Mrcm?onn matt tribune, MTCDFortD, oukoon, Friday, January r, mi2. paor Frvrc A i. v., 4 . Vf V , rni ) , I1 v Ik .....t..H..H......t..j.....j..j.j iLO'CAL AND j; PERSONAL 4-H'H-t-'H-l- Dr. unit Mm, W. K. Thoiiipm.n, of Kiikoiik, 'titopiicil off In Mcilfortl Thiirmliiy for a hIioiI winy In tlio city. Tlioy woro on initi honm from it vlnlt to tlmlr (ilil Iioiiim In Ohio. It. .1. Cllld Of lllll. ('ill , WUH In Mfilfonl Tliiimiliiy mi liimlni'Mn, fj. A. Novoll, linllim tailor, 4th floor M. V. &,ll. Co. IiIiIk. Curl Vgn ilor Jlt-llmi, who lofl' MoiUonl it fw wwekh iiko for o vlttlt In (Jltl('UK ittnl l.liicotn, HI., ro tiirnml hunio TlmiHilny. Hit )uu In. Kmili'tl to riMiniln In tlio cunt 11 couplii of inontliH, Inn witN (alum III noon itftor nrrlUiiK In l.lnitoln ami IiIm vIhII liiTHimo of tliltt won matin lull nhoitnniiil. I.OHT- A hiiiiiII hhitilc (trip Imi Iwimiii Wiilldim ami .IiihIimoiivIIIo, l)c mmlljiir I'll. Itowanl of $n. llittiim to Niinan Htoro, Jaclnionvllli. Mr. anil .Nun. T. I. I'uloh rntiiriiuil Tliiimiliiy from n vlnlt to Han I'lini- olmi). Mih, It. TimlKir hifl Tliiimiliiy for OiIihiiI, On I. Cur III n & Taylor (John II. Citfkln. Olvim O. Taylor), nttortioyn-at-lnw. over Jncknon County linnk liulldlnc Mmlford. ' Mih. V. A. Trimhiitti loft TlitirMluy iiftnrnooii for AltrhliHiii. Nub , for a Vlxll tO lUllltlVIIM, Mr. anil Mm. II. C. ICIIx look truln No. HI Th u imi ny for a lnlt lo frlcmlrt In Hon I'rnncliM'o ami I.ok AiikHi'k, I'oi'rliHw ' llnkliiK t'o . I3r. Wont Main rilri'itt, ruriiur Orntm ami Main, iliillvortt frth lirwul uury mornliiK lo your homo. y 17 MIm It. Wall until MIm (I. Dyhlk of I'nrtlnml wor In JlHilford 'lliiirn iluy vIrKIiik frlnniln. Mliw A. Minorite h'ft Tliiimiliiy foi Han tlui;o. Krimli milk at DoVoo'a. 2G7 . MrH. O. W. Itohorln nml fnmlly inovml to I'lionnlx Tliiimiliiy. Win. (Iravln arrived lit Mmlfonl Tliiimiliiy anil will vlnlt In Mtulfonl with Mr. ami Mr. I-'. II. Philip. Ilronit, pl'K. reiki, Iron, ami Ire rrtmniH. at tlio PiirkH llakury Prompt ilutlvnry. Ilolh ihon. 217 Mr. ami Mr. ('mini l'ltro loft Thursday for Hanta llarbara, Oul., wlnrv lhy will vlxll tlio Hli;ham, wlio"rcctmtly pun-harml tlio Morrlck orohanlw. H5 It. A. Iloltnu. Tlio liiHtirnncr Mnnjvonr Jaukon Comity hank. .MrT Win. Ilnrtli'tt nml daughter-. Hdriitio, of Hodn HprliiR, IIiIh conn ty, arrlvmt In Mi'ilfonl Tliurilay foi a vlnlt. to (I. K, 1 tutnptiroy ami fam ily. Wo liavo a U'vc trunk loft that wo nro niiIIIiik al fartory price. 10 it N. I'ront. 210 Kuilly T. Htumloforil, examiner foi tlio Now KiikIhihI Connorvatory ol MiihIc In HiMton, piano, harmony, inimical hltory. S8 Wiwl Kourth trcot. Telephone 7211. 2C0 W. I). Dutlwnlyo of Han Krnnulticu arrlvoil In Mi'ilfonl Tlitirlay for n vlnlt lo frlnmlN liorc Want to liny n how cituo? Wo liavo ono. tot! N. I'ront. 2 Hi Dr. J. W. AmlruwM, of Mitnknto. Minn., arrhod In Mod ford Friday. Mr. Andrew I a brother of ICd An drow, of till city, ami In hero look Iiik aftor lil ranch propurty Intur cntu nuar Med ford. Mr, AndrowH I it pronilnoiit prnctltloiior In MIiiiio HOta and ha huon provident of tlio Mli)nootn Htato Hoard of Medical KxamlmirH for a number of onr. Ho wiim In Portland i) fow dajH iiuo whuu tlio OroKon medical hoard wuh In eloii and took tho oxamluatlon, JiiNt to ho iIoIiik HoinolbliiK. Ye, It douHii't look rlKht to k without an overcoat till cold weath er when you ran nut one for n dol lar bill. Kill N, l''ront. 2 til Harry Field left Tliuruday for u vlnlt to Han KiiiiicIhoo Mute lllden, lluu Mluard and Hhorty Thonipon woro down near Gold Hay Friday Kiithorliu; ti liar vnt of (IucKb. KadjeH' long coatti ?1 and up. 100 N. Front. S 10 Mr. and Mih.,C. A. KoIho of Hutch liiKon, Kan,, who have been In Med ford for tlio pat week, loft Friday for I.oh 'AukoIoii. Mr, KoIhd h an archltout and Ih looking for u locu tion. y Alex HiiiIko, who Iiiih been In Med ford vIhIIIuk hi pareutu, returned Friday to tho Htunfonl unlvuiHlty, wlioro ho Ih nttemlluK Hchool, Mou'h new !l IiiUh k" t dollar. 1 Oil N. Front t, 2 10 MrH. 10. .1. Kubll reliiriied Filday from a vIhR to Portland rolatlveu. Attorney C. U, Hoiiiuoh returned Friday from Sulom, whoro ho lilid boon on huulnoHH connected with tho Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Day Phono 11271 NlKlit PhoncH, l Weeks SioVl. A. IC, rr, IKIOU. IiADV AH.SIHTANT coiiuly ImiiiiIIiii: ciiho, A teniponiry boaid walk. Ih Iii-Iiik put In on ItlviUHldo avenue iiIoiik ulile of the Mnminlc property, When the MiiHonn build on thin propeity they will put lu u baemenl nml vlll al that time put lu u rouerelo walk. U. F, l.o.ler wiim In (lolt! lllll Fil day on IiumIuun. Mr, nml Mih. F. C. Clark weio In Anhlam! Fildity vlnlt liu: friend. Maurice llotidonuMi leaven for Medford Humliiy after n few day Kpent III ltonehliiK vImIHiik at the home of bin paieiil, Mr. ami Mr. O. P. Heiidermm.- HonohiirK ICvouliu; S'ow. Plioun jour nrder lu to HiiiIh I Iron, TraiiHfer Co. Offlco phene: Hell ,1162; Home 360-IC. William A. Cm tor of Portland, hni IIkj dlrtliiclleii of fllhii,' with Hie secretary of Ktate the flmt deulara tloit of lolentlon to become n candi date nl the next r."iienil election. Carter mi) that ho Ih ii resident of Portlnml nml that bo will bo a can didate for the office of dlnlrlrt attor ney for Multnomah county. He proiulsoM to faithfully mid Impar tially dlcliar:o the dutloM of that office If elected. Carter wan for uiHily a reldeut of Cidd lllll, where ho wan counted lu the mercmillle hunlneuM and alno oracttced law. A triiluloail of wontcrn Canada ex- cuiiilonlMn will iaH tlirotir.h Med ford about 12 o'clock Htinday. It I expected that (hero will hit a wel oine of'iiouio kind prepared by Medford for (bene people. .A (I. Krekelor, who Iiiih been fee rotary for the Cuthbort rompniiy. ha accepted a poHltlou with the Clark-Htuiery PiivIiik com puny and ulll be employed lu the coiupnuy' .Medford office. Mr. mid Mr. ('. Clifford or Crant Pnm Mere In Medford Thurdny. H. II. (tmttnm. room 3 over pout office, ha art ralemlar to give away. PACKERS' TRIAL AGAIN UNDER WAY AT CHICAGO CIIICACO, "Jan. R. Tim trial of J. Ocdeii Armour mid nine other millionaire pucker, churned wltli violation of the Hliermau aull-truHt law wa roHiimed liure. Arthur C1 by, itKnlNtntit secretary mid treasurer or tlio .National Packing company mil a director Hluce it forn;atlu In t'.i(i3, wa mimiiinued by the Kovern- IllUllt. Ho totdUlod that he knew notb Iiik ol the operation of the National ompaiiy iidde from Hie financial Mid. After uamliiK the H ubldlur IftM operatlnK under tho rompany mid Identifying tlio company' niliiute book, lie wa excused. JAIL IS SCENE OF PANIC WHEN FIRE STARTS VICTORIA. . '., .Imi. .V-Kin which hturted in (lie women' iiur ler of the iirovineinl .juil toduv gulled thai purl of the building nml eiuiMid about 100 iironur to heeome piinie tncKen. The lire wiim got under control hefoie it reached the inenV (pinrlei-h, although ut one time it wuh thought that all the piiHonerH would have to he taken out of the build ing. DISTRICT ATTORNEY CAMERON TO FACE RECALL FIGHT POItTLANI). Ore., Jn. :. F.uouuli iimuex have now been hcciirrd lor placing (he leenll of Oistriet Attorney Oimcrou on the ballot, according to Councilman .Iiiiiicm Miivuire, who ban been directing the work of circulating Hie petition, The etilions eluirgo. Oimetoii with incompetency nnuuig other hiug. "I Iiiiii not deeiiled jtiht wlien to tile the recall petition with he necre I a rv of htatc, hut my plan in to hold It nml luive it placed on the ballot in the primui'v election in April," Haiti Miiguiro, HakliiH for benlth. Phone Home 321 Will offer Suliirihiy lo the puhlie prices. lliu tuililiii Hlioiilil avail lucuibcivoij ot UWh oppoituuity and save This' is not mi old Mock or The entire Htoel; was purijlumod, by mu ut n jront reduutioii, mid ...!ll.ll.......l.ll.. Willi 10" iulie. i , Complete line of i'inli Kruiltj WATCH BAND 18 HOLD UP KILL MESSENGER. I .OK ANOF.I.F.K, Oil,, .Inn. f. HiimliH lu-lil lip n Hnm. I Inilu .Mojave, Oil., Hum nlteiuoon, hcurcil $100,000 nml fHfa,.l alter killiiiK' mi expri'MH inchMCiifcci. Sueli In nil uiiennllrmcil report reiichinir 1.oh Anelis tlu uHcniooii. CRACKSMEN MAKE SUCCESSFUL RAID POltTI-AND, Ore., Jan. fi. Unler- Iiik the Fionl utieet wIioIcnuIo ll uur boiiHe of II. II. Varwlj; by cut time a bole throiiKh tho rear wall of the hiilldliiK mid then removing a heavy lion door leading to the front purl of tho Htorc, eracknnien blew the nafo early today ami ocnpud with approximately $200 In cuhIi. Tho robbery wuh dlMCovorod when the fire department wa called out to oxHiikuIhIi a mall blao xtarted by tho thluve In an adjoining hoc olid hand tore whlnh they bad en tered ami ntolon blanket to muffle the explosion. Two crackuieii known to bo In tho city are Hiipecled. ENGLISH MONARCHS SEE MAGNIFICENT PAGEANT CAUTTTA. .Imi .1. KIiik Uvune nml Queen Mnrv I'jouv wiMn'iked lite niiignineeut Culeulta piiKCiiiit, rcpre nciitiiiir liihtniieel Imliaii M-eneK dent ing with the tmicH when unlive rnleiTi tilled iiikI louulit lo pli'iiMe tin ui tioheh. I'm ilk l,Heelle. who run the IIuiImui river pHKenut, pioduecd the Kpeetnele. Nnlie priiiee, their olc pliiiutk, Iioimon, uriiiH, ciMumcrt mid jeweln wute the hig I'eeture ot the dihpluy. The proeewiou, which (In ihlicd lliM al'tciiiooii, wiib two and u half uiileh long. A hpueial law hud to hu MHcd to permit the hhow, which will he repeated tomorrow. Six tlioiiMiml adorn participated, and more llimi 'J(M) gorgeoul.v eoiupun foiied elciliuuU iarmul punt the royal pavilion, MISTAKEN FOR LION; FRIEND SHOOTS HIM FltKSKO. Oil.. Jim. .-i.-Cliurlo Parker i ut the county hospitnl pi. day with n guiinhot wound in the jicek a n result of being inintaken for n mountain lion by one of hi friends. With the woiiiul threatening dcntli, he wuh earned through tlio Kierru for three du.yx mid iiightH to incdieiil mil. He has u chance of recovery. SMALL PRISONER HAS HIGH TIME IN CORRIDOR I'OIITI.ANI). Ore, Jan. 0. He cause be bad ti habit of squeezing through (ho bar of tho city Jail mid taking nxorclKo In the corridor, C. 1). William, four feel flvo Inches high, weighing i0 pound, Ih con fined lu a tipcclal coll of heavy wire netting today. Williams was Jailed on tho com plaint of n ISO pound logger whom the diminutive puglllnt whipped and for punching Patrolman Thatcher, ono of the hlgget men on tho force, lu tho eye when Thatcher urreatod him. License Was Hoodoo. LOS ANOKLF.S. Oil., .lull. .V llecniiHii prospective customer' were frightened iiwoy, A. Hloek, mi o prcrifeiutiii, petitioned to have hi li cense number changed from "UIIJ!!" to "OKI." Permission urnnted. Politics His Uniloiiin. OLYMP1A. W'n-li., Jan. .V-Alles- iug tluit ho paid too much attention lo iMilitics, the public service eom- iilihsion Iiiih removed A. W. Perley, slate track inspector. Ills iissjhlunl, O. O. He nil limit of Spokane, has ulo been nsked to resign. CliaS. L. Schieffelin The Grocer Successor to W. H. Rardon & Co. w i the lurguM nssorlnieut of Stiiplo.tuul l;,iuiuvj', Gyeeriej. nl roduuoil , 'y MioU'tyum nil eloiin mid new. u ) . irt. mid Vcgelabliui. OUR WINDOWS SANTA FE I m SECURE $100,000 JOHN BERG. WRESTLER. TO INVADE THE WEST ,.t I'OItThAKI). Ore . .I,.,, :,.-Aii in viiMien of the middle .i i iHiiuiil by John llorj?. elnimaut to the worlilV liglil lionvywciglil K'tlint; elimn pioiiHliip. Hurg expeels (o -ioiy eiiHtwnnl in tlie middle of FVlinmrv, prvpnrcil lo ilefemr Ihh clnim aitainl any nml till in Iiim division. Horn hiiyM lie doe- not expeel Unit Demvtriil, 'from wIhuh he won the title by defeating linn here reeeutly, will return loj'ortlwnl for n Heeoml bout. "There in it Inim-li of crack 175 IxiumlerH in lown nml llliuoih nod tlierenbotitK whom 1 nIiiiiiIiI like le muel," Maid Ilerg, "mid I'm going enul lo wreHtle tlietn." ATTELL CONFIDENT OF DEFEATING, BROWN NKW YOIIK. Jmi 0. Confident that be can give away neveral lioiiml and uttll tako the Now Yorker' uieaHiiro, Abe Attell, the rentbei weight champion, today has lgned article to meet "Knockout" Hrowu, the crack local llghtwolght, lunuary is before tho National Sporting club here. READY TO RESUME WARFARE IN CHINA NANKING, Jon. 5. With tho n rin bit Ice tornilnntlng tomorrow, re publican .troop this afternoon began ferrying a Inrgo quantity of rolling tock acroBH tho rher to Pukow, prwimratory to renewing hoxtllitle. ItolnforcemontB of 1000 robel troop from Canton, who brought with thorn 30,000 new magazine rifles, arrived today. Tho republican forces now to tal 30,000. Sefrou Attacked. TANGIKH, Morocco, .Inn. 5. A wireles dispatch today 'tiiteh that a force of revolting Moroccan tribes men attacked tliu"lnwn of Sefrou, hut were ropulsTdVlenving ."0 dond on the Held after eight hours of ter tille fighting. The intrrisoii, eom- mmided by Frencli oflleers, lost ve killed ami fifteen wounded. TOO LATE TO'CLASSIFY 4 FOU SAM-; A flvo roo mod cottage. cIoko In; two lot, good garden will. Will hoII at a encriflce. Must soil at once. Call 821 E. 9lh at 24S FOR SAUK Lot 50x120, two room house, city water. Torms $25 cash, balance monthly payments. Also 10 acre tracts on easy torms, long time. Urown & WakefloUl, 10 Kast Main ut. 251 FOK KKNT Furnished C room cot tn.RO. modem. 518 King st. FOR HUNT Throo room furnlalied house, three blocks from Hoar ereok bridge, at J 12, GO per month, light mid water Included. Inquire A. H. Baling, ltoom 21 Jackson County Hank blclg., or No. C Tripp Ht. Phono 1271. 246 FOR SALK Piano box, ?2. Call 525 So. Grape 24 8 WANTED To rent n modern 5 room houso, close In on West side. Addross J. O H., Mull Tribune 2 IS Phone Pacific 7 01 uioiiey. i . s v , I tniuorijly iliuriugijny prollts ft. ?jwT L V V ' f .V P GOLD NUGGETS FOUND !N CROPS OF TURKEYS .MINITONAH, Mm.,, Jmi. .',. Jo!m Hlliott, u rancher liung lour mil'-M NouthoiiMl of MiliitomiH on the edge of the Duck mouiitniiiM, brought to town loduy nevcrnl gold iiukkcIh found in the crop of Ii!m ttirkftvn, ie eimtly killed. A lurge part of lite llimi on Klllott' farm in black mhiuI, mid it Iiiih been the opinion of it jrrmt miinv for xouio time t If n I the noil con tained gold. Asks Andy to Testify. WASHINGTON', I). V., Jhh. .',. -Chuirtniiu Stanley of the house com mittee which i liiveHtigiitiog th" utoel trusl, today lelcgniphcd lo Ai drew Oinirgie, refpiesting the inm- Clearance In Bull Progress Offering the greatest values in high-grade Garments ever given in Medford Nothing Held Out SUITS DRESSES $15.00 to $25.00 Suits $S.75 $12.50 to $15.00 Dresses $9.75 $22.50 to $35.00 Suits $15.00 Up to $30.00 Dresses $15.00 $25.00 to $37.50 Suits $24.50 Up to $45.00 Dresses $24.50 $32.50 to $10.00 Suits $22.50 Others reduced to $16.75 $19.50 and $24.50 TRIMMED HATS UNTRDMMED SHAPES Values to $10.00 $2.95 $6.50 Black Velvet $1.95 Values to $S.50 $1.95 To $12.00 value White Beaver $5.00 1 Black Velvet Coat, was $65.00 $32.50 $32.50 to $35.00 Coats $24.50 ALL COATS REDUCED. CHILDREN'S AT ABOUT ONE HALF Evenltifi Dresses at Great Reductions i T T T f T T t t f ROGUELANDS IRRIGATED TRACTS EMERSON HOUGH, in the Saturday Evening Post says: The advantage lies with the invest or who goes in under a big and scien tifically conducted company. ; , ! I I I ! I I I ! I T i I j. T i I i I x i ! X X v ' liiiiHior to nppenr before tlio commit tne next Wednoiidiiv. Stanley wilil he expected to Oimrie to comply. BIG FIRE IN STOCK YARDS DISTRICT OF CHICAGO CHICAGO. Jan. 5. -Tlio third big fire iii three day in raging in the Chi cago tock vurd Dux nfleriioon. The Trmitrtt house, it Imidinnrk of the Hloek ynrd ditriet, hu boon de ln.ved in todny' eoiiliignition und nt 'J :!." o'clock this afternoon th fluinc were till spreuding. Bathtub Tax Abolished. MONTREAL, Que., Jan. 5. Mon- 1 treal'g hath tub tax. a relic of dayn iwheii tlio bath taps and tubs were i among the luxuries of the rich, will January ROGUELANDS, Inc. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager probably bo abyllnhed, Tho tax b $1 por each bath lit nil hotimm 1m v lug a roulnl of $160 per year or over. LOS ANGELES TO HAVE AERIAL MAIL SERVICE LOS AWI:LEs7c7i1., Jan. G Lob AngoloB will hnvo an aerial mail sorvlce during tho International avia tion meet beginning January 20. An announcement to this effect wna nmdo todny by Manager Dick Forrbi, following tho receipt of word that PoatmaAter Gonnrn Hitchcock had rmnctloncd the plan. The postmarking stamp will print tho follewing: Hanking for health. 1 i Waists, Petticoats, Separate Skirts and Sweaters ' "h Sale ."' r cs-