.4 t . v PXGE STX lrEDFOKD MATL TRTTVTNR MTCTJFORT), OVTOaOSr. TiTTTiRDAY. .TANFATJV -I, 1912. OAYLQRD WILL SPEAK TONIGHT TARIFFBOARD HAS LANE IWAy GET FOUR FREEZE TO DEATH IN KANSAS Blizzard Prevails in Western Kansas Sllfiht Snow Fell Last Evenlnii In Iowa and Eastern Kansas Colder In South Dakota. MPOSSIBLE IASK COVETED SEAT Boys and Misses Socialist Member of Wisconsin State Senate Will Address Local People on the Subject of "Municipal Busi ness" at the NatatoHum. So Declares Woodrow Wilson and Thereby Strikes Popular Chord Bryan Expected to Announce His Campatnn Policy Soon. Interstate Commerce Commissioner Franklin K. Lane May Be Appoint ed by Taft as a Compromise Can didate Instead of Hook. ) AT THE TH EATERS.' H - . r, WlnficUl H. Gnylord, socialist member of tlio stale satiate ot "Wis consin, will addross the peoplo of Medford thin ovenlns nt tho Natator Imn liall on "Municipal Business." Mr. Gaylord Is one of tho most prom inent members of tho socialist party In tho United States and no doubt will have much of Interest to say to local people. Ho has just passed through the campaign at Los Atigelos where ho was sent to answer ques tions regarding tho success socialists are said to be meeting with at Mil waukee, whero they control the city government. All aro Invited to at tend, admission bolng free. Friday evening Mr. Gaylord will meet C. E. Whlsler In public debate on woman suffrage. An admission feo at that time of 10 cents will be charged. All surplus over expenses will bo given by the management to tho Greater Medford club, to their civic work. Ww Jm FJW "THE GAMBLERS." AT MED FORD THEATER JANUARY 5 aid ALLEGED DYNAMITERS PLACED ON TRIAL LOS ANGELKS Cul., Jan. 4. After waiting more than six month in the Los Angeles county jail Hert If. Connors, lnt F. Homier and A. 1'. Mnple, labor leaders charged with conspiracy to dynamite the If nil of Kecords here, were brought to trial today. It was learned shortly nfter the session opened that separate imliet ments Iind been returned by the grand jury, whereupon separate trials were ordered. Maple and Bender will go to trial officially Monday, with Con ners to follow. In an offort to eomrtol a statement of specific charges upon which the men will be tried, Attorney Lecompte Davis, who is conducting the defense. interposed n demurrer to the indict ments. The motion, however, was overruled and the selection of a jury begun. BRYAN EXPRESSES HIS VIEWS ON CONFESSION LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 4. Expres sions of William J. llrynn's opinion" in the JlcNamam cases are set forth today in the current issue of his periodical, the Commoner. It snys: "Tho McNamara confessions have given oncmels of union labor n chance to libel nil connected with organized efforts to protect the wage eurners. The same men who are indignant whenever the sins of 'sweatshops' owners are charged aguinst nil manu facturers; when the crimes of the trust magnates are imputed in busi ness; when tho vices of NaH)Ieons of finance are laid at the door of bank ers in general, are hastening to hurl broadsides of libel at all who are forced to earn their bread by the sweat of their brows, "This is manifestly unfair. Organ ized labor lias lenmed u lonson. It wl be more careful in the future se lection of leaders. Society may well pause and inquire if anything is wrong wilh conditions which lend men into dastardly conspiracies against life and property." (From John Mae.Mahon for the Au thor' Producing Company.) Charles Klein's exceptionally suc cessful new piny, "The Gmnblers." which remained at Maxine Elliott the ater. New York, for over U00 coiiM'en tive perforniHiiee mihI was conceded the finest play among the drNtnatio offerings of the stHson. uomes to Medford theater Jauunrv .. under the management of tho Authors' Produc ing company, oi which John Cort is president. In thin plav the defaulter' not i not condoned in spite of lite fact that he is made lovable. The methods of bank looters arc bared And the folly of crime in business U forcefully shown in the personal iibaseineut Hint comes to each participant. The cli max of sentimental intorest is the coming together of the defaulter ntid the wife of the attorttev for the pros ecution, who fornwrfy bad been lov ers and had been thrown apart through circumstances. Thus it is not primarily a drama of moral mr 1h.sc, although that lesson is not ab sent, but one of sentiment. In other words, the .sentimental situation is not unfamiliar, but the circuntstnuces and treatment are. J. WALTER M03HER IS LAND SHOW COMMISSIONER J. Walter Mosbor of this city has been appointed special commissioner of tho state of Oregon for the Kan sas City laud show, to be held in Kansas City February 2(J to March 1), 1012. This will lie llio greatest laud show ever held, lleiuhpturtortf have been established In room 2KI, Medford ho tel, Medford, Ore., and all coniinuni cntious should bo addressed there. Space for salo and plats shown. IMPERIAL TROOPS ARE MARCHING ON MUTINEERS PF.KIK. Jan. !.- Drawn from the garrison 0f Pan Ting Fit and Sliili Wang Tao, :i)0() imperial troops to. dav lire marching on Chin Wang Tao and Lnnchow to uttmtk the mutineers there if they refuse to submit. It was also reported that Chio Elir Feng, formerly viceroy of tho prov ince of Szo Cliuen, with a forco of Mnuchu soldiers from Tbiet, hnd re captured Chang Tu, the capital. Iliuklus for health, I'HOTO-IMjAYS. Tho Star theater offers a rare treat in the way of motion pictures, this change having tho best variety of subjects obtainable. A crowded house greeted the show last night in spite of the cold weather, and we wish to compliment the management on tho way the theater is kept warm and comfortable at all times. The little boy Imitator and whistler con tinues o make a hit with tho audi onco, and Al Sather Is there, as usual, with a song, which Is very much appreciated. The music and effeets are one of the main features and during tho comedy they keep the audience in an uproar throughout. Today's matinee and evening the above attraction wlH have Its final presentation. COUNTY TIS CHOOSING JURY LIST The county court this afternoon la choosing the jury list for tho sea son of 1912 and will be occupied for 3ome time In regard to this mat ter. The court has decided to let the matter of the appointment of a county roadmaster go over until a decision Is received from the su preme court In regard to the bond Issue. For the same purpose they aro allowing tho matter of making a tax levy rest. Hasklns for health. THIS WILL INTEREST MOTHERS Mother Gray's Sweet Powders foi Children, a Certain relief for Fover Jshnoss, Headacho, Dad Stomacn, Teething Disorders, move and regu late the Bowels and Doatroy Worms. They broak up colds In 24 hours. They aro so pleasant to tho tasto Children like them. Ovor 10,000 testimonials. Used by Mothers for 23 years. They never fall. Sold by all Druggists, 25c. Sample mailed FRKB. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Hoy, N. Y. i-. ujiw, Jan. .- i no n er Ition h Governor Woodrow Wilson of . Now Jer-ey that President Taft has ct an impossible task for his tariff hoard struck n popular ohord here and added impel it, lo his boom for the democratic president nl nomina tion is fcen today. Governor Wil son's criticism of the president was made while speakinc before the No tional Democratic lub. William J. Bryan hm arrived nt Tampa, Fin., uud it is expected that he will announce his campaign policv at the Jackson day dinner next week. Politicians bere believe that Presi dent Taft is certain lo get the sup port of the New York delegation in the national convention, provided he consent to "talk Int-ino." with William Names. Jr.. chnirumit of the state republican committee. Otto Hannard, one of President Tuffs strongest superiors announced to day Ilint lie expected lo confer with Panics at an curlv date, and this is generally construed here to mean that the New York leader will oon an nounce U intention of throwing his support to Taft. OYSTERS POISON BOB. BUT HE SPEAKS ANYWAY WASHINGTON, I C, Jan. I. -Iitloratato CouiiuiiM.i.Mvor Franklin K. Ijane of California lr the BMocintc justiceship of the Coiled Stales i. promo Court is the rumor hero today following a conference thai official had with J'roHidont Tafl. It is be lieved the president L coimidoriiiK Uine fS a oompri-mi- candidate since Hie opposition lo Justice Hook of Knnsirs Developed. Lane ould have the support of the progressiu.s, itid it known that the president considers Imu one of the ablest lawyers in the muutrv. RICHES0N MAYN0TBE READY FOR TRIAL JAN. 15 110STON. Mass.. Jan. !. Dosi.itc the statements of attorneys for the defense of U C. T. Uichc-on. churecd with the nnmlor nf Miss A vi Liuuell, thai his condiliou i still im- nniiig. it nnneHi-ml orobuhlo todnv that the minister will be iimible to go lo trial Jaiiuury l.'i. An iulimnte friend of tfie-coiised man who viVited Ihe ioil declared that Iticheson is n physical and menial wreck. Hasklns for health. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. .Inn. I. IhV patches from Nos Cilv, Kan., todnv xlate that four persons were froxeu (o death in the hliisttrd that liu swept western Kuusas for the Inst three day. Three of the deuths oc curred nl No.ss Cilv. the fourth ic tim being a entile man on the ranges. A slight snow fell last night in Iowa and eastern Kansas, U'lnpciiug the intense, cold. South Dakota, how ever, regisleied a drop in tempein Jt n tv. At Huron, S. I)., the mercury dnipped lo Ml degree below xeiti. "WILT WILLIE?" "I WILT," LEAP YEAR HELPED SOME SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Jan. I. Grabbing time and (he leap join- liv the forelock, Miss Kiln Hallo, a pretty blonde, has today propohcd to young and bashful, if broad shoul dered. William D. Caswell, automo bile sale-mini here. And she did so nccordinu lo iloyle. dropping lo knee, grasping William's hand and whispering: Will. Willie!" "Will what?" "lie tuiiiu.'' "This is o sudden. 1 uh-uh " She slipittd the ring on hit linger and Ihe rast was mumbled. JOLIKT, III.. Jan. !. Seimlor Itobert JL I Follette rrifd in Joliel from Chiengo today "ick. Oys ters eaten in the .Windv Citv nrtiall Hiioned him and lie fell poorly. De spite this he decided to continue his speechtnakiiig tour and addressed a bfcr throng at the auditorium. Terselv he outlined his progressive policies and then took the intemrbaii special to several point, ut which be phi'ts to deliver the remainder of his tnlks today. ' Let us show you that The Art Store is the place for Wall Paper. Two hundred lands to select from C. E. COLLINS 27 North Grape At Fountains & Elsewhere Ask for fit 9" HORLICKS Tho Original and Qenuina MALTED MILK Tho Food-drink for All Ages. At restaurants, hctcb, and fountains. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep it on your sideboard at home Don't travel without it. A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no imitation. Just say "HORUCK'S." Not in Any Milk Trust Clark & Wright r.AWTTER WA1HTKGTOW, S. a Public Land Matters: Final Proof. Desert Lands, Contests and Mining Cases. Scrip. AsoclAtn Work for Attorneys. Medford Theatre, Friday, Jan. 5th' (JOHN CORT. President) ANNOUNCES B"lUPllrVl BV CIiAR.LES KLEIiM flOTHOR OR-THE MUSIC MASTE.RTTHELION AND THE. M0U5L"-"THE THIRD DE.CRE.t,"E.TC, shE5SDCAflsvT PAUL EVERT ON ' DIRECT FROM 200 N'OHT8 IN NEW YORK CITY. Seats at Haskins', $1.50, $1.00, 50c. mx$X.HK j PLUMBING 6TKAM AND HOT WATKR IIEATINO All Work Guarantee Prices Rcaaonabla S5 Howard IJlock, Kntruic on Oth Street. Coffeen & Price Pacific B031 JJoni SM0 Rock Spring Coal V XA3TO AI.I, TXU TZHOt. Off I co Rud Coal Yard, Twelfth a5 Front Stroota. Phone 7101. Burbidge VMM OOAi UXM. T y t f T a. T T T f ? T ? T T T T f f T T T f f T t T T ROGUELANDS IRRIGATED TRACTS EMERSON HOUGH, in the Saturday Evening Post says: The advantage lies with the invest or who goes in under a big and scien tifically conducted company. ROGUELANDS, Inc. FRED N.CUMMINGS, Manager j v- f T ? f t ? T T T v f r T T T T T f T T f T T T T T T T T t f f Wo aro closing out our ontiro lino of Hoys' imtl AlisHos' llonvy I'Moi'oo Linod Vosty, Hauls, Shirta and Drawers: rogular Ilfio, l()o and oOo tjualilios al, your ehoioo 25 Cents Each Ladies' ami iMisso.s' Iloavy Floooo Ijitiud Union Suits, Ladies' Iloavy Recce Mnod Vests and Hauls, also Hoys' Wool Hildiod Union Suits are lieinj,' closed out equally as eljeap. Men's Gloves Over !50 dozen Men's Iloavy Leather Work and Driving (Moves in gauntlet and plain wrist 50.JS 75S Jjt and $1.50 a pair. t 1000 Pancy Oalendai'S, 10c and lf)u quality, ea'li in hoxi 5v each Local viow Photo Post Cards, 2 I'or Cc, 12 for 25c HUSSEY'S REMOVAL NOTICE On .Tun. lt THE BUILDING SPECIALTIES CO. Will rcinovc Uu-ir comph'tc lino of Paints, Painters' Supplies & Wall Paper TO 318 EAST MAIN ST. Formerly occupied by lite M. H. Jewell I'niul and Wall Paper Store SECOND DOOR EAST OF KENTNERS Free Lecture lmilmllo H. I'nnl, horlety'H anlliorlly on lioanty culture, nxleniU a cordial Invitation to tint women or Medford lo niuet liur at tlio Ut. Marlt'tt Hall Tuimday ovonliiK, .lanuary !, at K; IK) o'clock. Wo linvo K"io to ureal oxteuuo to huciiiu for tlio lailluH or Medford Mm, I'aul'H prOHoncu at thla tlmo. Her prao Ileal buauly IuIIih on couiiuon muiiho w'nyH (it Helf-liiiproveinunt liavo boon ontluiHliiHtlcally received tlio country over, and wu count ournulvoH lucky In HccurlUR Mrn. I'aul'H nervlcon In tho iiouhoii. TIiIh la a poruoiial invitation for you to bo present. Next Tuesday Evening It oponn to you an Uncommon opportunity. ArraiiKomentH have been uiado wliurcby you may have tlio privilege or hearing Mm. Paul rrco. No adinlmdou will bo charKcd and cnuifortablo HuatH will bo provided for everyone, A novel feature of Mi'H, I'aul'H vIhII will bo tho freo dUtrlbutlou at her lecture or rotu-toou Marluello Ileauly Culture OutfllH valued and Hold regularly nt J7.00 ouch, TIiohh completo liomo trentmoul outUlH coiitaln ovnry toilet article tiecenwuy to miccenHful neir beauty culture. It you will watch tho columiiH or HiIh papor you will learn tlio method by wbleb fourteen lucky women will Hccuro Uiuho ontfltH hh an ubHoluloly freo gift. Wuteli for the lucky coupoitH, fill In your iiauio and iiildreuH-tako It with you to thu free leuturo. At St. Mark's Hall Tuemlay, January t), at 8:00 p, nt. Uomombor Iho valuo or Mih, I'aul'u lecture tlio valuo or tlio rrco outfltH. TIUtHo aro prepared by tlio Marluollu Company of Chicago orlgliiatoiH and nolo expoueulH of tlio fanioiiH Marluello HyHtoin or lluauty (Jultiiio u,inovoniuiit that baa done more to InoreiiHo and retain beauty In womuu than any other known method. Jlomombor tlio date, .lanuary 0, and place, HI, Mark'n Hall, Watch tlio puper every duy for furtluir iinnoiinceinoiilH, Thoro lu no obligation on your part leuturo and otitritH urn iiIiho llitoly freo, TIiIh Ih tho gift of tho Marluello Shop, (ttrueU Corey Uulldlng, to tho ludlea of Medford, Cora M, Utloy, T