MTCDFORT) MAIL TJUBUNT3, MEDFORD, OlMWON, WIODNKKDAY, JANUARY 3, 1912. FTOH) 'THRtSlfl M w ' f r- Our Correspondents EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS A. l-'iiiltwir of Mi'dfoiil i'iiiiio nut Tiii-nliiy vm Mi. .?. I). Ilt-nr.v of Nnilh Tulonl. .Imiiiiim Alton mill Mm iIhukIiUm', MImm Cliirn, ill' Nmlli TjiIuiU (llil k!miiImk in MetH'ord Woduomliiv. !. D. I''mk'I'i (mid of Ilii' Tiili'iit truck Kinilmu'iH, wiik In iMcilfoiil with vco tuhluM W'ediit'mluv. Mr, .1. I). Ilciirv of TnK'iil wiik (nifliiiK i M'lfi'il Tih'imIhv. Two (h tint initio ticcH wiuo liml in I'ImmuiIX) iiiic nl Urn I'hrUlluii nhtm'li mill mio ut (In' l'n'xlivlt'iiiui tdiuri'h. All liml it try time Thnm wiim it mImmiIIiik innli'li nl 1'lnH'iiix Knltiiilnv. (linvnr ('oiinliiiiil Hi! ii Ilii' mitli'li liml fiunUliuil tin1 hii tlo. Ki'M'inl lino IiiiIii'jh worn Km Uiii fmiu Mi". (' Ciiiny. Aitiiniiil Tiivliir. hoii of Mr. Kill' Tuvlor of Mi'ilfiiril, wont In Mi'iilllr IiimI TiuhmIhv In Miami! tin' linlitlii.NM with Iiim fullii'i-. (iint Tnilor. who litVM III Kl'llltll', Mim Cnmltl Pinli lofl fur Onklunil, Cnl., ut voK lo Knl Urn holiday with hor nicilor, MU Shnl I'ImIi, wlm IK lltloiltlillg MI'llOlll lit (Jillilllllll till wiuloi. .lolin ('nlhiuiu loft for MiildT Cilv lliU wituk. Mi Calhoun Iiiim Midi hi iiiiu'Ii up t Intro, mill will count to ItoKiio river to iviniiiu. Tliiwu from Phoenix Mini Npont I'litluv In Mmlfoii! wore: Mrrf. Lloyd Colvor. Mn. M. Iln, Mr. ninl Mm. A. H. I'urrv, K. K. Ktirrv. .loo Under, Jim Mitllolil, Mi. Union !lnrontcn, Mil. MitKKKt Wrijelil, Kuril Houston, Mm. Dr. MuliiiKion mni lior frioml, Mix. MhiIIih llowlnml. Mr. mni Mr. Clinton Hartley mo rojuioiiiK otr tint lilrtli of it unu, liorn to tlioni on 1'iiiliiv innrnin, lo oomlii'r 'J'-, itt their homo in Ninth ThIwiI. EAQLE POINT EAGLETS. KANES CREEK ITEMS. Chnrloii Stiiu'hurt; of (lohl Hill wiim trHiiMHotinir hniiioN in ICitintN Cicck Kriihiy. Kane Cict'l; bitMiiow vicitorx mi (Mil Hill on Kiilurdiiy woro Mr. Ih ill's- ninl hoii, Mr. Mhio mni Mr. .MhkMii.vIumi, Mr. mid Mix. Klmor lliiiiliotliiini, Mr. unit Mix. Mnhloii, Mr. I.owirt ami fmnily, Al Hoggix nnd Mho Homci. (Iimi-go Tuylor in Inilhllnir for him milf it noitt littlu hituxitlovv on Khiioh orook. Mr. (Iiiutiiloiif of Moilfoul vn n liuimw visitor on Kuiiom Creek 0110 day rooontly. Mr. ltyrloy uiinlo a IiiikIihw (tip to tho Huh mi Hatnnliiy, ix't inning tho niinio tiny. Tho Now Vim rV fmnily loiinioii tt Iiihn Mitnliiii'M won it tM'v onjoynhlo HlTuir. Thoho proKimt, iiiiiiiln'rini; J.'i, utnn: Mr. Miuilon mni fmnily, (Iihiivi! Miinion, Mix. Slinohiirc, Mr. Mini Mni. Klmor IHKiiihothnin ninl ohihlicn, Mr. nml Mix. Kil Ithntoii; Mr. .Sinnili'ii, IM Siitiulon. ,)(mk Dor koy, .lolin Mi'Coiifhio, Mr. mni Mix. Hoick'" Aithnr, Mury mid Jou Hokk. Tho diniior wiim o.M'iillont, lit for n king, mid ntiiiil hoo mid dmioinx tint tiny piiHuoil nil too mooii. MiioIi inoilit in duo tho linxltmn, Mix. Mar tloii for her nhilily on n Unit cook mni ontortiiinor. May .wo all moot iiK'iin tlitH hlotuiotl Now Vonr. Tho MiHMOM Katio mni Mnio Koloy, who mo ntlondinj; (Vntral Point liijjlt Mthool, hH)iit ClirixtnwiH mni Now VoitrV with thoir paiontK, Mr. mid Mix. Foloy, Thoy Imvo ro tiirnod to rohiinut thoir htmliiM, (,'iiito it fow Kiiiiok (Jrookoix nt lomlotl Ihu Now Ytmr'rt hall In (lohl Hill Monthly niht nml roMiit n lino tinni. Dr. Smith nf (lohl Hill mado it pro futudoniil oall hoii) oiio day roiMmtly. Mix. Hit lor ih tnijoyiiiK a viit with lior dmiuhtor from near Potihuitl. Krotl Hoomo, n fonnor rohitloiit of thin plaoo, hut for tho parti tliroo yoatx n iimiiluiit of Moiithurii Califor. nia, Iiiih roliiruotl, I In hii.vh Oropni in Kootl oiitniuh for him. GENTRAL POINT ITEMS. MIhh Norn Itoolm, MIbh Cordollu (loffit ami l,aiiront:o Hiowu mid 1311 Htoml hrnthuiH loft TitoHilay mornliiK for CorviilllH to ichiiiiio thoir HtudloH. J. N. Hlllltll HIIDIll Tnotidiiy In (Irmitn 1'uhh, Hotli Dnvoo, Into of tho Uotol Dun lap, Ih now with tho Oxford at (lllUltH PllHtl. J. C. Poiullulnn of Tahlo Hook wan traiiuautliiK IniulnoHti In Coiitrul Point Tumidity, Mm, HtroitK. who Iiiih rofihlod horu for a your or inoru, loft for hur homo In Vonnont thlu wcok. Mi'H, llahnnn, Mib. lOlnior ChlldoiH, MIhh Poarl HtuuriiH, Mth, AiiiiIq HpriiKiin HiiiIUi, Hum Monro woro nmoiiK tho Coiitral Polutorn that Hpont WodnoHtlay aftornooit In Mod ford. Mr. and Mrs. Will Scott loft for thoir now homo lit llutto PhIIh Thus day nioniliitf, Mr, Uowloy, who lort with T. M, JonoH for ConiliiK. OaT., In Novomhor Iiiih roluniod In Coutnil Point, Hv A. C Honloll. Mm. W, W, Vmiviifior nun jn-r hoii, II. (I. Viiiiviictor lolurni'il lucoutly to tliolr hoiiio at Aiilihtuil, aftor fiilllnit to Kocurn looniM In which to koop Iioiiko hoio. Mr. Vaiiviiotor Ih nctliu; iik nli;lil wiitohiunii on tho Pacific & Kimtoni railway. TliuiHilay mornliiK whou wo nwolm from our hIiiiiiIiuih wo found Urn Kiouiitl covorud with a liimtKlful wlillo miinlto of hiiow, l)r Win. W. P. Molt, our town inin, Iiiih r.ouo to I'ortliiinl to IhII hln piiroulH. PiofoHHtir p. II. Dally Iiiih Iiokii Hpemlliu: tho ChrlHtimiH holliluyH In Portland and hln wlfo and fitinlly aro HpouilliiK llmlr viiuitlou In .Modfoiil llonth ft Dlnmoiid, tho only oium who mo carryliiK a lino of Kcnural morclwiuillHo In the old part of tho town. Hi'iuii to lin doliut a thriving iiiiHlutiiiH, loiiHtautly nddliiK to tlmir Koiioiiil dtiiclt, Thoy llioiii;lit Hint thoy (oultl to wlihotit tho Mall Tilli iiiio, hut advlKod mo to hiiiI for tlm daily for thorn. rniionHor unarioH .ioihinoii wiih nmoiiK tho kuokIh at tho Hu'niiyHltlo WcdiMtmliiy iiIkIiI, hIho Prod Waroor of Trail. O. II. WauiMloy and I. on itiultli an oiiKiiKotl pnttliiK down rnmHwalliH on tho Hlrt-otN and lutoud to put down HldownlkH on tlio main thnroiiKhfanm of (ho town. And oh hood nn inn torlal can ho pinriiroil thoy will put a heavy floor on tho now footbrhko Thoy liavo nlrondy put up Kovoral Htrmit lampa In tho plncim whero thoy worn niOHt noodwtl, ono at tho iwutli end of tho now footbrhlKo nml ono In front of tho church liiilltlhiK on tho miiith Hldo of tho crook. Jud Kdmill nml John l.otitor Mtnrtod Tfmrittlny inortiliiK for tho I. C. com pnny'H plant vln Durhy, whoro thoy urn to lentil thoir timinit for tho rom puny. Thoy roport tho rondu In n very Imd rendition In tho IiIIIr. and Itoy WlllottH roiortod Thumtlny nh;lit wlion ho camo In Hint tho hiiow was ahniit 1C Inclica doop at Pionpoct Pnrtlim romlnj; In from tho like crook country roport hiiow hoiiio tliroo fcl ili-op on tho l.ttllo Hutto crook IiIIIb, ami tho oud In not yet. Joo Peel returned front a trip to Portland a fow dnyit bko, whoro ho hud licuu to mo IiIh hlntor, MrH. Colo nnd IiIh fnthor, W. C. Peel, ami ro- portud havliiK hud tho tlmn of IiIh llfo. Joo hn licoii rained In Jack- on county mid wan navor out of tho county hoforo, ho tho render can ImnKlito wliiit a hIkIiI It would bo for a boy, or rathor yiiinif; man, to bo ilroppod down at tho Union dopot In Portlantl nml bo Hiirrouudod by an alumni mil Id iiiiihh of towcrlnj? build Iiikh ami hoar tho coiiHtani uohlo of tho hotol runiiorri, hoii tho Htrotitcnix "no hondo pulllo, no hondo piiHhlo" mid to bo Hiirrouudod by a Hon of HtrniiicorB, 1 toll you It was oiuo whnl bowltilorliiK to your Knglo Point rorruHpoiidcnt hovoii yonrs aj;o, and ho had noon cUIch linforo, but not on ho Kraiid a Hcalo. Tho llrowiihlioro now morclinut Ik havliiK lumlior ban led from horo to put up n Htoro hulldliiK nml i;ot ready for tho HprliiK trado. Marian lYusty camo In Wodnomlny ulcht, Hpont tho ulKht with ifu mid tho uoxt ulKht vlnltod IiIh nephew mid nloco, .Mr. and Mrs. llonry Chlldrcth Two of tho TriiHty boH, ItuftiH and llonry, camo out from thoir homo on Kite creelc and Hpont tho nlht with tliolr brothor-ln-law, llonry (Jhlldrotli, tho first of tho wook. Mth. Win. Smith, formorly of UiIh placo but now of Medford, who owim a lot lit tho Ulrlch addition to ICaglo Point, Hont money to hnvo a Hldownlk put down acroHH tho lot. Sho Ih look ing ahead to tho tlmo whou property will bo worth much moro than It Ih now, Carl Caldy, Clay Carm and Philip Studio, all of Plioouk, camo lu laat Thursday iiIkIiI on tliolr way to tho HlK llutto country, Mth, Krod Portor of Kiikoiio and MIhh Adillo llordmait of Iowa camo In Friday iuoiiiIuk, procurutl a rig at tho now llvory barn mid wont on up to look at a tract of timber land on llutto crook, Prof. W. 0. HuhboII of Aistoo, N. M., camo In on tho train Monday ulKht and took a room at tho Sunny Hide. lie Ib cauvaHRluK tho county to HUll HCllOOl HIippllOH, Mih, W. H. Van Vactor and lior hoii II. 0. Van Vactor camo up from AHhlaud Saturday to upond a part of tho holidays with lior husband who Ih ulKht watchman on tho P, & 1C. railway at this placo. Monday and TuoHtlay ho had cluii'KO of tho oiikIiio mid thoy both accompanied him to Hutto KiiIIh TuoHday, Jud lCduall and .lolin Foster cniuo out from tho ProHpoct Conaldatod compiiny'H plant Monday and roport tho work proKioHHlnK'vory well, MIhh llattlo WoIhh oxpoctH to Htart for hor homo tomorrow (Wodnosday), Sho haH boon holpliiK hor HlHtor and brothor-ln-law lu the Model Variety Store throiiRh their rush of IiuhIuohh before the iolldiin. DON'T BUY BOTTLED PROMISES Neobio'H lli'inlildf Ih Mottled lie. HIlllH ItCMlllH Aie U'lint Von Winil. A foelliiK of iiiiriiilnliily, a drentl of pornlblo dhuippolutmotil alwayn Koon with mi "off brand" hair prop itiation. Thitt I part of (ho pur chaio, JiimI ii h much ho iih tho label on (lie bottle. You don't nut thin with it holthi of Nowbro'H Horplcldc It Ih not mi ex periment. You uuinbnr ntiioui; your at'iualulaii(- mid filendH huudrodM who have imotl llnrplcldo with wiIIh fitcllon. and you know that you ran do the Maine The roNiilU Hie HluayH poitltlv". alwnjM rlKht. Newlno'H llertdcldo klll tho dan ilruff Korin mid Ktnpit railing hair. Any druKKlMt will mdl you u ono tlollar hUo bottle under an abttoluto KiiarHiiteo. Bund 10c lu pOHtitHC for mimplo ami booklet to 'Hm llorplchlo Co.. Ilept. It., Detroit. Mich. Appllcutlotm obtained at the bent bin her NlinpH Modfonl I'liitiiiiiicy, HH'clal AkciiIn, near P, o olhl "r day. DIHKOfit'TIO.V NOTICi;. Notice In hereby clvcn liml Toll & (Irani Imvo iIIrhoIvpiI partncmhlp, Ornnt ImvInK Hold oul IiIh IntoroHt. Mr. 'Pull look chnrne Dec 28 mid will (iny all dobtn Imurred by Tull ft. (Irani. A. II TTW,, 211 NKWTON (JUANT. l?.-,00 ItnWAHl). Tho underHlKiied will pay a re ward of $r.00 for tho nrront nnd con viction of tho ponton or ponton who altotnpletl to burn tho Wont Side Idvery Stable, on IJcrotiihor 27th, I'JIl, by HcltliiK fire to Hie name. 254 h. V, CHAUMCY, Owner. Draperies Wo enrrr very complete line of nroPTlm face curfln. fixture, cto.. nntl t'e alt clitniua of ujitiolatorlnK A npfcUl ntti to took aftnr till work ftxclunlVBly niitt will iflva ood frvlc na l itoenltiU to art In evtia llir Uritmt clllrn. Weeks & McGowan Co TUSCAN SPRINGS HnvliiK no equal on earth In variety of mineral waters and curluK dlitcnsoH that inedlclnes will not reach. If you aro In need of health, come now. Wo aro open all the year nnd can rIvo tho liost of care and attention now oh well ah lu Hiiintnor. Stage dally from Red Illuff to tho uprlngH. Further par ticulars Htldrem E. B. WALBRIDGE TfHCAX HPIUNtJH. CAIi. TREES lltat ct'tv TREES liint lietr Northern Grown Stock Columbia & Okanogan Nursery Company Of tho Weiiatcheo Vnlloy (), M. Ijtiidon, Medford Sale.snmn Phono Ki-K. HIT H. Ulvcrhldo Order at The Russ Mill T. B. BROWN, Prop. Grocories, Candies, Fruits Cigars, Tobaccos, Snidor's Frosh Milk, School Sup plies, etc, at De Voe's Little Combination Store Next Door Ilotol Medford Pae, Phono SOU In order to kJw -jmn for our rejulnr duck, we will phicc on SALE THIS WEEK Pm.'iuiiiiik Tuesday, .Inline ry 2, 1DIJ, AT COST Genuine Navajo and Chlnayo Rugs, Pillow Tops and Table Covers Let us show you that The Art Store is the place for Wall Paper. Two hundred kinds to select from ' ' G. E. COLLINS 27 North Grapo Caledars Dolls Pictures Games Indian Baskets Holiday Stationery Craftsman Leather Goods Leather Hand Bags Brass and Copper Goods Desk Sets ALL AT COST t f ' ' All regular 75c reprint Fiction, 50c. THE MERRIVOLD SHOP ". Ml West Mniii St. Do You Need Drain Tile? VH MANUI-'ACTUKK IT The licit That Can lio Mado. Itcforo Ordering Sco Vn. Rogue River Pottery Co. Plant at Tolo. SOO Gamctt-Corry Itldf;., Mrdford SUNSET OGDEN aSHASTA ROUTES i03 CifV CALIFORNIA IS I'AMOl'S TJUC WOIII.I) OVKII I-'Oll ITS HI'LKMMI) IIOSTKI ICIKH. ITS VAKIKI) ATTItAC TIOXS. ITS KINK IlKACHI-S, HOT hl'ltlXdS AXI PI.KASl'KK ItIC SOUTS KKACIIKI) WITH liASJi II Y TUB SOUTHERN PACIFIC nOUTK OF SHASTA LIMITED "ItOAD OF A THOl'SANl) WONDERS" rorllanil to In AiiKrlfH 55 Kxciirfilun TkkctH CitliiR AND RETURN On snlo dnlh', Reed six umutliB with fitopovers going or roturnlns. CorroHpondliigly low faroa from oher Orogou points. "Call on our agents for llundsomrly IllustratttI I.ltentturo describing San Francisco, Oakland, Mt. Tamalpals, llcrkeley, Stanford University, San Jose, Lick Observatory, Santa Cruz, Del Monte, Paso Robles Hot Springs, Santa Darbara, Los Angeles, Pasadena, Long Beach, Venice, River side, Rcdlands, Sun Diego, tho Old Spanish Missions, Yosemlto N'a tloual Park nnd Illg Trees, and many other places of Interest In tho Coition State; or write to JOHN M. SCOTT, Ooncral Passenger Agent, PORTLAND OREGON. fcoeciedCompany 1 ' LJ" ' T " inn II I b J I BVI IH v -, riinr ilia rtY & - tiHmntrini.W G 44 HAPPY is the woman who is never unprepared who can always lay a nico appetis ing meal or light luncheon boforo any guest unexpected or not. lior friends pralso her for her housowlfoly qual- Hies nnd sho fools that dollshtftil satisfaction which can only como from hospitality jiorfcctly done. nPhe secret lies in having a well chosen selection of canned goods and table dainties always at hand. Look over our stock tho best of the kind in tho town and limko a selection today. Then put your four in tho cupboard for you will bo prepared for any company como whou it may. ALLEN GROCERY CO. 80.40 B, OKNTRAL A V H. H. WALTERSJPractical Horseshoer Particular attention paid to Intorfering horses and contracted feet All lamoness In tho foot cured, such ns corns, thrush inovlcular trouble, riiartcr-crark and contraction of tho feet. Anything In tho line of hand-tnado work. Have shod such horses as; Dan Patch Mark 1:55 Minor Ayer 1:G8 Creseus , 2:02 Andrcgrcns J 2:00 Geo. H. Ray. Half ndlo :58' And n number of others, too numerous to mention. Your patronago will be appreciated, no matter how largo or small. .J2 South Grape St., Next to West Side Ham HOT LAKE SANATORIUM 'laSBSSk (TET&ttra si. tw M9!9f inn RHEUMATISM CURED WATURE'SWAY LIQUOR & DRUG HABIT CURED "" Tho treatment though effective Is not harsh. Why bo a slavo to tho habit when you can be cured? Wtite today for booklet. You may have a loved ono which could be restored. Wo will bo pleased to send you special literature. Tho treatment is not expensive. HOT LAKE, ORE. WALTER SI. PIERCE, PRES. AND SIANAGER bJw. PMK0OI5i3SAKl TPCSTOtB Trjjv lip ? tlrJ!P copvricht. .tfSrni UWl A Full Line of Peerless Lamosi All W . VA'kM 1 f fl . the time to get your house wrirqd. Good light'adds to 2 the conu?ort of winter months. Southern Oregon ElectriG Go North Grape Street. VVVflfWffVVVAVfVtfV o F J.X din National Bank -of J i' "S , MEDFORD, OREGON ' JR; CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $58,000.00 united States and Postal Savings Dopository We solie' your business, which will receive our care ful attention. F. K. Deuol, President M. L. Alford, Cashior Orris Crawford, Assistant Cashier Wo have for sale some ton-aero tracts across the road from the State Experiment Station recontly lo catod between Phoenix and Talent. UMio soil is suit able for fruit, alfalfa or gardon. Well wator in quan tity sufficient for irrigation can bo had at 20 to 25 foot (wo have a well on an adjoining traqt which sup plies 200 gallons per minute.). Tho price is $300 to $350 per acre, and ayq can make very easy terms. W. T. YORK & CO. Mail Tribune Block .