4 MTOWOrcn MA;TJ, 'I'RTDTXTOS, .MBCTOBD. QUKflON, WONAV,-.TiWMBiAny'.ra9,ia. , FTOJBfPHT-WB -. -- irftMHaHtwjfcMi hwn-ay il 'Mi i ilMWHil mtmimm Gold Hill Rich Mining and Orchard District i '& i t d Hi l 1 ' V (II)' I). It. MlU.I'ilt ) ,My uyim fllwl behold ()oi on tho proumil hIId thereof, September Slid, 1870, unit lliu mil) thing tliun Unit marked Hh lilfiitli) wim lln ipmrU mill tlml iiotunltHl out Urn iltiti gold fioiu (ho tium U lot'tt lliiu OMUIO nmii Urn old Uotd Kill iiiiiiin- tftlll, Till UIIMIlK llllll MlOIIll tlll'll whuiu now tin fmnniia (ioilllvo or dmitl I. Them whh nut Mux ImiL it fOrMt or limber mill linmli to ho hmii. Hill the hidden trmiir f nnturo wr nhMiihillug Iiuio then iiii iIhviiIdiwI. exrept In tho ouao of the gold llmt chiiiii ft out tho old (lllhl lllll HioiiiitHlu. I wim iiiiioIi ploamd Hum nn I looluitl iiinu tlohl lllll In ilut MllilnriiiWM, mill I have bcoiii" more mill limit) litfatuiitod with It us (ho days have guild liy. Nuliui! iiIhiiIikI curtain fuelllilo ami oiMHirtunllliwt wit lil n it i-HilliiH nf flftuuii mile surrounding Gold Hill pflMKWfteil )' IH OtllOr "Wilt lllll nf HjlllIHII Orton. Wllhln UiIm fir llmiu inlUw nlriuill llitno Ik iiiiu of tint urmitwt mluonil bolts west of tho MliMfliirl river. Thla mineral llOlt, I'OllhltltH Of deposits l)f glllll, nil- vr nut other initials, with Iron, lime, niiiMUit Meno anil granite for build lu: ptirpowitn anil artistic work, mill ilny fur brink ami sower and terra e.Olln plpo tliHt t'NIIIlUt be drrllMl. Very tri)inlnlim priMpoeta fur cowl hftv Iwnn (Harmons! tmrlli of (loli! -Mglif !!( !! I ja 4 "" ' ''IIIMIIWWWIWMW "WW IW MWWWai'Jil for factoie, for Koguo river linn tho powor thai can turn every bolt and wheel within Hi' state, nud rcinora hor that thin beautiful rivor runs right through thn contor o Ooltl llfll. Watch flold lllll prowl lllll Hinl ulihlii tho HUvf mill- lt rult, TliiTr U no (Iciiinl that a Kf-Hl body of coal will, Im ilitiliH Ah u mill lor of fact In iIIkkIuk h '-H on tli 8hlily fur in. miidh Mvtt ii i nillmi north of Mold lllll, I hi um ninr. h win of coal lKttttt lhi ilili ,n H'rmK at a ilijith of twin-iv-tli. f. i vtlihli on annl)ilH proviM it ui) Kitl Krail of coal Within Mif flft'toi mil" i In nit ar- tlioiiHatnlH nf if r of hiikmi pint. illow )lri' anil fir llinbi nwaitliiK Hi" wtw ntiil faclor. Tt iwi thu Vilii 'In ami I : " Amkw W'4l (...111 IIIIIV New IHkIi Kt-ltool I'aoornnui of dolil Mill. Im1s In motion lure la one of tho inu-f hvautirul, picturesque anil pow erful utroanm, the Kroat and tnag nlflrcut Itoguo rlcr runnlnjc right IhroiiKh tho contor or Cold, lllll and tho fin4iu utile circuit. Thore Ik wiirMdy a limit tn the powor already dtwloimd and that ran hit ilovolopud from thin groat river. Ami thlH groat atrcntn Ib part of tlit southern Oropoa aportmnsn'H imrNilliK It 1b tho groatcat rod Mr "hiii known today It haft within Hh water tho i;amat flah that tho hi.ih with rod nd rl er hooked audi aMrltta ntt thu rut-throat and rainbow trout, tho ateelheatl and tho Chinook Minion. Thaw are the fish that bJvp tho sporUman the worth of Ilia money and time Coming back to tho city of Gold Hill Tho Roll that lien on tho fdoplng foothills aurroumllog Gold lllll la deep and nry rich and productive It la now mostly covered with a heavy growth of timber mid bruah. but thoro unit ho hmidredn of excellent honi03 nude hero at reasonable -prlcoa. Sorth and northoast of Gold Hill nni within tho fifteen mile circuit Ilea the famous Saina valley, which la ktioun for Ha rich producthcuoaa in the Unoa of fruit and grain, alfalfa jikI truck gardening, lly ctittlui; up tin large farina In this fatuous val- into tracts of from five to forty lacrex, and with tho unoccupied and unimproved properties surrounding the city of Gold lllll, wo can take care of 10.000 homcleaa honioscck era. Gold Hill was not thought of as n townHltn until 1883 or 1884. Tho Southern Pacific choso it for a. depot aito in 18 S I . It waa then in the wildernexs, nothing to apeak of for it had only what nature bad placed hero, and that ncvor has boon devel oped and brought out as tho location and resources deserve. The hufaineaa and professional In feros Ik aro represented by ono hank, two general stores, one drug store, ono agricultural implement house, one Jowolry store, ono hardware store, ono furnlturo store, one soc ond hand store, ono hotel, one res taurant, one lunch counter, several boarding houses, ono bakery, two saloons, two barber shops, two con fectionery stores, ono shoo ropair shop, two blacksmith shops, one liv ery barn, one planing and finishing mill with saw mill six miles from town, one weekly paper, tho Gold Hill Xows. two dootors. ono civil en gineer, ono undertaker. Gold lllll has a local telephone exchange, with rural linos radiating from the town, and connectloa with two long distance systems. Since Gold Hill was established In ISM it has grown to a population of six or seven hundred. A hand some brick and cement high school building, of which a picture appears elsewhere in tho Now Year'a number of Tho Mall Tribune, was recently completed at a cost of $20,000. Tho richool lUeir, which included com pleto high school and business course, is in a flourishing condi tion. Gold Hill has cement side walks, electric lights, sewers and city water. The sewer and water systems. howover, are not exactly to our liking and desire, as they aro both more or less imperfect. Wo have now under headway tho eradication of both systems and the putting in of two new and up to dato systems, which will bo up to the standard with any of 'the water and sower systems along tho lino from Portland to Sacramento. Tho city has voted bonds to the extent of ?25,000 for tho water system. Nineteen hundred and twelve la going to ecq Gold lllll get a move on that will take the rust and dust off of orery thing rusty and dusty, evory placo and everything within the city, and make It a bright and shining light to all who may come In sight of tho beautiful city which la to bo tho rosnlt of tho present cam paign for Improvement. Remeinber that Gold JIM Is tho natural place rouimv kaisino i.v nwwn ItlVKIt VAIjLBV. Tho opportunities for iiOttltry raising In Jackson county aro so broad In thalr nature that the Com mercial club has Issued a special bul let In covering tho subject. Climatic and aoll conditions hero uro thor 'oughry adapted to the successful raising of tho hon, and particularly tho production of tho egg. Tho oarly spring and long periods of sunshine justify this. Tho growing acnaon .ranges between 1!0 and S00 daya, (With tho avcrago about 170 to 180. JA specialty of lilgh gradb stock in being made by tho poultry growers in the Uoguc River valley, and great strides in the advancement or tho industry have been made during the past few months. Market conditions through tho cntlro Pacific coast havo attracted many people to this section In tho solo interest tot poultry rais ing, and Jackson county at tho pres ent rate bids fair to becomo ono of the egg producing factors on tho Pacific coast during tho next few years. Kgga brought in tho local markets In Jackson county during tho past year on an average of $0 cents per dozen, and many growers made net profits of $2 per fowl dur ing that period. Mouth of Tunnel, TJme Kibi, K i T. M H I L L MINING METROPOLIS OF SOUTHERN OREGON SEWERS, CEMENT WALKS, FILTERED WATER, ELECTRIC LIGHTS i t t IV HF Hkfl r"m. Wi' m "Hi .fit . t . JW 1 W k Si H " J. -- Y . H HN H M "P :t f t .y T T t 'f iT i x 't' f T f T T T ' T if t f f I X GOM) IlIL.Llmsa nalii nil silo I'ura cily, built as it is on llio banks of U'ouo rivor, at tho gateway to the won derful valley of the same name- The .setting for a city is here pietureHtiue and inspiring and if the law of natural development works as it should, the setting will some day, and that not far distant, bo filled by a city stioh as southern Oregon mav not boast at present. The town takes its name from Hold Hill mountain, so called because nearly half a million dollars was taken from a ledge at a point near its summit in the early fifties. Mo townjn southern Oregon has a greater list of actual, get-at-able natural resources awaiting development immediately contiguous to its corporate ftniits. The rushing current of Itoguo rivor teeming with gamy salmon, trout uiid steelhead offers at a compara tively slight cost ,per developed horsepower an abundance of powor for any and all industrial development. And speaking of hunting tho neighboring hills are tho happy hunting grounds of southern Oregon. No lufiiter returns without plenty of venison, and generally ho brings in tho legal limit. Cougar, bear, panther and coyotes may bo had by those who care t'o hunt them, and several trappers ,iu the Viciuitv makegood money each winter on tho finer Airs. ' - .: Hf.)gipiSl The choicest. J'ruit laud in southern Oregon surrounds Uold Hill, the numerous creek valleys, with their deep, fertile, mineral-mixed soil and absolute immunity from frost providing almost ideal conditions for tho horUouJ tundist, Several extensive timber bolts can be most easily put into the market with mills located at-Uold Rill. Tim following is n list of mining proper ties in the region contiguous to (Sold lllll, classified as to tholr re.sriectlve dNtrlcts: Klines Creek: llotcnue, Alice, .Mcntlcnhnll, Itimrlug Gimlet, llradru, Millionaire, Centen nial placer, and many others; also tho Hughes nud Householder lime inmrrics. Galls Creek: lllll Nye, recently purchased 1y a powerful l-'eeiuii bymllcale, operating mines In nil pnrls of tho vorlri; flvo stamps vtlll soon ho lit opendloii. Gold Standard, Itcd Oak, lluUlesiiake, Kuhll, Tin Pan, llurns Afc Duffielil, II, 1. Jones, list Chance, and lilt; Foot. Knots Creek: Champllii Dredging Co., Illiuic Channel placer, liiueo Jlros. placer, lllo Queen, llertlm, Horseshoe, Swaler, Hummliighlril, nud iiiauy others. Saldino Creek; Mtllo (Jlmil, Hlaek Hawk, (iiey Uagle, Lueky Mart 'group, Corixmil , GarilMtn, llaff group, Hlnckle, Smith plater, Diisenbiiiy placer, uuip many others; this creek placers Its entire length. Itoguo Itiver lllll: l'Tilnlow, llllzzard, Vt'hlto Horse, SyUanlte, Trustmister, l'aeto llau, Garfield (Iron), l'lemliip-Wanl (Iron). (.'old Hill Meuntain: Golirijlll ledge, Cop Mr Queen, Whitney, I'lsher, Dlkeiunn mid nuiV' others, Hnekwell Hills: Majbolle, Nellie Wright, ItoiMleu, Yellow Jacket, lionu Plue, Frank Shu f fee mid many olhers. IIJow Springs; Murray, Nick Jerry, llcrstiibrrgor, Houston mid many others, Tor further information address REX H. LAMPMAN Seeretarv Business fen's 'Assn. "Gold Hill, Oregon GOLD HILL is the center of a rich mineral district. Gold, copper, iron, cement rock, brick and potter's day, shale, lime the purest on the continent, according to government geological reports all are here, and all undeveloped. The rich surface gold deposits, both plaear and quartz, have been worked for fifty years, and hiivo paid and are still paying handsomely. There is no dddp mining. This will come later, and when it docs it is freely predicted that Gold Hill will become ono of tho greatest camps the west has ever seen A mountain of high-grade cement rook lies just south of the town, and a mountain of high-grade hematito iron just north both undeveloped. A bituminous coal belt many square miles in extent lies seven miles north of the town undeveloped. This is in the Sams Valley and Meadows districts, comprising some of tho finest la'ilti for fruit and general farming in southern. Oregon. lYn eleven-foot vein of black lignito has been uncovered in ,the Meadows, and samples of coal tukon from wells in Sams Valley have been proven by analysis and forgo tests to bo of high quality. Capital is invited to investigate the Gold Hill district, either before or after investigating other districts, whethar tho object of the investigation is mines, timber, cement, lime, brick and tile clay, timber, coal, power, or a location for a sanitarium pr tourists' hotel Gold Hill has thorn all. Add to all its other advantages as to location and resources an all-lho-year climate that can't bo bcafoii dii the Pacific coast, unci an idea is gained of tho .fusf jej of ho claim that Gold Hill has tho best prospects' for futuro development of any town in tho world-famous Roguo Rivei vtifloy of southern Oregon.