., ' r - M -- -- S wsscoa ibik MEDFORD fltATTj TRIBUNE. KTBPFQTCD, ORKOON'. "MONDAY, .UNITARY 1, IM2'. mm mwmMm$mmm im.h1 i C entral Point Leads in Municipal Improvements sr spwr - ' H H5 BMiFaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaiisT7HaliTaaaaaa X JMBlBWBWMiHWiBMMBMBp? jWyjliftflyMhiiBBwtfc scJSLaaamBaLaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM laaHyTTlilWWf,;aMaaaaaaaaWaaa ,JtelliaaaaaaBatBg2aaaaMBaa "Unique in location and cnvihu ini'Ut, Central Point pos-i m nn ,ul Mintng-cs not enjoyed In oilier tui tions of southern Drejn. AYbtie in no wnv n rival of Iter sister eilie-. towns nml Mlla-re in the vnllev ami AMth only Reed will for nil of her Jieishbors and their cherished hojw ni.d mnbitioiis. her lieople nre troin? in the holief that their Uwi Iihs bright futuro hesl nml with n view to providinp for that future they Iine, within the jast two or three yenn, inatipurntcd au era of nublic inipmvemont that 1ms not been cqunlcd bj mi- city of like jxijmla iion in Orogon. Where only u few years ago ias a Rlrajrplnis: country village, "unknown, unlettered nnd unsung," witliont oirie pnde or public improtoniouts, toda) Mnnds a modern little city of WOO people- (third in imputation and wealth in Jnckson eonutyj, whone progreg nnd ontoriirihc linve nind tins chnuce pocsiWe. A eomjdet and modern water yteni wth eight and one-hulf miles of stool .mains sup plies every platted portion of the eit. with, an abundance of pure, ice-cohl "water. A modem eornbiuation storm nnd sanitary sower Hystcm with mains nnd laterals covering almost nine miles, provide perfect nuitr couvensencort and makes jwssihle streets hae ao been demanded r- jrP improvement ...... . .1 nn,x lehnnhes l.l- ll'tt I1K"IIS lllll" U(UUU oii.ire rds (lovernig 31 blocks in the busiuiss section) of Jir-t clavs nspinilt haung beu laid. What hn.s .boon done hero alouif these lines has been well done, l'laus embracing nil future needed improvements weT firt formulated and eer step wo far taken has heei but a jart of thft carrying out of that plan. It is uofc intended Unit what wat accumptitidted tat j-ear or thw 3ear tmt be lorn out and rebuilt next vr or the year following because of inadequacy or faulty construction. Miles of cement sidewalks have bean built and ordored constructed and on the princiiml streets nud steps liavo been taken to) securo atreot lights, which will bo installed next spring. Prosj)erity has reigned in Central Point dnriug the j)st year. Jlot of the businofs firms rojort an in creased olumc of busiuet over last year, in some cneoe the j!:qiiomonal inerofie of from 50 to 70 j)er ocnt being- reported. In moral tone and educational fa cilities Central Poiht occupie an en viable position. It has no saloons nor dues and, unlike many other so called "dry towns," it lias no blind !. llic town has excellent public lub, oti Ot n ','oa ' ,no witirc i wdli the inn'- represented the llnpiiot., tU'licntio'i of preset t tvducttou b Town Methodists, Clm-difttis and t'hwinni,'" lle"i "' Kcicnli-ts lme their own liuihlngs, ioti! hope to grow .tt n1 titles can i-. the - round- It nl.io has a llc ucwhiiaix r the (Vn- trnl Point llewlil, edited lv Pattlsou. S .ml with the icuIiiMtiou of the imiratitiiit'.- diram apimmutlv t neur Ceiilr.il (I'oint can wull ufford a smtle of nat- LifactioH ovor wlwt she hna accom plUhed in thu pat in prmrMtion for the glorioHb ilromiiu .if the future. No othor. city of equal nopulatlmi the latter liming ju-t eoqiplfted oueiing country prtper of the jirettieyt church buildings in the valley. The Presbyterians arc arranging to build next summer. A V. M. C. A. building has jiwt been completed and dedicated at a cost ot noarfy $10,000. The building is fully equipped with reading ud louugmg rooms, cla rooms, ladies' parlor, kitchon and banquet room, gym- nntiium, shower and plmigo batlw. etc No other town ou the coast, or poHi- bly in the counto', of equal opula- uwii nas auoitipieii ana earned to completion such tin undertaking. Of much importance to the future Stock Raising nll y proper, Set 1aii;i tarda of tat for mmiv c!ir, and tralulomt tlilp tic, rniiKO mid dnlr nprcHcnt a ior-,mciiiH ot them from tho Jlcilford tlon of Jiukpou rotiuli m wcullli Hit utorU ardn U au ouunloiml rmituic. Mimt of tho stock raining part leu Inrly in the ruac ot cattle. Im uiirlwil mi In tho allo)n InlyrniH'lIng tho mouiitalnoiiH dlntrlcta where water modern Jiving condition second l and hish schools, five churches, a V. jhoso of no city in the country. Paved M". C. A.. Commercial club. Ladies' growth of Central Point in the irrum tion project of the llogtiu River Canal company, by which It is proposod to covor some 5000 acres of rich hind adjacent to trtid lying to the north and west ot the city. I'armoro and land owners arc cnthueitiBtio on the subject of irrigation and nre mooting tho enterprise of thu canal pooplc half waj The ttltimnto success of the project is uqw atianred and it is confidently expected that water will bo u nibble for the entire area b tho spring of lflia. Thi will mean the dividing np 0f many of the larger trnets of land and intensive culthn- and range aro plentiful. I.tttlo of on the const 'con boaat of to cnmnmto ! "i" Industry la to bo neon lit tho a water and sowar 8yem, a ovary :"" I""-""" f the Itogiic ItUor jmrt of the city, luclndlng all of the!-- fttunllcr vallorf mcntl'tiicd aro icptlomtlly well ntlnpteil to alfalfa growing, and tho Imiueuno bodies of rnitgn In tho vicinity of tho ('loirudo mountains with the great oliimo of native grnwes attract many people who prefer this method of farm life Hogs aro raised on many of tho smaller farms and orchards, Kogiie liver hogs hum been proverbial In tho Han KrauclHcn nud other markets nil in! r of Mori, farms aro nirtlii talnml hero iniikliig a specialty of pure bred homo, ami tho liuliutry Is griulually growing Into noticeable proportions. Tho open and Umbered foothills In lh vlrlulty of Mmlford afford spteiidld raiuto for shuop, while the AtiRora "( Is being qulio cxjnnslvely raised, and serve to solve ono of tho economical problems of laud Hearing where It Is necessary. residence additions, is covered by the two systuins. The cost ot thoee improvements was as follews: WRtog Bystam extension .... $ 1 5.000 Sewer system hfi.ooo Street jinvlng ..'J 40.000 Sidewalks . . . 3.000 It Is an up-to-date town, is lighted by olectrlclty. Iiiih an excellent mu nicipal wator system, good streets and sidewalks. There aro sohools, churchos, frntcrnsl organizations, largo mercantile) establtshmonts nnd manufacturos. a llvo commorclal club and is tho distributing point of (7lillC CUilU21 Itlllt UIIU 111 1I1U IIIlHIl productive regions in Oregon. Central Point has n prosperous and progresslvo bank, the Central Point State bank, J. O Isaacson president. vSSfe I Stock J eVwastT!ri?W ' AjT INVESTMENT IN A DIAMOND ic quires tnrcful tliotighl and tlio proper roiiflileuio In n firm to warrant almoluto sntlsfartlon. To nolo tho proper coin. pnrlMui )t niiiht liis)cct them from n largo nml well selected Stock, such as I am ublo to Mom-. In this vvny )ti Iktcoiiio tlioroughly famlllnr with values anil feci aiiurtttl of snfo and economical Imjlng through my binding guarantee. I'l.Vi: WATCH AND J i: W K I U V ItCPAUtlNU Medford, Orogon MARTIN J. REDDY Tho Jewolor IMAMO.NI HICrriNU Al i:N(;itAi.(i em: iiinii: Near Poatoffico f BWpf j423it-38 PAGE FENCE It Stands the Test t T T f T T f f f t T T t T t T T T f f f f T T T T T t y T T T T T T T T Y T J T T t T L?JB9lHBBBBaBBBBBBWttnBaBrBBBBBBBS gmr 4B-x- tL flB IS YOUR FARM OR ORCHARD TRACT NEEDS WOVEN WIRE FENC TO GIVE IT ABSOLUTE SECURITY AND PROTECTION Time For Fencing Is Now YOUE PAGE NEEDS CAN BE PROMPTLY SUPPLIED BY OUR DIRECT-FROM-FACTORY CARLOAD SHIPMENTS THE BEST IS EWAYS THE CHEAPEST WE HAVE THE BEST GADDIS DIXON The Fencing Contractors And Jobbers "THE PAGE FENCE MEN" MEDFORD, OREGON The Only Exclusive Pence Distributors in Southern Oregon and No. California i .? ? V T t ? t Y ? ? Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ! 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