, .sji? JM FJOFORF) Al ; A f h Till HUNK, lrED7?Otti), ORTICIQN, MONDAY, ,TANU A T?,Y 1, 1012, fAOEFIVE ' W c' ." 1 $utte Falls Timber Center of Southern Oregon ? A -&, 1 IP initio Falls, tliii coiiiIiii; lumber c i) tor of .lnrtiMou county, Ih tln pioh ont tormluiil of tin) I'ftt'lflr H Kimfuru rnllronil, a pint of tli Mill xynlnin, In llio honrl of llio lnr'Ht sugar plno Imll In llio world. Ti Unitary to initio Falls! a eight billion feet of stoutllug limber. Tho rullioinl will ho oxlonil ml to n connection with tho Oregon Trunk, thus giving u trtiiiHouiitliiuntiil lino to'tho cnid. Hlg lltittu rlvor, iiiun which llutto Falls In loetiind In ono of till) flllUHtJ power utrfniiiM on tlui rnnwt--it power Hint It already being ulUUm! to oper ate lumber iiiIIIh, or whluli tlioto are. It ft IT it doxon rentlutrod through tin1 district. ' i , Opportunity W'kntin tho liiiino ; m'l'Uor mill tho inunutitotiiror to lliitto FnllM?'Tho wljnroiit region In rich In natural reniireoii. Tho clonrnd forest Innil it llio beM orehnnl noil In Urn, nllity? Timber iiwiilln tho mlllmitu,' for rnuli mill iloor ami box factories. ' for paper mills nml tor furniture iintuufHctorlo. l.hrgo ilupoNltH of elny nml flro hrlrk clay a wall utllUii-j tlou for brick nml tllo factories, nml quarries contain flue IiiiIIiIIiik mono (toed mill nil o cnu ho noouroil for either small or largo mill. Cootl farm land ran ho ptirnhnnuri nl JIM) mi ncro nml up. Thero U n good opening for n llvo nml progrowdwt bmikvr. I'lllO Wttll'l'. Mutto Fall Iihh n fluo, puro mono tnln wntor system, an up-to-tlntn pub. lie iirhool ytnm with nn accredited I high school, nml uuiny of tho nil- vn n't age commonly secured only In larger town, lluttu Falls, with nn elevation of' ? jiiMijil &? K X P- - ' ar jmhi' I fin Hullo I'oIIh Jacksonville-Jackson County's Picturesque County Seat -jMjji 1II1IISMI.IWISHM1UI.LI U I-. - Jl . II- - !.. I I ! ! !! II . II. . I I I I 111 IIIUWIII 1IIIMHI 111" 'I " f I 1 1 TTT ... .- tit- i ' ."5i''.j. 'v ; r-" v-fi&L MsiflNLi9iiLsSB9HE3raft99 w.... 4 liM MKMBIrwvV n irTIi i",M J"ifn'T"1ffMlWTlHBiTBnBWrTlMiitnllDlTW WWMt'TWfifflf TiTmWtlihMii Xti iinMiliMMBTl Miirafryt7TiTii I itlil TlRi S TwliiwflrrWlwPMr'iirTii11 finH9kiaMHniBdiltS8wilffilB:lillH LtLLr-1, "fill il ffi WfcSimMltf"1!""7 frlMWllMMrTrffffT nKifffrnHiTi htt Mwlnir Mfi "i iffir "5i- ' sJfM k kzJmb f9kBl JnckqoitvlllO) having it population of 100Q, is tho county uout of JiickHon county, .the fourth county In Oiokoii In vyoalth .and populutlon, nnd third ultjHA 'tho county, Tijd townjU Idonlly nltuutml In tho fiiotJjIllB nnd Inuny luindHomo rest dOucos Bponk of tho comfort of Uh poqplp. with tho Roguo rlvor valley In front nnd the mountains nt tlio bnck door, no inoio charming hUiiii (Ion for u homoHltu cnu ho found In tho WOHt. JnokHoiivlllo enjoys, tho doaervod repiitntlon of having sent out' inoio nntlvo gold than nuy other place In tho Htnto, It Ih tho supply and out fitting point for many productive mines, both plncor nnd quartz, 'i'lila Is tho "gutoway" to tho rich Applcgntq valley and tho famous Uluo Ledge mlno, rich In copper. For thy Hiioitsumu this Ih a pain dln. Tho forest vohoi'Voh In tho Blsltl yous ami tho (!nspniloH uhouiUl In ovory kind of game known to Uih region nlul tho iinhnruiiHHud rivers mul erookH Afford fish for tho anglor Thu ollinuto of jnckHunvlilq Ih Idonl. Pholtfrod .from wIiuIh, mip- f'Huip o of the I nils XI 10 font, U tti- mi in tu i r it-wort of southern Oregon It equitable Hint plrnimul climate, Um foroHtn nml strewn Into niHiiy during tho hot mouths from tho warinur vallojs. There Ih fluo fUhliiK ninl liuitt In No fcg or strong wind, no exroislve hont or cold, no niflnrlu, ir typhoid, no hny fever dlHturhN Iih residents, HIkIi HiIiooI nbout 2(1 Inchea annuiillv no se vere cold nor torrid hont, It Is n plneo for n homo. All of tho, conditions so fuvoruhlo to fr'ult-growlug fn tho Uoguo rlvor vnlloy apply, with oqnitl omihiiKla here, whllo tho additional altitude of 200 feel iiddH coloring to the' fruit, iitCVfw.' ,& , .i-U---saiN.' . . ' . rrr... . a.aT?iJrVvMSi?r -,l.f' O . . 1 . - W, v Tp7 Iv TCHilHbriH !-mL-m YT'lllKbVlW'UlV HHilrJV uMri Ufte Iff Hi SP on HIk Ilutlo From Wliltli (lie To nn I wl lh thoro nffllrtail with futlimn Jlml rnllrf In IU hnlmy clime Until- KnlU han n II v ami ontor lirlxlnjc Commercial club, which will miawor.nl! Iiiqulrlue rortIlitB this tH'rtliin. Ollvur Aihimts Ik proildonl. ('. T HrlKK vloo proHliloiit, J. Frank Clinton Aucrotnry nml CliRrlo Obsn- olnln trofltiuror. Hut timber will bo, for many year a t) como, thu main ronourco of tho llutto I'allrt rt'Klon. Tho advantage tlmt thin body of tlmbur powtiiHttcH over thul of nuy othor locality is on ni count of tho luvcl land on which It Ih Hltiiutoil, nt tin itvoniRofoloviitlou of .IliOO foul. Mont whllo and HiiKiir llno boltrt envor rough ami riiRgod mnuntulnouB country, nt olovutloiiH from tOOO to 7000 foot, roudorliiK IokkIiik ojuirnlloiiH very uxpounlvo. ,Thc JMlHoWooU timber can be IobroiI off nl ono-linlf tho expunto of tho joritlnur tlmWr proporty. ' ' Wlmt It MeaiiH. Aunlhor Kroat ndvnntiiRO that thlH timber butt pimofnoH In Unit tltpro ,h prnctlcully no miiow In winter, and the climatic conditions nro mich that i IorkIuk nud uiuuiifitcturinK can be j rnrrlod on throughout tho wlutor. , lictlcnlly nil tho mills In Calirornla. j wM-li Ih tho only other Htnto In which xuKnr plno crown, aro compelled to Tho tlty Is constructing u gravity wntor system ut a cost of 50,000., nnd y ndoqimto sower satom Is nt presont heliig roubldorod by tho city council. With our present olei'trlc llglit.lug system, Jacksonville will ho strlotly modern In overy respect. Tho churches nnd schools nro mod- Derives l(s XauiC close from four to clx months In the winter on account of the hoavy snows Few neoplu In the Rogue river val ley have any Idea of the magnitude of R, 000. 000,000 feet of timber, both ; from a tunnngo nml payroll stand point. It would require seven caw-' mills cutting a thousand feet each day for 300 days in a yoar for u term of to years to cnt S.000,000.000 ' fot of timber. This Is equivalent to 35 carloads A day, or over 10,000 ( caiH u j ear during .the entire 40 years. IILC FnymlU in Slht. In nddltbn to llio lumber tonnage, the by-product.! represent an addi tional 2000 earn n year. It requires about three laboring men for every thousand feet of lumber mnntifnc-! lured from tree to finished product.' liiKiirlng labor for ovr 2000 em ployes. Hox, sash and door factories ling ideal and the soil, as proved by mean tho employment of an addl-j chemical analysis and by expcrl tlonal 2000 men. Tho avqrage cost .'nicnts already conducted, adaptod for of labor nt $-.50 per day represents fruit of nil kinds. As the lumber n payroll In manufacturing lumber disappears orchards will tnko the of Jio.000 per day, or $3,000,000 a'placo of tho forests, ns the land enn ytmr Tho pnyroll for the factories bo purchiibed aftor tho tlmbr is cut will bo In addition at very nominal coat. A largo por- After tho timber is cut, o largo Hon of tho denuded forests cnu be portion of tho land .can bo elenred colonized by fruit growers, cut into and used for agricultural and fruit purposes, the elevation and slopo bo- ern Tin high sihool provides 12' grndes fitting pupils for tho state university or tho agricultural college. Paving nnd couicnt sidewalks uie being laid, and the county has made oxtenslvo Improvements on tho court house and a new and modern Jail, at an oxpoutso of $1G,000, bun boon erected. " All Valley Tows The year 1911 witnessed steudy and healthy growth In all of tho towns of tho Roguo rlvqr valloy. All lmvo Incrcusod In population, pro grcb8lvonosa nnd prosperity. Ashland greots tho now year with saveral miles of additional pavement, with a beautiful pnrl,wUh a fluo now high bchool nud other substan tial business structures completed nud moro under wny nnd planned. Nino toon hundred and twolvo promises to ho n bnnnor year In tho progress of tho most beautiful of tho Roguo rlvor valley cities. Central Point has nitule phenomen nl progress and promises. In the small tracts, which will moan a large increase In population, in addition to A wcekb ik wsp.ti'cr, The Ptst n:id public llbrni) nrc well supported. Tho two , banks hnvo deposits, of over $200,000, and. mijoy u lieu Hit' growth. A rock quarry, Bnwmlll, brick nml Hine factory, u quartz mill nnd cyanide plant are the Industrial plants. Growing Rapidly Medford'n boundaries. Probably half a million dollars has boon expanded In various; Improvements, among thoue being eonereto blocks and stone buildings. A now municipal wntor system hus boon completed, n now sower eytjtem eon&truotod nnd tho muln streets of tho city paved with asphalt. . Jacksonville has voted bauds for tho construction of a water ttystom, work on which Ih ahead) under wn Streets have been Improvod and the quaint old metropolis of das 3 gone by bIiowb renowod life and energj Wocdvlllo huB forgod nheud A new brick sehoHhtiuso has been com , Susar Plue In the Hutte Fall.s Section. providing a handsome revenuo for !the railroad. Ivight Sawmills ItcniJy. At proent sovon sawmills aro lo eAted in tho timbered torritory tribu tMry to the present terminal of tho Pacific & Eastern. About 30.000,000 feet of lumber a year Is marketed In tho Rogue rlvor valley today In tho district between Grants Pass and Ash land, which Is shipped as far north as FortlRiid. All of this lumber can bo I lain d and mnii new esiJ nces built Mines have been reopemd, new stump t inlllit hifitnlloft Mini liiidiiut Itmiiiiitiw Konornlly,' ' v Qold H1H' Is profiting by tho re vival of mining. Lima is belli burnt In largo quantities, and shipped by tho carload. Rauds huvo been voted for a municipal water system. Talent Voflools the program of Uo Utillej. 'Many new buildliisw lmvo boon urcotod and tho choice orchard lands surrounding tho town grabbed by Investors and planting on a largo scale is tlio ordsr of tho da. The town has boon lucorppratvd during tho year. IJajclo Point boasts of u flno depot and n now townslto has recentlV boon platted nnd built. A bank hits beau Incorporated and several flno business blocks have been constructed during tho year. Dutto Falls Is preparing for A boom with tho completion of the Paciric & Eastern nml the Inauguration of trnf fh nejjt spring New buildings are planned nud u preparation for the future the town has organised by Incorporation. supplied from local mills, nnd this lumber Itself will amount to a suf ficient tonnngo to pay lntcrost on bonds and mafjitquanco of tho. Pacific & Kastorn if extended Into tho forest. Within five years n largo acreage of orchards will como into bearing in tho Rogue river valley,, which will thon contain over 5,0,000 acres of bearing orchards, requiring 20,000, 000 feet of lumbor per year to supply the growers with fruit boxes. and reflects th- prosperity gained by ilnu'iiuiu- farming, gardening and botry culture, of which It is tho, center of Quth.trn Oregon, - . Tola has -mado great strides.' Tho twn now housta of n i.lopoti fa brick ami, tllo fnetory. a lumbor, mill 'and a graulto qimrryl ' Fully,, 'nV6fO of bulldliiKS. Including st'ores.lijiyb-'recently been oreciei and nioro aro undor construction. f To uinke a long utory short, ovory locnllty has Improved and grown us never before and they havo all only commenced, .. f Witlt uingll fruits uikJ hurry eultlvn. tioti, mi lino of oil eiiUlvution is ;noro jmifltnjilo. t'roin na iuvwitinoiU trmul point nml luhor oxpoixitMl'tlni!? gunlcn truck raining, it rcncliurt Rh. Iiigliot form in tho Ifoguo rlvor valhy i;tttler tlio comlitiuiiH mentinnoil in proviotm imrngrnpli, nnd i riipUltv liei'o.'uiilg tt factor of grent iironunonco here I'o tutoex, green vegelnlilcrt of 1 kliN( Heler.v. nHiiurnuuH ntrti lomnioed.jii ilemnuii the iorld oei,,gmtv m ifnl mo-t proH(f' form tuul htf Ufi'i-