Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 04, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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:;4r ;
Drlof Suiiiin.'iry lb Given of Work
Executed Durliifi din Pnst Yc;ir In
Cllyncfoininniids r'nssnuu of Now
(Iiioi'ko Triniiiii, Miii'iileiiilciit ol
lln hIIv water iilmil, xiiliinilti'il thp
I'ollinviilK iiliiiiuil ifHiit In (ho ttit.v
nounoH Ml Hh meeting TwihIh.v i pii
To Iho lloumahlo Mayor mill City
(iwmill- l'nptliiii(s rtio followliiK
Im it hrhtf mtiiniiNiy of the- worlt oxo
uutud iIiii'Iiik I Im punt muiHtin hy I ho
walor iUttuittiiiiit mill Hppruxlinnto
unimiiitM or iHiiU'rliil umal In li'imlra
Mini now etiiialriicllou, Including ncrv
lot llnt;
Hnvnn Ii II it (t t tul IIiiohI fuel four-Inch
(mm linn tnnlii IhIiI; Sf.O lineal
four mill six Inrli chi lion Mlulm ni
IntocMOlloim (iIihmmI; llfco lineal fot
Ml Inch wmkI iliit taken up mill tic
llvmuil (o sowar illliih; U76 IIiiikiI
fiinl old four Inch walnr iiiiiIiih taken
up: 78o IIiiohI foot olil two Inuli wit'
lor iiim lim IiiuokmI IjiImiil
Now hjdriiutH placed
Hydrants chniiHod
Hydrant itrimlrtid
Hydrant: iniivtMl limlilii nub.
Onion movwi front fiirli linn IS
MIX lllt'll Hl. placet! lllil llnilM. i;
I'niir I noli ate. ilH(i) In ui timm
HU Inrli rmIpii HlNCiil III now work
four Inch lw placed In now
'Onto turned mi mIiIm
(tHt !HaIK PUt Kill Of ONYlng. .
I)hiI hi1 WtiwHiff connect Inns joit
JT'rvliiM llnwfl pulliM mil hy sliest
uradwr hiiiI rilHitHl
(tmo valvtw rofMklrvit
I'ltt tOdCOd
Casing covtora plsctxl
Horvliw tin put lu ( font
llirHMiiMriiir Million pipe) .... 150
Vn conerem hnro troughs mul
tlrlnkliiK fountain woro oonslructnd.
A now tuinmi wm built at tlm rwwr-
voir. Old pumping I'ImhI it'Hullt and
public Idlest nlarttd In wtiiic.
Ipnlm wVm mttdo from Intake lo
nliy on pip IIiih nml housing plnrod
over pIpH in Hut to crook bridge.
It U inosl MwotitlHl to Hut water
department that nil bulliliiiKS within
JJiy ilx I'li'll lw iiiiinbiwd yt(iiiu
fUnHy-and' thonniKlily.
A iiftw ordinance Hint will mivw all
rtiiilriituU I not only dmdrnhlo,
lint nitHit ni'CfHitary I it t II n iihw or
(lliiwnrii rnvt'iitiK wntnr intw In iro
pu nut I iccoiiiinciiil iIihi no iruilt
! icmiitft! to inloliK ihhtm, hh It U
oiiMt illfflrult to uilJUHt rn(i itfter
WHtrtr In tiwil InKttNtil tif litfor.
KnbotHtitlHl hiiiI jii'riiiaiiiiiit lutnmr
riHitlr(itii0iii Iikvo Imihii fully covonul
In tho city tiiiKluwor'n report nml thin
hIioiiIiI Iio (uimtriu'tiid uoxt nohhoii.
An mixlllHry icnrvolr hIkmiM hIho
Iki pmvliltiil, n tho t'lty him very
hiuiiII MtornHO ni purity miuI ronorvo
will ho tinud iiH.l mr uiiIimw ii nioro
m'onomluiil ntulliod of dlatilhutlon Ik
ndnptoil. '
With ni"it oiiruoitt nMiiiKrit for nc
Hon hy your lioiu)rnhlo lunly im to
till) IIOKllH Of tlllK (ltiHlltlll('llt. hh
nhoM t'ltnd, HiIh roport Ik iuot to
MKi('tfully hiiIiiiiIHimI
(JliOlttJK II. TltANNA,
HiipiTlnlonili'iit Water Depm Haunt.
At ii litiHiium niiH'liiiK ol' tho nienV
intuit Millie cliU nf tho lluplixl Sim
tin v Hi'hool, held TiiuhIiiv iiiht, II.
II. Till llo wiih elfi'loil (fiiolior; II,
Hliiui, prel(leiil; Paul (,'. Hiuiko.ii,
vlnii proKiili'iil ; Karl lvior, Ntiart'
8. h. Ileiiiiell, li't'iixiirvr; Mr. lluynoMi
iiliiilriiimi ol' oiiUuiiiiiiiiiuiil rouiniiN
loo; I.. ', luvtiriil40) eluiiiiiinii inlvei
tiHini; ((iininillee. All of tlm (il'llciirw
iiluivo iiaimtil (uiintilutti tlm cvet'tttivo
'I'll ll (llltfri uiu I 'M ii i umI IlllOIlt h
wdol;, iln mul at the preent lima
Iiiik n uuiiiihtii-Nliip (iiirollintuil ol' 101),
with mi uvui'iimi Sitntlav nlleiidiiiiee
of III). l'mtWot' Hoot, who is a
numilier tif Iho class, has iiiKiinized
mi otuhoHlni Irout uituulioi'M of Iho
tiliihH, whllo M. Ii. Itmler Ih piittini; n
(pnulel iifinulu vuiiiiis iiiln I m id piue
l(io work.
SclimUz Trial Soon,
SAN l-'HANVIMCO, fa., .Inn. -I.
Tlm trial of KiiKt'tin Schnilz, ronnor
iiiuyor ol' Sun l''ramiii.iio, cIiiiikoiI
with iiititiivini,' hrihiw 1141111 Iho trolley
mul miM coiiipaniiw, will hoiu' lime
liororo Suporiiif .IiuIko Liiwlor I'VIi
nliir.v !l, two tlnys within tho nixty
iluv liiuil hivokiul by NohiniU Decern.
Imr t). .
! ''
Nol tunny jmnplo will font iimnl
viu'IIkciI runiiiliril i-ooiuh in lliin oily
Iiiln wi't'lu
Our Correspondents
Hy A. ('. Ilowlcll.
Irvlii Tin icll of liiilto irecli ciimo
out Tlmrioliiy nlKlit for Hid hux lu
which tlm ciiMluit caiiiit In which tlm
lute Mim. Herman Myein, who dlud.j
l)(iy.uiihi'i' Sti, I1MI. wiih Inn led, tlio
hem ho )nt vim: IhIiuii Ihu cu'ukat up
already. Tho roiiittliiN were liiteneil
In Iho IIiowiihIioim cemetery Kildny
iirtoruoou. I have mil tho purlieu
IttiH of her dtHith, hut know HihI he
hint hnoii lu very poor hoallli fur Htv.
oriil ynr. Tho finnlly k,v the nyiii
puthy of tlii'lr tunny fiiuiuU In tlnwe
Our CIiiIhIiiiiih ftrntlvltloH art) all
over unit wo Iihvd nettled down to Hi
iiHiilar roiilluo dutliM of life aituln.
Tho piihllc ClirlMlimiH true mul enter-
twin nit'iit win a Krand miiccimw. i
wiih pnilhlpateil In hy not only the
M'hool htil hy many of tho older onoti,
mirh n ProffHor N. I. NnrnlKiiii mid
hln min Curl. Mr. It. (1. Iliown, Mr.
mid Mm. HlMtor, our now hiirdwnro
morrlintitM. Mr. Ilrynut. tdc. with
I'mf. I'. II. liHlly iih niHNtwr of niru
iiioulmi. itmditttMl hy It Ik iwtliniihlo
wife, tttntiher of our primary dupurt
iiioiil. nml Mliw Nulllo .Morrlii. toucher
of tho Intermediate depnitineiil. Tho
exiiicUeft wir uliuply Htfpvth. every
one of the children. nml lliviw were
Mhotit it humlred or tliein. hml their
part Mbout hh perfect hh pomilblo for
children to havo them, and on two
oectmloiiH thoy wero uncorod. The
flmt wan Clmrlm WilKht, mtotl 7.
who rcprwciitiMl hii mrwI iiiuii with
hi HtHff. iu"l wrapped up lu IiIm inlttM
mid rum. The little follow lioltattd
at flmt hut finally ntiuo hack on tho
ulnge and repeated a purl of IiIh
pluctt. Tho otlivm were Mr. .McDtm-
oiikIi'm HlUt) mmi mid duiiKhtttr. Tliuy
ativt) iih another, ontlrely new moiik.
I nilht ineiitloii iiiiiny more that
ruiitlorwl their pnrU oxtrn wHI hut
in lint forliwir mi It would tnke too
much npace In Tho Mull Trlliuue.
After tho oxtrclne wero ovor Hnnta
CIhiim put lu mi appiNiranet) and then
the crowd f little folk wero beyond
control. An the name of the reclp.
lent of prMMiitn wuro called tho ox
cltwttietil run IiIkIi and twice 1'iof.
Daley hud to call on the children to
tnko HiHlr HHutH and kep 'pilot.
Tin-re witn not ho many proiteutM kIaii
out n there hart Imimii on former oo
chmIoiih, In proxirtlou to tho crowd,
for It wa out limited Hint thorn were
about Mn) lu tho aittPiublnKo. In
addition to tho puhlfo ChrlMiiimi troo
theVe wore a fuw private triHw lu
our town and perhopn iih noted and
luteromlnK 0110 an any wiih one at
thw htmutifiil linino of F, M. Htownrt.
Mm. Htewart'H children wore Invited
In to tHlt Hiipper Kmiday nlKlit with
their children ami tho troo wjk all
trrn lined without the knowledge of
the little rolk and thw flrnt Intlinntliin
they hud wan tho rliiKliiK of the IicIIh
In tlm MdjnlitltiK room nml when tho
door wiih opened their Riirprlno wag
beyond boiimU when they wiw a kcii
iilne ClirlHtiuiiH tiee loaded with all
klmlK of little notloiiK Mr thorn.
Anion tho remarkable IncldcutH of
HlMt OCtldHloil WHH Hit) eiltlllK Of It
.ilrn rlpo uatoriiielmi! Only think
if otttliiK watermolmiH on tho
day of December, and tho uieloiiH
were ralttcd lu Kaglo I'lilut at that.
Mr. Stewart wild thai ho had 0110 ho
wanted to Head to Tho Med foul Mall
rilbinie force ami havo them aniple
pur Deceniher watoiinyloim. Christ
ina iiIkIiI there wiih a nelecL party
mid dance kImhi hy I.. C. NtirriiKitii
mul J. H. .Inckmiii In Bplker'n hull.
There were only JuhI uiioiikIi to have
a real pleiiHiiut time. Thuy tliiucd
until about midnight and all went to
their hoiuoH voting that they had a
lovely lime and wIhIiIiik tho promot
er a of (ho move a happy Now Year.
There Iiiih boon another dual In
html here, Win. Von tier llollen hav
ing purcluiHcd tho tract of la'Yld, about
two ami a half acnm, from tho Hani'
II 1 011 place, riiiiiierly owned by Win.
Ulrlch, wluii'o tho bullilliigH Mtaiid.
CoiiRhloralou II 0. I understand that
ho ami bin briithur-ln-law, Mr, 10.
ICviiuh, havo bought ten arum of laud
on tho wont iddo of Iho railroad truck,
and Intoiid to lay It off III Hiniill traolK
and put It on tho nmrkol,
Chauncoy Kltiroy cninu out CluiHt
iiiiih to hoo tho old foil.,
II, A. KpntKUo wont to HohoIiiii-k
Saturday to vlnlt IiIh hrothur and look
after IiiibIiichh thoro,
Mm, M, Hrachart (drandnta) catno
out front hop uoii'h ihiiip Darby, Tuoh
iluy to vIhU hor tlaiiKhtor, Mru. A, II.
A. H. .luiiuormnu came near being
HorlotiHly hurt Tuouday morning. Ho
wiih workliiK on a Hhod for tho
HpritKUo Lumber conipnny and tho
laddor on which ho wiih HtandliiK
Hllppial uml ho foil Home ton op twolvtt
foot, but fortumttoly ho wan not hurt.
Notlco Ih ltoroby wlvon Hint Tttll &
(1 runt liuvo iIIbhoIvoiI pnrtuorHhlp,
(Iriint ImvliiB Hold out IiIh intoroBt.
Mp. Til 1 1 took chitrgo uoo. as iiuti
will pay all tlobtH liicupiou ny run
(I pa n I.
A. It. Tl'i.ii.
Hall' of the people lu the ncili
I101I1001I above I'liocuix lire laid up
with the k'nppe. Keu'tiil of llieui have
hml In call 11 pliVHioimi, anionic whom
are MInh hhinili llcur.y, Mimic Kraicli,
.Mi Lizzie Turnlmk. .lumen Allen uml
.Mr. A. H. I'urry.
Tlitwc who went from Talent lo
Miiilford I'liilnv weie (Icoruc (lard'
eiier, A. M. Helm, Mr. and Mim. ('.
Carey uml Wiley Tiirnhow.
A. I'VidcKHP of Mcdl'ord wax viwit
uiir hin daiiliter, Mru. ,). ). Henry,
New Ycnr'n day.
JiliiieM MeDonahl of Tiilont wiih in
I'liocuix Friday uiotiiiiiK'.
I.iltle l.elia KlephciiH Ih rpiile niek
at her InlliiuV home in North Talent.
Mim, Minn Miikuohh, Mini Dorin
Miiiiichh ami MiM Warmoth, tcaelicrH
in I'liocuix M'houl, uml Mr. ami Mrx,
Aiiliur IIoni) M'lil Kumjuy at Mr. and
Mi'k, Joe KinlinV,
Mr. uml Mi'h. Joe Under npuut
Thuixlav uilit ami I'tiduv in MuI
lunl iHitintf Mr. Kador'n mother.
The two CliritinnH Iiccm in I'lioc
uix were a miiccc in every way.
Many uutliuri'il to titijoy Ihu onlur
liiinmeiiU ami joyoiin l'eMiviticn.
'Mim. I .ti lie Stnuellfro left I'liocuix
Kaliinlav lor lier liome at Creswell,
Oitf., aftur e)uonil wccI;k' liy with
her inollior ilurint: her i'utlior'H illuuHK
ami (loath.
(I. C. McClain in rimniiiK n oliatuix
rink in tin Woodman hull at I'liocuix.
tthcio Iho I'hoenix youjiif pcoile aru
iryiuif to learn Ihu roller kMte.
An all-dii uieetiiiK ami dinner wan
hml at (hi1 ChriMlimi church in I'lioc
ni New YcarV day.
Mr. A. S. Furry opent the weuk
ciul at .litckxiiiivillc an xuot of Mrx.
W. If. CoIciiiiiii.
Cliiekciipox in Ihu prevailiitK iniil
ailv in I'liocuix nml Hiirrotimlin'
country. Several arown pinxniH have
the tliM'Hc.
A. S. Furrv Iihh hml plumliurx at
work in hie water pipe in his house
Mini groiinilh thirf wutik. He my lil
hot witter tank I Kivintr hotter wit
ixfiiclion now than it ecr has, the
water hcatini: imieli butter.
Mtv. .1. Kih-c xave the Chritmiih
dinner (Iiih yenr, ami the old pioneer
fort wa. a place of joyous lVstivi
i'xtf, where her children ami graml
I'hihlrett K'lthoreil for a joymiH C'hrii-t-
Mr. mul Mr, (ioorue Alfoid of
Fern Vallev eclchratejl the tenth an
ttlvenHiirv of their inarriauo Now
Vcnr'. tlay. Mhiiv frionilH ami rola
Uvcm wore prot-out ami partook- of a
houiitcotH fciift In honor of the iio
Kev. .Mullock of Axhlaml came
down to l'hoonix (o deliver the iiiorii
h'jf xeniioii ut the Chrixtiau church
in their nll-ilav New Your Nurvicc.
A liiur dlinicr mul two enuonx, son
toil prater Men ice took up the lime.
A! n 11 v from Talent ami the surround
ii; country were present.
Mi. ami Mih. lliayton and huh re
lumed from a trip to Washington
Wednesday morning,
Mr. and Mm. SIImh Obencbaln, who
lime been vUltliu; Mrn. Nancy Obon-
chalu and other relatlvim hore, ro
turued to their homo In Klamath
I'allH Wednesday morning.
Mrs. W. Warner and daughters uml
.Mm. 1', F. Cooper mid daughter havo
returned from a visit to Hugeno.
Win. Normllo whs over from Jack
sonville Wodiiusday afturuooii visit
I11K friends.
Mru. J. II. Holmes and 'daughter,
Miss Gladys, Hpunt Wednesday after
noon Willi Mrs. Hosier iiartzoll in
MIsh .Mildred Klllott returned from
a visit to hur mother at Hock Point
Tho high hi'hool hoyn aro very 'iimy
preparing for n basket bull gamo
which they will play with Oleudalo
Saturday evening, January tl. Ad
mission K and -f cents. All aro
"ordlitlly Invited to attend.
Take l.AXATIVK 11110MO Qtilnluo Tab.
lots. DrugglatH refttmi money If It fatU
o euro. 13. W. OltOVB'B Blgaaturo Is
in oncb box. 2 So.
.-100 IIKWAUD.
Tho iiiitloislRuod will pity n ro
ward of $tii)0 for tho itpreal and con
vlotlon of tho porsou or persons who
attempted to burn tho West Sldo
Mvory Stahio, on Uocombor 27th,
1!(11, by hotting ftro to tho hii mo,
JT. t K. 0. CllAUU'Y, Ownor.
ChlnoBo roatuurunt. Also Amorl
cui) kltchon, Kvorythlng first claua.
Chop Stioy, nooilloH and ovorytlilug on
Amorlcaii bill or faro. Ooorgo Loo,
proprlotop. 20 South Front.. 250
Aftop this ditto I will not Iiq ro
Hponalhlo fop any dohta liicuriod by
Mary K, Jones,
2 IS 1. F, JONES.
An oi'illnauoe iihhi-ssIiik tho nropoi'tv
itdjuci'iil lo mid liciu-fltod by tlio wU-
incli lilliriil ciffi; 'im-lruriHit nleiiK
alley lietwimi Hue 111 .1 1,1111 ,nl Iteilily
HVl'ttlJC, IIiKHIkIi Pl(k . Clinriiu.Clui.nv
miliillvlHloii, lli- oOHl '-f OimlMH-lliiB (he
r.,.,TT ,,,,,. .i ,.,,.,,, ,,) i,,tiroor or oMr'
lyl'itf Willi HHWt'UHiiunl inii) full i-ttfcl
Tlm Ully of larot-l ,I-,lli orituln m
to ewn:
Hcrlloil I, Wlmr tin. C'llv Cimrwll
ill! inri'ioriiin pmvlili iiv iinlliiHiic fur
Hie fM-rvlliK of Uii iHii rR f iiroiKTly
llilj(.lll lo Mill) liitln fll.. ,y iu rtili-
n.iiiuiitii, mi in. 1 fnHiHi Mrr )inn,iii
niMT n-HcriiHNi 10 Hi.' ,r lM-roi mtU
uoiuiiiii ami ftnnw tt.,.,.,. ( Hny w,.y
lui 111 IKiili..rlu uliitlllit Li. 1
"-.,-. 1'ivr,., n.iuu.M ...ii III- HH-HHtl nr
lli eiiiilriluMoti Of t.. ,r himI illil
fix 11 lime for HfflriiiK nv miicIi pro.
Ii'hIh, wlilcli notlco Wim Ktvcn In hcmip.
nnre Willi wilil onlliwrir.. i( ),Hn twl
ttari lHrur tlio tniiiiiiimK r t, ,,.
Hliuolliin of wilil nHir i,ui (i t,r)lfNtM
hkhIiihI ijhIiI conntrurKuri .,r NMtoNMnnl
Of ti' cost lliercor Wiih lmli. ,y Hliyene
ii" hi m-wt'r wiih. ny until COUMOII.
ordcri'il riMixtruolod
Allil WlnTMIM, lll ri,. f 4. cOI
Hlriiiillutl ut unlil ser lum .,.n into)
9111I Imri-liy In illtiiiilm, (,, i fil(,
Minn or isoio.75.
Snw UfffoTf, l'l nt) .loth i.r.lHlH
ainl iIitUi.i thnt mteh i.nif.i r promTty
iImhtII-iI Imlmv in niljur. 1,1 HIH) Mri. iv i,u rfrlnln lM(rri ua, -w
Inclien In nr, const r 1. . (t, Hlly lv
tWfdli JSucllil IIVIII1 Hint Uglily HViilllie.
IhtouKli hlerli 2, ConMy-cuncy muImIIvI
mIoii. Mini tliHt tllj irui,irlrin of Ihu
eon! nt mlil nmwur whii, .Mc-li nt il
IKirecIn of ImikI mIidiiI'J Immt, IihsihI on
1Iih iHUcfllM ilMrlvml r.-xiwUy,.)). i,y
wtl.l n. v.thI IrHOl of lanil, In tb
HIIHlllht sxl OplwllH l,r lI'-Korlllllon of
nch iiiitiH'l lilow. niel n, hi ,cli of mill
lisro.lH In nolimlly Ix-mriimi In the
NiiKiiMit wt opiionttn it IdwrlplliiH Inf
low liv ih.. eoiiKlrilHIi-iii i.f nhIiI m-wnr.
Hint I linl nmIiI KHVeml iDiifiuiitM rtfort-M4-HI
tin iriiurt IiiiinI l in flu of mill
N-vi'rl lHirivIs from i wwer Ami
wch of Mthi iwrixtlH l li.nhy HtwMtil
Ihr aiiioiinl not )iMMi,l. iih ilwrltllnn
heliiw fur the oonMiurtlm, nt mmIi!
Wit The iihiiic iiM4rini; iilmve rucli
ilHMrlilln lu-lriir Itm iiami- of tho owner,
nr ti-iniliil iiwtinr. of meli mich lot or
I mi c I
tvi:k.n rcucMi) avknuis and
AtPMriirnt Nfi I II J t'onroy nnd
It W I'lHiirr Lot 1 Mock i, Ponroy
CUtiicv MtiltillvlHlnn.' fily of .Mlfnl.
f)n-Ki fio'ilMKe 50 fsl on (h koiiIIi
side nf hhIiI nlloy, n d.crllM-iI in it.,
inter ',r. of the coiiniy rrcrilT' r?-nril-
nf Jiickmin rtmnly, Ori-iron: to fwt:
Mill' m r font. I2.S9, amnutit. 1111 SO.
Ani'Kmiii0iiI No t. It J. fmiroy and
It W Clancv It ! I'liK-k I, County
f'lanry hiiIkII vIhIoii. Clly r MiiHnrd.
OiHon friiiitHK $0 fi-rt on lh- south
sldi- of knIiI Jlli. ns itiNrrlhwl In It.
(mm- S5 nf ih oooitly rmirdr r-c-iirils
of jHchsiin mmnu. Oregen: 60 ft;
ntlr wr fmit. lS.!9;um'iunt, till CO.
Amwuhmh ni No. 3. It J Conroy uml
It W C'lanev Iit 1 Miirk X. Conroy
t'lancy uUllvlleii. Clly of Mwlford.
Orf (ton. mintage 10 f-t on lh oul!i
nIiIh nf Kald nllcy. (is l.ncrlliiil In a.
we 9SB of tin county rr-riliT' m
"ni nf Jnckmm ootliitv. OroRen: 0 ftt;
mli ht font. IZ.23;iunotint.
AHuoMniK'nt No. 4. It J Conroy1 Hnd
II W. Clancy. Lot 4. Wock 3. Conroy
ClHiicy huImIIvIhIoii. Clt of Mc-dford.
OrvKon frontrtKn 10 frrt on tho nimjIIi
sldi- nf ald nlley. nit lUiwrltMHl In It.,
wh :or, r mo cotini rrcordir- roc
erd nf Jackson county. On-con. 50 fol,
ruin in r fimt. f:.:9;amount. tlll.&O
Assoiwnivnt No. S. It J Cnnmy and
It W Clancy lot lil.xk :, Conroy
Clancy milidlvlHlon. Clly of .Medforil.
riroKon fronlniii 10 fot on tlio sutitlt
Hide of Mid nlley. as itoscrllHMl In It,
Iwiko 9.16 of thfi count rrconlir'H n-o-nrils
of Jitckmin cnunt. OrrKen SO fi'-li
rule H-r fiMit, t:.29;Mninunt. I1H.KQ.
Asm-sNiiii-nl No. Gj It J Conroy and
It. W lliincv I.ot 6. bliKk J. Conroy
Cliincy siilidlvlslon. Cll of Medford,
eriKon frontiiKo SO fwt no the soulli
sldi- or hhIiI alley, as dt-scrlbrd In It,
Imiiji' 960 nf iho county rwjordtsr' rvc
ords of Jucknon county Orrsen: 50 feet;
rati- per font. 12.:9imount. 1114 10 .
Akm-shiiumiI No T. Ulllun A. Kldir.
l-ot i. tilock I. Conroy-Clnncy nubdlvl
alon. City of Melrord, Oregen: frontase'I
40 feet on the soutlrSlde of wild Hlley,
hs ilmrrlht-d In It . pace S0 of the cotin
Iv recnrdet-"a record of J.iokon county.
Oregon. 50 feet: rsto per f-.ol. 12.29:
Kinount. till. 10.
Amn-sHmeul No S It. J Conroy and
II W Clancy. l.ot S. block 2. Conroy -Clancy
sulxllvlnloti. Clly of MtHlfonl,
tln-g'in: fnintiigr r.s feet on the eolith
sliln of Hald nllry as descrllied In It.
page 9C of the rixinty recorder's rc
onla of .lackmin county, Oregon 10 fe-t,
rate ier foot. 12 29 nmount. 1114 10
AHotiiiciit No It. J Conroy and
it w Clancy i.t u. block I. conmv
Clannv aiilidtvlHlon. Cltv of Me,lfor.l.
Oreaon. frontage 4J '-S f.-ot on the south
xlite of said alb-t. us deKcrlhed In It.
page 91C of Ihe county recorder's rec
onls of Jackson county. Oregen: 41 IS
ii-et: rat ir (uot. :.::; amount,
$101 IS.
ANHCHsment N is It. J. Conroy and
i. w. .'taitey tii t. uock i. conrov-
Clancy subdivision. Clly of Medford,
Oregon; frontage 45 S8 feul on Ihe north
side or Mtld alle. as described lu It,
Mge Oil! of the painty repirder's rec
ords of Jackson ronty. Oregen: 15 6S
feet: ralo per font, 15.29. amount,
ANeesNiueut No 1 1 -I. J Conroy and
It W Clancv. Lot II. block 3, Conroy
('In n ay subdivision City of Medford,
riioii frouiHKi- "" fel on the north
Hide of wild Mill y . sm ilHscrllMil In It,
page 910 of Ihe p-unly recoriler's n-o-ords
of Jiiokson cotiniv, Oregen: in fet:
rate per foot. 12 24 amount. 1111.50.
Assoenment No l: A. It Itapp. Iit
IS. block S, CotiroA t'luncj- hiiImII vision,
Clly of Medford. Or.'gon: frontage 80
feet on tho ninth -.!- uf aald alley, as
dcucrllted In It . iwkv S02 of the county
ri-eonler'a records of Jauksou count v,
Oregen: 80 feet. lat pip foot. 12 39!
n mount, UJ so
AsMeosinetit No 1.1 -H. J. Ponroy and
It V. Clancy l.ot It. block 2. Ponroy-,
ciituoy subillxlNlou Clly of Metlford.
(iri-gon: mintage : itn on tne norm
Mlde of twlil alli- ni (Inscribed In U,
IHlge URfi of the county recorder'a rec
ords of Jackson count v, Oregon' la feet:
rata per root. S 3. amount. 1114 50.
Assessmout No 14 -It, J. Conrov and
It. W Clancv l.ot tl. block 2. Conroy
Pliincy HUbdlvlsloii City of Medforil,
Oregon, frontage .M) fiH't on the north
side of Njtd alley, am described In It.
page DBA of tlio county reeordoi's n-o-ovdR
of Jneksou count v. Oregen: SO feet,
rale per rooi. $'.'-" mnoitnt. 1H4 ro.
Assesxmnol No I" Or F Chelgren
I.ol IS. IdooU 2. Conroy-Glanoy sulullvl
hIoii, City of Mcilfonl Oregen: frontage
50 feet on the norlli hIiIo of wild alley,
iih described lu It IHlgU of the
county reoordnr's records of Jackson
county, Oregen: ro f-ui; rate per foot.
12 29; amount, lilt '
Assessment No l -It. J. Conroy and
It.' W Clancv l.ot H. block 2. Conroy-
Clancy subdivision City of Medford.
Oregen: frontage ''" feat on tlio north
hM( of until alley, im desurlliod lu R ,
pit K tfnn of the county recorders ref
olds of Jin-Uson count) Oregon : RO feet,
tain pot- fool, It 2H amount. 1114.50.
AsNessineiit No i; -It. J. Conroy and
It. W Clancv l.ot 1". block 2. Conrov.
Clunoy suliill vision. City of Medford,
Oregon i frontage M foot' on tho north
side of said alley, us described In XX ,
page 95fi of the comity recorder'a rec
ords of Jackson county. Oregen: 50 feet,
rate pot- foot, 12 29 amount, It 14 50.
Assessment No -It. ,T. Conroy and
It W. Clancv. Lot IS. block 2. Conrov-
8lanoy tiubillvlslon City of Medford,
regen: frontage 50 foot on tlio north
side of said alley, as described lu It ,
page UBfi of (he county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson cmuiiv, Oregen: B0 feet;
into per foot, 12 29 amount. 1U4.50.
Section 2 And It la berebv ordeted
and ordained that the 'Vworul assess
menlH and the liens thereof be entered
In Iho water main Ih-n docket of said
city, mnt that thereupon notice ho given
to tho owuoiH or reputed ownera or s.tld
property and Hint tin- same, be enforced
and collected In Iho manner provided by
tho charter of the cltv for the collection
of assessments for the Improvement of
slreeiH therein ... , .
Meotlon 3. It Ih farther ordered that
tlio notice above provided be published
three Union In the Pally Mall Tribune.
a nowsimper published and of general
Uiruuiatinn III sum em. ill (lie nianuer
provided by ordinance Nn. 250 of said
The foregoing oiiiumnoo was passed
h piisxpii iiv iiie env council or tne
Cllv of Medford. OligOU, on Ihe 1'Hll
day of lioeeniber. 1911 by tho rollowlntf
voir. Mi-rrlck. ayo. Wall, aye, Worl
tiiHti, it ye. I'.incrlck, Nye, I'.lfi-rt, ny, uud
.MlllSr, llllKHIIt.
Alitirovcil i;crmlfr 2, 1911
Allt: Mayor.
Clly Itfcoriler.
'lo lli owimr, or loiullwl intwr.
jmIi (wrcfl of prui'Tty iIi-miIMnI In th
I'ircK'iiiiK oroioanw, us iwmni nrrtn,
nml lu l h lion ttoelnrtNl hy said nnll
iihiico, HH recoruvo in in uockdi or ciij
Von nr liorchy notlflod Ihal Iho s
HOfoitnont tloclarod hv llto foreifolov or-
dliMiicif Ims hoeii iiiodo mid t"f lion
thcrofur to.torwd In tho clly Hen doakot.
hhii ihhi in anoio i iihh kisi yon ajy
hioh roiiulrod lo iwy tho sflim- to Iht
oily rocordor within ii-ti day from th
norvlco of thl notice, which oryo Ih
ioniIo l,y nulilloalliHi of iho rr-olnK
ordlOHiico and thin nollco Ihroo tliooa In
Iho JHoilford Mali Trllxin. nnrauanl t
nii ordor oflho clly council of aalil clljv
iiir v i sii.rrvii.
'"lt lloooMor
OHDIirACl! MO. tlAI.
An ordlnnnco n Int; tho property
HdjHcent to "Hml honofllod hy v lx
llich iHtornl Mwrr eunMlrui-loil nl.tnt-
Auadoiny nvonilo front Hoildy avenoo lo
tlie alloy hotwoon ICuclld avrnuo mul
lal Mvlii I root. I ho cumt nf conatrttotltof
ilKt iiio nihI proTldlnic tho munni-r of
imrryniK nam anwomHnt-nt into run rferl
nc i uy oi .iieororu iioth onlMln as
Keel Ion I Whoroa. Iho lllv Ciuiki-II
(ltd heretofore provldn hy ordlOMiice for
iiio wrvniK or in owners or iroxrly
Ndjaceni t, HHl hem-mod hy the con
slriirtlon of I he lateral at-Har licrcln
nfter ilfscrllifil to HpiHttr Ixrfiire on Id
council and show cause. If unv. u-hv
said iroM-rty should nol Im hxmnwi! for
ui cooNtructinn or iwlil sewer, and old
fix lime for hearing miy socli i-
irnin, vrincji ninic waa unnn in nenoru.
atice wiih mid orillnatice more than ton
iihvh liefore the lii-ulntilnir of Mil- con.
Ntrucllon of mi Id s-wcr. hoi no prolents
HKalnst NMld construction or HNnosament
of the cot thert-of u made by anyone
unu want sower wuu, oy said council,
oruereii roonirucien
And. Wlirreu. the col of tlio roiiBtriin
lion of said fewer Iihx lieen maile un.1
hrehy Is detcrtnlnod to l the sum of
Now therefore, mild city dotli ordain
biiu oeciare tiuii each iwrrarl or property
duccrlbed below Is adjacent (o and Iw-ne-
flteil by that certain later seWor six
Inchon in Mlze, constructed on Acudomy
avenue front Ite.ldv avenue to tin- ullev
Irt-tween Kuclld avenue and Itoat Main
street, and that the proportften of the
col of mid newer which each of wild
iwrceln of land Hhouhl hear. Imn'il on
tlm benefttn ib-rlveil resH-ctlely by nuld
sevi-rni tracts or land. Is the amuunt
se opimNlte the descrlntlon of each
I reel below, and that each of said i-ir-
ci-is in actually tmneriteil In the amount
t opiolte Its doNcrlptlon below by
i lie consirttctton or Nam aewer. ami thai
until several amounts represont the nro-
IMirtlonal benefits of nall seventl ia reels
from said power And each of said
parcelH Is hereby nitaesseil the amount
net opnoNlte Its doxcrlption below for
the C)iiHtructlou of said sewer. The
tMMe oppeiirlnK alMJVe each description
1-einjt the iiHim- of the owner, or reputed
owrer. of each such lot or parcel
Assessment No. 1. !L J Conroy and
It W Clancy Iot 9. block 2. Conroy
Clancy subdivision. City nf Medford. Ore-
Ron. Frontatre 130 feet on the east
side of Academy avenue, no described
In It , pace 9S6. of Ihe county recorder's
records or Jnckpon county. Oregon. 10
feet, rate per foot. $2 19. amount. 145 00
Axsesument No 2. A C Ilnndall et ill
Lot S. block 1. Conrny-Clnncy subdivision.
City of Medford. On-con. Frontage !9 "2
feet on the west side of Academy ave
nue, nn di Herllx-d In Vol. 71. pace 49S.
of the county recorder's records of Jack-
nop county. Oregon. 59.72 feet: rate per
foot, t: 29: amount. is c.
AoNeKMMenl No. 3. A. C. Handall et nt
- ol ' 'ock 1. Conroy-Clancy NUlnllvlslon
City of Medford, Oregon. Frontuge 50
feet on Ihe wi' side of Academy avenue.
as described In Vol. 75. page 495. of
the county recorders records of Jackson
county. Oregen: so feet, rate er foot,
$2 29. amount. 1111 50
Asenmeiit No 4 A C. Randall el al.
'I.ot 7, block I. Conrny-CUncy mihdlvlslon.
city or Meuronl. tn-con irontace r.u
feet on the west side of Acali-my avenue,
as doecrlbetl In Vol. 75. pnge 195. of the
county recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon. 80 feet; rate per foot,
12 19. amount. $114 50.
,siewmetii ,no ft a. c natulan et ai
Lot . block 1. Conroy-Clnncy aubdlvlslon.
i in or .Menioro. I'regon. rrontage
feet on the vet side of Academy avenue.
hh described In Vol. 78. page 495. of the
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregen: 8,0 feet; rote per foot.
12 29, nmount. 1114 10.
Axen-meiu No. C A. C. Randall et al
I.ot 9, block I. Conroy-Clancy subdivision
Cit of Medford. Oregon. Fronta-e 50
feel on the west side of Academy avenue,
as described In Vol. "5. page 49S. of the
county recorder' records of Jackson
county, Oregen: 80 feet; nito per foot.
(2 29: amount. 1111 50.
AsHessnienl No. 7 A. P. Itnndall et al
l.ot 10. block 1. Ponroy-Clancy Subdl-
vIMo-i. City of Medford. Oregon. Front
age 50 feet on the West Hide of Academy
iivi-uue. as described In Vol. i5, page
495. of the county recorder's records of
.liuKwni oounty, Oregen: bo reel: rate
per foot. 12 29: amount. Ill I 50
Assennmenl No. S A C Randall et al
!.ol II. block 1, Conrov -Clancy nuIhII
VIhIoii. Cllv of Minlford, Oregon. Front
age 00 feet on Ihe west lde of cademy
awmio. aa described in Vol. 78. page
495 of the county recorder's records of
Jackson oounty, Oregen: CO feet; rate
per foot. 12 29: amount. 1137 10
AsM-SNiuctit N 9 A C. Randall el al
Lot 12. block 1. Conroy-Clancy subdi
vision. Clly of Medford. Oregon. Front
age 70 feet on the west side of Academy
.iv ..mi., uu ileMcrllx-d In Vol 75. IMge
495. of Ihe county recorder'a records of
Jackson oounty. Oregon; "o feet: rate
per foot. 12 39. amount, 1160 30.
rtvcllim 2 And It Is hereby ordered
and ordained that the several assess
ments and the liens thereof be entered
In the water main lien docket of mild
oltv, and thak thereupon notice bo given
lo the owners or reputed owners of said
property and that tlio name bo enforced
and collected in the manner provided by
the charter of the city for the collection
of assessments for tho Improvement of
streets tlmrcln . ,
Hectlun J 11 Is further ordered that
tile notlco above provided be published
three timet) in the Dally Mall Tribune
n newatmper published and of general
circulation in Mild city. In tho manner
provided by ordinance No. 280 of said
Ch,. omittance was tmsseu ov
lb., cltv eouiioll of Ilia Cltv of Medford.
Otegon, on tlio 19lh day of Deuuiubex,
1911. by tho following vote;
Merrlok. ac: Watt, aye: Wortmnn.
aye; Kmerlck, aye; Kifort, aye, and Mil
lar. absent.
Allest: t Mayor.
City Recorder.
To tho owner, or roputed owner, of
cacti istrcel of property described In the
foregoing ordinance, us mtmud herein,
and lu tho lion declared by said ordi
nance, as recouled In the docket of city
You aro hereby untitled that tho as
sessment deolated by the foregoing or
dinance has been mude and the Hen
therefor entered In the city lien docket,
mid that the same Is due and you arc
lietcliv refltilred to pay the same to the
city recorder within ten thivs from the
service of thl notice, which service Is
made by publication of UiIh notice and
the foregoing ordinance three times In
the Medforil Mull Tilbune. pursuant to
an order of the cltv council of said city.
City Recorder
An ordinance assessing tho property
adjacent lo and benefited by tlio six
Inch lateral sewer coiiHtructod along
l.tndlev street from Roddy avenue to
Bast Main street, tho cost of constructing
the Maine and piovldlng tio munuor of
carrying suld assessment Into full effect.
The City of Medford doth ordain na
fill lni'u
did hr-rrtnforr- provide hy ordlnnnco for
lh M-rvliiK of the owners of tiroperlv1
ndjaeont to and benefited hy the con-
slriicllon of (he lateral Hwrr Imreln-
after desrrllMul lo spear before mld
eimncii ami snow cause, ir any. wny,
said properly should nol lis assessed for
iho construction of said sewer, and did
fix a lime for hearing' any such pro
tests, which nntiOH wan given in neonrn
anc wiih said onllnnoi more limn ten
ilays befor the beginning of the con
struction of mbl sower, but no protests
against said construction or aiieinent
of the cost thereof was made by anyone
and mid sewer ws, by tend council,
ordered constructed.
Ami. whereas, the cost of the con
struction of mill swer has been mode
and hereby Is determined to Im lbs sum
or II90I 18
Now therefor, said clly doth ordain
'tot deelare lliat each parcel of property
derlhed below Is adjacent to and bene
riled by that certain lateral sewer six
Inches In le, constructed on Dudley
Htreel from Roddy avenue lo Rust Main
troet. and thai the proportion of lbs
cost or mid sower whlen enelt or mid
parrel nt land shoo Id bear, baaed oo
lh benefit derived respectively by said
several Intel nf land. Is the amount set
opposite Ihe description of each parcel
below, and that each of said parcels Is
actually benefited Ih Ihe amount sot
opposite II description lielnw by the
eontriietlon of aald sower, and that said
everal amount represent Ihu propor
tional benefits of said several parcels
front ald sewer And each of said par
cels I hereby Hsoemei) Ihe amount set
oppooft Rs dowrlpllon Im-Iow for Iho
construction of said aewer The namn
appearing above each description being
Iho name r the owner, or reputed owner,
nf each soeh lot or parcel.
Assessment No t W L Black A
parcel of land 190 feet In length. 75 feet
In width, liounded on the norlli by Ib-ildy
avenue and on the east hy Ldndley street.
hh described In 'ol . iwge . of
the county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregen: ISO feel; rate per foot,
IS IC; nmount. 1410.40.
Assemmcnt No. 2 Jackson County
Ilulldlug tc Xtonn association. A parcel
of land 50x152.5 feet situated midway
between Roddy avenue on the north and
Kasl Main street on the south and ex
tending from I.lndley street on the eat
to a 14-foot public alley on the west.
h dcMCrlbcd In Vol. S3, page 39. of
the county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon, having a frontage of 10
feet on the west side of I.lndley street;
80 feet, rate per foot. 12.16: amount,
Aossmnt No 2 W. I Mack. A
IMtrcel of land 25 72x71 feel, bounded
on the aast by I.lndley street ami on Ihe
south by Bast Main street, marked (N)
on the mop of the City of Medford,
Oregon, with a frontage of 2SS 72 feet
on the west side of Llndley street, as
described In Vol. . page . of
the county recorder records of Jackson
county, Oregen: 15 72 feet, rale per foot,
12 I. amount. 1101 IS.
Assessment No. 4 A C Randall et al.
Ut I. Bast Main addition. City of Med
ford, Oregon. Frontage 129.72 feet on
the east able of I.lndley street, as do-scrit-etl
In Vol 75. page 495, of the
county recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon, 29 72 feet, rate per foot.
12 IS. amount. fCl 19
Assessment No 5 A. C. Randall et al.
Lot 19. Bast Main addition. City of
Medford, Oregon. Frontage 50 feet on
the cast side of I.lndley street, as de
scribed lu Vol. 75, page 495. of the
county recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregen: 50 feet, rate per foot,
12.10; amount, 1101.00.
Assessment No. 6 A. C. Randall et al.
Lot 18. Bast Main addition. City of
.Medford. Oregon. Frontage 50 feet on
th cast aide of I.lndley street, as de
scribed In Vol. 75, page 495, of the
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregen: 0 feet, rate per foot,
$2 16. amount. 110S.00.
Assessment No. 7 A. C. Handall et al.
Lot 17, Bust .Main addition. City of
Medford. Oregon Frontage 50 feet on
the east aide of Llndlev street, us de
scribed, In Vol. 75, page 495, of the
county recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon. 50 feet; rate per foot.
12 16; amount, Jius.uv.
Assessment No. i. A- C. Randall et al.
Lot 16. Bast Main addition. City ot
Medford, Oregon. Frontage 80 feet on
the east side of Llndley street, as de
scribed In Vol. 75, page 195. of the
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot.
12 IS, amount. 110S.00.
Assessment No. 9 A. C. Randall et pi.
Lot IS. Bast Main addition. City ot
Medforil. Oregon. Frontage 50 feet on
the east side of Llndley street, as de
scribed In Vol. 75, page 495, of the
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon. 50 feet; rule per foot.
12.16. amount, lios oo.
Assessment .no. to. a. v uanuau ei
al. Lot 14. Bast Main addition. City of
Medford. Orecon. I-rontago 60 feet on
the east side of Llndley street, aa de
scribed in Vol. v... page lo, or me
count v recorders records or JucKson
county, Oregen: 6tv feet; rate per foot.
;.io, amount, i;v.ou
Assessment .No it. . L" iuinuaii ei
at. Lot 13, Bast Main addition. City of
Medford, Oregon. Frontage i0 feel on
the oust side or Llndley street, as de
scribed In Vol. 75. page 495, of the
count v recorders records of JucKson
county, Oregon; 70 foot;; rate per foot.
12 16: amount,
Section 2. And it Is hereby ordered
and ordaloed that tho several assess
moots and the liens thereof be entered
In the water main lien docket of said
city, and that thereupon notice bo given
to the ownera or reputed owners of said
proierty and that the satno be enforced
uml collected In Iho manner provided by
tho charter of the city for the collection
of assetisments for tlio Impiovement of
sticeta therein.
Section 3. It Is further ordered that
the notice above provided bo published
three times In lliu Dally Mall Tribune,
a uewsmiper published and of general
circulation In said city. In the manner
provided by ordinance No. 260 of said
The foregoing ordlnancu was passed by
the clly couuoll of tlm City of Medford.
Oregon, on tho I9tli day of December,
1911, by tho following vete:
Mtrrlck, aye; Watt, aye; AVortman,
ve, Kmoriok, aye, Blfert, uyo, and Mil
lar, absent.
Approvud December 20. 1911.
Attest: Mayor.
Clly Recorder.
To the ownor. or reputed owner, of
each parcel of property described In the
roregoiug ordinance, as nameu inerein
and In the lino declared by said ordin
ance, as recorded in tho uocaei or city
You uro hereby notified that the as
sessment declared by the fotegolug or
dinance has been tnano ami ine lien
therefor entered In the city lieu docket.
and that tho same Is due and you ate
hetuby required to pay Ihe sumo lo tne
clly recorder within ten days from the
nrvlce of this tiotioe. which sorvloe is
made by the publication of this notice
and the foregoing ordlnancu tutee times
tit tlio Medford Mall Tribune, pursuant
to an order of the city council of said
City Recorder.
An nrdinuuco ussesslng the property
adjacent to unit benefited by the six
Inch lateral sewer constructed along al
ley between Main street and Kuclld ao
nue, through block 1. Conroy-Clunoy sub
division, the cost of constructing the
same mid providing the manner of carry
ing said assessment into full effect.
Tho Clly of Medford doth ordain us
Section 1. Whetous, the City Council
did heretofore provide by ordinance for
iho serving of tho owners of property
adjacent to and benefited by the con
struction of. tlio lateral sewer herein
after described to appear before Btild
counoil and show cause. If any. why
said property should not bo assessed for
the construutlon of said sewer, uud did
fix u time for hearing uny such pro
tests, which notice was given lu accord
ance with said ordinance more than ten
days beroro the beginning oc mo con
struction of said sewer, but no molests
against said construction or assessment
of the coat thereof woh made Iiv nnvone
IMiiii ntint pi'itvt im
entered constructed.
and said sower was. by said conn?".
And. wherens. Ills cost of tlio con
Hlruriion of said sewer IntH licon inailn
and hereby is (letarmlnful to bo tlio mtt
of 11.31 02
Now therefore, said clly doth ortkijtt
nnu oecmre mni t-acn pnrcni r property
described below Is ndjitcrnt lo dnd iiciic
moil oy mat certain lateral sower six
Inches In size, constructed on alloy bo
tweett .Main strejt and Buolid avenue,
through block I, Conroy-Clancy sub
division, and that the proportion of Iho
cost of said sewer which each of said
parcels of land should bear, based on
the benefits derived respectively by said
several tracts of land, is Ihe nmount set
opposite II description below by Iho
construction or ald sewer, ond that said
several nmount represent Iho propor
tional benefits of said several tMrcoht
from said sewer. And each of said par
cel l hereby nssessed the amount sot
opposite its (Inscription below for tho
construction of said sewer The nnmn
appearing above enolt description being;
tn name of the owner, or reputed owner,
nf each such lot or parcel.
Asnemment No. 1 H. J. Bdwnrds. Lot
1. bltiek 1. Conroy-Clonoy subdivision,
Clly of Medford, Oregon. Frontagn 50
feet on tlm south sldo of aald nlley, as
described In It. page 955, of tho county
recorder" record of Jackson county.
Oregon, SO feet, ralo por foot, It Id,
amount. 174 00.
Assessment No. 2. Anna L. Tanner
Lot 2, block 1. Conroy-Clnnoy subdivision,
City of Medforil. Oregon. Frontagn B0
foot on the south stile of ssld nlley, uh
described In It., nuge 951, of the county
recorder's records of Jackson county,
Oregen: 60 feet; rato per fool, II 4R,
nmount, $71.00.
Assessment No. 3. Vf D. Kdwnrtlit,
I.nt 3, block 1, Conroy-Clnncy subdivision.
City of Medford. Oregon. Frontage 50
feet on the south side nf snld alley, nn
described In It., pnge 953, of tlm county
recorder's records of Jackson county,
Oregen: So feet; ralo per foot, f I 43;
amount, 174 00
Assessment No. 4. Tt. J. Conroy'nnd
It. V Clancy Lot 4, block I, Conroy
Clnncy subdivision. City of Medford.
Oregon. Frontage 60 feet on tho south
side of said nlley. as described In It,
page 95, of the county recorder'a record
of Jackson county, Oregen: 50 fcot, rato
per foot. 11 48; amount. 171.00.
Assessment No. 5. -It. J. Conroy and
It. V Clancy I.ol S. block 1. Conroy
Clancy subdivision. City of .Medford. Ore
gon. Frontage SO feet on the south sldo
of said nlley, as described In It., pa
956, of the county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregen: 50 feet; rate
per foot, 11 48. amount. 171.00.
Assessment No. R J. Conroy and
It. V Clancy. Lot 6,' block 1. Conroy
Clarrcy subdivision. City or Medford. Ore
gon. Frontage 50 feet on the south slil-
of said alley, as described In It-, pa go
956, of the county recorders' records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 60 feet, rate
per foot, 11.48: amount. 174.00.
Avsessment No. 7 R. J Conroy and
R W Clancy. Lot 7. block 1. Conroy
Clancy subdivision. City of Medford. Ore
gon. Frontage 50 feet on the south sldo
of said alley, as described In 11.. pa go
9S. of tho county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregen: 50 feet, rato
per foot. $1 18. nmount. $71.00.
Assessment No. 8 It. J. Conroy and
R V. Clancy. Lot S. block I. Conroy
Clancy subdivision. City of Medford, Ore
gon. Frontage 60 feet nn the south sldo
of said alley, as described tn R, pago
986, of the county recorder's records of
Jackson county. Oregen: 60 feet; rath
per foot, II 4S: amount, $71.00.
Assessment No. 9 R J. Conroy and
R W. Clancy. Lot 9, block 1. Conrojv
Clancy subdivision, City of Medford. Ore
gon. Frontage 45.68 feet on the south
side of said alley, as described In R.
page- 951. of the county recorder's records
of Jackson county. Oregon; 46 58 feet,
rate per foot. $1.48: amount, $67 46,
Assessment No. 10. R J. Conroy and
R W Clancy Lot 10, block 1, Conroy
Clancy subdivision. City of Medford. Ore
gon. Frontage 45.58 feet on the north
side of said alley, as described In R.
page 956, of tho county recorder's records
of Jackson county. Oregon; 45.58 feet,
rale per foot. $1 48; amount, 167 46.
Assessment No. J 1 R J. Conroy and
R V Clancy. Lot 11. block 1. Conroy.
Clancy subdivision. C'ity.of Medford, Ore
gon. Frontage 50 feet on the north sldo
of said alley, as described In R. pago
956. of the county recorder's record of
Jackson county. Oregen: CO feet, rato
per foot. $1.48. amount. $71.00.
Assessment No. 12. R J. Conroy nnd
R VT. Clancy. Lot 12. block 1, Conroy
Clancy subdivision. City of Medford, Ore
gon. Frontago 60 feet on tho north sldo
of said alley, as described In R pago
966. or tne county recorders records or
Jackson county, Oregen: 60 feet, rato
per foot, $1.4S; nmount. $71.00.
Assessment No. 13. R J. Conroy and
R W Clancy. Lot 13. block 1. Conroy-
Clnncy subdivision. City of Medford. Ore
gon. Frontage 60 feet on the north sldo
of said alley, as described In R. pago
956. of the county recorder'a records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rata
per foot. $1 4S. amount. $74.00.
Assessment No. 14. It. J. Conroy and
R W. Clancy Lot 14, block 1, Corroy
Clancy subdivision. City of Medford, Ore
gon. Frontage SO feet on tlio north sidu
of said alley, as described In R, page
956. of tho county recorder's records of
Jackson county. Oregon; CO feet; mtu
per foot. $1.48; amount. $74.00.
Assessment No. 15. -It. J. Conroy nnd
R v. Clancy. Lot 15. block 1. Conroy
Clancy subdivision. City of Medford, Ore
gon. Frontage 50 feot on the north sldo
of said alley, iih described In R, pago
956. of the county recorder'a records nf
Jackson county, Oregen: 50 feet; rato
per foot. SSI. IS: nmount, $71 00.
Assessment No. 16. It. J. Conroy tyid
R W. Clancy. Lot 16, block 1, Conroy
Clancy subdivision, Clly of Medford, Ore
gon. Frontage SO feet on tho north sldo
of said alley, us described In It., pago
966. of the county recorder'a records of
Jackson county, Oregon. 50 feot, rato
per foot. $1.48: umount. $74.00,
Assessment No. 17. It. J. Conroy and
It. V. Clunuy. Lot 17, block 1. Con.oy
Clnncy subdivision. City of Medford, Ore
gon. Frontage 30 feut on tho north sldo
of said ulloy. as described In R, pago
956. of the county recorder's records of
Jackson county. Oregon. SO feet; rato
per foot. $1 48, amount, $74 00.
Assessment No. 18. R. J. Conroy and
R. W. Clancy. Lot 18, block 1. Conroy
Clancy subdivision, City of Medford, Ore
gnn. Frontage 50 feet on tho north sldo
of said alley, as described in it., page
956, of the county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon; SO feet, rato
per foot, $t IS. umount, $71.00.
Section 2 And It Is hereby ordered
and ordained that the several assess
ments und the Hens thereof be entered
in the water main lien ducket of said
city, and I hut thereupon notice bo given
to the ownera or reputed owners of Hald
property and that the satno bo enforced
and collected In the manner provided by
the cluirtsr of the city for tho collection
of assessments for tho Improvement of
streets therein.
Section 3 It Is further ordored that
the notice above provided bo published
three times lu the Dally Mall Tribune,
u newspaper published uud of general
circulation lu said city, lu tho manner
provided by ordinance No. 260 nf suld
The foregoing ordinance was passed by
Iho clly council of tha City of Medford,
Oregon, on the 19lh day of Decomber,
1911. by tlio following vete:
Merrick, nye: Watt, uyo; Wortmnn.
aye; Kmerlck, aye; Klfert, uyc. nnd Mil
lur, absent.
Approved uccemuor .u. aiu,
w If C.l Vl"
At lest: Mayor.
City Recorder.
To the owner, or reputed ownor. of
each parcel of property described In Iho
foregoing prdlnuuce, us named therein
unit In the Hun declared by said ordin
ance, hh recorded In tlio docket Of city
Yoit are hereby notified that tho as
sessment deolured by the foregoing or
dinance lias been made nnd tha lien
therefor entered In tlm city lien docket,
and that the same Ih due anil you uro
hereby reiiulred to pay Hie same tn the
city recorder within ten days, from U
service of this notice, which service la
made by tho publication of this notlco
and Ihe foregoing ordinance three Hints
In the Medford Mull Tribune, pursuant
to an order or the city council or mini
City Recorder.