Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 01, 1912, NEW YEAR'S EDITION, COUNTY SECTION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 12

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Talent, the Garden Spot of the Valley
Talent ts situ
ated about half
wny between
Mcdford nnd
Ashland on the
Pnelttc highway
nntl tho Southern
Pacific railway, and all tourists or
others passing through Rogue Rlvor
valley must pass through It.
In tho lust fow years Hint tho vnl
loy hns become famous Talent has
heen taking on n gmdunl growth nntl
it is now getting to tho place thnt U
will take a faster nnd more pcrmun
cnt growth.
There nro over COO inhabitants
within tho town limits and the imme
diate country surrounding it tho mot
thickly settled rural district in the
Rogue river vnlloy.
Talent was incorporated last year
nml since then a new interest has been
manifest and nil building thnt hns
been dono in the last year is of n
creditable kind, and will aggregate
$00,000, which is an increase in build
ing of n lnrgo per cent.
"Water Supply.
Talent is now anticipating n water
supply, which will be finished next
season, nnd this mny be accomplished
si n very low figure, as tho wnter
supply is both near and adequate for
any future use. The cost of putting
in tho system, including all expenses
cers nro W. 1). lloldridge, president;
11. K. Ilobison, vice president, nnd K.
B. Adnmson, cashier.
There is one business thnt is not
sufficiently represented, thnt being u
good, first clnss hotel. While there
are two small hotels, both hotel own
ers ngree thnt a large, modern hotel
would be n great benefit to tho town
nnd n paying proposition to anyone
thnt would start one.
It might be well to mention that the
town is "dry" nt present.
School efficers: vT. B. Coleman, O.
A. Morse and Marion Tryer, direc
tors; O. A. Gardner, clerk; F. C.
Smith, principal. N
Country Ulrh.
Tho country surrounding Talent is
of the best variety of Hogue river
soil nnd the products raised nnd mar
keted from this community always
arc classed among the be wherever
On the placo of G. A. Morse, a half
mile from Talent, a 3-ycor-old peach
tree bore 10 boxes of peaches last
season nnd many others were about
as heavily laden.
Tho Newtown apples selected from
T. E. Scuntlin's orchnrd, one mile out,
took first prize at the world's fair
nt Seattle, thus getting a gold medal
for the exhibitors.
Also in 1011 the Newtown apples
from Houston brothers' orchnrd, or
Wf aH! liPilltiiP
imbti i ai?ii F;&mEmzmmmM
has boon null oil 011 cniudiilcntl) nml
tho ranch now Ih In perfect condition
fur thin NcnMon of tho year, Tho
local Urn hi 0110 mid a half in lie fiom
Talent, unit tho iilopltiK hillsides kvo
It not only perfect hoII hiuI nil' drain
n ro, but overlooks tlio valley for
.Mountain View Orchard,
Talent la hIihi tlio burnt of the
famoitH Mountain View orchard,
which iNi inn Into homing In JU0(1
nml him ueror niliwod a crop yet.
while year after yciir Newtown up
pies from the tract huo fwcureil tho
highest prices paid for apple lit oiut-
cm markets.
Tlio Mountain View orchards today
nro nwiinil y a Ryiulloaio of
npoIlM num. represented locally by A.
( Itnuilull, for.inerly a largo grain
denier of Mluuoupolln nml HI. Paul,
who wan fin end to come went lii
llMIICll of lllMlltll,
Thu orclinril wiim phtnttid l) M. f.
Pullea mill Ih.nry Ainurmi In 1NU0.
An orcHntomil Vlnimiii In foiniil on
tho tmrt, which rnverri 10 n(iiin,
mHIhiiihIi the Kiiwttor iiuinlior of tho
lren ro Nowtowtm, The Iraet In
utnilti iiioio viilimtilc by two aitimlnu
wnlU on lt lilRhtHit point, which pro
vide, a Htrwun of .10 luuhim of water
for Irrigation purpumm,
Tills oirliilld U one of tho show
triutrt of tho Hokuo tlver vnllc.
Talent Timber Resources
of mains, hns been estimated by the gJ!ncraU',n?wa ns thc Buckeye or
enginecr at nbout flo.OOO, which is c"nrtl 'k first Pn" nt tho Spokane
very reasonable for a good svstcm.
Talent is furnished with both gns
nnd clcctricitj' for Loth heating nnd
lighting purposes. Thc Rogue River
Gas company furnishes tho gas nnd
tho Jackson County Electric Light
nnd Power company, with their sub
station at Talent, do a general light
and power business and handle nil
kinds of electrical appliances for ull
The school is bcitur nut in thc best
of condition, n new building having
been erected this last summer nt n
cost of $24,000, nothing hnving been
spared to make it modern and sani
tary, and the finish is of high grade,
being the best finished school build
ing, with the exception of one, south
of Eugene, in Oregon. There are six
acres in tho grounds, giving plenty
of room for playgrounds aud agri
cultural training.
F. C. Smith is superintendent of thc
schools and is planning a full 10-ycar
courso for 1912-13. There nre two
schools near Talent nnd there is n
movement to consolidate the higher
grades of these schools with the Tal
ent school, which would be much bet
ter for the pupils of the outlying dis
tricts, which are much crowded now.
There are four churches which hold
services, nnnicly: Methodist Episco
pal, Rev. G. II. Way of Talent, pns
tor; Christian, Rev. Hurvey of Phoe
nix, pastor; Baptiht, Re.v. Holmes of
Mcdford, pastor; Dunkard, Rev. L. B.
Overholser of Tnlent, pastor.
Town efficers: Marion Tryor, may
or; Jny Terrill, recorder; G. A. Gard
ner, treasurer; T. J. Bell, J. II. Lacy,
E. B. Adamson, J. R. Robinson, V.
II. Breeco and J. S. Crawford, coun
cihneu. The following is n list of the busi
ness houses located in Talent: R. L.
Burdic, general merchandise, located
in tho new concrete building erected
Where the storo of C. W. Woltcrs was
burned February 1, 1011; Talent Mer
cantile company, also carry general
mcrcbundihe; J. S. Spitzler & Son,
carry groceries; J. S. Spitzler, livery
and feed stnble; Marion Tryer, hard
ware storo; C. A. Brown and James
Gouley, drug nnd furniture store; E.
LttBelle, bakery and lunch; G. V.
Wood, barber j,ho; J. F. Norman,
barber shop; Charles High, bnrber
shop; Harry Leonard, blacksmith'
tent in the young orchards and i-ome-times
fields of it nre planted alto
gether for the profits to be derived,
as the urice" is always uood with a
ready market. While this is not rep
resented to be u corn country, yields
arc common at 40 to f0 bushols per
aero and even larger yields have been
Talent High School.
Hope mine has been made to show
some good returns. TIu-m', n well
as ninny smaller mini1, u to how
that the Held for the production of
gold has not nvi'ii been xcrntehed.
Talent a lVacli and Nut Seel Ion.
It is claimed that the flrt pouches
apple show, Spokane, Wash., Novem
ber 30.
A remnrkable feature of this car
that took the prize was that it was
not specially prepared to be scut to
the show, but selected nfter it had In addition to the nd milages were of the opinion tint nowhere eNe
been packed at Talent by Houston nre naturally to be thrown to Talent could thev he uri-.i ii' grown m
crown in the Winnie riser vnllov wore
Alfalfa hns been grown that yield-, raised on the Steams nhiee. one and
cd six tons to the acre per season I one-fourth mile-, southwe-t of Talent,
without wnter. which is a "ood rcc-'nml l.r...i..l.t fni.i.i..,,. ...- i.r
ord, considering the long period with 'those dns the leading.'-, ipatioii was
out rain in the summer months. 'mining. In fuet, the t,o! pioneer
11)11 (.row n I'imiii the
The opportunity is here mid awaits
the hand of the steady, iiuliiHtrioiis
num. No crop is more sure of proOt
to the man of limited menus nnd a
more eleau nml hoiiornbh' occupation
oHiiunt ho found. The great number
of varieties that do well here admit
of n long drawn out harvest, insuring
steady work almost the year round
for tho man and his family; the work
being of such u nature that it grout
deal ran be done by all nii'iiiliorw of
the family, with prollt both in health
and iHicketbook.
PraWi Varieties.
The orly varieties, moiiiu of wbioii
are Early Mayflower, Ale.xMinter and
Karly Iiuperinl, are in great ilmiiNtiil
.it present, hut the safewt arilien
to plant, in my ntiinntiou, are tlie
llllberla ami the .Muir. The KlherU
' i- a flue caiiner and a beautiful mar
1 ki t variety, while the .Muir i the liesl
t .iiuiiiiKtiiiil ilrinir puaoh now miicil
in the alhy, thougb it luek color,
i which w at prentuit uei'eMary to mitUa
J a popular lunrkot vstrictv. The lain
Minetnw aro the most apt to be ovr
done, thoimh a few uuii he haiidlcil
to advautnuo. .
There are nt pnwonl IIihuhiiiiiIs of
K-ai'li treen in llio viriultv of Talunt,
wlueh will be in hcHriiitr in the itit
mediato future. As tho soil in very
fertile, one can reanoimbly expect to
M'e n great cliippiiiK and caniiiiiK
center csiahlinlicil in the near future.
Willi its Hplendid scIiooIm and
churches its uhsonce of miiIihiim, and,
taken n n whole, one of the lipt
class of citizens on earth, the vicinity
of Talent Iihm laid the foundation of
u wonderfully pronperoiis and happy
K. i:. I'OSS.
Hegiuuiiig three inllo. south of Tnl- Inninjlit with her it cross (lie plniim in
ent on Waguei' creek nnd coiitii)iiuig n wagon ilrnwii by o.en, requiring six
soiilli on Wagner creek iindjhroiiKli iiiiuiIIih lor the trip. Thwe weed were
the Wagner (lap on to Applegiile planted in the full of IHfKI ami our
creek for u dislnuee of 10 miles uoilli ' tecoids show Hint H7 seedling itpplu
and south nml ix or eight miles eiixt
nnd west is tlio largest body of nw
timber in one body lying that near to
tlio Southern Pnoifio rallrond any-
luheru in southern Oregon.
There are nliouj till beet ions, or
about 10,000 in-row, of this liiiifier,
trew were lu nml iilanled in an
nivliiinl In I lie fall of 185 1. TliCfoi
tre. were ptnuted nml home of llicin
are yet In luaiitig in the K. K. Fos
Some tlio limiKiiiis here have been
imgajtoil in oi'chaiil and nursery work
with an incnixH of about ri.OIIO.Olii) on the iniu Chi to of wlileli the Immn
feet souuil good imlity liiuher to each' orohiird in prt during all tlio years
seetiou, or mi iikkiykuIi' of over 7'illjMie that tune.
million feet of saw timber One I TrecM gnowi bv us in ('oaring or
third in yellow pine mid two thlidi ( li.ird hm httii old duriiig the Itiot
IbBbS - - ITi in 1.1 fir ZItMi LTXj- jlftAiyJIBBBQ
two enr for iiemly
lion ilnlliir-.
The Aslilaml Nuoerv
one-hiilf' mil
company h
Car of Newtown Apples That Won First i'rizo at SK)kano National Apple Klmw in
Iltirkcyc Orchartl, Talent, by Houston ISros.
Bros, for the fmit association. A
much better car could havo been
packed from thc fruit of tho same
orchard had it been known in time
that it was going to bo used for such
Planting Pears.
There arc not many bearing pear
trees nbout Talent nt present, but,
judging f,rom the ones that are bear
ing, the time is coming when pears
willtfbc one ofjho lending fruits at
iulent, as there are several young
pear orchards that will be bearing in
n few years which are located on
first-class pear soil.
There arc over .'1000 acres of or-
by it having a superb agricultural
aud horticultural surrounding nre its
natural resources.
Lying north nnd. east aro the largo
pastures that for yonrs wore not
supposed to bo worth much for imy
thing but grazing. However, in tho
last few years it has developed that
there is a coal bolt of nuitcfin oxtaut.
Already there nro developments on
the Dunlnp tract which are very en
couraging, mid which no doubt was
the cause of 1500 acres of the laud
selling recently.
Coal Mines.
On Kmmett Boohon's place (here
lias has been a hole sunk which gave
assure it it future rcsourco of no
small caliber. This is not including
the rich bottom land that is at pros-
mJiiuBflilf rl IlKggygBBMBBi
B"filKJB5EB32!' . u" i J jjA BBBBBBM
BBBBraliVlKlBI8wBB?77i- 'f5f'HBBBB
Walters Block and Talent Klato Hank Building.
shop; Clements Lumber company has
k good lumber yard. Thero is also
a butcher shop, cleaning and pressing
works and three real estate firms,
NvV Bank Home.
Tho State Bank of Talent is in its
now concrete- homo with neat and
well finished interior, new fireproof
vault nnd now burglar proof safe,
Tho bank bus beon under ils now
management since Juno 1, 1011, nnd
lias been making rapid progress. Tito
capital Jms been incrensod from $10,
000 to $20,000 ami nil of (ho now
Ktook Jms been subscribed by local
people, which goes to show their con-
tars- to lhUaiMwikIiu!.Plfi-
cbards surrounding Talent thnt will j evidence of a good vein. However,
there will be other developments
mudc in the spring in n different
place nnd in a place thai gives evi
dence of a -l-footA-oiii, and by it mini
r that has had almost u life's experi
ence in mining coul. Whilo the coil
proposition in promising, there is one
that is sure of being a revenue pro
ducer to the operators, us lias been
proven in the patt, the cutting anil
I marketing of wood which has been
me menus oi many ni our most well-to-do
families getting their stint.
Most all (he hills are covered with
trees that are accessible, nml enough
may be found in tho surrounding foot
hill country to keep up the wood
business for many yours.
Mill Timber.
Another great asset iu the mill tiin-
,ber that in to bo found up the Wuguer
I creek country. There are millions of
feet of good timber that simply jiwjiil
1 tho coming of sawyer, ami u good mill
silo is within three mile of Tnlent
that will ho tributary to u most valu
able area of mill limhor.
However, (hero is ono of llio great
fuaturoH pf industry that looks most
promising for tho future of any yet
mentioned, it is tho mining of gold.
There ure somo ledges near Talunt
that havo produced a largo (juiiutitj
of gold, ami all thai is needed is th;
combination of enough capital to go
the volley. At tune great ipian
titcs of cgetubli-, etc., were grwu
in (he vicinity oi Talent on Wagner
creek, this hcclioo being known -is
tho garden spot of tho valley.
Tho almost entire utifeciict) of killiug
fro! in thirf section is a tcrcut nd
vuutage in the growing of vgtithle,
watermelons, tomatoes, etc., ami the
raising of fruits, walnut and almond
mils, etc. Tim walnut promise t
be u very profitable crop, while Iho
peach has proved iti perfect adaption
to this section, mid us there is (uit
u. stretch of cm mlrv around Talent
capable ot prl'ii-iiig profitable crops
of (his lu-cioii- 1 1 tut, (ho possibilities
along (In -o hi , , unlimited.
Sunercst Orchard.
Tln PattoriKMi machos which form
tho Huncrett orchard havo beon
known for yonrs as among the great
est producers of agricultural prod
nets of any In tho vnlloy, and as n
fruit ranch, is now, and will bo In
tho future, ono of tho grunt show
places that will command tho atten
tion of the public.
Tho property contains 31,000 trees,
covering KM ncroH, of which 111)
Heron In full hearing Is said to bo the
most perfectly grown block of trcen
In tho Pacific nerthwest: a I ho :I00
acros of young pear treos, of which
100 acres havo poach fillers.
Tho equipment of tho property Is
Ideal, having a largo ranch house,
two baiiiR, packing house, etc.; also
too in ii ami a full lluu of machinery
uu;oHiry for Its enro. Tlio fall work
HifililtMtrr of a, , Mm hc
fir and lurch, nml it is ilireetU Inb
litiiry io Talent. The one I hint tint
holds this timber durmniit h tin- tint
that the Southern Pacific railroad phial, one of the plant ol the Rogue
owns or elninw every Hltenml ser-; Ulver vnlloy Xiimory company and
lion in the entire tract. No milling ' (ho nle-iit of the WMtuer Creek Nur-
eoiupany can oerate uiiilor iIimk orv and Orchard miuimiiy, (he lal
eoiiiiitions and none will uudurtHke it ,ter owuor by Wolborn llcon and C.
in n largo wny until tint title to lliiww.T. I.ler, are ull in Iho immediate
railroad lauds is settled.
Whenever the title to this rnilroni
lad is Holtled ho that oiieratiuu com. I Imemni lister dug (Ins season
panic can Mcctirc all the timber on from three-fourths of nil acre $800
this land in a solid body, then Tnlent , worth of peach ireii., reipiiring two
will become one of the greatest lum-'.Veins io make tlio crop.
boring centers in oiithcru Oregon,
To handle (his timber would ic
quire the labor of 200 men working I '
steadily overy day for more. Uihii 2.1
nntl Garden
Fruits, Drrrlcs
This iiidiiHtry, little fostered under
the ourly growing conditions of duck
son county, is now beginning Io ns-
jsumo the proioi Units whieh (he dc-
tiinn.l Tnr uitmll lVnilu .if nil 11ii.Iu
her this will become (he great live1 . ,, . , ., ' , ., '
u -i. ... i i.:. . .. ,i 'nml herriim In uorthwostnru and other
......... ...... ...... .u.,i. i soiiiimiii 111-i,I,u i c...
This body of limber is (ho jjreal
ApplcgiUo cattle and sheep mnj(o. It
is one of the bust hiiuliiig and fish
ing sections, and is also IukIiIv min
eralized. When denuded of (ho lim-
jiiiiirhiiin ciiiiw ior. reaeues, as al
ready mentioned, nro of uuiisuul
Mcciion. , ,j(y( w),jlt upriciiiH, plums of tho
cy has long diffnioilt fuvorite varieties and her-
Talent as a .Nursery
Tho Wagner Creek vnl
lioeu rciiogiiized as producing (he In I lies, grow to very good advantage,
fruit trees grown in the Hogue Ifiver and are in demand in the local mar
vnlley. The lirst nursery trees out Lots lor home consumption nnd can-
grown in southern Oicgon were grown uiiig pmpohCM, These fruits aro bin
by the grandmother of the writer, ing grown in considerable uiluino in
Mrs. Anno Welborn Beeson, from sniall liacts, or an adjuncts to or-
seed sue had galheied in Illinois and elliirds oi 10 acres ami less.
ent in alfalfa nnd sown to grain each
year, besides (ho fmo garden and
small fruit ranches that are produc
ing ii niuo income for the owners.
On Fred Bapp's place, which joins
Talent on (ho south, Willinm Brum
rained $300 worth of wnteniiolons on
ono acre, $251.50 worth of potatoes
on ono aero, baled 14 tons of grain
hay off three mid n half acres and
cut 275 (ons of alfalfa from 50 acres.
This goes to show that Talent is not'ufler (ho yellow metal
only iu one of the best fruit belts jn In tho Wagner creek watershed
the West, but bus soil that is wollJUiero uro two large mines, the Ash
adapted to culture of vegetables of j hind mine, which lin produced pay
all varieties. ,m(i nro for ica,.H ftmj m ,0M
tomjaJUsagrawaliLxmilt' nniJV.'jiU minr Urn .cmut' jiblo Jh NIk.iIk.
Hj : HHHbI
v I. I.sler, ure ull in llio immetiliite
piciiiity of Talunt nnd nil product? u
,d splendid quality of treoH,
mto .