'Ci2 ...non ViialCTlaal KMttg ty Ha'l - Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Coltl, cloudy. Max., in? Mitt., I!-.!; Itol. Hum., 8. Unlly ftlxth Your. l'ortylplrt Vrnr. MEDFORD, OWIWON, Tlll'KHDAY, JANlTAKr 'I,. 1912. No. 245, rra GOVERNOR JOHNSON TURNS DOWN REQUISITION FOR THE RETURN TO MEDFORD OF MRS. ADAMS ,iy 4 HOLD MATTER IS ONE TOR THE CIVIL COURTS Constable Sliilrr Forded to Return Empty Hnmtcil Owing to Action of the Chief Exrcutlvc of California This Moriilnn. CHILD WILL REMAIN WITH MOTHER FOR TIME BEING To Recover Custody Paul Hansen Must Qrliifi Suit In the Civil Courts. SACKA.MIiNTO. Cl, Jim. !. Oovnrnur .Itilitimui today turned down II H'uUllHI friMH till' )OV'lllor cil' Oroiioil for tint roturn to .Medfnnl of .Mm. .1. II. Ailnina. tMinrKml with child stwiliiig. It U alleged lluil Mr. Admit, whom divorced IiiipJuiiiiI, Paul llntiNon or .Madford. recently Mi'ciiifil k iimiliflcHliiui of tliti tlci'ice n until -iiitr llinir rliilil In tin mother, minuted tlin ytunKlt'r from Oi 1011 ( her lii'tv Ihhmh In SmiiIh Komi, Oil., nli- WqMeilt o lite HMirl tlllill" OoM'tllOl .IiiIiiimmi IhiMh lliHt it in h matter fur I'lvil pmrmlurt. Tlil fiimiiie lluil Constable Singler, vrluMifln SWrvunntito, muni return In .Mciirnnl empty handed uihI Hint Hansen iini-1 bring Mint in the iii' court in iiiiIit In secure eilMmlv ol tin ilninjiti r In tli iiicnntiiitc Hit' rliilil mil priiluilih it in mi in Suii'a Kna with her mother. PROTEST HOOK State Railroad Commission Would Dislike to Sec Justice Hook of Kansas Elevated to the Supreme Bench. HAI.K.M, Oro., Jan. I. AnsortliiK thai JiiNtlro Hook of ICiiumiik would liu it ilaiiKiiouH mail to ho placoil on tlio Uultinl BtatOH Hiipnimo lionoh lio (Hiiihu lio Iiiih nil umly iliichluil uilvorno ly on railroad rnto ivihoh, nlmllar to thoHo now luifoio tlm uuproiiio ooiui (if Oiu(;i)ii ami hovuu othor HtntuH. thu lallroad uoiumluMnu of Oiokoii Iiiim (orwanluil tolcKraphlo protuHtM UMaliiNt Honlt'H appoltitiiiunt to Unl t (ml Hlaturi Httimlor Iloiinui ot Ore- Kn. Thu tuluKnint nxiiumtfl llourno to oppoMu HooIs'h iioiulnatloii an uhho (iliitu JiiiIro Mhoulil I'lOHlilimt Tuft mco fit to ui)liut him on thu KroumlN that thu Hlatu'H appualH oiikIiI to hu puHHiid on by n JiuIku who had not HlriMidy ri'iuluroil an ndvorso iIihsIhIoii on practlrally thu himiio (iioHttonu. lOLOREL TEODY LIKE A SPHYNX OYHTI0U HAY, N. Y .lau. I. -Miilntnlnhu; hlu Hphyiu uttltudu In riiKiinl to tlio pioHliloutlal nominal Ion Colouul ilooHovolt today flatly ro fimod to talk polltlCH. 1h uourutary aiiiioiint'oil that thu fonuur pruul iltint would not k to IiIh officii In Now York and uIho that ho would inuko no Hlutuiuout ioiui1Iiik tho political Hltuatlon until hu wiih toady to do ho. TIiIh ho addud would not ho Hooii) If at all. llellovliiK Hint tlioio wiih a poHsl lilllly of tho Htatuiuout roinliiK today, tho u pii'Hldcnt'H lioluo lioro wad ) ulotsod hj ii'porloiB, FROM OREGON BULLDOG ATTACKS E TO THE PAVEMENT Cimlne h linmcilliilcly AhimIciI, (Jlvrii Hearing mill Stiilriiicil ! pi'iilli uum- .Miiiiiiin. A furious liull ten lor, titling ld Ntyln football tattles, thht morning uttarltml ami tliiow (urn or thu heavy f M r 1 1 1 hoi huh being driven by W. It. Uunb mi Knnt Main ntrvot. A largo nnuil naw tlu iIiik run under tin limin. miIo (hid liomn by thu leg ami ilrnK It to tin pavement. When thl watt done Hid dug traiutforieil hi grip, in tlm hot he'd none, cloned It yiHt am) Iiiiiik ii after tlio manner (lint Km iiiiuoittors havii iiiiulo provor lilal. Tlio hnrao, crn'xod with pain, ittrup Kind to Km font ami loiwetl Its head ami roared IiIkIi In tlio air trying In vain to Mlmko off tlio pcntlxtoiil iti. In a fww second tlio utreot at Main ami Hart lute wa blocked with peo ple) ami Home or Hid tnoro venture iHiimi ipilutctil tlio homo while other prlml th dog Jaw loose. '1'liu hon.ii wan hailly Injured. An officer, who hail helped In freeing thu horse, nrretcd tlio now frolicsome dog, lurked It under hl arm ami iiiarchtl him to Jail. Judge Canon guvo Mr. Hull Pup n abort lint solemn hearing anil tlio prisoner being unalilo to offor any- thliiK In hU favor a death iteiim(ui1jni; liu,n nru ..urm.mjy rt.,,,u.tcd wiyi piiimvl. In the ciniilnii happy liiintliiK KrotiiulH Hi" dot; In now chimlnK auythlni; It IIKon ami thu owner, Hurry DiivIm, 1m motirnliiK thv Iodm of n Mtlualilo nnltnal. 0, IDOL OF THE NAVY IE Monster Request Is Made to Family to Have Body of Dead Hero Llo In State End Came As a Shock to Entire Country. WASHINGTON', I). , Jan. I. With an entile nation in mourning oer the death of Itcar Admiral Hob lev I). Kvuus, "Fighting Ho!)," tele grams of condolence from every part of the ctnlixcd world today aro delug ing the members of his family. The popularity of tho dead nnvitl oflleer was shown today when the uiixy department, high naval nfliccm ami "hluejackots" united in a mon ster reipiest to tho family to allow the bodv to lie in state so that they might havo a last look ut tho man who piloted tho great American bat tleships fleet around the Horn to Sail Francisco on its world girdling cruise. The navy tleparliuciil will havo complete chargo of tho funeral ur raugeinonls. These will bo without pomp, ns tho dead oflleer would hnvo desired, but nevertheless impressive. President Tnft and othor government oflloials havo announced their inten tion to attend the obsciiuios, Cadets from tho naval academy at Anniip rcontlnuod on I5auo"Two.) ROBLEY EliS sunn WHO IS YOUR CHOICE FOR PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE? Mark cross between number and name oi' candidate Jtcpublicau. 1 ( ) AVilliiun Howard Tnft. li ( ) Kobert M. La Kollutto. l ( ) Theodore Roosevelt. y' Deinoerai. , , 4 t ( ) Woodrow AVilson. 5 ( ) tTudson Harmon. .' (5 ( ) Ohamp Olavk. -i, 7 ( ) William .1'. Bryan. Cut out and mail to IMail Tribune, Name- , Address EXHIBIT AT CONGRESS TO OE GOOD ONE Committee Plans to Have an Exhibit Far Superior to Any Yet Displayed In Southern Orejjon Will Awaken Interest. 6000 FEET OF FLOOR SPACE DEVOTED TO IT Prospectors Pick Made of Wood In Shape of Walklnp. Stick Will Be Souvenir. Tin' I'ommittco in liarK! of tlio iniiu'rnl I'xltiliit wliirli will hu cI'ik playitil Imru ilurinj; llu' voiivuutfon of thu Soiithurn Orison iiml Kortlioni California .MmiiiK concri'SH on Kriduy ami Satiirilay, l-Vlirwiry ti and .'I, hnvo umli'rtnki'ii and will imiku it far mi-i lienor to uuytliiiiu' of its kind cvt-r lu'ld in lh' hluti' of OriK)ti. H U tlii'ir ilfhiru that no dint riot in Houtli itii On'Ktui or uortliurti Culifoniitt fail to 1 rttirt)M'iitutl. Tho inhibit will ha vt it fur rcacliiut; effect :u htiiuulatint; the iiiiuiutr interest of IIiiiki- tiortiniiH uf the Iwn Mtnteri. All to xeiiil their collcetioiin of nnnernlt at mi eitrlv dato m tlm ifhtuit tifay It.c pniperly iilaCeil in ,11m X'.xliihitiiiii rnoiii. He htire ami mark your sam li" plainly. iinj; the iiiiiue of the properly. llit'Noea(iou of Mime mill the iiamt) of the coiuler. Fully (1000 feet of floor space will lie devoted to the mineral exhibit, which will be the InteHt mid uioxt itiixihinu' in tho hi tory of ininiiii.' in thin portion of tho Wl'ht. A novel MMivenir of the eourenh will be h prospectors pick innde if wood in the shape of u walking stick or cane. Tho whole of the pick prop er will he covered with pdd leaf while the handle or stick will bo painted black and highly varnished. At IliM Klniioc one would naturally suppose that it was u beautiful cold headed cane, hut .upon closer inspection it will be found to represent a pros. peelinir pick. Across tho uold head tho word Medford will bo beautifully painted. A number of iiuiiuie and in- IcreMiiu: surprises are in store for those who attend the i'oiuro8. First IMill.lt In. Thu lllne l.edt;e district is tho tltrit to send in an exhibit consisting of over '2000 pounds of enppor ores. An other very Inrjjo exhibit will bo from (ho Tolo clav bods. This will show tho evolution from the raw material to tho high class of luunufaet tired inducts. An uutomubilu linn pro poses to illustrate in an olaborato niniinor tho rapid advances that havo heen uiado in tho matter of vehicles since tho discovery of uohl in 18."1 to tho present day, kIidwuik the Hrst vehicles used in tho transportation of ores and supplies ami tho latest typo us well. Several manufnotiirors of inininj machinery will come to tho front with tho latest improvements in thoir re spective lines. It is anticipated that tho display of nold uiiKfjuts this year will put all others in tlio shade, as tho commit - ten has been assured that thoro will ho a very largo display from all over tho count rv. y. 4 . r-sh. WVaJBc l ,3?5v - - - -.f. , -' ALL IS E T Early Decision Is Expected As Time Is of Importance Other Counties Are Watchlnq the Matter Closely and Will Fellow Lead of Jackson. SALEM, Oro., Jan. 4. Attorneys In tho suit brought to tost tho val idity of Jackson county's bond Issue of ?l,r00.000 for tho purposo of building good roads, argued tho mat tor boforo tho supreme court here today at some leiiRth. An oarly de cision In tho mutter is expected. A groat deal of Interest centers In tlio suit for If the appeal from tho lowor court, which sustained tho ac tion of tlio county of Jackson in holding an olcctioa for thu purposo of voting a bond Issuo under a con stitutional amendment, Is sustained many other counties In the state will follow tho Itjnd ot Jackson county and call similar elections for tho Im provement of highways, A, li, Hemnos appeared for tho county of Jnckson and O. L. Heamos and I'ortor J. Neff for tho appellant. Ed M. Androw8, a taxpayer who s-oks to onjoln tho county court from Issuing tho bonds on tho ground that tho constitutional amendment Is Inoperative until such tlino ns tho legislating passes an enabling net. Whllo no nuuouiiremeiit was liuulo It Is believed that tho supremo court will render an oarly decision, Inas much us the county wishes to dls poso of tho bond Issuo In tlmo to se cure funds for tho building ot ioiuIb early In tho spring. MAN WHO CAME TO OREGON IN 1847 DEAD RAM3M, Ore, Jan. t.- II. S. Jorv, who enmo to Oregon ns n boy in 18l7i ilU'il (his morning, HOD ARGUED SU MECOUR "SEPARATE AND DISTINCT.". E IN SEAHCH OF Mystery Surroundinrj Disappearance of Sergeant Oliver Impenetrable Captain Newman Is Here on Trail of the Soldier. For tho purKise of making n thor ough in Obligation of the mysterious disappearance of Frederick A. Oliver, a sorgoant of tho United States tinny, Captain Newman of Vancouver lias arrived in Medford to eo-oporato witli local authorities. Captain Newman arrived in Medford Wednesday morn ing and spent the day endeavoring to pick up tho trail of tho missing man, and today is at Hutto Falls investi gating. Sergeant Oliver disappeared in No vember, llo was on a leave of ab sence and spent some tune m the timber near Hutto Falls hunting, ao eompnnied for n time by a soldier friend and Chief of Polioo llittson. llittsou left camp and returned to Medford, promising to look him up again in this city. Later Olivor left his friend in camp to buy supplies and stated that ho might also visit Medford. llo boarded tho train at Hutto Fulls and since then bus dropped from sight. When he cottlil not bo found his fneud oaiiio to Med ford and later went to Yaneoilver, where ho repoilod tho matter. Tho theory that Oliver deserted from the army is not teutiblo. llo had oor .'r'JOO at Vancouver duo him, which ho left. Captain Novviniui stato that Oliver had ro-enlisted in August and could havo purchased his release from tho army for $110, so it is un reasonable to believe that ho would havo dosorted, ohnneing a prison term and leaving $170. Tho missing man has boon in tho service since tho Spanish-Atuoiioau war and has a splendid record. Captain Newiunii ia of tho opinion that Oliver was oithor foully dealt GUT HE MSI MN V f-h. Z. HEitU.n. SHES HANDS GASOLINE, THEN LIGHTS CIGARETTE Peter Politz, Employed in Quarry Above Jacksonville, Is Badly Burned in Accident May Lose Use of His Hands. Because ho washed his hands in gasoline and humedintelv afterwards lighted a oigaretto, Peter Politz, a ipiarrymuu employed above Jackson ville, is today in a doctor's care, his arms and face badly burned. At least two months will clapso before he will recover and then it may be that the he will loso the use of at least one of his hands, as tlio flesh from tho elbow down was burned to bhreds. Politz had just completed his work in tho nutirry and was cleaning up. lie washed his hands and forearms in gasoline in order to cleanse them. Then ho rolled a oigaretto and ap plied a match. In an instant his body was wrapped in a mass of flumes. Fellow workmen extinguished the flames and summoned a physician. Two Freeze to Death, PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Jan. 4. Edwin Tallinn and Ueorgo Seibert were frozen to death hero early to day. They wore lost in a blizzard. Morgan Buys Pictures. NKW YCUJk". Jnn. 4. According to a statement ublishod hero today, J. P. Morgan has bought for $1,01)0, 000 another great assetnblago of art from M. Uoorges Iloentschel, tho l'Vonoh collector. with or lost his mind. Tho lattor theory is plausible, inasmuch ns Oliver's niothor and sister havo each lost their mind and nro confined in tho stnto asylum in Colorado. Absolutely nothing has boon learned of tho man's whereabouts sinco ho left Hutto Falls fr Medford. Ho may havo booii in Medford two or thrco days, hut this fact is not known. SAYS TREATIES PART OF PLAN TO INVOLVE O.S. Senator ' Hitchcock Charges That There Is a' Laraty FundJ Behind Caprpa'ifjn to Secure Adoption of Arbitration Treaties. WOULD INVOLVE UNCLE SAM IN ENGLAND'S FOREIGN POLICY Hitchcock Quotes From Speech of Sir Edward Grey, British Foreign Minister. WASHINGTON. D. C, Jnn. 4. That the Taft arbitration treaties nro a direct attempt t lead tho United States into an entanglement with England was the statement here to day of Senator Hitchcock of Nebrus kn. Speaking before the Semite, Hitchcock declared that he firmly be lieved that there is a fund behind the campaign to secure the adoption of the treaties. ( "To place the full power of inter pretation of a treaty in tho hands of a commission," Hitchcock de ulnred, "is tho trap in the treaty. It is a device to. permit an alliance, which, in my opitinTn, nutePinevlfulIfy lead to the entanglement llf the Unit ed States in 'England's foreign pol icy." Hitchcock (iio ted. from thg, speech of Sir Edward Grey,-. the -UrUij'Jr for eign minister, delivered jn tl4Wiso of commons, in which 5jr -dwurhys quoted as saying that he-believed tho" arbitration treaty "probfiiX woufd ' lead England, and tho United"' Stnlo to follow it with an agreement to join with each other in any caso in which one nation hnd a quarrel with a third power by which arbitration was re fused." Referring directly to Sir Edward's speech, Senator Hitchcock said: "It is hard to escape tho conclu sion that tho Hritish foreign minister referred to Germany and it is easy to see why, in such conditions, that England would desire to follow tho pending treaty with an agreement by which America would join in Eng land's quarrel if Germany should re fuse to arbitrate." Continuing, "Hitchcock fluid that even if the treaty did not cause an alliance, that it would ijievitably pro mote controversies, encourage claims and eituso diplomatic arrangements through which American interests would likelv suffer. T STRIKE MAY END At Least Two Weeks Will Be Neces sary for Back Work Comproffll3B Meeting Is Being Held Today in New York. NEW YORK, Jan. 4. Even if tho big laundry workers' Htriko ia sottled at a eomproiuiso meeting being hold between tho representatives of tho laundries and their striking employes today, it is believed that it will bo ut least two weeks before tho mountains of back work nre Unished. While tho greater part of tho pops- lntiou of tho metropolis is hopeful tiiat an adjustment of tho difficulties will bo reached today, thoro Booms to bo little probability that such will h tlio enso. Strikers aro stilt deter mined to win their doomnds for short or hours, increased pay and bottoi and oloauer working conditions. That tho owners will submit to all their dw mauds is improbable. I ho city is thrcatonod with another siego by labor that is indienflvo of conditions almost as hnd as tlioo which accompanied tho utriki) of h lKnr""Ke collectors rcoflnllj, GREA LAUNDRY