MIODFORl) MA Hi 'PlimTJNE, MISDJPJn, OlflWQN, FUTDAY, DlUnilMlJKR 20, 1011. PAara wvra n: t ,H'r'l,,!"J"IH"r "!"$ .$..;., :: LOCAL AND ii PERSONAL .). - - - i -M'4-...j.'t"5--H''M..t..7 ItOltll mil('llMIIM (hrniighoiil Dm comity m now, m-iidlug their iiniiuiil inpoiln to llui enmity cou'il. Tim up. pnlutnit'iil ot now hiiimi'vIhoih will In. lunito lit I ho .lit ti tit i-y term of court Mni M IC L'tiiiipboll idtiiui'il hint tilltlit to her Iioiiio In I'iiaiiiIciui, Oil , iiflnr it vlrlt of Hnvoriil uuolm to linr daughter, ,Mrn. M, 0. Ilrniidliuiit. Minn Normllo, oxponoiicod ilrunn niaknr, by thu tiny or plnco, Tolo- piioiio 2r.n JncliHOiivlllit. 24r .Mix. 0. J. Ward of Control Point ww In Mi'ilfonl yoatnriluy, (I. I'J. KOJt Of Clllllllll Point WltH doing iniMliioM in Mndfor,i Tlmi-wlny. Whipping crunui. Regno Itlvor Cnminnry. Mm. DmUIo Suvey or W. .loniw, Cal., nrrlvnl In .Modfurd IiihI night for a vlnll to hur uliilitr. .Mr. I. Rend, Hlg milo on hnlii tiniiorrow iiiorn. lug. ion N. Front lit. 240 (loo. I IC Iiik Ih homo from a lnml iii'hm trip of novoral ntmkH Into Mex ico, uhuio ho mill other Moilford par tie have oxttiuilvu Inuil Inliirimtn. H. A. Newell, Intlttm' tailor, 4 III floor M. F. ft H. Co. hhli;. (tllllluOII M('Kl)0, will) llllH lll'IMI III Muilfonl visiting IiIh nUtur, Mm. i:. H, Dexter, returned IiihI night to liln liomn In Uuimautnwn, Cnl. Dally tlellvorloti milk, cream, but tor, liutturiullk. Roguo River Cream cry. Mr. mill Mih IC. Denton, who hnvo been vImIIIiik Medford rolntltiw fur a few days, returned liiKt night to llmlr homo at Myrtle Point. Ore. J. W. IIkit ntiil fiuully loft MtOr tiny for Monrovia, Cal. A lot of new $2 ami $3 IihIh oii milii 75 aunts tomorrow morning 100 N. Front nt. 2 10 J. V. Ilmullii mnl family rattimcd lnnt nliilit in thdr Iioiiio la Browns villi, Ore, after n visit In Mpdfnrd to Wm. I lit m 1 1 n mnl other rclnllvtM. CnrKlu &. Taylor (John II. Catkin, Monti O. Taylor), nttornnys-at-lnw, over JnoliMdii County Unnk building, Mcdford. Mm. M .1. Mlhw of I.clhbrldgo, A (burin, U In Muilfonl for a visit to friends ami on IminIiiiim. Mm Miles wan a runlileul nf Medfurd novornl yimrit ago, (nil Imr iihiiio thun win Mluiiluk. Mm. Miles owns vultialilo riiddonrn 'property In Muilfonl. tho norlhwimt corner of Central nvonuo mnl Twelfth street. Little boys' cnw, 10 cont. 10C N. Front mi. '.MO Mm. J. A. Lnnili mid mod Irving luft lunt night for tholr homo In Co qulllu City, Or., aflor a vUlt of sev eral wuokH with Mm. I.iiuiIi'h fnthur, PoHtmniiidr A. M. Woinlfoiil, ami otlmr rcilallvi'H. Krwh milk at UaVoo'ii. 257 Mm. A. It. Plilppit loft IiihI iiIkIiI on ilctiijoil No. 14 for a vlnlt to her ilaiiKlitor In Kiikoiio. Prnrlowi linking Co., 135 W. Mnlti ulri'ot, rnruvr (Irapo ami Main, do ll vnm fiuHli hroml vvory morning to your homo. 8oo K. A. Iloltnnn, Tho Insurance Mnn, ovor Jur.'uon County bank. Mm. W. ('. I.owIh, of Hhorlilnn, Iowa, who lum hi't'ii In Mcilfonl vlnll lug (orgo NlohoU anil family ami at IJnglo Point with T. K. .N'ldiolH ami family, loft IiihI night for AhIi laud, whom hIio will vImII H. A. Cnrl- Imi mid family, aflor which hIio will rotiirn lo lur liomi, ntopplng on routo ul I.oh AngoiiM. Ilrmul. iittHt, cnkoH. Icini and Iro oroiiiiiN tit tho PiiorloiM Iliikory Prompt dollvory, both phouuH. Norman Cottorlll toft Inst night for a vIhII to IiIh graudparuntH In Ward iinr, Idaho, Mn l(u mi appoint muni for n nham pdo nt tho Iioauly nliop Kilday ovo nlitK. 1!I0. Mm. Ankcny loft on dolayod 10 IiihI night for hor homo In Kiigotin. Mih. N. K. WooiIh nitiiiiiiMl n fow dayn hIiico fioni ti vlalt to Han Fran clico, Ili'iiuty Hhop opon Friday ovonlngH. 2 10 Ii. M. ltoblnion roturmid thin morning to Mori III, Oio., aftor n visit with Modfoid frltnxlH. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Day Phono UU7t Nlgltt PhoncH, V. W. VccUnU071. A. M. Orr, iKIIll!. hADY ASSIHTANT -John A. Perl ji Uiiilortanec mnl ICmbaliuer j! SuccoHsor to tho undortnlclng do-;; I! partiiiout of Medford Furniture Co ; Offlco UH Hotilli llartlctt Hti-cet ' : Tolophonoaj Day, Roll 471; night:; 1 rosldonco, Doll 473, Home 170-L.' L Calls iiiiNUfivil ulglit or day, AMHUIiAKOK HKHVICK niMuriFur, ao bully Tuicsritiiw,oxci: ouwnn nr av;vv; . . wow Tim I'liorkiirv of j. niciuwr mo no ax, of xicr youk ly - r . " , GOtlLLIM TAl'LiTKy POM QOlXOm ATTLNDID & THE! VWCMSS WOMCH. FOCME.ky.V UWNLU cy Wl W OT- 'AIN. .1. Picroiil .Morgmi, tho woll Khoaii Iimhiwht mih! urt collector, lias just como into ix-v-"!!!!! of fne Ik'HiiIiI'iiI (loliolin tupctniM, wlndi Ii o IhmikIiI fnnu tine kiiitf of Spam tlninigli u New York art cullcctor. Tho iH'M'Ntrio mo lrom tho .Mmii til nulling Koynlo ik'm OobclitiH. Tlutir honlom, wlliuli are of iiiiiihuhI widtlii urc of lliu cxiiu'iHitii Hour tin Hurry ami mo oinlicllJHlii'il by xhtIhii 1h of floWitra. In lliu fiixt imiinl, "Don Quixote Attended by llnj )uelioV Woman," tli liuro i soon in tin- center. lip i cxtrnviiKitiitly ilrtntMcd. The IndicH of this diieht'M nr betowiiiK all in minor of iittontiong upon linn. One IioIiIn h mirror liel'om liim mnl aimthcr kihIk on lii nword. An for Snnclio, win lum not yot rctiril bcliiml the iliHir whure liu may Iihmi ii iiiiicl gobble, lio U mukiiig liinmvlf ngretil) lo to (bo fair moinjiur of ibf court. A ti'inico mnl park nro mIiouii through mi archway hi the background ttnd n window i oij-dio left. The tap olry in igiieil, 'Cor.elte, I77II." llentity Hhop open Friday ovoiiltiR. 240 Ii. F. I.oxlur In In AhIiIhiiiI todny on bUHlnnmi. Mm. Mary I?. Yockoy will rotiirn on No. Ill thin Rftoruooii from a vlult to Imr oii In UmmlHirg. Msitc an iipp(iliitmiit for a Mlimn poo at tho Ilimuty wbop Friday ovu nlng. 240 M. A. Hiidor will Tinvo ohargu of Uih Ciiinmiirclal club roouiH ilurlng tliu abMiico of ProMlilcut Cohlg In !, Augol(M. ' llwiuly Hhop opmi Friday nvcnlugH. 210 Ituv. (ii)iildor rotitriuid thin inorn lug from a IiiihIiiom trip to Portland. II. O. King In In AhIijuiiiI today on IllllillieiW, J. A. Hmlib loft HiIh mnriilug for it fow ilaya' luiHliiotw trip t Hmt Fraud). T. Sltitor JoIiiiihiu of Wullffu will kmvo tonight for Portland and after ward ho will go to Snn Fnuicliwo for a fow woekH Hlny, Dfituty Hhop opon Friday ovenlng. 210 Mr. mid Mrs. Frank IIiirgetiH were Hiirprlmid on ClirlnlniUH ovonlug by tho arrival of Mm. HurgeaR' pniwitn, Mr. and Mr. M. C. Fornoy of HrookH flcld, Mo., who will roinnln In Mud ford tho Imlnnco ot tliu wlutor. .MANN HAS HAM:. The .Mann Ktoro nniioiiucuM Hit mc ond minim! cloumuco nalo lu (IiIh ove uliig'H Mall Trlbuiio. Tho prlco io iliictloiiei npuiilc for tlioiuHelvpa. HuhKIiih for health. t t CORNER SIXTH AND FIR STS. Open for inspection January first, f New Years Day, from four until eight p m. A real Home. Luxurious and comfortable. t" t t-t TT-tttt-tttttt-M-tTtMtttt t-t-t t-t 1 1 1 1 t t-f ft-t-t t-t " t "t - t WORK FOR ALL JM OREGON, SAYS WEST POItTLANI), Ore., Doc. 29. "Thcrtt U no oxcune for having an iimunployod problom olthor in Oro Kou or lu PorUnnd," daclnrod (Jov ruor WoHt, MildroHHlng tho minimi buutiiiHl of tliu Traveling Mou'm Pro tiK'Uvu AMoclnttnn of America, to day. "Thorn Ih a Job waiting ovory mnn who will work. If ha can only bo taiiuu:td up with the Job. Hero is a elinnoo for thono who hnvo boon crying fur c.lioup labor to get Into tho gnuio and of far otuployiuunt to theta moil." Tho govoruor HugRoatod n solution for tho problom mi ull-tituto froo ontplojmonl MKttucy to kuop record of nil positions open lu ovory local ity. AIIUIWv'S' CI.KAItAXCK SAI.K. The time of tho yoor for Tenl lmr- KHitis In winter wtmr is nt hand and a glanc nt the advertisement lu thin ppr being run by Mr. Ahmns will show what price redtictloim havo boon 4iiade. Plloi Cnrcrt In 0 lo 14 Day Vour ilriiKKtiil will rornno money tf IWXO OINTMHNT rnllH to euro any enso or Ilclilng. Itlhu). mooting or Protruding I'IIon In 6 lo 11 ilny. 50o. IIiiRklns for hoalth. Utt ttl TOO. LATE TO CLASSIFY HftU HHM H FOR SALU OU TltADK 100 acros --$ t "The Hotel That Is Different" of mighty good laud, located on two good county roads, in tho Smim valley country, all level land fenced mid cross fenced. ICasy ac c to water, and a fine property for alfalfa. Price $50 per acre, mid will consider exchanging for Improved property In Medford. GHO. C. GOKNITIUS M. C031. Home 343-11. 219 W.-Maln St. 245 FOR SAIilJ Two ggod oast front lota on So. Newtown jd. These inust be sold, or I hoy wpmil not lnno been prlcud so low. lrico 100 a Ipt, halt cnah, bal. ofly. OKO. C. COIINITIUS M. C031. Home 313-U 219 W. Mafn St. 245' FOR SAI.K 120 acros or mighty good land, only a mile and a half from a good town. There Is ap proximately 90 acres of the very bent fruit land, and enough timber on this plaeo to inure than pay for It. Hal. is flue for stock purposos. (Jood roads and easy access to wn tor. Prlco $1S. 60 per acre, nnd If you aro Interested enough, will give good terms. OKO. C. COUNITU'S M. 0031. Home 343-R. 219 V. Main St. 245 FOR SAI.K Fine gardon nnd chlck- en ranch proposition lnsldo city II m I tti, Tho very best of soil, and easy access to city wntor. Over nn acre of ground, us' the tract con- UIiib lx big l''s. Prlco only J1200 and good terms. OKO. C. CORNITII'S M. 0031. Home 3 13-U 219 W. Main St. 245 MMaiMManjrll.lMMMaaMHMHWMMMt i ADJOINING MAIL TRIBUNE BLDG. 4 V t (1 If - t t-t t-t-t t-t 1 1 ----- v I r . DOGS DEVOUR BODIES OF DEAO Streets of Hankow Present Revolt Inn Scenes Thousands of People Arc Pcrlslilnfj Tliroujjliout Prov inces of China. HAN FRANOI8CO. Cnl.. Hoc. 29. Dogs nrc devouring tho hod low of tho dead In tho Htreotn of Hankow ac cording to O. Wybnwds, cltor of a IJaUvin, Java, iiwjpr, who re turned today from China, on the C'hlyo Maru, and hundred of thou HiuidH of destitute, atarvlng persons In the big cltlou of the war Htrlckon rountry are giving the infant repub lic a drastic situation to face at Its very birth. Tho Rev. John Wesley Hill, presi dent of th International Peace For um and pastor of tho Metropolitan temple, New York, arrived on tho .nt" ship, bringing a greeting from tl-e emperor of Jppon to President Taft. Hnsklim for health. SATUEDAY SPECIALS This Dato Only Having purchased the stock of W. H. Rardon & Co., we find our shelves over stocked on Fancy Groceries. To reduce our stock we will make cut prices on the finest line of standard goods in Southern Oregon. The buyers alone will benefit by this opportunity to secure pure, wholesome food at the lowest figure. SWIFT'S I'HKMIL'M "AUvajs tho Ile!t" 3-lb. pall lard, the pall, pall lard, tho pail. -15c 5-lb. ;oc 10-Ib; pall lard, 'tho pall. . .$!.: VASCY SAIiMOX ILXTKA SPECIAL KXTItA SPIXJIAL VhVM I'UODIN'G IlKIiLIKS 90-pound bag Imperial 0-lb. bag Imperial Rolled Kafmh Styl 10c the pound u"0 regular 15c Kolled Oats, tho bag only Oats, the bag 35c regular IMc 3-pound tin - 1J" 3Se CUICSOA S.MALL,- DKPICNnAIILi: COFFEE Only ono bag lo a Limited threo to the cus- FJIENCH TEAS Tho tin 05c customer. tomer. 5 cans ?t.oo. 3IOXSOOX CEVLOX TEA (Equal to Upton's) One-pound foil pnekage, lb. 91.00 CHACKEUS All 10c packages, tho dozen.. t)Oc I'l'ltE MAPLE SUGAR Very Special 5 pounds $1.00 PURE CAXE AXD SU- gar nun's Full gallon Half gallon ,05c ,50c ALFONSO ITALIAN OLIVE OIL $3,75 regular .$;t.'-JO 52.20 regular "... ,$I.o $1,10 regular 85c LARGE Ql'EEX OLIVES In Glass ;itio i ogular "5c $1.00 rogular HOc Always loaders in Fresh Fruits and Green Vegetables. Watch our windows. Special for Saturday enly: 4 dozen large Navel Oranges 95c. Heart Failure. "Turriblo thing hnppcned lo Tllll In the poker game Inn' night." "What wn UY' "Heart failure." "You don't mean It" ( "Yea: be held four hearts nnd drew ono card; got a pndo." Urooktyn Kn gle. Poor Dutlntst. "Tho milliner, as usual, Is six week behind with my hnt" "Serves you right." growled her hus band, the eminent magnate. "Yon women will deliberately plncc n big construction order without a sign of n penalty clniiHe." Washington Ilcrnld. A 8ad Can. "Wlmfs the matter with tho man 'who's tnlklng to the policeman?" "Why. i hat's Mronn. the professor of mnemonics He's forgotten the num ber of his street" Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Geniui. "Yonr rnotber-liflaw never pays yon a lung visit." en Id one man to another, "now l tlmtr "She did once, but I got my mother to como on ii visit nt the same time." SAN FRANCISCO "Sun Francis co is the best plncc on cnrlli to live, ' declared John Adlor, in n xpcocli at the St. Francis hotel. "Aw! Look out the window," yelled u bellhop. 11 was mining torrents nnd frogs. Chas L Schieftelin THE GROCER Successor to W. H. Rardon & Co. COI.UMIHA Voting pig hams, the pound... 21c Columbia Extra Fancy Beet Bacon the pound .20c STAXDAltl) Sugar Cured Hums llio pound STANDARD lvastcrn Cured ltrcakfunt Dncoii tho pound Hoc iaitGE PACKAGE QUAKER OATS at tho very special prlco 5 packages $1.00 Only 5 packages to the customer. KELLEY'S HOME MADE PURE CAXE SOUGH I'M 10 pounds to tho gallon for this salo, tho 10-lb. paid K5c OIIESOA FRENCH OLIVE OIL (In Glass) 35c regular t5c GOc regular .-. 15c ?1.00 regular .K5c FANCY PIMENTO STUFFED OLIVES Largo bottlo 15c Smalt bottlo lOo I PHD TAFT LEAVES SOON TO v ATTEND "PEACE" DINNER WASHINGTON. I). (, I)ro. 211. Pri'flltlotit Tnft leitvftH WiiHliingfon ut 10 o'clock lomorrow inorniiij lo at tend tho "pence iliutior" ul Now York'. On the way from llm cnpifnl lo llm mclropolis lio will stop over In J'hiln dolphin. Ho will bo in tho Quaker' City bill n few hours, but whilu thoro will bo tho princinnl figure in tliu nn iiivortmry celebration of a hijj ilcparl mont toro there. Aflor tho culclirn lion ho will rosiuno bin trip lo Nov? York, nrrivinjc there, if tho Hohotlulu iB carried out, ut fl o'clock tomor row evening. Car Kills Child. PORTLAND, Ore., Doc. 20.--Four year old Kvolyn Erlckson. dnughtcro of Mr. nnd Mrs, M. R. Erlckson of 5.12 Marlon avenue, who was Injured yesterday by a streetcar, died today. The child, according to tho story told by witnesses, was playing In tho street, nnd attempted to run In front of tho moving car. SAN FRANCISCO Membor of the linkers nnd confectioners' uniutr threaten to inflict upon Snn Francis co a drought of Mvcets. Ami )I'h m iinrcuHoiinble, too their request for more than !?.')," a month. SATURDAY SPECIALS This Date Only- COTOSUI7T Refined Cotton Seed Oil. (Equal to Cottolcno) 5-lb. pail 05c 10-lb. pall $10 Tho Tho PURE JIAI'LE SYRUP Fcrndalo Drand Tho gallon $1.75 Tho halt gallon 05c Tho quarter gallon 50c 1'URE ROCK CAXDV SYRUP Fcrndell Brand Tho gallon $1.25 Tho half gallon 70c Tho quarter gallon ..10c KELLEY'S BLUE RHl BOX LABEL Tho great tho gallon candy syrup, 05u SARDIXES AT SPECIAL PRICES S. AND W, CALIFORNIA OIL (In Olnss) I V 25c roKulaivj, . o. .,... f ,, t , f S0q 50c regular i;a $1.00 regular '. . . . t, i oc FRANCO AMERICAN SOUP Quarts, 2 tins $1,00 Pints, G tins 1,00 Halt pints, 7 tins 03c J V- 9M 4 m V J. h 1 1 r v ni