Either the L A CHILD AN KKK0UT A FWi u kON'msPoirvr ovtm3 aXa. mmy anl got to m SS'Sfe ixvwii "ttira uiirn f, vi jrij kiii . i :n. l""r" Zlg& vf x. -vr"g.l n '.r i i rv.ak. y 1- i'"-' L 1 ! . ENGINEER FILES i Makes Several Recommendations to thu City Council Rcoarillnn Futuro Work in tlto City Shows How $58p,000 Was Expended. r HIV KilHt'r AniiiiK'r lllnl Ii!k nnttUHl imii( with I tit ditv I'lMinml ThimmIav ('iiiiiK wlili'h nuicwK iho work uf Dm hh ynr, km prwloiialy mIiIImIiiiiI in Tin' Mail Tnliiiiii', kIiuu JlHC Hll wspi-iiilitunt oT fAHIMIOII for Iih yiwr, Tlio I'ltpiinciT iilmi uiiiki lIlH folllVilllC rUlM)UIH'ln)lltiollN: i AiIihiihI() iiiuiiiih o inf-crvo cnxi iKtttrltiv rtHMinli fnun (lttnifli(iu by iliu or Imrxlnry. IUiI tor nyatuiii of ttlrent itlumiini;. Tint wtt'i'lion of proper p"t nK. TIim 1iiiliimtioii of onliiiHiuitw ib.il (n work f ilic imiiiiimiriiiK ilupuil intMit roulil In' I'xtiKiilml intiru itxpuili liiiily. Tint ntHHiiiiiiK "T mIioi'Im Hint liuvtt Illicit iliiiillmili'il. (JruiKi'lii'ii of (tut fiytmit of Imiiso iiiinibitriiii,'. willi n view to makiiii; the gtniii! uniroriii. ' COURT HOUSE NEWS Hnl lXulo TniiKtrrm. lolm IIiiiiiiiiikIoii lo Korlliern Hirrv t'oinpuii, Ml acri'K lit t. :ih, w ?-i:: 0. K. I'mIiiiit to It. I.. ShIiiii, IhuiI IhikI in T. :il,MW ., 1 'A. S. Wlillmty to .Mnillm A. - Ilrmiilon, lot II, lilk.7-1, .MihI. jW I; Jiuml fr iloop. ...... .001) Jl, It. AiiilnrKiHi o IMkh'i- N'. CMiupbnll, limit lit Smi. fl, T, 7. tV , 1,0011 lfclll.nl KtiiltiM to (Imirxi) V. Mil Xuilit, II) lion in T. Jill, JV; paluiil. It. I'. W vim! to Liiwim U. Wyant, wnlur Huiit in T. ,IK, 1 W. A. Oowloy lo A. W, Moon, ' pnipoity in Contrnl I'oinU.., .1, .1. tflmtjlN to OIJH II, Sltjwiml, -Villi H.rim in St!. 8, T. M, llligiii' ItiviM- Vnlli'Y ()nliarlM To. (o I'. .1. Wnllnrc. Iiiml in T. tlji, IK; iifcrooiiioiit, J0Ki Kivnr Vnllov Oivluinl Co. lo I'. .1. Wulltii, Iiiml in T. :ih, ii; iixrimiiunit. 1). I''. lUtiiMoii lo llarryll. Tiillli", JJI0 iKiniH in T. JIB, a' .1. M. Onlpoppiir lo Irvlujr Town Siinil, propinly in lilK fift, MimU ftinl Jaok'Moii County Httililini;. iiml Loan nwioiijuliini, moiiIIj lialC lots 1 anil I, lilk II, Sniiiiyyiilo mid., Moilfonl 10 10 10 10 1'ri'ilmick l''riili'Kiir lo Alviu I. lliiirow, 10 acrim in Scit. ;i(l, T. 7. aw -1,000 'Alviu 1, Harrow lo .Innum A. Ilolliwiill, lainl in See. IKS T. :i7, aw Unilt'il BtaloH to .liunoM UhwUiik. 10 iitirtw In SiMt. a I, t.4w, ai paluiit. Q. it C. I)v. Co. lo Anna 11. Nuokolln,ia IIOIH8 in T, TiH, IK Ituyiu) lUvor Vitlliiy Ornliard t'o. to Anna II, NnckollH, lainl in T. !I8, I K 10 10 10 MniTlnip) Llt'CiiNert. John CoflttK nutl Kiiriitutl Miu'Kiirol Pyoily. 1, Drown nnil Klliol .Ioiioh. Edwin Monro uiul Liumitlu afiirio KUu'iiiin, '"Cliu'tiiuio llullnin mill 1'Yuiiuuh OIu Pillfri. lrolNiu Qautt. 1 .T'alalo , J, HliuKoriiiau; orilitr puiiltt to iiioiIkiiko real properly, HVW C.atjej;. Hello Niokoll vs. V), I), jMinjpy mid .Violor I1), Itouo; it)(iou In ejeolment. AIML EP L; IfiiHklUH for lioalth. r-r - Book Lied or (OH,PiN(l,J KNOW TIJP X'VO UifUVrQb MftNDGOMQIHUHts OK. "YGK.. J XL CO R.VGKV fKi'r ANL GOT To rt, notici:. Aflur tliln lnl I will not bit ro bIkmihIIiIo for any iIuIiIh liiciirrjl by Mnry i:, Jomtfl. , 'iH I). V. JONKS. f)lli:(J( IHUiTAUItANT CIiIiiokh rt'Mtuiirunt. AIro Ainorl can kitchen. Kverytlilni; flrnt clnn, ' cnon hik iioo.iioh h,i ovorytiiiiujon A,",,r,,n" ,,,n l,'",!q' ,arK" l'w' (Pnlil Ailvitrtlsotnonti.) I'Olt CITV Tlti:AHUIti:it. Ifinnrniicli tin Loo L. J n rob a lina (IocIIiiimI to hkiiIh rut) (or city IriuiH urer I hereby otfor mysolf m n. in' tllilata tor thsit ofllco nt tlui city Pl'Ttlon to bo bold In January. UUH BAJIUKL8. Vi)H COUNCILMAN 1'IIOM TDK 'IlllitD WAltD I boroby nnaoiiaco iiiynolf n n cntulldulo for coutifllinnn from tlio Third wnrd at Ilio comlni; city oloc Hon. J. T. BUMM12IIVILLD. candiiuti: rim "couNoir. .MAN rit().M Bi:CX)N WAHI) I buruby nunonnco mysolf an n cnndldnto for councilman from Sec ond ward at tho coming nloctlon to bo bold January 0th, 1912, In tbol city of Mcdford. P. B. WYNKOOP. CANUIDATK TO COUNCILMAN MOM I-'lltHT WAHI) I norouy aunuunco mysoir no a candidate for councllnmn from tho Klrsl ward at tho contlna olootlon to liiu iiuiii .jtiiiuiiiy uiii, xva, iu voti l. t.lkl.l TH....I.H.. t1 l l .!. L. O. POIITHR. I'Olt COUNC1UIAX KIIOH THU I-'IILST WAUU I hereby nnnounco myiolf aa a cnndldalu tor councilman from tho Flrnt ward at tho comlni; city oloc Hon. J. V, MITOIH3LL. CAND1DATU I-'Olt COUNCILMAN Kito.M Tin: huconi) WAitn WborcnH Councilman Wortmnn of tho Second ward has decided to ro (Iro 1 liuroby announco niyeolf as a cnndldnto to tucccod Mr. Wortman In tho city council of tho city of Mod ford, Oro nt tho comlni; oloo tlon to bo hold In said city on Jan uary 8th, 1012, EDWARD C. IRELAND. . - . . , LOST LOST Small black grip between Watldns and Jacksonville Doc. 23. Reward iiffoied. Return to Nunan'a store, .laoiisnnvillo, ore. 24 4 LOST Pair long brown itauntlels, on Oakdale or Main. Return to this office. 245 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN $1200 on Im proved city or milch property nt 8 por cent, Addroki Rex f5, Trib une. 240 TO LOAN $3000 Improved ranch property. Van Dyko Realty Co., 102 W. Main. 215 l'Olt RENT HOUHEKICICPINO ROOMS -a- FOR RIJNT Now npd up to dnto apartment suodorn In ovory partic ular, gna cooking, Htcnin heat, eto, Smlth'H apartment houso, 217 So. Rlvorsldo, FOU RENT- Thrpo rp(in Bulto of iioiiKoKoepini; rooms, 222 south Holly. FURNISHED APARTMENTS THE IIERIIION, Cor. tjulnco und W. Main, furnished apartments, pri vate baths, heat, ovory convonleuco nil iiiuv. l'Olt RUNT- -FlJUNjIRHUD ItQOMR FOR HUNT- At tho Cottage, fur- TTi n shed room it with or without , board. Our rooms nro modern, Hot anil cold running wafer, heat and private telephouo In each room. 'I'rli'os reasonable. ' 0Q1 W. 10th u trout. Mrs. II. Mt'Cogg, 2G5 IJOOMS 50c and up, Ilotol Mooro. SrjPClnl rtOB by Y90k or month, ROOMS COo and up. Ilotol Mooro. Special rates by woel: or month. ROOMS nop und up. Ilotol Mooro. ppoeini rates ty woon or luoiiiu,. - FOR RENT An tipHtnlru bodroom. with light, boat und bath couuofl tlona. ' Phono BG01 ot' 7171. 217 r ftrTCIWORD MAHi TRTBTTNT3. Mutt Has Lost s ftto.' I'LUWMy. J1o HlfA 'VO ( MO wH(,'(i mi (Mh'T LPOKNf, I'UU SUVA R.14HT OM VMI2 HOlfiV aSlnra 'tit vs.. Anh V' IVMnrL' ui,.. OIKvO. ,r mm v- -- l'Olt HUNT IIOUHIvH KOit HENT-Kiirnluhod C room hnuKit about January Int. Innulro 518 ICIiik tU.or 712 1 lib t. Wi-hI, KOIt KENT 8 room Iioiiho, 0th and llartlolt nt. 227 Kuut Clb nt. II. u. Liiuifldon. FOR RENT and 3 room Iioiiho, $7 and M n snonth, 222 H. Con tral avo. 2G7 KOIt RENT- 0 room cnttiiKo at 22C Kouth Central avo. Impilru of A Duff, 332 Eant JarltHou nt. 110 FOR RHNT tflx room modern fur- iiIhIhmI boiiKit, at !0.'l Park avo., (22.50. Inquire 520 South Ivy. 210 I'OK RENT OITICIM FOR RENT Over tho jtoatofflcc, with boat and light. Boo A. A. Davli. lOlt RUNT MIKCULLANUOUH FOR LEASE Fully equipped placdr and (pinrtz initio. Gold Ray Real ty Co. FOR HUNT Lartco and email ranch es. Cold Ray Realty Co. FOR HALE OR HUNT VOR RENT OR SALE First cIohs Ijarilt'ti and fruit tract with houao, barn and chicken park. M. A. Railur. Medford, Oro. l'Olt HALP. ltOUKlvS FOR BALK OR RENT 5 room houno and 2 lota on paved Htrcot. Mcd ford, n bar train; terms. D. II. Bturtovaut, Central Point, Oro. 355 FOll SALE ColtnRo clono In, chonp, any tonus. Innulro Stuart ICnlpp at Medford HtiBlnenfl coIIoko. 248 FOR KALE A room houno, Kood lo cation, wntur In yard, newer In ntreet, itiunt bo Hold thin wcok, I4B0, Van Dyke Realty Co., 102 W. Main. 245 FOR SALE New G room modern buiiRnlow clono It, bullt-lu buffet, cottier, ncroou porch, paneled llvlnc and dining room; lot 52x120 f(.; p $2000, kochI lerniB. Van Dyke Realty Co.. 102 W. Main at. 245 l'Olt SALIC ACRUAOU FOU SALE 1 Mi acres with new 4 room house, lumber In houno cost $250; four, ml Ion out; all clear. Ideal clilckeh ranch, for limited time $500. Address H. E. 11.. Tribune. Home phono 285L. FOR SALE An improved ton aero rftrm: c acros in 20-yenr-old or obard, all kinds of fruit and ber ries; largo cherry treos that simply bftat tho world lu quantity and quality, together with n feo simple title to ten nrroa of clams and bathing beach In front; all kinds of rlnms lu unlimited quantum. 1500 ft. from Urownsvlllo P. O., on tegular Hues of boats from Se attle, one hour's run; 3 miles from Hremertou navy yard. First class plank road from houso lo wharf. Faro from Seattle to plnco for tho pant year has been 5c, novc& moro tliaii Jbc. sirt'cmi rates tor bciiooi 'children. Will exchange for Med ford proporty or Hoguo river val ley land. Apply to Jackson County Realty Co., 217 Oarnott-Corpy bid. 2GG FOR SALE iLurgo nnil small tracts of laud to suit. Special good buy III a 900 nrro trapt close to good tovn and shipping point. Wrlto or call on us. 317 (lurtM'tt-Cproy bid, Medford, Oregon. Jagksou County Realty Co. 2CG FOR SALELAND FOR SALIC Aero and flvo ncro tracts adjoining Medford on long tlino, easy payments, or might ox chnngo. Gold Ray Realty Co., 101 Eloctrlo bldg. FOR SALIC $0 aero 'chicken ranch and gardon spot. Mining ground T on it, O, A. Goodcn, Ruch, Oro 218 FOR SALE Nlco llttlo homo Jn Moonvlllo, SaiiiH. vnlloy, Oro., con sisting ot good u room nouso, largo barn and clilclcon houso, good well of water and about 7 acres ot land, half In alfalfa. Fine for n chicken ranch, Prlco $1700 if sntd botwoon now nutl Jan, 15, 1912. Address Mr. M. E. Gardner Sums Vulloy P. Q., Oregon. $48 FOR SALE Flno gnrdon and chick on much proposition Instdo city limits, Tho vory host of soil, and oasy ncceaa to city wator, Ovor nn ncro ot ground, as tho tract con talun bIx big lotu, Prltjo only $1200 and good terms. GEO. O. CORNITIUS. M, 0031. Home 543-R. 210 W, Mftlu St, ,24G arrcPFOTrD, 01? (WON, WEDNESDAY, ,TANTT;"RY .', His Punch Hlrw v IXlt 8ALI-LAND FOR SALE OR TRADK--1C0 ncrea of mighty Reed land, located on two Reed county roadn. In tho Snmit valley country, all lovol land fenci'd ami crosB fenced. Eatiy ao cona tt water, and a flno property for alfalfa. I'rleo $50 per aero, and will consider exchanglnK for Improved prpperty In Medford, OUO. C. COUNITIUS, M. C031. Home 313-R. 210 W. Main St. 245 FOR SALE Two cuotl oaBt front Iota on S. Newtown nt. Thono jnunt be nolil, or tboy would not have been priced so low. I'rleo $200 a lot, half canlt, bal. eaay. OUO. C. COUNITIUS, M. C031. Home 343-R. 213 W. Main St. 245 FOR HAL1-120 acrea of mighty iiood land, only a tullo and a bait from a good town. Thcro Is ap proximately 00 nerea of tho very bent fruit laud, and enough timber on tblH plnco to more than pay for It. Hal. is flno for stock purposes. Good roads and easy access to wa ter. Price $18.50 per aero, and If you are Interested .enough, will t;Ivo good terms. GEO. C. COUNITIUS, M. C031. Home 343-R, 219 W. Main" St. 240 FOU SALE 240 acres Reed alfalfa or orchard land, 1C0 acros cleared, bal. easily cleared. In Sams valley, all fenced, houso and barn; $50 por acre, tormB. Van I)ko Realty Co., 102 W. Main. 2I5 ORCHARD LANDS FOR SALE I1Y OWNER You com Mnu thu advnntages-ot a city and a splendid orchard Investment In buying cither of tho following or chards, located within ono half inllo of Medferd: 15 aero tract, 14 acres In 3 and 4 year old poors, 1 aero alfalfa. 10 aero tract, C nrroa In 7 year old Newtown ap ples, 4 acres ono year old pears. These aro very cholco tracts with Kood deep soil. For further par ticulars address P. O. box 110, Medford, Ore. 24C FOR 8A1,U OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 aero truck farms Mi mllo from Medford. W. II. Evorhard, 909 W. 9th. Phono CC71. FOR SALE OR TRADE 8 acros oreok bottom land, new 5 room modprn bungalow, good, outbuild ings, Joining good town, $G5G0. Van Dykn Realty Co., 102 W. Main. 245 TOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR 8ALK 4 03-R-2. Sow and pigs. Pacific 240 FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow with holfer calf, from roglstorod stock. A bargain. Phono Roll 500-R-2. 249 FOR SALE About 30" chickens and Incubator at n bargain. Address llox 10, caro Mall Tribune. 215 FOR SALE Cheap, ono 24 h. p. 2 cyllndor auto. Call Valley Auto. 245 FOR SALE 30 n. p. roadstor like now, a bargain. Call 110 South Hnrtlctt Ht. 245 FOR SALE Cheap. Whlto Streak, Sco Jack Noff, Crator Lake Gar tlgo. 244 FOR SALE French Jack Noff, Crator bull puppies. Lake Garago. 244 FOR SALE Oak, plno nnd fir wood. Corner of Nowiown and Sovonth. Phono G041 Main. A. B. Tull. 252 FOR SALE Cordwood, oak and hardwood, $5 per cord In carload lotB. Gold Ray Roalty Co., 2 IS West Main, Phono 1873. FOR SALIC Ilotol business, good op portunity. Best of roasonB for soll tug. Inquire Ilotol Dunlnp, Cen tral Point; Oro. WRITE, for our list of bargains In now and Bllghtly usod pianos. Used pianos from $125 up. Organs from $25 up. S. Mltcholl, Ellors Music Houso, W. Main st., Med ford, Oro. (f FOR SALE Single comb Whlto Log borns; CryBtnl Whlto Orpingtons. Mating Hat now ready and sont on voquoat. Ordor hatching eggs or baby chicks, early ub thoro Is auro to bo a heavy domand for our stock this season. Aro booking ordora now, Havo a fow Orpington Cockorols for salo. Mrs. 10. E, Oman, Jacksonville, Oro. FQU SALE. Wo nro hooking ordora for puyo brqd, Diu'Qe-Jorsoy plgB, from' January Utters, giro, King flplilon. Grand Champion Orogon Stato Fair, ID 11. Pleasant Valley Furiu, WoodvlUo, Oro. roc- ,-jl I . 3s asp rr f v v v .(V . v i S"- "yr v iSf j xu-y tcvtt1 y vgiceoo aou l'Olt SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Incubators. 1 havo se cured tho agency for "Old Trusty," best made. Klghtcon hundred In uso In county where manufactured. Havo known M. M. Jqhnson. tho Inventor, twenty years. If Inter ested In an Incubator address mo at Medford, Oro., or phono Roll 039-J-C. C. W. Potter. 203 FOR liXCHANOi: WILL UXCHANOB $10,000 worth of M til ford city property for clear arronBO. H. V. Iienson, owner, Palms RooniB. 245 FOR EXCHANGE City property, lots, acre tracts and ranches to oxchnnRO for othor proporty Gold Ray Realty Co., 101 Electric bldg. FOR KXCHANGE a six room bouso and two lots oloso lu located in Everett, Wash. Addross S. P. JlOjie, Phoenix. Ore. 247 EXCHANGE Good Incomo vacant and farms in and near Chicago for property here. Addross Uox IS, caro Mall Tribune. 247 EXCHANGE For hqtno In Medford sixteen acres good soil, soven acres lit. fruit, balance to grain; ono mile from depot nt Ashland; nicely lo cated. Humphrey, S15 Medford, HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Man and wife experi enced In cooking lunches and meals. Must bo reliable. Address U., caro Mall Tribune. WANTED Salesman to nld us sup ply tho brisk demand for our goods; somo vacant territory yet In every stato west of tfio Missis sippi. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Oregon. 2C1 WANTED Salesmen for exclusive territory; big opportunities; no ex pcrienco necessary; complete line Yakima Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock; cash week ly; outfit free-. Toppenlsh Nursery Co., Toppenlsh. Wash. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Situation by practical orchnrdlst, understands putting In npplos. Irrigation, pruning and cul tivating. Long experience. Mar ried, no children. J. D. Hale, Box 7S, Kootenai, Idaho. 244 WANTED Position as housekeeper by refined Christian woman. Ad dross P. O. box 25. 24G WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Second hand wood saw, right hand preforred. 400 South Fir. Modern Fuel Co. 244 WANTED Horses to feed. For fur ther particulars wrlto Phil Lpoaley Tolo, Oregon. 251 WANTED You can't help but mako money soiling our guarautood-to-glVo-satisfactlon stock; freo outfit; oash-'Veolcly: oxcluslvo torritory. Yakima Velloy Nursery Co., Top penlsh, Washington. WANTED Loan ot $17G0 at 10 por cont for ono year on security of $4000 value. Addross B. C, care Mail Tribune. WANTED From ono to four thou sand gallon galvanized Iron tank. 1021 W. 10th or phono Bell 539-J-G, 247 WANTED Two good work horses and threo pairs ot flno orchard mules. Phono 9351 Main. WANTED A gontloman of 32 would llko board and room with a quiet, plain private family, closo In If possible. Addross Box l, caro Mall Tribune N 244 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Assjtj or mid Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays mado for gold, sil ver, lead, coppor and othor minor nls. Mines nnd mining prospects Biirvoyod, assayod and mining maps nnd reports mado thoroon by com petent mining nssnyers and engi neers at reasonablo tonus. Capital socured for dovoloplug mines nnd mining prospects. All mlno own ors aro earnestly requested to send Bnmplea ot their 0103 for exhibi tion purposes, and send tull de scription of tholr mining proporty. Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, Gth and Fir sts. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER Architects and Bujlddrs. Office 7-8, 325 Main; phono Mala 3471; rosldonco phono 744. Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INC. Medford offlco. phonos Main 2511, Homa 356, Jacksou vlllo phones, l'acltlo, MiUu 11, Home H00G. ypinw'"'fw-'" HUSINHHS DIRECTORY Accountant SPECIAL, attention given to audit ing. Preparing balance sheets, cost sheets, profit and loss state ments. Also statements prepared for receivership and the courts. William L. Noel), Room 101 Elec tric bldg. Phone 1873 Main. D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited, and kept tor a reasonablo figure; your business solicited. Office Medford Mail Trib une' bldg; pbone GG11; residence phone G302. Attorneys C. U REAMBS, LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building1, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2 Postottlco bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Corey bldg. Garaett- MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MULr KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY RopniH 11 .and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. B. F. 'PIATT LAWYER Land Tltlo Examiner. 320 Garnett-Coroy Bldg. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nice, cool place to spend the not afternoons. Rill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Cigars and Toliacco IRELAND & ANTLE Smokehouse, j Dealers la tobacco, cigars andt smokers' supplies. Exclusive agent or Lewis Single Binder. El Morlto nnd El Paloncla. 212 W. Main st. Civil Knglnccr LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Wator filings nnd Irrigation work a spoclalty; aur voys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting. Bower design, concroto work, pump and canal systems. Rooms 1-3 Adklns blk., Medford, Oregon. Clilroprnctors DR. R. J, LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massago giyon; advice In tllo totles, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phono Home 1GS-K. Chiropractors DR. ELIZABETH BROOKE. Chiro practor, nervo specialist. Tho causo of disoaso located and re moved; ntlvico In dlototics; baths that euro tho "Incurable." Rooms, 247 So. Rivera tile. Phono Home S4-R. Hours 1 to 4. 226 Chinese Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chlneso medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds ot chronic and nervous aliments. Stomach troublo, constipation. Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Seo mo nt 241 S. Front st., Medford, Oro., to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Resldouco phono Main 42, Furniture H. K. WILSON & CO. Dealers in now nnd second-hand turnlturo and hardware Agents for Household stoves nnd ranges. 38 S. Fir St. Phono Main 3161, Home 3U5-L. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts Medford. Mission turnlturo mado to ordor. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial ordor solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF CopkBtoves and Ranges. Now and second-hand furniture. Bads' old stand, IS Fir at. a. Phouo Ul, Home 283-K Medford. Granite Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Oco; W. Prlddy, O. D. Nnglo. Gop. T. O'Brlon Contractors and manu facturers of brlok; doalora in pressod brick nnd Unto, Offlco at tllolr brick yard, West Jackson at. Phono No, 34G1. Dentists J. M. KEENE, D. D. S.; A, J, lUNf KER, D. D. 8. Dentists, 228 la. Main. ' Phono Main 3101, Honie 124-K. 1012. i'w'"wf PAOE TWA By "Bud" Fisher BUSINESS DIRECTORY Garbago MEDFORD OARBAGE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Lcavo ordora at 29 S. Bartlett, or phono Rodney Taylor, Pacific 3432, llvmo 10-X. Medical. RHEUMATISM CURB Call for BJuo Steel Linlmont at alt drug1 stores. Guaranteed to euro. Guaranteed pure. Guaranteed under pure food and drugs act. Price $2.00 a bot tle. Manufactured by Mr. Charles Turner, Blue Steel Liniment pro prietor and inventor. Gen, Del. (Liniment factory 107 North Front st., Medford, Ore.) 258 Printers ntatl rubrisIiTK VEDFORD PRINTING CO. naa tho best equipped Job office In southern Oregon; book binding, Iooeo leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc. PotU land prices. 27 N. Fir at. Notary I'ubllc HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic. Bring your work to too at tho sign of Tho Mall Tribune. Nurseries MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE Cut flowers, pottei plants, shrubbery, bulbs. 923 E. Main. Phono 3741, QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out Wo ore not In tho trust. H. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entrance next to barbor shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growprs of hlgh-grado nursery stock. Office 104 S. Fir. Both phones. Plitlclaas and Surgeons DR. M. C. BARBER Physician and Surgeon. Rooms 403-4 Medford Furniture and Hardwaro bldg. Res idence 1303 W. Main st. Offlco hours, lo a. m. to 4 p. m. Tel. 101. DRS. CONROY &n CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phipps hldg., rooms 210-311-212. Office phono 501, residence phone G12. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Phono Main 035L DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist. Offlco In Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas admlnlstored for extraction of teeth. Telophono Main 681. Night phone 4432. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offlco Garntt-Corey bide, rooms 211-212, phono 5501; real donco 307 S. Oakdale, phono 7171, DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, Practice limited to dlsoasoa of wom en. Offices over Hasklna drug store. Phonos, Pacific 1001, Homa 28. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOQ Dentists aarnott-Coroy bldg., suite 318, Mpd ford, Oregon. Both Phonos. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practlco llmltd to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eea scien tifically tested and glasses supplied, Offlco 216 E. Main at., ovor Med ford Hardwaro company. Houra, 8:30 a. in. to 8 p. in. Both phones. DRS. SAUNDERS & GREEN Prap tlco limited to eye, car, noso nnd throat. Offlco, sulto 318 Garnott Coroy bldg. Both, phonos. E, B. PlCKEL, M. D. Qffico Jack boh County Bank. Offlco phono M. 432; Ros. phono. M. 582. Stenographers ELLA II. GUANYAW Palm block, stenographic work dono quickly and well. MISS L. J. KINGSTON Public SteH- ographor, Medford. Ore. Phoney Office. Pacific 6571; residence, Pa ciflo 5083. Room, 218 Oarnett Coroy bldg. 4 T- Trunsfof EAD.S BROS. Dray nnd Transfer, 0fIco 10 South Fr,' Phono Roll 3152; Home 35P-K. Prices right. Sorvlgo gunrautoqd. MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY-.. Parcols 10o, 16c, 25o; trunkB 3Co anywhoro In tho city. Offlco Val loy Second Hand Btoro, 10 N. Fir nt. Phones; Muln 3Q72; Home 354, Messongor aervlco. Fr3d Crockdf, 'P . J -.-. - i I.M"gtliW