Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 30, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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"1 fWltfrfWil HWVj,
Clly Hall am
. ,
Medford Mail Tribune
Ilnln. Mat., H2j iln 27.
ltd. Hum., 05 Per Cent.
DHlly Hlxth Vror,
furty-Kirai Your.
y .
MISD1T0RD, OJU'JCION, SATTJiJUY, l)I;rWwit30, J011."
No. 241.
14 flltl"- ryi
Clarence Darrow Will Defend llio Men
Dclcctlvo Says Charon Was Con
spiracy to Transport Dynamite Bo
tween States.
I.OH ANOKMW, Cut., Dec 30.
Positive mtmirtluu Unit nliio pornoim
had been Imllctml iy (ho federal
lintiitl jury probing tho ullogod dyim
' inlli' roiiNplrnry wiih mado hero thine
nfluriiiHiii hy tln'ltod States District
Attorney A. I. McCorniiirk.
Tint t'lutruo lit I'liiiunlrnrv In I rutin.
? (tort tlyumiilto between states In vlo-
hit ton of tho federal statutes. Thorn
nro four count In oiirli Indictment.
Of tlm Indicted moil, throoOhif
Tvliinuo, Anion JoliiiuiiHfii iii( J,
y Kf AltutMoy nro iitulor urniNt. Otli
(irn tiKHlimt wliom Indictments wore
rottiriiMd, lint who tinvu not yet been
arnwtwl, me: IC. A. Clancy, now In
Han KriiiiclKCo; Pnvld Cnplnn, M. A.
Schmidt mill iinothor innn whoao
Iduntlty Iiiik not yrt beun dlRcloHmt.
' John J, mnl Jmnun I). MoNatnara,
now In Skin Qutmtlu penitentiary for
OynmnltliiK, nro also Indicted.
Great Northern's Coast Train "Ore
Ijonlan" Goes Over 15-Foot Em
bankment Fire Break's Out
Corpses Cremated.
The Holland-Medford's New Hotel, Which Will Open New Year's Day
LOS ANOHLIJS, Cnl., Dee. no.
Olnf Tvditmoo mill Anion JoIihiiiipoii
of Smi Frtuieirfoo, two of CiiliforiiinV
uumt proiniumit Inlmr lender, ami J.
Ji. MiMnoy of Suit Lake Lily today
worn taken iillo ciiHtotlv liv deputy
United Static marshal following Iho
return of indictments by (In1 grand
jury which for wvektf Iiiim been Kift
ItH; information ooiwoniingH llm mi
IS of tho MeNniimnt.
It h not known (l(ifJuitt)lvw!iullicr
thwo won nni Included in the list of
imlliilinonU relumed by tho probers,
luit fnnn llio moment tlm grand jury
Glnrtinl lo outer tho lrniloiI Slate
district court room with United
Slate Dwtru-t Altnrnov McCnrmmk
nt their head, ench of the men under
nrriMt were onrcfullv watched liv
doptiUn. Then, nt n given mkiimI hv
Spcoinl nnviirnniout Aont l.nwler,
who remained lttiouod nt the en
truiioo lo tiu court room, Tvoitntoe,
Jnhinucu mid Miiiincv were nrrct
.Vo Stiitcmctit .Miitle.
"Wo huve JtiMt been nrrtwted,"
Tviiituioo told tho iirodd ropreHonlu
tivVs. "Indictments woro returned
ngniuat iik hy the grand jury. I will
liiulie no olher Htutiiiueiil. Our ciiho
will ho Iriud in the courts, mid not
in the newMpiipurN."
Vollowinir life nrrewl of the trio of
nulod fijjnn'M in Inlmr rrnihH, Deputy
Mnrnlinl Sittle declured Hint no othr
urriMtR would ho iiiudo in I.ok AiiKimw
during the (lnyri)iMtrfct .Attorney Mn
Coruiuch Mloutly refuwed lo stuto the
nature of (he chnrjjn upon which the
iiiuii were held In nimtody, hut Tvcil
Iiioo'm Htiiteuieul Hint they hud heiiu
indielod hy the itrmitl jury won gen.
omll.v nnuoptoil nH n I'nct.
To IC. J, IloiidrivkK, a local Inlmr
liiliiler, Tveilinoe Htnlcd that they
could Rceure their release on .t.'iOdl)
oiiuh hall, mid IIundriekH in now
HeftiiriiiK llio city in nn nlinpl to
mine the nocimnnry aiuouutH. Clar-
(iikio Darrow will defend tho num.
HiiyH ICm CoiiNplrncy,
'Mnloohn McLaren of tho IIiiiiih
ngenoy wn nwpoiiHihld for tho hIiiIo
uiiiut that the Inhor lundei'H had heeu
iiulieled on a joint .clunx-o of coiiHpir
noy to IrmiNport dynamite between
Htuiurt iu violation of the federal
The arrest of the Inhor men eamo
iir a thuiiderelup to local union men,
Hptminl (loveruiuut Agent Lnwler
haviiiK Kliited only lliiy morning thai
no iiidi(iln)onln would he reltirued un
'til .luuimry 8. Thoso "in tho know,"
however, predigtod lliul Indiolnionls
vould ho njtunfed, huliovinjr that
tywlorH niiuoiiucoinont wan Kimplv a
viiro to throw tlio men off their
HT. PAUti, Minn., Dee. .10. Twen
piiMHeiiKei'H lire repotted killed In
ii wreck of tho (Irent Northern'
tirade couhI tmlii, the OreKonlnu,
two mlloH emit of Hhnron, N. I)., to
ilny. Four corpneH itlready hnvo
hoen rooovoreil from tho wrecknKo.
It Im reported hero thnt tho train
went over n IC-foot cmutinkmont
mid that the earn are ntlll huruliiir.
with hod Ich of thoMO caufstit bcliiK
HlKht Injured pemoua hnvo huon
riiHhcd to tho hoHpltulH. The wreck
wax canned tiy u deniiiKumcnt of
HchcdiileoM, duo to tho rnnnliiK of
xpeelnl trains. Tho wrecked flyer
left hero at 10:30 o'clock hint iilKht,
At 2 o'clock thin afternoon the
llxt of dead mid injured In tho
wreck wim not obtnlunlilc, commmil
cntlon linvlug licen Mevcrnd ttccnune
of wire trouble. At tho Qreut
Northorn office hero no detailed In
formation of tho dlsniiter had been
r'Toni tho tuenKor roporU In tho
hands of tho railroad licadn, tho en
tire train except tho endue nnd mail
car plunKod over tho embankment.
Then flro Mtnrtcd nnd within half nn
hour four earn woro consumed. A
courier brought relief from Hhnron
mul tho Injured woro carried nwny
In wlelKliB nnd attended-by phyiiicinni
nnd niirxcit from Klndlny, u Btntlan
near Sharon.
Dr. llclmurm, tho only pliyolclan
on tho train, thoiiKh hluiKolt nerloiiH
ly Injured, khvo relief to tho mnlmcd
liiiHHOUKOrH. AinoiiK tho dead are
mild to be tho dlulni; cur conductor
and a brukemnn.
W m if '.&.. or Ai'JTTPBf...'... 1x-i lilt BIB PMIHniiiiH i hiyiW'i1 il I IP ' IH I 'Hi 'IW ' w
Kff M' M3 'Tlfrr f i ,JfflP iTnrllPh-BBIj I &wArvUFmF?3&ii
-J . trnryn I II ligliMBiilWW-iMr'SByv.- V MfcCt L.-'..?; :fc BHiH
-. I 1.11 I I I III l.'i 'BBBBBBBBH1 '. ..BBMlI.iB'tjMfBlIP . ' t' rMnMKHti i 1ii , nit, , iff- wHH
Acting Upon Recommendation of Dis
trict Attorney Mulkey, Deputy
Prosecutor Rcames and Judrjc Cal
kins, Sentence Is Commuted.
Thirty Policemen Will Be Present at
Widely Heralded Peace Banquet
President Taft Expected to "Talk
Right Out In Meeting." ,
Los Anoetcs District Attorney Will
Probably Appear Before Federal
Grand Jury Now Pr&jlng Dynamlt-
- lnf) Cases at Indianapolis. - '
Lino Will Run From Ginger Creek
Into Town Carrying Splendid Sup
ply of Pure Water for Little VII
lago in tho Hills.
Unite Full has plnuH made for the
iiiHtallntiou of u Hplendid water syn
tem. Civil Kuujncor L. W. Whiting
of thiK city Iiiih been employed by
the oflieers of that town for Home
time in Hiirveying out u line from
town to Ginger creek, from which it
irt proposed to take the water.
There in a Hplendid flow of water in
tliiH orcek mid tho altitude at which
the water for the town will bo lukoii
out in Hufficicntly great to give n
Hplendid pressure. It is estimated
that for nil expenditure of $10,0110 m
putting in' (ho Hyntom u supply of
water cmv. he scoured which will ho
ample for it town of DOOO population.
250,000 On Strike,
MANOIlKBtlOK, Knglnud, Dee. 30.
Tho niunhor of strlltors In tho cot
ton mills lioro lucroased today to
ar.0,000, probably tho groatcst strike
hi the hUtory of Kuropd, This com
pi'lnou both upluuorH nnd woavors.
The Htrlko promlues to bo n long
mid Mt tor HtriiKKlo nKalust tho om
ployinont of non-union labor. Oper
atives f 'tho Cotton Spinners Fed
oration wont on halt (Imu In tho
Laiiwiuhli'o mills today,
OUANTS PA83, Oro Dee. 30. U.
O, Allison of Portland was nrrostod
In n Pullman car borth 014 tho South
ern Paelflo southbound Shasta lim
ited train hero boforo daylight this
morning by Chief of Pollco Mcl.nno
on toloRi-anhto Instrucuous from
Krnnlc If. Colllor, doputy district at-
tornoy at Portland. Tho tolcgrnnt,
did not glvo a reason why Allison
wan wanted. The man stated to tho
pollco chief, howovor, that ho sup
posed tho ronson for bin nrrost was
because of troublo ho had with his
wife, Ho stated that ho turnod ovor
to her a 10 aero ranch Jn Multnomah
county, took what other valuables ho
had and loft, Allison will bo tnkon
baok to Portland,
NKW YOKK. Dec. 30. That old
Ilihoruiuuixm, "We'll have ponoo nv
wo fight for it," woll dofJoribos the
situation bntwcou tho widely heralded
penco hampiet, which, with President
Tn ft ns chief guest, will ho hold to
night nt tho Waldorf Astoria,
Following deuuueiatious of the
bmupict by former President Itooso
vclt, Andrew Carnegie niiilMnyor
Oayiior," the war fcpirit is so rampant
that precautions lo avoid n serious
turn hnvo been tnkon nnd for tho
first time in tho history of 11 formal
feast here, 30 police will attend, pro
pared to oust any guest refusing to
accept his peace unndulloruted and
exactly ns proscribed bv the commit
teo 011 nrrangementH. Fifty other po.
lieo hnvo been detailed to gnrd l'roh
ident Taft.
The president, usually pacific, is
expected to talk "right out in meet
in"' tonight, nnd to reply hotly to
Colonel Jloosevelt's nllegntion that
tho ponce trenties now before con
gress, to applaud which tho banquet
will bo held, were conceived in n
"spirit of hypocrisy."
Andrew Cnruegie, Henry Clows nnd
Charles A. Towne nre also .scheduled
to speak after Tuft's address.
A special train from Whinglnn
will bring numerous diplomnts to
grace tho feast. It will arrive, nt 4 :30
p. 111. nnd start on tho return to the
oiipitnl at midnight. Among those
billed for passage on it nro tho Jap
anese, Hiihsiau, Austrian, French,
Turkish and Hnuilian mnhassadors
and most of tho ministers represent
ing foreign count rirs at Wnshim;
sBBcaasssw a
LOS AXOELKS, Cnl., Dec. 30.
Carrying with him tho original con
fession of Ortio K. MeMnnignl, in
which the names of 20 labor iendoiv
are said to he mentioned in connec
tion with dynamite outrages, District
Attorney John I). Fredericks, the only
living lawyer to beat out Clarence
Darrow iu a noted criminal case, joft
today for Indianapolis to testify bo
foro tho federal grand jury investi
gating tho so-called national dyna
miting conspiracy. Other than to ad
mit that he is going east to confer
with District Attorney ilillor, in
charge of the eastern probe, Freder
ieks refused to discuss the object of
his visit.
Another nunourccmont of iinjwr
tanco today was .that of Special
Agent Oscar Lawlor, 4o tho effect
that 110 indictments would ho returned
by tho local probors untL' January S.
This statement was rcgardluss of the
fact that tho United Statos district
court and tho federal invostignto-t.
convened, no se.won usually being
held on Saturday. Despite Lawler's
statement, it was considered probable
by nttaohes of the federal building
that iiulietuieuts would be returned
Olnf A. Tvoitmoo and Anton Jo
hanusen, San Francisco laboxleaders,
nro ohafiiig under Lnwlor'a delay in
culling them boforo tho grand jui-y.
Although these men have been in I.os
Angeles for nearly two weeks, sub
ject to the grnud jur call, not once
hnvo they been summoned before that
body. Yet ncurlv ever attncho of
Tvoitmoo's office from his right hnud
iiiiui, uiimui, uowu 10 ms sienograpit
Vllliam Mack, Convicted Murderer,
Allowed to Go Home to Assist His
Family, Returns to Salem, His
WertfDorie and Promfses.Ful'flltof.
" SALEM, Ore., Dee. 30. Fid
filling his word of honor that
he would return to prison to, complete
his sentence of life imprisonment as
soon as' he hnd pnid off the mortgage
on tho homo of his fathor-iu-law in
Spokane, which hnd boon mortgaged
to rnise money for his defense, Wil
linni Jrnck, convicted murderer, to
day donned his prison garb nnd re
sumed his duties in the penitentiary.
Mack is undor life sentence lor
the killing of jnios Carter, a bar
tender at Grant Pass, Ore. Ho was
convicted in January, 100D.
In June, 1011, the governor heard
thnt Mrs. Mack, her two children
nnd her parents were pnicticallv des
titute. Ho told Mnok ho could go
freo lony enough to pav off tho mort
gage and place tho family in easier
Mnok followed instructions nnd re
turned to tho penitentiary unattend
ed when his work was done.
Ho Will Now Be Permitted to Return
to His Family and Home In
the State ef-Utah. , &
Medford's Newest Hotel Will Wel
come Visitors Monday and Guests
Tue'sday Is Splendid Building and
.Credit to MenEfeciin it
before the inquisitors.
"It would seem," said George Gun
roy today, "that tho probers have
Tvoitmoe's. office under lire."
nshingtoii. er, Miss Kthol Murnhv, has testified' that day.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Doc. 30.
District Attorney Fredericks of Los
Angeles, who forced confessions
from the MeXnmnra brothers, is ex
pected horo Wednosda" noxt. Fred
ericks will bring evidence for pre
sentation to tho United States grand
jury, which is iuvostignliuu tho al
leged dynamite conspiracy. . The in
vestigation will bo resumed horo 011
Turk Cabinet Resigns.
LONDON, Don. 30. Dispatches lo
the Kxohnngo Telegraph from Cou-
slnnlinoplo suy thnt tho Turkish cab
inet luiu resigned.
rlho Now Year's Mail Tribune will bo tho largest and finest edition wo hnvo
ovor attempted to issue. It will contain more cuts than all previous spocial issues
combined. It is far and away tho most costly edition oyer attempted in southern
Iho Now Year's number will contain an illustrated orchard section, devoted to
horticultural interests of tho valloyj a Medl'ord section, devoted to tho growth and
expansion of tho city, with panoramas and photos of- all now buildings and statis
tics ot improvements; a Koguo river valley section, with panoramas oC the various
cities and photos of their buildiners and doscriutions of rhoiv nvnm'naa Tlmvn will
bo illustrated articles on tho now Prospect power plant, on tho convict camp, on
Orator Lake highway, on vallov soil survoy and many other subjects.
.v, vrrw. , iu vuiiu ui niu iut;uu nvur vjutoy, particularly iucuioru, lor
lorous support. Now is tho.timo to show tho world our progress. All should
cooperato in tho ondeavor.
K l i s ,
The Hollnud, Medford's newest ho
tel, will be open for inspection on
New Year's day and preparations
have been made for a reception on
thnt dny. The hotel will welcome
guests on Tuesday.
The Hotel Holland Is a splendid
four-story building of Mission style,
Throughout it has been fitted for tho
purpose of making it home-liko, and
Its builders have wrought well.
Fifty-seven sleeping apartments .are
elegantly furnished and, all being
outside rooms with all imodern con
veniences, they are certain to attract
and hold trade.
This hotel was erected by Porter
J. Neff and J. A. Westerlund. both
business men of the city.
On entering the Holland one is
Holland, 40 of thom are connected
with baths. Tho floors are all of
quarter-sawed oak, on which large
rugs nro used instead of heavy car
pets ordinarily found In hotels. In
the bathrooms tho floors are of tllo,
thus assuring perfect sauitary con
On ontortlng tho Holland ono is
struck with tho magnificent appoint
ments ot tho lobby, rending and writ
ling rooms. In tho lobby a high
paneling Is surmounted by n broad
tapestry, which lends" a delightful,
cozy nppearanco to tho room. The
floor is ot tile. An Indirect lighting
system Is used.
Tho reading and writing room Is
ono of tho most handsome to bo found
Iu any hotol la tho state, A hoavy
beamed coiling with appropriate fin
ishing sets off tho walnut furniture
nnd fittings, tho wholo making a
most harmonious scene, whoro not
one discordant noto strlkos the. oyo.
A huge fireplace promises heat 011
wlutory ovenlngs.
Tho Gray lloom.
Adjoining this room Is a "gray"
room, to bo used as a ladles' parlor,
A richness clings to the furnishings
Qf tho room which makes It a most
delightful picture. It Is n vory dainty
room, Ideal for tho purpose It Is
asked to sorvo.
Plato mirrors nro placed In tho
various oak doors. Tho ojovntor Is
tho fastest In southern Oregon and
will whisk guests to tho top floor
In a twinkling.
Tho building was designed by
Ooorge Hutz, a prominent New Yorlc
nrchltect. who, owing to falling
health, loft Now York last spring.
This Is tho first Important work ho
has dono horo.
Tho hotol has a barber shop and
buffet in conjunction. The buffet
Acting on the recommendation ot
C. L. IlcnmrH, who acted n Deputy
I'pWulhttj Attorney in the trial of
titer stafe,v. Peter Bnzos for attempt
ed bribery, and the recommendation
of B. P. Mplkey, prosecuting' Altori
ney, njnrf t&nt of Judge Frank M. Cnl
kin.swho. presided nt the trial, Gov
ernor West has commuted the sen
tence of Pnter Buzo and remitted" nil
tho itipairWtioris of the fino'im-
iwsed tion him in the ewfit that
the UcTeriilniH? Buzos should pay the
costs of the trial yet rernaiuuig un
paiit' Accordingly, this mornjng Iho
friends of Buzos paid into the county
treasury the costs of tho trin'I, and
Buzos wn$ released from custody.
Buzos was sentenced on Sentembor
U.JOiO, to pay n fine of. $ 500 and
ttio costs of the prosecution. In de
fault of the, payment 6t the. fine ho
was committed to the county jail'
where, at .the rate of $2 a day," lip hart
paid .$M.O of the fine by serving- 103
days, and the nction of the governor
in remitting the fine cancels' the bal
ance of the fine) namely $200. Buzoh
wxtr ygiirUfTArW Attcmplin;ori&w:ta'&
District1! Attornoy Mulkey. '" ' -
At the trial of tho case Mr. Mulkey,
tho district attorney, being a neces
sary witness for the state, C. L.
Heamcs was appointed to prosecute
tho case on behalf of the state. Tn
their recommendations to tho gov
ernor for clemency it is shown to tha
governor that tho defendant Buzos is
a GreeJr who understood but little of
the customs nnd laws and who
reached Medford to find that his
brother, George, had been indicted
for the crime of raarder in the first
degree mid that, takine everything
into consideration nnd tho doubt ns
to whether or not tho defendant,
Peter Buzos, ever reallv intended the
statement that he mado to the dis
trict attorney through an interpreter
to be nn actual offer of bribo money,
it was urged beforo the governor that
tho dofendiint, Peter Buzos, had been
sufficiently punished nnd that he
should now be permitted to leave tho
state and return to his family homo
in the stnto of Utah.
Constable Slnrjlcr Will Appear Before
Governor West Today Seeking Nec
essary Demand on California fer
Mrs. Adams.
While in Salem Saturday Constable,
Slnglor will ask Govornor West to'
sign requisition papora asking tho'
govornor ot California to aurronder
to Oregon officials the custody or
Mrs. J. H. Adams, who Is held at
Santa Rosa, Cal., charged with tho
kidnaping of her daughter, Eulallo
Hansen, from tho homo ot tho girl's
father, Paul Hanson, In Medford a
fow dnys ago.
Upon securing tho necessary pa
pors from the govornor of Oregoa
Air, blnglor will go to Sacramento
and ask Govornor Johnson of CalU
fornla to approve of tho extraditien:
when ho will go to Santa Roaa after
both tho mothor and child and bring
thorn to Medford, whoro tho imothe
will havo to stand trial fo? Itldaap.
ruary 1, undor tho dlrectlo ot Mr
F, G. AndrowB, who has had oxteuslva
oxporlonco along this lino. ,
No cxpenso haa boon spared Is th
furnishing of tho hotol. Imported
nfpfurna Viliv1iAn aka .,.t
I-.m.n.u wMbuwu vtiuu tSUUBt rPUiUf
whllo tha turnlturo Is all chosen with
"u"" v'"" " u uiivuuu aw w yjuw iq nariuouy and comfort,
" i
' 4
" m. ,
. 'I