PXOE TWO MTOFORn rATfi TRTOUNK TUlWFORr), ORKUOX, AVIODNKSDAY, .IAXIWKY a. 1012. 4-t-6S-4-i4t&44-4 . - LOCAL ANDfjJ A i PERSONAL I H''l'H-JK':. 11. W, H Davis, nn nttorney In Tnconm, n In Medford jostordny Lost, bofw-oon Modfortt nntl Jack sonville, u rlp. Rownrd of ?6 lor return to Nnnun-Taylor store, Jack sonville, or at priest's residence, Medford. J)r C. K. lty ntul f(tnlli returned Inrt night from n fcoveml wMks' stay In Los Angelas and otlmr southern California dllos. Hnrry Filiiliy MtriYtftl In Mcdford Inst night from Ofidly, Onl., rfntl will nmmla here. tvrl days look ing after hit orclta.nl interests. Ilrend, nit. oakns, ich una Ite rrcnma At th 1'wiess fraMf?. Prompt Uellwry. Kbth pkoi. Mr. and Mrs. C. It Ztim nd daugh ter, of McCloud, CuL, arrived in Medford yostordny and nro register! nt tho now Medford hotW. Mr. and Mrs. it. D. Reed of Gold Hill were In the city yestordny. Frank: Kortuth returned last night to life hotiye In Tncomn. Peerless Baking Co.. 135 W. Main St., corner Grnpo and Main, delivers fresh bread ovory morning to your homo, Among tho students who returned Inst night to their studios nt the agricultural coltego In QorvAllts wore Pred nnd Virgil BlmtiK, Ron Forbes, Walter ChildroM nnd Cnrlton Shirley. These young anon hnvo nil boon spending the holidays with thoir par ents In Medford. Ml38 Cordelia Qoffo, Myron Hoot nnd Herbort Rawllngs of Contral Toint returnod yesterday to the O. t. C. nt Corvallls. MIbs Aletha Hmorlok, Miss Ruth Merrick nnd Vornon Vawter re turned last night to tho University of Oregon at Eugene after a counTo of weeks visit with home folk. Miss Normlle, experienced dress maker, by the day or piece. Tele phono 2G3 Jacksonville. - 246 J P. Halo roturnod last night from n visit to Richmond, Cal. J W. Graver, of 'Kaglo Point, was In Medford yesterday. Mrs. W. L. Hnllowny and Miss Halloway left last night for Corval lls, whoro they will take tho short course in horticulture at tho agri cultural college. John Harrington and his grand daughter, Oracle Harrington, for merly of Mcdford hut now of Port land, loft last night for thoir home after a brief visit to Medford friends. Mrs. G. 13. Alkon and daughter returned last night to their homo in Rlddle3 after a visit to Medford friends. S. A. Xowell. ladles' tailor, 4th floor M. P. & II. Co. bldg. Miss C. Oroy roturned last night from a holiday visit to her pnrents lu Croy, Cal. V. A. Potter, traveling salesman for tho Cudahy Packing company, of this city, returned yesterday from a business trip to Portland. W P. Barber and wife of Ashland wero guosts of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Btennett Tuoeday ovenlng. C. P. Brochu and family loft yes torday for Los Angeles. Carkin & Taylor (John II. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank building, Medford. Mrs. Bort Daughorty returnod yos terday to her homo In Tafont. Mrs. 13. Roach left yesterday for n visit to friends Jn Ashland. Mrs. J. W. Diamond and childrpn left on No. 1C last night for a visit to relatives in thoir old homo In Big Rapids, Mich. Fresh milk at DoVoo's. 257 Misses Maudo and Annio O'Brien roturnod last night from a visit to San Francisco. Miss Maude contin ued her trip to Portland, whoro she is now residing. Attorney A. E. Realties left last night for Salem and Portland. Rheumatism, In all forms; like to Bee tho case I can't resell. Speedy results. Dr. IS. Brooke, D. C. 247 South Riverside. 84-R. 245 Mrs. A. 13. Rothwell and son Harry returned last night to thoir home lu Sonttlo after a visit to rolu tlveB in Medford. WeeRs & McGowati Co. UNDERTAKERS Day Phono 52271 Night Phones, F. W. Weeks 12071. A. 13, Oir, 002. LADY ASSISTANT isitlng his brother, A. A. Davis, nnd rnnilly, and other ro)ntvos. Mr. Davis was returning h6mo from n vis It tn Us Angelas. Jwrios WlllfRtns nnd" family of Til lamook, Ort., nnd M. D. Aeklay of Portland. who havo boon hero visit ing I 1). Arkloy and fnmlly, re turned to their homos Wednesday (morning; There will bo a mooting of tho parents nnd toscbors of tho Roose velt school Friday aftornoou nt the home of Mrs. G. F. King. S43 linst Mnln street. All nro Invited. Miss Alice Cowglll returned this morning to Kugeua, where she will resume her stadias nt the state uni versity. Tho young lady has boon Spending: holiday week with hur par ents In Medford. See R. A. Holmes. The Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. Mr, and Mrs. C. Daniels nnd M. B. Daniels of Puohlo, Colo., ar rived In MedidVd last night. John Petersen made vn business visit to Woodvllle Wednesday. C. IT. Iliakealoy and family ar rived in Medford Monday from Ta coinn. They are hero looking the city over with a view to locating. Emily T. Stnndoford, cxnmlnor for tho Xaw England Conservatory of Music in Boston, piano, harmony, musical history. 42S West Fourth streoL Telephone 7211. 2C6 J. J, Haurl la in Grants Pass to day cm business. Mr. and Mrs. Honry Loaders are in Grants Pass for n few days visit to their son. Mrs. M. A. Rader nnd daughter. Miss Luetic, loft this morning for Hugcno and Portland. After a visit in these cities Miss Lucllo will re turn to Medford. Mtfs. Rader re maining In Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Widen hnvo their new homo, betwoen Central Point and Tblo, nearly completed nnd oxnect to soon mora from Med ford to this their 'new ranch homo. ' Mrs. Jas. McCoVd returnod this niornlng to Foots crook after a few days visit in Medford, a guest at the Cottage. Chas. Strang loft this morning for Loiand, where he will remain n couple or throe days looking aftor his mining Interests. E. F. A. Bltner was In Woodvllle this morning on land business. F. M. Wilson, cigars, tobacco, con fectionery, next to Nash, on Main. 26S The Building Specialties company havo dovcloped a business In paints, wall paper and building 'materials that Is out of proportion to their present quarters and now announce their romoval to a larger and better located building at 31S East Main street, formerly occupied by the Jewett paint and wall paper store. Plans for remodeling this building to suit thoir requirements aro now in tho hands of tho architect and a now modern plate glass front will be installed and various other Improve ments and additions will be mado, Eastern trains are running on itched J bor uk' Unto nntl nro prepared to bring jportanl oui an mo woou turn may no loauoti rtlos Cnrtrt in 0 lo'U Days "Tour UriiBcist will remna money If IWXO OINT.MKcJT fnlls lo euro any -a Qf ltoltluff, lniml, lllfttltiK r Protruding I'ltsa hi t5 ItSlays. SOc NOTICE TO .MINK OWNERS. All persons who aro dastioua of securing; space In the Medford Mining Jubilee Book on tho mlnornl resourc es fft southern Oregon nnd northern California, to bo Issued Foby. 1, 1912, should Immediately cult upon or ad dress C. W. Patterson or Guy T. Thrasher, Nash hotel, Medford, Ore tho date and ho there. Voiy lin- bURlnosfl to come up. 11 C. GANNETT, President, JOHN CAUKIN. Secretary, NOTICE TO t'AKPKNTKEH. All Hunubsra tire requested to ho piommt Woilnedn evening! Iimuiiin Ji, tjnnrterly mooting to oto on amendment to general constitution. Installation and uinnkur. GIJO. II. llt'GIIES, 24 1 Hofluidlng Sflciotnry. llnsklUH for health. NOTICE IIPSI.VKSS MK.V. The next meeting anil banquet of the Merchants association will he hold lu the old Episcopal church just back of the Presbyterian church on West Main Monday evening, January Sth, nt C 30 o'clock sharp. Go right from your business. Good dinner promised b the committee, Renieni pllJJMr ' THE J i rr-f4T4-e-e'4--4'&fr44-,44t4t sunrise t La nr FMlliV WASHING A SPKCIALTV. ALL WORK (U'ARANTEED Orders culled for and delivered. First oln8 work dnuo by hand, ladles' and men's suits clonued nnd pressed Tel. Main 7331; Home, 37. Cormr Eighth nnd SO. Central Ave. REMOVAL NOTICE t qn Jan. 1st THE BUILDING SPECIALTIES CO. Will IV0l llu'll' (IIIltfl- lino III' Paints, Painters' Supplies, & Wall Pa per TO 310 EAST MAIM ST. I'oiiiu'iU ii'i'iiiiel ly the M. II. .leu el I I'niut niitl Wall )nioi' Hloio. SECOND DOOR EAST OF KENTNERS e;Jeee HEARD IN MEDFORD Had ILirkt Made Strung Kidney Ills Coiivctod. All over Mwlford jou henr 1L Doau's Kldnoji 1'llls nro keeping up the good work, curing weak Klduoys, driving away backache, correcting urinary ills. Medford people aro toll ing about Jt tulling of had backs made sound again. You can believe tho testimony of your own towns people. Thoy tell It for the benefit of yen who are suffering. If your back aches, if you feel lame, sore and miserable, If the kidneys act too frequently, or passages nre painful, scanty and off color, use Doau's Kid ney Pills, tlib rotniHly that has helped so many ofyour friends and neigh bors. Follow this Medford cltlsen's advice and give Doau's n chnuce to do the same for you. Charles W. Barnard, 425 S. Ham ilton St., Medford, Oregon, says: "I have used Dean's Kidney Pills nnd they are vory good. I nm glad to rPrfu'orso this romedy for It stopped tho nchos nnd pains In my back and regulated the action of my kidneys. I always use It whon suffering from colds or othor kidney troubio and when threatened by rheumatic twinges." For sale by all doalers. Price 50 conts. Fostor-Mllburu Co., Buffalo, Now York, solo agents for the United Statos. Remombcr tho name Doan's r and tako no other. Jan and whon complete and stock in place win make this a modorn and com- Now In Full Swin i ' : Tremendous Clearance of All Tailored Suits, Coats, Dresse s Skirts, Furs, Shirtwaists, Petticoats Kimonas, Millinery, Etc ' NOTHING HELD OUT Every Garment in the Store Has Been Reduced TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY -f-f -r FOR RENT Fprnished housekeep ing rooms. Also sleeping rooms, at 21 Genesee st. Phone 224. LOST Pair of glasses betwoon opera house nnd $1S E. Main. Finder leave at Mall Tribune nnd reeolvo reward. 24 1 .Tnhn A Torl I Vudcrtnker nnd Kmbaliuer Suoccssori tp. thor-nndortulung do- partmont of Medford .Furniture Co I Office 28 South Rartlctt Street ... V t Tejophenes: Day, Bell 471; night J rcsldonco, Bell 473, Home 179-1. Culjs iuibvcC( p!4ht oi day. AMIIULANOE SERVICE htHr4ff4ttj plofe store. Regular" meeting of the commer cial club will be held tonight in the elty hali. Monroe Baldwin of Butto 'Fails was In Medford on business Tuesday and Wednesday. S. B. Graham, room !) over post- office, has art calondars to giro away. The funeral of Mrs. Larsan was held at the homo of hor father, Mr. Frlck, In Jacksonville, Tuosday after noon. There was a largo attendance of frlonds. Rov. Johnson preached the funeral sermon. Tho pall bour ors Mere II. Luy, Louis Ulrlrb, P, Florey, E. "Wondt, John Dunnlngton and M. N. Taylor. The floral offer ings wore beautiful and plentiful. Isahollo S. Paul, authority on beau ty culture, will lecture to tho ladles of Medford at St. Mark's hall on Tuesday ovenlng of noxt wook. Thero is to he no admission foe as the Marinello Shop of this city Is spon soring tho ovent. During the ove nlng sovon complotu Marinello out fits will he "given away. This leo- tttro has been received with favor in othor cities and no doubt a largo crowd will bo present here. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Shaw wero In Ashland Wodnosday visiting friends. Mrs. Struttou and daughter of Tal ent visited Medford frlonds Wednes day. Mrs. L. Mlngus roturnod to her iiomo m Asniann wednosduy after a visit In Medford with hor daughter, Mrs. W. A. Aitkin. Mrs. Mlngus has hut rocontly roturned from nn ex tended visit to relatives near Port land. Tho Roguelawls company hnvo thoir now quarters In tho Stewart block nearly -ready for occupancy. Eighteen inches of snow at Butto Falls has caused a slack-up In wood shipnionts to Modfoid over tho Pa cific & Eastern, Ilowovor, there is h good supply of fuol on hand In Medfo.nl and no material udvunco in price Ib pxpoetod. Tho wood haulers nt Butto Palls arp not provided with sleds and 18 iuchos of nnw on tho ground makes hauling with wugons almost impossible. The Pacific & WANTED-rOrie firs class for Medford Dye Works. solicitor 244 WANTED A bIx room house fur nished, closo in. 114 N. Front st. 245 TO TRADE One lot on Improved proporty In good location. Prlco right. Pay cash. Address Box G. II., Tribune 213 V T T T f r v v f f f r f t f T T f f V y te f r f r r r f T V t T T t V wyrw'WT-w-w-w uary CI earance v Sale SUITS $15.00 to $2f).00 Suits...... $22.00 to $:5.00 Suits pb o $15.00 $25.00 to $:V7.;10 Suits $19.50 $32.50 to $10.00 Suits ...ij2.1 50 $30.00 to $35.00 Suits La $22.50 - $0.75 DRESSES . $12.50 to $13.00. Dnwos Up to $IJ0.(H) Ui-MJsiw $15.00 Up to $-15.00 Dimscs : $21.50 Others ruHuuud to $10.75, $10.50 mid $21.50 Trimmed Hats, values to $10.00, now. Trimmed Hats, values to $S.50 now... HATS pw.tc.) .... ..th.l JO Black Velvet $(.50 shapes now $1.$)5 White Heavor Shapes vnltiuyg to $12, nov $5.00 Wait for announce ment of showing of La Grrecquo Muslin Underwear Waists, Potticoata, Soparato Skirts and Sweaters at Groat Reduction. x A A a a . a a a a a . A a .LA.A.A.AA..AA..A.A.A.A.A.AA.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.AA ;;;;;;t;;;H i Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v t f Y Y Y T 1 I I A AA.AA A .A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A-.A.A.A.A..A..M. ,WlC00?K?vIvvI" Free Lecture Isahelle S. Paiil. spole'ty's authority on beauty ruUure, extends a oordlal invitation to tho women of Medford lo moot her nt the St. Mark's Hall Tuosday evening, January 0, at 8:00 o'clock. We have gono to Brent expense to iwouro fr I'10 ladles of Medford Mrs. Paul's presence at this time. Her prac tical hoauty talks on common hhiiso ways of KdMmprovomcnt have bean enthusiastically received the country over, and wo count ourselvos lucky Ju securing Mrs. Paul's services in tho season. This is u personal invitation for yon to be present. Next Tuesday Evening It opens to you arfuncdnunon opportunity. ArrangomqntH hnvo boon 'mado whoroby you may havo tho privlh to of hearing Mrs. Paul freo. No admission v. ill bo charged and comfortable seats will bo provided for everyone. A novel feature of Mm. Paul's vst will he tho free distribution at hor lecture of foiirteon Marlnnllo Bounty CJulturo Outfits vnluod and sold regularly at $7,00 each. These complete homo treatment outfits contain ovory toilet article neoesiary to suocussful srdf beauty culture, If you will watch the oelnmus of this puper you will leant tho method by which fourteen lucky women will sou lire Uhmi outfits as an absolutely froo gift. Watch for tliu lucky ioiiponH, fill In your name und address -tnke it with you to tho froo lecture. At St Mark's Hall Tuesday, Junuary a,' nt 8:00 p. m. Rruiiomber. lha vnluo of Mrh. I'u ill's Iottiiro tho vuluo bf the freo oniflts. Those are prepared by the Mnrluello Ooinpan of Chicago -originators nnd sole exponents or tho famous Marluollo Hystem of Hoauty Culture a .movement that has done more to Increase und retain beauty In women than any other known method. Romombor tho date, Junuary U, and place, Hi." Murk's Hall. Watch tho pnpur ovory day for f miliar ininouiicomoiits. Thoio Is no obligation on your part lectin o and outfits tiro abso lutely froo. This is tho gift of the Muilncllo Shop, (Jnn'Ott Coipy llulhling, to the ladles of Medford. Com 13, Utloy. v ! JY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t V '' ' wr ' ' TT T ' ' T V ' ' ' T Hf ?m.A.SJA.J.JAJ.JJ. . ! i ! ! '-r'r RR IGATION NOTICE f TO ALL NEW USERS OF WATER The Irrigation Season OpenwS April 1st. Make Arrangements , for Your Water Early so as We Can Give You' Prompt and Ef ficicnt Service. - ; ROGUE RIVER VALLEY CANAL CO. i FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager v t . Y X T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y om f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y YJ Y Y Y Y Y Y 41, . . :!-