: 5 I i Pxm "mw EDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN IND5W;N1JRNT NISWftPAPKIt IUHUHlini KVKKY AKT1SIINOON KXOKI'T SUNDAY, HY TllH MBDFOKD I'lUNTlNQ CO. Tho ndmocrnllc TlmcK, Tlin Mcdfonl Mull. Tlio Mrdfonl Tribune, Tho Souih cm OrcKonlnn, Tlio Anlilnml Tribune. Offlco Mnlt Tribune Hullulnp. 26-57-I9 North Kir Home 75. street.; phono. Main SOU; GROUCH: PUTNAM, lMltor nn.l Manager Kntfi-ocl no urcond-clnas matter nt Medford. Oreiion. under tho net of Mnrclt 3. 1879. t MAYOR'S REPORT FILED. (Continued from Pnpo Ono.1 pnry by tlio fact that Ihc improve ment bonds ismictl by the city benr intorest pnynble semUannunlly, while lbo interest which is paid by tho property owners on tlio unpaid por tion of their Assessments, on aeoount of which the bonds nro issued, arc re quired to pay interest only nnnunllv. The result is that nt the end of sis months nfter tho issuance of thee improvement bonds when the ftrt scmi-nnuunl interest installment falls ilno there nro no funds realised from tho assessments to pav this interest and it must be ndvaneed by the eitv from its Renernl fund'' iu order to maintain and nrcscrve the ereilit of the city. This will require the moneys collected on about 2 mills of the tux levy, leaving only 5 mills of the pres ent levy nvnilnbhj for general city purposes. Small Tax Levy for Medfonl. "When it is remembered that the city of Ashland has levied 21 mill for city purposes for the coming year; the city of Klamath Falls, 37 mills, 5 mills for the city of Medfonl seems a very small provision for carrying on tho ruuning expenses of tho city for tho next 12 months, but with a continuance of the co-operation and harmonious working of the council and the mayor and of the enrnest efforts of nil to economize wherever possible, the city of Med fonl will bo nbjc to meet from this 5 mills all of tho expenses of tho city and to preserve unimpaired the high credit which tho city enjoys, both At homo and abroad. "With tho rapid growth of the city it is becoming daily more urgent that greater enre bo taken to provide against conflagration. Better Flro Protection. "I therefore strongly recommend that early steps bo taken to prepare and enact n sufficient building ordi nance, and I also recommend on this occasion that tho chief of tho fire de partment to paid a salary and that all of his time be devoted to the city I would suggest that the work of building inspector and of looking after enforcement of the provisions of the building ordinances might be imposed upon him and in tjiis way the salary of one man be saved. "In viewof the fact that experts employed by tho city have jnt com pleted nu exhaustive, detailed report of tho Qnaucial condition of the city and of tho receipts and disburse ments of the city for the past two yenrs and four mouths, which re port is presented to the council at this time, I deem it unnecessary to burden this report with 'figuros or htatislics which would unnecessarily be a mero repetition of the figures given in the report of tho cximrtlt. Asks Addition to Present City Hall. "In conclusion, I would recom mend that immediate steps be taken to build mi addition to tho present city hnll on the vacant lot adjoining it on the south. "The resent quarters of tlio cits tire inadequate and the city lias been compelled to rent quarters elsewhere for its engineering department. The present quarters of the eitv jail arc Bo small ns to render it impossible to make at times decent provision for city prisoners. The city owns the vacant lot which not only servos no useful purpose, but is more or lew of an eyesore, being, as jt is, in close proximity to and in full viow of the jmssenger depot of the Southern Pa cific company. "Moreover, at tho present time a lurse number of our citizens in the Jiuilding trades nro unemployed and 1 deem it n time propitious for erect ing a substantial uddilion to the city's building. "No provision has been made in the present tax levy for the purpose, and in case it would decide to build it would bo necessary to borrow the funds. I call tho attention of tho council to thib matter and trust tint it will be given careful consideration mid all phases of the matter can vassed and gone over. "Kespectfiilly, "W. JI. CANON, Mayor," i - C. A. POE For your Repairing of Plumbing and Pump work. Colls iiiMnlled nnd guaranteed to givo hiitihfaction. Kbtimutes given on Water Sup ply Systems and l'tumliing. No joh too firmUl or largo, ALL WORK POSITIVELY GUAR ANTEED. No, 24 Fir Street South. Pacific 3702, A REAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. MEDFOUD is to he omigratulutoil upon having had such a husiness like and eMit-ionl city administra tion as that oxnorionccd under Mayor Canon and tho present city council. The mayor's annual report indicates a most healthy condition, financially and otherwise. At no time in the city's history have affairs heen conducted more harmoniously and satisfactorily than during the past vear. It is no small achievement to have spent almost $2,000,000 without a hreath of scandal. Contrast with neighboring cities shows that Mod ford, while spending far larger sums for public improvement, is in much better shape and with a smaller tax levy than any of them. In many of tho other towns city warrants are at a discount and' city employes have not been paid for months. , The levy for the ensuing year is W2 mills, which in clades one mill for a new Bear creek bridge, one mill for trunk sewers, and two and a hair mills for sinking fund and interest purposes, leaving o mills for operation. Ashland has levied 21 mills for city purposes this year, Klamath Falls 37 mills, while Grants Pass 1ms city war rants outstanding amounting to $81,000 due to levying too smalt a "tax. That Medford should have so comparatively small a levy, and its credit ho at par despite a heavy bond ed indebtedness, is a high tribute to the ability of the present administration. It is a matter of public regret that three of the pres ent councilinen, Messrs. Merrick. AVorttuan and lOifert, retire this year and refuse to again be candidates. They comprised the original water committee, and the present gravity water system was selected and constructed under their supervision. Jt, more than any one thing, is re sponsible for the city's prosperous and healthy condition today. They have served the city faithfully and well for the past four years and leave a community deeply in debted to them for their unselfish labors. Too great care cannot be exercised in the selection of their successors. They should be men who will devote as much time to the city as the retiring couneilmen have, broad-minded, liberal men who will not take a partisan ori factional view of public matters, who will not be phono-1 graphs of a clique, or blind instruments ot factions, but who will act at all times for the best interests of the com munity as they see it. WHO'S YOUR TTETITII this issue, The Mail V to determine who the favor at the present time for Republicans and democrats are both asked to mark their preferences, clip out tlio rp, -r.,:i rp..:i...,.n ee;.n Mnrked ballots will lo received un to Pridav even in er. January 12, and the result will paper, Januaury 13. - - - Of course straw votes do afford a way to obtain a correct estimate of public opinion There is Gniy OstQ 'Bpoma Thmt is Laxative Bromo Quininm USCO THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Always remember the full name. Look Jto f)f for this signature on every box. 25c. f$ JwjnrTb We Have Moved Tho J. T. Broadley flower Btore la now In tho M. F, & II. store, across tho street from former location. Choico lots of cut flpwers, bulbs, ferns, palms, etc., al ways on hand. J. T. BROADLEY PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATEB HBATINa AH Work Guarantee Prices Iteasonabla M Howard IJIock, E&trac on Oth Street. Coffeen & Price Pacific 8031 Hoin S40 Medford Theatre, Friday, Jan. 5th THE AUTHORS PRODUCING CO. , (JOHN CORT, President) ANNOUNCES pf If 1 1 1 I jIli BV CI1AR.LES KLEIAI A0THOR 0(?uTHE MUSJC MASTLR'rTHELIOM ..AND THL M0U5E. -UTHE(THIRD.DE.GRE.,W LTC, sKSSdcsvt PAUL EVERTON DIRECT FROM 200 NIQHTS IN NEW YORK CITY. Seats at Haskins', $1.50, $1.00, 50c. meitooto maYl trtbttsttc, mkdpord, otjiwot, 1 1 FAVORITE? Tribune starts a plebiscite; voters ot Jackson county presidential nominees. ballot and mail or bring to - - - be announced in Saturday's, not mean anything but thev " ." Qumin' Mount Tamalpais Military Academy SAX KAFAKfc, AVICST K.VI), CAL1I An accredited IIlRh School, Qrammar Classes. Junior School soparato. Only Western School having Cavalry and Mounted Artlllory. Open-air Gymna sium. Opon-nir SwiuimliiK Peel. United Statofl Army Officer detailed as btiiierlntcndout. rscxt lorm no- rIiio January 8th, 1912, AUTJIUU CItOSIIV, A. M., D.O. Head Master. Valley Second Hand Store Iluys nnd Soils Second Hand Goods, Copper, Urais, Rubber, etc. M. J. PILCIIKR, Prop. IS North 1'lr Home 331 null 3072 Not many bonrders will find unnd veiliscd lumrding plain's iu this city this week. llnsUIns for health. Best for Asthma, Ca tarrh, Bronchitis W hy need iiuyeiie suffer from any tin oat or nose troubles when nootli lug, heallmj HYOMIH Is guaranteed tn Imnlsh all tuiscn or money back. "Tlio undersigned herowlth recom mends I1YOMICI to all who are af fllctud with asthma, catarrh, or uion uhlttrt. 11YOMKI wan uuod by my wife for lirunehltlti and asthuui and I U8ed H for bronchitis and noro thront. It has kIvou relief and pormunonl results and 1 write thoao few Hues for the turnout of all who aro af flicted with tho ailments named above," Theouoio Uoehlnn, Traffic MHimnor of tho Concordia Publish ing House, Cor. Jefferson Ave. and Miami St., Concordia, Kas , Jan. 2d, 1111. Cans. Strang and druttKlrita everywhere sell Ujoiuel. A complete outfit Including Inhaler costs $1 00. Kxtra bottles it needed 00 cents. Just brent ho It. 1912 CATALOG FREE AND BUILD IT FOB LESS MONEY Buy (he tnBhwxIc d-'rrd from out big factory (or one-Oiifd to lull of tat you vyould pay )ouf locl dcltr. V pjKMlt our own mill tod ea ruwmJmj ewy piete we mLe lo be wttl-inaJe ml of choxrft Libwdricsl lumber. 0. B. WILLIAMS' SASH find DOOMS 5-lunrl doom 15 mm. 51.30. Gifumsn bunjiW doori, $1.60. Bucjalow lrci. doors, $5 and $6. Imxla tnm, 10 pci. lo a ict. 80c 2 W. wl! Anrtmlr fa mL t4 or. W(ulwcubj w V, nny longer trj'lnt; to rend without glasses. Go this very duy to Dr. Rickert and have jour oyeij;ht properly corrected. Jlanv wimo people in Uicm; purlH eliiim ho Ik the hent iu that line.' Oiilco ov KentncrV, Sfcdford. X r T t t T T. Ti t f 'mailed &&& alm-t KLJ U ri i mmm iimii ' 1 &'& ! h JI " l'- ' A ROGUELANDS IRRIGATED TRACTS EMERSON HOUGH, in the Saturday Evening Post says: The adVant.age lies with the invest or who goes in under a big and scien tifically conducted company. T i. f T T. T T I f f' T T T f. wkiwrrimy, .tanuaky HIS TROUBLE NOT OF HEART Real Pacts In Regard To F. R. Huffman's Illness. Relief Ob taincd By Curing His Stomach Ailments. Vnyncsvlllc,Ni"& Mr. P. K. Itiittmnn, ot this city, snys : "I sultctcd drcndtully with what I thought was heart trouble, and tried various medicines In vain. Alter other remedies had tailed, Thcd ford's Hlack-DratiRht restored me to health. I would not (eel safe without mack-Draught hi the house. I consider it worth Its weight In gotd. It cured my Indigestion, nnd by Ibis means I was restored to health. I can hot express my gratitude forllsbencllts." Qood health depends on the condition of your digestion. Poor digestion and good health do not go together. Thedford's niack-l)rnught will thoroughly cleanse and set In order your digestive system. It has done this for others, during tho past 70 years, nnd Is today the most popular vegetable liver remedy on tho market. Try It. Insist on Thedford's. Price 25c. Attention Dairymen nnd Stockmen Just received n cor of rtKintorod nnd Kmdo llotstoln cnttlo. Thuy woro tho lunrtRtiKu llfti'ts ot tho Ohio Western llcnurvo ninl o.ui do it hero. All from tho noted DoKol Htraln, Imported' from Holland, Host herd wont o( tho Cnncadeu. Prlcou nro rlt;ht Phono 732, party It-1 or vlMt our much on Uokh Utno, TICKNOK .'ft OOOMlTl.i: IF YOU OWN A LOT We will build you a home on monthly payments. MEDFORD REALTY AND IM PROVEMENT COMPANY M. F. and H. Co. Building New Year s Cards Calendars Diaries All the week Medford Book Store - ROGUELANDS, Inc. FRED N. CUMMING9, Manager . , iota. Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency I 'Oil HA I Kl at) ncvon, 1 1 Ut ereu iihuitod, Home 10 jetiiH old. U'J nerort irt lduutod to ponrfl, uluinleit, etc. 10 ueroH, 7 neieit tiyour-oldH, U, nnd a your W. 7 loom Iiuiimo, 11800. I room hoiiBO, vino and horrlon, $1100. 5 loom hotine, JOHO. thahh 1 mire huI to treua. C luom hmiHO, soll Imp. U room lioimo, nnlduot ldtchen, modem, trmlo for unimproved land, MISOHIiIiANKOUH Now Uudorwood typowiller mid tlno delc (or tuilo tit u lmr,;nln. Kurntihod Iioukoh for rent. Vacant Iioiuoit In nil pnrtii ot tho city for rent. l.lnt your property with un. K.MPI.OV.MKNTr Womnu to cook on n riuuth. Ulrln for noneral houneworlc, E. P. A. BITTNER ROOM 7, PALM BLOCK Opposite Nash Hotol l'hiino lltl( Home, It. 'rr.rn.ii Js This Abstract Ooin lniiy With Its Litro V a p i t a 1 and PorlVet lMiint and Jiccoi'ds Be hind Your Titlo? Or hnvo you a mnkushltt no stractT Ono which. It ou were to Itmo money iMoniiMo of a nerloiiH omiiwloii) luu no re sponidhlllty bnel; of It? Abstracts That Are Absolutely Reliable - hacked hy rnpltal mid com plete caulpmoiit tliut'u tho Itlud of nlmtrartiiiK wu do. A flaw In your tillo (which mlKlit not ho xhown In a poor nhntrnct) inlRht moan tho Iosh of a prodtahlo imlo It ihIrIiI oven moan tho loss ot your property. Jackson County Abstract Company Corner fltti anil I'lr H. North Mull Trlliuno Hide Medford, Oregon 4v T T ? T ? T T T v f T ? T T T t y T T t T T ? ? T f f T T t T t I V i tn mttn j WHKRIi TO GO I TONIGHT fiAVOY THEATRE Under ttow Mmisoiiiii Irlrl ltrni, I.IuikiimI MoIIiiii J'lnturra, CliMiu lllmw, t'lHirlixiiin 'I'liuVtiiicnl. KnuiU It null, l'ron, no i-'i i: cknth no U-GO mmi K.vrntu titwoK oi' PlttHJUAM TONIGHT I NKW I'lfn'UICS 1 a eoinndltM, I ttwatwru, 1 drtiiun. lUSTOI.IM'S OltCIIIWTIt.V III nil entire cliniine. AdullH I He. ClilliUvn no ISIS T II Iv A THE TONXGJIT mo noi'iu.ic nu.i 0ieiiluic Suudny Mutlueo ItOWKN AMI IIOWK.V Comedy rIhkIiik and duurliiK nr tlNtrt dlrifrt from Pmittiert In addition to Oil wo liavo MISS A.V.NIK MKttltlM A ery t-lniuy kIiikIiik act. KIMil'IAIi .MATI.VKK Itwry Sntunlny iiimI Huiidny 'JiiMt V. M. llvenlii); I'erforiiiiiiieo nt 7, T(AR THEATRE fwiler illrv-llim of l'eoplo'n AmiUi'Uieiil ('. jooo IMOCT OK l'll.M OHIO AimiTrs" Poetleally romnntlu, drttiiiatlcully and logically oonvlncltiK. TIIIJ IIAItl Tlttlllt'1 " Kducallniml, "Till: fISIIKU .MAIOKN OV 1IAM,V DAVID" fail) xntio In thin luteroMtltiK draiDu 1m IkIuiii on tlio conMt of lrlaud. AN Oil COtl.VTltr HOMANOIt Thrilling wtory ot tho woatwn oil fields. A I'INCIl Ol' SNt'I'K A rntllliiK nodil connKly. AliKATIIKU Tlin Mllier. AilniUolnii IOe, Matinee every iltty. Noyes&Black 1IOIHK AM) 8HJ.V IWINTIMJ Up to-l)ato Aio oinl CnrrhiRU I'nlnllnji, Colli I.c.ir MIhiiu and lutoilor lAicoralliiK u Himtlalty, Shop uimI Offlco H. (it-upo inn! 10th Kt. Offlco l'hono 7771. Hob. 7212. All Work 1'onlllvoly Cltiurnuteed. EAGLE POINT LIVE-RY STABLE Tho iiudt'ndKUitd hiivlui; JiiHti i'Oiiiin(iid u Iiii'ko now livery ntnhlo In Uiiglo Point, wo Invito tho Inivol ln pulillo to null nnd oxitmliio our iIkh, tonmn, itto., nil lioluit In flritl cIiihh condition. Our motto Id to Mvo mid Lot l.lvo. l'hono at utnblu mid rouldoiu'o. Cull control, H, II. IIAIt.NIKII .i H(),V, PropH, , Clark & Wright X.A.WYEFHI WAVHZIfOXOH, 33. O. rulilto I.nna Mattera: Flnul Proof. Dmiort I.uihIm, UontnNtn nnd llliiln Cumoh. Hcrlji, AuHonlutn Work for Atto'ruoya. Rock Spring Coal x xax AX.X, xxa na. Offlco nnd Coul Vuril, Twelfth hh4 Front Htnxita, Phono 7101. ' Burbidge BUB COAIi XAV. J J , W KKH .i"i