicfe of this notice, which orvle Is
lillldv by Iho publlriitloti of tills notice
and Hie foiegnlng ordlnunco tjirim tllnes
iu Ihe Medford Mall Tribune, pursuant
to 011 older of Ihe city council of wild
CHy Hecorder.
An ordinance assessing the pionerly
ludjiuirnt lo iiikI boiiefllcd by llm slK-
inmi iHieini sower rousiruuiou iiiniii, 11 -ley
between Main street and Kuulhl 0 ve
nue, through block 1, Coriroy-Chtnuy sub
division, (ho cost of cojiHtruatlng tho
minie nnd providing the innunor of carry.
dig HieM assessment into full offoct.
Tho Hliy of Medford doth orduln lis
Heollifii 1. Whereas, tho Cltv Council
did heretofore provide by ordlua'nco fur
the serving or ine owners ot proporiy
iuljnceiit to und beneflled by the con
siiuiilon of tho liiteml soiver herein,
ufler duHCi'ibed In appear before wild
cmiiioll und show ouuse. If uuy, why
said properly should not Liu uusiuiMud for
lliu coiiHtructloii of mid sower, und did
fix a 1 1 111 if for liourln? uuy atich pro
tests, which notice wiih i.ivon in iicciird-
nnce with nuld ordlhatico morn limn ten
Ami. wlic-tciia. Iho ciml nf Iho oun
atruelloii of wilil sower has been tundo
and herohv Is detcihiltird lu bo (he mini
of $t,.11KU2
Now Ihotefoi-e, mild clly dolh ordnlu
und declare Hint eneh piuoel or properly
ileseiibrd below Is ndjiieeui In and Irene.
flletl by Hint eetialn lalornl sewer six
luohos lu slue, conslrueled ml alley be
tween Main altoel und Kuollil nvonue,
llii'ougli block I. Coiiroviiiwiav siih
dlvlHlnti, and that the propoillou of the
cost nf snld sewer which each of wild
patrols of hind should boar, bused 011
Ihe benefits derived tcstcctvev bv wild
sevoinl I nulls of hind, Is Ihe amount sol
opposite Us description below bv the
cousli'uellou of sold sewer, mid (but snld
several nuuninlH leiiroseut Ihe propoi
lloual bfiientti of snld seveial imicelM
from rin l sewef And tweli of said par
elds Is herebv aisejised the uinouut s t
0iHile its dexcripllnu tielow for Ihe
vonsluiollun of snld sew or The n.une
aiipenrlug ubova eiiuh desciipllou being
the name of the titViinr, or ropiiled uwiier
of ach such lot .or parvi I
Arieaineit Ni. - J Hdwiirdtt, ,nt
I. hliaik I. iNiiiroy-Chiney hiiIhIIvIiIiIIi,
iHv of MiHlfonl, Oregon Frontage
feel on the south side of said alley, ft
drsertbod lu II, itag 9f. of Hnf cuinlv
recorder's tiiiirlH of Jaoksou coiintj,
Oregon; 60 reel, mlo er fool. $1 (S,
amount, $71 00
Assessment Nu 3 Anna I. Tanner,
l.ol 3, blook I, Conioy-Clnney siiIhIIvIsIoii.
Clly of Medford, Oiegou I'lonlnuo SO
feel 011 the south side of said nlley. as
dosutlbcil In' II, page 961. of the oounlv
reviirder'M rrevirus of Jackxnn oouut.v.
Oregon. 80 reel: lute per foot', $I.IS,
uinouut. $71 00.
Assessment No 3. V H, Iblwanls,
Lot 3. block I. Conroy-Clancy sulHlivislnn,
City of Medrnrd. Oregon. Frontage lo
feel on the hoiiUi side of aabl alley, as
desetllied In H. liage 063, of the oouniy
recorder's rreords of JacKson county,
Oregen: 4fl feel; rate per font, $1 ;
illliouut. $74 00,
Assessment N I. II. J Conroy and
It V. Claiipv Lot 4. bhmk I. Conroy.
Clancy subdivision, city of Medford,
Oregon Frontage. 50 Toe! 011 Iho south,
aid of hold alley, aa decrlliM In It,
"ago 956. of the county recorder's rwCiirdl
if .laekMin counly. Oregon, 5n feet fnte
per font. $1 In, amount. $71. no
Assrsatneut No 5 - It .1 Conrov anfl
It V Clancy lad S. block I. Conniv.
liiilicv sulsllvlslon. City of Medfonl. Ore
gon I'ronlage So fret on iho miulh side
of said alley, as dcorlbod in ,u. Mig,.
SjSS of the counly reconlei's nKrils .if
.lankwili mitinlv, Oregen: 60 feet, rale
per root, $1 lit. amount, $l un
Assessment No 6 it .1 Conmy nnd
It W Clancy. Uil B. block I. Cnntny.
Clancv suUllvislon. City or Meiirnnl. Or-,
gotl Frontage 6tt feel on the south slit
of iriilil alley, na described lr n, lMUft
i6, or the county ree.irdsrs' reiiirds of
Jaekson county. Oregon So fit, rate
1or foot. $ m, amount. $71
.. ",n,n No 7 - It. J Conroy and
It U Clancy Lot 7. block I. Cunniy
rlanr silMlvLlo,,, t'ty of Medfonl. Ote
gon e'ronUH St) feel on tjie south wide
' "y. " drlbeil in It. page
J8. of Hie county recorder's reeords of
JsckMiu iininly. Oregon, la fe, rule
per fgiii. fi.m, ainuiint. $71 iw
AsmxHinienl No X -It I Conroy and
It M t'lMlief 1,1 Ik ia.. I r....
taney subdivision. City of Ale.lf.inl. Ote
Hon Frontage So feel on llm imhiHi side
of said alloj, as 4rriHl In H, (wge
!. of trie eountv e4,irleea mmiMi, ..r
Jacksiin eountv. Orogmi. 60 rl: rut
er fool. $1 l. itiih.uut. 171 00
AsM-ssuient No 9 it J Conroy ami
It W Clancy I.ot a. tdiiek I. I'mnut.
Clancy nlxllvlMlou. CHy nf Medford. tire-
"ii romsgw ni reel nn the south
side of said alley, aa iloMrlbed In It.
imge 856. of Him counly neirdcr' record
of Jackson t-iniuty. (In'iion. IS Sn feet.
rate per f.M.t. 11 m. aiiiounl. i7 IS.
Assessment No. 10 It .1 Conrov and
It V. tianer. lait lit 1 i,ir...
Cluncy sulnllrinlnn. City of .Mettford. Ore-
mvp- i-rimiagu reel ou 1114 ttnrill
4lile of Mtil alio aa dueMbd in It.
tklKM 916. Of the oomilv reArilMe'
Of Jackaou viHinlv. OrwHwu. It 55 feel;
rat per font. $1 , amount, n; 6,
Asseetneni No II.- H J Conroy anil
It W liahey Lot II. Idnck 1. Cnuroe.
Clanoy subdivision. City of Medford. Or-
Hon r rootage v rei nn Hie nortn Slile
Of said alley, aa described til It, wg
956. of the eountv reeonler'a rwainla of
Jackson oounty, Orvuon. Aa feel; rat
pr fiMit. $1 4. aiiimiut. IT I a.
Asmaanu'iit No 11 H J Conroy ami
It VV I'lanri- ltl I 1.1..1, I r..Hb.u
Clancy sulMllvislon. City at MedtWd. Ora.
goti. Froiilaga So foet wt Hie imrlb slri
of aalit alley, as described lu It . !
S, f lb uounty rcf iter's reoonls nf
JaokiMiu roiilily. Oregon. Jo foet; rul
jsir fool. $1 IS; amount, $71. 99.
Asiasinnt No. 13 It. J. ?iMirr and
It V Clancy tail 13. IdiK-k 1, CoitfuJ"
Cuuicy sitlwUvuiton. Clly of Medford, Or
gon. FionlagH SO fevt mi thn nrlh aids
or said alley, s deserlbml In It , IMgo
8 it, of Hi coNHly rrowrdaFg rtirilN of
Jackson oounty. Oregon; SO foul; mis
tw root, $1 1: amount. $71 oo
AtwMsment No II. J Conroy and
It W. Clancy lad II, bhK-k I. Conmy
Clanuy sulMllvislon. City of Medford. Ore
gon. Frontage 50 fart ou Iho north side
of said alio), as described In It, imge
916. nf ilia county recorder's rewmla of
Jaekson county, Oregon. 60 fii, talo
per foot, $1 II; amount, $71 no,
Asaerwnient No 15 --It J. Conroy and
It W Clancy. Lot IS, block I. Conroy.
Clancy subdivision, CHy of Medford, Ore
gon. Fruoluge SO fii t on th north ritlr
of said alley, as described In H , iHige
'i6, of the county re,"i,nrM records of
Jackson county, Oregen: 50 feel, ruin
I Mi i- fool, $1 l, illUOIint, 7I 00
Asseaaminl No 16- It. J Conroy and
It V (imie) lil (6, bl'M k I, Ciinroy
(iuney sulHllvialitn. I'llv of Mndford. (Iir-
gon. l''ioutaae "0 foot on tin, norlb sldo
of said alley, us described In It , twge
V6, of lliu county iicontiu's reivirds of
Jackson county, Oregon, So fuel; tatu
per foot, iril, umoiint. $7100.
AHtu-Nsment No IT It J. Conroy and
H W. Clancy Lot 17, block 1. County.
Clancy subdivision, Clly of Mrilforil, Ore
gon. Frontago 50 feet ou (he north sldo
or said alloy, aa inscribed In K . imi:
056. of tho county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon, 50 feel, tale
per foot, $1 IK' amount. $71 00
AHSiaament No IN It J Conroy mid
It V. Clancy. Lot Hi. block I, Conrov
Clancy subdivision. Cltv of Medford. tiro
gou. Fronluge 50 feet on llm norlli shl
or sain alley, ns i oscrllwd In Jt . ihik
956, of Ilia counly recorder's records of
Jiicksoii counly, Oregen: 60 fool; mlo
nir root, it i: muount. itioq.
liectloii 2. And II la hereby ordered
and ordained Hint tlio several iishckm
iiienls and Ihe liens Ihuroof he onion d
In the wnler main Hen ducket of s.ibj
ully, and Hint then upon notion lm given
to ihe owners or lopulnd owners of suld
properly mid Ilia I thn hiiiiio lie enfoiced
mid collncled In lh milliner provliled bv
the tinnier of Iho (ity for llm (lollocilou
of iissessmenlH for Hut Impiovtiinunl of
striiois tiierein.
Mention ;i. It Is further ordered that
tho nut I cm nliiiVo pi'ovldvd bo published
inren iiuhs in mo ituiiy .vimi Triliillin,
u neu'snunur iiiiIiIIhIkhI and of unnnriil
circulation In said city, In thn mitnunr
iirovldeil by ordinance No. -250 of said
The forego iu: onl iinuue wag
imnxcil by
Iho ully council of Iho Clly of Moilford,
ou thn 19th day of
1911. by
I lie rollowliiL' vele:
Merrick, nyo; Walt, uyo) Vorlmiin;
aye; KuiurloU, uyo; Klferl, uye, mid MlV
lar, nlmenl
Apjuoved Dcouinber 20, 1011,
a., , w- "' 0ANON,
Alios! : Mayor.
CHy Hecorder. t
To Iho owner, or romitcd ownnr. of
ouch tnnccl of property ilcNcrlliod lu lliu
forugoliiK oidlliancu, us imincd lliolclii
mid In the Hen doclared by suld ordln.
ii nno. n h lecorded lu tho dockoi or city
You ore hereby nollded Hint (ho (is-
Hissmoiit ilei'lincil by Iho foiogoliiK "n
Ollliiuce una lieiul inuile mill lliu I UU1
t liett-rii' eiilurod In the olty.llOll doclmt.
mid (hut (ho tini nu Ih duo mid you nro
hereby luoulrcd to pay tho Hi(iuu to tho
city recorder wltliln ten days from thn
Moi'viitu of tlilu mil leu. which .Met-vlcn la
imiiln 1y tho iiuhilcHtlou of this notluo
mid tho foregoing prdinunce tiirco- iiiiioh
in inn Meiinu'ii iiiiii 'i iiiiiiiH', purHiiiinr
lo nn older nl Iho rltv foiilii II of suld
HOHT V Tl:r.F:,
City llei'oiuor
MuvIiir ii otimt nu mil th III vurfnty of
mliKM'iil w ii torn mill ciirlnn illtrnmuHi
thul iiiiullcliu'ii will not nmiili. If you
nro In jti'oil tif lit'ulllii conin now". Wo
ui:o tiiou nil tlio your mill can i;lvo tint
lurttl of euro mill uttotitluii now nn wnll
mi lu nn in hum'. HtiiHO ilully from ltml
Hluff to tlio nprliiK.. Km thor imr
tkiiluoi niltlrouM '
Mount TaniiiSpais
Military Academy
HAS ItAKAKIi, WKH'C KN'I, (Mlill-'.
An urcroilltnil lttgii HiiioiiltlrmiHuiir
OliiasoM, Junior Hiiiunl eopiirtitu, Uoty
osktii wciimii iiiivniK i:nvuiry.,nnii
tniiiitiiil Alillliirv tlnon.iilr fleimin.
slum, Oiiuu-nlr Hwlniinlni; Tool.
Unltoit Htiitba Army orthur ilotullml
nn Huiulitiiiilnnt. Noxt (or tu Ijq-
gllio .lUIHIiliy ni'ii i it ix. .s
iionii sinfllrr.
.. f ' ' ' " .' 'Ji'.lUt
Clark & Wright
wABiriHUTOtr, a. a
1'ubtli? Land Matlers: Final Proof.
Hmrft lainds. Contesln and Mining
Cones. Hrrlm
Asaoclaln Work for Attorney.
btkam ami iio watku
, iii:atin
All Work OimrautM
1'rlcca lttnnon.nt)l
A Hovrnnl llloik, Liitrimc
on fltli Htrrot,
Coffccn 8l Price
rnrtflc HiUII IIohh. ilV
We Have Moved
Tito J. T, Ilnindloy flownr
atom U now in tlio M. Y, A II.
sturo, ncrtHis tlio titroot from
former location,
(Jholco Iota of cut flovror.,
bulbil, fttrns, imltuit, otc, At
wayn on linml.
Game Boards
Also full line of
all seasons
Book Store
Pacific Railway &
Navigation Co.
Tnilnii will run ilnlly, nxcoiil tjiiii
diiy, on tlio following oelioiluio:
Lv, rortliuiily 7:20 ;i. in.
hv, JlJllnboro ...... 8: no a. m. i
Ar. Iloauli I'olntii, .. ,1:0 ii, in,
Ar, Iluy City-. 3:04 u. in.
Ar. Tllllumoiilc a:HR p. m.
I.v. 'J'lllamoulf 7:fifi iljil
I.v, liny Clly Us IB a, in,
IiV, Ilouoli l'oliitu....t):00it. n,
Ar. Illlliilioio ...,,. lilifi i, in.
Ar. l'ortliuiil 4:10 p. in.
TIii-oiikIi tloltoln on nalo at city tlukot
officio, Tlilrtl ami WiiHliliiB'ton stroota,
nn Fourth nnd Vatnlilll. t,o all polnH
on tlio 1. t: & N. Kurtlior lmrtloularn
from tlio olty tlohot nBonl or nlsoni
FpiHMi nml Yamhill etroutu.
John'M. Scott,
fhiiiiiil I'lihwiiKcr AkoiiI,
I'oitliuul, Oregon,