Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 01, 1912, NEW YEAR'S EDITION, ORCHARD SECTION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 21

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    !0N, MONDAY, J VNUA'HY I, 1012,
bmmercial Orchard Planted in the Rogue River ' Valley
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(lllntt ltvreciuat (crs of tfio wclvri output ol the
fllhzoil tor tltl wuid'j (1011) cro; handled
788; 1 tier cliolcft, U0; 5 Ufr cholfi, $.741.
$1533; 0 Hci rhla, $.9J7: 6 tin cNlta. $.95.
!7; 4 tier rlwfca,j 1.070: 5 chofon, $1,802.
tf, hr choice, $2.00: 5 K:r chalco, $!C4.
r1 Uer alt9ic, $2,0185 tUrdioIcft, 2,05 1.
to $.936.
t $8 n liox. Bon Onvls Hniums not complete.
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yiiipWBWMwiiwiWBiliitnwiwtiMnt.jari iwwiniiLaigjwiwiwwiaiiMWi' wtrhiwuuwiif MWWwriwyiiii wwriaww wibm wya '
Rogue River Valley Fruit Industry
Bt ciias. a. malhokup, .
Secretary WorthwrtHeni Kratt Iix
clmnc. A omiMrl-n f itto d":Ilrerl r
dtnril tiiftrirl.- in l!u lnii!c north-
.. . . r..:i ... : - .:!. I ""
.. .. . ,'whi'ro the muiIaH ih nuinmum. irri
prent niouistutn rH:ei, uhewe ura-.
iuit xud slopes arc muuw covered Tor
mouths iu the yer, sunie ot tlie vul-lej-s
Uiikt alone through irnMtiM.
On tho ivlntedus or rolliujt hiljn, fur
lrtoovel from the waLeifliMte, nail
tin' xr'tit tli -iiniUirit in the in turn I
riMulitii.iih. locul to urh. tutt only
(.. i-lmintr, miiU nnil elvntiuii, bnt in
ir.u tii'.illy i.: other fnctor that
j.i" to iwiKi' up the lirtl of innuintr-h'iIi-
rt'iiii-itis cnlli'it lor in s'I'i'im-
I'.I mm l owi-l-. it tnko-i :i rum
jriLitn in not uraclicrj.
Many Contrustx Shown.
i Abides that color to perfection nt
'elevations of iuoro than half a mile
nboe Men level, reitnirt) mora tliuri
:t0 tlays longer to attain tho snuie
(i.-n-on 4t i in IkIi-iI. nimie u jMir- oesroe oi mitiuniy in ouwr uifinci.
Minal oliMrviitioii o'i thu Krunid, to 'at olo-tontli tho Mitno nltttiitle; tho
i'iiloita!iI, ami it the Mtnx' timu io ' smiuw VHrietios llmt reacli tjir aonitJi
ilr i-iulf . tlf virtue of any one of imtuir)niifI honutv in Home lo--i.-i'.
hi. N . t.i fir.' alike, hot it L. cnlitiex nt 1,(100 fwt eWvntion fail to
. . t alone m ini'ml ai(iearAurT mnljeome up to the Mine stunilnnl of
lOiysieul -.urntiii ilinifi that they clif- eominoreial perfection at cquinlet
. -. Oiveu i!u- -aiiif flcvftiivi, they devntiom clnewhero.
.i,.p.-t edfh olln-r in cli.mttic elr- AH this in well. Tlifc-o very con!; j;ii-n lMth, the sh:iqnt tii ' trasts rcprewent the grniteM ftnuulus
ut ili-tinctiou in Miil comlitio-ix rt'-1 tho northwest npplo haw. Tlie inflox
. il. In the inimeiliHto hmljw ot ' ihlo rnlu Iniil down hy Nnturo by rea-
Work of Fruit Exchange in 1911
lily K. 8. Miller.) intKiieU for a Inrjcor crop, yot at tin-
Thla linn Iuhmi the ulinrttwl your In anil or tho fotmon wo find thu whole
fruit known In the northwaat Hlnce ortaitlmtlon In Imtter hIiuiio than
l lio fruit himtiuwH itMiiinml any pro-1 ver. Ilcahlaa tho VHlimhlo prnpoiiy
pnrtlmiH. Tho npilua fnlhtd to bloom! In tho uluiv' of hlipjiiK fctilit
In ninny dlMtrlct, and tho fruit waa
oil of a very Indifferent iiuallty;
tho ptliea aa it iMMiaeiiienoe
wrro vin.v lilgh for tho flwt-elaiw
tuff, and very ordltmry for thu poor
fi nit.
Tho frnat ilhl not Injiiro tha npploa
In tho ItoKiie rlvor vnlloy, hut wIihjiI
out iiiueli of what protnhtad to ho an
tmuHuul panr rrop. Klthor thu froata
or tho hot wlnilu In duly nrreitud the
Kiowth if tho fruit, mid vary llttlo
of It cmuo to hIko. TIiIh wan alto
(run of the upplua In many district.
to that koiiio (Hilltms gont out tho
hulk of lliuli' crop as flvo t lor. Our
llartlott pear prlcoi aoenuMl amall un
til conumred with Cnllforula and oth
er northwoMtKin pour Huutlon and we
woro foituiiiitu to coino out an well
iih wo did. Tho tutor pnura HowoIIh,
AnJoiiH, llosc, Coiuluo, Winter Noll
did bh wcill, mid In moiiio varlutlua
.hotter, than 1010.
Ilov Apples W'nnti'il.
KaoliiK a humpor ornpnf apples In
tho mint, tho north woHtorn liox npplo
wiih for u lone LiiiHi uhuuutul h.v dual
era, hut whou thuy awiihenud to the
flirt that tho, quantity wan very lim
ited tho prlcoa Etlffonod, and thoro
wan a demand for moro than could
ho Huppllnil of largo fancy iipplou
Our Newtonv, iih uminl, wont to Kin;
land, mid wcro uold qulto gaily lu
tho hoiihou.
Tho tiHHoclatlou Iuih kIvoii a much
moro thoroiiKh liiHpuutlon of tho
pmiilui! iiul HhlppliiK this Honinu
than luia over huun clvuu to any
Huuo rlvor fruit. Tho oi'KauUntlou
Iuih hoon a uolld ono, with practically
every point covered; tho poraonnol
him hoon of u -IiIkIi order, mid hnn
Huccnedod In huikIIuk out V'11' 'l'u"
In rhVt-chiHH conditien: and thntmh
1 1 1 'v crop Iuih hoon Hiitall, and
wi.h oompolled to cum the luwocla
tlouH wot'UliiK force, whlili wiih de
waicn ire aaaveiauoii owns, it pon
evaea tho loyalty of the larRost por
tion of tho HHiwer, and this kcimi'm
work hna lendeil to nolldtfy the ulmlc
ursaulintlon, hecnime It la neon ! m h
that tho only inwalbh) way of liamtMiK
thu fruit on a luuc. raaaunahtc l.itils'
la hy cuiulilnlna for a stand: i a oft
pnok and a name In tho market As-1
ouliitlunn ura uprlngtinc up -r.v- j
wuoro, and anraug tho now nn I old!
our Haauclatiou Is looked uii.iu us .
uno of the liaut.
CooMrntqn Orowlnj;,
Tho domand for co-opiratlon
anioujc the kirgor asaoolnlhiUM of tho .
iiuriuwinifc nnn necn Krowini;, nun
thoro I a vtroni; prolmhlllty that 1912
will boo aoiiiu or thuio tnMoihitloiiB
nnmblned for the purpoiio of propocly
dUtiilmtliiK mid suIIIiik their fruit
without tl'o ruluouB , compQtltlou
which hna charaotorlited the punt fow
ieuHotiH. All Hootlouu are hoKinnliiK
to boo that It will ho u tromoiulouu
work to kgpp tho promjnt prices for
'rult, ovou with n ttrotit comhlniitlon
liaiullinir tho hulk of It, hut without
jojno coutrnt ori;anlKntton tho prlcua
for fruit iiiiiHt Inevitably fall bolow
:ho prouont yonr'u prlcoa; In tho
umiuthuo, tho fruit Induutry on a
sol hi hauls Ih duveloplUK, and tho
ipoculntlvo oluiunnt li kiowIuj; Iubh.
llualneau lnou, who undurstnnd con
dltloiiH, too tmt fruit KrowtuK mutd
toon ho entnlillshud ub nn industry,
iiid ho put upon n strictly butdnoits'
bavin. Hy forco of GlroumstancoH
Itoguo rlvor has hoon put lu tho posi
tion of adviincliiK plans and luuthtnls
for tho conihlutitlcm of tho principal
fruit associations Into ono uolllnt;
uiionoy, and boforo tho 10 1 S crop
U rontly wo hop to eoo a solid com
'ilunt Ion of tit lutist tho four principal
llHtrh'is hoIIIiik tholr fruit throuch
he hiinio channel,
lu tho northwest thoro la ovory
won of those conditions -forces tho
phuit'm-; of varieties -if miccosa la
to ho ejcpotcd in Hcotiona to which
they are boat adapted. It fenforcex,
for sooner or, Inter will enforce? to
an equal extent, the law of elimina
tion to that same variety in district
not suited to its cultivation. It de
mands the aeattcriu: of tho orchard
over nn area of moro than l.r0,00l)
square rnilea, in order that the north
west may produce n number of varie
ties, which, when placed ujkii tho
markets Jip their lilihcst ulnto of
qtmlfty and nppoaraiicc, will sweep
nsido nil competition from every port
of the lol)C. This situation is tho
protection of the whole industry, and
to oaoh of the many districts that
are participating in it.
Over Production Impossible.
If, for example, every section, un
mindful of these fantu, sought to
grow nothing but the Ilnrtlett or tlui
Comiuo, or the Newtown, in tho hopen,
or with the idea of duplicntin thoso
varieties in the samo magnificent form
in which they are produced in tho
Itopio rivor valley, the ery of over
production might bo well founded. If
ovory ono of tho 10,000,000 growini;
trees in tho northwost consisted of
AViiiewii) the incomparable (specimeiiH
of thot-e varieties ua produced in thm
vnlleya of Iho Wumitchco would stand
for naught in the markets, and tho
banner pricea obtained today in CuhIi
mere and Wouatchoo would bo short
lived. The Spitxtuiburt; of Hood
Kter would aharo tlio sumo fnto, anil
the two hundred million industry of
tlii three tnte would bo set ut n
ridiculous dincount.
The situation domiiuds variety, and
.u u re bus well provided for it
thriuh condition that havo been
mentioned. A variotv of nppleH,
picked from early September to late
in November, atid 'enpiiblo of beini
i.inrketed from September to March,
April or May, is tho foremost neces
sity in northwest fruit growing, and
L'Ueit this state of affairs, it will
i , , , 1 1 i i 1 1 ii ii i i 1 1
(Continued on l'ne,e 7.)
reason to believe i ut tho fruit busl
noss Is to grow In sUo and Import
ance, and there u ovory reason for
friilt-growoia to burn dhe most oco-
nomlcal and offlileti mothods of
production and bandjlny. Until a
Boctlon can roach a cortnln standard1
In quality ami pack It'.wlH always bo
dlffloult to dispose of' fruit to ad
vantage, but those who aro In the
fruit business to stay know that
Uoguo river bus the Intolllgouco and
pluck to como up to any standard
required by tho markot. and with
propor application and a llttlo ttmo
wo nan ontor the company of any
othor fruit-growing suction with our
product, and know UiaX wo stand with
tho host of them.
Tho association was novor In bottor
condition, and with ftuvrouohlng plans
for inarkotlug and dotlnlto plans for
tho organUatlon of tho different units
lu tho valley U looking- forward to a
most sueeessful year, and through tho
tuuniuioinont di'Mri to oxtond wishes
for a prosperous New Year to all
rult-growors unit their friends.