PXGE SIX MD-pOttD MATL TRTBFNT5. OTDF0TID, OKKCION. WEDNESDAY. .TAtfTTATCY a, 1012. ! It! t !' i I ' DEEP SNOW IS REPORTED IN HILLS He) wis roreiWMl from the outlmji tlislrirts todnv nro to the effect that a heavy frill of miow litis boon ev jivricurpil in Hie ItilK Hullo Vas re ports li inehox, while. oor two feci or miow lies on (he groutul nl Vet ille, rotimling In "-ome degree the work on Ihe Crnter Lake rtmd. Attractions at the Medford Theatre GERTRUDE DALLAS IN "THE GAMBLERS" AT THE OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY EVENING. i RANGERS LEAVE 10 WORK NOW A pnrlv of five rnnjrers left Wed' nesdnv Hioniinir for Ijodcjenole, nhove Unite Fnlls, where thev will spend the winter eriiiMiijr timber in the forest resene. Thev were nil equipped for deep snow work. Supervisor Erickson plnn to have the timber on the Untie Creek water sdied nil cruised hv bprin?. WHISLER TO MEET GAYLORD IN DEBATE 0. E. Whiter of this city will ar range for ii joint debate with State Senator Oaylord of Wisconsin uon the arrival of Mr. Gaylord in Med ford this afternoon. Tho subject for debate will be "Woman's Suffrage," and the date will be Friday night. Mr. Gaylord will talk for woman's suffrage and Mr. Whisler ngaitibt it. The place of meeting will be decided upon this afternoon. MADAME HER! GETS HER DIVORCE MANN'S Clearance Sale Ccntrnl Ave., Near P. O. Ends Saturday night. Three days more of unexcelled Bargain giving. The balance of our Winter Mer chandise AT AND BELOW COST "The Gamblers," will be the attrac tion at Medford theater Janunrv .". This admirably constructed and elab orately produced drama bv Charlo Klein recorded the longest run of any plav produced in New York lit rea son, remaining at Maxims Elliott the ater for over 200 performRiices. PARIS, Jan. .1. Linn Cavaleri, the famous hingcr, was today granted a divorce from Robert Chuuler, the New York millionaire clubman. Chnuled did not oppose tho suit. HasUIns for health. BUY DARBY PROPERTY IN ORDER TO OPEN ST. tendon of the council at its next meeting. READY TO WEAR SNAPS Women's Winter Suits made of .splendid materials. Real 15 values. Sale price , Women's Tailored Suits, all good styles and eolors, up to $35 values: Sale price , Women's Heavy "Winter Coats, good colors and styles, real values 12.50. Sale price , "Women's Double. Faced Winter Coals, -5 values onlv a few left. Stile lrke Pefef 18.9 6.9 $14.98 WINTER UNDERWEAR CHEAP Hoys and Girls' Heavy Klceced Vests, Pants and Drawers, to lie closed out at this sale, each 25c AVoinen's.lIeavv "Fleeced Lined Vests and Pants special, in this sale at, each 25e Women's Heavy Union Suits, all sizes, worth 75c 4Q sale price, a suit 0 Women's Heavy Fleeced Union Suits worth Qftf 1.25, very special, a suit VO Women's Wool Union Suits in white or gray, sale price, a suit $1.48 A committee of property owner-, eonsitiiij of Messrs. O'Gara, Street and Voreis, has purchased the Darby property on Eleventh street and will deed the -same to the cilv in order to sccprc the opening of Knifj street The matter will be brought lo the at- Seattle Appraisals Several Medford people havo employed us to appraise Seattlo real estate. Such appraisal Is usually worth more than It costs. Ira J. Dodge of Medford was formerly connected with this of fice. Other Seattlo and Medford references on request. It. KIlSKINi: .V: COMPANY L'OO New York lllk., Scutllo (Charter Member Seattlo Heal Es tate Assn ) Best Dress Prints, sale price, a yard 5 Petticoats made of good satine, 1.50 grade.. ..98 Our regular ISc huck low els, each 10 OUTING ' Flannel, good, heavy JOe grade, a yard op I Good Apron Gingham Sale price, a yard . .. (1$ WAISTS .Made of good percale, 1 quality 59 BEDSPREADS Good 1.25 grade, sale price each 9S SHEETING iiG inch unbleached sheet ing, 8c grade, a yard 6 BEST OILCLOTH Sale price, a yard 19 SILK iWessaline, 75c grade, a yard 18tf BLANKETS All of our 1.25 Cotton Blankets, a pair .. ..9S ' SHEETS 72xf)0 Ideached, 00c grade each .....1S GOOD BLEACHED Muslin, a yard Gi SERGE Our regular (10c grade, sale price, a yard 48$ COMFORTERS All of our 2 Comforters, sale price, pair ... . ijl.(H PILLOW SLIPS '12 and -15 inch bleached, very special, each ,. 32', 8 -. Vftt f Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y T CLEANING UP 3 xV L JH Of Suits and Overcoats AT EXACTLY HALF PRICE Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y C 1 1 I I 1 MkhJ5wii Co f v We have completed our inventory, and in order to reduce our stock we make these remarkably low prices 150 SUITS Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y i Ranging in prices from $12.50 to $35.00, regular sizes from 31 to 46; also longs, stouts A and long stouts 4. I '1 Qd At Exactly Half Price 35 Overcoats ; Regular sizes from 33 to 46 ' ' : At Exactly Half Price Boys' Knickerbocker suits and overcoats at 25 per cent discount Qolo CJrW-1 r fcl-i Sale Begins Today and Odlt: KJiriCliy aoll ends January 6th MODEL CLOTHING COMPANY Y Y f Y Y Y 4r Y Y T Y Y Y' Y Y I "4ffc ! M W , . V ' , ,t &M$jMtt Tfc